Exemplo n.º 1
SUMA_DSET *calcWithOffsets(SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO, SUMA_KUBATEST_OPTIONS* Opt)
   static char FuncName[]={"calcWithOffsets"};
   /* initialize OffS */
   SUMA_GET_OFFSET_STRUCT *OffS = SUMA_Initialize_getoffsets (SO->N_Node);
   struct timeval start_time, start_time_all;
   float etime_GetOffset, etime_GetOffset_all;
   float *gD=NULL, *pD=NULL, *rD=NULL;
   int *Pr=NULL, *Nd=NULL, *Lj=NULL;
   float pathD = 0;/*shortest distance along surface to node ii*/
   float geomD = 0;/*geometric distance to node ii*/
   float ratio = 1;
   int i = 0,  j = 0, ii = 0, lj =0;
   float x1, x2 , y1, y2, z1, z2, dx, dy, dz, d1, d2, r;
   FILE* outFile = NULL, *segDO=NULL;
   SUMA_DSET *dset=NULL;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;

   if (Opt->outfile) {
      if (!(outFile = fopen(Opt->outfile, "w"))) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to open %s for writing.\n",
         "#Col. 0 Node index\n"
         "#Col. 1 Node for which the ratio in 4 is the largest. "
         " (Companion of Node in Col.0)\n"
         "#Col. 2 distance in 3D\n"
         "#Col. 3 shortest surface path\n"
         "#Col. 4 Ratio of path/distance\n"
         "#Col. 5 Neighborhood layer of node in Col.1, "
         " i.e. Neighborhood layer of the companion of node in Col.0");
      if (Opt->histnote) {
         fprintf(outFile,  "#History:%s\n", Opt->histnote);
   if (Opt->segdo) {
      if (!(segDO = fopen(Opt->segdo, "w"))) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to open %s for writing.\n",
      if (Opt->histnote) {
         fprintf(segDO,  "#History:%s\n", Opt->histnote);
   Nd=(int *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(int));   
   Pr=(int *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(int));   
   Lj=(int *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(int));   
   gD=(float *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(float));   
   pD=(float *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(float));   
   rD=(float *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(float)); 
   if (!Pr || !gD || !pD || !rD) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to allocate");
   for (i=0; i < SO->N_Node; ++i)
      pathD = 0;/*shortest distance along surface to node ii*/
      geomD = 0;/*geometric distance to node ii*/
      ratio = 1;
      j = 0;
      ii = 0;
      lj = -1;
      /* show me the offset from node 0 */
      SUMA_LHv("Calculating offsets from node %d\n", i);
      if (i == 0) {
      SUMA_getoffsets2 (i, SO, Opt->plimit, OffS, NULL, 0);
      if (i == 99) {
         etime_GetOffset = SUMA_etime(&start_time,1);
         SUMA_LHv("Search to %f mm took %f seconds for %d nodes.\n"
                  "Projected completion time: %f minutes\n",
                  Opt->plimit, etime_GetOffset, i+1,
                  etime_GetOffset * SO->N_Node / 60.0 / (i+1));
      /*find smallest ratio*/
      for (j=0; j < OffS->N_Nodes; j++)
         if( i!=j && OffS->LayerVect[j] >= 0)
            x1 = SO->NodeList[i*3+0];
            x2 = SO->NodeList[j*3+0];
            y1 = SO->NodeList[i*3+1];
            y2 = SO->NodeList[j*3+1];
            z1 = SO->NodeList[i*3+2];
            z2 = SO->NodeList[j*3+2];
            dx = x1 - x2;
            dy = y1 - y2;
            dz = z1 - z2;
            d1 = OffS->OffVect[j];
            d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
            r = d1 / d2;
            if ( d2 < Opt->dlimit && d1 < Opt->plimit && r > ratio )
               if (r > 1000) {
                  SUMA_S_Notev("Extreme Ratio:\n"
                        "node=%d (%f %f %f), paired with node %d (%f %f %f)\n"
                        " geo_dist=%f Euc_dist=%f r=%f layer=%d\n", 
                     i, x1, y1, z1,
                     j, x2, y2, z2,
                     d1, d2, r, OffS->LayerVect[j]);
               ratio = r;
               ii = j;
               lj = OffS->LayerVect[j];
               pathD = d1;
               geomD = d2;
      Nd[i] = i;
      Pr[i] = ii;
      Lj[i] = lj;
      gD[i] = geomD;
      pD[i] = pathD;
      rD[i] = ratio;
      if (outFile)
         fprintf(outFile, "%i\t%i\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%d\n", 
                     i, ii, geomD, pathD, ratio, lj);
      if (segDO) {
         float r,g,b,a;
         fprintf(segDO, "%i\t%i\t%f %f %f %f\n", i, ii, r,g,b,1.0);
      if (LocalHead) 
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Recycling OffS\n", FuncName);
      SUMA_Recycle_getoffsets (OffS);
      if (LocalHead)
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Done.\n", FuncName);
   if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
   if (segDO) fclose(segDO);
   dset = SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(Opt->prefix, SUMA_NODE_BUCKET,
                                 NULL, SO->idcode_str,
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "node index", SUMA_NODE_INDEX, Nd, NULL, 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "PairingNode", SUMA_NODE_INT, Pr, NULL, 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "LayerOfPairNode", SUMA_NODE_INT, Lj, NULL, 1)){
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "Eucl.Dist", SUMA_NODE_FLOAT, gD, NULL, 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "Geo.Dist",SUMA_NODE_FLOAT,  pD, NULL, 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(dset, "G/E.Dist",SUMA_NODE_FLOAT,  rD, NULL, 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to add new data");
      SUMA_FreeDset(dset); SUMA_RETURN(NULL);
   etime_GetOffset_all = SUMA_etime(&start_time_all,1);
   SUMA_S_Notev("Done.\nSearch to %f mm took %f minutes for %d nodes.\n" ,
                 Opt->plimit, etime_GetOffset_all / 60.0 , SO->N_Node);
   SUMA_free(Nd); Nd = NULL;
   SUMA_free(Pr); Pr = NULL;
   SUMA_free(Lj); Lj = NULL;
   SUMA_free(gD); gD = NULL;
   SUMA_free(pD); pD = NULL;
   SUMA_free(rD); rD = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */    
   static char FuncName[]={"SpharmReco"}; 
   SUMA_SurfSpecFile *Spec = NULL;
   int *isin=NULL;
   int   i = -1, ii, jj, kk, il, N_Spec=0, i3, OK, 
         l, lc, ncol=0, nrow=0, dims[20], N_dims=0, N_surfs=0, j, j_l;
   SUMA_Boolean exists=NOPE;
   float *far=NULL, *xbuf=NULL, *ybuf=NULL, *zbuf=NULL;
   double  *dv=NULL, fac = 0.0;
   complex *cv=NULL;
   SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO = NULL, *SOt=NULL;
   SUMA_MX_VEC *y_l=NULL, *y_l_t=NULL;
   SUMA_MX_VEC *betal=NULL;
   SUMA_MX_VEC *xe=NULL, *sm=NULL, *yc=NULL;
   SUMA_MX_VEC **axe=NULL, **abeta=NULL;
   char *oname=NULL, stmp[100], *pref=NULL;
   void *SO_name=NULL;
   struct  timeval tt; 
   int oform= SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
   char *ooo=NULL;
   float *fbuf=NULL;
   SUMA_DSET *out_dset = NULL;
   SUMA_Boolean do_surf_xyz = NOPE;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;

   /* Allocate space for DO structure */
   ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-i;-spec;-talk;-o;");
   if (argc < 2) {
      exit (1);
   Opt = SUMA_SpharmReco_ParseInput (argv, argc, ps);
   if (Opt->debug) LocalHead = YUP;
   if (Opt->n_in_namev < 1) {
      SUMA_S_Err("No Coef!");
      exit (1);
   if (ps->o_N_surfnames) do_surf_xyz = YUP;
   if (!ps->o_N_surfnames && !Opt->out_prefix) {
      SUMA_S_Notev("Using default prefix of %s\n", "spharm_sm");
      Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("spharm_sm");

   if ((Opt->n_in_namev % 3) && do_surf_xyz) {
      SUMA_S_Errv("Number of coefficient options (%d) must be\n"
                  "a multiple of three if output is \n"
                  "to be treated as x, y, z coordinates\n", Opt->n_in_namev);
   /* decide on output form */
   if (Opt->out_prefix) {
      oform = SUMA_GuessFormatFromExtension(Opt->out_prefix,"something.1D.dset");
   if (Opt->debug > 2) LocalHead = YUP;
   /* check on inputs */
   optb.debug = Opt->debug;
   N_surfs = ps->s_N_surfnames + ps->i_N_surfnames + ps->t_N_surfnames;
   if (( N_surfs != 1)) {
      SUMA_S_Errv("You must provide only one surface.\n"
                  "Have %d on command line.\n", N_surfs);
   Spec = SUMA_IO_args_2_spec(ps, &N_Spec);
   if (N_Spec == 0) {
      SUMA_S_Err("No surfaces found.");
   if (N_Spec != 1) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Multiple spec at input.");

   for (i=0; i<N_surfs; ++i) {
      SO = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, i, ps->sv[i], 0);
      if (!SO) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
                                 "Failed to find surface\n"
                                 "in spec file. \n",
                                 FuncName );

      if (Opt->debug > 2) SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(SO, SUMA_STDERR); 
      if (!SO->normdir) SO->normdir = 1;  /* set it to something */
      SOt = SUMA_CreateChildSO( SO, NULL, -1, NULL, -1, 0);
      if (!SOt->State) {SOt->State = SUMA_copy_string("spharm_domain"); }
      if (!SOt->Group) {SOt->Group = SUMA_copy_string("spharm_domain"); }
   /* see if SUMA talk is turned on */
   if (ps->cs->talk_suma) {
      ps->cs->istream = SUMA_GEOMCOMP_LINE;
      if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (SO, ps->cs, NULL, SUMA_NO_DSET_TYPE, 0)) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to initialize SUMA_SendToSuma");
         ps->cs->Send = NOPE;
         ps->cs->talk_suma = NOPE;
      SUMA_SendSumaNewSurface(SO, ps->cs);
   /* Number of coefficients */
   axe   = (SUMA_MX_VEC **)SUMA_calloc(Opt->n_in_namev, sizeof(SUMA_MX_VEC*));
   abeta = (SUMA_MX_VEC **)SUMA_calloc(Opt->n_in_namev, sizeof(SUMA_MX_VEC*));
   /* initialize output variables  */
   for (i=0; i<Opt->n_in_namev; ++i) {
      dims[0] = SO->N_Node; dims[1] = 1;  N_dims = 2;
      axe[i]   = SUMA_NewMxVec(SUMA_double, 2, dims, 1);
      if (Opt->debug > 1)  SUMA_ShowMxVec(axe[i], 1, NULL, "\naxe[i]\n");
      N_dims = -1;            /* take whatever is in file, otherwise, 
                                 should setup dims[0] and dims[1]    */
      abeta[i] = SUMA_Read1DMxVec(SUMA_double, Opt->in_namev[i], dims, &N_dims);
      if (Opt->debug > 1)  SUMA_ShowMxVec(abeta[i], 1, NULL, "\nabeta[i]\n");

   SUMA_Spherical_Bases(&l, NULL);  /* init SUMA_Spherical_Bases */
   /* start timer*/
   SUMA_etime2(FuncName, NULL, NULL);
   /* A record of matrices and processes to follow for spharm reconstruction
      Here y_l, for each l, and beta are loaded from files created by SpharmDeco  
      N_Node   : Number of points in parametrization of sphere
      sigma    : the smoothing kernel 0 == No smoothing, 0.01 
               (quite a bit of smoothing).
                 the higher the sigma the more the attenuation of higher 
                 degree harmonics. 
      for l = 0;
         y_l      : l th degree harmonic             complex l+1      x  N_Node
                    turned to real since 
                    imaginary is all 0
         y_l_t    : y_l'                              double  N_Node   x  l+1
         XX vt       : y_l * y_l_t                    double  l+1      x  l+1
         XX vt2      : inv(vt)                        double  l+1      x  l+1  
         XX Ycommon  : vt2 * y_l                      double  l+1      x  N_Node
         XX betal    : Ycommon * x                    double  l+1      x  1
         betal    : filled from beta(l,0:2l)          double  l+1      x  1
                    (beta(0,0), really)  
         xe       : y_l_t * betal                     double  N_Node   x  1
      for l > 0;
         y_l      : l th degree harmonic              complex l+1      x  N_Node
                    turned to real of dimensions:     double  2*l+1    x  N_Node
                    where the imaginary part of y_l 
                    is appended below the real part
         y_l_t    : y_l'                               double  N_Node   x  2*l+1
         XX vt       : y_l * y_l_t                     double  2*l+1    x  2*l+1
         XX vt2      : inv(vt)                         double  2*l+1    x  2*l+1
         XX Ycommon  : vt2 * y_l                       double  2*l+1    x  N_Node
         XX dif_vec_x: x - xe                          double  N_Node   x  1
         betal    : filled from beta(l,0:2l)           double  2*l+1    x  1
         sm       : y_l_t * betal                      double  N_Node   x  1
         fac      : exp((-l*(l+1))*sigma)              double  1        x  1          
         xe       : xe + fac * sm                      double  N_Node   x  1
                    xe is the estimate of x up to order l harmonics
      beta     : lower triangular matrix where betal   double  l+1      x 2l+1
                 are  stored for all l degrees
   do {
      lc = l;
      y_l = SUMA_Spherical_Bases(&lc, &optb);   
         /*  y_l is equal to Y' in Moo's SPHARsmooth.m function   */
      if (lc < l) {                             
         /*  The function will read in the bases from disk        */
         Opt->iopt = lc;   /*  y_l is a (l+1 x N_Node) complex matrix.    */
         SUMA_S_Notev("Cannot go for order higher than %d\n.", lc);
         goto NEXT_L;
      do {
         if (SO) {
            if ((LocalHead && l == 0) || Opt->debug > 1) 
               SUMA_S_Notev("Using the mesh from %s for \n"
                            "a reconstruction of degree %d.\n", SO->Label, l);
            if (Opt->debug > 2) SUMA_Print_Surface_Object (SO, SUMA_STDERR);
         } else {
            SUMA_S_Err("NULL SO!!!");
         if (LocalHead || Opt->debug > 1)  {
                  fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Doing l = %d\n", FuncName, l);
                  SUMA_etime2(FuncName, "Entering loop", FuncName);
         if (l==0) {
            yc = SUMA_CoerceMxVec(y_l, SUMA_double, 0, NULL); 
               /* for l == 0, all imaginary comp. are 0 */
            y_l = SUMA_FreeMxVec(y_l); y_l = yc; yc = NULL; 
            y_l_t = SUMA_MxVecTranspose(y_l, NULL);
               /*  y_l is equal to Y' in Moo's SPHARsmooth.m function*/
            if (Opt->debug > 1)  
               SUMA_ShowMxVec(y_l_t, 1, NULL, "\ny_l_t matrix\n");
            dims[0] = 2*l+1; dims[1] = 1;
            betal = SUMA_NewMxVec(SUMA_double, 2, dims, 1);
            for (jj=0; jj<Opt->n_in_namev; ++jj) {
               for (i=0;i<=2*l;++i) { mxvd2(betal,i,0) = mxvd2(abeta[jj],l, i); }
               if (Opt->debug > 1) 
                  SUMA_ShowMxVec(betal, 1, NULL, "\nbetal matrix\n");
               xe = SUMA_MxVecMult(y_l_t, betal, NULL, 0);
               if (Opt->debug > 1) {
                  SUMA_ShowMxVec(xe, 1, NULL, "\nxe vector\n");
                  if (Opt->debug > 2) 
                     SUMA_WriteMxVec(xe, "xe_l0.1D", "#xe vector");
               axe[jj] = xe; xe = NULL;
         } else { /* higher order, need to deal with real and imaginary parts*/
            /* Catenate the columns of y_l with the real columns first 
            (negative harmonics), followed by imaginary ones (positive harms.)*/ 
            sprintf(stmp, "Starting with order l=%d", l);
            if (Opt->debug) SUMA_etime2(FuncName, stmp, FuncName);
            y_l = SUMA_YLcomp_to_YLdoub(&y_l, Opt->debug); /* Now y_l is real */
            if (Opt->debug ) SUMA_etime2(FuncName, "Created y_l", FuncName);
            if (Opt->debug > 2) {
               SUMA_WriteMxVec(y_l, "y_l.1D.dset", "#y_l real matrix\n");
            y_l_t = SUMA_MxVecTranspose(y_l, NULL);   
               /*  y_l is equal to Y' in Moo's SPHARsmooth.m function*/
            if (Opt->debug > 1)  
               SUMA_ShowMxVec(y_l_t, 1, NULL, "\ny_l_t matrix\n");
            if (Opt->debug ) SUMA_etime2(FuncName, "Trasnposed y_l", FuncName);
            fac = exp((double)(-l*(l+1))*Opt->v0);
            dims[0] = 2*l+1; dims[1] = 1;
            betal = SUMA_NewMxVec(SUMA_double, 2, dims, 1);
            for (jj=0; jj<Opt->n_in_namev; ++jj) {
               xe = axe[jj];
               for (i=0;i<=2*l;++i) { mxvd2(betal,i,0) = mxvd2(abeta[jj],l, i); }
               if (Opt->debug > 1) 
                  SUMA_ShowMxVec(betal, 1, NULL, "\nbetal matrix\n");
               sm = SUMA_MxVecMult(y_l_t, betal, sm, 0); 
               if (Opt->debug > 1) { 
                  sprintf(stmp,"\nsm_%d  vector\n", jj);   
                  SUMA_ShowMxVec(sm , 1, NULL, stmp); 
               for (i=0;i<xe->N_vals;++i) {   
                  mxvd1(xe,i) += fac * mxvd1(sm,i);   
               if (Opt->debug > 1) { 
                  sprintf(stmp,"\n%d_estimate  vector\n", jj);   
                  SUMA_ShowMxVec(xe, 1, NULL, stmp);    
                  sprintf(stmp,"%d_estimate_l%d.1D.dset", jj, l);   
                  if (Opt->debug > 2) 
                     SUMA_WriteMxVec(xe, stmp, "#estimate at last l\n"); 
            if (Opt->debug) SUMA_etime2(FuncName, "Refit residual", FuncName);
         /* store new coordinates, in a temp surface, fun to update as we're
            progressing in case want to feed suma at some point*/
         if (do_surf_xyz) {
            if (l==0 && ps->cs->Send && Opt->debug) {
               SUMA_S_Warn("Assuming coefficients are XYZ of surfaces !\n"
                           "Only the 1st three data columns will be used\n"
                           "in talk_suma mode.\n"
                           "Warnings muted for l > 0\n");
            for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) {
               i3 = 3*i;
               SOt->NodeList[i3  ] = mxvd1(axe[0], i);
               SOt->NodeList[i3+1] = mxvd1(axe[1], i);
               SOt->NodeList[i3+2] = mxvd1(axe[2], i);
         if (ps->cs->Send) { /* send the smoothed coords  */
            if (do_surf_xyz) { /* surface coordinates */
               if (l > 0) {
                  if (Opt->debug) {
                     SUMA_S_Notev("[%f %f %f]\n", 
                              SOt->NodeList[1], SOt->NodeList[2]);
                  if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (  SO, ps->cs, (void *)SOt->NodeList, 
                                          SUMA_NODE_XYZ, 1)) {
                     SUMA_SL_Warn(  "Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\n"
                                    "Communication halted.");
            } else {
               if (l > 0) {
                  if (!fbuf) fbuf = (float *)SUMA_malloc(SO->N_Node*
                  for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) fbuf[i] = mxvd1(axe[0], i);
                  if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (  SO, ps->cs, 
                                          (void *)fbuf, 
                                          SUMA_NODE_RGBAb, 1)) {
                     SUMA_SL_Warn(  "Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\n"
                                    "Communication halted.");

         /* Done with order l */
         if (y_l) y_l = SUMA_FreeMxVec(y_l);
         if (y_l_t) y_l_t = SUMA_FreeMxVec(y_l_t);
         if (betal) betal = SUMA_FreeMxVec(betal);
         if (Opt->debug ) {
      } while (0);
   } while (l <= Opt->iopt);
   --l; /* back to where you stopped, kid */
   /* Now create an output data set for the reconstructed data */
   out_dset = SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(
         Opt->out_prefix ? Opt->out_prefix:"spharm_reco",  
         SUMA_NODE_BUCKET,                /* mix and match */
         NULL,    /* no idcode, let the function create one from the filename*/
         NULL,       /* no domain str specified */
         SO->N_Node    /* Number of nodes allocated for */
   /* add results */
   for (jj=0; jj<Opt->n_in_namev; ++jj) {
      if (!fbuf) fbuf = (float *)SUMA_malloc(SO->N_Node*sizeof(float));
      for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) fbuf[i] = mxvd1(axe[jj], i);
      if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(  out_dset, "sp_reco", SUMA_NODE_FLOAT, 
                                fbuf, NULL, 1)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to update output.");
      axe[jj] = SUMA_FreeMxVec(axe[jj]); 
   if (Opt->out_prefix) {
      /* write out the data */
      ooo = SUMA_WriteDset_s( Opt->out_prefix, out_dset, 
                              oform, THD_ok_overwrite(), 0);
      if (Opt->debug) SUMA_S_Notev("Wrote %s\n", ooo);
      SUMA_free(ooo); ooo=NULL;   
   /* do we need to write out surfaces? */
   if (do_surf_xyz && ps->o_N_surfnames) {
      for (i=0; i<Opt->n_in_namev/3; ++i) {   
         if (ps->o_N_surfnames == Opt->n_in_namev/3) {
            pref = SUMA_copy_string(ps->o_surfnames[i]);
            tp = ps->o_FT[i];
            form = ps->o_FF[i];
         } else {
            sprintf(stmp, "s%02d", i);
            pref = SUMA_append_string(ps->o_surfnames[0], stmp);
            tp = ps->o_FT[0];
            form = ps->o_FF[0];
         if (Opt->debug) {
            SUMA_S_Notev("Prepping to write surface %s\n"
                         "with X Y Z from cols. %d %d %d\n"
                         , pref, i*3, 1+i*3, 2+i*3);
         xbuf = (float*)out_dset->dnel->vec[0+i*3];
         ybuf = (float*)out_dset->dnel->vec[1+i*3];
         zbuf = (float*)out_dset->dnel->vec[2+i*3];
         for (ii=0; ii<SO->N_Node; ++ii) {
            i3 = 3*ii;
            SO->NodeList[i3  ] = xbuf[ii];
            SO->NodeList[i3+1] = ybuf[ii];
            SO->NodeList[i3+2] = zbuf[ii];
         /* write the surface */
         SO_name = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName(pref, NULL, NULL, tp, &exists);
         if (!THD_ok_overwrite() && exists) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Warning %s:\nOutput surface %s* on disk.\n"
                                "Will not overwrite.\n", FuncName, pref);
         if (Opt->debug) {
            SUMA_S_Notev("Saving surface under prefix %s\n", pref);
         if (!SUMA_Save_Surface_Object (SO_name, SO, tp, form, NULL)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to write reconstructed surface!");
   /* clean and quit */
   if (fbuf) SUMA_free(fbuf);
   for (i=0; i<Opt->n_in_namev; ++i) {
   SUMA_free(axe); axe = NULL;
   SUMA_free(abeta); abeta = NULL;
   if (sm) sm = SUMA_FreeMxVec(sm);
   SUMA_Spherical_Bases(&l, NULL);  /* clean SUMA_Spherical_Bases */

   /* you don't want to exit rapidly because the 
      SUMA might not be done processing the last elements*/
   if (ps->cs->Send && !ps->cs->GoneBad) {
      /* cleanup and close connections */
      if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (SO, ps->cs, NULL, SUMA_NODE_XYZ, 2)) {
         SUMA_SL_Warn("Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\nCleanup failed");
   if (N_Spec) {
      int k=0; 
      for (k=0; k<N_Spec; ++k) {
         if (!SUMA_FreeSpecFields(&(Spec[k]))) { 
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to free spec fields"); } 
      SUMA_free(Spec); Spec = NULL; N_Spec = 0;
   if (out_dset) SUMA_FreeDset(out_dset); out_dset = NULL;
   if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
   if (Opt) Opt = SUMA_Free_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct(Opt);
   if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) 
      SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_TestDsetIO"}; 
   int *NodeDef=NULL;
   byte *maskrow, *maskcol;
   int i, i3, N_NodeDef, N_Alloc, flg;
   float *r=NULL, *g=NULL, *b=NULL, *rgb=NULL;
   char stmp[500], idcode[50], **s, *si, *OutName = NULL;
   NI_element *nel=NULL;
   NI_stream ns;
   int found = 0, NoStride = 0;
   byte *bt=NULL;
   SUMA_DSET * dset = NULL, *ndset=NULL;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
   LocalHead = YUP; /* turn on debugging */
   SUMA_LH("Creating Data ...");
   /* Create some sample data*/
      /* let us create some colors to go on each node */
      N_Alloc = 50;
      NodeDef = (int *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(int));
      r = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      g = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      b = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      bt = (byte *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(byte));
      s = (char **)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(char *));
      maskrow = (byte *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(byte));
      maskcol = (byte *)SUMA_malloc(10*sizeof(byte)); 
      for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { 
         if (i==1 || i == 3) maskcol[i]=0; 
         else maskcol[i] = 1; 
      N_NodeDef = N_Alloc;
      for (i=0; i<N_NodeDef; ++i) {
         NodeDef[i] = i;
         r[i] = sin((float)i/N_NodeDef*5);
         g[i] = sin((float)i/N_NodeDef*10);
         b[i] = cos((float)i/N_NodeDef*7);
         bt[i] = (byte)(4*b[i]);
         sprintf(stmp,"teststr_%d", i);
         s[i] = SUMA_copy_string(stmp);
         if (i==3 || i== 7 || i==33) maskrow[i] = 1; else maskrow[i]=0;
      /* what if you had a vector of say, triplets */
      rgb = (float *)SUMA_malloc(3 * N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      for (i=0; i<N_NodeDef; ++i) {
         i3 = 3*i;
         rgb[i3] = r[i];
         rgb[i3+1] = g[i];
         rgb[i3+2] = b[i];
      float *xc, *de, *amp;
      int dof;
      float par[3];
      /* store some statistics */
      xc = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      de = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      amp = (float *)SUMA_malloc(N_Alloc * sizeof(float));
      for (i=0; i<N_NodeDef; ++i) {
         xc[i] = rand()%1000/1000.0 * 1.0;
         de[i] = rand()%1000/1000.0 * 30;
         amp[i] = rand()%1000/1000.0 * 5.0;
      SUMA_LH("Creating dset pointer");
      dset = SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(
                                    "ExpandingRing_ResponseDelay",         /* some label */
                                    SUMA_NODE_BUCKET,                /* mix and match */
                                    NULL,    /* no idcode, let the function create one from the filename*/
                                    NULL,       /* no domain str specified */
                                    N_Alloc    /* Number of nodes allocated for */
                                    ); /* DO NOT free dset, if it is stored in DsetList */
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      SUMA_LH("inserting dset pointer into list");
      if (!SUMA_InsertDsetPointer(&dset, SUMAg_CF->DsetList,0)) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to insert dset into list");
      	/* form the dataset */
   SUMA_LH("Adding stat NodeDef column ...");
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (   dset, /* the famed nel */ 
                           "Node Indices", 
                           SUMA_NODE_INDEX, /* the column's type (description),
                                               one of SUMA_COL_TYPE */
                           (void *)NodeDef, /* column pointer p, here it is
                                             the list of node indices */
                           NULL  /* that's an optional structure containing 
                                    attributes of the added column. 
                                    Not used at the moment */
                           ,1 /* stride, useful when you need to copy a column
                                 from a multiplexed vector. Say you have in p 
                                 [rgb rgb rgb rgb], to set the g column you 
                                 send in p+1 for the column pointer and a stride
                                 of 3 */
                           )) {
         fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      SUMA_LH("Adding stat other columns...");
         par[0] = 120; par[1] = 2; par[2] = 2;
         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "XcorrCoef", 
                                  SUMA_NODE_XCORR, (void *)xc, (void *)par ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,
                     "Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddDsetNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Delay", 
                                  SUMA_NODE_FLOAT, (void *)de, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,
                     "Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddDsetNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Amplitude", SUMA_NODE_FLOAT, (void *)amp, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddDsetNelCol", FuncName);
      SUMA_LH("History note");
      if (!SUMA_AddNgrHist(dset->ngr, FuncName, argc, argv)) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("History addition failed.");
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("SampleDset", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("SampleDset", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;

      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      /* Now create a new dataset nel 
      no need to worry about loosing previous dset because it is in 
      /* free dset by hand */
      SUMA_LH("Freeing datasets ...");
      if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset);
      dset = NULL;
   SUMA_LH("Creating dset pointer");
   dset = SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(
                                 "SomethingLikeFileName",         /* usually the filename */
                                 SUMA_NODE_BUCKET,                /* mix and match */
                                 NULL,    /* no idcode, let the function create one from the filename*/
                                 NULL,       /* no domain str specified */
                                 N_Alloc    /* Number of nodes allocated for */
                                 ); /* DO NOT free dset, it is store in DsetList */
   SUMA_LH("inserting dset pointer into list");
   if (!SUMA_InsertDsetPointer(&dset, SUMAg_CF->DsetList,0)) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to insert dset into list");
	/* form the dataset */
   SUMA_LH("Adding NodeDef column ...");
   if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (   dset, /* the famed nel */ 
                           "le Node Def", 
                           SUMA_NODE_INDEX, /* the column's type (description),
                                               one of SUMA_COL_TYPE */
                           (void *)NodeDef, /* column pointer p, here it is
                                             the list of node indices */
                           NULL  /* that's an optional structure containing 
                                    attributes of the added column. 
                                    Not used at the moment */
                           ,1 /* stride, useful when you need to copy a column
                                 from a multiplexed vector. Say you have in p 
                                 [rgb rgb rgb rgb], to set the g column you 
                                 send in p+1 for the column pointer and a stride
                                 of 3 */
                           )) {
         fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      SUMA_LH("Adding other columns...");
      NoStride = 0;
      if (NoStride) {
         /* insert separate r, g and b column */
         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le R", SUMA_NODE_R, (void *)r, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le G", SUMA_NODE_G, (void *)g, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le B", SUMA_NODE_B, (void *)b, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      } else {
         /* insert from multiplexed rgb vector */
         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "le R", SUMA_NODE_R, (void *)rgb, NULL ,3 )) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le G", SUMA_NODE_G, (void *)(rgb+1), NULL ,3)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);

         if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le B", SUMA_NODE_B, (void *)(rgb+2), NULL ,3)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
         #if 0
         SUMA_LH("Testing insert column ...");
         /* Test NI_inset_column_stride here please */
         if (!SUMA_InsertDsetNelCol (dset, "Le G2", SUMA_NODE_G, (void *)(rgb+1), NULL ,3, 0)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      { int suc; SUMA_LH("Where are the attributes?"); NEL_WRITE_TX(dset->ngr,"fd:1",suc); }
      /* add the byte column, just to check multi type nightmares */
      if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "Le byte moi", SUMA_NODE_BYTE, (void *)bt, NULL ,1)) {
            fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      SUMA_LH("Testing write ops before adding string columns ...");
      /* before adding a string column ... */
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_write_all_num", dset, SUMA_1D, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_write_all_num", dset, SUMA_1D, 1, 1); 

      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writebi_all_num", dset, SUMA_BINARY_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writebi_all_num", dset, SUMA_BINARY_NIML, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL; 
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writeas_all_num", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writeas_all_num", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
      /* Now shuffle some columns (then put them back) */
      SUMA_S_Note("NOTE THAT SHUFFLING here does not take care of attributes inside dset, but only dnel");
      NI_move_column(dset->dnel, -1, 2);
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writeas_all_shuff_num", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writeas_all_shuff_num", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      NI_move_column(dset->dnel, 2, -1);
      /* zero out some columns and test operations */
      SUMA_LH("Trying masking operations");
      ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, maskcol, 1, 0); 
      /* try also:
         ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, maskcol, 0, 1);
         ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, maskcol, 0, 0);
         ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, NULL, 1, 0); 
         ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, NULL, NULL, 1, 0); 
         ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, maskcol, 1, 0); 
      if (!ndset) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed in SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset");
      } else {
         #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
         OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writeas_MaskedCopy_num", ndset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
         OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writeas_MaskedCopy_num", ndset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
         if (!OutName) {
            SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
         } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
            SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
         SUMA_free(ndset); ndset = NULL;
      SUMA_LH("Adding a string column");
      /* add a string column, just for kicks ..*/
      if (!SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (dset, "la string", SUMA_NODE_STRING, (void *)s, NULL, 1)) {
         fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nFailed in SUMA_AddNelCol", FuncName);
      /* now try to create a masked copy, this should fail */
      fprintf (stderr,"%s: Attempting to mask a not all numeric dset, this should fail\n", FuncName);
      ndset = SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(dset, maskrow, maskcol, 1, 0); 
      if (ndset) {
         fprintf (stderr,"Error  %s:\nWhat the hell? This should not be supported.", FuncName);
         fprintf (stderr,"%s: Good, failed.\n", FuncName);
      /* after adding a string column ... */
      SUMA_LH("Writing datasets ...");
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writeas", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writeas", dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_writebi", dset, SUMA_BINARY_NIML, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_writebi", dset, SUMA_BINARY_NIML, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
      SUMA_LH("Writing to 1D a dataset that is not all numbers.\nThis should fail.\n");
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_s ("Test_write", dset, SUMA_1D, 1, 1); 
      OutName = SUMA_WriteDset_ns ("Test_write", dset, SUMA_1D, 1, 1); 
      if (!OutName) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Write Failed.");
      } else { fprintf (stderr,"%s:\nDset written to %s\n", FuncName, OutName); 
         SUMA_free(OutName); OutName = NULL;
      /* How about loading some data */
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      /* Now create a new dataset nel 
      no need to worry about loosing previous dset because it is in 
      /* free dset by hand */
      SUMA_LH("Freeing datasets ...");
      if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset);
      dset = NULL;
      SUMA_LH("Fresh dataset ...");
      dset = SUMA_NewDsetPointer();
      SUMA_LH("Reading dataset ...");
      DSET_READ(dset, "file:Test_writebi.niml.dset"); if (!dset->ngr) exit(1);
      /* insert the baby into the list */
      #ifdef SUMA_COMPILED
      SUMA_LH("Inserting newly read element into list\n");
      if (!SUMA_InsertDsetPointer(&dset, SUMAg_CF->DsetList, 0)) {
         char *newid = NULL;
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to insert dset into list");
         /* Now change the idcode of that baby */
         newid = UNIQ_hashcode(SDSET_ID(dset));
         NI_set_attribute(dset->dnel, "self_idcode", newid); SUMA_free(newid);
         SUMA_LH("Trying to insert dset with a new id ");
         if (!SUMA_InsertDsetPointer(&dset, SUMAg_CF->DsetList, 0)) {
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to insert dset into list\nI failed to succeed, snif.");
         SUMA_LH("Lovely, that worked...");
      /* show me the whole thing. Don't do this for an enormous nel */
         /* SUMA_ShowNel((void*)dset->nel); */
      /* I want the pointer to the green column but do not know its index */
            int j, *iv, N_i;
            float *fp;
            fprintf (stderr,"---Looking for green column ---\n");
            iv = SUMA_GetDsetColIndex (dset, SUMA_NODE_G, &N_i);
            if (!iv) {
               fprintf (stderr,"Error %s: Failed to find column.\n"
                           , FuncName);
            } else {
               fprintf (stderr,"\t%d columns of type SUMA_NODE_G found.\n",
               if (N_i) {
                  fprintf (stderr,"\tReporting values at index %d\n", iv[0]);
                  fp = (float *)dset->dnel->vec[iv[0]]; /* I know we only have one 
                                                   such col. here */
                  for (j=0; j < SDSET_VECLEN(dset); ++j) {
                     fprintf (stderr,"%f, ", fp[j]);
                  SUMA_free(iv); iv = NULL;
   /* Now show me that baby,*/
   SUMA_LH("I wanna Show You Some Info");
   si = SUMA_DsetInfo (dset, 0);
   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Output of DsetInfo:\n%s\n", si); SUMA_free(si); si=NULL; 
   if (LocalHead) fprintf(stderr," %s:-\nFrenching ...\n", FuncName);

   /* free other stuff */
   if (r) SUMA_free(r); r = NULL;
   if (g) SUMA_free(g); g = NULL;
   if (b) SUMA_free(b); b = NULL;
   if (rgb) SUMA_free(rgb); rgb = NULL;
   if (maskrow) SUMA_free(maskrow); maskrow = NULL;
   if (maskcol) SUMA_free(maskcol); maskcol = NULL;
   if (NodeDef) SUMA_free(NodeDef); NodeDef = NULL;  
   if (s) {
      for (i=0; i<N_NodeDef; ++i) {
         if (s[i]) SUMA_free(s[i]);

   /* dset and its contents are freed in SUMA_Free_CommonFields */
   if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
   /* free dset by hand */
   if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset);
}/* Main */
Exemplo n.º 4
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */
   static char FuncName[]={"FSread_annot"};
   int kar, Showct, testmode;
   char *fname = NULL, *fcmap = NULL, *fdset = NULL, 
         *froi = NULL, *fcol = NULL, *ctfile=NULL, sbuf[1024]={""};
   SUMA_Boolean SkipCoords = NOPE, brk;
   SUMA_DSET *dset=NULL;
   int lbl1,lbl2, ver, hemi, FSdefault;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;	
	/* allocate space for CommonFields structure */
	SUMAg_CF = SUMA_Create_CommonFields ();
	if (SUMAg_CF == NULL) {
		fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
               "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_Create_CommonFields\n", FuncName);

   /* parse command line */
   kar = 1;
   fname = NULL;
   froi = NULL;
   fcmap = NULL;
   fcol = NULL;
	brk = NOPE;
   ctfile = NULL;
   Showct = 0;
   testmode = 0;
   lbl1 = -1;
   lbl2 = -1;
   ver = -1;
   FSdefault = 0;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
          exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-show_FScmap") == 0)) {
         Showct = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-testmode") == 0)) {
         testmode = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-input") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -input\n");
				exit (1);
         fname = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-FScmap") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -FScmap\n");
				exit (1);
         ctfile = argv[kar];
         if (!strcmp(ctfile,"FS_DEFAULT")) {
            char *eee = getenv("FREESURFER_HOME");
            if (!eee) {
               SUMA_S_Err("Environment variable FREESURFER_HOME not set.\n"
                          "Cannot locate FreeSurferColorLUT.txt\n");
               exit (1);
            } else {
               sprintf(sbuf, "%s/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt", eee);
               ctfile = sbuf;
               FSdefault = 1;
               SUMA_S_Notev("Using %s\n", ctfile);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-FSversion") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -FSversion\n");
				exit (1);
         if (strstr(argv[kar],"2009")) ver = 2009;
         else if (strstr(argv[kar],"2005")) ver = 2005;
         else {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                  "Bad value for -FSversion of %s (looking for 2005 or 2009)\n",
				exit (1);
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-hemi") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -hemi\n");
				exit (1);
         if (strstr(argv[kar],"lh")) hemi = -1;
         else if (strstr(argv[kar],"rh")) hemi = 1;
         else {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                  "Bad value for -hemi of %s (looking for lh or rh)\n",
				exit (1);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-FScmaprange") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 2 argument after -FScmaprange\n");
				exit (1);
         lbl1 = atoi(argv[kar]); ++kar;
         lbl2 = atoi(argv[kar]); 
         if (lbl1 > lbl2 || lbl1 < -1) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, 
                  "Bad value for -FScmaprange of [%d %d]\n",
                  lbl1, lbl2);
				exit (1);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-roi_1D") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -ROI_1D\n");
				exit (1);
         froi = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0) ||
                    (strcmp(argv[kar], "-dset") == 0) ) ) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -dset\n");
				exit (1);
         fdset = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-cmap_1D") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -cmap_1D\n");
				exit (1);
         fcmap = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-col_1D") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -col_1D\n");
				exit (1);
         fcol = argv[kar];
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk) {
			fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s:\n"
                  "Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
                  FuncName, argv[kar]);
			exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;
   if (!fname) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("No input file specified.");
   if (ver == -1) {
      /* guess at version */
      if (strstr(fname,"2009")) {
         ver = 2009;
         SUMA_S_Notev("Guessed FS annot version of %d\n", ver);
      } else if (strstr(fname,"2005")) {
         ver = 2005;
         SUMA_S_Notev("Guessed FS annot version of %d\n", ver);
      } else {
         SUMA_S_Notev("Assuming FS annot version of %d\n", ver);
   if (hemi == 0) {
      if (strstr(fname,"lh.")) {
         hemi = -1;
         SUMA_S_Note("Guessed left hemisphere");
      } else if (strstr(fname,"rh.")) {
         SUMA_S_Note("Guessed right hemisphere");
         hemi = 1;
      } else {
         if (ver == 2009) {
            hemi = -1;
            SUMA_S_Note("Assuming left hemisphere.\n");
         } else {
            /* leave it not set */
   if (ver == 2009 && !ctfile) {
      char *eee = getenv("FREESURFER_HOME");
      if (!eee) {
         SUMA_S_Warn("Environment variable FREESURFER_HOME not set.\n"
                    "Cannot locate FreeSurferColorLUT.txt\n");
      } else {
         sprintf(sbuf, "%s/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt", eee);
         ctfile = sbuf;
         SUMA_S_Notev("Using %s\n", ctfile);
   if (lbl1 < 0 && lbl2 < 0) {
      /* need some setup */
      if (ver == 2009) {
         if (hemi == -1) {
            lbl1 = 13100;
            lbl2 = 13199;
            SUMA_S_Notev("Setting -FScmaprange to [%d %d]\n",
                        lbl1, lbl2);
         } else if (hemi == 1) {
            lbl1 = 14100;
            lbl2 = 14199;
            SUMA_S_Notev("Setting -FScmaprange to [%d %d]\n",
                        lbl1, lbl2);
         } else {
            SUMA_S_Warn("-FScmaprange is not set.\n"
                         "You may need to set it, check results.\n");
      } else if (ver == 2005 && FSdefault) {
         if (hemi == -1) {
            lbl1 = 3100;
            lbl2 = 3199;
            SUMA_S_Notev("Setting -FScmaprange to [%d %d]\n",
                        lbl1, lbl2);
         } else if (hemi == 1) {
            lbl1 = 4100;
            lbl2 = 4199;
            SUMA_S_Notev("Setting -FScmaprange to [%d %d]\n",
                        lbl1, lbl2);
         } else {
            SUMA_S_Warn("-FScmaprange is not set.\n"
                         "You may need to set it, check results.\n");
   if (!fcmap && !froi && !fcol && !Showct && !fdset) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Nothing to do.\n"
                  "Use either -cmap_1D or \n"
                  " -roi_1D or -col_1D or \n"
                  " -show_FScmap options.");

   if (fdset) {
      int exists = 0;
      char *ooo=NULL;
      exists = SUMA_WriteDset_NameCheck_s (fdset, NULL, 
                                           SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 0, &ooo);
      if (exists != 0 && !THD_ok_overwrite()) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Output dataset %s exists.\n", ooo);
         SUMA_free(ooo); ooo=NULL;

   if (froi) {
      if (SUMA_filexists(froi) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) { 
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: File %s exists, will not overwrite.\n", 
                  FuncName, froi);
   if (fcmap) {
      if (SUMA_filexists(fcmap) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) { 
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: File %s exists, will not overwrite.\n", 
                  FuncName, fcmap);
   if (fcol) {
      if (SUMA_filexists(fcol) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) { 
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: File %s exists, will not overwrite.\n", 
                  FuncName, fcol);
   if (!SUMA_readFSannot (fname, froi, fcmap, fcol, Showct, ctfile, 
                          lbl1, lbl2, &dset)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed reading annotation file (or output file exists)");
   if (!dset && fdset) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Have no dset to write");
   if (fdset) {
      if (AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NIML_TEXT_DATA")) {
         SUMA_WriteDset_eng(fdset, dset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 1, 1);
      } else {
         SUMA_WriteDset_eng(fdset, dset, SUMA_BINARY_NIML, 1, 1, 1);      
   if (testmode) {
      int key, indx, ism, suc;
      char *s=NULL, stmp[256];
      NI_group *ngr=NULL;
      SUMA_S_Note("Testing Chunk Begins");
      /* check */
      if (!SUMA_is_Label_dset(dset, &ngr)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Dset is no label dset");
      /* write it */
      /* play with the colormap */
      if (ngr) {
         if (!(SM = SUMA_NICmapToCmap(ngr))){
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to create SUMA colormap");
         ngr = NULL; /* that's a copy of what was in dset, do not free it */
         if (!SUMA_CreateCmapHash(SM)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to create hash");
         /* Now pretend you are retrieving the index in cmap of some key */
         for (ism=0; ism < SM->N_M[0]; ++ism) {
            /* the key is coming from SM, because I store all keys there
              But key normally comes from a certain node's value */
            key = SM->idvec[ism];
            indx = SUMA_ColMapKeyIndex(key, SM);
            if (indx < 0) {
               SUMA_S_Errv("Hashkey %d not found\n", key);
            } else {
                        "hashed id %d --> index %d\n"
                        "known  id %d --> index %d\n",
                        key, indx,
                        key, ism);

         /* Now try it with an unknown key */
         key = -13;
         indx = SUMA_ColMapKeyIndex(key, SM);
         if (indx < 0) {
                     "id %d is not in the hash table, as expected\n", key);
         } else {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Should not have found %d\n", key);

         SUMA_S_Note("Now Show it to me");
         s = SUMA_ColorMapVec_Info (&SM, 1, 2);
         if (s) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s", s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;

         SUMA_S_Notev("Now turn it to niml (%s)\n", SM->Name);
         ngr = SUMA_CmapToNICmap(SM);
         sname = SUMA_ParseFname(SM->Name, NULL);
         snprintf(stmp, 128*sizeof(char), 
                  "file:%s.niml.cmap", sname->FileName_NoExt); 
         NEL_WRITE_TX(ngr, stmp, suc);
         if (!suc) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to write %s\n", stmp);
         SUMA_Free_Parsed_Name(sname); sname = NULL;

         SUMA_S_Note("Now turn niml colormap to SUMA's colormap");
         SM2 = SUMA_NICmapToCmap(ngr);
         SUMA_S_Note("Now Show it to me2");
         s = SUMA_ColorMapVec_Info (&SM2, 1, 2);
         if (s) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s", s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;

         NI_free_element(ngr); ngr=NULL;
         SUMA_Free_ColorMap(SM); SM = NULL;
         SUMA_Free_ColorMap(SM2); SM2 = NULL;
      SUMA_S_Note("Testing Chunk End");

   if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset(dset); dset = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */    
   static char FuncName[]={"SurfToSurf"}; 
   SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO1=NULL, *SO2 = NULL;
   SUMA_SurfSpecFile *Spec = NULL;
   int N_Spec=0, *nodeind = NULL, N_nodeind, icol, i, j;
   MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL, *im_data=NULL;
	int nvec=0, ncol=0, nvec_data=0, ncol_data=0, Nchar=0;
   float *far = NULL, *far_data=NULL, *dt = NULL, *projdir=NULL;
   char *outname = NULL, *s=NULL, sbuf[100];
   void *SO_name = NULL;   
   FILE *outptr=NULL;
   SUMA_Boolean exists = NOPE;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;


   /* Allocate space for DO structure */
   ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-i;-t;-spec;-s;-sv;-o;");
   Opt = SUMA_SurfToSurf_ParseInput (argv, argc, ps);
   if (argc < 2) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Too few options");
      usage_SurfToSurf(ps, 0);
      exit (1);

   /* if output surface requested, check on pre-existing file */
   if (ps->o_N_surfnames) {
      SO_name = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName(ps->o_surfnames[0], 
                                        NULL, NULL, ps->o_FT[0], &exists);
      if (exists) {
                  "Error %s:\nOutput file(s) %s* on disk.\n"
                  "Will not overwrite.\n", FuncName, ps->o_surfnames[0]);
   if (Opt->debug > 2) LocalHead = YUP;
   outname = SUMA_append_extension(Opt->out_prefix,".1D");
   if (SUMA_filexists(outname) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) {
      fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Output file %s exists.\n", outname);
   /* Load the surfaces from command line*/
   Spec = SUMA_IO_args_2_spec(ps, &N_Spec);
   if (N_Spec != 1) {
      SUMA_S_Err( "Multiple spec at input.\n"
                  "Do not mix surface input types together\n");

      if (Spec->N_Surfs != 2) {
      SUMA_S_Err("2 surfaces expected.");
   SO1 = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, 0, ps->sv[0], 0);
   if (!SO1) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
                              "Failed to find surface\n"
                              "in spec file. \n",
                              FuncName );
   if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO1, "EdgeList|MemberFace", NULL)) { 
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO1"); 
   if (Opt->fix_winding) {
      int orient, trouble;
      if (LocalHead) 
                  "%s: Making sure S1 is consistently orientated\n", FuncName);
      if (!SUMA_MakeConsistent (SO1->FaceSetList, SO1->N_FaceSet, 
                                SO1->EL, Opt->debug, &trouble)) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed in SUMA_MakeConsistent");
      if (trouble && LocalHead) {
                     "%s: trouble value of %d from SUMA_MakeConsistent.\n"
                     "Inconsistencies were found and corrected unless \n"
                     "stderr output messages from SUMA_MakeConsistent\n"
                     "indicate otherwise.\n", FuncName, trouble);
      if (LocalHead) 
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Checking orientation.\n", FuncName);
      orient = SUMA_OrientTriangles (SO1->NodeList, SO1->N_Node, 
                                     SO1->FaceSetList, SO1->N_FaceSet, 
                                     1, 0, NULL, NULL);
      if (orient < 0) { 
         /* flipping was done, dump the edge list since it is not 
            automatically updated (should do that in function, 
            just like in SUMA_MakeConsistent,  shame on you) 
            If you revisit this section, use the newer:
         if (SO1->EL) SUMA_free_Edge_List(SO1->EL); SO1->EL = NULL; 
         if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO1, "EdgeList", NULL)) { 
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO1"); exit(1);  
         /* free normals, new ones needed (Normals should be flipped inside  of 
            SUMA_OrientTriangles! (just like in SUMA_MakeConsistent) ) */
         if (SO1->NodeNormList) SUMA_free(SO1->NodeNormList); 
            SO1->NodeNormList = NULL;
         if (SO1->FaceNormList) SUMA_free(SO1->FaceNormList); 
            SO1->FaceNormList = NULL;
      if (!orient) { 
                  "Error %s:\nFailed in SUMA_OrientTriangles\n", FuncName); 
      if (LocalHead) {
         if (orient < 0) { SUMA_SL_Note("S1 was reoriented"); }
         else { SUMA_SL_Note("S1 was properly oriented"); }
   if (!SO1->NodeNormList || !SO1->FaceNormList) { 
      SUMA_LH("Node Normals"); SUMA_RECOMPUTE_NORMALS(SO1); 
   if (Opt->NodeDbg >= SO1->N_Node) {
      SUMA_SL_Warn(  "node_debug index is larger than number "
                     "of nodes in surface, ignoring -node_debug.");
      Opt->NodeDbg = -1;
   SO2 = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, 1, ps->sv[1], 0);
   if (!SO2) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
                           "Failed to find surface\n"
                           "in spec file. \n",
                           FuncName );
   if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO2, "EdgeList|MemberFace", NULL)) { 
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO2"); exit(1);  
   if (!SO2->NodeNormList || !SO2->FaceNormList) { 
      SUMA_LH("Node Normals"); SUMA_RECOMPUTE_NORMALS(SO2); 
   if (LocalHead) { 
      SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(SO1, NULL);
      SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(SO2, NULL);
   /* a select list of nodes? */
   nodeind = NULL; N_nodeind = 0;
   if (Opt->in_nodeindices) {
      im = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_nodeindices);
      if (!im) { SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of node indices"); exit(1);}
      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im);
      N_nodeind = nvec = im->nx;
      ncol = im->ny;
      if (ncol != 1) { 
         SUMA_SL_Err("More than one column in node index input file."); exit(1);
      nodeind = (int *)SUMA_calloc(nvec, sizeof(int));
      if (!nodeind) { SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); }
      for (i=0;i<nvec;++i) { 
         nodeind[i] = (int)far[i]; 
         if (nodeind[i] < 0 || nodeind[i] >= SO1->N_Node) {
                    "Error %s:\n"
                    "A node index of %d was found in input file %s, entry %d.\n"
                    "Acceptable indices are positive and less than %d\n", 
                    FuncName, nodeind[i], Opt->in_nodeindices, i, SO1->N_Node);
      mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
   /* a preset directions vector ?*/
   projdir = NULL; 
   if (Opt->in_1D) {
      im = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_1D);
      if (!im) { 
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of projection directions"); exit(1);
      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im);
      if (im->ny != 3) { 
         SUMA_SL_Err("Need three columns in projection directions file."); 
      if (im->nx != SO1->N_Node) {
                  "Error %s: You must have a direction for each node in SO1.\n"
                  "%d directions found but SO1 has %d nodes.\n", 
                  FuncName, im->nx, SO1->N_Node);

      /* change to row major major and make it match nodeind */
      projdir = (float *)SUMA_calloc(SO1->N_Node*3, sizeof(float));
      if (!projdir) { SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); }
      for (i=0; i<SO1->N_Node; ++i) {
         projdir[3*i  ] = far[i              ];
         projdir[3*i+1] = far[i+  SO1->N_Node];
         projdir[3*i+2] = far[i+2*SO1->N_Node];
      mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */

   if (SO_name) {
      /* user is interpolating surface coords, check on other input insanity */
      if (nodeind) {
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR, 
                  "Error %s: You cannot combine "
                  "option -o_TYPE with -node_indices", FuncName);
      if (Opt->in_name) {
                  "Error %s: You cannot combine option -o_TYPE with -data", 
   /* a 1D file containing data, or Data parameter (for XYZ)? */
   if (Opt->Data > 0) {
      if (Opt->in_name) {
         /* When you are ready to work with dsets, you should 
         checkout the function morphDsetToStd. It uses M2M */
         im_data = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_name);
         if (!im_data) { 
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of data"); exit(1);}
         far_data = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im_data);
         nvec_data = im_data->nx;
         ncol_data = im_data->ny;
         if (nvec_data != SO2->N_Node) {
            SUMA_SL_Err("Your data file must have one row "
                        "for each node in surface 2.\n"); exit(1);
         d_order = SUMA_COLUMN_MAJOR;
      } else { 
         im_data = NULL;
         far_data = SO2->NodeList;
         nvec_data = SO2->N_Node;
         ncol_data = 3;
         d_order = SUMA_ROW_MAJOR;
   } else {
      /* just -dset */

   if (!Opt->s) {
      SUMA_LH("Going for the mapping of SO1 --> SO2");
      M2M = SUMA_GetM2M_NN( SO1, SO2, nodeind, N_nodeind, 
                            projdir, 0, Opt->NodeDbg, Opt->iopt);
      SUMA_S_Notev("Saving M2M into %s\n\n",
      if (!(SUMA_Save_M2M(Opt->out_prefix, M2M))) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to save M2M");
   } else {
      SUMA_S_Notev("Reusing mapping of SO1 --> SO2 from %s\n\n", 
      if (!(M2M = SUMA_Load_M2M(Opt->s))) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to load %s\n", Opt->s);

   /* Now show the mapping results for a debug node ? */
   if (Opt->NodeDbg >= 0) {
      char *s = NULL;
      s = SUMA_M2M_node_Info(M2M, Opt->NodeDbg);
      fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Debug for node %d ([%f, %f, %f])of SO1:\n%s\n\n", 
                           FuncName, Opt->NodeDbg, 
      SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
   /* Now please do the interpolation */
   if (Opt->Data > 0) {
      if (Opt->NearestNode > 1) 
         dt = SUMA_M2M_interpolate( M2M, far_data, ncol_data, 
                                    nvec_data, d_order, 0 );
      else if (Opt->NearestNode == 1) 
         dt = SUMA_M2M_interpolate( M2M, far_data, ncol_data, 
                                    nvec_data, d_order, 1 );
      if (!dt) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to interpolate");
   } else if (Opt->Data < 0) {
         SUMA_DSET *dset=NULL, *dseto=NULL;
         char *oname=NULL, *uname=NULL, *s1=NULL, *s2=NULL;
         int iform=SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
         if (Opt->NodeDbg>= 0) {
            SUMA_S_Notev("Processing dset %s\n", Opt->in_name);
         iform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
         if (!(dset = SUMA_LoadDset_s (Opt->in_name, &iform, 0))) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to load %s\n", Opt->in_name);
         if (!(dseto = SUMA_morphDsetToStd ( dset, M2M, 
                                             Opt->NearestNode == 1 ? 1:0))) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to map %s\n", Opt->in_name);
         s1 = SUMA_append_string(
                  SUMA_FnameGet(Opt->in_name,"pa", SUMAg_CF->cwd),
         s2 = SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_s(
         uname = SUMA_append_extension(s1,s2);      
         SUMA_free(s1); SUMA_free(s2);
         oname = SUMA_WriteDset_s (uname, dseto, Opt->oform, 1, 1);
         if (Opt->NodeDbg>= 0) SUMA_S_Notev("Wrote %s\n", oname);
         if (oname) SUMA_free(oname); oname=NULL;
         if (uname) SUMA_free(uname); oname=NULL;
         if (dseto) SUMA_FreeDset(dseto); dseto = NULL;
         if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset(dset); dset = NULL;      
   SUMA_LH("Forming the remaining output");
   outptr = fopen(outname,"w");
   if (!outptr) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to open file for output.\n");
   /* first create the header of the output */
   SS = SUMA_StringAppend(NULL, NULL);
   SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
      "#Mapping from nodes on surf 1 (S1) to nodes on surf 2 (S2)\n"
      "#  Surf 1 is labeled %s, idcode:%s\n"
      "#  Surf 2 is labeled %s, idcode:%s\n",
      SO1->Label, SO1->idcode_str, SO2->Label, SO2->idcode_str);
   icol = 0;
   SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, "#Col. %d:\n"
                                 "#     S1n (or nj): Index of node on S1\n"
                                 , icol); 
   if (Opt->NearestNode > 1) {
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
         "#     S2ne_S1n: Indices of %d nodes on S2 \n"
         "#     that are closest neighbors of nj.\n"
         "#     The first index is that of the node on S2 that is closest \n"
         "#     to nj. If -1 then these values should be ignored because\n"
         "#     in such cases, nj's projection failed.\n" 
         , icol, icol+Opt->NearestNode-1, Opt->NearestNode); 
      icol += Opt->NearestNode;
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
         "#     S2we_S1n: Weights assigned to nodes on surf 2 (S2) \n"
         "#     that are closest neighbors of nj.\n"
         , icol, icol+Opt->NearestNode-1, Opt->NearestNode); 
      icol += Opt->NearestNode;
   } else if (Opt->NearestNode == 1) {
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d:\n"
         "#     S2ne_S1n: Index of the node on S2 (label:%s idcode:%s)\n"
         "#     that is the closest neighbor of nj.\n"
         "#     If -1 then this value should be ignored because\n"
         "#     nj's projection failed.\n" 
         , icol, SO2->Label, SO2->idcode_str); 
   if (Opt->NearestTriangle) { 
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d:\n"
         "#     S2t_S1n: Index of the S2 triangle that hosts node nj on S1.\n"
         "#     In other words, nj's closest projection onto S2 falls on \n"
         "#     triangle S2t_S1n\n"
         "#     If -1 then this value should be ignored because \n"
         "#     nj's projection failed.\n" 
         , icol); 
   if (Opt->ProjectionOnMesh) { 
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
         "#     S2p_S1n: Coordinates of projection of nj onto S2\n"
         , icol, icol+2); 
      icol += 3; 
   if (Opt->DistanceToMesh) {
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d:\n"
         "#     Closest distance from nj to S2\n"
         , icol); 
   if (Opt->NearestNodeCoords) {
      SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d .. %d:\n"
         "#     X Y Z coords of nearest node\n"
         , icol,  icol+2); 
      icol += 3; 
   if (Opt->Data > 0) {
      if (!Opt->in_name) {
         SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
      "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
      "#     Interpolation using XYZ coordinates of S2 nodes that neighbor nj\n"
      "#     (same as coordinates of node's projection onto triangle in S2, \n"
      "#     if using barycentric interpolation)\n"
         , icol, icol+2); 
      icol += 3; 
} else {
SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
         "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
         "#     Interpolation of data at nodes on S2 that neighbor nj\n"
         "#     Data obtained from %s\n"
         , icol, icol+ncol_data-1, Opt->in_name);  icol += ncol_data;
   s = SUMA_HistString("SurfToSurf", argc, argv, NULL);
   SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, 
                                "#%s\n", s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
   fprintf(outptr,"%s\n",s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
   /* put headers atop columns */
   Nchar = 6; /* if you change this number you'll need to fix  formats below */
   for (i=0; i<icol; ++i) { 
      sprintf(sbuf,"#%s", MV_format_fval2(i, Nchar -1)); 
      fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", sbuf); 
   /* Now put in the values, make sure you parallel columns above! */
   for (i=0; i<M2M->M1Nn; ++i) {
      fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M1n[i], Nchar));
      if (Opt->NearestNode > 0) {
         for (j=0; j<Opt->NearestNode; ++j) { 
            if (j < M2M->M2Nne_M1n[i]) 
               fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", 
                  MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2ne_M1n[i][j], Nchar)); 
            else fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", "-1"); 
         } /* Neighboring nodes */
      if (Opt->NearestNode > 1) { /* add the weights */
         for (j=0; j<Opt->NearestNode; ++j) { 
            if (j < M2M->M2Nne_M1n[i]) 
               fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", 
                  MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2we_M1n[i][j], Nchar)); 
            else fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", "0.0"); 
      if (Opt->NearestTriangle) {
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2t_M1n[i], Nchar)); 
      if (Opt->ProjectionOnMesh) {
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i], Nchar));
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i+1], Nchar));
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i+2], Nchar)); 
      if (Opt->DistanceToMesh) { 
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->PD[i], Nchar)); 
      if (Opt->NearestNodeCoords) {
         float x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
         int n = M2M->M2ne_M1n[i][0];
         if (n>0) {
            n = n * SO2->NodeDim;
            x = SO2->NodeList[n];
            y = SO2->NodeList[n+1];
            z = SO2->NodeList[n+2];
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(x, Nchar)); 
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(y, Nchar)); 
         fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(z, Nchar)); 
      if (dt && Opt->Data > 0) {
         if (!Opt->in_name) {
            fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i], Nchar));
            fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i+1], Nchar));
            fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i+2], Nchar));
         } else { /* Column major business */
            for (j=0; j<ncol_data; ++j) { 
               fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", 
                     MV_format_fval2(dt[i+j*M2M->M1Nn], Nchar)); }
   /* do they want an output surface ? */
   if (SO_name) {
      float *tmpfv = NULL;
      SUMA_LH("Writing surface");
      tmpfv = SO1->NodeList;
      SO1->NodeList = dt;
      if (!SUMA_Save_Surface_Object (SO_name, SO1, 
                                     ps->o_FT[0], ps->o_FF[0], NULL)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to write surface object.\n");
         exit (1);
      SO1->NodeList = tmpfv; tmpfv = NULL;
   if (N_Spec) {
      int k=0; 
      for (k=0; k<N_Spec; ++k) {
         if (!SUMA_FreeSpecFields(&(Spec[k]))) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to free spec fields");
      SUMA_free(Spec); Spec = NULL; N_Spec = 0;

   if (projdir) SUMA_free(projdir); projdir = NULL;
   if (SO_name) SUMA_free(SO_name); SO_name = NULL;   
   if (outptr) fclose(outptr); outptr = NULL;
   if (dt) SUMA_free(dt); dt = NULL;
   if (s) SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
   if (im_data) mri_free(im_data); im_data = NULL;   /* done with the data */
   if (nodeind) SUMA_free(nodeind); nodeind = NULL;
   if (M2M) M2M = SUMA_FreeM2M(M2M);
   if (SO1) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO1); SO1 = NULL;
   if (SO2) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO2); SO2 = NULL;
   if (Spec) SUMA_free(Spec); Spec = NULL;
   if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
   if (Opt) Opt = SUMA_Free_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct(Opt);
   if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
Exemplo n.º 6
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */    
   static char FuncName[]={"SurfClust"}; 
	int kar, SO_read, *ni=NULL, N_ni, cnt, i, *nip=NULL, N_Spec = 0;
   float *data_old = NULL, *far = NULL, *nv=NULL, *nt = NULL;
   void *SO_name = NULL;
   SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO = NULL, *SOnew = NULL;
   MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL;
	SUMA_SurfSpecFile *Spec=NULL; 
   DList *list = NULL;
   SUMA_DSET *dset = NULL;
   float *NodeArea = NULL;
   FILE *clustout=NULL;
   char *ClustOutName = NULL, *params=NULL, stmp[200];
   char sapa[32]={""}, sapd[32]={""}, sapn[32]={""}, sap[100]={""};
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
   /* Allocate space for DO structure */
   ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-spec;-i;-t;-sv;-s;");
   Opt = SUMA_SurfClust_ParseInput (argv, argc, ps);
   if (argc < 6)
         SUMA_S_Err("Too few options");
          exit (1);
   if (Opt->DistLim >= 0.0) {
      sprintf(sapd, "_r%.1f", Opt->DistLim);
   } else {
      sprintf(sapd, "_e%d", -(int)Opt->DistLim);
   if (Opt->AreaLim < 0) {
   } else {
      sprintf(sapa, "_a%.1f", Opt->AreaLim);
   if (Opt->NodeLim < 0) {
   } else {
      sprintf(sapn, "_n%d", Opt->NodeLim);
   sprintf(sap, "%s%s%s", sapd, sapa, sapn);
   if (Opt->WriteFile) {
      sprintf(stmp,"_ClstTable%s.1D", sap);
      ClustOutName = SUMA_append_string(Opt->out_prefix, stmp);   
      if (SUMA_filexists(ClustOutName) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s:\n"
                  "Output file %s exists, will not overwrite.\n", 
                  FuncName, ClustOutName);

   Spec = SUMA_IO_args_2_spec(ps, &N_Spec);
   if (N_Spec == 0) {
      SUMA_S_Err("No surfaces found.");
   if (N_Spec != 1) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Multiple spec at input.");
   if (Spec->N_Surfs != 1) {
      SUMA_S_Err("1 and only 1 surface expected at input");
   SUMA_LH("Loading surface...");
   SO = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, 0, ps->sv[0], 0);
   if (!SO) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
                              "Failed to find surface\n"
                              "in spec file. \n",
                              FuncName );
   if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO, "EdgeList", NULL)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to compute edgelist");
   NodeArea = SUMA_CalculateNodeAreas(SO, NULL);
   if (!NodeArea) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to calculate Node Areas.\n");
   /* load the data */   
   dset = SUMA_LoadDset_s (Opt->in_name, &iform, 0); 
   if (LocalHead) SUMA_ShowDset(dset, 0, NULL);
   if (!dset) { SUMA_S_Err(  "Failed to load dataset.\n"
                              "Make sure file exists\n"
                              "and is of the specified\n"
               exit(1); }
   if (!SUMA_OKassign(dset, SO)) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to assign data set to surface.");
   /* get the node index column */
   nip = SUMA_GetNodeDef(dset);
   N_ni = SDSET_VECLEN(dset);
   if (!nip) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to find node index column");
   /* copy nip's contents because you will be modifying in the 
      thresholding below */
   ni = (int *)SUMA_malloc(N_ni*sizeof(int));
   memcpy (ni, nip, N_ni*sizeof(int));
   nv = SUMA_DsetCol2Float(dset, Opt->labelcol, 0);
   if (!nv) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed to find node value column");
   /* any thresholding ? */
   if (Opt->DoThreshold > SUMA_NO_THRESH) {
      nt = SUMA_DsetCol2Float(dset, Opt->tind, 0);
      if (!nt) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to find threshold column");
      cnt = 0;
      if (Opt->DoThreshold == SUMA_LESS_THAN) {
         if (Opt->update) 
            fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                     "%s: Thresholding at %f...\n", FuncName, Opt->ThreshR[0]);
         for (i=0;i<N_ni; ++i) {
            if (nt[i] >= Opt->ThreshR[0]) {
               ni[cnt] = ni[i];
               nv[cnt] = nv[i];
      } else if (Opt->DoThreshold == SUMA_ABS_LESS_THAN) {
         SUMA_LH("ABS Thresholding at %f...", Opt->ThreshR[0]);
         for (i=0;i<N_ni; ++i) {
            if (fabs(nt[i]) >= Opt->ThreshR[0]) {
               ni[cnt] = ni[i];
               nv[cnt] = nv[i];
      } else if (Opt->DoThreshold == SUMA_THRESH_INSIDE_RANGE) {
         SUMA_LH("Range Thresholding at %f %f...", 
                 Opt->ThreshR[0], Opt->ThreshR[1]);
         for (i=0;i<N_ni; ++i) {
            if (nt[i] >= Opt->ThreshR[0] && nt[i] <= Opt->ThreshR[1]) {
               ni[cnt] = ni[i];
               nv[cnt] = nv[i];
      } else if (Opt->DoThreshold ==  SUMA_THRESH_OUTSIDE_RANGE) {
         SUMA_LH("Ex Range Thresholding at %f %f...",
                  Opt->ThreshR[0], Opt->ThreshR[1]);
         for (i=0;i<N_ni; ++i) {
            if (nt[i] < Opt->ThreshR[0] || nt[i] > Opt->ThreshR[1]) {
               ni[cnt] = ni[i];
               nv[cnt] = nv[i];
      } else {
         SUMA_S_Err("Not ready for threshold mode of %d", Opt->DoThreshold);
      N_ni = cnt;
   if (Opt->update) {
      Opt->update = -(N_ni * Opt->update / 100); /* make it negative 
                                                   before you begin a 
                                                   clustering operation */
      if (LocalHead) {
         fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Update parameter, once every %d nodes\n"
                  "%d nodes to work with.\n", 
                  -(int)Opt->update, N_ni);
   /* make the call */
   list = SUMA_FindClusters (SO, ni, nv, N_ni, -1, Opt, NodeArea);
   if (!list) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Failed in SUMA_FindClusters"); 
   if (list->size) {
      /* sort the list */
      if (!SUMA_Sort_ClustersList (list, Opt->SortMode)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to sort cluster list");
   /* Show the results */
   params = SUMA_HistString(FuncName, argc, argv, NULL);
   if (Opt->WriteFile) {
      if (0) {
         /* You can also write a NIML formatted cluster table with */
         NI_element *nel=NULL;
         int suc; char sbuf[512]={""};
         nel = SUMA_SurfClust_list_2_nel(list, 0, params, NULL);
         snprintf(sbuf, 510, "file:%s%s.niml.clstbl", Opt->out_prefix, sap);
         NEL_WRITE_TXH(nel, sbuf, suc);
         NI_free_element(nel); nel=NULL;
      clustout = fopen(ClustOutName, "w");
      if (!clustout) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s:\n"
                  "Failed to open %s for writing.\n"
                  "Check permissions.\n",  
                  FuncName, ClustOutName);
      SUMA_Show_SurfClust_list(list, clustout, 0, params, NULL);
      fclose(clustout);clustout = NULL;  
   }  else SUMA_Show_SurfClust_list(list, NULL, 0, params, NULL);
   if (!list->size) {
      /* nothing left to do, quit */
   if (Opt->OutROI) {
      SUMA_DSET *dset_roi = NULL;
      char *ROIprefix = NULL;
      char *NameOut = NULL;
      sprintf(stmp,"_ClstMsk%s", sap);
      ROIprefix = SUMA_append_string(Opt->out_prefix, stmp);
      /* Call this function, write out the resultant dset to disk 
         then cleanup */
      dset_roi = 
         SUMA_SurfClust_list_2_DsetMask(SO, list, Opt->FullROIList, ROIprefix);
      if (!dset_roi) {
         SUMA_S_Err("NULL dset_roi");
      if (Opt->prepend_node_index) {/* prepend node index? */         
         if (!SUMA_InsertDsetNelCol (
               dset_roi, "Node Index Copy", SUMA_NODE_INT, 
               (void *)(dset_roi->inel->vec[0]), NULL ,1, 0)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to insert column");
         if (LocalHead) SUMA_ShowDset(dset_roi,0, NULL); 
      NameOut = SUMA_WriteDset_s (  ROIprefix, dset_roi, Opt->oform, 
                                    THD_ok_overwrite(), 0);
      if (!NameOut) { SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to write dataset."); exit(1); } 
      SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset_roi); dset_roi = NULL; 
      if (NameOut) SUMA_free(NameOut); NameOut = NULL;
      if (ROIprefix) SUMA_free(ROIprefix); ROIprefix = NULL; 
   if (Opt->OutClustDset) {
      SUMA_DSET *dset_clust = NULL;
      char *Clustprefix = NULL;
      char *NameOut = NULL;

      sprintf(stmp,"_Clustered%s", sap);
      Clustprefix = SUMA_append_string(Opt->out_prefix, stmp);
      /* Call this function, write out the resultant dset to disk 
         then cleanup */
      dset_clust = 
         SUMA_MaskDsetByClustList(  dset, SO, list, 
                                    Opt->FullROIList, Clustprefix);
      if (!dset_clust) {
         SUMA_S_Err("NULL dset_clust");
      NameOut = SUMA_WriteDset_s (  Clustprefix, dset_clust, Opt->oform, 
                                    THD_ok_overwrite(), 0);
      if (!NameOut) { SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to write dataset."); exit(1); } 
      SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset_clust); dset_clust = NULL; 
      if (NameOut) SUMA_free(NameOut); NameOut = NULL;
      if (Clustprefix) SUMA_free(Clustprefix); Clustprefix = NULL; 
   if (ClustOutName) SUMA_free(ClustOutName); ClustOutName = NULL;
   if (list) dlist_destroy(list); SUMA_free(list); list = NULL;
   if (ni) SUMA_free(ni); ni = NULL;
   if (nv) SUMA_free(nv); nv = NULL;
   if (nt) SUMA_free(nt); nt = NULL;
   if (Opt->out_prefix) SUMA_free(Opt->out_prefix); Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
   if (Opt) SUMA_free_SurfClust_Opt(Opt);
   if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
   if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset((void *)dset); dset = NULL;
   if (!SUMA_Free_Displayable_Object_Vect (SUMAg_DOv, SUMAg_N_DOv)) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("DO Cleanup Failed!");
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   int i,j,k,m,n,mm;
   int iarg;
   THD_3dim_dataset *insetTIME = NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *MASK=NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset *ROIS=NULL;
   char *prefix="NETCORR" ;
   char in_name[300];
   char in_mask[300];
   char in_rois[300];
   char OUT_grid[300];
   char OUT_indiv[300];
   char OUT_indiv0[300];
   //  int *SELROI=NULL; // if selecting subset of ROIs
   //  int HAVE_SELROI=0;
   int NIFTI_OUT = 0;

   byte ***mskd=NULL; // define mask of where time series are nonzero
   byte *mskd2=NULL; // not great, but another format of mask
   int HAVE_MASK=0;
   int HAVE_ROIS=0;
   int FISH_OUT=0;
   int PART_CORR=0;
   int TS_OUT=0;
   int TS_LABEL=0;
   int TS_INDIV=0;
   int TS_WBCORR_r=0;
   int TS_WBCORR_Z=0;
   int ***ROI_LISTS=NULL;
   double ***ROI_AVE_TS=NULL; // double because of GSL 
   float ***Corr_Matr=NULL; 
   float ***PCorr_Matr=NULL, ***PBCorr_Matr=NULL; 

   int Nvox=-1;   // tot number vox
   int *Dim=NULL;
   int *Nlist=NULL;

   Dtable *roi_dtable=NULL;
   char *LabTabStr=NULL;

   // for niml.dset -> graph viewing in SUMA
   char ***gdset_roi_names=NULL;
   SUMA_DSET *gset=NULL;
   float ***flat_matr=NULL;
   float *xyz=NULL;
   char OUT_gdset[300];
   NI_group *GDSET_netngrlink=NULL;
   char *NAME_gdset=NULL;
   int Noutmat = 1;  // num of matr to output: start with CC for sure
   char **ParLab=NULL;
   int FM_ctr = 0;  // for counting through flatmatr entries
   int OLD_LABEL=0; // ooollld style format of regions: Nnumber:Rnumber
   int IGNORE_LT=0; // ignore label table

   int idx = 0;
   int Nmask = 0;
   FILE *fout1,*fin,*fout2;

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */
   mainENTRY("3dNetCorr"); machdep(); 
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   //                    load AFNI stuff
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************

   //  INFO_message("version: BETA");

   /** scan args **/
   if (argc == 1) { usage_NetCorr(1); exit(0); }
   iarg = 1; 
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
          strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
         usage_NetCorr(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'");
         prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
            ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-prefix'");
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-inset") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'");

         sprintf(in_name,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         insetTIME = THD_open_dataset(in_name) ;
         if( (insetTIME == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_name);
         // just 0th time point for output...

         Dim = (int *)calloc(4,sizeof(int));
         DSET_load(insetTIME); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(insetTIME);
         Nvox = DSET_NVOX(insetTIME) ;
         Dim[0] = DSET_NX(insetTIME); Dim[1] = DSET_NY(insetTIME); 
         Dim[2] = DSET_NZ(insetTIME); Dim[3]= DSET_NVALS(insetTIME); 

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'");
         HAVE_MASK= 1;

         sprintf(in_mask,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         MASK = THD_open_dataset(in_mask) ;
         if( (MASK == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_mask);

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_rois") == 0 ){
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_rois'");
         sprintf(in_rois,"%s", argv[iarg]); 
         ROIS = THD_open_dataset(in_rois) ;
         if( (ROIS == NULL ))
            ERROR_exit("Can't open time series dataset '%s'.",in_rois);
         HAVE_ROIS=DSET_NVALS(ROIS); //number of subbricks
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-fish_z") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nifti") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-part_corr") == 0) {
         PART_CORR=2; // because we calculate two matrices here
         iarg++ ; continue ;
       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_out") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_label") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_indiv") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_wb_corr") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ts_wb_Z") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-old_labels") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ignore_LT") == 0) {
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /*  if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sel_roi") == 0 ){
          iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
          ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_rois'");
          SELROI = (int *)calloc(MAX_SELROI,sizeof(int));
          if( (fin = fopen(argv[iarg], "r")) == NULL)  {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",argv[iarg]);

          while( !feof(fin) && (idx<MAX_SELROI-1) ){
          fscanf(fin, "%d",&SELROI[idx]);
          fscanf(fin," ");
          if(HAVE_SELROI<=0) {
          ERROR_message("Error reading in `-sel_roi'-- appears to have no ROIs listed.\n");

          iarg++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
   INFO_message("Reading in.");

   if( !TS_OUT && TS_LABEL) {
      ERROR_message("with '-ts_label', you also need '-ts_out'.\n");

   if (iarg < 3) {
      ERROR_message("Too few options. Try -help for details.\n");
   if(!HAVE_ROIS) {
      ERROR_message("Need to load ROIs with >=1 subbrick...\n");

   if(Nvox != DSET_NVOX(ROIS)) {
      ERROR_message("Data sets of `-inset' and `in_rois' have "
                    "different numbers of voxels per brik!\n");
   if( (HAVE_MASK>0) && (Nvox != DSET_NVOX(MASK)) ) {
      ERROR_message("Data sets of `-inset' and `mask' have "
                    "different numbers of voxels per brik!\n");

   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   //                    make storage
   // ****************************************************************
   // ****************************************************************
   Nlist = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); 
   mskd2 = (byte *)calloc(Nvox,sizeof(byte)); 

   mskd = (byte ***) calloc( Dim[0], sizeof(byte **) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
      mskd[i] = (byte **) calloc( Dim[1], sizeof(byte *) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < Dim[0] ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
         mskd[i][j] = (byte *) calloc( Dim[2], sizeof(byte) );

   if( (mskd == NULL) || (Nlist == NULL) || (mskd2 == NULL)) { 
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure (masks).\n\n");
   // *************************************************************
   // *************************************************************
   //                    Beginning of main loops
   // *************************************************************
   // *************************************************************

   // go through once: define data vox, and calc rank for each
   for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
      for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
         for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
            if( HAVE_MASK ) {
               if( THD_get_voxel(MASK,idx,0)>0 ) {
                  mskd[i][j][k] = 1;
                  mskd2[idx] = 1;
            else // simple automask attempt
               if( fabs(THD_get_voxel(insetTIME,idx,0))+
                   fabs(THD_get_voxel(insetTIME,idx,4)) > EPS_V) {
                  mskd[i][j][k] = 1;
                  mskd2[idx] = 1;
            idx+= 1; // skip, and mskd and KW are both still 0 from calloc
   if (HAVE_MASK) {

   // obviously, this should always be TRUE at this point...
   if(HAVE_ROIS>0) {
      NROI_REF = (int *)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int)); 
      INVROI_REF = (int *)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int)); 
      if( (NROI_REF == NULL) || (INVROI_REF == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         INVROI_REF[i] = (int) THD_subbrick_max(ROIS, i, 1);
      ROI_LABELS_REF = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(ROI_LABELS_REF));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         ROI_LABELS_REF[i] = calloc(INVROI_REF[i]+1,sizeof(int)); 
      INV_LABELS_REF = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(INV_LABELS_REF));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         INV_LABELS_REF[i] = calloc(INVROI_REF[i]+1,sizeof(int)); 
          ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      INFO_message("Labelling regions internally.");

      // Step 3A-2: find out the labels in the ref, organize them
      //            both backwards and forwards.
      i = ViveLeRoi(ROIS, 
                    ROI_LABELS_REF, // ordered list of ROILABEL ints, [1..M]; 
                    //    maxval is N.
                    INV_LABELS_REF, // ith values at the actual input locs;
                    //    maxval is M.
                    NROI_REF,       // M: # of ROIs per brik
                    INVROI_REF);    // N: max ROI label per brik
      if( i != 1)
         ERROR_exit("Problem loading/assigning ROI labels");
      ROI_STR_LABELS = (char ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(char **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_STR_LABELS[i] = (char **) calloc( NROI_REF[i]+1, sizeof(char *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i]+1 ; j++ ) 
            ROI_STR_LABELS[i][j] = (char *) calloc( 100 , sizeof(char) );
      if(  (ROI_STR_LABELS == NULL)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      // Sept 2014:  Labeltable stuff
      if( IGNORE_LT ) {
         INFO_message("Ignoring any '-in_rois' label table (if there is one).");
         if ((ROIS->Label_Dtable = DSET_Label_Dtable(ROIS))) {
            if ((LabTabStr = Dtable_to_nimlstring( DSET_Label_Dtable(ROIS),
                                                   "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"))) {
               //fprintf(stdout,"%s", LabTabStr);
               if (!(roi_dtable = Dtable_from_nimlstring(LabTabStr))) {
                  ERROR_exit("Could not parse labeltable.");
            else {
               INFO_message("No label table from '-in_rois'.");

      i = Make_ROI_Output_Labels( ROI_STR_LABELS,
                                  1 );//!!!opts.DUMP_with_LABELS

      ROI_COUNT = calloc( HAVE_ROIS,sizeof(ROI_COUNT));  
      for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
         ROI_COUNT[i] = calloc(NROI_REF[i],sizeof(int)); 

      if( (ROI_COUNT == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      // find num of vox per ROI
      for( m=0 ; m<HAVE_ROIS ; m++ ) {
         for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
               for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
                  if( (THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m) > 0 ) && mskd[i][j][k] ) {

      // make list of vox per ROI
      ROI_LISTS = (int ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(int **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_LISTS[i] = (int **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(int *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            ROI_LISTS[i][j] = (int *) calloc( ROI_COUNT[i][j], sizeof(int) );

      // make average time series per voxel
      ROI_AVE_TS = (double ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(double **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         ROI_AVE_TS[i] = (double **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(double *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            ROI_AVE_TS[i][j] = (double *) calloc( Dim[3], sizeof(double) );

      // store corr coefs
      Corr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
      for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         Corr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
      for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
            Corr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float) );

      if( (ROI_LISTS == NULL) || (ROI_AVE_TS == NULL) 
          || (Corr_Matr == NULL)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
      if(PART_CORR) {
         PCorr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
         for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            PCorr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
         for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
               PCorr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float));

         PBCorr_Matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
         for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            PBCorr_Matr[i] = (float **) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float *) );
         for ( i=0 ; i <HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
            for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
               PBCorr_Matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i], sizeof(float));
         if( (PCorr_Matr == NULL) || (PBCorr_Matr == NULL) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      // reuse this to help place list indices
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ )
            ROI_COUNT[i][j] = 0;

      INFO_message("Getting volumes.");

      for( m=0 ; m<HAVE_ROIS ; m++ ) {
         for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ ) 
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ ) 
               for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
                  if( (THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m) > 0) && mskd[i][j][k] ) {
                     mm = INV_LABELS_REF[m][(int) THD_get_voxel(ROIS,idx,m)]-1;
                     ROI_LISTS[m][mm][ROI_COUNT[m][mm]] = idx;

   // bit of freeing
   for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) 
      for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++) {
   for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++) {

   INFO_message("Calculating average time series.");

   // ROI values
   for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) 
      for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) {
         k = CalcAveRTS(ROI_LISTS[i][j], ROI_AVE_TS[i][j], 
                        insetTIME, Dim, Nlist);
   INFO_message("Calculating correlation matrix.");
      INFO_message("... and calculating partial correlation matrix.");

   for(i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) {
      for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++ ) 
         for( k=j ; k<NROI_REF[i] ; k++ ) {
            Corr_Matr[i][j][k] = Corr_Matr[i][k][j] = (float) 
               CORR_FUN(ROI_AVE_TS[i][j], ROI_AVE_TS[i][k], Dim[3]);

         mm = CalcPartCorrMatr(PCorr_Matr[i], PBCorr_Matr[i],
                               Corr_Matr[i], NROI_REF[i]);
   // **************************************************************
   // **************************************************************
   //                 Store and output
   // **************************************************************
   // **************************************************************

   INFO_message("Writing output: %s ...", prefix);

   // - - - - - - - - NIML prep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

   ParLab = (char **)calloc(Noutmat, sizeof(char *)); 
   for (j=0; j<Noutmat; ++j) 
      ParLab[j] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
   if( (ParLab == NULL) ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
   // NIML output 
   flat_matr = (float ***) calloc( HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(float **) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      flat_matr[i] = (float **) calloc( Noutmat, sizeof(float *) );
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Noutmat ; j++ ) 
         flat_matr[i][j] = (float *) calloc( NROI_REF[i]*NROI_REF[i], 

   gdset_roi_names = (char ***)calloc(HAVE_ROIS, sizeof(char **));
	for (i=0; i< HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) {
      gdset_roi_names[i] = (char **)calloc(NROI_REF[i], sizeof(char *));
      for (j=0; j<NROI_REF[i]; ++j) {
         gdset_roi_names[i][j] = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
         if( OLD_LABEL )
            snprintf(gdset_roi_names[i][j],31,"N%03d:R%d", i, 
            //fprintf(stderr," %s ",
            //       ROI_STR_LABELS[i][j+1]);

   if(  (flat_matr == NULL) || ( gdset_roi_names == NULL) ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

   for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file

      sprintf(OUT_grid,"%s_%03d.netcc",prefix,k); // zero counting now
      if( (fout1 = fopen(OUT_grid, "w")) == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_grid);
      // same format as .grid files now
      fprintf(fout1,"# %d  # Number of network ROIs\n",NROI_REF[k]); // NROIs
      fprintf(fout1,"# %d  # Number of netcc matrices\n",
              FISH_OUT+PART_CORR+1); // Num of params

      // Sept 2014:  label_table stuff
      // don't need labeltable to make them, can do anyways
      fprintf(fout1, "# WITH_ROI_LABELS\n");
      for( i=1 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) 
         fprintf(fout1," %10s \t",ROI_STR_LABELS[k][i]); 
      fprintf(fout1,"  %10s\n",ROI_STR_LABELS[k][i]);
      // it's always zero for CC; they match one-to-one with later vars
      FM_ctr = 0; 
      ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("CC"); 

      for( i=1 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) // labels of ROIs
         fprintf(fout1," %10d \t",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i]);// at =NROI, have '\n'
      fprintf(fout1,"  %10d\n# %s\n",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i],"CC");
      for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last one.
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = Corr_Matr[k][i][j];
         flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = Corr_Matr[k][i][j];
      if(FISH_OUT) {
         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("FZ"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "FZ");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
               /* fprintf(fout1,"%12.4f\t",FisherZ(Corr_Matr[k][i][j]));
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = 
      if(PART_CORR) {
         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("PC"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "PC");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PCorr_Matr[k][i][j];
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PCorr_Matr[k][i][j];

         ParLab[FM_ctr] = strdup("PCB"); 

         fprintf(fout1,"# %s\n", "PCB");
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[k]-1 ; j++ ) {// b/c we put '\n' after last
               flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PBCorr_Matr[k][i][j];
            flat_matr[k][FM_ctr][i*NROI_REF[k]+j] = PBCorr_Matr[k][i][j];

      // more nimling
      gset = SUMA_FloatVec_to_GDSET(flat_matr[k], Noutmat, 
                                    "full", ParLab, 
                                    NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if( xyz = THD_roi_cmass(ROIS, k, ROI_LABELS_REF[k]+1, NROI_REF[k]) ) {
         if (!(SUMA_AddGDsetNodeListElement(gset, NULL,
                                            xyz, NULL, NULL, 
                                            NULL, NULL,
                                            NROI_REF[k]))) { 
            ERROR_message("Failed to add node list");
      else {
         ERROR_message("Failed in THD_roi_cmass"); exit(1);
      GDSET_netngrlink = 
         Network_link(SUMA_FnameGet( OUT_gdset, "f",NULL));
      NI_add_to_group(gset->ngr, GDSET_netngrlink);
      NAME_gdset = SUMA_WriteDset_ns( OUT_gdset,
                                      gset, SUMA_ASCII_NIML, 1, 0);
         ERROR_message("Failed to write dataset."); exit(1); 
      } else {
         if (NAME_gdset) SUMA_free(NAME_gdset); NAME_gdset = NULL;      
   if(TS_OUT) {
      for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file

         if( (fout1 = fopen(OUT_grid, "w")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",OUT_grid);
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
               fprintf(fout1,"%d\t",ROI_LABELS_REF[k][i+1]); // labels go 1...M
            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[3]-1 ; j++ ) // b/c we put '\n' after last one.


   if( TS_INDIV ) {
      for( k=0 ; k<HAVE_ROIS ; k++) { // each netw gets own file
         sprintf(OUT_indiv0,"%s_%03d_INDIV", prefix, k);
         mkdir(OUT_indiv0, 0777);
         for( i=0 ; i<NROI_REF[k] ; i++ ) {
            if( (fout2 = fopen(OUT_indiv, "w")) == NULL) {
               fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening file '%s'.\n",OUT_indiv);

            for( j=0 ; j<Dim[3]-1 ; j++ ) // b/c we put '\n' after last one.
   if( TS_WBCORR_r || TS_WBCORR_Z ) {
      INFO_message("Starting whole brain correlations.");
      i = WB_netw_corr( TS_WBCORR_r, 
   // ************************************************************
   // ************************************************************
   //                    Freeing
   // ************************************************************
   // ************************************************************

   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) {
      for (j = 0; j < NROI_REF[i]; ++j) 
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j = 0 ; j < Noutmat ; j++ ) 
   for ( i = 0 ; i < HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 

   for( i=0 ; i<Noutmat ; i++)  


   for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 
      for ( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i]+1 ; j++ ) 
   for ( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++ ) 



   free(Dim); // need to free last because it's used for other arrays...

   //  if(HAVE_SELROI)
   //  free(SELROI);

   if(HAVE_ROIS >0) {
      for( i=0 ; i<HAVE_ROIS ; i++) {
         for( j=0 ; j<NROI_REF[i] ; j++) {
            if(PART_CORR) {
      if(PART_CORR) {
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */
   static char  FuncName[]={"MakeColorMap"};
   char  *fscolutname = NULL, *FidName = NULL, 
         *Prfx = NULL, h[9], *StdType=NULL, *dbfile=NULL, *MapName=NULL; 
   int Ncols = 0, N_Fid = 0, kar, i, ifact, *Nind = NULL, 
       imap = -1, MapSpecified = 0;
   int fsbl0, fsbl1, showfscolut, exists=0;
   float **Fid=NULL, **M=NULL;
   MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL;
   float *far=NULL;
   int AfniHex=0, freesm;
   int suc, idISi=0;
   char stmp[256], *s=NULL, *ooo=NULL, *sdset_prefix;
   NI_group *ngr=NULL;   
   SUMA_Boolean   brk, SkipLast, PosMap, 
               Usage1, Usage2, Usage3, Usage4, flipud, fscolut,
               LocalHead = NOPE;
   SUMA_DSET *sdset=NULL;


   if (argc < 2) {
      exit (0);
   kar = 1;
   freesm = 1;
   fscolutname = NULL;
   fsbl0 = -1;
   fsbl1 = -1;
   brk = NOPE;
   SkipLast = NOPE;
   AfniHex = 0;
   PosMap = NOPE;
   Usage1 = NOPE;
   Usage2 = NOPE;
   Usage3 = NOPE;
   Usage4 = NOPE;
   flipud = NOPE;
   fscolut = NOPE;
   showfscolut = 0;
   MapSpecified = NOPE;
   while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
      if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
         exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-v") == 0))
         LocalHead = NOPE;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-flipud") == 0))
         flipud = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-f") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -f ");
            exit (1);
         FidName = argv[kar];
         Usage1 = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fscolutfile") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -fscolutfile ");
            exit (1);
         fscolutname = argv[kar];
         if (fsbl0 < 0) {
            fsbl0 = 0;
            fsbl1 = 255;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-usercolutfile") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -fscolutfile ");
            exit (1);
         fscolutname = argv[kar];
         if (fsbl0 < 0) {
            fsbl0 = 0;
            fsbl1 = -1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fscolut") == 0))
         fscolut = YUP;
         kar ++;
         if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 2 arguments after -fscolut ");
            exit (1);
         fsbl0 = atoi(argv[kar]); ++kar;
         fsbl1 = atoi(argv[kar]);
         if (fsbl0 > fsbl1 || fsbl0 < -1 || fsbl1 > 10000) {
            SUMA_S_Errv("-fscolut values of %d and %d either\n"
                        "do not make sense or exceed range 0 to 10000\n",
                        fsbl0, fsbl1);
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-show_fscolut") == 0))
         showfscolut = 1;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fn") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -fn ");
            exit (1);
         FidName = argv[kar];
         Usage2 = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-nc") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -nc ");
            exit (1);
         Ncols = atoi(argv[kar]);
         Usage1 = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ah") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -ah ");
            exit (1);
         Prfx = argv[kar];
         AfniHex = 1; 
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ahc") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -ahc ");
            exit (1);
         Prfx = argv[kar];
         AfniHex = 2; 
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-suma_cmap") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -suma_cmap");
            exit (1);
         Prfx = argv[kar];
         AfniHex = 3; 
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-std") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (MapSpecified) {
            SUMA_S_Err( "Color map already specified.\n"
                        "-cmap and -std are mutually exclusive\n");
            exit (1);
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -std ");
            exit (1);
         MapSpecified = YUP;
         StdType = argv[kar];
         Usage3 = YUP; 
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-cmapdb") == 0))
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
              fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -cmapdb ");
            exit (1);
         SUMAg_CF->isGraphical = YUP; 
                        /* WILL NEED X DISPLAY TO RESOLVE COLOR NAMES */
         dbfile = argv[kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-cmap") ==0)) {
         if (MapSpecified) {
            SUMA_S_Err( "Color map already specified.\n"
                        "-cmap and -std are mutually exclusive\n");
            exit (1);
         MapSpecified = YUP;
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 arguments after -cmap ");
            exit (1);
         Usage3 = YUP; 
         MapName = argv[kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sl") == 0))
         SkipLast = YUP;         
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-pos") == 0))
         /* obsolete */
         PosMap = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sdset") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need surface dataset after -sdset \n");
            exit (1);
         iform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
         if (!(sdset = SUMA_LoadDset_s (argv[kar], &iform, 0))) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to load surface dset");
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sdset_prefix") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
         if (kar >= argc)  {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need prefix dataset after -sdset_prefix \n");
            exit (1);
         sdset_prefix = argv[kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
      } else {   
         brk = NOPE;
         kar ++;
   }/* loop accross command ine options */
   /* check input */
   if (  (Usage1 && (Usage2 || Usage3 || Usage4)) || 
         (Usage2 && (Usage1 || Usage3 || Usage4)) || 
         (Usage3 && (Usage1 || Usage2 || Usage4)) || 
         (Usage4 && (Usage1 || Usage2 || Usage3)) ) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Mixing options from multiple usage modes.\n");
   if (!Usage1 && !Usage2 && !Usage3 && !Usage4) {
      SUMA_S_Err("One of these options must be used:\n"
                           "-f, -fn,  -std, or -fscolut.\n");
   /* are there database files to read */
   if (dbfile) {
      SUMA_LH("Now trying to read db file");
      if (!SUMAg_CF->scm) {   
         SUMAg_CF->scm = SUMA_Build_Color_maps();
         if (!SUMAg_CF->scm) {
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to build color maps.\n");
      if (SUMA_AFNI_Extract_Colors ( dbfile, SUMAg_CF->scm ) < 0) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to read %s colormap file.\n", dbfile);
   if (Usage1 || Usage2) {
      if (!SUMA_filexists (FidName)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("File %s could not be found.\n", FidName);
      /* read the fiducials file */
      im = mri_read_1D (FidName);
      if (!im) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to read file");

      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im);
      N_Fid = im->nx * im->ny;

   if (PosMap) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"\nWarning %s: -pos option is obsolete.\n", FuncName);
   /* allocate for fiducials */
   if (Usage1) {
      if (N_Fid % 3) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Not all rows in %s appear to have RGB triplets.\n", 
                  FuncName, FidName);
         exit (1);

      Fid = (float **) SUMA_allocate2D (N_Fid / 3, 3, sizeof(float));
      if (Fid == NULL) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Could not allocate for Fid.\n", FuncName);

      for (i=0; i < im->nx; ++i) {
         Fid[i][0] = far[i];
         Fid[i][1] = far[i+im->nx];
         Fid[i][2] = far[i+2*im->nx];
      mri_free(im); im = NULL; 
      /* now create the color map */
      SM = SUMA_MakeColorMap (Fid, N_Fid/3, 0, Ncols, SkipLast, FuncName);
      if (SM == NULL) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Error in SUMA_MakeColorMap.\n", FuncName);
   if (Usage2) { /* second usage */
      if (N_Fid % 4) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Not all rows in %s appear to have "
                  "RGB N quadruplets.\n", FuncName, FidName);
         exit (1);

      Fid = (float **) SUMA_allocate2D (N_Fid / 4, 3, sizeof(float));
      Nind = (int *) SUMA_calloc (N_Fid/4, sizeof(int));
      if (Fid == NULL || !Nind) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Could not allocate for Fid or Nind.\n", FuncName);
      for (i=0; i < im->nx; ++i) {
         Fid[i][0] = far[i];
         Fid[i][1] = far[i+im->nx];
         Fid[i][2] = far[i+2*im->nx];
         Nind[i] = (int)far[i+3*im->nx];
      mri_free(im); im = NULL; 
      /* now create the color map */
      SM = SUMA_MakeColorMap_v2 (Fid, N_Fid/4, 0, Nind, SkipLast, FuncName); 
      if (SM == NULL) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Error in SUMA_MakeColorMap.\n", FuncName);
      Ncols = SM->N_M[0];
   if (Usage3) { /* third usage */
      if (!MapName) {
         SM = SUMA_FindNamedColMap (StdType);
         freesm = 0;
         if (SM == NULL) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                     "Error %s: Error in SUMA_MakeColorMap.\n", FuncName);
         Ncols = SM->N_M[0];
      } else {
         imap = SUMA_Find_ColorMap ( MapName, SUMAg_CF->scm->CMv, 
                                     SUMAg_CF->scm->N_maps, -2);
         if (imap < 0) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                     "Error %s: Could not find colormap %s.\n", 
                     FuncName, MapName);
            exit (1); 
         SM = SUMAg_CF->scm->CMv[imap]; 
         Ncols = SM->N_M[0];
   if (Usage4) { /* 4th usage */
      if (!(SM = SUMA_FScolutToColorMap(fscolutname, fsbl0, 
                                         fsbl1, showfscolut, idISi))) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to get FreeSurfer colormap.");
      Ncols = SM->N_M[0];
   if (flipud) {
      SUMA_Flip_Color_Map (SM);
   M = SM->M;

   if (AfniHex && Ncols > 20) {
      if (!Usage4) {
         SUMA_S_Note("Writing colormap in colorscale format.\n");
   if (!AfniHex) {
         SUMA_disp_mat (M, Ncols, 3, 1);
         /*SUMA_Show_ColorMapVec (&SM, 1, NULL, 2);*/
   } else {
         if (Usage4 || Ncols > 20) {
            if (AfniHex == 1) {
               fprintf (stdout, "%s \n", Prfx);
               for (i=0; i < Ncols; ++i) {
                  /* Now create the hex form */
                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][0]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "#%s", h); 

                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][1]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "%s", h);

                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][2]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "%s \n", h);
                fprintf (stdout, "\n") ;
            } else if (AfniHex == 2){  /* to go in the C code 
                              (see pbardef.h and pbar.c)*/
               char *p2 = SUMA_copy_string(Prfx); 
               fprintf (stdout, "static char %s[] = {\n   \"%s \"\n   \"", 
                  p2, Prfx); SUMA_free(p2); p2 = NULL;
               for (i=0; i < Ncols; ++i) {
                  if (i) {
                     if (!(i % 4)) { fprintf (stdout, " \"\n   \""); }
                     else { fprintf (stdout, " "); }
                  /* Now create the hex form */
                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][0]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "#%s", h); 

                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][1]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "%s", h);

                  r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                        (unsigned long)rint((M[i][2]*255)), 1, 0);
                  fprintf (stdout, "%s", h);
                fprintf (stdout, " \"\n};\n") ;
            } else if (AfniHex == 3){ 
               SUMA_LHv("Now turn %s to niml\n", SM->Name);
               sname = SUMA_ParseFname(Prfx, NULL);
               snprintf(stmp, 128*sizeof(char), 
                        "file:%s.niml.cmap", sname->FileName_NoExt); 
               if (SM->Name) SUMA_free(SM->Name); 
               SM->Name = SUMA_copy_string(sname->FileName_NoExt);
               ngr = SUMA_CmapToNICmap(SM);
               NEL_WRITE_TX(ngr, stmp, suc);
               if (!suc) {
                  SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to write %s\n", stmp);
               SUMA_Free_Parsed_Name(sname); sname = NULL;
            } else {
               SUMA_S_Err("AfniHex should be 0, 1, or 2\n");
         } else {
            fprintf (stdout, "\n***COLORS\n");
            for (i=0; i < Ncols; ++i) {
               /* Now create the hex form */
               r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                     (unsigned long)rint((M[i][0]*255)), 1, 0);
               if (i<10) fprintf (stdout, "%s_0%d = #%s", Prfx, i, h);
                  else fprintf (stdout, "%s_%d = #%s", Prfx, i, h); 

               r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                     (unsigned long)rint((M[i][1]*255)), 1, 0);
               fprintf (stdout, "%s", h);

               r_sprintf_long_to_hex (h, 
                     (unsigned long)rint((M[i][2]*255)), 1, 0);
               fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", h);

            /* color map */

            fprintf (stdout, "\n***PALETTES %s [%d]\n//1 to -1 range\n", 
                     Prfx, Ncols);
            ifact = 2;
            for (i=0; i < Ncols; ++i) {
               fprintf (stdout, "%f -> ", 1.0 - (float)(ifact*i)/Ncols);
               if (i<10) fprintf (stdout, "%s_0%d\n", Prfx, i);
                  else fprintf (stdout, "%s_%d\n", Prfx, i); 
            fprintf (stdout, 
                     "\n***PALETTES %s [%d+]\n//1 to 0 range\n", Prfx, Ncols);
            ifact = 1;
            for (i=0; i < Ncols; ++i) {
               fprintf (stdout, "%f -> ", 1.0 - (float)(ifact*i)/Ncols);
               if (i<10) fprintf (stdout, "%s_0%d\n", Prfx, i);
                  else fprintf (stdout, "%s_%d\n", Prfx, i); 
   /* free allocated space */
   if (Usage1)  {
      if (Fid) SUMA_free2D((char **)Fid, N_Fid / 3);
   } else {
      if (Fid) SUMA_free2D((char **)Fid, N_Fid / 4);
      if (Nind) SUMA_free(Nind);
   /* add colormap to a surface dset ? */
   if (sdset) {
      SUMA_DSET *idset;
      if (!SUMA_is_AllConsistentCastType_dset(sdset, SUMA_int)) { 
         idset = SUMA_CoercedCopyofDset(sdset, SUMA_int, NULL);
      } else {
         idset = sdset;
      if (!(SUMA_dset_to_Label_dset_cmap(idset, SM))) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to make change");
      s = SUMA_OutputDsetFileStatus(
                                 NULL, &iform, 
                                 NULL, ".lbl", &exists); 
      SUMA_AddNgrHist(sdset->ngr, FuncName, argc, argv);
      ooo = SUMA_WriteDset_s(s, idset, iform, 
                        THD_ok_overwrite(), 0);
      SUMA_free(ooo); ooo=NULL; SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;

      if (idset != sdset) SUMA_FreeDset(idset); 
      SUMA_FreeDset(sdset); sdset=NULL;
   if (SM && !MapName && freesm) SUMA_Free_ColorMap(SM);
   if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) { 
      SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to free commonfields."); 