double LinearApproximation::Approximate() { S_LOG("Approximate"); coeffScale = 0.0; coefShift = 0.0; if (values.empty() || values.size() == 1){ log(logxx::error) << "There should be at least 2 values" << logxx::endl; return 0.0; } else { double alpha(0.0), beta(0.0), gamma(0.0), phi(0.0), psi(0.0); size_t N = values.size(); gamma = N; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i){ alpha += Sqr(keys[i]); beta += keys[i]; phi += values[i] * keys[i]; psi += values[i]; } double determinant = alpha * gamma - Sqr(beta); coeffScale = (gamma * phi - beta * psi) / determinant; coefShift = (-beta * phi + alpha * psi) / determinant; return CalculateRelativeError(); } }
S_API bool S_CALL SteamGameServer_Init() { S_LOG(); // TODO: implement game server stuff from the old project. return true; }
bool DateHelper::Parse(const std::string & s) { S_LOG("Parse"); if (std::sscanf(s.c_str(), "%2d.%2d.%4d", &day, &month, &year) != 3) { log(Log::error) << "Can't parse date {" << s << "}" << std::endl; return false; } else return true; }
bool TestLinearApproximation::TestLinears(int tests) { S_LOG("TestLinear"); log(logxx::notice) << "Testing approximation of linear functions" << logxx::endl; for(int i = 0; i < tests; ++i){ double c = Random(); if (!Test(c)){ log(logxx::error) << "Failed while testing y = " << c << logxx::endl; return false; } } return true; }
bool TestLinearApproximation::TestConstants(int tests) { S_LOG("TestConstants"); log(logxx::notice) << "Testing approximation of constants" << logxx::endl; for(int i = 0; i < tests; ++i){ double a = Random(); double b = Random(); if (!Test(a, b)){ log(logxx::error) << "Failed while testing y = " << a << " * x + " << b << logxx::endl; return false; } } return true; }
void PrintProgress(){ S_LOG("PrintProgress"); static time_t start = time(nullptr); static const time_t interval = 10; static int counter = 0; time_t now = time(nullptr); ++counter; if (now > start + interval){ start = now; log(logxx::info) << counter << logxx::endl; } }
bool Field::Load(std::ifstream& f, int shift){ S_LOG("Load"); auto current = std::ios_base::cur; if (f.good()){ f.seekg(shift, current); log(logxx::debug) << "Current position: 0x" << std::hex << f.tellg() << std::dec << logxx::endl; uint32_t fieldLength(0); char optionalField[2];, 2); check_error(optionalField); if ( std::strncmp(optionalField, "PN", 2) == 0 || std::strncmp(optionalField, "LO", 2) == 0 || std::strncmp(optionalField, "DA", 2) == 0 ){ uint16_t shortFieldLength(0); fread(shortFieldLength); fieldLength = shortFieldLength; } else{ f.seekg(-2, std::ios_base::cur); fread(fieldLength); } static const decltype(fieldLength) maxLength = 100; if (fieldLength == 0){ log(logxx::warning) << "Field length is zero, nothing to read!" << logxx::endl; return false; } else if (fieldLength > maxLength){ log(logxx::warning) << "Too large field: " << fieldLength << "; maximum allowed is: " << maxLength << logxx::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr<char[]> cValue(new char[fieldLength]);, fieldLength); check_error(cValue); try { value.assign(cValue.get(), fieldLength); ProcessValue(); return true; } catch (const std::exception& e){ log(logxx::warning) << "Cought an exception: " << e.what() << logxx::endl; value.assign('%', fieldLength); return true; } } else { log(logxx::error) << "Can't read file" << logxx::endl; return false; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ S_LOG("main"); logxx::GlobalLogLevel(logxx::warning); EncodingConverter converter; if (argc < 2){ log(logxx::error) << "A path with dicom files should be specified" << logxx::endl; return 1; } else { std::string path(argv[1]); if (path[path.length()-1] != '/') path += '/'; std::string csvFile = path + "out.csv"; std::ofstream out(csvFile); if (out.good()){ Dir dir(path, true, ".dcm"); if (dir.Ok()) { std::string fName; while ((fName = dir.Read()).empty() == false) { log(logxx::debug) << "{" << fName << "}" << logxx::endl; Dicom dicom(path + fName); if (dicom.Parse(converter)){ // cppcheck-suppress constStatement log(logxx::notice) << "{" << fName << "} Parsed" << logxx::endl; out << fName << "," << dicom << std::endl; } else { // cppcheck-suppress constStatement log(logxx::notice) << "{" << fName << "} Not parsed" << logxx::endl; } PrintProgress(); } return 0; } else { log(logxx::error) << "Can't open path {" << path << "}" << logxx::endl; return 1; } } else { log(logxx::error) << "Can't open file {" << csvFile << "} for writing" << logxx::endl; return 1; } } }
bool TestLinearApproximation::Test(double a, double b) { S_LOG("Test linear function"); approxx::LinearApproximation approximation; auto etalonFunction = [a, b](double x)->double{return a * x + b;}; if (!Fill(approximation, etalonFunction)){ log(logxx::error) << "Can't load data for linear function = " << a << " * x + " << b << logxx::endl; return false; } else { double error = approximation.Approximate(); if (!Cmp(error, 0.0)){ log(logxx::error) << "Error should be 0.0, but it is " << error << logxx::endl; return false; } else if (!Check(approximation, etalonFunction)){ log(logxx::error) << "Comparison for linear function = " << a << " * x + " << b << logxx::endl; return false; } else return true; } }
S_API bool S_CALL SteamAPI_Init() { if(GetFileAttributesA(".\\steam_api.ini") == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxA(0, "The configuration file \'steam_api.ini\' could not be found in the current directory. " "A new one will be automatically generated once you press OK.", "Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); srand((uint32)time(NULL)); CIniWriter ini(".\\steam_api.ini"); ini.WriteString("Settings", "Nickname", "UnnamedPlayer"); ini.WriteInteger("Settings", "SteamID", rand()); ini.WriteBoolean("Miscellaneous", "EnableDebugConsole", false); } CIniReader ini(".\\steam_api.ini"); g_nickname = ini.ReadString("Settings", "Nickname", "UnnamedPlayer"); g_steamID = ini.ReadInteger("Settings", "SteamID", 0); g_consoleAlloc = ini.ReadBoolean("Miscellaneous", "EnableDebugConsole", false); if(g_consoleAlloc && !g_consoleAllocDone) { if(!AllocConsole()) { MessageBoxA(0, "Could not allocate console.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0x0000DEAD); return false; } freopen("CON","w",stdout); g_consoleAllocDone = true; } S_LOG(); return true; }
bool TestLinearApproximation::Test(double constant) { S_LOG("Test constant"); approxx::LinearApproximation approximation; auto etalonFunction = [constant](double)->double{return constant;}; if (!Fill(approximation, etalonFunction)){ log(logxx::error) << "Can't load data for constant = " << constant << logxx::endl; return false; } else { double error = approximation.Approximate(); double val = approximation.Get(0.0); if (!Cmp(error, 0.0)){ log(logxx::error) << "Error should be 0.0, but it is " << error << logxx::endl; return false; } else { if (!Check(approximation, etalonFunction)){ log(logxx::error) << "Value should be " << constant << ", but it is " << val << logxx::endl; return false; } return true; } } }
S_API ISteamUser016* S_CALL SteamUser() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamUser016(); }
S_API bool S_CALL SteamAPI_Shutdown() { S_LOG(); return true; }
S_API ISteamGameServer010* S_CALL SteamGameServer() { S_LOG(); return 0; }
int CSteamApps004::GetDLCCount() { S_LOG(); return 0; return dlcList.size(); }
S_API ISteamFriends009* S_CALL SteamFriends() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamFriends009(); }
S_API ISteamApps004* S_CALL SteamApps() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamApps004(); }
S_API void S_CALL SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks() { S_LOG(); CallbacksManager::RunCallbacks(); }
S_API ISteamMasterServerUpdater001* S_CALL SteamMasterServerUpdater() { S_LOG(); return 0; }
S_API ISteamRemoteStorage004* S_CALL SteamRemoteStorage() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamRemoteStorage004(); }
S_API ISteamMatchmakingServers002* S_CALL SteamMatchmakingServers() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamMatchmakingServers002(); }
S_API ISteamMatchmaking008* S_CALL SteamMatchmaking() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamMatchmaking008(); }
S_API ISteamUtils005* S_CALL SteamUtils() { S_LOG(); return new CSteamUtils005(); }
S_API bool S_CALL SteamGameServer_Shutdown() { S_LOG(); return true; }