Exemplo n.º 1
void ObjReadData (FILE* F, ObjData* O)
/* Read object file data from the given file. The function expects the Name
 * and Start fields to be valid. Header and basic data are read.
    unsigned long Count;

    /* Seek to the start of the object file data */
    fseek (F, O->Start, SEEK_SET);

    /* Read the object file header */
    ObjReadHeader (F, &O->Header, O->Name);

    /* Read the string pool */
    fseek (F, O->Start + O->Header.StrPoolOffs, SEEK_SET);
    Count = ReadVar (F);
    CollGrow (&O->Strings, Count);
    while (Count--) {
        CollAppend (&O->Strings, ReadStr (F));

    /* Read the exports */
    fseek (F, O->Start + O->Header.ExportOffs, SEEK_SET);
    Count = ReadVar (F);
    CollGrow (&O->Exports, Count);
    while (Count--) {

        unsigned char ConDes[CD_TYPE_COUNT];

        /* Skip data until we get to the name */
        unsigned Type = ReadVar (F);
        (void) Read8 (F);       /* AddrSize */
        ReadData (F, ConDes, SYM_GET_CONDES_COUNT (Type));

        /* Now this is what we actually need: The name of the export */
        CollAppend (&O->Exports, CollAt (&O->Strings, ReadVar (F)));

        /* Skip the export value */
        if (SYM_IS_EXPR (Type)) {
            /* Expression tree */
            SkipExpr (F);
        } else {
            /* Literal value */
            (void) Read32 (F);

        /* Skip the size if necessary */
        if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (Type)) {
            (void) ReadVar (F);

        /* Line info indices */
        SkipLineInfoList (F);
        SkipLineInfoList (F);
Exemplo n.º 2
static const char* GetExportFlags (unsigned Flags, const unsigned char* ConDes)
/* Get the export flags as a (static) string */
    /* Static buffer */
    static char TypeDesc[256];
    static char* T;

    unsigned Count;
    unsigned I;

    /* Symbol type */
    TypeDesc[0] = '\0';
    switch (Flags & SYM_MASK_TYPE) {
       	case SYM_STD:         strcat (TypeDesc, "SYM_STD");         break;
       	case SYM_CHEAP_LOCAL: strcat (TypeDesc, "SYM_CHEAP_LOCAL"); break;

    /* Symbol usage */
    switch (Flags & SYM_MASK_LABEL) {
       	case SYM_EQUATE: strcat (TypeDesc, ",SYM_EQUATE"); break;
       	case SYM_LABEL:  strcat (TypeDesc, ",SYM_LABEL");  break;

    /* Type of expression */
    switch (Flags & SYM_MASK_VAL) {
       	case SYM_CONST: strcat (TypeDesc, ",SYM_CONST"); break;
       	case SYM_EXPR:  strcat (TypeDesc, ",SYM_EXPR");   break;

    /* Size available? */
    if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (Flags)) {
        strcat (TypeDesc, ",SYM_SIZE");

    /* Constructor/destructor declarations */
    T = TypeDesc + strlen (TypeDesc);
    Count = SYM_GET_CONDES_COUNT (Flags);
    if (Count > 0 && ConDes) {
     	T += sprintf (T, ",SYM_CONDES=");
     	for (I = 0; I < Count; ++I) {
     	    unsigned Type = CD_GET_TYPE (ConDes[I]);
     	    unsigned Prio = CD_GET_PRIO (ConDes[I]);
     	    if (I > 0) {
     		*T++ = ',';
       	    T += sprintf (T, "[%u,%u]", Type, Prio);

    /* Return the result */
    return TypeDesc;
Exemplo n.º 3
void DumpObjExports (FILE* F, unsigned long Offset)
/* Dump the exports in the object file */
    ObjHeader 	H;
    unsigned   	Count;
    unsigned   	I;

    /* Seek to the header position and read the header */
    FileSetPos (F, Offset);
    ReadObjHeader (F, &H);

    /* Seek to the start of the string pool and read it */
    FileSetPos (F, Offset + H.StrPoolOffs);
    ReadStrPool (F, &StrPool);

    /* Seek to the start of the exports */
    FileSetPos (F, Offset + H.ExportOffs);

    /* Output a header */
    printf ("  Exports:\n");

    /* Read the number of exports and print it */
    Count = ReadVar (F);
    printf ("    Count:%27u\n", Count);

    /* Read and print all exports */
    for (I = 0; I < Count; ++I) {

	unsigned long 	Value = 0;
        unsigned long   Size = 0;
       	unsigned char  	ConDes[CD_TYPE_COUNT];
       	const char*    	Name;
	unsigned	Len;

       	/* Read the data for one export */
       	unsigned Type          = ReadVar (F);
        unsigned char AddrSize = Read8 (F);
	ReadData (F, ConDes, SYM_GET_CONDES_COUNT (Type));
       	Name  = GetString (&StrPool, ReadVar (F));
	Len   = strlen (Name);
       	if (SYM_IS_CONST (Type)) {
	    Value = Read32 (F);
	} else {
       	    SkipExpr (F);
        if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (Type)) {
            Size = ReadVar (F);

        /* Skip both line infos lists */
        SkipLineInfoList (F);
        SkipLineInfoList (F);

	/* Print the header */
	printf ("    Index:%27u\n", I);

	/* Print the data */
       	printf ("      Type:%22s0x%02X  (%s)\n", "", Type, GetExportFlags (Type, ConDes));
	printf ("      Address size:%14s0x%02X  (%s)\n", "", AddrSize,
                AddrSizeToStr (AddrSize));
	printf ("      Name:%*s\"%s\"\n", (int)(24-Len), "", Name);
	if (SYM_IS_CONST (Type)) {
    	    printf ("      Value:%15s0x%08lX  (%lu)\n", "", Value, Value);
       	if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (Type)) {
	    printf ("      Size:%16s0x%04lX  (%lu)\n", "", Size, Size);

    /* Destroy the string pool */
    DestroyStrPool (&StrPool);
Exemplo n.º 4
Export* ReadExport (FILE* F, ObjData* O)
/* Read an export from a file */
    unsigned    ConDesCount;
    unsigned    I;
    Export*     E;

    /* Read the type */
    unsigned Type = ReadVar (F);

    /* Read the address size */
    unsigned char AddrSize = Read8 (F);

    /* Create a new export without a name */
    E = NewExport (Type, AddrSize, INVALID_STRING_ID, O);

    /* Read the constructor/destructor decls if we have any */
    ConDesCount = SYM_GET_CONDES_COUNT (Type);
    if (ConDesCount > 0) {

        unsigned char ConDes[CD_TYPE_COUNT];

        /* Read the data into temp storage */
        ReadData (F, ConDes, ConDesCount);

        /* Re-order the data. In the file, each decl is encoded into a byte
        ** which contains the type and the priority. In memory, we will use
        ** an array of types which contain the priority.
        for (I = 0; I < ConDesCount; ++I) {
            E->ConDes[CD_GET_TYPE (ConDes[I])] = CD_GET_PRIO (ConDes[I]);

    /* Read the name */
    E->Name = MakeGlobalStringId (O, ReadVar (F));

    /* Read the value */
    if (SYM_IS_EXPR (Type)) {
        E->Expr = ReadExpr (F, O);
    } else {
        E->Expr = LiteralExpr (Read32 (F), O);

    /* Read the size */
    if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (Type)) {
        E->Size = ReadVar (F);

    /* Last are the locations */
    ReadLineInfoList (F, O, &E->DefLines);
    ReadLineInfoList (F, O, &E->RefLines);

    /* If this symbol is exported as a condes, and the condes type declares a
    ** forced import, add this import to the object module.
    for (I = 0; I < CD_TYPE_COUNT; ++I) {
        const ConDesImport* CDI;

        if (E->ConDes[I] != CD_PRIO_NONE && (CDI = ConDesGetImport (I)) != 0) {
            unsigned J;

            /* Generate a new import, and add it to the module's import list. */
            Import* Imp = GenImport (CDI->Name, CDI->AddrSize);

            Imp->Obj = O;
            CollAppend (&O->Imports, Imp);

            /* Add line info for the export that is actually the condes that
            ** forces the import.  Then, add line info for the config. file.
            ** The export's info is added first because the import pretends
            ** that it came from the object module instead of the config. file.
            for (J = 0; J < CollCount (&E->DefLines); ++J) {
                CollAppend (&Imp->RefLines, DupLineInfo (CollAt (&E->DefLines, J)));
            CollAppend (&Imp->RefLines, GenLineInfo (&CDI->Pos));

    /* Return the new export */
    return E;
Exemplo n.º 5
void WriteExports (void)
/* Write the exports list to the object file */
    SymEntry* S;
    unsigned Type;

    /* Tell the object file module that we're about to start the exports */
    ObjStartExports ();

    /* Write the export count to the list */
    ObjWriteVar (ExportCount);

    /* Walk throught list and write all exports to the file */
    S = SymList;
    while (S) {
        if ((S->Flags & (SF_UNUSED | SF_EXPORT)) == SF_EXPORT) {

            /* Get the expression bits and the value */
            long ConstVal;
            unsigned SymFlags = GetSymInfoFlags (S, &ConstVal);

            /* Check if this symbol has a size. If so, remember it in the
            ** flags.
            long Size;
            SymEntry* SizeSym = FindSizeOfSymbol (S);
            if (SizeSym != 0 && SymIsConst (SizeSym, &Size)) {
                SymFlags |= SYM_SIZE;

            /* Count the number of ConDes types */
            for (Type = 0; Type < CD_TYPE_COUNT; ++Type) {
                if (S->ConDesPrio[Type] != CD_PRIO_NONE) {
                    SYM_INC_CONDES_COUNT (SymFlags);

            /* Write the type and the export size */
            ObjWriteVar (SymFlags);
            ObjWrite8 (S->ExportSize);

            /* Write any ConDes declarations */
            if (SYM_GET_CONDES_COUNT (SymFlags) > 0) {
                for (Type = 0; Type < CD_TYPE_COUNT; ++Type) {
                    unsigned char Prio = S->ConDesPrio[Type];
                    if (Prio != CD_PRIO_NONE) {
                        ObjWrite8 (CD_BUILD (Type, Prio));

            /* Write the name */
            ObjWriteVar (S->Name);

            /* Write the value */
            if (SYM_IS_CONST (SymFlags)) {
                /* Constant value */
                ObjWrite32 (ConstVal);
            } else {
                /* Expression involved */
                WriteExpr (S->Expr);

            /* If the symbol has a size, write it to the file */
            if (SYM_HAS_SIZE (SymFlags)) {
                ObjWriteVar (Size);

            /* Write the line infos */
            WriteLineInfo (&S->DefLines);
            WriteLineInfo (&S->RefLines);
        S = S->List;

    /* Done writing exports */
    ObjEndExports ();