Exemplo n.º 1
void plotPoint(void){
	ST7735_PlotPoint(temperature);  // Measured temperature
	if((j&(N-1))==0){          // fs sampling, fs/N samples plotted per second
		ST7735_PlotNextErase();  // overwrites N points on same line
	j++;                       // counts the number of samples
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void){  
	char* lab9greeting = "Welcome to Lab 9!";
	int temp;
//	int Temperature = 100;
//  DisableInterrupts();
//  PLL_Init(Bus80MHz);
//	//ST7735_InitR(INITR_REDTAB);
//  Output_Init();       // UART0 only used for debugging
//	ST7735_Output_Init(); 
//	ADC0_InitSWTriggerSeq3_Ch9(); //initialize the ADC
//	Timer0A_Init20HzInt(); //initialize the timer
//	ST7735_DrawString(0,0, lab9greeting, ST7735_WHITE);
//	EnableInterrupts();
	PLL_Init(Bus80MHz);                   // 80 MHz
  SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= 0x20;            // activate port F
  ADC0_InitSWTriggerSeq3_Ch9();         // allow time to finish activating
  Timer0A_Init20HzInt();               // set up Timer0A for 100 Hz interrupts
  GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R |= 0x06;             // make PF2, PF1 out (built-in LED)
  GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R &= ~0x06;          // disable alt funct on PF2, PF1
  GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R |= 0x06;             // enable digital I/O on PF2, PF1
                                        // configure PF2 as GPIO
  GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R = 0;               // disable analog functionality on PF
  PF2 = 0;                      // turn off LED
	ST7735_DrawString(0,0, lab9greeting, ST7735_WHITE);
	//ST7735_SetCursor(0,0); ST7735_OutString("Lab 9");
 ST7735_PlotClear(1000,4000);  // range from 0 to 4095
 ST7735_SetCursor(0,1); ST7735_OutString("N=");
 ST7735_SetCursor(0,2); ST7735_OutString("T="); //ST7735_DecOut2(2500);
                        ST7735_OutString(" C");
						ST7735_SetCursor(3,1); ST7735_OutUDec(ADCvalue);            // 0 to 4095

				refresh = 0;
		    ST7735_PlotPoint(ADCvalue);  // Measured temperature
				if((samples&(N-1))==0){          // fs sampling, fs/N samples plotted per second
					ST7735_PlotNextErase();  // overwrites N points on same line
				if((samples%fs)==0){    // fs sampling, 1 Hz display of numerical data
				//do conversion here, set it equal to temp.
				temp = get_temp(ADCvalue);
				ST7735_SetCursor(3,1); ST7735_OutUDec(ADCvalue);            // 0 to 4095
				ST7735_SetCursor(3,2);ST7735_DecOut2(temp); // 0.01 C 


Exemplo n.º 3
void ST7735_UpdateTemperatureGraph(uint32_t numSamples, uint16_t adcValue)
    uint16_t temperature = getTemp(adcValue);
    // DEBUG
    // Magnify the plot to see the noise distribution better
    // ST7735_PlotPoint((temperature - 2200)*15);
    ST7735_PlotPoint(temperature);  // Measured temperature
    if((numSamples&(N-1))==0){          // fs sampling, fs/N samples plotted per second
        ST7735_PlotNextErase();  // overwrites N points on same line
    if((numSamples%FS)==0){    // fs sampling, 1 Hz display of numerical data
        ST7735_OutUDec(adcValue);            // 0 to 4095
        ST7735_OutString(" "); // clear previous number
        ST7735_sDecOut2(temperature); // 0.01 C 