Exemplo n.º 1
void NAME(blasint *N, FLOAT *x, blasint *INCX, FLOAT *y, blasint *INCY){
  blasint n    = *N;
  blasint incx = *INCX;
  blasint incy = *INCY;


void CNAME(blasint n, FLOAT *x, blasint incx, FLOAT *y, blasint incy){


#ifdef SMP
  int mode;
  FLOAT dummyalpha[2] = {ZERO, ZERO};
  int nthreads;

#ifndef CBLAS

  if (n <= 0) return;



  if (incx < 0) x -= (n - 1) * incx * 2;
  if (incy < 0) y -= (n - 1) * incy * 2;

#ifdef SMP
  nthreads = num_cpu_avail(1);

  if (nthreads == 1) {

  SWAP_K(n, 0, 0, ZERO, ZERO, x, incx, y, incy, NULL, 0);

#ifdef SMP
  } else {

#ifdef XDOUBLE
#elif defined(DOUBLE)
    blas_level1_thread(mode, n, 0, 0, dummyalpha,
		       x, incx, y, incy, NULL, 0, (void *)SWAP_K, nthreads);


  FUNCTION_PROFILE_END(2, 2 * n, 0);


Exemplo n.º 2
blasint CNAME(blas_arg_t *args, BLASLONG *range_m, BLASLONG *range_n, FLOAT *sa, FLOAT *sb, BLASLONG myid) {

  BLASLONG m, n, lda;
  blasint *ipiv, offset;
  FLOAT *a;

  FLOAT temp1, temp2;
  blasint i, j;
  blasint ip, jp;
  blasint info;
  FLOAT *b;

  m      = args -> m;
  n      = args -> n;
  a      = (FLOAT *)args -> a;
  lda    = args -> lda;
  ipiv   = (blasint *)args -> c;
  offset = 0;
  if (range_n) {
    m     -= range_n[0];
    n      = range_n[1] - range_n[0];
    offset = range_n[0];
    a     += range_n[0] * (lda + 1) * COMPSIZE;

  info = 0;
  b = a;
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {

    len = MIN(j, m);

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      ip = ipiv[i + offset] - 1 - offset; 
      if (ip != i) {
	temp1 = *(b + i);
	temp2 = *(b + ip);
	*(b + i) = temp2;
	*(b + ip) = temp1;
    for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
      b[i] -= DOTU_K(i, a + i, lda, b, 1);

    if (j < m) {
      GEMV_N(m - j, j, 0, dm1,  a + j, lda, b, 1, b + j, 1, sb);

      jp = j + IAMAX_K(m - j, b + j, 1);
      ipiv[j + offset] = jp + offset;
      temp1 = *(b + jp);

      if (temp1 != ZERO) {
	temp1 = dp1 / temp1;

	if (jp != j) {
	  SWAP_K(j + 1, 0, 0, ZERO, a + j, lda, a + jp, lda, NULL, 0);
	if (j + 1 < m) {
	  SCAL_K(m - j - 1, 0, 0, temp1, b + j + 1, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
      } else {
	if (!info) info = j + 1;
    b += lda;
  return info;
Exemplo n.º 3
void NAME(blasint *N, FLOAT *x, blasint *INCX, FLOAT *y, blasint *INCY){
  blasint n    = *N;
  blasint incx = *INCX;
  blasint incy = *INCY;


void CNAME(blasint n, FLOAT *x, blasint incx, FLOAT *y, blasint incy){


#ifdef SMP
  int mode, nthreads;
  FLOAT dummyalpha[2] = {ZERO, ZERO};

#ifndef CBLAS

  if (n <= 0) return;



  if (incx < 0) x -= (n - 1) * incx;
  if (incy < 0) y -= (n - 1) * incy;

#ifdef SMP
  nthreads = num_cpu_avail(1);
  //disable multi-thread when incx==0 or incy==0
  //In that case, the threads would be dependent.
  if (incx == 0 || incy == 0)
	  nthreads = 1;
  if (nthreads == 1) {

    SWAP_K(n, 0, 0, ZERO, x, incx, y, incy, NULL, 0);

#ifdef SMP
  } else {
#ifdef XDOUBLE
    mode  =  BLAS_XDOUBLE | BLAS_REAL;
#elif defined(DOUBLE)
    mode  =  BLAS_DOUBLE  | BLAS_REAL;
    mode  =  BLAS_SINGLE  | BLAS_REAL;
    blas_level1_thread(mode, n, 0, 0, dummyalpha,
		       x, incx, y, incy, NULL, 0, (void *)SWAP_K, nthreads);


  FUNCTION_PROFILE_END(1, 2 * n, 0);


Exemplo n.º 4
blasint CNAME(blas_arg_t *args, BLASLONG *range_m, BLASLONG *range_n, FLOAT *sa, FLOAT *sb, BLASLONG myid) {

  BLASLONG m, n, lda, offset;
  blasint *ipiv;
  FLOAT *a;

  FLOAT temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, ratio, den;
  blasint i, j;
  blasint ip, jp;
  blasint info;
  FLOAT *b;

  m    = args -> m;
  n    = args -> n;
  a    = (FLOAT *)args -> a;
  lda  = args -> lda;
  ipiv = (blasint *)args -> c;
  offset = 0;
  if (range_n) {
    m     -= range_n[0];
    n      = range_n[1] - range_n[0];
    offset = range_n[0];
    a     += range_n[0] * (lda + 1) * COMPSIZE;

  info = 0;
  b = a;
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {

    len = MIN(j, m);

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      ip = ipiv[i + offset] - 1 - offset; 
      if (ip != i) {
	temp1 = *(b + i  * 2 + 0);
	temp2 = *(b + i  * 2 + 1);
	temp3 = *(b + ip * 2 + 0);
	temp4 = *(b + ip * 2 + 1);
	*(b + i  * 2 + 0) = temp3;
	*(b + i  * 2 + 1) = temp4;
	*(b + ip * 2 + 0) = temp1;
	*(b + ip * 2 + 1) = temp2;
    ZTRSV_NLU(len, a, lda, b, 1, sb);

    if (j < m) {
      GEMV_N(m - j, j, 0, dm1,  ZERO, a + j * 2, lda, b, 1, b + j * 2, 1, sb);

      jp = j + IAMAX_K(m - j, b + j * 2, 1);
      ipiv[j + offset] = jp + offset;

      temp1 = *(b + jp * 2 + 0);
      temp2 = *(b + jp * 2 + 1);

      if ((temp1 != ZERO) || (temp2 != ZERO)) {

	if (jp != j) {
	  SWAP_K(j + 1, 0, 0, ZERO, ZERO, a + j * 2, lda,
		 a + jp * 2, lda, NULL, 0);

	if (fabs(temp1) >= fabs(temp2)){
	  ratio = temp2 / temp1;
	  den = dp1 /(temp1 * ( 1 + ratio * ratio));
	  temp3 =  den;
	  temp4 = -ratio * den;
	} else {
	  ratio = temp1 / temp2;
	  den = dp1 /(temp2 * ( 1 + ratio * ratio));
	  temp3 =  ratio * den;
	  temp4 = -den;

	if (j + 1 < m) {
	  SCAL_K(m - j - 1, 0, 0, temp3, temp4, 
		 b + (j + 1) * 2, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
      } else {
	if (!info) info = j + 1;
    b += lda * 2;
  return info;
