int gw_action_binding() { Scierror(999, _("Scilab '%s' module not installed.\n"), "action_binding"); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int C2F(sci_who)(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len) { static int l1,n1,m1; struct VariableStruct *GlobalVariables = NULL; struct VariableStruct *LocalVariables = NULL; int NbrVarsGlobal=0; int NbrVarsLocal=0; Rhs=Max(0,Rhs); CheckRhs(0,2); CheckLhs(0,2); SetVariablesStructs(&GlobalVariables,&NbrVarsGlobal,&LocalVariables,&NbrVarsLocal); if (Rhs == 0) /* who() */ { NoRhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,FALSE); } else if (Rhs == 1) /* who('get') or who('global') or who('sorted')*/ { if (GetType(1) == sci_strings) { char *Param1String=NULL; GetRhsVar(1,STRING_DATATYPE,&m1,&n1,&l1); Param1String=cstk(l1); if ( (strcmp(Param1String,"get")==0) || (strcmp(Param1String,"local")==0) || (strcmp(Param1String,"global")==0) || (strcmp(Param1String,"sorted")==0) ) { if (strcmp(Param1String,"sorted")==0) { NoRhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,TRUE); } else if (strcmp(Param1String,"global")==0) { if (Lhs == 1) { OneLhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,FALSE); } else /* Lhs == 2 */ { TwoLhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,FALSE); } } else /* get or local */ { if (Lhs == 1) { OneLhs(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,FALSE); } else /* Lhs == 2 */ { TwoLhs(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,FALSE); } } } else { FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s' expected.\n"),fname, 1, "local" , "get" , "global", "sorted"); return 0; } } else { FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s'.\n"),fname, 1, "local", "get", "global", "sorted"); return 0; } } else if (Rhs == 2) /* who('get','sorted') or who('global','sorted') */ { if ( (GetType(1) == sci_strings) && (GetType(2) == sci_strings) ) { char *Param1String=NULL; char *Param2String=NULL; GetRhsVar(1,STRING_DATATYPE,&m1,&n1,&l1); Param1String=cstk(l1); GetRhsVar(2,STRING_DATATYPE,&m1,&n1,&l1); Param2String=cstk(l1); if (strcmp(Param2String,"sorted")) { FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s' expected.\n"),fname, 2, "sorted"); return 0; } else { if ( (strcmp(Param1String,"get")==0) || (strcmp(Param1String,"local")==0) || (strcmp(Param1String,"global")==0) ) { if (strcmp(Param1String,"global")==0) { if (Lhs == 1) { OneLhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,TRUE); } else /* Lhs == 2 */ { TwoLhs(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal,TRUE); } } else /* get or local */ { if (Lhs == 1) { OneLhs(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,TRUE); } else /* Lhs == 2 */ { TwoLhs(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal,TRUE); } } } else { FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s' or '%s'.\n"),fname,1,"local","get","global"); return 0; } } } else { FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s', '%s' expected. Input argument #%d must be '%s'.\n"),fname,1, "local","get","global","sorted"); return 0; } } FreeVariableStructArray(GlobalVariables,NbrVarsGlobal); FreeVariableStructArray(LocalVariables,NbrVarsLocal); return 0; }
/* setgrayplot(pobj,cstk(l2), &l3, &numrow3, &numcol3, fname) */ int setgrayplotdata( char* pobjUID, AssignedList * tlist ) { BOOL result; int nbRow[3]; int nbCol[3]; int gridSize[4]; double * pvecx = NULL; double * pvecy = NULL; double * pvecz = NULL; pvecx = getDoubleMatrixFromList(tlist, 2, &nbRow[0], &nbCol[0]); pvecy = getDoubleMatrixFromList(tlist, 3, &nbRow[1], &nbCol[1]); pvecz = getDoubleMatrixFromList(tlist, 4, &nbRow[2], &nbCol[2]); if ( nbCol[0] != 1 || nbCol[1] != 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Columns vectors expected.\n"),"Tlist",1); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( nbRow[2] != nbRow[0] || nbCol[2] != nbRow[1] ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d: Incompatible length.\n"),"Tlist",3); /* Was previously: */ #if 0 Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d: Incompatible length.\n"),"Tlist","Tlist",3); #endif return 0; } if ( nbRow[0] * nbCol[0] == 0 || nbRow[1] * nbCol[1] == 0 || nbRow[2] * nbCol[2] == 0 ) { return sciReturnEmptyMatrix(); } /* * Update the x and y vectors dimensions * These vectors are column ones */ gridSize[0] = nbRow[0]; gridSize[1] = 1; gridSize[2] = nbRow[1]; gridSize[3] = 1; /* Resizes the coordinates arrays if required */ result = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_GRID_SIZE__, gridSize, jni_int_vector, 4); if (result == FALSE) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "setgrayplotdata"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_X__, pvecx, jni_double_vector, nbRow[0]); setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Y__, pvecy, jni_double_vector, nbRow[1]); setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Z__, pvecz, jni_double_vector, nbRow[2]*nbCol[2]); return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED; }
/* ==================================================================== */ int sci_edf_set_digital_minimum(char *fname) { SciErr sciErr; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; int* piLenVarOne = NULL; double *pdVarOne = NULL; int iType1 = 0; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; double *pdVarTwo = NULL; int iType2 = 0; int m3 = 0, n3 = 0; int *piAddressVarThree = NULL; double *pdVarThree = NULL; int iType3 = 0; int m_out = 0, n_out = 0; double *dOut = NULL; int i; int handle; /* --> result = csum(3,8) /* check that we have only 2 parameters input */ /* check that we have only 1 parameters output */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx,3,3) ; CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx,1,1) ; /* get Address of inputs */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddressVarThree); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* check input type */ sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( iType1 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A integer expected.\n",fname,1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &iType2); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( iType2 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A double expected.\n",fname,2); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &iType3); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( iType3 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A double expected.\n",fname,3); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne,&m1,&n1,&pdVarOne); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo,&m2,&n2,&pdVarTwo); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree,&m3,&n3,&pdVarThree); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* check size */ if ( (m1 != 1) || (n1 != 1) ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n",fname,1); return 0; } if ( (m2 !=1) || (n2 !=1) ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n",fname,2); return 0; } if ( (m3 !=1) || (n3 !=1) ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n",fname,2); return 0; } if ((int)pdVarTwo[0]<1){ Scierror(999,"The parameter edfsignal must be at least 1 !\n"); return 0; } /* call c function csum */ // csum(&pdVarOne[0],&pdVarTwo[0],&dOut); if ( edf_set_digital_minimum((int)pdVarOne[0], (int)pdVarTwo[0]-1 , pdVarThree[0]) <0) { Scierror(999,"Could not write digital minimum\n"); return 0; } m_out = 1; n_out = 1; dOut = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * m_out*n_out); // CreateVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m_out, &n_out, &dout); dOut[0]=0; /* create result on stack */ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, m_out, n_out, dOut); free(dOut); AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx,1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; /* This function put on scilab stack, the lhs variable which are at the position lhs(i) on calling stack */ /* You need to add PutLhsVar here because WITHOUT_ADD_PUTLHSVAR was defined and equal to %t */ /* without this, you do not need to add PutLhsVar here */ ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_mputstr(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0, l2 = 0; int l3 = 0; int err = 0; int one = 1; int fd = ALL_FILES_DESCRIPTOR; Nbvars = 0 ; CheckRhs(1, 2); CheckLhs(1, 1); /* checking variable file */ if (GetType(1) == sci_strings) { GetRhsVar(1, STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1); } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if ( Rhs >= 2) { if (GetType(2) == sci_matrix) { GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m2, &n2, &l2); if (m2*n2 == 1) { fd = *istk(l2); } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: An integer expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } } CreateVar(Rhs + 1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &one, &one, &l3); C2F(mputstr)(&fd, cstk(l1), stk(l3), &err); if (err > 0) { SciError(10000); return 0; } LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_logflags_arg(char *fname,int pos,rhs_opts opts[], char ** logFlags ) { int m,n,l,first_opt=FirstOpt(),kopt; if (pos < first_opt) /* regular argument */ { if (VarType(pos)) { GetRhsVar(pos,STRING_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l); if ((m * n != 2)&&(m * n != 3)) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d or %d expected\n",fname, pos, 2, 3); return 0; } if (m * n == 2) { if ((*cstk(l)!='l'&&*cstk(l)!='n')||(*cstk(l+1)!='l'&&*cstk(l+1)!='n')) { Err=pos; SciError(116); return 0; } logFlagsCpy[0]='g'; logFlagsCpy[1]=*cstk(l); logFlagsCpy[2]=*cstk(l+1) ; *logFlags = logFlagsCpy ; } else { if (((*cstk(l)!='g')&&(*cstk(l)!='e')&&(*cstk(l)!='o')) || (*cstk(l+1)!='l'&&*cstk(l+1)!='n') || (*cstk(l+2)!='l'&&*cstk(l+2)!='n')) { Err=pos; SciError(116); return 0; } *logFlags = cstk(l) ; } } else /* zero type argument --> default value */ { *logFlags = getDefLogFlags() ; } } else if ((kopt=FindOpt("logflag",opts))) { /* named argument: style=value */ GetRhsVar(kopt,STRING_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l); if ((m * n != 2)&&(m * n != 3)) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d or %d expected\n",fname, kopt, 2, 3); return 0; } if (m * n == 2) { if ((*cstk(l)!='l'&&*cstk(l)!='n')||(*cstk(l+1)!='l'&&*cstk(l+1)!='n')) { Err=kopt; SciError(116); return 0; } logFlagsCpy[0]='g'; logFlagsCpy[1]=*cstk(l); logFlagsCpy[2]=*cstk(l+1) ; *logFlags = logFlagsCpy ; } else { if (((*cstk(l)!='g')&&(*cstk(l)!='e')&&(*cstk(l)!='o')) || (*cstk(l+1)!='l'&&*cstk(l+1)!='n') || (*cstk(l+2)!='l'&&*cstk(l+2)!='n')) { Err=kopt; SciError(116); return 0; } *logFlags = cstk(l) ; } } else /* unspecified argument --> default value */ { *logFlags = getDefLogFlags() ; } return 1; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_callblk(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { /* auxilary variables -dimension and address- * for scilab stack variables */ int *il1 = NULL; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int *il2_1 = NULL; int m2_1 = 0, n2_1 = 0; int *il2 = NULL; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int *il3 = NULL; int m3 = 0, n3 = 0; /* local variable */ int len_str = 0; char *str = NULL; int ierr = 0, ret = 0; int j = 0; int TopSave = 0; int l_tmp = 0; /* length of the scilab list scicos struct */ int nblklst = 41; /* variable for callf */ scicos_flag flag = 0; double t = 0.; scicos_block Block; memset(&Block, 0, sizeof(scicos_block)); /* check number of rhs/lhs param */ CheckRhs(3, 3); CheckLhs(1, 1); /* check rhs 1 (input scilab structure) */ il1 = (int *) GetData(1); m1 = il1[1]; n1 = il1[2]; if (il1[0] != 16) { Scierror(888, _("%s : First argument must be a scicos_block typed list.\n"), fname); return 0; } il2_1 = (int *) (listentry(il1, 1)); m2_1 = il2_1[1]; n2_1 = il2_1[2]; if ((il2_1[0] != 10) || ((m2_1 * n2_1) != nblklst)) { Scierror(888, _("%s : First argument must be a valid scicos_block typed list.\n"), fname); return 0; } len_str = il2_1[5] - 1; if (len_str != 0) { if ((str = (char *) MALLOC((len_str + 1) * sizeof(char))) == NULL) { Scierror(888, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } str[len_str] = '\0'; C2F(cvstr)(&len_str, &il2_1[5 + nblklst], str, (j = 1, &j), len_str); ret = strcmp("scicos_block", str); FREE(str); if (ret != 0) { Scierror(888, _("%s : First argument must be a valid scicos_block typed list.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { Scierror(888, _("%s : First argument must be a valid scicos_block typed list.\n"), fname); return 0; } /* convert scilab scicos struct to a C scicos struct */ ret = extractblklist(il1, &Block, &ierr); /* error table */ switch (ierr) { case -39 : Scierror(888, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); break; case 98 : Scierror(888, _("%s : First argument must be a valid scicos_block typed list.\n"), fname); break; default: break; } if (ierr != 0) { FREE(Block.z); FREE(Block.ozsz); FREE(Block.oztyp); for (j = 0; j < Block.noz; j++) { FREE(Block.ozptr[j]); } FREE(Block.ozptr); FREE(Block.x); FREE(Block.xd); FREE(Block.xprop); FREE(Block.res); FREE(Block.insz); for (j = 0; j < Block.nin; j++) { FREE(Block.inptr[j]); } FREE(Block.inptr); FREE(Block.outsz); for (j = 0; j < Block.nout; j++) { FREE(Block.outptr[j]); } FREE(Block.outptr); FREE(Block.evout); FREE(Block.rpar); FREE(Block.ipar); FREE(Block.oparsz); FREE(Block.opartyp); for (j = 0; j < Block.nopar; j++) { FREE(Block.oparptr[j]); } FREE(Block.oparptr); FREE(Block.g); FREE(Block.jroot); if (strlen(Block.label) != 0) { FREE(Block.label); } FREE(Block.mode); if (strlen(Block.uid) != 0) { FREE(Block.uid); } return 0; } /* check rhs 2 (flag) */ il2 = (int *) GetData(2); m2 = il2[1]; n2 = il2[2]; if ((il2[0] != 1) || (m2 * n2 != 1)) { Scierror(888, _("%s : Second argument must be scalar.\n"), fname); return 0; } flag = (scicos_flag) * ((double *)(&il2[4])); /* check rhs 3 (time) */ il3 = (int *) GetData(3); m3 = il3[1]; n3 = il3[2]; if ((il3[0] != 1) || (m3 * n3 != 1)) { Scierror(888, _("%s : Third argument must be scalar.\n"), fname); return 0; } t = *((double *)(&il3[4])); /* call block */ callf(&t, &Block, &flag); /* build output scilab structure */ TopSave = Top; ierr = createblklist(&Block, &ierr, -1, Block.type); FREE(Block.z); FREE(Block.ozsz); FREE(Block.oztyp); for (j = 0; j < Block.noz; j++) { FREE(Block.ozptr[j]); } FREE(Block.ozptr); FREE(Block.x); FREE(Block.xd); FREE(Block.res); FREE(Block.insz); for (j = 0; j < Block.nin; j++) { FREE(Block.inptr[j]); } FREE(Block.inptr); FREE(Block.outsz); for (j = 0; j < Block.nout; j++) { FREE(Block.outptr[j]); } FREE(Block.outptr); FREE(Block.evout); FREE(Block.rpar); FREE(Block.ipar); FREE(Block.oparsz); FREE(Block.opartyp); for (j = 0; j < Block.nopar; j++) { FREE(Block.oparptr[j]); } FREE(Block.oparptr); FREE(Block.g); FREE(Block.jroot); if (strlen(Block.label) != 0) { FREE(Block.label); } FREE(Block.mode); if (Block.uid != NULL && strlen(Block.uid) != 0) { FREE(Block.uid); } Top = TopSave; CreateVar(4, TYPED_LIST_DATATYPE, &nblklst, (j = 1, &j), &l_tmp); LhsVar(1) = 4; PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_gsort(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { types::Double* pDblInd = NULL; std::wstring wstrWay = L"d"; std::wstring wstrProcess = L"g"; if (in.size() < 1 || in.size() > 3) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "gsort", 1, 3); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount > 2) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "gsort", 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } /***** get data and perform operation *****/ if (in.size() == 3) // get Direction { if (in[2]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A string expected.\n"), "gsort", 3); return types::Function::Error; } wstrWay = in[2]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0); if (wstrWay != L"i" && wstrWay != L"d") { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ['i' 'd'] expected.\n"), "gsort", 3); return types::Function::Error; } } if (in.size() >= 2) // get Option { if (in[1]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A string expected.\n"), "gsort", 2); return types::Function::Error; } wstrProcess = in[1]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0); if ( wstrProcess != L"c" && wstrProcess != L"r" && wstrProcess != L"g" && wstrProcess != L"lc" && wstrProcess != L"lr") { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ['g' 'r' 'c' 'lc' 'lr'] expected.\n"), "gsort", 2); return types::Function::Error; } } // get data and perform operation for each types:: if (in[0]->isGenericType() == false) { ast::ExecVisitor exec; std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } types::GenericType* pGTOut = in[0]->getAs<types::GenericType>(); if (pGTOut->getDims() > 2) { ast::ExecVisitor exec; return Overload::call(L"%hm_gsort", in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } if (_iRetCount == 2) { int iRowsInd = (wstrProcess == L"lc") ? 1 : pGTOut->getRows(); int iColsInd = (wstrProcess == L"lr") ? 1 : pGTOut->getCols(); pDblInd = new types::Double(iRowsInd, iColsInd); } if (in[0]->isDouble()) // double { types::Double* pDblIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>(); // doc says : "With complex numbers, gsort can be overloaded" if (pDblIn->isComplex() && symbol::Context::getInstance()->getFunction(symbol::Symbol(L"%_gsort"))) { if (_iRetCount == 2) { delete pDblInd; } ast::ExecVisitor exec; return Overload::call(L"%_gsort", in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } types::Double* pDblOut = gsort(pDblIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pDblOut); } else if (in[0]->isSparse()) // sparse { if (_iRetCount == 2) { delete pDblInd; } ast::ExecVisitor exec; std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } else if (in[0]->isString()) // string { types::String* pStringIn = in[0]->getAs<types::String>(); types::String* pStringOut = gsort(pStringIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pStringOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt8()) // int { types::Int8* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int8>(); types::Int8* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt16()) { types::Int16* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int16>(); types::Int16* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt32()) { types::Int32* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int32>(); types::Int32* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt64()) { types::Int64* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int64>(); types::Int64* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt8()) // uint { types::UInt8* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt8>(); types::UInt8* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt16()) { types::UInt16* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt16>(); types::UInt16* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt32()) { types::UInt32* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt32>(); types::UInt32* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt64()) { types::UInt64* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt64>(); types::UInt64* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else { ast::ExecVisitor exec; std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } /***** set result *****/ if (_iRetCount == 2) { out.push_back(pDblInd); } return types::Function::OK; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gw_umfpack(void) { Scierror(999, _("Scilab UMFPACK module not installed.\n")); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_TCL_GetVersion(char *fname, unsigned long l) { static int l1, n1, m1; int major = 0; int minor = 0; int patchLevel = 0; int type = 0; char *output = NULL ; char VersionString[256]; char ReleaseType[256]; CheckRhs(0, 1); CheckLhs(1, 1); Tcl_GetVersion(&major, &minor, &patchLevel, &type); if (Rhs == 0) { switch (type) { case TCL_ALPHA_RELEASE: strcpy(ReleaseType, _("Alpha Release")); break; case TCL_BETA_RELEASE: strcpy(ReleaseType, _("Beta Release")); break; case TCL_FINAL_RELEASE: strcpy(ReleaseType, _("Final Release")); break; default: strcpy(ReleaseType, _("Unknown Release")); break; } sprintf(VersionString, "TCL/TK %d.%d.%d %s", major, minor, patchLevel, ReleaseType); output = strdup(VersionString); n1 = 1; m1 = (int)strlen(output); CreateVarFromPtr(Rhs + 1, STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &output); if (output) { FREE(output); output = NULL; } LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; PutLhsVar(); } else { if (GetType(1) == sci_strings) { char *Param = NULL; GetRhsVar(1, STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1); Param = cstk(l1); if (strcmp(Param, "numbers") == 0) { int *VERSIONMATRIX = NULL; VERSIONMATRIX = (int *)MALLOC( (4) * sizeof(int) ); VERSIONMATRIX[0] = (int)major; VERSIONMATRIX[1] = (int)minor; VERSIONMATRIX[2] = (int)patchLevel; VERSIONMATRIX[3] = (int)type; m1 = 1; n1 = 4; CreateVarFromPtr(Rhs + 1, MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1 , &VERSIONMATRIX); if (VERSIONMATRIX) { FREE(VERSIONMATRIX); VERSIONMATRIX = NULL; } LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; PutLhsVar(); } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 1, "numbers"); } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"), fname, 1); } } return 0; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_xtics_coord_property(void* _pvCtx, char* pobjUID, size_t stackPointer, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol ) { BOOL status = FALSE; int N = 0; double * vector = NULL; char c_format[5]; int iXNumberTicks = 0; int* piXNumberTicks = &iXNumberTicks; char** stringVector = NULL; double* coordsVector = NULL; int iTicksStyle = 0; int* piTicksStyle = &iTicksStyle; char ticksStyle = 0; if ( !( valueType == sci_matrix ) ) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong type for '%s' property: Real matrix expected.\n"), "xtics_coord"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( nbRow != 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: Row vector expected.\n"), "xtics_coord"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } getGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_X_NUMBER_TICKS__, jni_int, (void**)&piXNumberTicks); if (piXNumberTicks == NULL) { Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "xtics_coord"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( iXNumberTicks == 1 && nbCol != 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: Scalar expected.\n"), "xtics_coord"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( iXNumberTicks != 1 && nbCol == 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: At least %d elements expected.\n"), "xtics_coord", 2); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } /* what follows remains here as it was */ coordsVector = createCopyDoubleVectorFromStack( stackPointer, nbCol ); status = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_X_TICKS_COORDS__, coordsVector, jni_double_vector, nbCol); if (status == FALSE) { FREE(coordsVector); Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "xtics_coord"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } FREE(coordsVector); getGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_TICKS_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**)&piTicksStyle); if (iTicksStyle == 0) { ticksStyle = 'v'; } else if (iTicksStyle == 1) { ticksStyle = 'r'; } else if (iTicksStyle == 2) { ticksStyle = 'i'; } if (ComputeXIntervals( pobjUID, ticksStyle, &vector, &N, 0 ) != 0) { /* Something wrong happened */ FREE( vector ); return -1; } if (ComputeC_format( pobjUID, c_format ) != 0) { /* Something wrong happened */ FREE( vector ); return -1; } stringVector = copyFormatedArray( vector, N, c_format, 256 ); status = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_TICKS_LABELS__, stringVector, jni_string_vector, N); FREE( vector ); destroyStringArray(stringVector, N); if (status == TRUE) { return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED; } else { return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_cumprod(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { types::Double* pDblIn = NULL; types::Double* pDblOut = NULL; types::Polynom* pPolyIn = NULL; types::Polynom* pPolyOut = NULL; int iOrientation = 0; int iOuttype = 1; // 1 = native | 2 = double (type of output value) if (in.size() < 1 || in.size() > 3) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "cumprod", 1, 3); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount > 1) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "cumprod", 1); return types::Function::Error; } bool isCloned = true; /***** get data *****/ switch (in[0]->getType()) { case InternalType::ScilabDouble : pDblIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>(); isCloned = false; break; case InternalType::ScilabBool: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Bool>()); iOuttype = 2; break; case InternalType::ScilabPolynom : pPolyIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Polynom>(); isCloned = false; break; case InternalType::ScilabInt8: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int8>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabInt16: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int16>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabInt32: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int32>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabInt64: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::Int64>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabUInt8: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt8>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabUInt16: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt16>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabUInt32: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt32>()); break; case InternalType::ScilabUInt64: pDblIn = getAsDouble(in[0]->getAs<types::UInt64>()); break; default : ast::ExecVisitor exec; std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_cumprod"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out, &exec); } if (in.size() >= 2) { if (in[1]->isDouble()) { types::Double* pDbl = in[1]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDbl->isScalar() == false) { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A positive scalar expected.\n"), "cumprod", 2); return types::Function::Error; } iOrientation = static_cast<int>(pDbl->get(0)); if (iOrientation <= 0) { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A positive scalar expected.\n"), "cumprod", 2); return types::Function::Error; } } else if (in[1]->isString()) { types::String* pStr = in[1]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pStr->isScalar() == false) { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar string expected.\n"), "cumprod", 2); return types::Function::Error; } wchar_t* wcsString = pStr->get(0); if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"*") == 0) { iOrientation = 0; } else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"r") == 0) { iOrientation = 1; } else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"c") == 0) { iOrientation = 2; } else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"m") == 0) { int iDims = 0; int* piDimsArray = NULL; if (pDblIn) { iDims = pDblIn->getDims(); piDimsArray = pDblIn->getDimsArray(); } else { iDims = pPolyIn->getDims(); piDimsArray = pPolyIn->getDimsArray(); } // old function was "mtlsel" for (int i = 0; i < iDims; i++) { if (piDimsArray[i] > 1) { iOrientation = i + 1; break; } } } else if ((wcscmp(wcsString, L"native") == 0) && (in.size() == 2)) { iOuttype = 1; } else if ((wcscmp(wcsString, L"double") == 0) && (in.size() == 2)) { iOuttype = 2; } else { const char* pstrExpected = NULL; if (in.size() == 2) { pstrExpected = "\"*\",\"r\",\"c\",\"m\",\"native\",\"double\""; } else { pstrExpected = "\"*\",\"r\",\"c\",\"m\""; } if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"), "cumprod", 2, pstrExpected); return types::Function::Error; } } else { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix or a string expected.\n"), "cumprod", 2); return types::Function::Error; } } if (in.size() == 3) { if (in[2]->isString() == false) { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "cumprod", 3); return types::Function::Error; } types::String* pStr = in[2]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pStr->isScalar() == false) { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar string expected.\n"), "cumprod", 3); return types::Function::Error; } wchar_t* wcsString = pStr->get(0); if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"native") == 0) { iOuttype = 1; } else if (wcscmp(wcsString, L"double") == 0) { iOuttype = 2; } else { if (isCloned) { pDblIn->killMe(); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: %s or %s expected.\n"), "cumprod", 3, "\"native\"", "\"double\""); return types::Function::Error; } } /***** perform operation *****/ if (pDblIn) { if (iOrientation > pDblIn->getDims()) { if (in[0]->isDouble()) { pDblOut = pDblIn->clone()->getAs<types::Double>(); } else { pDblOut = pDblIn; } if (in[0]->isBool() == false) { iOuttype = 2; } } else { pDblOut = new types::Double(pDblIn->getDims(), pDblIn->getDimsArray(), pDblIn->isComplex()); cumprod(pDblIn, iOrientation, pDblOut); if (isCloned) { delete pDblIn; pDblIn = NULL; } } } else if (pPolyIn) { iOuttype = 1; if (iOrientation > pPolyIn->getDims()) { pPolyOut = pPolyIn->clone()->getAs<types::Polynom>(); } else { pPolyOut = new types::Polynom(pPolyIn->getVariableName(), pPolyIn->getDims(), pPolyIn->getDimsArray()); pPolyOut->setComplex(pPolyIn->isComplex()); cumprod(pPolyIn, iOrientation, pPolyOut); } } /***** set result *****/ if ((iOuttype == 1) && (in[0]->isDouble() == false)) { switch (in[0]->getType()) { case InternalType::ScilabBool: { types::Bool* pB = new types::Bool(pDblOut->getDims(), pDblOut->getDimsArray()); int* p = pB->get(); double* pd = pDblOut->get(); int size = pB->getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { p[i] = pd[i] != 0 ? 1 : 0; } out.push_back(pB); break; } case InternalType::ScilabPolynom: { out.push_back(pPolyOut); break; } case InternalType::ScilabInt8: { out.push_back(toInt<types::Int8>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabInt16: { out.push_back(toInt<types::Int16>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabInt32: { out.push_back(toInt<types::Int32>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabInt64: { out.push_back(toInt<types::Int64>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabUInt8: { out.push_back(toInt<types::UInt8>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabUInt16: { out.push_back(toInt<types::UInt16>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabUInt32: { out.push_back(toInt<types::UInt32>(pDblOut)); break; } case InternalType::ScilabUInt64: { out.push_back(toInt<types::UInt64>(pDblOut)); break; } } if (pDblOut) { delete pDblOut; } } else { out.push_back(pDblOut); } return types::Function::OK; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_gsort(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { // In all cases, to later test in[0]: if (in.size() < 1) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): At least %d expected.\n"), "gsort", 1); return types::Function::Error; } // The maximal number of input args may depend on the input data type, due to specific options // // Special cases // if (in[0]->isGenericType() == false) { // custom types std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } types::GenericType* pGTIn = in[0]->getAs<types::GenericType>(); if (pGTIn->getDims() > 2) { // hypermatrix return Overload::call(L"%hm_gsort", in, _iRetCount, out); } if (pGTIn->isSparse()) { // sparse std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } if (pGTIn->isComplex() && symbol::Context::getInstance()->getFunction(symbol::Symbol(L"%_gsort"))) { // complex is documented as being managed through overloading std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } // // Common case // if (in.size() > 3) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "gsort", 1, 3); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount > 2) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "gsort", 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } // Get the sorting order std::wstring wstrWay = L"d"; if (in.size() > 2) { if (in[2]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : string expected.\n"), "gsort", 3); return types::Function::Error; } wstrWay = in[2]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0); if (wstrWay != L"i" && wstrWay != L"d") { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: %s expected.\n"), "gsort", 3, "'i'|'d'"); return types::Function::Error; } } // Get the sorting method std::wstring wstrProcess = L"g"; if (in.size() >= 2) { if (in[1]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : string expected.\n"), "gsort", 2); return types::Function::Error; } wstrProcess = in[1]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0); if ( wstrProcess != L"c" && wstrProcess != L"r" && wstrProcess != L"g" && wstrProcess != L"lc" && wstrProcess != L"lr") { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ['g' 'r' 'c' 'lc' 'lr'] expected.\n"), "gsort", 2); return types::Function::Error; } } // Get data and perform operation for each types:: types::Double* pDblInd = NULL; if (_iRetCount == 2) { int iRowsInd = (wstrProcess == L"lc") ? 1 : pGTIn->getRows(); int iColsInd = (wstrProcess == L"lr") ? 1 : pGTIn->getCols(); pDblInd = new types::Double(iRowsInd, iColsInd); } if (in[0]->isDouble()) // double { types::Double* pDblIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>(); types::Double* pDblOut = gsort(pDblIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pDblOut); } else if (in[0]->isString()) // string { types::String* pStringIn = in[0]->getAs<types::String>(); types::String* pStringOut = gsort(pStringIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pStringOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt8()) // int { types::Int8* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int8>(); types::Int8* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt16()) { types::Int16* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int16>(); types::Int16* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt32()) { types::Int32* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int32>(); types::Int32* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isInt64()) { types::Int64* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Int64>(); types::Int64* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt8()) // uint { types::UInt8* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt8>(); types::UInt8* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt16()) { types::UInt16* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt16>(); types::UInt16* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt32()) { types::UInt32* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt32>(); types::UInt32* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else if (in[0]->isUInt64()) { types::UInt64* pIIn = in[0]->getAs<types::UInt64>(); types::UInt64* pIOut = gsort(pIIn, pDblInd, wstrWay, wstrProcess); out.push_back(pIOut); } else // Other generic data types not supported { std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_gsort"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } // Returns indices when requested if (_iRetCount == 2) { out.push_back(pDblInd); } return types::Function::OK; }
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_fieldnames(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { if (in.size() != 1) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "fieldnames", 1); return types::Function::Error; } // FIXME : iso-functionnal to Scilab < 6 // Works on other types except userType, {m,t}list and struct if (in[0]->isStruct() == false && in[0]->isMList() == false && in[0]->isTList() == false && in[0]->isUserType() == false) { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); return types::Function::OK; } // STRUCT if (in[0]->isStruct() == true) { types::String* pFields = in[0]->getAs<types::Struct>()->getFieldNames(); if (pFields) { if (pFields->getSize() == 0) { delete pFields; out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } else { out.push_back(pFields); //delete pFields; } } else { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } return types::Function::OK; } types::InternalType* pIT = nullptr; // TLIST or MLIST if (in[0]->isList() == true) { // We only need list capabilities to retrieve first argument as List. types::List *pInList = in[0]->getAs<types::List>(); pIT = pInList->get(0); if (pIT == nullptr || pIT->isString() == false) { // FIXME : iso-functionnal to Scilab < 6 // Works on other types except userType, {m,t}list and struct out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); return types::Function::OK; } } // USER-TYPE (typically an Xcos object) if (in[0]->isUserType() == true) { // We only need userType capabilities to retrieve first argument as UserType. types::UserType *pInUser = in[0]->getAs<types::UserType>(); // Extract the sub-type std::wstring subType (pInUser->getShortTypeStr()); // Extract the properties types::typed_list one(1, new types::Double(1)); types::InternalType* pProperties = pInUser->extract(&one); if (pProperties == nullptr || pProperties->isString() == false) { // FIXME : iso-functionnal to Scilab < 6 // Works on other types except userType, {m,t}list and struct out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); return types::Function::OK; } int nProp = ((types::String*) pProperties)->getSize(); pIT = new types::String(nProp + 1, 1); ((types::String*) pIT)->set(0,; for (int i = 0; i < nProp; ++i) { ((types::String*) pIT)->set(i + 1, ((types::String*)pProperties)->get(i)); } } types::String *pAllFields; if (pIT) { pAllFields = pIT->getAs<types::String>(); } else { Scierror(999, _("Could not retrieve sub-type.\n")); return types::Function::Error; } wchar_t **pwcsAllStrings = pAllFields->get(); // shift to forget first value corresponding to type. // ++pwcsAllStrings; types::String *pNewString = new types::String(pAllFields->getSize() - 1, 1, pwcsAllStrings + 1); out.push_back(pNewString); return types::Function::OK; }
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_eval_cshep2d(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { // input types::Double* pDblXp = NULL; types::Double* pDblYp = NULL; types::TList* pTListCoef = NULL; types::Double* pDblCoef = NULL; types::Int32* pInt32Cell = NULL; types::Int32* pInt32Next = NULL; types::Double* pDblGrid = NULL; types::Double* pDblRMax = NULL; types::Double* pDblRW = NULL; types::Double* pDblA = NULL; // output types::Double* pDblF = NULL; types::Double* pDblDfdx = NULL; types::Double* pDblDfdy = NULL; types::Double* pDblDffdxx = NULL; types::Double* pDblDffdxy = NULL; types::Double* pDblDffdyy = NULL; // *** check the minimal number of input args. *** if (in.size() != 3) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 3); return types::Function::Error; } // *** check number of output args according the methode. *** if (_iRetCount != 3 && _iRetCount != 6 && _iRetCount > 1) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d, %d or %d expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 1, 3, 6); return types::Function::Error; } // *** check type of input args and get it. *** //xp if (in[0]->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A matrix expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 1); return types::Function::Error; } pDblXp = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblXp->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 1); return types::Function::Error; } //yp if (in[1]->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A matrix expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 2); return types::Function::Error; } pDblYp = in[1]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblYp->getRows() != pDblXp->getRows() || pDblYp->getCols() != pDblXp->getCols()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: Same size expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } if (pDblYp->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 2); return types::Function::Error; } //coef if (in[2]->isTList() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A tlist of type %s expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 3, "cshep2d"); return types::Function::Error; } pTListCoef = in[2]->getAs<types::TList>(); if (pTListCoef->getTypeStr() != L"cshep2d") { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A %s tlist expected.\n"), "eval_cshep2d", 3, "cshep2d"); return types::Function::Error; } pDblCoef = pTListCoef->getField(L"xyz")->getAs<types::Double>(); pInt32Cell = pTListCoef->getField(L"lcell")->getAs<types::Int32>(); pInt32Next = pTListCoef->getField(L"lnext")->getAs<types::Int32>(); pDblGrid = pTListCoef->getField(L"grdim")->getAs<types::Double>(); pDblRMax = pTListCoef->getField(L"rmax")->getAs<types::Double>(); pDblRW = pTListCoef->getField(L"rw")->getAs<types::Double>(); pDblA = pTListCoef->getField(L"a")->getAs<types::Double>(); // *** Perform operation. *** int ier = 0; int nr = pInt32Cell->getRows(); int rows = pDblCoef->getRows(); int sizeOfXp = pDblXp->getSize(); pDblF = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); if (_iRetCount == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfXp; i++) { double ret = C2F(cs2val)(pDblXp->get() + i, pDblYp->get() + i, &rows, pDblCoef->get(), pDblCoef->get() + rows, pDblCoef->get() + (2 * rows), &nr, pInt32Cell->get(), pInt32Next->get(), pDblGrid->get(), pDblGrid->get() + 1, pDblGrid->get() + 2, pDblGrid->get() + 3, pDblRMax->get(), pDblRW->get(), pDblA->get()); pDblF->set(i, ret); } } else// if(_iRetCount > 2) { pDblDfdx = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); pDblDfdy = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); if (_iRetCount == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfXp; i++) { C2F(cs2grd)(pDblXp->get() + i, pDblYp->get() + i, &rows, pDblCoef->get(), pDblCoef->get() + rows, pDblCoef->get() + (2 * rows), &nr, pInt32Cell->get(), pInt32Next->get(), pDblGrid->get(), pDblGrid->get() + 1, pDblGrid->get() + 2, pDblGrid->get() + 3, pDblRMax->get(), pDblRW->get(), pDblA->get(), pDblF->get() + i, pDblDfdx->get() + i, pDblDfdy->get() + i, &ier); } } else // == 6 { pDblDffdxx = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); pDblDffdxy = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); pDblDffdyy = new types::Double(pDblXp->getRows(), pDblXp->getCols()); for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfXp; i++) { C2F(cs2hes)(pDblXp->get() + i, pDblYp->get() + i, &rows, pDblCoef->get(), pDblCoef->get() + rows, pDblCoef->get() + (2 * rows), &nr, pInt32Cell->get(), pInt32Next->get(), pDblGrid->get(), pDblGrid->get() + 1, pDblGrid->get() + 2, pDblGrid->get() + 3, pDblRMax->get(), pDblRW->get(), pDblA->get(), pDblF->get() + i, pDblDfdx->get() + i, pDblDfdy->get() + i, pDblDffdxx->get() + i, pDblDffdxy->get() + i, pDblDffdyy->get() + i, &ier); } } } // *** Return result in Scilab. *** out.push_back(pDblF); if (_iRetCount > 2) { out.push_back(pDblDfdx); out.push_back(pDblDfdy); } if (_iRetCount == 6) { out.push_back(pDblDffdxx); out.push_back(pDblDffdyy); out.push_back(pDblDffdxy); } return types::Function::OK; }
// dummy function definition for non nwni compatible modules static void dummy() { char* fname = wide_string_to_UTF8(ConfigVariable::getWhere().back().m_name.c_str()); Scierror(999, _("Scilab '%s' function disabled in -nogui or -nwni mode.\n"), fname); FREE(fname); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_style_arg(char *fname,int pos, int n1,rhs_opts opts[], int ** style ) { int m = 0,n = 0,l = 0, first_opt = FirstOpt(), kopt = 0, un = 1, ix = 0, i = 0, l1 = 0; Nbvars = Max(Nbvars,Rhs); if ( pos < first_opt ) /* regular argument */ { if (VarType(pos)) { GetRhsVar(pos,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l); if (m * n < n1) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d < %d expected.\n"),fname,pos, m*n,n1); return 0; } if ( n1 == 1 && m * n == 1 ) { ix = 2; CreateVar(Nbvars+1,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE,&un,&ix,&l1); *istk(l1)=*istk(l); *istk(l1+1)=1; l=l1; } *style = istk(l); } else /* zero type argument --> default value */ { ix = Max(n1,2); CreateVar(Nbvars+1,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE,&un,&ix,&l); for ( i = 0 ; i < n1 ; ++i ) { *istk(l + i) = i+1 ; } if (n1 == 1) { *istk(l + 1) = 1 ; } *style = istk(l); } } else if ((kopt=FindOpt("style",opts))) { /* named argument: style=value */ GetRhsVar(kopt,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l); if (m * n < n1) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d < %d expected.\n"),fname,kopt,m*n,n1); return 0; } if (n1==1&&m*n==1) { ix = 2; CreateVar(Nbvars+1,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE,&un,&ix,&l1); *istk(l1)=*istk(l); *istk(l1+1)=1; l=l1; } *style = istk(l); } else /* unspecified argument --> default value */ { ix = Max(n1,2); CreateVar(Nbvars+1,MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE,&un,&ix,&l); for (i = 0 ; i < n1 ; ++i) { *istk(l + i) = i+1; } if (n1 == 1) { *istk(l +1) = 1; } *style = istk(l); } return 1; }
Callable::ReturnValue DynamicFunction::Init() { /*Load library*/ if (m_wstLibName.empty()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Library name must not be empty\n."), m_wstName.c_str()); return Error; } DynLibHandle hLib = getDynModule(m_wstLibName.c_str()); if (hLib == 0) { char* pstLibName = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstLibName.c_str()); hLib = LoadDynLibrary(pstLibName); if (hLib == 0) { //2nd chance for linux ! #ifndef _MSC_VER char* pstError = strdup(GetLastDynLibError()); /* Haven't been able to find the lib with dlopen... * This can happen for two reasons: * - the lib must be dynamically linked * - Some silly issues under Suse (see bug #2875) * Note that we are handling only the "source tree build" * because libraries are split (they are in the same directory * in the binary) */ wchar_t* pwstScilabPath = getSCIW(); wchar_t pwstModulesPath[] = L"/modules/"; wchar_t pwstLTDir[] = L".libs/"; /* Build the full path to the library */ int iPathToLibLen = (wcslen(pwstScilabPath) + wcslen(pwstModulesPath) + wcslen(m_wstModule.c_str()) + wcslen(L"/") + wcslen(pwstLTDir) + wcslen(m_wstLibName.c_str()) + 1); wchar_t* pwstPathToLib = (wchar_t*)MALLOC(iPathToLibLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); os_swprintf(pwstPathToLib, iPathToLibLen, L"%ls%ls%ls/%ls%ls", pwstScilabPath, pwstModulesPath, m_wstModule.c_str(), pwstLTDir, m_wstLibName.c_str()); FREE(pwstScilabPath); char* pstPathToLib = wide_string_to_UTF8(pwstPathToLib); FREE(pwstPathToLib); hLib = LoadDynLibrary(pstPathToLib); if (hLib == 0) { Scierror(999, _("An error has been detected while loading %s: %s\n"), pstLibName, pstError); FREE(pstError); pstError = GetLastDynLibError(); Scierror(999, _("An error has been detected while loading %s: %s\n"), pstPathToLib, pstError); FREE(pstLibName); FREE(pstPathToLib); return Error; } FREE(pstPathToLib); FREE(pstError); #else char* pstError = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstLibName.c_str()); Scierror(999, _("Impossible to load %s library\n"), pstError); FREE(pstError); FREE(pstLibName); return Error; #endif } FREE(pstLibName); addDynModule(m_wstLibName.c_str(), hLib); /*Load deps*/ if (m_wstLoadDepsName.empty() == false && m_pLoadDeps == NULL) { char* pstLoadDepsName = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstLoadDepsName.c_str()); m_pLoadDeps = (LOAD_DEPS)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstLoadDepsName); FREE(pstLoadDepsName); } } /*Load gateway*/ if (m_wstName != L"") { char* pstEntryPoint = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstEntryPoint.c_str()); switch (m_iType) { case EntryPointCPPOpt : m_pOptFunc = (GW_FUNC_OPT)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstEntryPoint); break; case EntryPointCPP : m_pFunc = (GW_FUNC)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstEntryPoint); break; case EntryPointOldC : m_pOldFunc = (OLDGW_FUNC)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstEntryPoint); break; case EntryPointMex: m_pMexFunc = (MEXGW_FUNC)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstEntryPoint); break; case EntryPointC: m_pCFunc = (GW_C_FUNC)GetDynLibFuncPtr(hLib, pstEntryPoint); break; } FREE(pstEntryPoint); } if (m_pFunc == NULL && m_pOldFunc == NULL && m_pMexFunc == NULL && m_pOptFunc == NULL && m_pCFunc == NULL) { char* pstEntry = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstEntryPoint.c_str()); char* pstLib = wide_string_to_UTF8(m_wstLibName.c_str()); Scierror(999, _("Impossible to load %s function in %s library: %s\n"), pstEntry, pstLib, GetLastDynLibError()); FREE(pstEntry); FREE(pstLib); return Error; } switch (m_iType) { case EntryPointCPPOpt : m_pFunction = new OptFunction(m_wstName, m_pOptFunc, m_pLoadDeps, m_wstModule); break; case EntryPointCPP : m_pFunction = new Function(m_wstName, m_pFunc, m_pLoadDeps, m_wstModule); break; case EntryPointOldC : m_pFunction = new WrapFunction(m_wstName, m_pOldFunc, m_pLoadDeps, m_wstModule); break; case EntryPointMex: m_pFunction = new WrapMexFunction(m_wstName, m_pMexFunc, m_pLoadDeps, m_wstModule); break; case EntryPointC: m_pFunction = new WrapCFunction(m_wstName, m_pCFunc, m_pLoadDeps, m_wstModule); break; } if (m_pFunction == NULL) { return Error; } return OK; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_getdate(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; Rhs = Max(Rhs, 0); CheckRhs(0, 1) ; CheckLhs(0, 1) ; if (Rhs == 0) { int iErr = 0; double *dDate = getCurrentDateAsDoubleVector(&iErr); if (iErr) { Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred.\n"), fname); if (dDate) { FREE(dDate); dDate = NULL; } return 0; } if (dDate) { sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, 1, NB_ELEMNT_ARRAY_GETDATE, dDate); FREE(dDate); dDate = NULL; if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else /* Rhs == 1 */ { int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if (isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { double dTime = 0.; char *pStr = NULL; if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &pStr) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); return 0; } if (strcmp(pStr, "s") != 0) { freeAllocatedSingleString(pStr); pStr = NULL; Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 1, "s"); return 0; } freeAllocatedSingleString(pStr); pStr = NULL; dTime = getCurrentDateAsUnixTimeConvention(); if (createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, dTime) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } } else if (isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { if (isEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { if (createEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else if (!isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { int iErr = 0; double *dValues = NULL; double *dResults = NULL; int m = 0, n = 0; int nbElements = 0; int i = 0; sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m, &n, &dValues); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } nbElements = m * n; for (i = 0; i < nbElements; i++) { if (dValues[i] < 0.) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be > %d.\n"), fname, 1, 0); return 0; } } dResults = getConvertedDateAsMatrixOfDouble(dValues, nbElements, &iErr); if (iErr == 2) { FREE(dResults); Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred.\n"), fname); return 0; } if (dResults == NULL) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, nbElements, NB_ELEMNT_ARRAY_GETDATE, dResults); FREE(dResults); dResults = NULL; if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Integer or '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 1, "s"); return 0; } } LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_current_axes_property(void* _pvCtx, int iObjUID, void* _pvData, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol) { int iCurAxesUID = 0; int iCurChildUID = 0; int iParentFigureUID = -1; int* piParentFigureUID = &iParentFigureUID; int type = -1; int *piType = &type; if (iObjUID != 0) { /* This property should not be called on a handle */ Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "current_axes"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if (valueType != sci_handles) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong type for '%s' property: Handle expected.\n"), "current_axes"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } iCurAxesUID = getObjectFromHandle((long)((long long*)_pvData)[0]); if (iCurAxesUID == 0) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong value for '%s' property: Must be a valid handle.\n"), "current_entity"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } getGraphicObjectProperty(iCurAxesUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_int, (void **)&piType); if (type != __GO_AXES__) { Scierror(999, _("Wrong value for '%s' property: Must be a handle on axes.\n"), "current_axes"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } setCurrentSubWin(iCurAxesUID); // Look for top level figure type = -1; iCurChildUID = iCurAxesUID; do { iParentFigureUID = getParentObject(iCurChildUID); getGraphicObjectProperty(iParentFigureUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_int, (void **)&piType); iCurChildUID = iParentFigureUID; } while (iParentFigureUID != -1 && type != __GO_FIGURE__); /* The current Axes' parent Figure's selected child property must be updated */ setGraphicObjectProperty(iParentFigureUID, __GO_SELECTED_CHILD__, &iCurAxesUID, jni_int, 1); /* F.Leray 11.02.05 : if the new selected subwin is not inside the current figure, */ /* we must also set the current figure to the subwin's parent */ if (!isCurrentFigure(iParentFigureUID)) { setCurrentFigure(iParentFigureUID); } return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED; }
int sci_gpuMatrix(char *fname) { CheckRhs(2, 3); CheckLhs(1, 1); SciErr sciErr; int* piAddr_A = NULL; int inputType_A = 0; int* piAddr_R = NULL; int inputType_R = 0; int* piAddr_C = NULL; int inputType_C = 0; int rows = 0; int cols = 0; int newRows = 0; int newCols = 0; void* pvPtr = NULL; GpuPointer* gpuPtrA = NULL; try { if (!isGpuInit()) { throw "gpu is not initialised. Please launch gpuInit() before use this function."; } //--- Get input matrix --- sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr_A); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } // Get size and data sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &inputType_A); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } //--- Get new Rows size or vector of sizes--- sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr_R); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } // Get size and data sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr_R, &inputType_R); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } if (inputType_R != sci_matrix) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #2: A real scalar or row vector expected."; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A)) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #2: A real scalar or row vector expected."; } else { double* dRows = NULL; sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_R, &rows, &cols, &dRows); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 2) { if (rows != 1 || cols != 2) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad size for input argument #2: A row vector of size two expected."; } newRows = (int)dRows[0]; newCols = (int)dRows[1]; if (newCols < -1 || newCols == 0) { throw "gpuMatrix : Wrong value for input argument #3: -1 or positive value expected."; } } else { newRows = (int)(*dRows); } if (newRows < -1 || newRows == 0) { throw "gpuMatrix : Wrong value for input argument #2: -1 or positive value expected."; } } if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 3) { //--- Get new Cols size--- sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr_C); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } // Get size and data sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr_C, &inputType_C); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } if (inputType_C != sci_matrix) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #3: A real scalar expected."; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A)) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #3: A real scalar expected."; } else { double* dCols = NULL; sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_C, &rows, &cols, &dCols); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } newCols = (int)(*dCols); if (newCols < -1 || newCols == 0) { throw "gpuMatrix : Wrong value for input argument #3: -1 or positive value expected."; } } } if (inputType_A == sci_pointer) { sciErr = getPointer(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, (void**)&pvPtr); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } gpuPtrA = (GpuPointer*)pvPtr; if (!PointerManager::getInstance()->findGpuPointerInManager(gpuPtrA)) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #1: Variables created with GPU functions expected."; } if (useCuda() && gpuPtrA->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::CudaType) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #1: A Cuda pointer expected."; } if (useCuda() == false && gpuPtrA->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::OpenCLType) { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #1: A OpenCL pointer expected."; } rows = gpuPtrA->getRows(); cols = gpuPtrA->getCols(); } else if (inputType_A == sci_matrix) { double* h = NULL; if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A)) { double* hi = NULL; sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &rows, &cols, &h, &hi); #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrA = new PointerCuda(h, hi, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { Scierror(999, "gpuMatrix: not implemented with OpenCL.\n"); } #endif } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &rows, &cols, &h); #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrA = new PointerCuda(h, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { Scierror(999, "gpuMatrix: not implemented with OpenCL.\n"); } #endif } if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } } else { throw "gpuMatrix : Bad type for input argument #1: A GPU or CPU matrix expected."; } if (newRows == -1 && newCols != -1) { newRows = rows * cols / newCols; } else if (newRows != -1 && newCols == -1) { newCols = rows * cols / newRows; } if (rows * cols != newRows * newCols) { throw "gpuMatrix : Wrong value for input arguments #2 and 3: Correct size expected."; } #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { Scierror(999, "gpuMatrix: not implemented with OpenCL.\n"); } #endif GpuPointer* gpuOut = gpuPtrA->clone(); gpuOut->setRows(newRows); gpuOut->setCols(newCols); // Put the result in scilab PointerManager::getInstance()->addGpuPointerInManager(gpuOut); sciErr = createPointer(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, (void*)gpuOut); LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; if (inputType_A == 1 && gpuPtrA != NULL) { delete gpuPtrA; } PutLhsVar(); return 0; } catch (const char* str) { Scierror(999, "%s\n", str); } catch (SciErr E) { printError(&E, 0); } if (inputType_A == 1 && gpuPtrA != NULL) { delete gpuPtrA; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_dec2base(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; int m = 0, n = 0; double *dValues = NULL; char **convertedValues = NULL; unsigned int iBaseUsed = 0; double dBaseUsed = 0.; unsigned int nbDigits = 0; error_convertbase err = ERROR_CONVERTBASE_NOK; CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 2, 3); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 3) { double dParamThree = 0.; unsigned int iParamThree = 0; int *piAddressVarThree = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddressVarThree); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 3); return 1; } if (!isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar integer value expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 1; } if (!isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar integer value expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 1; } if (getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &dParamThree) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); return 1; } iParamThree = (unsigned int)dParamThree; if (dParamThree != (double)iParamThree) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 1; } nbDigits = iParamThree; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 1; } if (!isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 1; } if (!isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 1; } if (getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &dBaseUsed) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); return 1; } iBaseUsed = (unsigned int)dBaseUsed; if (dBaseUsed != (double)iBaseUsed) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 1; } if (iBaseUsed < 2 || iBaseUsed > 36) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be between %d and %d."), fname, 2, 2, 36); return 1; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } if (isEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { if (createEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1) != 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); return 1; } else { AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; } } if (!isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix of integer value expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix of integer value expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m, &n , &dValues); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } convertedValues = convertMatrixOfDec2Base(dValues, m * n, iBaseUsed, nbDigits, &err); if ((err != ERROR_CONVERTBASE_OK) || (convertedValues == NULL)) { freeArrayOfString(convertedValues, m * n); convertedValues = NULL; switch (err) { case ERROR_CONVERTBASE_NOT_INTEGER_VALUE: Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value(s) for input argument #%d: A matrix of positive integer values expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; case ERROR_CONVERTBASE_NOT_IN_INTERVAL: Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be between 0 and 2^52.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; case ERROR_CONVERTBASE_ALLOCATION: Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); return 1; case ERROR_CONVERTBASE_NOK: default: Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: cannot convert value(s).\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } } sciErr = createMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, m, n, (char const * const*) convertedValues); freeArrayOfString(convertedValues, m * n); convertedValues = NULL; if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 1; } AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_optim(types::typed_list &in, types::optional_list &opt, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { types::Function::ReturnValue ret = types::Function::Error; OptimizationFunctions* opFunctionsManager = NULL; types::Double* pDblX0 = NULL; types::Double* pDblBinf = NULL; types::Double* pDblBsub = NULL; types::Double* pDblTi = NULL; types::Double* pDblTd = NULL; types::Double* pDblNap = NULL; types::Double* pDblIter = NULL; types::Double* pDblEpsg = NULL; types::Double* pDblEpsf = NULL; types::Double* pDblEpsx = NULL; types::Double* pDblWork = NULL; // types::Polynom* pPolyX0 = NULL; // types::Polynom* pPolyBinf = NULL; // types::Polynom* pPolyBsub = NULL; int* piIzs = NULL; int* piWork = NULL; float* pfRzs = NULL; double* pdblDzs = NULL; double* pdblWork = NULL; double* pdblWork2 = NULL; double* pdblX0 = NULL; double* pdblEpsx = NULL; double* pdblG = NULL; double* pdblVar = NULL; double* pdblBsub = NULL; double* pdblBinf = NULL; bool bMem = false; int iEpsx = 1; int iDzs = 1; int iIzs = 1; int iPos = 0; int iContr = 1; int iSizeX0 = 0; int iSizeBinf = 0; int iSizeBsub = 0; int iSim = 0; // 1 : c function || 2 : macro int iAlgo = 1; // 1 : qn || 2 : gc || 10 : nd int iMem = 0; int iGetArgs = 0; int iIndSim = 0; int iIndOpt = 0; int iSaveI = 0; int iSaveD = 0; int iArret = 0; int iMode = 1; int iWorkSize = 0; int iWorkSizeI = 0; int iNitv = 0; int io = 0; // not used in scilab 6 and more int iImp = 0; int iZero = 0; int iOne = 1; double df0 = 1; double dF = 0; // stop arguments "ar" int iNap = 100; int iItMax = 100; double dEpsg = NumericConstants::eps_machine; // p : eps*base double dTol = dEpsg; double dEpsf = 0; try { if (in.size() < 2 || in.size() > 18) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "optim", 2, 18); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (_iRetCount > 7) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "optim", 1, 7); throw ast::ScilabException(); } /*** get inputs arguments ***/ // get optionals for (const auto& o : opt) { // "imp" if (o.first == L"imp") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "imp"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } types::Double* pDblImp = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblImp->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "imp"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iImp = (int)pDblImp->get(0); } // "nap" else if (o.first == L"nap") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "nap"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblNap = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblNap->isScalar() == false || pDblNap->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "nap"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iNap = (int)pDblNap->get(0); } // "iter" else if (o.first == L"iter") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "iter"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblIter = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblIter->isScalar() == false || pDblIter->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "iter"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iItMax = (int)pDblIter->get(0); } // "epsg" else if (o.first == L"epsg") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "epsg"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblEpsg = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblEpsg->isScalar() == false || pDblEpsg->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "epsg"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } dEpsg = pDblEpsg->get(0); } // "epsf" else if (o.first == L"epsf") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "epsf"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblEpsf = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblEpsf->isScalar() == false || pDblEpsf->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "epsf"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } dEpsf = pDblEpsf->get(0); } // "epsx" else if (o.first == L"epsx") { if (o.second->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%s: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", "epsx"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblEpsx = o.second->getAs<types::Double>(); iEpsx = 0; pdblEpsx = pDblEpsx->get(); } } // get costf opFunctionsManager = new OptimizationFunctions(L"optim"); Optimization::addOptimizationFunctions(opFunctionsManager); if (in[iPos]->isCallable()) { types::Callable* pCall = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Callable>(); opFunctionsManager->setOptimCostfFunction(pCall); iSim = 2; } else if (in[iPos]->isString()) { types::String* pStr = in[iPos]->getAs<types::String>(); char* pst = wide_string_to_UTF8(pStr->get(0)); bool bOK = opFunctionsManager->setOptimCostfFunction(pStr); iSim = 1; if (bOK == false) { Scierror(50, _("%s: Subroutine not found: %s\n"), "optim", pst); FREE(pst); throw ast::ScilabException(); } memcpy(C2F(optim).nomsub, pst, std::max(size_t(6), strlen(pst))); FREE(pst); } else if (in[iPos]->isList()) { types::List* pList = in[iPos]->getAs<types::List>(); if (pList->getSize() == 0) { Scierror(50, _("%s: Argument #%d: Subroutine not found in list: %s\n"), "optim", iPos + 1, "(string empty)"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (pList->get(0)->isString()) { types::String* pStr = pList->get(0)->getAs<types::String>(); char* pst = wide_string_to_UTF8(pStr->get(0)); bool bOK = opFunctionsManager->setOptimCostfFunction(pStr); iSim = 1; if (bOK == false) { Scierror(50, _("%s: Subroutine not found: %s\n"), "optim", pst); FREE(pst); throw ast::ScilabException(); } memcpy(C2F(optim).nomsub, pst, std::max(size_t(6), strlen(pst))); FREE(pst); } else if (pList->get(0)->isCallable()) { types::Callable* pCall = pList->get(0)->getAs<types::Callable>(); opFunctionsManager->setOptimCostfFunction(pCall); iSim = 2; for (int iter = 1; iter < pList->getSize(); iter++) { opFunctionsManager->setCostfArgs(pList->get(iter)->getAs<types::InternalType>()); } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: The first argument in the list must be a string or a function.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix or a function expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iPos++; // if contr, get binf and bsup if (in[iPos]->isString()) { types::String* pStrContr = in[iPos]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pStrContr->isScalar() == false || wcscmp(pStrContr->get(0), L"b")) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String \"b\" expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (in.size() < 5) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d or more expected.\n"), "optim", 5); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iPos++; if (in[iPos]->isDouble()) { pDblBinf = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); iSizeBinf = pDblBinf->getSize(); pdblBinf = pDblBinf->get(); } // else if(in[iPos]->isPoly()) // { // pPolyBinf = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Polynom>(); // iSizeBinf = pPolyBinf->getSize(); // } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix or polynom expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iPos++; if (in[iPos]->isDouble()) { pDblBsub = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); iSizeBsub = pDblBsub->getSize(); pdblBsub = pDblBsub->get(); } // else if(in[iPos]->isPoly()) // { // pPolyBsub = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Polynom>(); // iSizeBsub = pPolyBsub->getSize(); // } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix or polynom expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iContr = 2; iPos++; } // get x0 if (in[iPos]->isDouble()) { pDblX0 = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); iSizeX0 = pDblX0->getSize(); if (pDblX0->isComplex()) { iSizeX0 *= 2; pdblX0 = new double[iSizeX0]; memcpy(pdblX0, pDblX0->get(), pDblX0->getSize() * sizeof(double)); memcpy(pdblX0 + pDblX0->getSize(), pDblX0->getImg(), pDblX0->getSize() * sizeof(double)); } else { pdblX0 = new double[iSizeX0]; memcpy(pdblX0, pDblX0->get(), pDblX0->getSize() * sizeof(double)); } opFunctionsManager->setXRows(pDblX0->getRows()); opFunctionsManager->setXCols(pDblX0->getCols()); } // else if(in[iPos]->isPoly()) // { // // } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix or polynom expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (iContr == 2 && (iSizeX0 != iSizeBinf || iSizeX0 != iSizeBsub)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Bounds and initial guess are incompatible.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (pDblEpsx != NULL && (pDblEpsx->getSize() != iSizeX0)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%s: Incorrect stopping parameters.\n"), "optim", "epsx"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } // alloc g output data pdblG = new double[iSizeX0]; iPos++; // get algo if (iPos < in.size() && in[iPos]->isString()) { types::String* pStr = in[iPos]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pStr->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Scalar string expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"qn") == 0) // default case { iAlgo = 1; iPos++; } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"gc") == 0) { iAlgo = 2; iPos++; } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"nd") == 0) { iAlgo = 10; iPos++; } // else // { // Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: \"qn\", \"gc\", \"nd\" expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); // throw ast::ScilabException(); // } } // get df0 and mem if (iPos < in.size() && in[iPos]->isDouble() && in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>()->isScalar()) { df0 = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>()->get(0); iPos++; // get mem if (iPos < in.size() && iContr == 1 && (iAlgo == 2 || iAlgo == 10) && in[iPos]->isDouble()) { types::Double* pDbl = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (in[iPos]->isDouble() && pDbl->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iMem = (int)pDbl->get(0); bMem = true; iPos++; } } // management of work table if (iAlgo == 1) { // compute size if (iContr == 1) { iWorkSize = (int)(iSizeX0 * ((iSizeX0 + 13) / 2.0)); iWorkSizeI = 0; } else // iContr == 2 { iWorkSize = (int)(iSizeX0 * (iSizeX0 + 1) / 2.0 + 4 * iSizeX0 + 1); iWorkSizeI = 2 * iSizeX0; } /* See bug #9701 for this hard-coded value */ /* Fortran underlying algorithm does not support values higher than 46333 */ if (iSizeX0 > 46333) { Scierror(999, _("Can not allocate %.2f MB memory.\n"), (double)(iWorkSize * sizeof(double)) / 1.e6); delete[] pdblG; delete[] pdblX0; return types::Function::Error; } try { // alloc data pdblWork = new double[iWorkSize]; if (iContr == 2) { piWork = new int[iWorkSizeI]; } } catch (std::bad_alloc& /*ba*/) { Scierror(999, _("Can not allocate %.2f MB memory.\n"), (double)(iWorkSize * sizeof(double)) / 1.e6); delete[] pdblG; delete[] pdblX0; return types::Function::Error; } } // get work if (iPos < in.size() && in[iPos]->isDouble()) { if (iAlgo != 1) { Scierror(137, _("%s: NO hot restart available in this method.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblWork = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblWork->getSize() != iWorkSize + iWorkSizeI) { Scierror(137, _("Hot restart: dimension of working table (argument n:%d).\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } double* pdbl = pDblWork->get(); if (iContr == 1) { C2F(dcopy)(&iWorkSize, pdbl, &iOne, pdblWork, &iOne); } else { C2F(dcopy)(&iWorkSize, pdbl, &iOne, pdblWork, &iOne); for (int i = 0; i < iWorkSizeI; i++) { piWork[i] = (int)pdbl[i]; } } iMode = 3; iPos++; } // get stop while (iPos < in.size() && in[iPos]->isString()) { types::String* pStr = in[iPos]->getAs<types::String>(); if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"ar") == 0) { iPos++; for (int i = iPos; i < in.size(); i++) { // get nap, iter, epsg, apsf, epsx if (in[i]->isDouble()) { if (pDblNap == NULL) { pDblNap = in[i]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblNap->isScalar() == false || pDblNap->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iNap = (int)pDblNap->get(0); } else if (pDblIter == NULL) { pDblIter = in[i]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblIter->isScalar() == false || pDblIter->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iItMax = (int)pDblIter->get(0); } else if (pDblEpsg == NULL) { pDblEpsg = in[i]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblEpsg->isScalar() == false || pDblEpsg->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } dEpsg = pDblEpsg->get(0); } else if (pDblEpsf == NULL) { pDblEpsf = in[i]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblEpsf->isScalar() == false || pDblEpsf->isComplex()) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A real scalar expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } dEpsf = pDblEpsf->get(0); } else if (pDblEpsx == NULL) { pDblEpsx = in[i]->getAs<types::Double>(); if (pDblEpsx->getSize() != iSizeX0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Incorrect stopping parameters.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iEpsx = 0; pdblEpsx = pDblEpsx->get(); } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A String expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } } else if (in[i]->isString()) { iPos = i - 1; break; } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar of a string expected.\n"), "optim", i + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } } } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"in") == 0) { if (iSim != 1) { Scierror(999, _("%s: \"in\" not allowed with simulator defined by a function.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iIndSim = 10; costf(&iIndSim, &iSizeX0, pDblX0->get(), &dF, pdblG, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (iIndSim == 0) { Scierror(131, _("%s: Stop requested by simulator (ind=0).\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } else if (iIndSim < 0) { Scierror(134, _("%s: Problem with initial constants in simul.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } piIzs = new int[C2F(nird).nizs]; pfRzs = new float[C2F(nird).nrzs]; pdblDzs = new double[C2F(nird).ndzs]; iIndSim = 11; costf(&iIndSim, &iSizeX0, pDblX0->get(), &dF, pdblG, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); if (iIndSim == 0) { Scierror(131, _("%s: Stop requested by simulator (ind=0).\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } else if (iIndSim < 0) { Scierror(134, _("%s: Problem with initial constants in simul.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"ti") == 0) { iPos++; if (in[iPos]->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblTi = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); C2F(nird).nizs = pDblTi->getSize(); piIzs = new int[pDblTi->getSize()]; for (int i = 0; i < pDblTi->getSize(); i++) { piIzs[i] = (int)pDblTi->get(i); } iIzs = 0; } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"td") == 0) { iPos++; if (in[iPos]->isDouble() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } pDblTd = in[iPos]->getAs<types::Double>(); C2F(nird).ndzs = pDblTd->getSize(); pdblDzs = pDblTd->get(); iDzs = 0; } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"si") == 0) { iSaveI = 1; } else if (wcscmp(pStr->get(0), L"sd") == 0) { iSaveD = 1; } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: \"ar\", \"in\", \"ti\" or \"td\" not allowed.\n"), "optim", iPos + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } iPos++; } // initialisation eventuelle de f et g if (iNap < 2 || iItMax < 1) { iArret = 1; } if (iContr == 1 && (iAlgo == 2 || iAlgo == 10) || (iContr == 2 && iAlgo == 1 && pdblWork) || (iArret == 1)) { iIndSim = 4; costf(&iIndSim, &iSizeX0, pDblX0->get(), &dF, pdblG, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); if (iIndSim == 0) { Scierror(131, _("%s: Stop requested by simulator (ind=0).\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } else if (iIndSim < 0) { Scierror(134, _("%s: Problem with initial constants in simul.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (iNap < 2 || iItMax < 1) { // skip perform operation part iContr = 3; } } /*** perform operations ***/ // n1qn1 : Quasi-Newton without constraints if (iContr == 1 && iAlgo == 1) // bounds not setted && algo qn { pdblVar = new double[iSizeX0]; for (int i = 0; i < iSizeX0; i++) { pdblVar[i] = 0.10; } int iItmax1 = iItMax; int iNap1 = iNap; double dEpsg1 = dEpsg; C2F(n1qn1)(costf, &iSizeX0, pdblX0, &dF, pdblG, pdblVar, &dEpsg, &iMode, &iItMax, &iNap, &iImp, &io, pdblWork, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); dEpsg = sqrt(dEpsg); iIndOpt = 9; if (dEpsg1 >= dEpsg) { iIndOpt = 1; } else if (iNap >= iNap1) { iIndOpt = 4; } else if (iItMax >= iItmax1) { iIndOpt = 5; } if (checkOptimError(iArret, iIndOpt, iImp, dEpsg)) { throw ast::ScilabException(); } } // algorithme n1qn3 : Gradient Conjugate without constraints else if (iContr == 1 && iAlgo == 2) // bounds not setted && algo gc { double dxmin = dEpsg; double dZng = 0; if (bMem == false) { iMem = 10; } // compute epsrel for (int i = 0; i < iSizeX0; i++) { dZng += (pdblG[i] * pdblG[i]); } dZng = sqrt(dZng); if (dZng > 0) { dEpsg /= dZng; } // compute dxmin if (iEpsx == 0) { dxmin = pdblEpsx[0]; if (iSizeX0 > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < iSizeX0; i++) { dxmin = std::min(dxmin, pdblEpsx[i]); } } } // work table iWorkSize = 4 * iSizeX0 + iMem * (2 * iSizeX0 + 1); pdblWork = new double[iWorkSize]; iIndSim = 4; costf(&iIndSim, &iSizeX0, pDblX0->get(), &dF, pdblG, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); C2F(n1qn3)( costf, C2F(fuclid), C2F(ctonb), C2F(ctcab), &iSizeX0, pdblX0, &dF, pdblG, &dxmin, &df0, &dEpsg, &iImp, &io, &iMode, &iItMax, &iNap, pdblWork, &iWorkSize, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); switch (iMode) { case 0 : iIndOpt = 0; break; case 1 : iIndOpt = 1; break; case 2 : iIndOpt = -10; break; case 7 : case 3 : iIndOpt = 7; break; case 4 : iIndOpt = 5; break; case 5 : iIndOpt = 4; break; case 6 : iIndOpt = 3; break; default : iIndOpt = 9; } if (checkOptimError(iArret, iIndOpt, iImp, dEpsg)) { throw ast::ScilabException(); } } // optimiseur n1fc1 : non smooth without constraints else if (iContr == 1 && iAlgo == 10) // bounds not setted && algo nd { if (bMem == false) { iMem = 10; } int iNitv = 2 * iMem + 2; int iNtv1 = 5 * iSizeX0 + (iSizeX0 + 4) * iMem; int iNtv2 = (iMem + 9) * iMem + 8; piWork = new int[iNitv]; pdblWork = new double[iNtv1]; pdblWork2 = new double[iNtv2]; if (iEpsx == 1) { pdblEpsx = new double[iSizeX0]; C2F(dcopy)(&iSizeX0, &dTol, &iZero, pdblEpsx, &iOne); } C2F(n1fc1)(costf, C2F(fuclid), &iSizeX0, pdblX0, &dF, pdblG, pdblEpsx, &df0, &dEpsf, &dTol, &iImp, &io, &iMode, &iItMax, &iNap, &iMem, piWork, pdblWork, pdblWork2, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); switch (iMode) { case 0 : iIndOpt = 0; break; case 1 : iIndOpt = 2; break; case 2 : iIndOpt = -10; break; case 4 : iIndOpt = 5; break; case 5 : iIndOpt = 4; break; case 6 : iIndOpt = 3; break; default : iIndOpt = 9; } if (checkOptimError(iArret, iIndOpt, iImp, dEpsg)) { throw ast::ScilabException(); } } // optimiseur qnbd : quasi-newton with bound constraints else if (iContr == 2 && iAlgo == 1) // bounds setted && algo qn { int iNfac = 0; if (iEpsx == 1) { pdblEpsx = new double[iSizeX0]; C2F(dcopy)(&iSizeX0, &dTol, &iZero, pdblEpsx, &iOne); } iIndOpt = 1 + pDblWork ? 1 : 0; C2F(qnbd)(&iIndOpt, costf, &iSizeX0, pdblX0, &dF, pdblG, &iImp, &io, &dTol, &iNap, &iItMax, &dEpsf, &dEpsg, pdblEpsx, &df0, pdblBinf, pdblBsub, &iNfac, pdblWork, &iWorkSize, piWork, &iWorkSizeI, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); if (checkOptimError(iArret, iIndOpt, iImp, dEpsg)) { throw ast::ScilabException(); } } // optimiseur gcbd : Gradient Conjugate with bound constraints else if (iContr == 2 && iAlgo == 2) // bounds setted && algo gc { int iNfac = 0; int nt = 2; if (bMem) { nt = std::max(1, iMem / 3); } iWorkSize = iSizeX0 * (5 + 3 * nt) + 2 * nt + 1; iWorkSizeI = iSizeX0 + nt + 1; pdblWork = new double[iWorkSize]; piWork = new int[iWorkSizeI]; if (iEpsx == 1) { pdblEpsx = new double[iSizeX0]; C2F(dcopy)(&iSizeX0, &dTol, &iZero, pdblEpsx, &iOne); } iIndOpt = 1; C2F(gcbd)(&iIndOpt, costf, C2F(optim).nomsub, &iSizeX0, pdblX0, &dF, pdblG, &iImp, &io, &dTol, &iNap, &iItMax, &dEpsf, &dEpsg, pdblEpsx, &df0, pdblBinf, pdblBsub, &iNfac, pdblWork, &iWorkSize, piWork, &iWorkSizeI, piIzs, pfRzs, pdblDzs); if (checkOptimError(iArret, iIndOpt, iImp, dEpsg)) { throw ast::ScilabException(); } } else if (iContr != 3) // bad algo { Scierror(136, _("%s: This method is NOT implemented.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } /*** return output arguments ***/ int iRetCount1 = _iRetCount - iSaveI - iSaveD; if (iRetCount1 == 0) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "optim", iSaveI + iSaveD, iSaveI + iSaveD + 1); throw ast::ScilabException(); } // return f out.push_back(new types::Double(dF)); // return x if (iRetCount1 >= 2) { if (pDblX0) { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(pDblX0->getDims(), pDblX0->getDimsArray(), pDblX0->isComplex()); double* pdblReal = pDbl->get(); memcpy(pdblReal, pdblX0, pDbl->getSize() * sizeof(double)); if (pDbl->isComplex()) { double* pdblImg = pDbl->getImg(); memcpy(pdblImg, pdblX0 + pDbl->getSize(), pDbl->getSize() * sizeof(double)); } out.push_back(pDbl); } // else // if (pPolyX0) // { // // } } // return g if (iRetCount1 >= 3) { if (pdblG) { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(pDblX0->getDims(), pDblX0->getDimsArray(), pDblX0->isComplex()); double* pdblReal = pDbl->get(); memcpy(pdblReal, pdblG, pDbl->getSize() * sizeof(double)); if (pDbl->isComplex()) { double* pdblImg = pDbl->getImg(); memcpy(pdblImg, pdblG + pDbl->getSize(), pDbl->getSize() * sizeof(double)); } out.push_back(pDbl); } // else // if (pPolyX0) // { // // } } // return work if (iRetCount1 >= 4) { if (iAlgo != 1) { Scierror(137, _("%s: NO hot restart available in this method.\n"), "optim"); throw ast::ScilabException(); } if (iContr == 1) { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(1, iWorkSize); double* pdbl = pDbl->get(); C2F(dcopy)(&iWorkSize, pdblWork, &iOne, pdbl, &iOne); out.push_back(pDbl); } else if (iContr == 2) { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(1, iWorkSize + iWorkSizeI); double* pdbl = pDbl->get(); C2F(dcopy)(&iWorkSize, pdblWork, &iOne, pdbl, &iOne); for (int i = iWorkSize; i < iWorkSize + iWorkSizeI; i++) { pdbl[i] = (double)(piWork[i]); } out.push_back(pDbl); } else // iContr == 3 { out.push_back(pDblWork->clone()); } } if (iRetCount1 >= 5) { out.push_back(new types::Double((double)iItMax)); } if (iRetCount1 >= 6) { out.push_back(new types::Double((double)iNap)); } if (iRetCount1 >= 7) { out.push_back(new types::Double((double)iIndOpt)); } if (iSaveI) { if (C2F(nird).nizs == 0) { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } else { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(1, C2F(nird).nizs); double* pdbl = pDbl->get(); for (int i = 0; i < C2F(nird).nizs; i++) { pdbl[i] = (double)piIzs[i]; } out.push_back(pDbl); } } if (iSaveD) { if (C2F(nird).ndzs == 0) { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } else { types::Double* pDbl = new types::Double(1, C2F(nird).ndzs); memcpy(pDbl->get(), pdblDzs, C2F(nird).ndzs * sizeof(double)); out.push_back(pDbl); } } ret = types::Function::OK; } catch (const ast::InternalError& e) { char* pstrMsg = wide_string_to_UTF8(e.GetErrorMessage().c_str()); Scierror(999, pstrMsg); FREE(pstrMsg); } catch (const ast::ScilabException& /* e */) { // free memory, then return error } /*** free memory ***/ if (opFunctionsManager) { Optimization::removeOptimizationFunctions(); } if (piIzs && iIzs) { delete[] piIzs; } if (pfRzs) { delete[] pfRzs; } if (pdblG) { delete[] pdblG; } if (pdblDzs && iDzs) { delete[] pdblDzs; } if (pdblWork) { delete[] pdblWork; } if (pdblWork2) { delete[] pdblWork2; } if (piWork) { delete[] piWork; } if (pdblX0) { delete[] pdblX0; } if (pdblVar) { delete[] pdblVar; } if (pdblEpsx && iEpsx) { delete[] pdblEpsx; } return ret; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_varn(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { types::Polynom* pPolyIn = NULL; types::String* pStrName = NULL; types::Polynom* pPolyOut = NULL; if (in.size() < 1 || in.size() > 2) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "varn", 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount > 1) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "varn", 1); return types::Function::Error; } if (in[0]->isPoly() == false) { if (in[0]->isDouble() && in[0]->getAs<types::Double>()->isEmpty()) { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); return types::Function::OK; } std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_varn"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } pPolyIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Polynom>(); if (in.size() == 1) { out.push_back(new types::String(pPolyIn->getVariableName().c_str())); } else // if (in.size() == 2) { if (in[1]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : string expected.\n"), "varn", 2); return types::Function::Error; } pStrName = in[1]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pStrName->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d : A scalar expected.\n"), "varn", 2); return types::Function::Error; } std::wstring wstrName = pStrName->get(0); // search blank size_t blankpos = wstrName.find_first_of(L" "); if ((int)blankpos != -1) { // blank found Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d : Valid variable name expected.\n"), "varn", 2); return types::Function::Error; } pPolyOut = pPolyIn->clone()->getAs<types::Polynom>(); pPolyOut->setVariableName(std::wstring(wstrName)); out.push_back(pPolyOut); } return types::Function::OK; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_export_to_hdf5(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { int iNbVar = 0; int** piAddrList = NULL; char** pstNameList = NULL; char *pstFileName = NULL; bool bExport = true; bool bAppendMode = false; SciErr sciErr; int iRhs = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx); CheckInputArgumentAtLeast(pvApiCtx, 1); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1); pstNameList = (char**)MALLOC(sizeof(char*) * iRhs); iNbVar = extractVarNameList(1, iRhs, pstNameList); if (iNbVar == 0) { FREE(pstNameList); return 1; } piAddrList = (int**)MALLOC(sizeof(int*) * (iNbVar)); for (int i = 1 ; i < iRhs ; i++) { if (strcmp(pstNameList[i], "-append") == 0) { bAppendMode = true; } else { sciErr = getVarAddressFromName(pvApiCtx, pstNameList[i], &piAddrList[i]); if (sciErr.iErr) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Defined variable expected.\n"), fname, i + 1); printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } } } iLevel = 0; // open hdf5 file pstFileName = expandPathVariable(pstNameList[0]); int iH5File = 0; if (bAppendMode) { iH5File = openHDF5File(pstFileName, bAppendMode); if (iH5File < 0) { iH5File = createHDF5File(pstFileName); } } else { iH5File = createHDF5File(pstFileName); } if (iH5File < 0) { FREE(pstFileName); if (iH5File == -2) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: \"%s\" is a directory"), fname, 1, pstNameList[0]); } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Cannot open file %s.\n"), fname, pstNameList[0]); } return 1; } if (bAppendMode) { int iVersion = getSODFormatAttribute(iH5File); if (iVersion != -1 && iVersion != SOD_FILE_VERSION) { //to update version must be the same closeHDF5File(iH5File); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong SOD file format version. Expected: %d Found: %d\n"), fname, SOD_FILE_VERSION, iVersion); return 1; } } // export data for (int i = 1 ; i < iRhs ; i++) { if (strcmp(pstNameList[i], "-append") == 0) { continue; } if (isVarExist(iH5File, pstNameList[i])) { if (bAppendMode) { if (deleteHDF5Var(iH5File, pstNameList[i])) { closeHDF5File(iH5File); Scierror(999, _("%s: Unable to delete existing variable \"%s\"."), fname, pstNameList[i]); return 1; } } else { closeHDF5File(iH5File); Scierror(999, _("%s: Variable \'%s\' already exists in file \'%s\'\nUse -append option to replace existing variable\n."), fname, pstNameList[i], pstNameList[0]); return 1; } } bExport = export_data(iH5File, piAddrList[i], pstNameList[i]); if (bExport == false) { break; } } if (bExport && iRhs != 1) { //add or update scilab version and file version in hdf5 file if (updateScilabVersion(iH5File) < 0) { closeHDF5File(iH5File); Scierror(999, _("%s: Unable to update Scilab version in \"%s\"."), fname, pstNameList[0]); return 1; } if (updateFileVersion(iH5File) < 0) { closeHDF5File(iH5File); Scierror(999, _("%s: Unable to update HDF5 format version in \"%s\"."), fname, pstNameList[0]); return 1; } } //close hdf5 file closeHDF5File(iH5File); //delete file in case of error but nor in append mode if (bExport == false && bAppendMode == false && iRhs != 1) { //remove file deleteafile(pstFileName); } FREE(pstFileName); //create boolean return value int *piReturn = NULL; sciErr = allocMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, iRhs + 1, 1, 1, &piReturn); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if (bExport == true || iRhs == 1) { piReturn[0] = 1; } else { piReturn[0] = 0; } //free memory for (int i = 0 ; i < iRhs ; i++) { FREE(pstNameList[i]); } FREE(pstNameList); FREE(piAddrList); LhsVar(1) = iRhs + 1; PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_typename_two_rhs(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int iType1 = 0; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; char *pStVarOne = NULL; int lenStVarOne = 0; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int iType2 = 0; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; double *pdVarTwo = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &iType2); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } if ( iType1 != sci_strings ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if ( iType2 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &m2, &n2, &pdVarTwo); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } if ( (m2 != n2) && (n2 != 1) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, &lenStVarOne, &pStVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if ( (m1 != n1) && (n1 != 1) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } pStVarOne = (char*)MALLOC(sizeof(char) * (lenStVarOne + 1)); sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, &lenStVarOne, &pStVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if (pStVarOne) { int ierr = 0; sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, &lenStVarOne, &pStVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } ierr = addNamedType(pStVarOne, (int)pdVarTwo[0]); switch (ierr) { case -1 : Scierror(999, _("%s: '%s' already exists.\n"), fname, pStVarOne); break; case 0: LhsVar(1) = 0; PutLhsVar(); break; break; case 1: case 3: SciError(224); break; case 2: SciError(225); break; default: /* never here */ Scierror(999, _("%s: Unknown Error.\n"), fname); break; } FREE(pStVarOne); pStVarOne = NULL; } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname); } return 0; }
/* ==================================================================== */ int sci_edftell(char *fname) { SciErr sciErr; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; //int* piLenVarOne = NULL; //char **fileData = NULL; double *pdVarOne = NULL; int iType1 = 0; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; double *pdVarTwo = NULL; int iType2 = 0; int m_out = 0, n_out = 0; double *dOut = NULL; int i; /* --> result = csum(3,8) /* check that we have only 2 parameters input */ /* check that we have only 1 parameters output */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx,2,2) ; CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx,1,1) ; /* get Address of inputs */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* check input type */ sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( iType1 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A integer expected.\n",fname,1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &iType2); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( iType2 != sci_matrix ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A double expected.\n",fname,2); return 0; } // /* get string */ // sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne,&m1, &n1, NULL, NULL); // //sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne,&m1,&n1,&pdVarOne); // if(sciErr.iErr) // { // printError(&sciErr, 0); // return 0; // } // // // piLenVarOne = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * m1 * n1); // sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, piLenVarOne, NULL); // if(sciErr.iErr) // { // printError(&sciErr, 0); // return 0; // } // // fileData = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * m1 * n1); // for(i = 0 ; i < n1 * m1 ; i++) // { // fileData[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (piLenVarOne[i] + 1));//+ 1 for null termination // } // // sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, piLenVarOne, fileData); // if(sciErr.iErr) // { // printError(&sciErr, 0); // return 0; // } /* get double */ sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne,&m1,&n1,&pdVarOne); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo,&m2,&n2,&pdVarTwo); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* check size */ if ( (m1 != 1) || (n1 != 1) ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: One scalar expected.\n",fname,1); return 0; } if ( (m2 !=1) || (n2 !=1) ) { Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n",fname,2); return 0; } /* call c function csum */ // csum(&pdVarOne[0],&pdVarTwo[0],&dOut); // if ( edfopen_file_readonly((int)pdVarTwo[0], &edfhdr, EDFLIB_DO_NOT_READ_ANNOTATIONS )<0) // { // Scierror(999,"Could not open file %s. filetyp %d\n", fileData[0],edfhdr.filetype); // return 0; // } // // if (pdVarTwo[0]>=edfhdr.edfsignals){ // Scierror(999,"Only %d signals are available in this file.\n",edfhdr.edfsignals); // edfclose_file(edfhdr.handle); // return 0; // // } n_out=1;m_out=1; if (pdVarTwo[0]<1){ //m_out=edfhdr.signalparam[(int)pdVarTwo[0]].smp_in_file; Scierror(999,"the edfsignal must be greater then 0.\n"); return 0; //printf("m_out %d",m_out); } // if (m_out>edfhdr.signalparam[(int)pdVarTwo[0]].smp_in_file){ // Scierror(999,"Only %d values are available in this signal.\n",edfhdr.signalparam[(int)pdVarTwo[0]].smp_in_file); //edfclose_file(edfhdr.handle); // return 0; // } //m_out = edfhdr.signalparam[(int)pdVarTwo[0]].smp_in_file; n_out = 1; //m_out = pdVarThree[0]; n_out = 1; dOut = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * m_out*n_out); // CreateVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m_out, &n_out, &dout); dOut[0]=edftell((int)pdVarOne[0],(int)pdVarTwo[0]-1); if (dOut[0] < 0){ Scierror(999,"Could not return the current offset.\n"); //edfclose_file(edfhdr.handle); return 0; } // edfclose_file(edfhdr.handle); /* create result on stack */ // m_out = 1000; n_out = 1; createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, m_out, n_out, dOut); free(dOut); AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx,1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; /* This function put on scilab stack, the lhs variable which are at the position lhs(i) on calling stack */ /* You need to add PutLhsVar here because WITHOUT_ADD_PUTLHSVAR was defined and equal to %t */ /* without this, you do not need to add PutLhsVar here */ ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_find(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { int iMax = -1; if (in.size() > 2) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "find", 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } if (in.size() == 2) { if (in[1]->isDouble() == false || in[1]->getAs<types::Double>()->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Scalar positive integer expected.\n"), "find", 2); return types::Function::Error; } iMax = (int)in[1]->getAs<types::Double>()->get()[0]; if (iMax <= 0 && iMax != -1) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Scalar positive integer expected.\n"), "find", 2); return types::Function::Error; } } int* piIndex = 0; int iValues = 0; if (in[0]->isGenericType() == false) { //call overload for other types std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_find"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } types::GenericType* pGT = in[0]->getAs<types::GenericType>(); piIndex = new int[pGT->getSize()]; if (in[0]->isBool()) { types::Bool* pB = in[0]->getAs<types::Bool>(); int size = pB->getSize(); int* p = pB->get(); iMax = iMax == -1 ? size : std::min(iMax, size); for (int i = 0 ; i < size && iValues < iMax ; i++) { if (p[i]) { piIndex[iValues] = i; iValues++; } } } else if (in[0]->isDouble()) { types::Double* pD = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>(); int size = pD->getSize(); double* p = pD->get(); iMax = iMax == -1 ? size : std::min(iMax, size); for (int i = 0; i < size && iValues < iMax; i++) { if (p[i]) { piIndex[iValues] = i; iValues++; } } } else if (in[0]->isSparse()) { types::Sparse* pSP = in[0]->getAs<types::Sparse>(); int iNNZ = (int)pSP->nonZeros(); int iRows = pSP->getRows(); int* pRows = new int[iNNZ * 2]; pSP->outputRowCol(pRows); int *pCols = pRows + iNNZ; iMax = iMax == -1 ? iNNZ : std::min(iMax, iNNZ); for (int i = 0; i < iNNZ && iValues < iMax; i++) { piIndex[iValues] = (pCols[i] - 1) * iRows + (pRows[i] - 1); iValues++; } delete[] pRows; } else if (in[0]->isSparseBool()) { types::SparseBool* pSB = in[0]->getAs<types::SparseBool>(); int iNNZ = (int)pSB->nbTrue(); int iRows = pSB->getRows(); int* pRows = new int[iNNZ * 2]; pSB->outputRowCol(pRows); int* pCols = pRows + iNNZ; iMax = iMax == -1 ? iNNZ : std::min(iMax, iNNZ); for (int i = 0; i < iNNZ && iValues < iMax; i++) { piIndex[iValues] = (pCols[i] - 1) * iRows + (pRows[i] - 1); iValues++; } delete[] pRows; } else { delete[] piIndex; //call overload for other types std::wstring wstFuncName = L"%" + in[0]->getShortTypeStr() + L"_find"; return Overload::call(wstFuncName, in, _iRetCount, out); } if (iValues == 0) { for (int i = 0 ; i < _iRetCount ; i++) { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } } else { if (_iRetCount == 1) { types::Double* dbl = new types::Double(1, iValues); double* p = dbl->get(); for (int i = 0; i < iValues; ++i) { p[i] = static_cast<double>(piIndex[i]) + 1; } delete[] piIndex; out.push_back(dbl); return types::Function::OK; } int* piRefDims = pGT->getDimsArray(); int iRefDims = pGT->getDims(); int* piDims = new int[_iRetCount]; int iDims = _iRetCount; if (iDims == iRefDims) { for (int i = 0 ; i < iRefDims ; i++) { piDims[i] = piRefDims[i]; } } else if (iDims > iRefDims) { for (int i = 0 ; i < iRefDims ; i++) { piDims[i] = piRefDims[i]; } for (int i = iRefDims ; i < iDims ; i++) { piDims[i] = 1; } } else //iDims < iRefDims { for (int i = 0 ; i < iDims - 1 ; i++) { piDims[i] = piRefDims[i]; } piDims[iDims - 1] = 1; for (int i = iDims - 1 ; i < iRefDims ; i++) { piDims[iDims - 1] *= piRefDims[i]; } } int** piCoord = new int*[iValues]; for (int i = 0 ; i < iValues ; i++) { piCoord[i] = new int[_iRetCount]; } for (int i = 0 ; i < iValues ; i++) { getCoordFromIndex(piIndex[i], piCoord[i], piDims, iDims); } for (int i = 0 ; i < _iRetCount ; i++) { types::Double* pOut = new types::Double(1, iValues); for (int j = 0 ; j < iValues ; j++) { pOut->set(j, piCoord[j][i] + 1); } out.push_back(pOut); } delete[] piDims; for (int i = 0 ; i < iValues ; i++) { delete[] piCoord[i]; } delete[] piCoord; } delete[] piIndex; return types::Function::OK; }
/* set3ddata(pobj,cstk(l2), &l3, &numrow3, &numcol3) */ int set3ddata( char* pobjUID, AssignedList * tlist ) { char* type; int m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3; int m3n, n3n; int isFac3d; double * pvecx = NULL; double * pvecy = NULL; double * pvecz = NULL; int dimvectx = 0; int dimvecty = 0; double* inputColors; int nbInputColors; // number of specified colors int nc = 0; int izcol; /* no copy now we just perform tests on the matrices */ pvecx = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m1, &n1 ); pvecy = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m2, &n2 ); pvecz = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m3, &n3 ); if ( m1 * n1 == m3 * n3 && m1 * n1 == m2 * n2 && m1 * n1 != 1 ) { if ( !(m1 == m2 && m2 == m3 && n1 == n2 && n2 == n3) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d, #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"),"Tlist",1,2,3); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } else { if ( m2 * n2 != n3 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"),"Tlist",2,3); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( m1 * n1 != m3 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"),"Tlist",1,3); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } if ( m1 * n1 <= 1 || m2 * n2 <= 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for arguments #%d and #%d: Should be >= %d.\n"),"Tlist",1,2,2); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } if ( m1 * n1 == 0 || m2 * n2 == 0 || m3 * n3 == 0 ) { return sciReturnEmptyMatrix(); } /* get color size if exists */ if ( getAssignedListNbElement( tlist ) == 4 ) { getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m3n, &n3n ) ; if ( m3n * n3n == m3 * n3 ) { /* the color is a matrix, with same size as Z */ izcol = 2; } else if (m3n * n3n == n3 && (m3n == 1 || n3n == 1)) { /* a vector with as many colors as facets */ izcol = 1; } else { Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for %s element: A %d-by-%d matrix or a vector of size %d expected.\n"), "color", m3, n3, n3); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } else { m3n = 0; n3n = 0; izcol = 0; } getGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_string, &type); if (strcmp(type, __GO_FAC3D__) == 0) { isFac3d = 1; } else { isFac3d = 0; } if ( m1 * n1 == m3 * n3 && m1 * n1 == m2 * n2 && m1 * n1 != 1 ) /* NG beg */ { /* case isfac=1;*/ if (isFac3d == 0) { Scierror(999, _("Can not change the %s of graphic object: its type is %s.\n"),"typeof3d","SCI_PLOT3D"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } else { /* case isfac=0;*/ if (isFac3d == 1) { Scierror(999, _("Can not change the %s of graphic object: its type is %s.\n"),"typeof3d","SCI_FAC3D"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } /* check the monotony on x and y */ if (isFac3d == 1) { /* x is considered as a matrix */ dimvectx = -1; } else if ( m1 == 1 ) /* x is a row vector */ { dimvectx = n1; } else if ( n1 == 1 ) /* x is a column vector */ { dimvectx = m1; } else /* x is a matrix */ { dimvectx = -1; } if ( dimvectx > 1 ) { int monotony = checkMonotony( pvecx, dimvectx ); if ( monotony == 0 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value: Vector is not monotonous.\n"),"Objplot3d"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } /* To be implemented within the MVC */ #if 0 psurf->flag_x = monotony; #endif } if (isFac3d == 1) { /* x is considered as a matrix */ dimvecty = -1; } else if(m2 == 1) /* y is a row vector */ { dimvecty = n2; } else if(n2 == 1) /* y is a column vector */ { dimvecty = m2; } else /* y is a matrix */ { dimvecty = -1; } if( dimvecty > 1 ) { int monotony = checkMonotony( pvecy, dimvecty ); if ( monotony == 0 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value: Vector is not monotonous.\n"),"Objplot3d"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } /* To be implemented within the MVC */ #if 0 psurf->flag_y = monotony; #endif } /* get the values now */ rewindAssignedList( tlist ); pvecx = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m1, &n1 ); pvecy = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m2, &n2 ); pvecz = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m3, &n3 ); if (isFac3d == 1) { int numElementsArray[3]; int result; numElementsArray[0] = n1; numElementsArray[1] = m1; numElementsArray[2] = m3n * n3n; result = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_NUM_ELEMENTS_ARRAY__, numElementsArray, jni_int_vector, 3); if (result == 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "set3ddata"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } else if (isFac3d == 0) { int gridSize[4]; int result; gridSize[0] = m1; gridSize[1] = n1; gridSize[2] = m2; gridSize[3] = n2; result = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_GRID_SIZE__, gridSize, jni_int_vector, 4); if (result == 0) { Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "set3ddata"); return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR; } } setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_X__, pvecx, jni_double_vector, m1*n1); setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Y__, pvecy, jni_double_vector, m2*n2); setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Z__, pvecz, jni_double_vector, m3*n3); if( getAssignedListNbElement( tlist ) == 4 ) /* F.Leray There is a color matrix */ { inputColors = getCurrentDoubleMatrixFromList( tlist, &m3n, &n3n ); nbInputColors = m3n * n3n; } else { inputColors = NULL; nbInputColors = 0; } /* * Plot 3d case not treated for now * To be implemented */ if (isFac3d == 1) { setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_COLORS__, inputColors, jni_double_vector, nbInputColors); } /* Color vector/matrix dimensions: to be checked for MVC implementation */ #if 0 psurf->m3n = m3n; /* If m3n and n3n are 0, then it means that no color matrix/vector was in input*/ psurf->n3n = n3n; #endif return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_residu(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { int iRows[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int iCols[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int iComplex[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int* piRank[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; double** pdblInR[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; double** pdblInI[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; bool isDeletable[3] = {false, false, false}; types::Double* pDblIn[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; types::Polynom* pPoly[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; types::Double* pDblOut = NULL; double dblEps = nc_eps_machine(); double dZero = 0; int iOne = 1; int iSize = 0; int iError = 0; if (in.size() != 3) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "residu", 3); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount > 1) { Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "residu", 1); return types::Function::Error; } try { /*** get inputs arguments ***/ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (in[i]->isDouble()) { pDblIn[i] = in[i]->clone()->getAs<types::Double>(); iRows[i] = pDblIn[i]->getRows(); iCols[i] = pDblIn[i]->getCols(); iSize = pDblIn[i]->getSize(); piRank[i] = new int[iSize]; memset(piRank[i], 0x00, iSize * sizeof(int)); pdblInR[i] = new double*[iSize]; double* pdbl = pDblIn[i]->get(); for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { pdblInR[i][j] = pdbl + j; } if (pDblIn[i]->isComplex()) { pdblInI[i] = new double*[iSize]; double* pdbl = pDblIn[i]->get(); for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { pdblInI[i][j] = pdbl + j; } } } else if (in[i]->isPoly()) { pPoly[i] = in[i]->clone()->getAs<types::Polynom>(); iRows[i] = pPoly[i]->getRows(); iCols[i] = pPoly[i]->getCols(); iSize = pPoly[i]->getSize(); piRank[i] = new int[iSize]; pPoly[i]->getRank(piRank[i]); pdblInR[i] = new double*[iSize]; if (pPoly[i]->isComplex()) { pdblInI[i] = new double*[iSize]; for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { pdblInR[i][j] = pPoly[i]->get(j)->get(); pdblInI[i][j] = pPoly[i]->get(j)->getImg(); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { pdblInR[i][j] = pPoly[i]->get(j)->get(); } } } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A Matrix or polynom expected.\n"), "residu", i + 1); throw 1; } } if (iRows[0] != iRows[1] || iCols[0] != iCols[1] || iRows[0] != iRows[2] || iCols[0] != iCols[2]) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for argument: Incompatible dimensions.\n"), "residu"); throw 1; } /*** perform operations ***/ if (pdblInI[0] == NULL && pdblInI[1] == NULL && pdblInI[2] == NULL) { // real case pDblOut = new types::Double(iRows[0], iCols[0]); double* pdblOut = pDblOut->get(); for (int i = 0; i < iRows[0] * iCols[0]; i++) { int iErr = 0; double v = 0; int iSize1 = piRank[0][i] + 1; int iSize2 = piRank[1][i] + 1; int iSize3 = piRank[2][i] + 1; C2F(residu)(pdblInR[0][i], &iSize1, pdblInR[1][i], &iSize2, pdblInR[2][i], &iSize3, &v, &dblEps, &iErr); if (iErr) { Scierror(78, _("%s: An error occured in '%s'.\n"), "residu", "residu"); throw iErr; } pdblOut[i] = v; } } else { // complex case pDblOut = new types::Double(iRows[0], iCols[0], true); double* pdblOutR = pDblOut->get(); double* pdblOutI = pDblOut->getImg(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pdblInI[i] == NULL) { pdblInI[i] = new double*[iSize]; for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { int iLen = piRank[i][j] + 1; pdblInI[i][j] = new double[iLen]; memset(pdblInI[i][j], 0x00, iLen * sizeof(double)); } isDeletable[i] = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < iRows[0] * iCols[0]; i++) { int iErr = 0; double real = 0; double imag = 0; C2F(wesidu)(pdblInR[0][i], pdblInI[0][i], (piRank[0]) + i, pdblInR[1][i], pdblInI[1][i], (piRank[1]) + i, pdblInR[2][i], pdblInI[2][i], (piRank[2]) + i, &real, &imag, &dblEps, &iErr); if (iErr) { Scierror(78, _("%s: An error occured in '%s'.\n"), "residu", "wesidu"); throw iErr; } pdblOutR[i] = real; pdblOutI[i] = imag; } } } catch (int error) { iError = error; } // free memory for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pDblIn[i]) { delete pDblIn[i]; } if (pPoly[i]) { delete pPoly[i]; } if (piRank[i]) { delete[] piRank[i]; } if (pdblInR[i]) { delete[] pdblInR[i]; } if (isDeletable[i]) { for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) { delete[] pdblInI[i][j]; } } if (pdblInI[i]) { delete[] pdblInI[i]; } } /*** retrun output arguments ***/ if (iError) { return types::Function::Error; } out.push_back(pDblOut); return types::Function::OK; }