HRESULT CchaffIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, unsigned int dataSize) { TmodelIGC<IchaffIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataChaffIGC))); DataChaffIGC* dataChaff = (DataChaffIGC*)data; m_pChaffTypeData = (DataChaffTypeIGC*)(dataChaff->pchafftype->GetData()); LoadDecal(m_pChaffTypeData->textureName, NULL, Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), false, 1.0f, c_mtNotPickable | c_mtPredictable); Time time0 = pMission->GetIgcSite()->ClientTimeFromServerTime(dataChaff->time0); SetRadius(1.0f); SetPosition(dataChaff->p0 + Seconds(now - time0).count() * dataChaff->v0); SetVelocity(dataChaff->v0); { Rotation r(Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 2.75f); SetRotation(r); } SetMass(0.0f); m_timeExpire = time0 + Seconds(m_pChaffTypeData->lifespan); SetCluster(dataChaff->pcluster); return S_OK; }
FatDirEntry1x* CmtFat::CreateFileName( cpchar pattern ) { uint32 subDir = 0; //Войти в поддиректорий pattern = GetSubDir( pattern, &subDir ); if( pattern ) { //Успешно вошли в поддиректорий CmtFatFinder finder( subDir ); while(1) { FatDirEntry1x *ptr = GetNextFileEntry( &finder ); if( ptr == 0 ) { //Пустых записей не обнаружено, попробовать увеличить директорий if( IncreaseDir( subDir ) != CMTE_OK ) return 0; else { //Директорий увеличен, повторить попытку поиска finder.Set( subDir ); continue; } } //Проверить, что запись пустая if( ptr->mFileName[0] == 0 || ptr->mFileName[0] == 0xe5 ) { //Запись пустая, заполнить имя int c; for( c = 0; c < 8 && *pattern != '.' && *pattern; c++ ) { ptr->mFileName[c] = cmtCharUpper( *pattern++ ); } //Добить оставшуюся часть имени пробелами while( c < 8 ) ptr->mFileName[c++] = ' '; //Добраться до точки while( *pattern && *pattern != '.' ) pattern++; if( *pattern == '.' ) pattern++; for( c = 0; c < 3 && *pattern; c++ ) { ptr->mExtension[c] = cmtCharUpper( *pattern++ ); } //Добить оставшуюся часть имени пробелами while( c < 3 ) ptr->mExtension[c++] = ' '; CmtSystemTime ft; ft.GetSystem(); //Заполнить остальные поля ptr->mAttrib = FA_ARHIV; ptr->mReserved[0] = ptr->mReserved[1] = 0; ptr->mUpdateTime = //time create/update ptr->mCreationTime = ft.FFTime(); ptr->mUpdateDate = //date create/update ptr->mAccessDate = ptr->mCreationDate = ft.FFDate(); ptr->mFirstClusterHigh = 0; // higher ptr->mFileSize = 0; ptr->SetFirstCluster32( GetFreeCluster() ); if( ptr->GetFirstCluster32() > 0 ) SetCluster( ptr->GetFirstCluster32(), END_CLUSTER ); dirtyDirSector = 1; return ptr; } } } return 0; //Нет файла }
//============================================================================== //--------------------- FAT - общая -------------------------------------------- int32 CmtFat::IncreaseDir( uint32 startDir ) { //Распределить новый кластер uint32 cluster = GetFreeCluster(); if( cluster == 0 || cluster == END_CLUSTER ) return CMTE_FS_DISK_FULL; //Получить последний кластер uint32 last; while( startDir != 0 && startDir != END_CLUSTER ) { last = startDir; startDir = GetCluster( startDir ); } //Установить цепочку SetCluster( last, cluster ); SetCluster( cluster, END_CLUSTER ); //Подготовить кластер директория InitDirCluster( cluster ); return CMTE_OK; }
// Constructor Node::Node(float x, float y, int RL, Cluster *cluster, Node *nexthop) :Point(x, y) { SetCluster(cluster); SetNextHop(nexthop); hops_to_sink = 0; params_init.RL = RL; = true; Reset(); }
void CmtFat::FreeClusters( uint32 cluster ) { if( cluster == 0 || cluster == END_CLUSTER ) return; if( cluster < curFreeCluster ) curFreeCluster = cluster; while( cluster != END_CLUSTER ) { uint32 next = GetCluster( cluster ); SetCluster( cluster, 0 ); if( curFreeCluster > cluster ) curFreeCluster = cluster; cluster = next; } }
HRESULT CbuoyIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, unsigned int dataSize) { TmodelIGC<IbuoyIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataBuoyIGC))); DataBuoyIGC* dataBuoy = (DataBuoyIGC*)data; LoadDecal("buoy", "buoyicon", Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), false, 1.0f, c_mtStatic | c_mtPredictable); SetRadius(20.0f); SetPosition(dataBuoy->position); { Rotation r(Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.5f); SetRotation(r); } m_type = dataBuoy->type; m_buoyID = (dataBuoy->buoyID == NA) ? pMission->GenerateNewBuoyID() : dataBuoy->buoyID; IclusterIGC* pcluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataBuoy->clusterID); if (dataBuoy->type == c_buoyCluster) SetSecondaryName(pcluster->GetName()); else SetSecondaryName("waypoint"); SetMass(0.0f); pMission->AddBuoy(this); SetCluster(pcluster); return S_OK; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CwarpIGC HRESULT CwarpIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize) { TmodelIGC<IwarpIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataWarpIGC))); { DataWarpIGC* dataWarp = (DataWarpIGC*)data; m_warpDef = dataWarp->warpDef; IclusterIGC* cluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataWarp->clusterID); ZRetailAssert (cluster); { // , use the real texture name HRESULT rc = LoadWarp(dataWarp->warpDef.textureName, dataWarp->warpDef.iconName, c_mtStatic | c_mtHitable | c_mtSeenBySide | c_mtPredictable); assert (SUCCEEDED(rc)); { SetRadius((float)m_warpDef.radius); SetPosition(dataWarp->position); SetVelocity(Vector::GetZero()); { Orientation o(dataWarp->forward); SetOrientation(o); } SetRotation(dataWarp->rotation); SetCluster(cluster); SetMass(0.0f); // KG- hack for unmovable alephs (to avoid a IGC file format change) // aleph name with a leading '*' denotes a fixed position aleph // so remove the '*' from the name and set m_bFixedPosition to true // Andon: Added mass limits to alephs. It checks for a leading '+' // and if found it searches for a ':' - It then takes everything after // this and turns it into a number. After that, it replaces the ':' with // a '(' and adds a ')' to the end. if (dataWarp->name[0] == '*') { m_bFixedPosition = true; if (dataWarp->name[1] == '+')//Andon: Added for if the aleph is both unmoved and mass limited { ZString name = dataWarp->name; int MassFind = name.Find(':',0); char* mass = &(dataWarp->name[MassFind+2]); m_MassLimit = atoi(mass); name.ReplaceAll(":" ,'('); //Replaces the : with a ( const char* alephname = &(name[2]); //Removes the leading '*+' char* newAlephName = new char[25]; const char* nameSuffix = ")"; //Adds a ) to the end strncpy(newAlephName, alephname, strlen(alephname)+1); strncat(newAlephName, nameSuffix, strlen(nameSuffix)+1); SetName(newAlephName); } else { SetName(&(dataWarp->name[1])); // skip the leading '*' m_MassLimit = -1; } } else if (dataWarp->name[0] == '+') { ZString name = dataWarp->name; int MassFind = name.Find(':',0); char* mass = &(dataWarp->name[MassFind+1]); m_MassLimit = atoi(mass); name.ReplaceAll(":" ,'('); //Replaces the : with a ( const char* alephname = &(name[1]);//Skip the leading '+' char* newAlephName = new char[25]; const char* nameSuffix = ")"; //Adds a ) to the end strncpy(newAlephName, alephname, strlen(alephname)+1); strncat(newAlephName, nameSuffix, strlen(nameSuffix)+1); SetName(newAlephName); } else { SetName(dataWarp->name); m_MassLimit = -1; } SetSignature(dataWarp->signature); pMission->AddWarp(this); } } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CmineIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize) { ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize > sizeof(DataMineBase))); { DataMineBase* dataMineBase = (DataMineBase*)data; if ((dataMineBase->exportF) && ((DataMineExport*)dataMineBase)->createNow) { m_time0 = now; } else { m_time0 = pMission->GetIgcSite()->ClientTimeFromServerTime(dataMineBase->time0); } TmodelIGC<ImineIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); IshipIGC* pshipLauncher; IclusterIGC* pcluster; DataMineTypeIGC* dataMineType; if (dataMineBase->exportF) { assert (dataSize >= sizeof(DataMineExport)); DataMineExport* dataMineExport = (DataMineExport*)dataMineBase; m_mineType = (ImineTypeIGC*)(pMission->GetExpendableType(dataMineExport->minetypeID)); assert (m_mineType); assert (m_mineType->GetObjectType() == OT_mineType); pcluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataMineExport->clusterID); assert (m_mineType); dataMineType = (DataMineTypeIGC*)(m_mineType->GetData()); pshipLauncher = pMission->GetShip(dataMineExport->launcherID); SetSide(pMission->GetSide(dataMineExport->sideID)); m_fraction = dataMineExport->fraction; } else { assert (dataSize == sizeof(DataMineIGC)); DataMineIGC* dataMine = (DataMineIGC*)dataMineBase; m_mineType = dataMine->pminetype; pcluster = dataMine->pcluster; assert (m_mineType); assert (m_mineType->GetObjectType() == OT_mineType); dataMineType = (DataMineTypeIGC*)(m_mineType->GetData()); pshipLauncher = dataMine->pshipLauncher; SetSide(dataMine->psideLauncher); m_fraction = 1.0f; } if (pshipLauncher && (dataMineType->launcherDef.price == 0)) { m_launcher = pshipLauncher; m_launcher->AddRef(); } assert (GetSide()); assert (pcluster); m_mineType->AddRef(); //Load the model for the mine LoadMine(dataMineType->textureName, 1.0f, dataMineType->radius, dataMineType->iconName, c_mtSeenBySide | c_mtPredictable | c_mtHitable | c_mtStatic); SetRadius(dataMineType->radius); SetSignature(dataMineType->signature); SetSecondaryName(dataMineType->; { //lifespan == 0 => immortal mine that can hit until it gets terminated on the next update; this is bad assert (dataMineType->lifespan > 0.0f); m_timeExpire = m_time0 + dataMineType->lifespan; assert (m_timeExpire != m_time0); } SetMass(0.0f); m_mineID = dataMineBase->mineID; SetPosition(dataMineBase->p0); SetCluster(pcluster); pMission->AddMine(this); } return S_OK; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CasteroidIGC HRESULT CasteroidIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize) { ZeroMemory(&m_builderseensides, sizeof(bool) * c_cSidesMax); //Imago 8/10 TmodelIGC<IasteroidIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataAsteroidIGC))); { DataAsteroidIGC* dataAsteroid = (DataAsteroidIGC*)data; m_asteroidDef = dataAsteroid->asteroidDef; IclusterIGC* cluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataAsteroid->clusterID); ZRetailAssert (cluster); { HRESULT rc = Load(0, m_asteroidDef.modelName, m_asteroidDef.textureName, m_asteroidDef.iconName, c_mtStatic | c_mtHitable | c_mtDamagable | c_mtSeenBySide | c_mtPredictable); assert (SUCCEEDED(rc)); SetRadius((float)m_asteroidDef.radius); SetPosition(dataAsteroid->position); { Orientation o(dataAsteroid->forward, dataAsteroid->up); SetOrientation(o); } // Turkey 01/2014 AME is bugged, rotation axis should be a normalized vector Rotation r = dataAsteroid->rotation; Vector axis = r.axis().Normalize(); r.axis(axis); SetRotation(r); SetSignature(dataAsteroid->signature); m_fraction = dataAsteroid->fraction; if (m_fraction > 1.0f) m_fraction = 1.0f; // Turkey 01/2014 AME is bugged, gives rocks 100.4% hitpoints (241/240) if (dataAsteroid->name[0] != '\0') SetName(dataAsteroid->name); else SetSecondaryName(dataAsteroid->name + 1); SetCluster(cluster); //Xynth #100 7/2010 Need to initialize oreseenbyside for all sides for (SideLinkIGC* psl = this->GetMission()->GetSides()->first(); psl != NULL; psl = psl->next()) { IsideIGC* pside = psl->data(); oreSeenBySide.Set(pside, 0.0); } m_lastUpdateOre = 0.0; //Xynth #132 7/2010 Should update first time this is mined m_inhibitUpdate = false; //Xynth #225 9/10 m_inhibitCounter = -1; #ifdef DEBUG { //Verify that there is no pre-existing asteroid with the same ID for (AsteroidLinkIGC* pal = pMission->GetAsteroids()->first(); (pal != NULL); pal = pal->next()) { assert (pal->data()->GetObjectID() != m_asteroidDef.asteroidID); } } #endif pMission->AddAsteroid(this); } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CprobeIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize) { assert (pMission); m_pMission = pMission; ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize > sizeof(DataProbeBase))); { DataProbeBase* dataProbeBase = (DataProbeBase*)data; if ((dataProbeBase->exportF) && ((DataProbeExport*)dataProbeBase)->createNow) { m_time0 = now; } else { m_time0 = pMission->GetIgcSite()->ClientTimeFromServerTime(dataProbeBase->time0); } TmodelIGC<IprobeIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); IshipIGC* pshipLauncher; IsideIGC* pside; IclusterIGC* pcluster; if (dataProbeBase->exportF) { assert (dataSize == sizeof(DataProbeExport)); DataProbeExport* dataProbeExport = (DataProbeExport*)dataProbeBase; m_probeType = (IprobeTypeIGC*)(pMission->GetExpendableType(dataProbeExport->probetypeID)); pside = pMission->GetSide(dataProbeExport->sideID); pcluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataProbeExport->clusterID); pshipLauncher = pside->GetShip(dataProbeExport->shipID); if (m_probeType->HasCapability(c_eabmShootOnlyTarget)) m_target = pMission->GetModel(dataProbeExport->otTarget, dataProbeExport->oidTarget); } else { assert (dataSize == sizeof(DataProbeIGC)); DataProbeIGC* dataProbe = (DataProbeIGC*)dataProbeBase; m_probeType = dataProbe->pprobetype; pside = dataProbe->pside; pcluster = dataProbe->pcluster; pshipLauncher = dataProbe->pship; if (m_probeType->HasCapability(c_eabmShootOnlyTarget)) m_target = dataProbe->pmodelTarget; } assert (m_probeType); assert (m_probeType->GetObjectType() == OT_probeType); m_probeType->AddRef(); m_ammo = m_probeType->GetAmmo(); DataProbeTypeIGC* dataProbeType = (DataProbeTypeIGC*)(m_probeType->GetData()); m_projectileType = m_probeType->GetProjectileType(); if (m_projectileType) { m_projectileType->AddRef(); m_bSeenByAll = false; if (pshipLauncher && (dataProbeType->launcherDef.price == 0)) m_launcher = pshipLauncher; } assert (pcluster); //Load the model for the probe assert (iswalpha(dataProbeType->modelName[0])); HRESULT hr = Load(0, dataProbeType->modelName, dataProbeType->textureName, dataProbeType->iconName, c_mtDamagable | c_mtHitable | c_mtStatic | c_mtSeenBySide | c_mtPredictable | c_mtScanner); assert (SUCCEEDED(hr)); SetRadius(dataProbeType->radius); SetSignature(dataProbeType->signature); SetSide(pside); SetSecondaryName(dataProbeType->; { //Parts get a random orientation Vector v = Vector::RandomDirection(); Orientation o(v); SetOrientation(o); } //lifespan == 0 => immortal probe that can hit until it gets terminated on the next update; this is bad assert (dataProbeType->lifespan > 0.0f); m_timeExpire = m_time0 + dataProbeType->lifespan; assert (m_timeExpire != m_time0); m_nextFire = m_time0 + (m_probeType->HasCapability(c_eabmQuickReady) ? 5.0f //5 second delay : 30.0f); //30 second delay before we start to shoot assert (GetSide()); SetMass(0.0f); m_probeID = dataProbeBase->probeID; SetPosition(dataProbeBase->p0); SetCluster(pcluster); pMission->AddProbe(this); if ((dataProbeType->dtRipcord >= 0.0f) && ((GetMyLastUpdate() - m_time0) >= dataProbeType->dtRipcord)) { pMission->GetIgcSite()->ActivateTeleportProbe(this); } // mmf 04/08 destroy any probe near aleph (warp) tip as this is viewed as an exploit as the enemy // often cannot delete it // // if (experimental game type) mmf const MissionParams* pmp = pMission->GetMissionParams(); if (pmp->bExperimental) { Vector dV, probeV, warpV, tipdistV; Vector bV, tipV; float warp_rad, distance; Orientation warp_orient; Rotation warp_rot; // loop through list of warps for (WarpLinkIGC* pwl = pcluster->GetWarps()->first(); (pwl != NULL); pwl = pwl->next()) { IwarpIGC* pwarp = pwl->data(); warp_rad = pwarp->GetRadius(); warp_orient = pwarp->GetOrientation(); warpV = pwarp->GetPosition(); probeV = this->GetPosition(); dV= warpV-probeV; distance = dV.Length(); warp_rot = pwarp->GetRotation(); // if rotating (i.e. rotation is other than 0 0 1 0) abort check if (!((warp_rot.x()==0) && (warp_rot.y()==0) && (warp_rot.z()==1) && (warp_rot.angle()==0))) break; if (distance < (warp_rad * 2) ) { // only check if close to tip if reasonably close to warp center bV = warp_orient.GetBackward(); tipV = warpV + (bV*warp_rad); tipdistV = tipV-probeV; distance = tipdistV.Length(); if (distance < 30) { debugf("Destroying probe as it was dropped too close (within 30) of aleph(warp) tip. dist = $f\n",distance); return S_FALSE; // this will destroy the probe } } } } // mmf end // mmf added code to detect tp drop near asteroid and if too close destroy it // leave ActivateTeleProbe code above so enemy is alerted to the drop even though it may be destroyed if (dataProbeType->dtRipcord >= 0.0f) // check to see if this is a teleprobe { Vector dV; float asteroid_rad, distance; // loop through list of asteroids for (AsteroidLinkIGC* pal = pcluster->GetAsteroids()->first(); (pal != NULL); pal = pal->next()) { asteroid_rad = (pal->data()->GetRadius()); dV=this->GetPosition() - pal->data()->GetPosition(); distance = dV.Length(); if (distance < (asteroid_rad-5)) { debugf("Teleprobe dropped too close to asteroid (within -5) destroying probe. dist = %f, asteroid rad = %f\n", distance,asteroid_rad); // this->Terminate(); should be terminated when missionigc processes S_FALSE return S_FALSE; } } } // mmf end } return S_OK; }