Exemplo n.º 1
void testApp::setup(){

    ofSoundStreamSetup(2, 0, this, 44100, 256, 4);
    // create a new oscillator which we'll use for the actual audio signal
    // create a sine wave we'll use for some vibrato
    float frequency = 440;
    Generator tone = SawtoothWave().freq(frequency);
//    tone = LPF12().input(tone).Q(100).cutoff(frequency*2 + SineWave().freq(30) * 1.5 * frequency);
//    tone = LPF12().input(tone).Q(100).cutoff(frequency*2 + SawtoothWave().freq(30) * 1.5 * frequency);
//    tone = LPF12().input(tone).Q(100).cutoff(frequency*2 + SquareWave().freq(30) * 1.5 * frequency);
    tone = LPF12().input(tone).Q(100).cutoff(frequency*2 + RectWave().freq(30) * 1.5 * frequency);
    ControlGenerator envelopeTrigger = synth.addParameter("trigger");
    Generator env = ADSR().attack(0.001).decay(0.5).sustain(0).release(0).trigger(envelopeTrigger).legato(true);
    Generator output = tone * env;
    // set the synth's final output generator
    synth.setOutputGen( output );
Exemplo n.º 2
void ofApp::setup(){
	//makes audio go out of openframeworks

	//these will be the nods and we name them.
	ControlGenerator midiNote= 
	//convert a midi note to a frequincy
	ControlGenerator noteFreq = ControlMidiToFreq().input(midiNote);
	Generator tone = SawtoothWave().freq(noteFreq);
	//create a tone
	tone= LPF12().input(tone).Q(2).cutoff((noteFreq*2) +SineWave().freq(3) *0.5* noteFreq);

	ControlGenerator envelopeTrigger = synth.addParameter("trigger");
	Generator toneWithEnvelope =  tone * ADSR().attack(0.01).decay(1.5).sustain(0).release(0).trigger(envelopeTrigger).legato(true);

	Generator toneWithDelay= StereoDelay(0.5,.7).input(toneWithEnvelope).wetLevel(0.1).feedback(0.2);

//	arduino bit
	ard.connect("COM4", 57600);
	ofAddListener(ard.EInitialized, this, &ofApp::setupArd);
Exemplo n.º 3
void lineOsc::setup(int _gridResolutionX, int _gridResolutionY, int _size, ofPoint _center) {
    gridResolutionX = _gridResolutionX;
    gridResolutionY = _gridResolutionY;
    size = _size;
    center = _center;
    vector<ofColor> palette;
    palette.push_back(ofColor(156, 205, 201));
    palette.push_back(ofColor(248, 177, 113));
    palette.push_back(ofColor(233, 158, 137));
    palette.push_back(ofColor(214, 115, 109));
    palette.push_back(ofColor(243, 220, 189));
    palette.push_back(ofColor(192, 49, 55));
    int xSpacing = size / gridResolutionX;
    int ySpacing = size / gridResolutionY;
    for(int x = 0; x <= gridResolutionX; x++) {
        lineObj lo;
        lo.start.set(center.x - size / 2, x * xSpacing + (center.x - size / 2));
        lo.end.set(center.x + size / 2, x * xSpacing + (center.x - size / 2));
        lo.position = lo.start;
        lo.fillColor.set(palette[(int) ofRandom(palette.size())]);
        lo.frequency = ofRandom(MIN_FREQUENCY, MAX_FREQUENCY) + ofRandom(200);
        lo.playing = false;
        lo.playCounter = PLAY_DURATION;
    for(int y = 0; y <= gridResolutionY; y++) {
        lineObj lo;
        lo.start.set(y * ySpacing + (center.y - size / 2) + 0.5, center.y - size / 2);
        lo.end.set(y * ySpacing + (center.y - size / 2) + 0.5, center.y + size / 2);
        lo.position = lo.start;
        lo.fillColor.set(palette[(int) ofRandom(palette.size())]);
        lo.frequency = ofRandom(MIN_FREQUENCY, MAX_FREQUENCY);
        lo.playing = false;
        lo.playCounter = PLAY_DURATION;
    ControlGenerator midiNote = synth.addParameter("midiNumber");
    ControlGenerator noteFreq =  ControlMidiToFreq().input(midiNote);
    Generator tone = SawtoothWave().freq( noteFreq );
    tone = LPF12().input(tone).Q(10).cutoff(noteFreq * 2);
    ControlGenerator envelopeTrigger = synth.addParameter("trigger");
    Generator toneWithEnvelope = 0.05 * tone * ADSR().attack(0.02).decay(0.2).sustain(0).release(0).trigger(envelopeTrigger);//.legato(true);
    synth.setOutputGen( toneWithEnvelope );
    stringColor.set(150, 150, 150);