Exemplo n.º 1
PtSet SetCreateFile (char *pnomef)
  PtSet Set; FILE *PtF; unsigned int Cardinal, I; char Elemento;

  /* abertura com validacao do ficheiro para leitura - opening the text file for reading */
  if ( (PtF = fopen (pnomef, "r")) == NULL)
  { Error = NO_FILE; return NULL; }

  /* leitura do cardinal do conjunto do ficheiro - reading the set's cardinal from the text file */
  fscanf (PtF, "%u", &Cardinal); fscanf (PtF, "%*c");

  /* criação do set vazio - creating an empty set */
  if ((Set = SetCreate ()) == NULL)
  { fclose (PtF); return NULL; }

  /* leitura dos elementos do conjunto do ficheiro - reading the set's elements from the text file */
  for (I = 0; I < Cardinal ; I++)
    fscanf (PtF, "%c", &Elemento); fscanf (PtF, "%*c");
    if (!SetInsertElement (Set, Elemento))
        SetDestroy (&Set); fclose (PtF); return NULL; 

  fclose (PtF);  /* fecho do ficheiro - closing the text file */
  Error = OK;
  return Set;  /* devolve o set criado - returning the new set */
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
PtSet SetIntersection (PtSet pset1, PtSet pset2)
    PtSet intersection;
    unsigned int i;
    PtNode currentNode;    

    /* Verify sets */
    if (!ValidSets(pset1, pset2))
        return NULL;

    /* Calls the constructor */
    if ((intersection = SetCreate()) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Verifies the existance of the elements of pset1 in pset2 */
    currentNode = pset1->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset1->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (SetSearchElement(pset2, *(currentNode->PtElem))) {
            if (SetInsertElement(intersection, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0 && Error == NO_MEM) {
                return NULL; 
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;

    Error = OK;
    return intersection;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
PtSet SetCopy (PtSet pset)
    PtSet copy;
    unsigned int i;
    PtNode currentNode;

    /* Verifies if set exists */
    if (pset == NULL) {
        Error = NO_SET;
        return NULL;

    /* Call the constructor to create a new set */
    if ((copy = SetCreate()) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Copy all nodes and cardinal info */
    currentNode = pset->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (SetInsertElement(copy, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0 && Error == NO_MEM) {
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;

    Error = OK;
    return copy;
Exemplo n.º 4
Stav* ProblemStavCreate(Problem* prb, int v, Set* m) {
  Stav* s = malloc(sizeof(Stav));
  if(m) s->m = SetCopy(m);
  else s->m = SetCreate(prb->g->n);
  s->v = v;
  return s;
Exemplo n.º 5
static Stacklet_t*
Stacklet_Alloc(StackChain_t* stackChain)
	int i;
	Stacklet_t *res = NULL;
		Each stacklet contains the primary and replica.  Each one
		starts with a guard page, a C area, and then an ML area.
	int size = (GuardStackletSize + MLStackletSize + CStackletSize) * kilobyte;	/* for just one of the two: primary and replica */

	assert(stackletOffset == size);
	for (i=0; i<NumStacklet; i++)
		if (CompareAndSwap(&Stacklets[i].count, 0, 1) == 0) {
			res = &Stacklets[i];
	if (res == NULL)
		DIE("out of stack space");

	res->parent = stackChain;
	res->state = Inconsistent;
	if (!res->mapped) {
		mem_t start = my_mmap(2 * size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
		mem_t middle = start + size / (sizeof (val_t));

		res->baseExtendedBottom = start +
			(GuardStackletSize * kilobyte) / (sizeof (val_t));
		res->baseBottom = res->baseExtendedBottom +
			(CStackletSize * kilobyte) / (sizeof (val_t));
		res->baseTop = res->baseBottom +
			(MLStackletSize * kilobyte) / (sizeof (val_t));
		assert(res->baseTop == middle);
			Get some initial room in multiples of 64 bytes; Sparc
			requires at least 68 byte for the save area.
		res->baseTop -= (128 / sizeof(val_t));
		my_mprotect(0, (caddr_t) start, GuardStackletSize * kilobyte,
			PROT_NONE);	/* Guard page at bottom of primary */
		my_mprotect(1, (caddr_t) middle, GuardStackletSize * kilobyte,
			PROT_NONE);	/* Guard page at bottom of replica */

		res->callinfoStack = SetCreate(size / (32 * sizeof (val_t)));
		res->mapped = 1;
	res->baseCursor = res->baseTop;
	for (i=0; i<32; i++)
		res->bottomBaseRegs[i] = 0;
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
PtSet SetSymmetricDifference (PtSet pset1, PtSet pset2)
    PtSet diff;
    unsigned int i;
    PtNode currentNode;    

    /* Verify sets */
    if (!ValidSets(pset1, pset2))
        return NULL;

    /* Calls the constructor */
    if ((diff = SetCreate()) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Verifies the existance of the elements of pset1 in pset2 (and vice-versa) and save those who aren't commun */
    currentNode = pset1->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset1->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (!SetSearchElement(pset2, *(currentNode->PtElem))) {
            if (SetInsertElement(diff, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0 && Error == NO_MEM) {
                return NULL; 
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;

    currentNode = pset2->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset2->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (!SetSearchElement(pset1, *(currentNode->PtElem))) {
            if (SetInsertElement(diff, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0 && Error == NO_MEM) {
                return NULL; 
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;

    Error = OK;
    return diff;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: pbmartins/AlgC
PtSet SetReunion (PtSet pset1, PtSet pset2)
    PtSet reunion;
    unsigned int i;
    PtNode currentNode;

    /* Verify sets */
    if (!ValidSets(pset1, pset2))
        return NULL;

    /* Calls the constructor */
    if ((reunion = SetCreate()) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Copy all nodes and cardinal info */
    currentNode = pset1->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset1->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (SetInsertElement(reunion, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0) {
            if (Error == NO_MEM) {
                return NULL;
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;

    currentNode = pset2->Head;
    for (i = 0; i < pset2->Cardinal; i++) {
        if (SetInsertElement(reunion, *(currentNode->PtElem)) == 0) {
            if (Error == NO_MEM) {
                return NULL;
        currentNode = currentNode->PtNext;
    Error = OK;
    return reunion;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main (void)
	PtSet set1 = NULL, set2 = NULL, set3 = NULL;
	char filename[21], car; int st; 

	system ("clear");

	printf ("\nLer conjunto do ficheiro - Read set from a text file\n");
  		printf ("Nome do ficheiro (Filename) -> ");
		st = scanf ("%20[^\n]", filename);
		scanf ("%*[^\n]"); scanf ("%*c");
	} while (st == 0);

	set1 = SetCreateFile (filename);
	printf ("\nConjunto lido do ficheiro - Set acquired from text file %s\n", filename);
	WriteSet (set1);

	printf ("\nLer conjunto do teclado [# para terminar] - Read set from keyboard [# to stop]\n");
	set2 = SetCreate ();
			printf ("Elemento do conjunto (Set's element) ? "); st = scanf ("%c", &car);
			scanf ("%*[^\n]"); scanf ("%*c");
		} while (st == 0);
		car = toupper (car);
		if (isupper(car)) SetInsertElement (set2, car);
	} while (car != '#');

	printf ("\nConjunto lido do teclado - Set acquired from keyboard\n");
	WriteSet (set2);

	printf ("\nEscrever conjunto no ficheiro - Storing the set in a text file\n");
  		printf ("Nome do ficheiro (Filename) -> ");
		st = scanf ("%20[^\n]", filename);
		scanf ("%*[^\n]"); scanf ("%*c");
	} while (st == 0);
	SetStoreFile (set2, filename);

	set3 = SetReunion (set1, set2);
	printf ("\nConjunto Reuniao - Union set\n");
	WriteSet (set3);

	SetDestroy (&set3);
	set3 = SetIntersection (set1, set2);
	printf ("\nConjunto Interseccao - Intersection set\n");
	WriteSet (set3);

	SetDestroy (&set3);
	set3 = SetSymmetricDifference (set1, set2);
	printf ("\nConjunto Diferença - Symmetric Difference set\n");
	WriteSet (set3);

	printf ("\nDestruir os conjuntos - Releasing the sets\n");
	SetDestroy (&set1);
	SetDestroy (&set2);
	SetDestroy (&set3);

	WriteSet (set3);

	return 0;