Exemplo n.º 1
static int delete_character(string char) {
/* This function will permanently delete a player character.  A 1 is returned
 * on successful character deletion, or a 0 upon failure after setting the
 * DOGL_ERROR value. */
  return char_d->delete_character(char);
Exemplo n.º 2
static int hold_name(string name) {
/* If the specified name is validated via validate_new_character_name, it is
 * placed on hold for the current user's account and a 1 is returned.  If it
 * is not valid, a 0 is returned leaving the DOGL_ERROR value set by the
 * validate_new_characer_name function in place for the calling process. */
  return char_d->hold_name(name);
Exemplo n.º 3
static object login_character(string char) {
/* This function will log the specified character into the game, as long as
 * the calling account owns the character.  The character's object will be
 * returned upon success, or nil upon failure after setting the DOGL_ERROR
 * value. */
  return char_d->login_character(char);
Exemplo n.º 4
static object create_character(string name) {
/* This function creates the specified character using the name supplied.  If
 * the name specified is not reserved by the user's account object, no object
 * will be created or returned and the DOGL_ERROR value will list the specific
 * problem.  Otherwise, the new character is created the relevant variables
 * are updated appropriately and the new object will be returned. */
  return char_d->create_character(name);
Exemplo n.º 5
static int logout_character(int quit, varargs object CHARACTER_OBJECT char) {
/* Log out the current character, or if specifed the character object o.
 * The quit integer is used to indicate what sort of message, if any, should
 * be sent to the communication channels regarding the character's logout.
 * A value of 1 means to announce a normal logout, -1 will announce an idle
 * timeout logout, a 0 will announce a disconnect and any other value will
 * keep the logout quiet.  We return 1 to indicate successful logout as there
 * may be features that block characters leaving the game world temporarily in
 * the future. */
  return char_d->logout_character(quit, char);
Exemplo n.º 6
int s1( int suite, int weight, int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    int posCtr = 0;

    START_SUITE( suite, "Command line tests", weight, NUM_POS_TESTS, NUM_NEG_TESTS );

    START_POS_TEST( ++posCtr, "test to check if it doesn't crash" );

    SYSTEM_CHECK( "./gpstool -info < a2-suite1-postest1.gps", EXIT_SUCCESS, FAIL_POS_TEST );


    START_POS_TEST( ++posCtr, "Test for valgrind errors" );

    SYSTEM_CHECK( "valgrind --leak-check=yes --log-file=a2-suite1-postest2-logfile ./gpstool -info < a2-suite1-postest2.gps", EXIT_SUCCESS, FAIL_POS_TEST );

    int status = system( "grep -c 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts' a2-suite1-postest2-logfile > a2-suite1-postest2-grepcheck" );

    if ( status == -1 ) {
        LOG( "grep failed\n" );

    FILE * fp2 = fopen( "a2-suite1-postest2-grepcheck", "r" );

    int numMatches = 0;
    if ( fscanf( fp2, "%d", &numMatches ) != 1 ) {
        LOG( "grep did not return a count\n" );

    fclose( fp2 );

    if ( numMatches != 1 ) {
        LOG( "Valgrind reported errors\n" );