Exemplo n.º 1
    HANDLE          hPrinter,
    PPLOTGPC        pPlotGPC,
    LPWSTR          pwDeviceName,
    PFORMSIZE       pCurForm


Routine Description:

    This function set the default devmode based on the current pPlotGPC


    hPrinter        - Handle to the printer

    pPlotGPC        - our loaded/verified GPC data.

    pwDeviceName    - the device name passed in

    pPlotDM         - Pointer to our ExtDevMode

    pCurForm        - Pointer to the FORMSIZE data structure which will be
                      updated if the pointer is not NULL, the final result of
                      the form size/imagable area selected by the user will
                      be written to here. the form name will be in

Return Value:



    14-Dec-1993 Tue 20:21:48 updated  -by-  Daniel Chou (danielc)
        Update the dmScale based on maximum the device can support

    06-Dec-1993 Mon 12:49:52 updated  -by-  Daniel Chou (danielc)
        make sure we turn off the DM_xxx bits if one of those is not valid or
        supported in current plotter

    16-Nov-1993 Tue 13:49:27 created  -by-  Daniel Chou (danielc)

Revision History:



    if (pwDeviceName) {

        _WCPYSTR(DeviceName, pwDeviceName, CCHDEVICENAME);

        // Make sure the PlotGPC's device name is ssync with the pDeviceName
        // passed

        WStr2Str(pPlotGPC->DeviceName, DeviceName);

        PLOTDBG(DBG_DEFDEVMODE, ("PlotGPC DeviceName=%hs\npwDeviceName=%ls",
                            pPlotGPC->DeviceName, pwDeviceName));

    } else {

        PLOTERR(("No DeviceName passed, using GPC's '%hs'",

        str2Wstr(DeviceName, pPlotGPC->DeviceName);

    // Make a default copy first then copy device name down

    CopyMemory(pPlotDM, &_DefPlotDM, sizeof(PLOTDEVMODE));

    WCPYFIELDNAME(pPlotDM->dm.dmDeviceName, DeviceName);

    // We must turn off the DM_xxx bits in dmFields if we do not support it,
    // look at default fields we copy down then update it

    if (pPlotGPC->MaxScale) {

        if ((WORD)pPlotDM->dm.dmScale > pPlotGPC->MaxScale) {

            pPlotDM->dm.dmScale = (SHORT)pPlotGPC->MaxScale;

    } else {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_SCALE;

    if (pPlotGPC->MaxCopies <= 1) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_COPIES;

    if (!(pPlotGPC->MaxQuality)) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_PRINTQUALITY;

    // DEFAULT 50% quality for byte align plotter (DJ 600) to do ROP right

    if (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTERBYTEALIGN) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmPrintQuality = DMRES_LOW;

        PLOTWARN(("SetDefaultPLOTDM: HACK Default Qaulity = DMRES_LOW"));

    if (!(pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_COLOR)) {

        if (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTER) {

            pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_COLOR;
            pPlotDM->dm.dmColor   = DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME;

        } else {

                       "SetDefaultPLOTDM: The Pen Ploter CANNOT be MONO.",
                       (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_COLOR), 0);

            pPlotGPC->Flags |= PLOTF_COLOR;

    // Set default form name based on the country

    SetDefaultDMForm(pPlotDM, pCurForm);

Exemplo n.º 2
                HANDLE          hPrinter,
    _In_        PPLOTGPC        pPlotGPC,
    _In_opt_    LPCWSTR         pwDeviceName,
    _In_        PPLOTDEVMODE    pPlotDM,
    _Out_opt_   PFORMSIZE       pCurForm


Routine Description:

    This function set the default devmode based on the current pPlotGPC


    hPrinter        - Handle to the printer

    pPlotGPC        - our loaded/verified GPC data.

    pwDeviceName    - the device name passed in

    pPlotDM         - Pointer to our ExtDevMode

    pCurForm        - Pointer to the FORMSIZE data structure which will be
                      updated if the pointer is not NULL, the final result of
                      the form size/imagable area selected by the user will
                      be written to here. the form name will be in

Return Value:



    14-Dec-1993 Tue 20:21:48 updated
        Update the dmScale based on maximum the device can support

    06-Dec-1993 Mon 12:49:52 updated
        make sure we turn off the DM_xxx bits if one of those is not valid or
        supported in current plotter

    16-Nov-1993 Tue 13:49:27 created

Revision History:


    WCHAR   *pwchDeviceName = NULL;
    ULONG   ulStrLen = 0;


    // Device name including NULL terminator
    // must be equal or shorter than CCHDEVICENAME.
    // PREFIX doesn' take this assumption. Buffer size needs to be flexible and
    // should not be on stack.
    if (pwDeviceName) {

        ulStrLen = (ULONG)wcslen(pwDeviceName);

        // Allocate buffer to hold pwDeviceName including null terminator.
        // Make sure that pwDeviceName has a device name.
        if (0 == ulStrLen ||
            !(pwchDeviceName = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED|LMEM_ZEROINIT, (ulStrLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))))
            PLOTERR(("SetDefaultPLOTDM: memory allocaton failed.\n"));

            // Make sure that pPlotGPC->DeviceName has a null terminator.
            pPlotGPC->DeviceName[0] = (BYTE)'\0';

            _WCPYSTR_FILL_TRAIL_WITH_NULL(pwchDeviceName, ulStrLen + 1, pwDeviceName);

            // Make sure the PlotGPC's device name is ssync with the pDeviceName
            // passed.
            // String length must be equal or shorter than CCHDEVICENAME.
            // DEVMODE's device name and pPlotGPC->DeviceName can't hold a sting
            // longer than CCHDEVICENAME.
            if (ulStrLen + 1 > CCHDEVICENAME)
                PLOTERR(("SetDefaultPLOTDM: DeviceName is longer than buffer size.\n"));
                WStr2Str(pPlotGPC->DeviceName, CCHOF(pPlotGPC->DeviceName), pwchDeviceName);

        PLOTDBG(DBG_DEFDEVMODE, ("PlotGPC DeviceName=%hs\npwDeviceName=%ls",
                            pPlotGPC->DeviceName, pwDeviceName));

    } else {

        PLOTERR(("No DeviceName passed, using GPC's '%hs'",
        ulStrLen = (ULONG)strlen(pPlotGPC->DeviceName);

        // Allocate buffer to hold pwDeviceName including null terminator.
        // Make sure that pwDeviceName has a device name.
        if (0 == ulStrLen ||
            !(pwchDeviceName = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED|LMEM_ZEROINIT, (ulStrLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))))
            PLOTERR(("SetDefaultPLOTDM: memory allocaton failed.\n"));
            str2Wstr(pwchDeviceName, ulStrLen + 1, pPlotGPC->DeviceName);

    // Make a default copy first then copy device name down

    CopyMemory(pPlotDM, &_DefPlotDM, sizeof(PLOTDEVMODE));

    if (pwchDeviceName)
        WCPYFIELDNAME(pPlotDM->dm.dmDeviceName, CCHOF(pPlotDM->dm.dmDeviceName), pwchDeviceName);
        pPlotDM->dm.dmDeviceName[0] = L'\0';

    // We must turn off the DM_xxx bits in dmFields if we do not support it,
    // look at default fields we copy down then update it

    if (pPlotGPC->MaxScale) {

        if ((WORD)pPlotDM->dm.dmScale > pPlotGPC->MaxScale) {

            pPlotDM->dm.dmScale = (SHORT)pPlotGPC->MaxScale;

    } else {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_SCALE;

    if (pPlotGPC->MaxCopies <= 1) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_COPIES;

    if (!(pPlotGPC->MaxQuality)) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_PRINTQUALITY;

    // DEFAULT 50% quality for byte align plotter (DJ 600) to do ROP right

    if (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTERBYTEALIGN) {

        pPlotDM->dm.dmPrintQuality = DMRES_LOW;

        PLOTWARN(("SetDefaultPLOTDM: Force Default Qaulity = DMRES_LOW"));

    if (!(pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_COLOR)) {

        if (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTER) {

            pPlotDM->dm.dmFields &= ~DM_COLOR;
            pPlotDM->dm.dmColor   = DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME;

        } else {

                       "SetDefaultPLOTDM: The Pen Ploter CANNOT be MONO.",
                       (pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_COLOR), 0);

            pPlotGPC->Flags |= PLOTF_COLOR;

    // Set default form name based on the country/region

    SetDefaultDMForm(pPlotDM, pCurForm);
