Exemplo n.º 1
 * SecCmsAttributeArraySetAttr - set an attribute's value in a set of attributes
SecCmsAttributeArraySetAttr(PLArenaPool *poolp, SecCmsAttribute ***attrs, SECOidTag type, CSSM_DATA_PTR value, Boolean encoded)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    void *mark;

    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);

    /* see if we have one already */
    attr = SecCmsAttributeArrayFindAttrByOidTag(*attrs, type, PR_FALSE);
    if (attr == NULL) {
	/* not found? create one! */
	attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp, type, value, encoded);
	if (attr == NULL)
	    goto loser;
	/* and add it to the list */
	if (SecCmsArrayAdd(poolp, (void ***)attrs, (void *)attr) != SECSuccess)
	    goto loser;
    } else {
	/* found, shove it in */
	/* XXX we need a decent memory model @#$#$!#!!! */
	attr->values[0] = value;
	attr->encoded = encoded;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
    return SECFailure;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * SecCmsSignerInfoAddSigningTime - add the signing time to the
 * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo". 
 * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
 * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations.
 * This should only be added once; a second call will do nothing.
 * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "signerinfo"
 * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is
 * processed for encoding.  Is this (expected to be small) delay okay?
SecCmsSignerInfoAddSigningTime(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo, CFAbsoluteTime t)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    CSSM_DATA stime;
    void *mark;
    PLArenaPool *poolp;

    poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;

    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);

    /* create new signing time attribute */
    if (DER_CFDateToUTCTime(t, &stime) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    if ((attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME, &stime, PR_FALSE)) == NULL) {
	SECITEM_FreeItem (&stime, PR_FALSE);
	goto loser;

    SECITEM_FreeItem (&stime, PR_FALSE);

    if (SecCmsSignerInfoAddAuthAttr(signerinfo, attr) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);

    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
    return SECFailure;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * SecCmsSignerInfoAddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - add a SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreferences attribute to the
 * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo", using the OID prefered by Microsoft.
 * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME),
 * if compatibility with Microsoft mail clients is wanted.
SecCmsSignerInfoAddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo, SecCertificateRef cert, SecKeychainRef keychainOrArray)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    CSSM_DATA_PTR smimeekp = NULL;
    void *mark;
    PLArenaPool *poolp;

#if 0
    CFTypeRef policy;

    /* verify this cert for encryption */
    policy = CERT_PolicyForCertUsage(certUsageEmailRecipient);
    if (CERT_VerifyCert(keychainOrArray, cert, policy, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), NULL) != SECSuccess) {
	return SECFailure;

    poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;
    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);

    smimeekp = SECITEM_AllocItem(poolp, NULL, 0);
    if (smimeekp == NULL)
	goto loser;

    /* create new signing time attribute */
    if (SecSMIMECreateMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs((SecArenaPoolRef)poolp, smimeekp, cert) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    if ((attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp, SEC_OID_MS_SMIME_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PREFERENCE, smimeekp, PR_TRUE)) == NULL)
	goto loser;

    if (SecCmsSignerInfoAddAuthAttr(signerinfo, attr) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
    return SECFailure;
Exemplo n.º 4
     @abstract Add the Apple Codesigning Hash Agility attribute to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
     @discussion This is expected to be included in outgoing signed Apple code signatures.
SecCmsSignerInfoAddAppleCodesigningHashAgility(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo, CFDataRef attrValue)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    PLArenaPool *poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;
    void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);
    OSStatus status = SECFailure;

    /* The value is required for this attribute. */
    if (!attrValue) {
        status = errSecParam;
        goto loser;

     * SecCmsAttributeCreate makes a copy of the data in value, so
     * we don't need to copy into the CSSM_DATA struct.
    CSSM_DATA value;
    value.Length = CFDataGetLength(attrValue);
    value.Data = (uint8_t *)CFDataGetBytePtr(attrValue);

    if ((attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp,
                                      PR_FALSE)) == NULL) {
        status = errSecAllocate;
        goto loser;

    if (SecCmsSignerInfoAddAuthAttr(signerinfo, attr) != SECSuccess) {
        status = errSecInternalError;
        goto loser;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark);
    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark);
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 5
SecCmsSignerInfoAddTimeStamp(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo, CSSM_DATA *tstoken)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    PLArenaPool *poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;
    void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);

    // We have already encoded this ourselves, so last param is PR_TRUE
    if ((attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_TIMESTAMP_TOKEN, tstoken, PR_TRUE)) == NULL)
        goto loser;

    if (SecCmsSignerInfoAddUnauthAttr(signerinfo, attr) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);

    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
    return SECFailure;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * SecCmsSignerInfoAddSMIMECaps - add a SMIMECapabilities attribute to the
 * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo". 
 * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
 * messages for email (S/MIME).
SecCmsSignerInfoAddSMIMECaps(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo)
    SecCmsAttribute *attr;
    CSSM_DATA_PTR smimecaps = NULL;
    void *mark;
    PLArenaPool *poolp;

    poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;

    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);

    smimecaps = SECITEM_AllocItem(poolp, NULL, 0);
    if (smimecaps == NULL)
	goto loser;

    /* create new signing time attribute */
#if 1
    // @@@ We don't do Fortezza yet.
    if (SecSMIMECreateSMIMECapabilities((SecArenaPoolRef)poolp, smimecaps, PR_FALSE) != SECSuccess)
    if (SecSMIMECreateSMIMECapabilities(poolp, smimecaps,
			    PK11_FortezzaHasKEA(signerinfo->cert)) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    if ((attr = SecCmsAttributeCreate(poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SMIME_CAPABILITIES, smimecaps, PR_TRUE)) == NULL)
	goto loser;

    if (SecCmsSignerInfoAddAuthAttr(signerinfo, attr) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
    return SECSuccess;

    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
    return SECFailure;