Exemplo n.º 1
STColor4ub interpolatedColor(STPoint2 point, STImage *image)
    point.x = fmax(0, fmin(point.x, image->GetWidth()-1));
    point.y = fmax(0, fmin(point.y, image->GetHeight()-1));
    if (point.x == floor(point.x) && point.y == floor(point.y))
        return image->GetPixel(point.x, point.y);
    STPoint2 point1 = STPoint2(floor(point.x), floor(point.y));
    STPoint2 point2 = STPoint2(floor(point.x), ceil(point.y));
    STPoint2 point3 = STPoint2(ceil(point.x), ceil(point.y));
    STPoint2 point4 = STPoint2(ceil(point.x), floor(point.y));
    float weight1 = calculateColorWeight(point, point3);
    float weight2 = calculateColorWeight(point, point4);
    float weight3 = calculateColorWeight(point, point1);
    float weight4 = calculateColorWeight(point, point2);
    STColor4f color1 = STColor4f(image->GetPixel(point1.x, point1.y)) * weight1;
    STColor4f color2 = STColor4f(image->GetPixel(point2.x, point2.y)) * weight2;
    STColor4f color3 = STColor4f(image->GetPixel(point3.x, point3.y)) * weight3;
    STColor4f color4 = STColor4f(image->GetPixel(point4.x, point4.y)) * weight4;
    STColor4f colorTotal = color1 + color2 + color3 + color4;
//    colorTotal.a = 1;
    return STColor4ub(colorTotal);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool UICurvePoint::HitTest(const STPoint2& position)
    UIRectangle r = UIRectangle(STPoint2(m_point->mCoordinates.x+-gPointSize, m_point->mCoordinates.y+-gPointSize),
                                STPoint2(m_point->mCoordinates.x+ gPointSize, m_point->mCoordinates.y+ gPointSize));
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
std::vector<Feature> interpolateFeatures(const std::vector<Feature> &sourceFeatures,
                                         const std::vector<Feature> &targetFeatures,
                                         float t)
    std::vector<Feature> interpolatedFeatures;
    int numFeatures = sourceFeatures.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        float newPx = sourceFeatures[i].P.x*(1-t) + targetFeatures[i].P.x*t;
        float newPy = sourceFeatures[i].P.y*(1-t) + targetFeatures[i].P.y*t;
        float newQx = sourceFeatures[i].Q.x*(1-t) + targetFeatures[i].Q.x*t;
        float newQy = sourceFeatures[i].Q.y*(1-t) + targetFeatures[i].Q.y*t;
        interpolatedFeatures.push_back(Feature(STPoint2(newPx, newPy), STPoint2(newQx, newQy)));
    return interpolatedFeatures;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Note::DrawFlat()
    glTranslatef(-radius*(8.0/25), 0.0, 0.0);
    // vertical line
    glVertex3f(-radius*.075, -radius*0.17, 0.0);
    glVertex3f(-radius*.075, radius*0.34, 0.0);
    float angle, angle2;
    int numVerts = 32;
    float radi = 0.0;
    float radMax = radius*0.232;
    STPoint2 cent = STPoint2(-radius*0.06, radius*0.075);
    for (int i = 0; i <= numVerts; i++) {
        glLineWidth(.2*width_max + .4*width_max*fabs(sin(i*M_PI/numVerts)));
        angle = (i-1)*M_PI/numVerts; 
        glVertex3f(cent.x + (sin(angle) * (radi-(radMax/numVerts))), cent.y + (cos(angle) * (radi-(radMax/numVerts))), 0.0);
        angle2 = (i+1)*M_PI/numVerts;
        glVertex3f(cent.x + (sin(angle2) * (radi+(radMax/numVerts))), cent.y + (cos(angle2) * (radi+(radMax/numVerts))), 0.0);
        radi = i * (radMax/numVerts);
Exemplo n.º 5
    // Generate a rectangle shape with the given width and height.  The center
    // of the rectangle is at the origin.  Width is in the x dimension and
    // height is in the y dimension.  Normals are on the -z axis.
    STShape* CreateRect(float width, float height)
        STShape* result = new STShape();

        STVector3 normal(0, 0, -1);

        float halfw = width/2.0f;
        float halfh = height/2.0f;

            STPoint3(-halfw, -halfh, 0), normal, STPoint2(0, 0)));
            STPoint3(halfw, -halfh, 0), normal, STPoint2(1, 0)));
            STPoint3(halfw, halfh, 0), normal, STPoint2(1, 1)));
            STPoint3(-halfw, halfh, 0), normal, STPoint2(0, 1)));

        result->AddFace(STShape::Face(0, 1, 2));
        result->AddFace(STShape::Face(0, 2, 3));

        return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
STImage *FieldMorph(STImage *image,
                    const std::vector<Feature> &sourceFeatures,
                    const std::vector<Feature> &targetFeatures,
                    float t, float a, float b, float p)
    int width = image->GetWidth();
    int height = image->GetHeight();
    STImage *result = new STImage(width, height, STColor4ub(255,255,255,255));
    std::vector<Feature> interpolatedFeatures = interpolateFeatures(sourceFeatures, targetFeatures, t);
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            STVector2 dispSum = STVector2(0, 0);
            float weightsum = 0;
            STPoint2 X = STPoint2(x, y);
            int numFeatures = sourceFeatures.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
                STPoint2 Pp = sourceFeatures[i].P;
                STPoint2 Qp = sourceFeatures[i].Q;
                STPoint2 P = interpolatedFeatures[i].P;
                STPoint2 Q = interpolatedFeatures[i].Q;
                float u = calculateU(X, P, Q);
                float v = calculateV(X, P, Q);
                STPoint2 Xp = calculateXp(Pp, Qp, u, v);
                STVector2 displacement = STVector2(Xp) - STVector2(X);
                float dist = calculateDistance(X, P, Q, u, v);
                float weight = calculateWeight(Q, P, a, b, p, dist);
                dispSum += displacement * weight;
                weightsum += weight;
            STPoint2 Xprime = X + dispSum/weightsum;
            result->SetPixel(x, y, interpolatedColor(Xprime, image));
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
void handleInput() {
    // this handles setting keyboard booleans for motion
    go_forward = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::W);
    go_backward = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::S);
    go_left = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::A);
    go_right = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::D);
    go_up = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Space);
    go_down = Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::C);
    // Event loop, for processing user input, etc.  For more info, see:
    // http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/window-events.php
    sf::Event evt;
    while (window.GetEvent(evt)) {
        switch (evt.Type) {
            case sf::Event::Closed: 
                // Close the window.  This will cause the game loop to exit,
                // because the IsOpened() function will no longer return true.
            case sf::Event::Resized: 
                // If the window is resized, then we need to change the perspective
                // transformation and viewport
                glViewport(0, 0, evt.Size.Width, evt.Size.Height);
                // Mouse Movement
            case sf::Event::MouseMoved:
                if (!mouseInit) {
                    cur_mouse = STPoint2(evt.MouseMove.X, evt.MouseMove.Y);
                    last_mouse = cur_mouse;
                    mouseInit = true;
                else {
                    cur_mouse = STPoint2(evt.MouseMove.X, evt.MouseMove.Y);
                mouse_move = cur_mouse - last_mouse;
                h_angle += .01 * mouse_move.x;
                v_angle += .01 * mouse_move.y;
                if (v_angle < 0) {
                    v_angle = 0.01;
                else if (v_angle > MY_PI) {
                    v_angle = MY_PI-.01;
                current_forward = STVector3(sin(v_angle)*cos(h_angle),cos(v_angle),sin(v_angle)*sin(h_angle));
                current_right = STVector3::Cross(current_forward, Up);
                last_mouse = cur_mouse;
                // Key presses
            case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
                switch (evt.Key.Code) {
                    case sf::Key::Escape:
Exemplo n.º 8
//const aiMesh* mesh;
//std::vector<unsigned> indexBuffer;

GLuint scene_list1 = 0;
GLuint scene_list2 = 0;

GLuint cubeMap;

// current rotation angle
static float h_angle = 0.0;
static float v_angle = MY_PI/2;

bool mouseInit = false;
float lastTime = 0.0;
STPoint2 cur_mouse = STPoint2(0.0,0.0);
STPoint2 last_mouse = STPoint2(0.0,0.0);
STVector2 mouse_move = STVector2(0.0,0.0);

STPoint3 current_location = STPoint3(-10,2,0);
STPoint3 statue_location = STPoint3(0,2.92,0);

STVector3 Up = STVector3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
STVector3 current_forward = STVector3(sin(v_angle)*cos(h_angle),cos(v_angle),sin(v_angle)*sin(h_angle));
STVector3 current_right = STVector3::Cross(current_forward, Up);

// globals for keyboard control
bool go_forward = false;
bool go_backward = false;
bool go_left = false;
bool go_right = false;