Exemplo n.º 1
// CONSTRUCTOR (const AString &)
AString::AString( const AString & string )
	uint32_t len = string.GetLength();
	m_Length = len;
	uint32_t reserved = Math::RoundUp( len, (uint32_t)2 );
	m_Contents = (char *)ALLOC( reserved + 1 );
	SetReserved( reserved, true );
	Copy( string.Get(), m_Contents, len ); // copy handles terminator
Exemplo n.º 2
// CONSTRUCTOR (const char *)
AString::AString( const char * string )
	ASSERT( string );
	uint32_t len = (uint32_t)StrLen( string );
	m_Length = len;
	uint32_t reserved = Math::RoundUp( len, (uint32_t)2 );
	m_Contents = (char *)ALLOC( reserved + 1 );
	SetReserved( reserved, true );
	Copy( string, m_Contents, len ); // copy handles terminator
Exemplo n.º 3
// GrowNoCopy
void AString::GrowNoCopy( uint32_t newLength )
	if ( MemoryMustBeFreed() )
		FREE( m_Contents );

	// allocate space, rounded up to multiple of 2
	uint32_t reserve = Math::RoundUp( newLength, (uint32_t)2 );
	m_Contents = (char *)ALLOC( reserve + 1 ); // also allocate for \0 terminator
	SetReserved( reserve, true );
Exemplo n.º 4
// CONSTRUCTOR (uint32_t)
AString::AString( uint32_t reserve )
	char * mem = nullptr;
	if ( reserve > 0 )
		reserve = Math::RoundUp( reserve, (uint32_t)2 );
		mem = (char *)ALLOC( reserve + 1 );
		mem[ 0 ] = '\000';
	m_Contents = mem;
	m_Length = 0;
	SetReserved( reserve, true );
Exemplo n.º 5
// Grow
void AString::Grow( uint32_t newLength )
	// allocate space, rounded up to multiple of 2
	uint32_t reserve = Math::RoundUp( newLength, (uint32_t)2 );
	char * newMem = (char *)ALLOC( reserve + 1 ); // also allocate for \0 terminator

	// transfer existing string data
	Copy( m_Contents, newMem, m_Length );

	if ( MemoryMustBeFreed() )
		FREE( m_Contents );

	m_Contents = newMem;
	SetReserved( reserve, true );