bool Vehicle::Create(uint32 guidlow, Map *map, uint32 Entry, uint32 vehicleId, uint32 team) { SetMapId(map->GetId()); SetInstanceId(map->GetInstanceId()); Object::_Create(guidlow, Entry, HIGHGUID_VEHICLE); if(!InitEntry(Entry, team)) return false; m_defaultMovementType = IDLE_MOTION_TYPE; AIM_Initialize(); SetVehicleId(vehicleId); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT, 1.0f); CreatureInfo const *ci = GetCreatureInfo(); setFaction(team == ALLIANCE ? ci->faction_A : ci->faction_H); SetMaxHealth(ci->maxhealth); SelectLevel(ci); SetHealth(GetMaxHealth()); for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) this->m_spells[i] = this->GetCreatureInfo()->spells[i]; // So our vehicles can have spells on bar GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(), GetPositionZ()+2 ); // So we can fly with Dragon Vehicles return true; }
bool Vehicle::Create(uint32 guidlow, Map *map, uint32 Entry, uint32 vehicleId, uint32 team) { SetMapId(map->GetId()); SetInstanceId(map->GetInstanceId()); Object::_Create(guidlow, Entry, HIGHGUID_VEHICLE); if(!InitEntry(Entry, team)) return false; m_defaultMovementType = IDLE_MOTION_TYPE; AIM_Initialize(); SetVehicleId(vehicleId); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT, 1.0f); CreatureInfo const *ci = GetCreatureInfo(); setFaction(team == ALLIANCE ? ci->faction_A : ci->faction_H); SetMaxHealth(ci->maxhealth); SelectLevel(ci); SetHealth(GetMaxHealth()); return true; }
void Game::RemovePoint() { points_ -= 1; if (points_ < 1 && level_ != Levels::INF) { SelectLevel(Levels::COUNT_); } }
void NewGame(void) { short l, c, p, max_opening_sequence; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval tv; #endif compptr = oppptr = 0; stage = 0; stage2 = -1; /* the game is not yet started */ flag.illegal = flag.mate = = flag.quit = flag.reverse = flag.bothsides = flag.onemove = flag.force = false; flag.material = flag.coords = flag.hash = flag.easy = flag.beep = flag.rcptr = true; flag.stars = flag.shade = flag.back = flag.musttimeout = false; flag.gamein = false; flag.rv = true; mycnt1 = mycnt2 = 0; GenCnt = NodeCnt = et0 = dither = XCmore = 0; znodes = ZNODES; WAwindow = WAWNDW; WBwindow = WBWNDW; BAwindow = BAWNDW; BBwindow = BBWNDW; xwndw = BXWNDW; if (!MaxSearchDepth) MaxSearchDepth = MAXDEPTH - 1; contempt = 0; GameCnt = 0; Game50 = 1; CptrFlag[0] = TesujiFlag[0] = false; hint = OPENING_HINT; ZeroRPT(); GameType[0] = GameType[1] = UNKNOWN; Pscore[0] = Tscore[0] = (SCORE_LIMIT + 3000); opponent = player = black; computer = white; for (l = 0; l < TREE; l++) Tree[l].f = Tree[l].t = 0; gsrand((unsigned int) 1); if (!InitFlag) { for (c = black; c <= white; c++) { for (p = pawn; p <= king; p++) { for (l = 0; l < NO_SQUARES; l++) { (*hashcode)[c][p][l].key = (((unsigned long) urand())); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 16); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].bd = (((unsigned long) urand())); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 16); #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 /* 64-bit long i.e. 8 bytes */ (*hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 32); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 48); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 32); (*hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 48); #endif } } } for (c = black; c <= white; c++) { for (p = pawn; p <= king; p++) { for (l = 0; l < MAX_CAPTURED; l++) { (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].key = (((unsigned long) urand())); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 16); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].bd = (((unsigned long) urand())); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 16); #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 /* 64-bit long i.e. 8 bytes */ (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 32); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 48); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 32); (*drop_hashcode)[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) urand()) << 48); #endif } } } } for (l = 0; l < NO_SQUARES; l++) { board[l] = Stboard[l]; color[l] = Stcolor[l]; Mvboard[l] = 0; } ClearCaptured(); ClearScreen(); InitializeStats(); #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); time0 = tv.tv_sec*100 + tv.tv_usec/10000; #else time0 = time((long *) 0); #endif /* resetting reference time */ ElapsedTime(COMPUTE_AND_INIT_MODE); flag.regularstart = true; Book = BOOKFAIL; if (!InitFlag) { char sx[256]; strcpy(sx, CP[169]); if (TCflag) SetTimeControl(); else if (MaxResponseTime == 0) SelectLevel(sx); UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0); GetOpenings(); GetOpeningPatterns(&max_opening_sequence); InitFlag = true; } #if ttblsz if (TTadd) { ZeroTTable(); TTadd = 0; } #endif /* ttblsz */ hashbd = hashkey = 0; return; }
bool Creature::CreateFromProto(uint32 guidlow,uint32 Entry) { Object::_Create(guidlow, HIGHGUID_UNIT); m_DBTableGuid = guidlow; SetUInt32Value(OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY,Entry); CreatureInfo const *cinfo = objmgr.GetCreatureTemplate(Entry); if(!cinfo) { sLog.outError("Error: creature entry %u does not exist.",Entry); return false; } uint32 rank = isPet()? 0 : cinfo->rank; float damagemod = _GetDamageMod(rank);; uint32 display_id = cinfo->randomDisplayID(); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID,display_id ); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_NATIVEDISPLAYID,display_id ); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2,1); // let creature used equiped weapon in fight SetName(GetCreatureInfo()->Name); SelectLevel(cinfo); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE,cinfo->faction); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS,cinfo->npcflag); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE,cinfo->mindmg * damagemod); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE,cinfo->maxdmg * damagemod); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINRANGEDDAMAGE,cinfo->minrangedmg * damagemod); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXRANGEDDAMAGE,cinfo->maxrangedmg * damagemod); SetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK, cinfo->baseattacktime); SetAttackTime(RANGED_ATTACK,cinfo->rangeattacktime); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS,cinfo->Flags); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS,cinfo->dynamicflags); SetArmor(cinfo->armor); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_HOLY,cinfo->resistance1); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE,cinfo->resistance2); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE,cinfo->resistance3); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_FROST,cinfo->resistance4); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_SHADOW,cinfo->resistance5); SetResistance(SPELL_SCHOOL_ARCANE,cinfo->resistance6); //this is probably wrong SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_DISPLAY, cinfo->equipmodel[0]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO , cinfo->equipinfo[0]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO + 1, cinfo->equipslot[0]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_DISPLAY+1, cinfo->equipmodel[1]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO + 2, cinfo->equipinfo[1]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO + 2 + 1, cinfo->equipslot[1]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_DISPLAY+2, cinfo->equipmodel[2]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO + 4, cinfo->equipinfo[2]); SetUInt32Value( UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INFO + 4 + 1, cinfo->equipslot[2]); SetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, cinfo->size); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS,cinfo->bounding_radius); SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH,cinfo->combat_reach ); FactionTemplateEntry const* factionTemplate = sFactionTemplateStore.LookupEntry(cinfo->faction); if (factionTemplate) { FactionEntry const* factionEntry = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(factionTemplate->faction); if (factionEntry) if (cinfo->civilian != 1 && (factionEntry->team == ALLIANCE || factionEntry->team == HORDE)) SetPvP(true); } else sLog.outErrorDb("Error: invalid faction (%u) for creature (GUIDLow: %u Entry: %u)", cinfo->faction, GetGUIDLow(),Entry); if (cinfo->mount != 0) Mount(cinfo->mount); m_spells[0] = cinfo->spell1; m_spells[1] = cinfo->spell2; m_spells[2] = cinfo->spell3; m_spells[3] = cinfo->spell4; SetSpeed(MOVE_WALK, cinfo->speed ); SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, cinfo->speed ); SetSpeed(MOVE_WALKBACK, cinfo->speed ); SetSpeed(MOVE_SWIM, cinfo->speed); SetSpeed(MOVE_SWIMBACK, cinfo->speed); if(cinfo->MovementType < MAX_DB_MOTION_TYPE) m_defaultMovementType = MovementGeneratorType(cinfo->MovementType); else { m_defaultMovementType = IDLE_MOTION_TYPE; sLog.outErrorDb("Creature template %u have wrong movement generator type value %u, ignore and set to IDLE.",Entry,cinfo->MovementType); } return true; }
void Creature::Update(uint32 diff) { switch( m_deathState ) { case JUST_DIED: // Dont must be called, see Creature::setDeathState JUST_DIED -> CORPSE promoting. sLog.outError("Creature (GUIDLow: %u Entry: %u ) in wrong state: JUST_DEAD (1)",GetGUIDLow(),GetEntry()); break; case DEAD: { if( m_respawnTime <= time(NULL) ) { DEBUG_LOG("Respawning..."); m_respawnTime = 0; CreatureInfo const *cinfo = objmgr.GetCreatureTemplate(this->GetEntry()); SelectLevel(cinfo); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, 0); RemoveFlag (UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_SKINNABLE); SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, cinfo->npcflag); SetHealth(GetMaxHealth()); setDeathState( ALIVE ); clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_ALL_STATE); i_motionMaster.Clear(); MapManager::Instance().GetMap(GetMapId(), this)->Add(this); } break; } case CORPSE: { if( m_deathTimer <= diff ) { m_deathTimer = 0; DEBUG_LOG("Removing corpse... %u ", GetUInt32Value(OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY)); ObjectAccessor::Instance().RemoveCreatureCorpseFromPlayerView(this); lootForPickPocketed = false; lootForBody = false; loot.clear(); setDeathState(DEAD); m_respawnTime = time(NULL) + m_respawnDelay; float x,y,z; GetRespawnCoord(x, y, z); MapManager::Instance().GetMap(GetMapId(), this)->CreatureRelocation(this,x,y,z,GetOrientation()); } else { m_deathTimer -= diff; if (m_groupLootTimer && lootingGroupLeaderGUID) { if(diff <= m_groupLootTimer) { m_groupLootTimer -= diff; } else { Group* group = objmgr.GetGroupByLeader(lootingGroupLeaderGUID); if (group) group->EndRoll(); m_groupLootTimer = 0; lootingGroupLeaderGUID = 0; } } } break; } case ALIVE: { Unit::Update( diff ); i_motionMaster.UpdateMotion(diff); i_AI->UpdateAI(diff); if(m_regenTimer > 0) { if(diff >= m_regenTimer) m_regenTimer = 0; else m_regenTimer -= diff; } if (m_regenTimer != 0) break; if (!isInCombat()) { RegenerateHealth(); RegenerateMana(); } m_regenTimer = 2000; break; } default: break; } }
void DemoIntroduction(void) { unsigned char i ; unsigned int w1, w2; unsigned char touchedNow; SCROLL_WHEEL_DIRECTION scrollDir; switch(DemoIntroState) { case 0: ResetDevice(); FillDisplay(0x00); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" Labyrinth Demo v1.0 ",0,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" by Daniel Szot ",1,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" ",2,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" MB Turnkey Design ",3,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" ",4,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)"Press Menu to proceed",6,0); DemoIntroState = 1; break; case 1: if(CheckButtonPressed() == TRUE) { DemoIntroState=4; } break; case 4: oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" 1. Use scroll to ",0,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" select menu items. ",1,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" 2. Tilt the board ",2,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" to move the ball. ",3,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" 3. Have a good time.",4,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" ",5,0); oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)"Press Menu to proceed",6,0); DemoIntroState = 5; break; case 5: if(CheckButtonPressed() == TRUE) { DemoIntroState++; } break; case 6: scrollDir = GetScrollDirection(); if (scrollDir == SCROLL_UP) { if (g_menuSelected > 0) g_menuSelected --; } else if (scrollDir == SCROLL_DOWN) { if (g_menuSelected < 3) g_menuSelected ++; } oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" LABIRYNTH MENU ",0,0); oledPutROMString(empty_line,1,0); if (g_menuSelected == 0) oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" NEW GAME ",2,0); else oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" NEW GAME ",2,0); if (g_menuSelected == 1) oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" SELECT LEVEL ",3,0); else oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" SELECT LEVEL ",3,0); if (g_menuSelected == 2) oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" CALIBRATE ",4,0); else oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" CALIBRATE ",4,0); if (g_menuSelected == 3) oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" QUIT GAME ",5,0); else oledPutROMString((ROM_STRING)" QUIT GAME ",5,0); oledPutROMString(empty_line,6,0); w1 = mTouchReadButton(0); if (w1 < 600) { switch(g_menuSelected) { case 0: DemoIntroState = 0xFF; g_level=0; loadLevel(g_level); break; case 1: DemoIntroState = 9; DelayMs(100); FillDisplay(0x00); g_menuSelected = 0; firstLevel = 0; break; case 2: DemoIntroState = 7; DelayMs(100); FillDisplay(0x00); break; case 3: _asm RESET _endasm break; } } break; case 7: CalibrateAcc(); break; case 8: FillDisplay(0xFF); oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" CORNGRATULATIONS! ",0,0); oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" You won nothing ",2,0); oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" You just waste your ",3,0); oledPutROMNegString((ROM_STRING)" PRECIOUS time :) ",4,0); DelayMs(2000); DemoIntroState = 6; FillDisplay(0x00); g_level = 0; g_ballGtt = 0; break; case 9: SelectLevel(); break; default: break; } }