Exemplo n.º 1
PTEXT SplitLine( PTEXT pLine, INDEX nPos )
	PTEXT newseg, end;
	if( !nPos )
		if( PRIORLINE( pLine ) )
			return PRIORLINE( pLine ); 
		// otherwise we'll have to insert a new segment 
		// in front of this....
		newseg = SegCreate( BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE );
		newseg->data.size = 0;
		pLine->format.position.offset.spaces = 0;
		SegAppend( newseg, pLine );
		return newseg;
	else if( pLine->data.size == nPos )
		// if the point to split is not in the middle of
		// this segment....
		return pLine;

	newseg = SegCreate( BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE );

	end = NEXTLINE( pLine );
	SegBreak( end );

	// fill in new segment with trailing data
	newseg->data.size = pLine->data.size - nPos;
	MemCpy( newseg->data.data, pLine->data.data + nPos, newseg->data.size );

	pLine->data.size = nPos; 
	pLine->data.data[nPos] = 0; // terminate with null also...
	SegAppend( pLine
				, SegAppend( newseg, end ) 

	return pLine;
Exemplo n.º 2
PTEXT win_get_line(HANDLE hFile)
//   extern HANDLE hStdin;
   #define WORKSPACE 1024  // character for workspace
   PTEXT workline=(PTEXT)NULL;
   uint32_t length = 0;
      // create a workspace to read input from the file.
      SetEnd( workline );
      // read a line of input from the file.
      if( !ReadConsole( hFile
                           , GetText(workline)
                           , WORKSPACE
                           , &length
                           , NULL) ) // if no input read.
         if (PRIORLINE(workline)) // if we've read some.
            PTEXT t;
            workline=PRIORLINE(workline); // go back one.
            SegBreak(t = NEXTLINE(workline));
            LineRelease(t);  // destroy the current segment.
            LineRelease(workline);            // destory only segment.
            workline = NULL;
         break;  // get out of the loop- there is no more to read.
   while (GetText(workline)[length-1]!='\n'); //while not at the end of the line.
   if (workline&&length)  // if I got a line, and there was some length to it.
      SetStart(workline);   // set workline to the beginning.
   return(workline);      // return the line read from the file.
Exemplo n.º 3
static PTEXT CPROC ParseCommand( PMYDATAPATH pdp, PTEXT buffer )
	if( buffer )
		PTEXT pCommand;
     	//Log2( WIDE("buffer: %s(%d)"), GetText( buffer ), GetTextSize( buffer ) );
     	//LogBinary( buffer );
      pCommand = burst( buffer );
      LineRelease( buffer );
      if( pCommand )
         PTEXT pTemp, pStart;
         int bEscaped = FALSE;
         pStart = pTemp = pCommand;
         while( pTemp )
            if( TextIs( pTemp, WIDE("\\") ) )
               if( !bEscaped )
                  PTEXT pNext;
                  pNext = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
                  pNext->format.position.offset.spaces = pTemp->format.position.offset.spaces;
                  LineRelease( SegGrab( pTemp ) );
                  bEscaped = TRUE;
                  pTemp = pNext;
            if( !bEscaped && TextIs( pTemp, WIDE(";") ) )
               PTEXT pPrior;
	           	//Log( WIDE("Splitting the line and enqueing it...") );
               pPrior = pTemp;
               SegBreak( pTemp );
               if( pStart != pTemp )
               	// end of line included!
               	pStart = SegAppend( pStart, SegCreate(0) ); 
                  EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart );
               pStart = pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
               SegBreak( pTemp );
               LineRelease( pPrior ); // remove ';'
               bEscaped = FALSE;
            bEscaped = FALSE;
            pTemp = NEXTLINE( pTemp );
         if( pStart )
         	PTEXT line;
         	line = BuildLine( pStart );
         	//Log1( WIDE("Enqueu: %s"), GetText( line ) );
         	LineRelease( line );
            EnqueLink( &pdp->output, pStart );
         // well what now?  I guess pLine got put into Partial...
         // next pass through this all for command recall will blow...
         Log( WIDE("No information from the burst!") );
	return (PTEXT)DequeLink( &pdp->output );
Exemplo n.º 4
void HTTPCollapse( PTEXT *ppText )
	PTEXT output;
	PTEXT input = *ppText;
	while( input )
		if( GetText( input )[0] == '+' )
			PTEXT subst;
			// sometimes a + can be attached to a number
			// so much for the natural language parser dealing with
         // a machine oriented protocol...
			if( GetTextSize( input ) > 1 )
            SegSplit( &input, 1 );
         subst = GetSubst( '+' );
			SegInsert( subst, input );
			LineRelease( SegGrab( input ) );
         input = subst;
			if( !PRIORLINE( input ) )
            (*ppText) = input;
		else if( TextIs( input, WIDE("%") ) )
			PTEXT next = NEXTLINE( input );
			if( next )
				PTEXT subst;
				SegSplit( &next, 2 );
				subst = GetSubst( *(unsigned short*)GetText( next ) );
				if( subst )
					PTEXT nextnext = NEXTLINE( next );
					PTEXT prior = SegBreak( input );
					if( !prior )
						*ppText = SegAppend( subst, nextnext );
					if( nextnext )
						SegBreak( nextnext );
						if( !prior )
							*ppText = nextnext;
							SegAppend( prior, nextnext );
						SegInsert( subst, nextnext );
						input = nextnext;
						SegAppend( prior, (PTEXT)&subst );
						input = NULL;
            // if not subst... just continue stepping, no replacement nessecary?
      input = NEXTLINE( input );
	output = BuildLine( *ppText );
	LineRelease( *ppText );
   (*ppText) = output;
Exemplo n.º 5
void ParseURI( CTEXTSTR string )
   int state;
	PTEXT words;
	PTEXT delete_seg = NULL;
	PTEXT line = SegCreateFromText( string );
	PTEXT filename = NULL;
   PTEXT varname = NULL;
	PTEXT varvalue = NULL;
   PTEXT content = NULL;
   int content_length;

	struct {
		uint32_t bInvalid : 1;
		uint32_t bGet : 1;
		uint32_t bPost : 1;
		uint32_t bBinary : 1; // reading the content...
		uint32_t bValue : 1;
	} flags;
// we got a line, therefore we can process it...
	// only thing then is the last line in the block ...

	state = GET_FILENAME;

	words = burst( line );
	delete_seg = words;
	// though...
	LineRelease( line );
	flags.bValue = 0;

	while( words )
		DECLTEXT( page, WIDE("page") );
		//printf( "state:%d word:%s \r\n",state, GetText(words ) );
		// what does stuff have now?  the whole thign?  a line?
		if( !GetTextSize( words ) ) switch( state )
		case GET_HTTP_EOL:
			state = GET_HTTP_METAVAR;
		case GET_CGI:
			goto AddCGIVariable;
		else switch( state )
		case RESET:
			state = GET_COMMAND;
			continue;  // skip ahead  and try new state;
			if( TextLike( words, WIDE("GET") ) )
				state = GET_FILENAME;
				//flags.bGet = TRUE;
			else if( TextLike( words, WIDE("POST") ) )
				state = GET_FILENAME;
				//flags.bPost = TRUE;
				flags.bInvalid = TRUE;
			if( !filename && TextIs( words, WIDE("/") ) )
				// this is rude, and should never be done,
				// however this filter consumes all data anyhow, SO
				// mangling this will not hurt much...
				words->format.position.offset.spaces = 0;
			if( TextIs( words, WIDE("?") ) || words->format.position.offset.spaces )
				if( !words->format.position.offset.spaces )
					state = GET_CGI;
					state = GET_HTTP_VERSION;
				filename = NEXTLINE( filename );
				LineRelease( SegBreak( filename ) );
				HTTPCollapse( &filename );
				//AddVariableExxx( ps, ps->Current, (PTEXT)&page, filename, FALSE,TRUE,TRUE DBG_SRC );
				//AddVariable( ps, ps->Current, (PTEXT)&CGI, TextDuplicate( NEXTLINE( words ), FALSE ) );
				LineRelease( filename );
				filename = NULL;
				filename = SegAppend( filename, SegDuplicate( words ) );
		case GET_CGI:
			if( words->format.position.offset.spaces )
				state = GET_HTTP_VERSION;
				goto AddCGIVariable;
				if( TextIs( words, WIDE("=") ) )
					HTTPCollapse( &varname );
					flags.bValue = 1;
				else if( TextIs( words, WIDE("&") ) )
					HTTPCollapse( &varvalue );
					HTTPCollapse( &varname );
					if( TextLike( varname, WIDE("content-length") ) )
						content_length= IntCreateFromText( GetText( varvalue ) );
						struct VAR *v = New( struct VAR );
						v->varname = varname;
						varname = NULL;
						v->varvalue = varvalue;
						varvalue = NULL;
						AddLink( &l.vars, v );
					//AddVariableExxx( ps, ps->Current, pmdp->varname, pmdp->varvalue, FALSE,TRUE,TRUE DBG_SRC );
					//LineRelease( varname );
					//LineRelease( varvalue );
					//varname = NULL;
					//varvalue = NULL;
					flags.bValue = 0;
					if( flags.bValue )
						varvalue = SegAppend( varvalue, SegDuplicate( words ) );
						//printf( "add var" );
						varname = SegAppend( varname, SegDuplicate( words ) );
			if( TextIs( words, WIDE("HTTP") ) )
						// okay - don't really do anything... next word is the version...
                  // TextIs( words, "/" ); // this is a token before the number...
						// Version better be something like 1.1 1.0?
						// well wait for EOL...
						state = GET_HTTP_EOL;
				case GET_HTTP_EOL:
					if( !GetTextSize( words ) )
						state = GET_HTTP_METAVAR;
						if( !flags.bValue && TextIs( words, WIDE(":") ) )
                     flags.bValue = TRUE;
							if( flags.bValue )
                        varvalue = SegAppend( varvalue, SegDuplicate( words ) );
                        varname = SegAppend( varname, SegDuplicate( words ) );
					if( !content_length )
                  state = RESET;
						// hmm we've parsed everything up to here, but now we need blocks, binary blocks.
						content = SegAppend( content, words );
						if( LineLength( content ) == content_length )
							//ProcessPostCGI( common.Owner, content );
							//AddVariableExxx( ps, ps->Current, (PTEXT)&CGI, content, FALSE,TRUE,TRUE DBG_SRC );
							//AddVariable( ps, ps->Current, (PTEXT)&CGI, content );
							LineRelease( content );

							//InvokeBehavior( "http.request", common.Owner->Current, common.Owner, NULL );
							//InvokeBehavior( "http_request", common.Owner->Current, common.Owner, NULL );
							state = RESET;
                  words = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
int CPROC MakeProcess( PSENTIENT ps, PENTITY peInit, PTEXT parameters )
	// parameters specify command and parameters to launch...
	// perhaps a working directory? May or may not want it
	// in the current directory...
	// /make process test WIDE("command arguments") WIDE("work path") <attributes?>
	// /make process test WIDE("notepad trigger.txt") 
	PPROCESS process = New( PROCESS );
	TEXTCHAR MyPath[256];
	GetCurrentPath( MyPath, sizeof( MyPath ) );
	ps2 = CreateAwareness( peInit );
	MemSet( process, 0, sizeof( PROCESS ) );
	Log( WIDE("Have a process, and woke it up... setting the link") );
	SetLink( &peInit->pPlugin, iProcess, process );
	SetLink( &peInit->pDestroy, iProcess, DestroyProcess );
	Log( WIDE("Set the link, getting params...") );
		PTEXT text, cmd = NULL;
		text = GetParam( ps, &parameters );
		if( text && TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) )
	      Log( WIDE("Found a quote, getting command line") );
			while( (text = GetParam( ps, &parameters )) && !TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) )
				cmd = SegAppend( cmd, SegDuplicate( text ) );
			cmd->format.position.offset.spaces = 0;
			process->command = BuildLine( cmd );
			if( text ) // closed, and may have start path....
				text = GetParam( ps, &parameters );
		   	if( text && TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) )
					Log( WIDE("Found a quote, getting the path") );
					while( (text = GetParam( ps, &parameters )) && !TextIs( text, WIDE("\"") ) )
						cmd = SegAppend( cmd, SegDuplicate( text ) );
		   		cmd->format.position.offset.spaces = 0;
		   		process->directory = BuildLine( cmd );
			DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("Must specify process to execute in quotes (\")") );
			EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, &msg );
		WakeAThread( ps2 );
			return -1; // abort creation.
	Log2( WIDE("Starting %s in %s"), GetText( process->command ), GetText( process->directory ) );
	process->si.cb = sizeof( process->si );
	// remaining startup info members are NULL - specifying we do NOT care
	// why why when where how the process starts.
	if( StartProcess( process ) )
		DECLTEXTSZ( msg, 256 );
		msg.data.size = snprintf( msg.data.data, 256*sizeof(TEXTCHAR), WIDE("Failed to start \"%s\" in \"%s\" error: %ld"),
										 GetText( process->command ),
										 GetText( process->directory ),
										 GetLastError() );
		EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegDuplicate( (PTEXT)&msg ) );
		WakeAThread( ps2 );
		return -1; // abort creation.
	// well otherwise would seem we've launched a valid application
	// we have valid process and thread handles to it which can be monitored
	// and well that's about that.
	WakeAThread( ps2 );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
CORE_PROC( PTEXT, GatherLineEx )( PTEXT *pOutput, INDEX *pIndex, int bInsert, int bSaveCR, int bData, PTEXT pInput )
// if data - assume data is coming from a preformatted source
// otherwise use escape as command entry and clear buffer...
	// this routine should be used to process user type character
	// input into a legible line buffer....
	// results in a complete line....
	// the line returned must be used - the output buffer
	// is an accumulator and will contain any partial input buffer
	// which remaineder if an EOL sequence was found....

	// build line in buffer using standard console
	// behavior... 

	INDEX pos
       , len = 0
       , size
       , maxlen = 0;
	PTEXT pReturn = NULL;
	PTEXT pDelete = NULL;
	TEXTCHAR character;
	TEXTSTR output;

	if( !pOutput ) // must supply a holder for partial collection...
		return NULL;

	if( !pInput ) // nothing new input - just using previous collection...
		if( *pOutput )
			// use prior partial as new input....
			pInput = *pOutput;
			pDelete = pInput; // this is never deleted if we use prior...
			SetStart( pInput );
			*pOutput = NULL;
			return NULL;
	// probably first pass of gathering...
	if( !*pOutput )
		*pOutput = SegCreate( BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE );
		if( pIndex )
			*pIndex = 0;
		SetTextSize( *pOutput, 0 );
		output = GetText( *pOutput );
		len = 0;
	else if( pIndex )
		output = GetText( *pOutput );
		len = *pIndex;
		if( (*pOutput)->data.size != len )
			if( bInsert )
				// creates a new segment inbetween here.....
				*pOutput = SplitLine( *pOutput, *pIndex );
				output = GetText( *pOutput );
				len = *pIndex = GetTextSize( *pOutput );
				maxlen = (*pOutput)->data.size;
		output = GetText( *pOutput );
		len = GetTextSize( *pOutput );

	while( pInput )
		size = GetTextSize( pInput );
		for( pos = 0; pos < size; pos++ )
			switch( character = GetText( pInput )[pos] )
			case '\x1b':
				if( !bData )
					SetEnd( *pOutput );
					SetStart( *pOutput )
						SetTextSize( *pOutput, 0 );
					SetTextSize( *pOutput, 0 );
					output = GetText( *pOutput );
					len = 0;
					goto defaultcase;
			case '\x7f': // handle unix type delete too ? perhaps...
				if( !bInsert )
					PTEXT pNext;
					// this will slide from the middle to the end...
					// if bInsert - then prior to entrying this switch
					// the data was split and THIS segment is set to zero.
					pNext = *pOutput;
					if( len != (maxlen = GetTextSize( *pOutput )) )
						MemCpy( output + len, output+len+1, maxlen - len );
						SetTextSize( *pOutput, --maxlen );
						PTEXT pDel;
						pNext = *pOutput;
						do {
							pDel = pNext;
							pNext = NEXTLINE( pNext );
							if( pDel != *pOutput )
								SegGrab( pDel );
								LineRelease( pDel );
						} while( pNext && !GetTextSize( pNext ) );
						if( pNext )
							size_t len2;
							output = GetText( pNext );
							len2 = GetTextSize( pNext ) - 1;
							*pOutput = pNext;
							len = 0;
							MemCpy( output, output+1, len2 );
							SetTextSize( pNext, len2 );
				else // was insert is either at end....
					// I dunno perform sliding delete operation...
					// must refresh the output string....
						PTEXT pNext, pDel;
						pNext = *pOutput;
						do {
							pDel = pNext;
							pNext = NEXTLINE( pNext );
							if( pDel != *pOutput )
								SegGrab( pDel );
								LineRelease( pDel );
						} while( pNext && !GetTextSize( pNext ) );
						if( pNext )
							size_t len2;
							TEXTCHAR *data;
							data = GetText( pNext );
							MemCpy( data, data+1, len2 = (GetTextSize( pNext ) - 1 ));
							SetTextSize( pNext, len2 );
			case '\b':
				/* perhaps consider using split for backspace in a line...*/
				if( !bInsert )
					PTEXT pNext;
					size_t maxlen;
					// this will slide from the middle to the end...
					// if bInsert - then prior to entrying this switch
					// the data was split and THIS segment is set to zero.
					pNext = *pOutput;
					maxlen = GetTextSize( *pOutput );
					while( !maxlen && PRIORLINE( *pOutput ) )
						*pOutput = PRIORLINE( *pOutput );
						len = maxlen = GetTextSize( *pOutput );
					if( maxlen )
						if( len != maxlen )
							size_t sz;
							sz = maxlen - len;
							MemCpy( output + len - 1, output + len, sz );
							SetTextSize( *pOutput, maxlen - 1 );
							SetTextSize( *pOutput, --len );
				else // was insert is either at end....
					if( len )
						SetTextSize( *pOutput, --len );
						if( PRIORLINE( *pOutput ) )
							*pOutput = PRIORLINE( *pOutput );
							len = GetTextSize( *pOutput );

						if( len )
							SetTextSize( *pOutput, --len );
			case '\r': // ignore this character...
				if( !bSaveCR )
				// falls through .. past this and saves the return...
			case '\n':
				if( !pReturn )
					// transfer *pOutput to pReturn....
					pReturn = *pOutput;
					SetEnd( pReturn );
					output = GetText( pReturn );
					len = GetTextSize( pReturn );
					output[len] = character;
					SetTextSize( pReturn, ++len );
					// begin next collection in case more data is in the input...
					*pOutput = SegCreate( BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE );
					SetTextSize( *pOutput, 0 );
					output = GetText( *pOutput );
					len = 0;
				// store carriage return... 
				output[len++] = character;

				if( (maxlen && len == maxlen ) ||
                len == BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE )
					PTEXT pTemp;
					SetTextSize( *pOutput, len );
					if( !NEXTLINE( *pOutput ) )
						SegAppend( *pOutput, pTemp = SegCreate( BUILD_LINE_OUTPUT_SIZE ) );
						SetTextSize( pTemp, 0 );
						pTemp = NEXTLINE( *pOutput );
						maxlen = GetTextSize( pTemp );
					*pOutput = pTemp;
					output = GetText( *pOutput );
					len = 0;
					if( bInsert ) // insertion happens at end of segment
                             // and the segment is broken...
						if( !pIndex || ( len > *pIndex ) )
							SetTextSize( *pOutput, len );
						if( len > GetTextSize( *pOutput ) )
							SetTextSize( *pOutput, len );

Exemplo n.º 8
int GetInputData( int bWord, PSENTIENT ps, PTEXT parameters )
	if( ps->Data )
		PTEXT pSave, temp;
		PTEXT *pInd = NULL;
		pSave = parameters;
		lprintf( WIDE("Get data from datapath...") );
		if( !( ( temp = GetParam( ps, &parameters ) ) ) )
			lprintf( WIDE("No parameters specified to get line") );
			LineRelease( ps->pLastResult );
			ps->pLastResult = NULL;
			pInd = &ps->pLastResult;
			if( temp == pSave )
				DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference.") );
				EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) );
				return FALSE;
			if( temp->flags & TF_INDIRECT )
				LineRelease( GetIndirect( temp ) );
				SetIndirect( temp, NULL );
				pInd = (PTEXT*)&temp->data.size;
				DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("is not a valid variable reference(not indirect).") );
				EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, SegAppend( SegDuplicate( temp ), (PTEXT)&msg ) );
				return FALSE;

		if( !pInd )
			DECLTEXT( msg, WIDE("FATAL ERROR: Did not set pInd (GetLine)") );
			EnqueLink( &ps->Command->Output, (PTEXT)&msg );
				return FALSE;
		// try grabbing an existing line - could be put there from BURST of prior...

		if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord ) // just got last word off line...
			if( ps->Data->CurrentLine )
				LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentLine );
				ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL;

		if( !ps->Data->CurrentLine )
			 // Gather Data from input source....
		 // data from HT_CLIENT 'appears' asynchrous
		  // to scripting....
			if( ps->Data->Read )
				ps->Data->Read( ps->Data ); // this returns a completeline...
			ps->Data->CurrentLine = (PTEXT)DequeLink( &ps->Data->Input );

		if( ps->Data->CurrentLine )
			if( !ps->Data->CurrentWord )
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = ps->Data->CurrentLine;

		if( ps->Data->CurrentWord )
			// indirect pointer will be null.
			if( bWord )
				*pInd = SegDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = NEXTLINE( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				// duplicate to end of line... which may be whole - or
				// may be partial because of prior GETWORD from the line...
				// then release the data input line...
				// must duplicate the data in either case cause
				// it will be deleted with additional setting of the
				// variable...
					 *pInd = TextDuplicate( ps->Data->CurrentWord, FALSE );
				LineRelease( ps->Data->CurrentWord );
				ps->Data->CurrentLine = NULL; // do NOT release this line...
				ps->Data->CurrentWord = NULL; // no word on line
		if( ps->CurrentMacro && *pInd )
			ps->CurrentMacro->state.flags.bSuccess = TRUE;
	 return FALSE;