Exemplo n.º 1
wxSize wxChoice::DoGetBestSize() const
    // find the widest string
    int wChoice = 0;
    int hChoice;
    const unsigned int nItems = GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )
        int wLine;
        GetTextExtent(GetString(i), &wLine, NULL);
        if ( wLine > wChoice )
            wChoice = wLine;

    // give it some reasonable default value if there are no strings in the
    // list
    if ( wChoice == 0 )
        wChoice = 100;

    // the combobox should be slightly larger than the widest string
    wChoice += 5*GetCharWidth();
    if( HasFlag( wxCB_SIMPLE ) )
        hChoice = SetHeightSimpleComboBox( nItems );
        hChoice = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(GetCharHeight());

    wxSize best(wChoice, hChoice);
    return best;
Exemplo n.º 2
wxSize wxChoice::DoGetSizeFromTextSize(int xlen, int ylen) const
    int cHeight = GetCharHeight();

    // We are interested in the difference of sizes between the whole control
    // and its child part. I.e. arrow, separators, etc.
    wxSize tsize(xlen, 0);

    // FIXME-VC6: Only VC6 needs this guard, see WINVER definition in
    //            include/wx/msw/wrapwin.h
#if defined(WINVER) && WINVER >= 0x0500
    WinStruct<COMBOBOXINFO> info;
    if ( MSWGetComboBoxInfo(&info) )
        tsize.x += info.rcItem.left + info.rcButton.right - info.rcItem.right
                    + info.rcItem.left + 3; // right and extra margins
    else // Just use some rough approximation.
#endif // WINVER >= 0x0500
        tsize.x += 4*cHeight;

    // set height on our own
    if( HasFlag( wxCB_SIMPLE ) )
        tsize.y = SetHeightSimpleComboBox(GetCount());
        tsize.y = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cHeight);

    // Perhaps the user wants something different from CharHeight
    if ( ylen > 0 )
        tsize.IncBy(0, ylen - cHeight);

    return tsize;
Exemplo n.º 3
void wxChoice::DoSetSize(int x, int y,
                         int width, int height,
                         int sizeFlags)
    const int heightBest = GetBestSize().y;

    // we need the real height below so get the current one if it's not given
    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        // height not specified, use the same as before
        DoGetSize(NULL, &height);
    else if ( height == heightBest )
        // we don't need to manually manage our height, let the system use the
        // default one
        m_heightOwn = wxDefaultCoord;
    else // non-default height specified
        // set our new own height but be careful not to make it too big: the
        // native control apparently stores it as a single byte and so setting
        // own height to 256 pixels results in default height being used (255
        // is still ok)
        m_heightOwn = height;

        if ( m_heightOwn > UCHAR_MAX )
            m_heightOwn = UCHAR_MAX;
        // nor too small: see MSWUpdateVisibleHeight()
        else if ( m_heightOwn < COMBO_HEIGHT_ADJ )
            m_heightOwn = COMBO_HEIGHT_ADJ;

    // the height which we must pass to Windows should be the total height of
    // the control including the drop down list while the height given to us
    // is, of course, just the height of the permanently visible part of it so
    // add the drop down height to it

    // don't make the drop down list too tall, arbitrarily limit it to 30
    // items max and also don't make it too small if it's currently empty
    size_t nItems = GetCount();
    if (!HasFlag(wxCB_SIMPLE))
        if ( !nItems )
            nItems = 9;
        else if ( nItems > 30 )
            nItems = 30;

    const int hItem = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
    int heightWithItems = 0;
    if (!HasFlag(wxCB_SIMPLE))
        heightWithItems = height + hItem*nItems;
        heightWithItems = SetHeightSimpleComboBox(nItems);

    // do resize the native control
    wxControl::DoSetSize(x, y, width, heightWithItems, sizeFlags);

    // make the control itself of the requested height: notice that this
    // must be done after changing its size or it has no effect (apparently
    // the height is reset to default during the control layout) and that it's
    // useless to to do it when using the deferred sizing -- in this case it
    // will be done from MSWEndDeferWindowPos()
    if ( m_pendingSize == wxDefaultSize )
        // not using deferred sizing, update it immediately
    else // in the middle of deferred sizing
        // we need to report the size of the visible part of the control back
        // in GetSize() and not height stored by DoSetSize() in m_pendingSize
        m_pendingSize = wxSize(width, height);
    // always update the visible height immediately