bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::DeleteDirectoryRecursively(const TCHAR* Directory)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::DeleteDirectoryRecursively);
	FString RelativeDirectory = Directory;
	Payload << RelativeDirectory;

	// perform a local operation
	FArrayReader Response;

	if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false)
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = 0;
	Response << bSuccess;

	return bSuccess;
void FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::GetFileInfo(const TCHAR* Filename, FFileInfo& Info)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	FString RelativeFilename = Filename;

	if (!CachedFileInfo.Contains(RelativeFilename))
		FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::GetFileInfo);
		Payload << const_cast<FString&>(RelativeFilename);

//		if (RelativeFilename == TEXT("../../../UDKGame/Content/Maps/GDC12_Ice/GDC_2012_Throne_Cave.uasset"))
//		{
//			Info.ReadOnly = true;
//		}

		// Send the filename over
		FArrayReader Response;
		if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false)

		// Get info from the response
		Response << Info.FileExists;
		Response << Info.ReadOnly;
		Response << Info.Size;
		Response << Info.TimeStamp;
		Response << Info.AccessTimeStamp;

		CachedFileInfo.Add(RelativeFilename, Info);
		Info = *(CachedFileInfo.Find(RelativeFilename));
Exemplo n.º 3
bool FNetworkPlatformFile::InitializeInternal(IPlatformFile* Inner, const TCHAR* HostIP)
	// This platform file requires an inner.
	check(Inner != NULL);
	InnerPlatformFile = Inner;
	if (HostIP == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Error, TEXT("No Host IP specified in the commandline."));
		bIsUsable = false;
		return false;

	// Save and Intermediate directories are always local
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::EngineDir() / TEXT("Binaries"));
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::GameDir() / TEXT("Binaries"));
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::GameSavedDir() / TEXT("Backup"));
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::GameSavedDir() / TEXT("Config"));
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::GameSavedDir() / TEXT("Logs"));
	LocalDirectories.Add(FPaths::GameSavedDir() / TEXT("Sandboxes"));


	FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::Heartbeat); 
	FArrayReader Out;
	if (!SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload,Out))
		bIsUsable = true; 

	// lets see we can test whether the server is up. 
	if (Out.Num())
		FCommandLine::AddToSubprocessCommandline( *FString::Printf( TEXT("-FileHostIP=%s"), HostIP ) );
		bIsUsable = true; 
	return bIsUsable;
bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::CopyFile(const TCHAR* To, const TCHAR* From, EPlatformFileRead ReadFlags, EPlatformFileWrite WriteFlags)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::CopyFile);
	FString RelativeTo = To; MakeStandardNetworkFilename(RelativeTo);
	FString RelativeFrom = From; MakeStandardNetworkFilename(RelativeFrom);
	Payload << RelativeTo;
	Payload << RelativeFrom;

	// perform a local operation
	FArrayReader Response;

	if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false)
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = 0;
	Response << bSuccess;

	return bSuccess;
bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::SendWriteMessage(uint64 HandleId, const uint8* Source, int64 BytesToWrite)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	// Send the filename over.
	FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::Write);
	Payload << HandleId;
	// Send the data over
	Payload << BytesToWrite;
	Payload.Serialize(const_cast<uint8*>(Source), BytesToWrite);

	FArrayReader Response;

	if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false) 
		return false;

	// Get the number of bytes the server wrote.
	int64 ServerBytesWritten = 0;
	Response << ServerBytesWritten;

	return (ServerBytesWritten == BytesToWrite);
bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::SetReadOnly(const TCHAR* Filename, bool bNewReadOnlyValue)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::SetReadOnly);
	FString RelativeFilename = Filename;

	Payload << RelativeFilename;
	Payload << bNewReadOnlyValue;

	// perform a local operation
	FArrayReader Response;

	if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false)
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = 0;
	Response << bSuccess;

	return bSuccess;
bool FHTTPTransport::Initialize(const TCHAR* InHostIp)
	// parse out the format
	FString HostIp = InHostIp;

	// make sure that we have the correct protcol
	ensure( HostIp.RemoveFromStart("http://") );

	// check if we have specified the port also
	if ( HostIp.Contains(":") == false)
		// no port put the default one on
		HostIp = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s:%d"), *HostIp, (int)(DEFAULT_HTTP_FILE_SERVING_PORT) );
		// make sure that our string is again correctly formated
	HostIp = FString::Printf(TEXT("http://%s"),*HostIp);

	FCString::Sprintf(Url, *HostIp);

	HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest(); 


	emscripten_log(EM_LOG_CONSOLE , "Unreal File Server URL : %s ", TCHAR_TO_ANSI(Url)); 

	TArray<uint8> In,Out; 
	bool RetResult = SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(In,Out); 
	return RetResult; 
Exemplo n.º 8
void FNetworkPlatformFile::EnsureFileIsLocal(const FString& Filename)
	double StartTime;
	float ThisTime;
	StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

		FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);
		// have we already cached this file? 
		if (CachedLocalFiles.Find(Filename) != NULL)

	if ( FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles )
		delete FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles; // wait here for any async unsolicited files to finish reading being read from the network 
		FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles = NULL;
	if( FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles)
		delete FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles; // wait here for any async unsolicited files to finish writing to disk
		FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles = NULL;

	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	ThisTime = 1000.0f * float(FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime);
	//UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Lock and wait for old async writes %6.2fms"), ThisTime);

	// have we already cached this file? (test again, since some other thread might have done this between waits)
	if (CachedLocalFiles.Find(Filename) != NULL)
	// even if an error occurs later, we still want to remember not to try again

	StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	// no need to read it if it already exists 
	// @todo: Handshake with server to delete files that are out of date
	if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*Filename))

	ThisTime = 1000.0f * float(FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime);
	//UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Check for local file %6.2fms - %s"), ThisTime, *Filename);

	// this is a bit of a waste if we aren't doing cook on the fly, but we assume missing asset files are relatively rare
	bool bIsCookable = GConfig && GConfig->IsReadyForUse() && FPackageName::IsPackageExtension(*FPaths::GetExtension(Filename, true));

	// we only copy files that actually exist on the server, can greatly reduce network traffic for, say,
	// the INT file each package tries to load
	if (!bIsCookable && ServerFiles.FindFile(Filename) == NULL)
		// Uncomment this to have the server file list dumped
		// the first time a file requested is not found.
#if 0
		static bool sb_DumpedServer = false;
		if (sb_DumpedServer == false)
			FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("Dumping server files... %s not found\n"), *Filename);
			for (TMap<FString, FServerTOC::FDirectory*>::TIterator ServerDumpIt(ServerFiles.Directories); ServerDumpIt; ++ServerDumpIt)
				FServerTOC::FDirectory& Directory = *ServerDumpIt.Value();
				for (FServerTOC::FDirectory::TIterator DirDumpIt(Directory); DirDumpIt; ++DirDumpIt)
					FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("%10s - %s\n"), *(DirDumpIt.Value().ToString()), *(DirDumpIt.Key()));
			sb_DumpedServer = true;

	// send the filename over (cast away const here because we know this << will not modify the string)
	FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::SyncFile);
	Payload << (FString&)Filename;

	StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	// allocate array reader on the heap, because the SyncWriteFile function will delete it
	FArrayReader Response;
	if (!SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response))
		UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Receive failure!"));
	ThisTime = 1000.0f * float(FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime);
	//UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Send and receive %6.2fms"), ThisTime);

	StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	FString ReplyFile;
	Response << ReplyFile;
	check(ReplyFile == Filename);

	// get the server file timestamp
	FDateTime ServerTimeStamp;
	Response << ServerTimeStamp;

	// write the file in chunks, synchronously
	SyncWriteFile(&Response, ReplyFile, ServerTimeStamp, *InnerPlatformFile);

	int32 NumUnsolictedFiles;
	Response << NumUnsolictedFiles;

	if (NumUnsolictedFiles)
		check( FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles == NULL );
		check( FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles == NULL );
		FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles = new FScopedEvent;
		FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles = new FScopedEvent;
		AsyncReadUnsolicitedFiles(NumUnsolictedFiles, *this, *InnerPlatformFile, ServerEngineDir, ServerGameDir, FinishedAsyncNetworkReadUnsolicitedFiles, FinishedAsyncWriteUnsolicitedFiles);
	ThisTime = 1000.0f * float(FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime);
	//UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Write file to local %6.2fms"), ThisTime);
Exemplo n.º 9
void FNetworkPlatformFile::InitializeAfterSetActive()
	double NetworkFileStartupTime = 0.0;

		// send the filenames and timestamps to the server
		FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::GetFileList);
		FillGetFileList(Payload, false);

		// send the directories over, and wait for a response
		FArrayReader Response;
		if (!SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response))
			delete Transport; 
			// receive the cooked version information
			int32 ServerPackageVersion = 0;
			int32 ServerPackageLicenseeVersion = 0;
			ProcessServerInitialResponse(Response, ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion);

			// receive a list of the cache files and their timestamps
			TMap<FString, FDateTime> ServerCachedFiles;
			Response << ServerCachedFiles;

			bool bDeleteAllFiles = true;
			// Check the stored cooked version
			FString CookedVersionFile = FPaths::GeneratedConfigDir() / TEXT("CookedVersion.txt");

			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*CookedVersionFile) == true)
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenRead(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					int32 StoredPackageCookedVersion;
					int32 StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion;
					if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
						if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
							if ((ServerPackageVersion == StoredPackageCookedVersion) &&
								(ServerPackageLicenseeVersion == StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion))
								bDeleteAllFiles = false;
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, 
									TEXT("Engine version mismatch: Server %d.%d, Stored %d.%d\n"), 
									ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion,
									StoredPackageCookedVersion, StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion);

					delete FileHandle;
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Cooked version file missing: %s\n"), *CookedVersionFile);

			if (bDeleteAllFiles == true)
				// Make sure the config file exists...
				// Update the cooked version file
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenWrite(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageVersion, sizeof(int32));
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32));
					delete FileHandle;

			// list of directories to skip
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToSkip;
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToNotRecurse;
			// use the timestamp grabbing visitor to get all the content times
			FLocalTimestampDirectoryVisitor Visitor(*InnerPlatformFile, DirectoriesToSkip, DirectoriesToNotRecurse, false);

			TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
			FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
			for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
				const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
				const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(RootPath);

				InnerPlatformFile->IterateDirectory( *ContentFolder, Visitor);

			// delete out of date files using the server cached files
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(ServerCachedFiles); It; ++It)
				bool bDeleteFile = bDeleteAllFiles;
				FString ServerFile = It.Key();

				// Convert the filename to the client version

				// Set it in the visitor file times list
				Visitor.FileTimes.Add(ServerFile, FDateTime::MinValue());

				if (bDeleteFile == false)
					// Check the time stamps...
					// get local time
					FDateTime LocalTime = InnerPlatformFile->GetTimeStamp(*ServerFile);
					// If local time == MinValue than the file does not exist in the cache.
					if (LocalTime != FDateTime::MinValue())
						FDateTime ServerTime = It.Value();
						// delete if out of date
						// We will use 1.0 second as the tolerance to cover any platform differences in resolution
						FTimespan TimeDiff = LocalTime - ServerTime;
						double TimeDiffInSeconds = TimeDiff.GetTotalSeconds();
						bDeleteFile = (TimeDiffInSeconds > 1.0) || (TimeDiffInSeconds < -1.0);
						if (bDeleteFile == true)
							if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*ServerFile) == true)
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: TimeDiff %5.3f, %s"), TimeDiffInSeconds, *It.Key());
								// It's a directory
								bDeleteFile = false;
				if (bDeleteFile == true)

			// Any content files we have locally that were not cached, delete them
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(Visitor.FileTimes); It; ++It)
				if (It.Value() != FDateTime::MinValue())
					// This was *not* found in the server file list... delete it
					UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: %s"), *It.Key());

			// make sure we can sync a file
			FString TestSyncFile = FPaths::Combine(*(FPaths::EngineDir()), TEXT("Config/BaseEngine.ini"));

			InnerPlatformFile->SetReadOnly(*TestSyncFile, false);
			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile))
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not delete file sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);


			if (!InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile) || InnerPlatformFile->FileSize(*TestSyncFile) < 1)
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);

	FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("Network file startup time: %5.3f seconds\n"), NetworkFileStartupTime);
