static void freeUSERbp(breakp *bp) { if ( bp->commands ) Safe_free(bp->commands); if ( bp->condition ) Safe_free(bp->condition); Safe_free(bp); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void freeBitVect (bitVect * bvp) { if (!bvp) return; Safe_free (bvp->vect); Safe_free (bvp); }
int my_system (const char *cmd) { int argsStart, e, i = 0; char *cmdLine = NULL; argsStart = strstr (cmd, " ") - cmd; // try to find the command in predefined path's while (ExePathList[i]) { cmdLine = (char *) Safe_alloc (strlen (ExePathList[i]) + strlen (cmd) + 10); strcpy (cmdLine, ExePathList[i]); // the path strcat (cmdLine, DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING); strncat (cmdLine, cmd, argsStart); // the command #if NATIVE_WIN32 strcat (cmdLine, ".exe"); #endif if (access (cmdLine, X_OK) == 0) { // the arguments strcat (cmdLine, cmd + argsStart); break; } Safe_free (cmdLine); cmdLine = NULL; i++; } if (verboseExec) { printf ("+ %s\n", cmdLine ? cmdLine : cmd); } if (cmdLine) { // command found in predefined path e = system (cmdLine); Safe_free (cmdLine); } else { // trust on $PATH e = system (cmd); } return e; }
void freeTrace(allocTrace *ptrace) { int i; assert(ptrace); for (i = 0; i < ptrace->num; i++) { Safe_free(ptrace->palloced[i]); } ptrace->num = 0; Safe_free(ptrace->palloced); ptrace->palloced = NULL; ptrace->max = 0; }
static PROCESS_INFORMATION *execSimulator(char **args, int nargs) { STARTUPINFO si; static PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; char *cmdLine = argsToCmdLine(args, nargs); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi)); // Start the child process. if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line) cmdLine, // Command line NULL, // Process handle not inheritable NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE 0, // No creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block NULL, // Use parent's starting directory &si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure &pi) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure ) { Safe_free(cmdLine); printf( "CreateProcess failed (%lu).\n", GetLastError() ); return NULL; } return π }
static void _gbz80_rgblink (void) { FILE *lnkfile; struct dbuf_s lnkFileName; char *buffer; dbuf_init (&lnkFileName, PATH_MAX); /* first we need to create the <filename>.lnk file */ dbuf_append_str (&lnkFileName, dstFileName); dbuf_append_str (&lnkFileName, ".lk"); if (!(lnkfile = fopen (dbuf_c_str (&lnkFileName), "w"))) { werror (E_FILE_OPEN_ERR, dbuf_c_str (&lnkFileName)); dbuf_destroy (&lnkFileName); exit (1); } dbuf_destroy (&lnkFileName); fprintf (lnkfile, "[Objects]\n"); fprintf (lnkfile, "%s.rel\n", dstFileName); fputStrSet (lnkfile, relFilesSet); fprintf (lnkfile, "\n[Libraries]\n"); /* additional libraries if any */ fputStrSet (lnkfile, libFilesSet); fprintf (lnkfile, "\n[Output]\n" "", dstFileName); fclose (lnkfile); buffer = buildCmdLine (port->linker.cmd, dstFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* call the linker */ if (sdcc_system (buffer)) { Safe_free (buffer); perror ("Cannot exec linker"); exit (1); } Safe_free (buffer); }
void destroy_line_list (void) { lineNode *pl; pl = genLine.lineCurr; while (pl) { lineNode *p; if (pl->line) Safe_free (pl->line); if (pl->aln) Safe_free (pl->aln); p = pl; pl = pl->prev; Safe_free (p); } genLine.lineHead = genLine.lineCurr = NULL; }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hTabDeleteAll (hTab * p) { if (p && p->table) { register int i; register hashtItem *jc, *jn; for (i = 0; i < p->size; i++) { if (!(jc = p->table[i])) continue; jn = jc->next; while (jc) { Safe_free (jc); if ((jc = jn)) jn = jc->next; } p->table[i] = NULL; } Safe_free (p->table); } }
void shash_add (hTab ** h, const char *szKey, const char *szValue) { char *val; int key = _hash (szKey); /* Find value of the item */ val = (char *)hTabFindByKey(*h, key, szKey, _compare); /* Delete any that currently exist */ hTabDeleteByKey(h, key, szKey, _compare); /* Deallocate old value in not NULL */ if (val != NULL) Safe_free(val); /* Duplicate new value if not NULL */ if (szValue != NULL) szValue = Safe_strdup(szValue); /* Now add in ours */ hTabAddItemLong (h, key, Safe_strdup (szKey), (void *)szValue); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void deleteSTEPbp () { breakp *bp; int k; Dprintf(D_break, ("break: Deleting all STEP BPs\n")); /* for break points delete if they are STEP */ for ( bp = hTabFirstItem(bptable,&k); bp ; bp = hTabNextItem(bptable,&k)) { /* if this is a step then delete */ if (bp->bpType == STEP) { hTabDeleteItem(&bptable,bp->addr,bp,DELETE_ITEM,NULL); Safe_free(bp); } } }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setUserbpCommand (int bpnum, char *cmds) { breakp *bp; int k; Dprintf(D_break, ("break: setUserbpCommand %d: commands:\n%send\n", bpnum, cmds)); for ( bp = hTabFirstItem(bptable,&k); bp ; bp = hTabNextItem(bptable,&k)) { if ((bp->bpType == USER || bp->bpType == TMPUSER ) && ( bp->bpnum == bpnum )) { if ( bp->commands ) Safe_free(bp->commands); bp->commands = cmds; return; } } fprintf(stderr,"No breakpoint number %d.\n",bpnum); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setUserbpCondition (int bpnum, char *cond) { breakp *bp; int k; Dprintf(D_break, ("break: setUserbpCondition %d: condition:'%s'\n", bpnum, cond?cond:"")); for ( bp = hTabFirstItem(bptable,&k); bp ; bp = hTabNextItem(bptable,&k)) { if ((bp->bpType == USER || bp->bpType == TMPUSER ) && ( bp->bpnum == bpnum )) { if ( bp->condition ) Safe_free(bp->condition); bp->condition = cond; return; } } fprintf(stderr,"No breakpoint number %d.\n",bpnum); }
static void _pic14_do_link (void) { /* * link command format: * {linker} {incdirs} {lflags} -o {outfile} {spec_ofiles} {ofiles} {libs} * */ #define LFRM "{linker} {incdirs} {sysincdirs} {lflags} -w -r -o {outfile} {user_ofile} {spec_ofiles} {ofiles} {libs}" hTab *linkValues = NULL; char *lcmd; set *tSet = NULL; int ret; char * procName; shash_add (&linkValues, "linker", "gplink"); /* LIBRARY SEARCH DIRS */ mergeSets (&tSet, libPathsSet); mergeSets (&tSet, libDirsSet); shash_add (&linkValues, "incdirs", joinStrSet (processStrSet (tSet, "-I", NULL, shell_escape))); joinStrSet (processStrSet (libDirsSet, "-I", NULL, shell_escape)); shash_add (&linkValues, "sysincdirs", joinStrSet (processStrSet (libDirsSet, "-I", NULL, shell_escape))); shash_add (&linkValues, "lflags", joinStrSet (linkOptionsSet)); { char *s = shell_escape (fullDstFileName ? fullDstFileName : dstFileName); shash_add (&linkValues, "outfile", s); Safe_free (s); } if (fullSrcFileName) { struct dbuf_s dbuf; char *s; dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128); dbuf_append_str (&dbuf, fullDstFileName ? fullDstFileName : dstFileName); dbuf_append (&dbuf, ".o", 2); s = shell_escape (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf)); dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); shash_add (&linkValues, "user_ofile", s); Safe_free (s); } shash_add (&linkValues, "ofiles", joinStrSet (processStrSet (relFilesSet, NULL, NULL, shell_escape))); /* LIBRARIES */ procName = processor_base_name (); if (!procName) procName = "16f877"; addSet (&libFilesSet, Safe_strdup (pic14_getPIC()->isEnhancedCore ? "libsdcce.lib" : "libsdcc.lib")); { struct dbuf_s dbuf; dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128); dbuf_append (&dbuf, "pic", sizeof ("pic") - 1); dbuf_append_str (&dbuf, procName); dbuf_append (&dbuf, ".lib", sizeof (".lib") - 1); addSet (&libFilesSet, dbuf_detach_c_str (&dbuf)); } shash_add (&linkValues, "libs", joinStrSet (processStrSet (libFilesSet, NULL, NULL, shell_escape))); lcmd = msprintf(linkValues, LFRM); ret = sdcc_system (lcmd); Safe_free (lcmd); if (ret) exit (1); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void genInline (iCode * ic) { char *buf, *bp, *begin; bool inComment = FALSE; D (emitcode (";", "genInline")); genLine.lineElement.isInline += (!options.asmpeep); buf = bp = begin = Safe_strdup (IC_INLINE (ic)); /* Emit each line as a code */ while (*bp) { switch (*bp) { case ';': inComment = TRUE; ++bp; break; case '\x87': case '\n': inComment = FALSE; *bp++ = '\0'; /* Don't emit leading whitespaces */ while (isspace (*begin)) ++begin; if (*begin) emitcode (begin, NULL); begin = bp; break; default: /* Add \n for labels, not dirs such as c:\mydir */ if (!inComment && (*bp == ':') && (isspace ((unsigned char) bp[1]))) { ++bp; *bp = '\0'; ++bp; emitcode (begin, NULL); begin = bp; } else ++bp; break; } } if (begin != bp) { /* Don't emit leading whitespaces */ while (isspace (*begin)) ++begin; if (*begin) emitcode (begin, NULL); } Safe_free (buf); /* consumed; we can free it here */ dbuf_free (IC_INLINE (ic)); genLine.lineElement.isInline -= (!options.asmpeep); }
static char * parseIvalAst (ast *node, int *inCodeSpace) { #define LEN 4096 char *buffer = NULL; char *left, *right; if (IS_AST_VALUE(node)) { value *val = AST_VALUE(node); symbol *sym = IS_AST_SYM_VALUE(node) ? AST_SYMBOL(node) : NULL; if (inCodeSpace && val->type && (IS_FUNC(val->type) || IS_CODE(getSpec(val->type)))) { *inCodeSpace = 1; } if (inCodeSpace && sym && (IS_FUNC(sym->type) || IS_CODE(getSpec(sym->type)))) { *inCodeSpace = 1; } DEBUGprintf ("%s: AST_VALUE\n", __FUNCTION__); if (IS_AST_LIT_VALUE(node)) { buffer = Safe_alloc(LEN); SNPRINTF(buffer, LEN, "0x%lx", AST_ULONG_VALUE (node)); } else if (IS_AST_SYM_VALUE(node)) { assert ( AST_SYMBOL(node) ); /* printf ("sym %s: ", AST_SYMBOL(node)->rname); printTypeChain(AST_SYMBOL(node)->type, stdout); printTypeChain(AST_SYMBOL(node)->etype, stdout); printf ("\n---sym %s: done\n", AST_SYMBOL(node)->rname); */ buffer = Safe_strdup(AST_SYMBOL(node)->rname); } else { assert ( !"Invalid values type for initializers in AST." ); } } else if (IS_AST_OP(node)) { DEBUGprintf ("%s: AST_OP\n", __FUNCTION__); switch (node->opval.op) { case CAST: assert (node->right); buffer = parseIvalAst(node->right, inCodeSpace); DEBUGprintf ("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer); break; case '&': assert ( node->left && !node->right ); buffer = parseIvalAst(node->left, inCodeSpace); DEBUGprintf ("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer); break; case '+': assert (node->left && node->right ); left = parseIvalAst(node->left, inCodeSpace); right = parseIvalAst(node->right, inCodeSpace); buffer = Safe_alloc(LEN); SNPRINTF(buffer, LEN, "(%s + %s)", left, right); DEBUGprintf ("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer); Safe_free(left); Safe_free(right); break; case '[': assert ( node->left && node->right ); assert ( IS_AST_VALUE(node->left) && AST_VALUE(node->left)->sym ); right = parseIvalAst(node->right, inCodeSpace); buffer = Safe_alloc(LEN); SNPRINTF(buffer, LEN, "(%s + %u * %s)", AST_VALUE(node->left)->sym->rname, getSize(AST_VALUE(node->left)->type), right); Safe_free(right); DEBUGprintf ("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, &buffer[0]); break; default: assert ( !"Unhandled operation in initializer." ); break; } } else { assert ( !"Invalid construct in initializer." ); } return (buffer); }
static void _setValues (void) { const char *s; struct dbuf_s dbuf; if (options.nostdlib == FALSE) { const char *s; char *path; struct dbuf_s dbuf; dbuf_init (&dbuf, PATH_MAX); for (s = setFirstItem (libDirsSet); s != NULL; s = setNextItem (libDirsSet)) { path = buildCmdLine2 ("-k\"%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "{port}\" ", s); dbuf_append_str (&dbuf, path); Safe_free (path); } path = buildCmdLine2 ("-l\"{port}.lib\"", s); dbuf_append_str (&dbuf, path); Safe_free (path); setMainValue ("z80libspec", dbuf_c_str (&dbuf)); dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); for (s = setFirstItem (libDirsSet); s != NULL; s = setNextItem (libDirsSet)) { struct stat stat_buf; path = buildCmdLine2 ("%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "{port}" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "crt0{objext}", s); if (stat (path, &stat_buf) == 0) { Safe_free (path); break; } else Safe_free (path); } if (s == NULL) setMainValue ("z80crt0", "\"crt0{objext}\""); else { struct dbuf_s dbuf; dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128); dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "\"%s\"", path); setMainValue ("z80crt0", dbuf_c_str (&dbuf)); dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); } } else { setMainValue ("z80libspec", ""); setMainValue ("z80crt0", ""); } setMainValue ("z80extralibfiles", (s = joinStrSet (libFilesSet))); Safe_free ((void *) s); setMainValue ("z80extralibpaths", (s = joinStrSet (libPathsSet))); Safe_free ((void *) s); if (IS_GB) { setMainValue ("z80outputtypeflag", "-Z"); setMainValue ("z80outext", ".gb"); } else { setMainValue ("z80outputtypeflag", "-i"); setMainValue ("z80outext", ".ihx"); } setMainValue ("stdobjdstfilename", "{dstfilename}{objext}"); setMainValue ("stdlinkdstfilename", "{dstfilename}{z80outext}"); setMainValue ("z80extraobj", (s = joinStrSet (relFilesSet))); Safe_free ((void *) s); dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128); dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "-b_CODE=0x%04X -b_DATA=0x%04X", options.code_loc, options.data_loc); setMainValue ("z80bases", dbuf_c_str (&dbuf)); dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); /* For the old register allocator (with the new one we decide to omit the frame pointer for each function individually) */ if (!IS_GB && options.omitFramePtr) port->stack.call_overhead = 2; }
static void _setValues(void) { const char *s; if (options.nostdlib == FALSE) { const char *s; char path[PATH_MAX]; struct dbuf_s dbuf; dbuf_init(&dbuf, PATH_MAX); for (s = setFirstItem(libDirsSet); s != NULL; s = setNextItem(libDirsSet)) { buildCmdLine2(path, sizeof path, "-k\"%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "{port}\" ", s); dbuf_append_str(&dbuf, path); } buildCmdLine2(path, sizeof path, "-l\"{port}.lib\"", s); dbuf_append_str(&dbuf, path); setMainValue ("z80libspec", dbuf_c_str(&dbuf)); dbuf_destroy(&dbuf); for (s = setFirstItem(libDirsSet); s != NULL; s = setNextItem(libDirsSet)) { struct stat stat_buf; buildCmdLine2(path, sizeof path, "%s" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "{port}" DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "crt0{objext}", s); if (stat(path, &stat_buf) == 0) break; } if (s == NULL) setMainValue ("z80crt0", "\"crt0{objext}\""); else { char *buf; size_t len = strlen(path) + 3; buf = Safe_alloc(len); SNPRINTF(buf, len, "\"%s\"", path); setMainValue("z80crt0", buf); Safe_free(buf); } } else { setMainValue ("z80libspec", ""); setMainValue ("z80crt0", ""); } setMainValue ("z80extralibfiles", (s = joinStrSet(libFilesSet))); Safe_free((void *)s); setMainValue ("z80extralibpaths", (s = joinStrSet(libPathsSet))); Safe_free((void *)s); if (IS_GB) { setMainValue ("z80outputtypeflag", "-Z"); setMainValue ("z80outext", ".gb"); } else { setMainValue ("z80outputtypeflag", "-i"); setMainValue ("z80outext", ".ihx"); } setMainValue ("stdobjdstfilename" , "{dstfilename}{objext}"); setMainValue ("stdlinkdstfilename", "{dstfilename}{z80outext}"); setMainValue ("z80extraobj", (s = joinStrSet(relFilesSet))); Safe_free((void *)s); sprintf (buffer, "-b_CODE=0x%04X -b_DATA=0x%04X", options.code_loc, options.data_loc); setMainValue ("z80bases", buffer); }
static int do_pragma(int id, const char *name, const char *cp) { struct pragma_token_s token; int err = 0; int processed = 1; init_pragma_token(&token); switch (id) { case P_BANK: { struct dbuf_s buffer; dbuf_init(&buffer, 128); cp = get_pragma_token(cp, &token); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_EOL: err = 1; break; case TOKEN_INT: switch (_G.asmType) { case ASM_TYPE_ASXXXX: dbuf_printf (&buffer, "CODE_%d", token.val.int_val); break; case ASM_TYPE_RGBDS: dbuf_printf (&buffer, "CODE,BANK[%d]", token.val.int_val); break; case ASM_TYPE_ISAS: /* PENDING: what to use for ISAS? */ dbuf_printf (&buffer, "CODE,BANK(%d)", token.val.int_val); break; default: wassert (0); } break; default: { const char *str = get_pragma_string (&token); dbuf_append_str (&buffer, (0 == strcmp("BASE", str)) ? "HOME" : str); } break; } cp = get_pragma_token (cp, &token); if (TOKEN_EOL != token.type) { err = 1; break; } dbuf_c_str (&buffer); /* ugly, see comment in src/port.h (borutr) */ gbz80_port.mem.code_name = dbuf_detach (&buffer); code->sname = gbz80_port.mem.code_name; options.code_seg = (char *)gbz80_port.mem.code_name; } break; case P_PORTMODE: { /*.p.t.20030716 - adding pragma to manipulate z80 i/o port addressing modes */ const char *str; cp = get_pragma_token (cp, &token); if (TOKEN_EOL == token.type) { err = 1; break; } str = get_pragma_string (&token); cp = get_pragma_token (cp, &token); if (TOKEN_EOL != token.type) { err = 1; break; } if (!strcmp(str, "z80")) { z80_opts.port_mode = 80; } else if(!strcmp(str, "z180")) { z80_opts.port_mode = 180; } else if(!strcmp(str, "save")) { z80_opts.port_back = z80_opts.port_mode; } else if(!strcmp(str, "restore" )) { z80_opts.port_mode = z80_opts.port_back; } else err = 1; } break; case P_CODESEG: case P_CONSTSEG: { char *segname; cp = get_pragma_token (cp, &token); if (token.type == TOKEN_EOL) { err = 1; break; } segname = Safe_strdup (get_pragma_string(&token)); cp = get_pragma_token (cp, &token); if (token.type != TOKEN_EOL) { Safe_free (segname); err = 1; break; } if (id == P_CODESEG) { if (options.code_seg) Safe_free(options.code_seg); options.code_seg = segname; } else { if (options.const_seg) Safe_free(options.const_seg); options.const_seg = segname; } } break; default: processed = 0; break; } get_pragma_token(cp, &token); if (1 == err) werror(W_BAD_PRAGMA_ARGUMENTS, name); free_pragma_token(&token); return processed; }