string CSocketAPI::ntoa(unsigned int host)
    char addr[40];
    if (SOCK_ntoa(host, addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0)
        *addr = 0;
    return string(addr);
Exemplo n.º 2
static const SLBSM_Sysinfo* s_GetSysinfo(const HOST_INFO hinfo,
                                         int/*bool*/     warn)
    const SLBSM_Sysinfo* si =
        (const SLBSM_Sysinfo*)((const char*) hinfo + sizeof(*hinfo));
#if defined(_DEBUG)  &&  !defined(NDEBUG)  &&  defined(NETDAEMONS_VERSION_INT)
    if (si->data.version < NETDAEMONS_VERSION_INT  &&  warn) {
        static int s_Warn = 0;
        if (s_Warn < 20) {
            char addr[64];
            if (SOCK_ntoa(hinfo->addr, addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0)
                strncpy0(addr, "unknown", sizeof(addr) - 1);
            CORE_LOGF(s_Warn++ < 5 ? eLOG_Warning : eLOG_Trace,
                      ("HINFO may be incorrect for obsolete daemon on %s"
                       " (detected=%hu.%hu.%hu, expected=%s+)", addr,
    return si;
Exemplo n.º 3
static const char* s_ntoa(unsigned int host)
    static char buf[256];
    if (SOCK_ntoa(host, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {
        buf[0] = '?';
        buf[1] = '\0';
    return buf;
EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Connect(unsigned int   host,
                                    unsigned short port)
    char addr[40];
    if (host  &&  SOCK_ntoa(host, addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0)
        return eIO_Unknown;
    return m_Socket
        ? DSOCK_Connect(m_Socket, host ? addr : 0, port)
        : eIO_Closed;
CSocket::CSocket(unsigned int    host,
                 unsigned short  port,
                 const STimeout* timeout,
                 TSOCK_Flags     flags)
    : m_IsOwned(eTakeOwnership),
      r_timeout(0), w_timeout(0), c_timeout(0)
    char x_host[16/*sizeof("")*/];
    if (timeout && timeout != kDefaultTimeout) {
        oo_timeout = *timeout;
        o_timeout = &oo_timeout;
    } else
        o_timeout = 0;
    if (SOCK_ntoa(host, x_host, sizeof(x_host)) != 0)
        m_Socket = 0;
        SOCK_CreateEx(x_host, port, o_timeout, &m_Socket, 0, 0, flags);

Exemplo n.º 6
static const SLBSM_Host* s_LookupHost(HEAP heap, const SERV_ITER iter,
                                      const SLBSM_Service* svc)
    unsigned int addr =
        svc-> ? svc-> : s_GetLocalHostAddress(heap);
    const SLBSM_Host* host = LBSM_LookupHost(heap, addr, &svc->entry);
    if (!host  ||  host->entry.good < iter->time) {
        if (svc->info.rate > 0.0) {
            char buf[40];
            if (SOCK_ntoa(addr, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0)
                strcpy(buf, "(unknown)");
            CORE_LOGF_X(8, eLOG_Error,
                        ("Dynamic %s server `%s' on [%s] w/%s host entry",
                         (const char*) svc + svc->name,
                         buf, host ? "outdated" : "o"));
        return 0;
    return host;
Exemplo n.º 7
static CONNECTOR s_Init
(SOCK           sock,
 const char*    host,
 unsigned short port,
 unsigned short try_own,
 const void*    init_data,
 size_t         init_size,
 TSOCK_Flags    flags)
    CONNECTOR       ccc;
    SSockConnector* xxx;

    /* some sanity checks */
    assert(!sock  ||  !(init_size || init_data || flags));
    assert(!init_size  ||  init_data);

    if (!(ccc = (SConnector*) malloc(sizeof(SConnector))))
        return 0;
    if (!(xxx = (SSockConnector*) malloc(sizeof(*xxx)
                                         + (init_data ? init_size : 0)
                                         + (host
                                            ? strlen(host) + 1
                                            : MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN)))) {
        return 0;

    /* initialize internal data structures */
    if (sock  ||  !host  ||  !port) {
        xxx->sock      = sock;
        xxx->init_size = 0;
        xxx->init_data = 0;
        if (host) {
            xxx->host  = strcpy((char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx), host);
            xxx->port  = 0;
        } else if (sock) {
            unsigned int x_host;
            char* addr = (char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx);
            SOCK_GetPeerAddress(sock, &x_host, &xxx->port, eNH_HostByteOrder);
            SOCK_ntoa(SOCK_HostToNetLong(x_host), addr, MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN);
            xxx->host  = addr;
        } else {
            /* this signifies invalid state */
            xxx->host  = 0;
            xxx->port  = 0;
        xxx->try_own   = try_own   ? 1                                  : 0;
    } else {
        void* data     = (char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx);
        xxx->sock      = 0;
        xxx->init_size = init_data ? init_size                          : 0;
        xxx->init_data = memcpy(data, init_data, xxx->init_size);
        xxx->host      = strcpy((char*) data + xxx->init_size, host);
        xxx->port      = port;
        xxx->try_own   = try_own   ? try_own                            : 1;
        xxx->flags     = flags;

    /* initialize connector data */
    ccc->handle  = xxx;
    ccc->next    = 0;
    ccc->meta    = 0;
    ccc->setup   = s_Setup;
    ccc->destroy = s_Destroy;

    return ccc;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int run_a_test(size_t test_idx, int live, const char *svc,
                      const char *hdr, int check_for_match, int exp_err,
                      const char *mock_body_in, int repop, int reset)
    const SSERV_Info    *info = NULL;
    SConnNetInfo        *net_info;
    SERV_ITER           iter;
    const char          *mock_body = NULL;
    char                *mock_body_adj = NULL;
    int                 n_matches_perfect = 0, n_matches_near = 0;
    int                 success = 0, errors = 0;
    int                 retval = -1;

    s_n_hits_got = 0;

    /* Adjust mock data for current time, if necessary. */
    adjust_mock_times(mock_body_in, &mock_body_adj);
    mock_body = mock_body_adj ? mock_body_adj : mock_body_in;

    /* Select the HTTP data source (live or mock). */
    s_results[test_idx].live = live;
    if ( ! s_results[test_idx].live  &&
        ( ! mock_body  ||  ! *mock_body))
        CORE_TRACE("Mock HTTP data source unavailable.");
        s_results[test_idx].live = 1;
    if (s_results[test_idx].live) {
        CORE_TRACE("Using a live HTTP data source.");
        SERV_NAMERD_SetConnectorSource(NULL); /* use live HTTP */
    } else {
        CORE_TRACE("Using a mock HTTP data source.");
        if ( ! SERV_NAMERD_SetConnectorSource(mock_body)) {
            CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "Unable to create mock HTTP data source.");
            retval = 1;
            goto out;

    /* Set up the server iterator. */
    net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create(svc);
    if (*hdr)  ConnNetInfo_SetUserHeader(net_info, hdr);
    iter = SERV_OpenP(svc, fSERV_All |
                      (strpbrk(svc, "?*") ? fSERV_Promiscuous : 0),
                      SERV_LOCALHOST, 0/*port*/, 0.0/*preference*/,
                      net_info, 0/*skip*/, 0/*n_skip*/,
                      0/*external*/, 0/*arg*/, 0/*val*/);

    /* Fetch the server hits from namerd. */
    if (iter) {
        for (; s_n_hits_got < MAX_HITS  &&  (info = SERV_GetNextInfo(iter));
            if (info->type & fSERV_Http) {
                CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("    HTTP extra (path): %s",
            strcpy(s_hits_got[s_n_hits_got].type, SERV_TypeStr(info->type));
                (info->type & fSERV_Http) ? SERV_HTTP_PATH(&info->u.http) : "");
            strcpy(s_hits_got[s_n_hits_got].loc ,
                (info->site & fSERV_Local   ) ? "yes" : "no");
                (info->site & fSERV_Private ) ? "yes" : "no");
                (info->mode & fSERV_Stateful) ? "yes" : "no");

            SOCK_ntoa(info->host, s_hits_got[s_n_hits_got].host, LEN_HOST);

            s_hits_got[s_n_hits_got].port = info->port;

            s_hits_got[s_n_hits_got].match = 0;

            char    *info_str;
            info_str = SERV_WriteInfo(info);
            CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("    Found server %d:   %s",
                                  s_n_hits_got, info_str ? info_str : "?"));
            if (info_str)

        /* Make sure endpoint data can be repopulated and reset. */
        if (repop  &&  s_n_hits_got) {
            /* repopulate */
            CORE_LOG(eLOG_Trace, "Repopulating the service mapper.");
            if ( ! info  &&  ! SERV_GetNextInfo(iter)) {
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "Unable to repopulate endpoint data.");
                errors = 1;
        if (reset  &&  s_n_hits_got) {
            /* reset */
            CORE_LOG(eLOG_Trace, "Resetting the service mapper.");
            if ( ! SERV_GetNextInfo(iter)) {
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "No services found after reset.");
                errors = 1;

    } else {
        errors = 1;

    /* Search for matches unless this is a standalone run. */
    if (check_for_match) {
        /* Search for perfect matches first (order is unknown). */
        int it_exp, it_got;
        for (it_got=0; it_got < s_n_hits_got; ++it_got) {
            for (it_exp=0; it_exp < s_n_hits_exp; ++it_exp) {
                if (s_hits_exp[it_exp].match) continue;

                /*if (check_match(fMatch_Default, it_exp, it_got)) {*/
                if (check_match(fMatch_All, it_exp, it_got)) {
                    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, (
                        "    Found server %d perfectly matched expected server "
                        "%d.", it_got, it_exp));
                    s_hits_exp[it_exp].match = 1;
                    s_hits_got[it_got].match = 1;
        /* If not all found, search again but exclude host:port from match. */
        for (it_got=0; it_got < s_n_hits_got; ++it_got) {
            if (s_hits_got[it_got].match) continue;
            for (it_exp=0; it_exp < s_n_hits_exp; ++it_exp) {
                if (s_hits_exp[it_exp].match) continue;

                if (check_match(fMatch_NoHostPort, it_exp, it_got)) {
                    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, (
                       "    Found server %d nearly matched expected server %d.",
                        it_got, it_exp));
                    s_hits_exp[it_exp].match = 1;
                    s_hits_got[it_got].match = 1;
                    log_match_diffs(it_exp, it_got);
        /* List any non-matching servers. */
        for (it_exp=0; it_exp < s_n_hits_exp; ++it_exp) {
            if ( ! s_hits_exp[it_exp].match)
                CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, (
                    "    Expected server %d didn't match any found servers.",
        for (it_got=0; it_got < s_n_hits_got; ++it_got) {
            if ( ! s_hits_got[it_got].match)
                CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, (
                    "    Found server %d didn't match any expected servers.",

        CORE_LOGF(n_matches_perfect + n_matches_near == s_n_hits_got ?
                  eLOG_Note : eLOG_Error,
                  ("Expected %d servers; found %d (%d perfect matches, %d near "
                   "matches, and %d non-matches).",
                  s_n_hits_exp, s_n_hits_got, n_matches_perfect, n_matches_near,
                  s_n_hits_got - n_matches_perfect - n_matches_near));

        if (!errors  &&
            s_n_hits_got == s_n_hits_exp  &&
            s_n_hits_got == n_matches_perfect + n_matches_near)
            success = 1;
        retval = (success != exp_err ? 1 : 0);
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test result:  %s.",
            retval ?
            (success ? "PASS" : "PASS (with expected error)") :
            (success ? "FAIL (success when error expected)" : "FAIL")));

    if (mock_body_adj)
    return retval == -1 ? (success != exp_err ? 1 : 0) : retval;
Exemplo n.º 9
static CONNECTOR s_Open(SServiceConnector* uuu,
                        const STimeout*    timeout,
                        const SSERV_Info*  info,
                        SConnNetInfo*      net_info,
                        int/*bool*/        second_try)
    int/*bool*/ but_last = 0/*false*/;
    const char* user_header; /* either "" or non-empty dynamic string */
    char*       iter_header;
    EReqMethod  req_method;

    if (info  &&  info->type != fSERV_Firewall) {
        /* Not a firewall/relay connection here */
        /* We know the connection point, let's try to use it! */
        if (info->type != fSERV_Standalone  ||  !net_info->stateless) {
            SOCK_ntoa(info->host, net_info->host, sizeof(net_info->host));
            net_info->port = info->port;

        switch (info->type) {
        case fSERV_Ncbid:
            /* Connection directly to NCBID, add NCBID-specific tags */
            if (net_info->stateless) {
                /* Connection request with data */
                user_header = "Connection-Mode: STATELESS\r\n"; /*default*/
                req_method  = eReqMethod_Post;
            } else {
                /* We will be waiting for conn-info back */
                user_header = "Connection-Mode: STATEFUL\r\n";
                req_method  = eReqMethod_Get;
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method,
                                            0, user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0);
        case fSERV_Http:
        case fSERV_HttpGet:
        case fSERV_HttpPost:
            /* Connection directly to CGI */
            req_method  = info->type == fSERV_HttpGet
                ? eReqMethod_Get : (info->type == fSERV_HttpPost
                                    ? eReqMethod_Post : eReqMethod_Any);
            user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method,
                                            0, user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0);
        case fSERV_Standalone:
            if (!net_info->stateless)
                return s_CreateSocketConnector(net_info, 0, 0);
            /* Otherwise, it will be a pass-thru connection via dispatcher */
            user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info,
                                            eReqMethod_Post, 0, 0,
                                            0, user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0);
            but_last = 1/*true*/;
            user_header = 0;
    } else {
        EMIME_Type     mime_t;
        EMIME_SubType  mime_s;
        EMIME_Encoding mime_e;
        if (net_info->stateless  ||
            (info  &&  (info->u.firewall.type & fSERV_Http))) {
            if (info) {
                req_method = info->u.firewall.type == fSERV_HttpGet
                    ? eReqMethod_Get : (info->u.firewall.type == fSERV_HttpPost
                                        ? eReqMethod_Post : eReqMethod_Any);
                net_info->stateless = 1/*true*/;
            } else
                req_method = eReqMethod_Any;
        } else
            req_method = eReqMethod_Get;
        if (info) {
            mime_t = info->mime_t;
            mime_s = info->mime_s;
            mime_e = info->mime_e;
        } else {
            mime_t = eMIME_T_Undefined;
            mime_s = eMIME_Undefined;
            mime_e = eENCOD_None;
        /* Firewall/relay connection to dispatcher, special tags */
        user_header = net_info->stateless
            ? "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n" /*default*/
            : "Client-Mode: STATEFUL_CAPABLE\r\n";
        user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method,
                                        0, 0, 0, user_header,
                                        mime_t, mime_s, mime_e, 0);
    if (!user_header)
        return 0;

    if ((iter_header = SERV_Print(uuu->iter, net_info, but_last)) != 0) {
        size_t uh_len;
        if ((uh_len = strlen(user_header)) > 0) {
            char*  ih;
            size_t ih_len = strlen(iter_header);
            if ((ih = (char*) realloc(iter_header, ih_len + uh_len + 1)) != 0){
                strcpy(ih + ih_len, user_header);
                iter_header = ih;
            free((char*) user_header);
        user_header = iter_header;
    } else if (!*user_header)
        user_header = 0; /* special case of assignment of literal "" */

    if (uuu->user_header) {
        ConnNetInfo_DeleteUserHeader(net_info, uuu->user_header);
        free((void*) uuu->user_header);
    uuu->user_header = user_header;
    if (user_header && !ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(net_info, user_header))
        return 0;

    if (!second_try) {
            (net_info, "User-Agent: NCBIServiceConnector/"
             " (C++ Toolkit)"
             " (C Toolkit)"

    if (!net_info->stateless  &&  (!info                         ||
                                   info->type == fSERV_Firewall  ||
                                   info->type == fSERV_Ncbid)) {
        /* Auxiliary HTTP connector first */
        EIO_Status status = eIO_Success;
        CONNECTOR c;
        CONN conn;

        /* Clear connection info */
        uuu->host = 0;
        uuu->port = 0;
        uuu->ticket = 0;
        net_info->max_try = 1;
        c = HTTP_CreateConnectorEx(net_info,
                                   (uuu->params.flags & fHCC_Flushable)
                                   | fHCC_SureFlush/*flags*/,
                                   s_ParseHeader, 0/**/,
                                   uuu/**/, 0/**/);
        /* Wait for connection info back (error-transparent by DISPD.CGI) */
        if (c  &&  (status = CONN_Create(c, &conn)) == eIO_Success) {
            CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_Open,      timeout);
            CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_ReadWrite, timeout);
            CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_Close,     timeout);
            /* This also triggers parse header callback */
        } else {
            const char* error = c ? IO_StatusStr(status) : 0;
            CORE_LOGF_X(4, eLOG_Error,
                        ("[%s]  Unable to create auxiliary HTTP %s%s%s",
                         uuu->service, c ? "connection" : "connector",
                         error  &&  *error ? ": " : "", error ? error : ""));
        if (!uuu->host)
            return 0/*failed, no connection info returned*/;
        if (uuu->host == (unsigned int)(-1)) {
            /* Firewall mode only in stateful mode, fallback requested */
            assert((!info  ||  info->type == fSERV_Firewall)  &&  !second_try);
            /* Try to use stateless mode instead */
            net_info->stateless = 1/*true*/;
            return s_Open(uuu, timeout, info, net_info, 1/*second try*/);
        SOCK_ntoa(uuu->host, net_info->host, sizeof(net_info->host));
        net_info->port = uuu->port;
        return s_CreateSocketConnector(net_info, &uuu->ticket,
                                       uuu->ticket ? sizeof(uuu->ticket) : 0);
    return HTTP_CreateConnectorEx(net_info,
                                   & (fHCC_Flushable | fHCC_NoAutoRetry))
                                  | fHCC_AutoReconnect,
                                  s_ParseHeader, s_AdjustNetInfo,
                                  uuu/**/, 0/**/);
Exemplo n.º 10
/* This callback is only for services called via direct HTTP */
static int/*bool*/ s_AdjustNetInfo(SConnNetInfo* net_info,
                                   void*         data,
                                   unsigned int  n)
    SServiceConnector* uuu = (SServiceConnector*) data;
    const char* user_header;
    const SSERV_Info* info;

    assert(n != 0); /* paranoid assertion :-) */
    if (uuu->net_info->firewall  &&  !uuu->net_info->stateless)
        return 0; /*cannot adjust firewall stateful client*/

    for (;;) {
        if (!(info = s_GetNextInfo(uuu)))
            return 0/*false - not adjusted*/;
        /* Skip any 'stateful_capable' or unconnectable entries here,
         * which might have left behind by either a failed stateful
         * dispatching with a fallback to stateless HTTP mode or
         * a too relaxed server type selection */
        if (!info->sful  &&  info->type != fSERV_Dns)

        char* iter_header = SERV_Print(uuu->iter, 0, 0);
        switch (info->type) {
        case fSERV_Ncbid:
            user_header = "Connection-Mode: STATELESS\r\n"; /*default*/
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info,
                                            user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e,
        case fSERV_Http:
        case fSERV_HttpGet:
        case fSERV_HttpPost:
            user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info,
                                            info->type == fSERV_HttpGet
                                            ? eReqMethod_Get
                                            : (info->type == fSERV_HttpPost
                                               ? eReqMethod_Post
                                               : eReqMethod_Any),
                                            user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e,
        case fSERV_Standalone:
        case fSERV_Firewall:
            user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/
            user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info,
                                            uuu->net_info->path, 0,
                                            user_header, info->mime_t,
                                            info->mime_s, info->mime_e,
            if (iter_header)
            user_header = 0;
    if (!user_header)
        return 0/*false - not adjusted*/;

    if (uuu->user_header) {
        ConnNetInfo_DeleteUserHeader(net_info, uuu->user_header);
        free((void*) uuu->user_header);
    if (*user_header) {
        uuu->user_header = user_header;
        if (!ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(net_info, user_header))
            return 0/*false - not adjusted*/;
    } else
        uuu->user_header = 0;

    if (info->type == fSERV_Ncbid  ||  (info->type & fSERV_Http)) {
        SOCK_ntoa(info->host, net_info->host, sizeof(net_info->host));
        net_info->port = info->port;
    } else {
        strcpy(net_info->host, uuu->net_info->host);
        net_info->port = uuu->net_info->port;
    return 1/*true - adjusted*/;