static OSStatus GenerateRSAKeyPair(
    SecKeychainRef keychain,
    CFStringRef keyLabel,
    int keySizeValue,
    Boolean *extractable,
    SecKeyRef *publicKeyRef,
    SecKeyRef *privateKeyRef)
    OSStatus status;
	CFNumberRef keySize = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &keySizeValue);

	// create a SecAccessRef to set up the initial access control settings for this key
	// (this step is optional; if omitted, the creating application has access to the key)
	// note: the access descriptor should be the same string as will be used for the item's label,
	// since it's the string that is displayed by the access confirmation dialog to describe the item.
	SecAccessRef access = NULL;
	status = SecAccessCreate(keyLabel, NULL, &access);

	// create a dictionary of parameters describing the key we want to create
	CFMutableDictionaryRef params = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
 From the header doc for SecKeyGeneratePair (seems to be incomplete...):
    * kSecAttrLabel default NULL
    * kSecAttrIsPermanent if this key is present and has a Boolean
      value of true, the key or key pair will be added to the default
    * kSecAttrApplicationTag default NULL
    * kSecAttrEffectiveKeySize default NULL same as kSecAttrKeySizeInBits
    * kSecAttrCanEncrypt default false for private keys, true for public keys
    * kSecAttrCanDecrypt default true for private keys, false for public keys
    * kSecAttrCanDerive default true
    * kSecAttrCanSign default true for private keys, false for public keys
    * kSecAttrCanVerify default false for private keys, true for public keys
    * kSecAttrCanWrap default false for private keys, true for public keys
    * kSecAttrCanUnwrap default true for private keys, false for public keys
	CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecUseKeychain, keychain );
	CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrAccess, access );
	CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrKeyType, kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA );
    CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits, keySize ); CFReleaseNull(keySize);
    CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrIsPermanent, kCFBooleanTrue );

	if (extractable)
        CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrIsExtractable, (*extractable) ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse );
	if (keyLabel)
		CFDictionaryAddValue( params, kSecAttrLabel, keyLabel );

    // generate the key
    status = SecKeyGeneratePair(params, publicKeyRef, privateKeyRef);
    ok_status(status, "%s: SecKeyGeneratePair", testName);

	if (params) CFRelease(params);
	if (access) CFRelease(access);

	return status;
OSStatus SecAccessCreateWithTrustedApplications(CFStringRef trustedApplicationsPListPath, CFStringRef accessLabel, Boolean allowAny, SecAccessRef* returnedAccess)
	OSStatus err = errSecSuccess;
	SecAccessRef accessToReturn=nil;
	CFMutableArrayRef trustedApplications=nil;

	if (!allowAny) // use default access ("confirm access")
		// make an exception list of applications you want to trust,
		// which are allowed to access the item without requiring user confirmation
		SecTrustedApplicationRef myself=NULL, someOther=NULL;
        CFArrayRef trustedAppListFromBundle=NULL;

        err = SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath(NULL, &myself);
        if (!err)

		CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, trustedApplicationsPListPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 0);
		CFStringRef leafStr = NULL;
		leafStr = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(url);

		CFURLRef bndlPathURL = NULL;
		bndlPathURL = CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(NULL, url);
		CFStringRef bndlPath = NULL;
		bndlPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(bndlPathURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
        trustedAppListFromBundle=copyTrustedAppListFromBundle(bndlPath, leafStr);
		if ( leafStr )
		if ( bndlPath )
		if ( url )
		if ( bndlPathURL )
        if (trustedAppListFromBundle)
            CFIndex ix,top;
            char buffer[MAXPATHLEN];
            top = CFArrayGetCount(trustedAppListFromBundle);
            for (ix=0;ix<top;ix++)
                CFStringRef filename = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(trustedAppListFromBundle,ix);
                CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength(filename);
                CFIndex usedBufLen;

                if (stringLength != CFStringGetBytes(filename,CFRangeMake(0,stringLength),kCFStringEncodingUTF8,0,
                    false,(UInt8 *)&buffer,MAXPATHLEN, &usedBufLen))
                buffer[usedBufLen] = 0;
				// Support specification of trusted applications by either
				// a full pathname or a code requirement string.
				if (buffer[0]=='/')
					err = SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath(buffer,&someOther);
					char *buf = NULL;
					CFStringRef reqStr = filename;
					CFArrayRef descArray = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(NULL, reqStr, CFSTR("\""));
					if (descArray && (CFArrayGetCount(descArray) > 1))
						CFStringRef descStr = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(descArray, 1);
						if (descStr)
							buf = CFStringToCString(descStr);
					SecRequirementRef reqRef = NULL;
					err = SecRequirementCreateWithString(reqStr, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &reqRef);
					if (!err)
						err = SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromRequirement((const char *)buf, reqRef, &someOther);
					if (buf)
                if (!err)

				if (someOther)

	err = SecAccessCreate((CFStringRef)accessLabel, (CFArrayRef)trustedApplications, &accessToReturn);
    if (!err)
		if (allowAny) // change access to be wide-open for decryption ("always allow access")
			// get the access control list for decryption operations
			CFArrayRef aclList=nil;
			err = SecAccessCopySelectedACLList(accessToReturn, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_DECRYPT, &aclList);
			if (!err)
				// get the first entry in the access control list
				SecACLRef aclRef=(SecACLRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(aclList, 0);
				CFArrayRef appList=nil;
				CFStringRef promptDescription=nil;
				err = SecACLCopySimpleContents(aclRef, &appList, &promptDescription, &promptSelector);

				// modify the default ACL to not require the passphrase, and have a nil application list
				err = SecACLSetSimpleContents(aclRef, NULL, promptDescription, &promptSelector);

				if (appList) CFRelease(appList);
				if (promptDescription) CFRelease(promptDescription);
	*returnedAccess = accessToReturn;
	return err;