Exemplo n.º 1
qboolean SV_IsSimulating( void )
	if( sv.background && SV_Active() && CL_Active())
		if( CL_IsInConsole( ))
			return false;
		return true; // force simulating for background map

	if( sv.hostflags & SVF_PLAYERSONLY )
		return false;
	if( !SV_HasActivePlayers())
		return false;
	if( !sv.paused && CL_IsInGame( ))
		return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void SCR_CheckStartupVids( void )
	int	c = 0;
	char	*afile, *pfile;
	string	token;
	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-nointro" ) || host.developer >= 2 || cls.demonum != -1 )
		// don't run movies where we in developer-mode
		cls.movienum = -1;

	if( !FS_FileExists( "media/StartupVids.txt", false ))

	afile = FS_LoadFile( "media/StartupVids.txt", NULL, false );
	if( !afile ) return; // something bad happens

	pfile = afile;

	while(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) != NULL )
		Q_strncpy( cls.movies[c], token, sizeof( cls.movies[0] ));

		if( ++c > MAX_MOVIES - 1 )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Host_StartMovies: max %i movies in StartupVids\n", MAX_MOVIES );

	Mem_Free( afile );

	// run cinematic
	if( !SV_Active() && cls.movienum != -1 && cls.state != ca_cinematic )
		cls.movienum = 0;
		SCR_NextMovie ();
	else cls.movienum = -1;
Exemplo n.º 3

Return to looping demos
void CL_Demos_f( void )
	if( cls.key_dest != key_menu )
		MsgDev( D_INFO, "demos is not valid from the console\n" );

	cls.demonum = cls.olddemonum;

	if( cls.demonum == -1 )
		cls.demonum = 0;

	if( !SV_Active() && !cls.demoplayback )
		// run demos loop in background mode
		cls.changedemo = true;
		CL_NextDemo ();
Exemplo n.º 4

Called when each game quits,
before Sys_Quit or Sys_Error
void SV_Shutdown( qboolean reconnect )
	// already freed
	if( !SV_Active( )) return;

	if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "SV_Shutdown: %s\n", host.finalmsg );
	if( svs.clients ) SV_FinalMessage( host.finalmsg, reconnect );


	if( !reconnect ) SV_UnloadProgs ();
	else SV_DeactivateServer ();

	// free current level
	Q_memset( &sv, 0, sizeof( sv ));
	Host_SetServerState( sv.state );

	// free server static data
	if( svs.clients )
		Z_Free( svs.clients );
		svs.clients = NULL;

	if( svs.baselines )
		Z_Free( svs.baselines );
		svs.baselines = NULL;

	if( svs.packet_entities )
		Z_Free( svs.packet_entities );
		svs.packet_entities = NULL;
		svs.num_client_entities = 0;
		svs.next_client_entities = 0;

	svs.initialized = false;
Exemplo n.º 5

Determines the fraction between the last two messages that the objects
should be put at.
static float CL_LerpPoint( void )
	float	f, frac;

	f = cl.mtime[0] - cl.mtime[1];
	if( !f || SV_Active( ))
		cl.time = cl.mtime[0];
		return 1.0f;
	if( f > 0.1f )
		// dropped packet, or start of demo
		cl.mtime[1] = cl.mtime[0] - 0.1f;
		f = 0.1f;

	frac = ( cl.time - cl.mtime[1] ) / f;

	if( frac < 0 )
		if( frac < -0.01f )
			cl.time = cl.mtime[1];
		frac = 0.0f;
	else if( frac > 1.0f )
		if( frac > 1.01f )
			cl.time = cl.mtime[0];
		frac = 1.0f;
	return frac;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: host.c Projeto: emileb/xash3d
void Host_ShutdownServer( void )
	if( !SV_Active()) return;
	Q_strncpy( host.finalmsg, "Server was killed", MAX_STRING );
	SV_Shutdown( false );
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: host.c Projeto: emileb/xash3d
qboolean Host_IsLocalGame( void )
	if( CL_Active() && SV_Active() && CL_GetMaxClients() == 1 )
		return true;
	return false;