MessageWindow::MessageWindow ( const char *id_, int32 sid_, const char *serverName_, const BMessenger &sMsgr_, const char *nick, const char *addyString, bool chat, bool initiate, const char *IP, const char *port) : ClientWindow ( id_, sid_, serverName_, sMsgr_, nick, BRect(110,110,730,420)), chatAddy (addyString ? addyString : ""), chatee (id_), dIP (IP), dPort (port), dChat (chat), dInitiate (initiate), dConnected (false) { if (dChat) { if (dInitiate) { DCCServerSetup(); dataThread = spawn_thread(DCCIn, "DCC Chat(I)", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); } else dataThread = spawn_thread(DCCOut, "DCC Chat(O)", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread (dataThread); } if (dInitiate) SetFlags (B_AVOID_FOCUS); status->AddItem (new StatusItem ( serverName.String(), 0), true); status->AddItem (new StatusItem( "Lag: ", 0, STATUS_ALIGN_LEFT), true); status->AddItem (new StatusItem ( 0, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", STATUS_ALIGN_LEFT), true); status->SetItemValue (STATUS_LAG, "0.000"); status->SetItemValue (STATUS_NICK, myNick.String()); BString titleString (id); if (addyString && *addyString) titleString << " (" << addyString << ")"; SetTitle (titleString.String()); SetSizeLimits (300,2000,150,2000); }
// show task properties // void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(RESULT* result) { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxDateTime dt; wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of task "); wxTitle.append(wxString(result->name, wxConvUTF8)); SetTitle(wxTitle); APP_VERSION* avp = NULL; WORKUNIT* wup = NULL; RESULT* r = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name); if (r) { avp = r->avp; wup = r->wup; } addProperty(_("Application"), FormatApplicationName(result)); addProperty(_("Name"), wxString(result->wu_name, wxConvUTF8)); addProperty(_("State"), result_description(result, false)); if (result->received_time) { dt.Set((time_t)result->received_time); addProperty(_("Received"), dt.Format()); } dt.Set((time_t)result->report_deadline); addProperty(_("Report deadline"), dt.Format()); if (strlen(result->resources)) { addProperty(_("Resources"), wxString(result->resources, wxConvUTF8)); } if (wup) { addProperty(_("Estimated computation size"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.0f GFLOPs"), wup->rsc_fpops_est/1e9)); } if (result->active_task) { addProperty(_("CPU time at last checkpoint"), FormatTime(result->checkpoint_cpu_time)); addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->current_cpu_time)); if (result->elapsed_time >= 0) { addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->elapsed_time)); } addProperty(_("Estimated time remaining"), FormatTime(result->estimated_cpu_time_remaining)); addProperty(_("Fraction done"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.3f %%"), result->fraction_done*100)); addProperty(_("Virtual memory size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->swap_size)); addProperty(_("Working set size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->working_set_size_smoothed)); if (result->slot >= 0) { addProperty(_("Directory"), wxString::Format(wxT("slots/%d"), result->slot)); } if (result->pid) { addProperty(_("Process ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), result->pid)); } if (result->progress_rate) { // express rate in the largest time unit (hr/min/sec) for which rate < 100% // if (result->progress_rate*3600 < 1) { addProperty(_("Progress rate"), wxString::Format(wxT("%f %% %s"), 100*3600*result->progress_rate, _("per hour"))); } else if (result->progress_rate*60 < 1) { addProperty(_("Progress rate"), wxString::Format(wxT("%f %% %s"), 100*60*result->progress_rate, _("per minute"))); } else { addProperty(_("Progress rate"), wxString::Format(wxT("%f %% %s"), 100*result->progress_rate, _("per second"))); } } } else if (result->state >= RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR) { addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->final_cpu_time)); addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->final_elapsed_time)); } if (avp) { addProperty(_("Executable"), wxString(avp->exec_filename, wxConvUTF8)); } m_gbSizer->Layout(); m_scrolledWindow->FitInside(); }
void PersonWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { char str[256]; BDirectory directory; BEntry entry; BFile file; BNodeInfo *node; switch (msg->what) { case M_SAVE: if (!fRef) { SaveAs(); break; } // supposed to fall through case M_REVERT: case M_SELECT: fView->MessageReceived(msg); break; case M_SAVE_AS: SaveAs(); break; case B_UNDO: // fall through case B_CUT: case B_COPY: case B_PASTE: { BView* view = CurrentFocus(); if (view != NULL) view->MessageReceived(msg); break; } case B_SAVE_REQUESTED: { entry_ref dir; if (msg->FindRef("directory", &dir) == B_OK) { const char* name = NULL; msg->FindString("name", &name); directory.SetTo(&dir); if (directory.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { directory.CreateFile(name, &file); if (file.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { node = new BNodeInfo(&file); node->SetType("application/x-person"); delete node; directory.FindEntry(name, &entry); entry.GetRef(&dir); _SetToRef(new entry_ref(dir)); SetTitle(fRef->name); fView->CreateFile(fRef); } else { sprintf(str, B_TRANSLATE("Could not create %s."), name); BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", str, B_TRANSLATE("Sorry")); alert->SetFlags(alert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE); alert->Go(); } } } break; } case B_NODE_MONITOR: { int32 opcode; if (msg->FindInt32("opcode", &opcode) == B_OK) { switch (opcode) { case B_ENTRY_REMOVED: // We lost our file. Close the window. PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case B_ENTRY_MOVED: { // We may have renamed our entry. Obtain relevant data // from message. BString name; msg->FindString("name", &name); int64 directory; msg->FindInt64("to directory", &directory); int32 device; msg->FindInt32("device", &device); // Update our ref. delete fRef; fRef = new entry_ref(device, directory, name.String()); // And our window title. SetTitle(name); // If moved to Trash, close window. BVolume volume(device); BPath trash; find_directory(B_TRASH_DIRECTORY, &trash, false, &volume); BPath folder(fRef); folder.GetParent(&folder); if (folder == trash) PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; } case B_ATTR_CHANGED: { // An attribute was updated. BString attr; if (msg->FindString("attr", &attr) == B_OK) fView->SetAttribute(attr.String(), true); break; } case B_STAT_CHANGED: fView->UpdatePicture(fRef); break; } } break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } }
bool DIALOG_MODEDIT_FP_BODY_ITEM_PROPERTIES::TransferDataToWindow() { // Set unit symbol wxStaticText* texts_unit[] = { m_StartPointXUnit, m_StartPointYUnit, m_EndPointXUnit, m_EndPointYUnit, m_ThicknessTextUnit, m_DefaulThicknessTextUnit, }; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < DIM( texts_unit ); ii++ ) { texts_unit[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel() ); } wxString msg; // Change texts according to the segment shape: switch( m_item->GetShape() ) { case S_CIRCLE: SetTitle( _( "Circle Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point Y" ) ); m_AngleText->Show( false ); m_AngleCtrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; case S_ARC: SetTitle( _( "Arc Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point Y" ) ); m_AngleValue = m_item->GetAngle() / 10.0; break; case S_SEGMENT: SetTitle( _( "Line Segment Properties" ) ); // Fall through. default: m_AngleText->Show( false ); m_AngleCtrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartXCtrl, m_item->GetStart().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartYCtrl, m_item->GetStart().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndX_Radius_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndY_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThicknessCtrl, m_item->GetWidth() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, m_brdSettings.m_ModuleSegmentWidth ); // Configure the layers list selector m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSet( LSET::InternalCuMask().set( Edge_Cuts ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_parent ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Resync(); if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _( "This item was on an unknown layer.\n" "It has been moved to the front silk screen layer. Please fix it." ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( F_SilkS ); } return DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES_BASE::TransferDataToWindow(); }
bool CDlgEventLog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { ////@begin CDlgEventLog member initialisation CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); m_iPreviousRowCount = 0; m_iTotalDocCount = 0; m_iPreviousFirstMsgSeqNum = pDoc->GetFirstMsgSeqNum(); m_iPreviousLastMsgSeqNum = m_iPreviousFirstMsgSeqNum - 1; m_iNumDeletedFilteredRows = 0; m_iTotalDeletedFilterRows = 0; if (!s_bIsFiltered) { s_strFilteredProjectName.clear(); } m_iFilteredIndexes.Clear(); m_bProcessingRefreshEvent = false; m_bWasConnected = false; m_bEventLogIsOpen = true; ////@end CDlgEventLog member initialisation CSkinAdvanced* pSkinAdvanced = wxGetApp().GetSkinManager()->GetAdvanced(); wxPoint oTempPoint; wxSize oTempSize; wxASSERT(pSkinAdvanced); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pSkinAdvanced, CSkinAdvanced)); if ((pos == wxDefaultPosition) && (size == wxDefaultSize)) { // Get size and position from the previous configuration GetWindowDimensions( oTempPoint, oTempSize ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Get the current display space for the current window int iDisplay = wxNOT_FOUND; if ( wxGetApp().GetFrame() != NULL ) iDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(wxGetApp().GetFrame()); if ( iDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND ) iDisplay = 0; wxDisplay *display = new wxDisplay(iDisplay); wxRect rDisplay = display->GetClientArea(); // Check that the saved height and width is not larger than the displayable space. // If it is, then reduce the size. if ( oTempSize.GetWidth() > rDisplay.width ) oTempSize.SetWidth(rDisplay.width); if ( oTempSize.GetHeight() > rDisplay.height ) oTempSize.SetHeight(rDisplay.height); // Check if part of the display was going to be off the screen, if so, center the // display on that axis if ( oTempPoint.x < rDisplay.x ) { oTempPoint.x = rDisplay.x; } else if ( oTempPoint.x + oTempSize.GetWidth() > rDisplay.x + rDisplay.width ) { oTempPoint.x = rDisplay.x + rDisplay.width - oTempSize.GetWidth(); } if ( oTempPoint.y < rDisplay.y ) { oTempPoint.y = rDisplay.y; } else if ( oTempPoint.y + oTempSize.GetHeight() > rDisplay.y + rDisplay.height ) { oTempPoint.y = rDisplay.y + rDisplay.height - oTempSize.GetHeight(); } delete display; #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ // If the user has changed the arrangement of multiple // displays, make sure the window title bar is still on-screen. if (!IsWindowOnScreen(oTempPoint.x, oTempPoint.y, oTempSize.GetWidth(), oTempSize.GetHeight())) { oTempPoint.y = oTempPoint.x = 30; } #endif // ! __WXMAC__ } else { oTempPoint = pos; oTempSize = size; } DlgEventLogBase::Create( parent, id, caption, oTempPoint, oTempSize, style ); SetSizeHints(DLGEVENTLOG_MIN_WIDTH, DLGEVENTLOG_MIN_HEIGHT); SetExtraStyle(GetExtraStyle()|wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS); // Initialize Application Title wxString strCaption = caption; if (strCaption.IsEmpty()) { strCaption.Printf(_("%s - Event Log"), pSkinAdvanced->GetApplicationName().c_str()); } SetTitle(strCaption); // Initialize Application Icon SetIcons(*pSkinAdvanced->GetApplicationIcon()); CreateControls(); // Create List Pane Items m_pList->InsertColumn(COLUMN_PROJECT, _("Project"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 109); m_pList->InsertColumn(COLUMN_TIME, _("Time"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 130); m_pList->InsertColumn(COLUMN_MESSAGE, _("Message"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 378); m_pMessageInfoAttr = new wxListItemAttr( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT), wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW), wxNullFont ); m_pMessageErrorAttr = new wxListItemAttr( *wxRED, wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW), wxNullFont ); #if EVENT_LOG_STRIPES m_pList->EnableAlternateRowColours(); wxColour stripe_color; #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 0) stripe_color = m_pList->GetAlternateRowColour(); if (!stripe_color.IsOk()) #endif { // copied from wxListCtrlBase::EnableAlternateRowColours(bool) // Determine the alternate rows colour automatically from the // background colour. const wxColour bgColour = m_pList->GetBackgroundColour(); // Depending on the background, alternate row color // will be 3% more dark or 50% brighter. int alpha = bgColour.GetRGB() > 0x808080 ? 97 : 150; stripe_color = bgColour.ChangeLightness(alpha); } #ifdef __WXMSW__ // work around a bug in wxWidgets 3.1 and earlier // if row background color is wxSYS_COLOR_BTNFACE selected unfocused row is drawn with wrong colors if (stripe_color == wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) { // adjust the color just enough to make it different stripe_color.SetRGB(stripe_color.GetRGB() + 1); } #endif m_pMessageInfoGrayAttr = new wxListItemAttr( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT), stripe_color, wxNullFont ); m_pMessageErrorGrayAttr = new wxListItemAttr( *wxRED, stripe_color, wxNullFont ); #else m_pMessageInfoGrayAttr = new wxListItemAttr(*m_pMessageInfoAttr); m_pMessageErrorGrayAttr = new wxListItemAttr(*m_pMessageErrorAttr); #endif SetTextColor(); RestoreState(); OnRefresh(); // Register that we had the Event Log open immediately SaveState(); m_Shortcuts[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL|wxACCEL_SHIFT, (int)'F', ID_SGDIAGNOSTICLOGFLAGS); m_pAccelTable = new wxAcceleratorTable(1, m_Shortcuts); SetAcceleratorTable(*m_pAccelTable); return true; }
CStaticText::CStaticText(const int vx,const int vy,const int vw,const int vh,CWnd* vowner,const PCHAR text) :CWnd(NULL,vx,vy,vw,vh,vowner) { SetTitle(text); canfocus=FALSE; }
void PowerManDlg::initLabels() { TraceOp.trc( "boosterdlg", TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "initLabels" ); SetTitle(wxGetApp().getMsg( "boostertable" )); m_BoosterBook->SetPageText( 0, wxGetApp().getMsg( "index" ) ); m_BoosterBook->SetPageText( 1, wxGetApp().getMsg( "general" ) ); m_BoosterBook->SetPageText( 2, wxGetApp().getMsg( "modules" ) ); m_BoosterBook->SetPageText( 3, wxGetApp().getMsg( "blocks" ) ); m_BoosterBook->SetPageText( 4, wxGetApp().getMsg( "details" ) ); // Index m_AddBooster->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "new" ) ); m_DelBooster->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "delete" ) ); m_AddModule->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "add" ) ); m_DelModule->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "delete" ) ); m_AddBlock->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "add" ) ); m_DelBlock->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "delete" ) ); m_BoosterList->InsertColumn(0, wxGetApp().getMsg( "id" ), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT ); m_BoosterList->InsertColumn(1, wxGetApp().getMsg( "powerdistrict" ), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT ); m_BoosterList->InsertColumn(2, wxGetApp().getMsg( "uid" ), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT ); // General m_labID->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "id" ) ); m_labIID->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "iid" ) ); m_labDistrict->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "powerdistrict" ) ); iONode model = wxGetApp().getModel(); iOList list = ListOp.inst(); if( model != NULL ) { int cnt = 0; iONode bklist = wPlan.getbklist( model ); iONode sblist = wPlan.getsblist( model ); iONode ttlist = wPlan.getttlist( model ); iONode fylist = wPlan.getseltablist( model ); if( bklist != NULL ) { cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( bklist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode bk = NodeOp.getChild( bklist, i ); ListOp.add(list, (obj)wItem.getid( bk )); } } if( sblist != NULL ) { cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( sblist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode sb = NodeOp.getChild( sblist, i ); ListOp.add(list, (obj)wItem.getid( sb )); } } if( ttlist != NULL ) { cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( ttlist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode tt = NodeOp.getChild( ttlist, i ); ListOp.add(list, (obj)wItem.getid( tt )); } } if( fylist != NULL ) { cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( fylist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode fy = NodeOp.getChild( fylist, i ); ListOp.add(list, (obj)wItem.getid( fy )); } } ListOp.sort(list, &__sortStr); cnt = ListOp.size( list ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { const char* id = (const char*)ListOp.get( list, i ); m_BlocksCombo->Append( wxString(id,wxConvUTF8) ); } } /* clean up the temp. list */ ListOp.base.del(list); list = ListOp.inst(); if( model != NULL ) { iONode fblist = wPlan.getfblist( model ); if( fblist != NULL ) { int cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( fblist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode fb = NodeOp.getChild( fblist, i ); const char* id = wFeedback.getid( fb ); if( id != NULL ) { ListOp.add(list, (obj)id); } } m_ShortcutSensor->Append( _T("-") ); m_PowerSensor->Append( _T("-") ); ListOp.sort(list, &__sortStr); cnt = ListOp.size( list ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { const char* id = (const char*)ListOp.get( list, i ); m_ShortcutSensor->Append( wxString(id,wxConvUTF8) ); m_PowerSensor->Append( wxString(id,wxConvUTF8) ); } } } /* clean up the temp. list */ ListOp.base.del(list); list = ListOp.inst(); if( model != NULL ) { iONode colist = wPlan.getcolist( model ); if( colist != NULL ) { int cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( colist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode co = NodeOp.getChild( colist, i ); const char* id = wOutput.getid( co ); if( id != NULL ) { ListOp.add(list, (obj)id); } } m_PowerOutput->Append( _T("-") ); ListOp.sort(list, &__sortStr); cnt = ListOp.size( list ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { const char* id = (const char*)ListOp.get( list, i ); m_PowerOutput->Append( wxString(id,wxConvUTF8) ); } } } /* clean up the temp. list */ ListOp.base.del(list); m_labShortcutSensor->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "shortcutsensor" ) ); m_labPowerSensor->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "powersensor" ) ); m_labPowerOutput->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "poweroutput" ) ); m_labUID->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "uid" ) ); m_labModuleID->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "modid" ) ); // Options m_StopDistrictLocos->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "scopt_stoplocos" ) ); m_PowerOffAll->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "scopt_poweroffall" ) ); m_RetryPowerOn->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "scopt_repoweron" ) ); m_DoesReport->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "reportstate" ) ); m_Actions->SetLabel( wxGetApp().getMsg( "actions" )+_T("...") ); }
void CMyPaintDoc::init() { resetHistory(); SetTitle(s_defaultName); CHECKINVARIANT; }
TCWin::TCWin( ChartCanvas *parent, int x, int y, void *pvIDX ) { // As a display optimization.... // if current color scheme is other than DAY, // Then create the dialog ..WITHOUT.. borders and title bar. // This way, any window decorations set by external themes, etc // will not detract from night-vision m_created = false; xSpot = 0; ySpot = 0; m_pTCRolloverWin = NULL; long wstyle = wxCLIP_CHILDREN | wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER ; if( ( global_color_scheme != GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_DAY ) && ( global_color_scheme != GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_RGB ) ) wstyle |= ( wxNO_BORDER ); #ifdef __WXOSX__ wstyle |= wxSTAY_ON_TOP; #endif pParent = parent; m_x = x; m_y = y; RecalculateSize(); wxDialog::Create( parent, wxID_ANY, wxString( _T ( "" ) ), m_position , m_tc_size, wstyle ); m_created = true; wxFont *qFont = GetOCPNScaledFont(_("Dialog")); SetFont( *qFont ); pIDX = (IDX_entry *) pvIDX; gpIDXn++; // Set up plot type if( strchr( "Tt", pIDX->IDX_type ) ) { m_plot_type = TIDE_PLOT; SetTitle( wxString( _( "Tide" ) ) ); gpIDX = pIDX; // remember pointer for routeplan } else { m_plot_type = CURRENT_PLOT; SetTitle( wxString( _( "Current" ) ) ); } int sx, sy; GetClientSize( &sx, &sy ); // Figure out this computer timezone minute offset wxDateTime this_now = gTimeSource; bool cur_time = !gTimeSource.IsValid(); if (cur_time) { this_now = wxDateTime::Now(); } wxDateTime this_gmt = this_now.ToGMT(); #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 6, 2) wxTimeSpan diff = this_now.Subtract( this_gmt ); #else wxTimeSpan diff = this_gmt.Subtract ( this_now ); #endif int diff_mins = diff.GetMinutes(); // Correct a bug in wx3.0.2 // If the system TZ happens to be GMT, with DST active (e.g.summer in London), // then wxDateTime returns incorrect results for toGMT() method #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 2) if( diff_mins == 0 && this_now.IsDST() ) diff_mins +=60; #endif int station_offset = ptcmgr->GetStationTimeOffset( pIDX ); m_corr_mins = station_offset - diff_mins; if( this_now.IsDST() ) m_corr_mins += 60; // Establish the inital drawing day as today m_graphday = this_now; wxDateTime graphday_00 = this_now; graphday_00.ResetTime(); time_t t_graphday_00 = graphday_00.GetTicks(); // Correct a Bug in wxWidgets time support if( !graphday_00.IsDST() && m_graphday.IsDST() ) t_graphday_00 -= 3600; if( graphday_00.IsDST() && !m_graphday.IsDST() ) t_graphday_00 += 3600; m_t_graphday_00_at_station = t_graphday_00 - ( m_corr_mins * 60 ); btc_valid = false; wxString* TClist = NULL; m_tList = new wxListBox( this, -1, wxPoint( sx * 65 / 100, 11 ), wxSize( ( sx * 32 / 100 ), ( sy * 20 / 100 ) ), 0, TClist, wxLB_SINGLE | wxLB_NEEDED_SB | wxLB_HSCROLL ); // Measure the size of a generic button, with label wxButton *test_button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ), wxPoint( -1, -1), wxDefaultSize ); test_button->GetSize( &m_tsx, &m_tsy ); delete test_button; // In the interest of readability, if the width of the dialog is too narrow, // simply skip showing the "Hi/Lo" list control. if( (m_tsy * 15) > sx ) m_tList->Hide(); OK_button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ), wxPoint( sx - (2 * m_tsy + 10), sy - (m_tsy + 10) ), wxDefaultSize ); PR_button = new wxButton( this, ID_TCWIN_PR, _( "Prev" ), wxPoint( 10, sy - (m_tsy + 10) ), wxSize( -1, -1 ) ); wxSize texc_size = wxSize( ( sx * 60 / 100 ), ( sy *29 / 100 ) ); if( !m_tList->IsShown()){ texc_size = wxSize( ( sx * 90 / 100 ), ( sy *29 / 100 ) ); } m_ptextctrl = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, _T(""), wxPoint( sx * 3 / 100, 6 ), texc_size , wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_DONTWRAP); int bsx, bsy, bpx, bpy; PR_button->GetSize( &bsx, &bsy ); PR_button->GetPosition( &bpx, &bpy ); NX_button = new wxButton( this, ID_TCWIN_NX, _( "Next" ), wxPoint( bpx + bsx + 5, sy - (m_tsy + 10) ), wxSize( -1, -1 ) ); m_TCWinPopupTimer.SetOwner( this, TCWININF_TIMER ); wxScreenDC dc; int text_height; dc.GetTextExtent(_T("W"), NULL, &text_height); m_button_height = m_tsy; //text_height + 20; // Build graphics tools wxFont *dlg_font = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("Dialog") ); int dlg_font_size = dlg_font->GetPointSize(); pSFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size-2, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) ); pSMFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size-1, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) ); pMFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) ); pLFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size+1, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) ); pblack_1 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFD" ) ), wxMax(1,(int)(m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)), wxPENSTYLE_SOLID ); pblack_2 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFD" ) ), wxMax(2,(int)(2*m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)), wxPENSTYLE_SOLID ); pblack_3 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UWHIT" ) ), wxMax(1,(int)(m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)), wxPENSTYLE_SOLID ); pred_2 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFR" ) ), wxMax(4,(int)(4*m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)), wxPENSTYLE_SOLID ); pltgray = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UIBCK" ) ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ); pltgray2 = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "DILG1" ) ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ); DimeControl( this ); // Fill in some static text control information // Tidi station information m_ptextctrl->Clear(); wxString locn( pIDX->IDX_station_name, wxConvUTF8 ); wxString locna, locnb; if( locn.Contains( wxString( _T ( "," ) ) ) ) { locna = locn.BeforeFirst( ',' ); locnb = locn.AfterFirst( ',' ); } else { locna = locn; locnb.Empty(); } // write the first line wxTextAttr style; style.SetFont( *pLFont ); m_ptextctrl->SetDefaultStyle( style ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText( locna ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); style.SetFont( *pSMFont ); m_ptextctrl->SetDefaultStyle( style ); if( !locnb.IsEmpty() ) m_ptextctrl->AppendText( locnb ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); //Reference to the master station if(( 't' == pIDX->IDX_type ) || ( 'c' == pIDX->IDX_type )) { wxString mref( pIDX->IDX_reference_name, wxConvUTF8 ); mref.Prepend(_T(" ")); m_ptextctrl->AppendText( _( "Reference Station :" ) ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); m_ptextctrl->AppendText( mref ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); } else { m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); } // Show the data source wxString dsource( pIDX->source_ident, wxConvUTF8 ); dsource.Prepend(_T(" ")); m_ptextctrl->AppendText( _( "Data Source :" ) ); m_ptextctrl->AppendText(_T("\n")); m_ptextctrl->AppendText( dsource ); m_ptextctrl->ShowPosition( 0 ); }
LTBOOL CMenuPlayer::Init() { m_MenuID = MENU_ID_PLAYER; s_pSklMenu = this; if (!CBaseMenu::Init()) return LTFALSE; int nNameWidth = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomInt(m_MenuID,"NameWidth"); int nLevelWidth = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomInt(m_MenuID,"LevelWidth"); int nUpgradeWidth = s_Size.x - ( (m_Indent.x * 2) + nNameWidth + nLevelWidth); LTVector vColor = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomVector(m_MenuID,"HighlightColor"); uint8 nA = 255; uint8 nR = (uint8)vColor.x; uint8 nG = (uint8)vColor.y; uint8 nB = (uint8)vColor.z; skillHighlightColor= SET_ARGB(nA,nR,nG,nB); uint8 nSmallerFont = (uint8)g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomInt(m_MenuID,"SmallerFontSize"); SetTitle(IDS_TITLE_SUMMARY); LTIntPt popupSize = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomPoint(m_MenuID,"PopupSize"); m_Popup.Init(s_Frame,s_FrameTip,popupSize); m_Popup.m_bWaitForUpdate = LTFALSE; LTIntPt offset = m_Indent; offset.y = 8; CUIFont* pFont = g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetFont(m_TitleFontFace); m_Name.Create("name",LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,m_TitleFontSize,LTNULL); m_Name.SetColors(m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor); m_Name.Enable(LTFALSE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Name,offset); offset.y += (m_Name.GetHeight() + 4); pFont = g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetFont(m_FontFace); m_Level.Create("level",LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,m_FontSize,LTNULL); m_Level.SetColors(m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor); m_Level.Enable(LTFALSE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Level,offset); offset.y += (m_Level.GetHeight() + 12); m_Header.Create(LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,m_FontSize, LTNULL); m_Header.AddColumn(" ",nNameWidth); m_Header.AddColumn(LoadTempString(IDS_CURRENT),60); m_Header.AddColumn(LoadTempString(IDS_UPGRADE),60); m_Header.SetColors(m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor); m_Header.Enable(LTFALSE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Header,offset); offset.y += (m_Header.GetHeight() + 2); for (uint8 m = 0; m < kMaxModifiers; ++m) { m_Mods[m].Create(LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,m_FontSize,LTNULL); m_Mods[m].AddColumn(" ",nNameWidth); m_Mods[m].AddColumn("100",60); m_Mods[m].AddColumn("100",60); m_Mods[m].SetColors(skillHighlightColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_DisabledColor); m_Mods[m].Enable(LTTRUE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Mods[m],offset); offset.y += (m_Mods[m].GetHeight() + 2); } offset.y += 8; m_Upgrade.Create("Upgrade",MC_UPGRADE,IDS_HELP_UPGRADE,pFont,m_FontSize,this); m_Upgrade.SetColors(m_SelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_DisabledColor); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Upgrade,offset); offset.y += (m_Upgrade.GetHeight() + 4); m_Points.Create("avail",LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,m_FontSize,LTNULL); m_Points.SetColors(m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor,m_NonSelectedColor); m_Points.SetFont(LTNULL,nSmallerFont); m_Points.Enable(LTFALSE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_Points,offset); uint8 nHelpFont = (uint8)g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomInt(m_MenuID,"HelpFontSize"); offset = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomPoint(m_MenuID,"HelpOffset"); uint16 nWidth = 600 - 2* offset.x; if (!nHelpFont) nHelpFont = m_FontSize; m_ModDesc.Create("description",LTNULL,LTNULL,pFont,nHelpFont,LTNULL); m_ModDesc.SetColors(m_SelectedColor,m_SelectedColor,m_SelectedColor); m_ModDesc.SetFixedWidth(nWidth); m_ModDesc.Enable(LTFALSE); m_Popup.AddControl(&m_ModDesc,offset); int nPopupPos = g_pLayoutMgr->GetMenuCustomInt(m_MenuID,"PopupPos"); m_Popup.SetBasePos(LTIntPt(0,nPopupPos)); g_pInterfaceMgr->GetMenuMgr()->RegisterCommand(COMMAND_ID_STATUS,MENU_ID_PLAYER); //Rank control m_pRank = AddColumnCtrl(); m_pRank->AddColumn(LoadTempString(IDS_RANK),nNameWidth); m_pRank->AddColumn("Novice",nNameWidth); //Total points control m_pTotal = AddColumnCtrl(); m_pTotal->AddColumn(LoadTempString(IDS_SCORE),nNameWidth); m_pTotal->AddColumn("0",nNameWidth); //Avail points control m_pAvail = AddColumnCtrl(); m_pAvail->AddColumn(LoadTempString(IDS_SKILL_PTS),nNameWidth); m_pAvail->AddColumn("0",nNameWidth); AddControl(" ",0,LTTRUE); // CUIFont* pFont = g_pInterfaceResMgr->GetFont(m_FontFace); for (uint8 i = 0; i < kNumSkills; i++) { eSkill skl = (eSkill)i; if (g_pSkillsButeMgr->IsAvailable(skl) ) { m_pSkills[i] = debug_new(CSkillCtrl); m_pSkills[i]->Create(skl,(MC_CUSTOM+i),pFont,m_FontSize,this,nNameWidth); m_List.AddControl(m_pSkills[i]); } } return LTTRUE; }
bool wxFrame::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if( !wxTopLevelWindow::Create( parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name ) ) return false; m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE); m_foregroundColour = *wxBLACK; m_font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); int x = pos.x, y = pos.y; int width = size.x, height = size.y; // Set reasonable values for position and size if defaults have been // requested // // MB TODO: something better than these arbitrary values ? // VZ should use X resources for this... if ( width == -1 ) width = 400; if ( height == -1 ) height = 400; int displayW, displayH; wxDisplaySize( &displayW, &displayH ); if ( x == -1 ) { x = (displayW - width) / 2; if (x < 10) x = 10; } if ( y == -1 ) { y = (displayH - height) / 2; if (y < 10) y = 10; } SetTitle( title ); wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_Messages, "Created frame (0x%p) with work area 0x%p and client " "area 0x%p", m_mainWidget, m_workArea, m_clientArea); XtAddEventHandler((Widget) m_clientArea, ExposureMask,False, wxUniversalRepaintProc, (XtPointer) this); if (x > -1) XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_frameShell, XmNx, x, NULL); if (y > -1) XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_frameShell, XmNy, y, NULL); if (width > -1) XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_frameShell, XmNwidth, width, NULL); if (height > -1) XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_frameShell, XmNheight, height, NULL); ChangeFont(false); ChangeBackgroundColour(); PreResize(); wxSize newSize(width, height); wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(newSize, GetId()); sizeEvent.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent); return true; }
bool wxTopLevelWindowX11::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { // init our fields Init(); m_windowStyle = style; m_parent = parent; SetName(name); m_windowId = id == wxID_ANY ? NewControlId() : id; if (parent) parent->AddChild(this); wxTopLevelWindows.Append(this); Display *xdisplay = wxGlobalDisplay(); int xscreen = DefaultScreen( xdisplay ); Visual *xvisual = DefaultVisual( xdisplay, xscreen ); Window xparent = RootWindow( xdisplay, xscreen ); Colormap cm = DefaultColormap( xdisplay, xscreen ); if (GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG) m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE); else m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE); m_backgroundColour.CalcPixel( (WXColormap) cm ); m_hasBgCol = true; m_x = pos.x; if (m_x < -1) m_x = 10; m_y = pos.y; if (m_y < 0) m_y = 10; m_width = size.x; if (m_width < 0) m_width = 500; m_height = size.y; if (m_height < 0) m_height = 380; #if !wxUSE_NANOX XSetWindowAttributes xattributes; long xattributes_mask = CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel; xattributes.background_pixel = m_backgroundColour.GetPixel(); xattributes.border_pixel = BlackPixel( xdisplay, xscreen ); if (HasFlag( wxNO_BORDER )) { xattributes_mask |= CWOverrideRedirect; xattributes.override_redirect = True; } if (!HasFlag( wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE )) { xattributes_mask |= CWBitGravity; xattributes.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; } xattributes_mask |= CWEventMask; xattributes.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask; Window xwindow = XCreateWindow( xdisplay, xparent, m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height, 0, DefaultDepth(xdisplay,xscreen), InputOutput, xvisual, xattributes_mask, &xattributes ); #else long backColor, foreColor; backColor = GR_RGB(m_backgroundColour.Red(), m_backgroundColour.Green(), m_backgroundColour.Blue()); foreColor = GR_RGB(m_foregroundColour.Red(), m_foregroundColour.Green(), m_foregroundColour.Blue()); Window xwindow = XCreateWindowWithColor( xdisplay, xparent, m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height, 0, 0, InputOutput, xvisual, backColor, foreColor); #endif m_mainWindow = (WXWindow) xwindow; m_clientWindow = (WXWindow) xwindow; wxAddWindowToTable( xwindow, (wxWindow*) this ); #if wxUSE_NANOX XSelectInput( xdisplay, xwindow, GR_EVENT_MASK_CLOSE_REQ | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask ); #endif // Set background to None which will prevent X11 from clearing the // background completely. XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( xdisplay, xwindow, None ); #if !wxUSE_NANOX if (HasFlag( wxSTAY_ON_TOP )) { Window xroot = RootWindow( xdisplay, xscreen ); XSetTransientForHint( xdisplay, xwindow, xroot ); } else { if (GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG) { if (GetParent() && GetParent()->X11GetMainWindow()) { Window xparentwindow = (Window) GetParent()->X11GetMainWindow(); XSetTransientForHint( xdisplay, xwindow, xparentwindow ); } } } XSizeHints size_hints; size_hints.flags = PSize | PPosition | PWinGravity; size_hints.x = m_x; size_hints.y = m_y; size_hints.width = m_width; size_hints.height = m_height; size_hints.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity; XSetWMNormalHints( xdisplay, xwindow, &size_hints); XWMHints wm_hints; wm_hints.flags = InputHint | StateHint; if (GetParent()) { wm_hints.flags |= WindowGroupHint; wm_hints.window_group = (Window) GetParent()->X11GetMainWindow(); } wm_hints.input = True; wm_hints.initial_state = NormalState; XSetWMHints( xdisplay, xwindow, &wm_hints); Atom wm_protocols[2]; wm_protocols[0] = XInternAtom( xdisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False ); wm_protocols[1] = XInternAtom( xdisplay, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", False ); XSetWMProtocols( xdisplay, xwindow, wm_protocols, 2); #endif wxSetWMDecorations( xwindow, style); SetTitle(title); return true; }
void QuickView::SetFocus() { Panel::SetFocus(); SetTitle(); }
RecipeEditor::RecipeEditor(const BRect &frame, const BMessenger &msgr, const int32 &number, const char *category) : BWindow(frame,"Add Recipe",B_FLOATING_WINDOW_LOOK, B_MODAL_SUBSET_WINDOW_FEEL, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS), fMessenger(msgr), fNumber(number), fCategory(category) { AddShortcut('W', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED)); AddShortcut('Q', B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(M_QUIT_APP)); BView *back = new BView(Bounds(),"back",B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); back->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(back); fCategories = new BMenu("Categories"); CppSQLite3Query query = DBQuery("select category from categories order by category;", "RecipeEditor:get categories"); while(!query.eof()) { BString cat(DeescapeIllegalCharacters(query.getStringField(0))); BMessage *menumsg = new BMessage(M_CATEGORY_CHANGED); menumsg->AddString("name",cat); fCategories->AddItem(new BMenuItem(cat.String(),menumsg)); query.nextRow(); } fCategories->SetRadioMode(true); fCategories->SetLabelFromMarked(true); if(fCategories->CountItems()>0) fCategories->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true); BRect r(10,10,10 + fCategories->MaxContentWidth(),11); BMenuField *field = new BMenuField(r,"field","Category",fCategories, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); back->AddChild(field); field->ResizeToPreferred(); r = field->Frame(); if(category) { BMenuItem *marked = fCategories->FindItem(category); if(marked) marked->SetMarked(true); } else { BMenuItem *marked = fCategories->ItemAt(0L); if(marked) marked->SetMarked(true); } r.OffsetBy(0,r.Height() + 10); fNameBox = new AutoTextControl(r,"namebox","Name: ",NULL,NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); fNameBox->SetEscapeCancel(true); fNameBox->SetDivider(be_plain_font->StringWidth("Name ") + 5); back->AddChild(fNameBox); fNameBox->ResizeToPreferred(); r = fNameBox->Frame(); r.right = Bounds().right - 10; fNameBox->ResizeTo(r.Width(), r.Height()); r.OffsetBy(0,r.Height() + 10); BStringView *label = new BStringView(r,"inglabel","Ingredients:"); back->AddChild(label); r.OffsetBy(0,r.Height() + 10); r.bottom = + 100; r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; BRect textrect = r.OffsetToCopy(0,0); textrect.InsetBy(10,10); fIngredientBox = new BTextView(r, "ingredients", textrect, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); fIngredientBox->SetDoesUndo(true); BScrollView *ingredscroll = new BScrollView("ingredients_scroller",fIngredientBox, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP,0,false, true); back->AddChild(ingredscroll); r = ingredscroll->Frame(); label = new BStringView(BRect(10,10,11,11),"dirlabel","Directions:"); label->ResizeToPreferred(); label->MoveTo(10, r.bottom + 10); back->AddChild(label); r.OffsetBy(0,r.Height() + 20 + label->Frame().Height()); r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; textrect = r.OffsetToCopy(0,0); textrect.InsetBy(10,10); fDirectionsBox = new BTextView(r, "directions", textrect, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_PULSE_NEEDED | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP); fDirectionsBox->SetDoesUndo(true); BScrollView *dirscroll = new BScrollView("directions_scroller",fDirectionsBox, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP,0,false, true); back->AddChild(dirscroll); fOK = new BButton(BRect(10,10,11,11),"ok","Cancel", new BMessage(M_ADD_RECIPE), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, B_WILL_DRAW); fOK->ResizeToPreferred(); fOK->SetLabel("OK"); fOK->MoveTo(Bounds().right - fOK->Bounds().Width() - 10, Bounds().bottom - fOK->Bounds().Height() - 10); r = fOK->Frame(); back->AddChild(fOK); r.OffsetBy(-r.Width() - 10, 0); fCancel = new BButton(r,"cancel","Cancel",new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, B_WILL_DRAW); back->AddChild(fCancel); field->MakeFocus(true); ResizeTo(Bounds().Width(), fDirectionsBox->Parent()->Frame().bottom + 20 + fOK->Bounds().Height()); dirscroll->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_ALL); // This is the part that's different for editing a recipe as opposed to // just adding one to the database if(number >= 0 && category) { SetTitle("Edit Recipe"); BString name, ingredients, directions; if(GetRecipe(number,category,name,ingredients,directions)) { BMenuItem *item = fCategories->FindItem(category); if(item) item->SetMarked(true); fNameBox->SetText(name.String()); fIngredientBox->SetText(ingredients.String()); fDirectionsBox->SetText(directions.String()); fOK->SetMessage(new BMessage(M_EDIT_RECIPE)); } } AddShortcut(B_ENTER, B_COMMAND_KEY, new BMessage(fOK->Command())); }
CCheckBox::CCheckBox(const int vx,const int vy,const int vw,const int vh,CWnd* vowner,const PCHAR title,const int vcommand,const BOOLEAN vchecked) :CWnd(NULL,vx,vy,vw,vh,vowner,vcommand),checked(vchecked) { SetTitle(title); }
void nsMediaDocument::UpdateTitleAndCharset(const nsACString& aTypeStr, const char* const* aFormatNames, PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, const nsAString& aStatus) { nsXPIDLString fileStr; if (mDocumentURI) { nsCAutoString fileName; nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url = do_QueryInterface(mDocumentURI); if (url) url->GetFileName(fileName); nsCAutoString docCharset; // Now that the charset is set in |StartDocumentLoad| to the charset of // the document viewer instead of a bogus value ("ISO-8859-1" set in // |nsDocument|'s ctor), the priority is given to the current charset. // This is necessary to deal with a media document being opened in a new // window or a new tab, in which case |originCharset| of |nsIURI| is not // reliable. if (mCharacterSetSource != kCharsetUninitialized) { docCharset = mCharacterSet; } else { // resort to |originCharset| mDocumentURI->GetOriginCharset(docCharset); SetDocumentCharacterSet(docCharset); } if (!fileName.IsEmpty()) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsITextToSubURI> textToSubURI = do_GetService(NS_ITEXTTOSUBURI_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) // UnEscapeURIForUI always succeeds textToSubURI->UnEscapeURIForUI(docCharset, fileName, fileStr); else CopyUTF8toUTF16(fileName, fileStr); } } NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 typeStr(aTypeStr); nsXPIDLString title; if (mStringBundle) { // if we got a valid size (not all media have a size) if (aWidth != 0 && aHeight != 0) { nsAutoString widthStr; nsAutoString heightStr; widthStr.AppendInt(aWidth); heightStr.AppendInt(aHeight); // If we got a filename, display it if (!fileStr.IsEmpty()) { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[4] = {fileStr.get(), typeStr.get(), widthStr.get(), heightStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithDimAndFile]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 4, getter_Copies(title)); } else { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[3] = {typeStr.get(), widthStr.get(), heightStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithDim]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 3, getter_Copies(title)); } } else { // If we got a filename, display it if (!fileStr.IsEmpty()) { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[2] = {fileStr.get(), typeStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithFile]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 2, getter_Copies(title)); } else { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[1] = {typeStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithNoInfo]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 1, getter_Copies(title)); } } } // set it on the document if (aStatus.IsEmpty()) { SetTitle(title); } else { nsXPIDLString titleWithStatus; const nsPromiseFlatString& status = PromiseFlatString(aStatus); const PRUnichar *formatStrings[2] = {title.get(), status.get()}; NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(fmtName, "TitleWithStatus"); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 2, getter_Copies(titleWithStatus)); SetTitle(titleWithStatus); } }
CGroupBox::CGroupBox(const int vx,const int vy,const int vw,const int vh,const PCHAR vtitle,CWnd* vowner) :CWnd(NULL,vx,vy,vw,vh,vowner) { SetTitle(vtitle); canfocus=FALSE; }
frmBackupServer::frmBackupServer(frmMain *form, pgObject *obj) : ExternProcessDialog(form) { object = obj; wxWindowBase::SetFont(settings->GetSystemFont()); LoadResource(form, wxT("frmBackupServer")); RestorePosition(); SetTitle(object->GetTranslatedMessage(BACKUPSERVERTITLE)); pgServer *server = (pgServer *)object; if (server->GetConnection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 0)) backupExecutable = edbBackupAllExecutable; else if (server->GetConnection()->GetIsGreenplum()) backupExecutable = gpBackupAllExecutable; else backupExecutable = pgBackupAllExecutable; wxString val; settings->Read(wxT("frmBackupServer/LastFile"), &val, wxEmptyString); txtFilename->SetValue(val); bool roles_supported = pgAppMinimumVersion(backupExecutable, 8, 4) && server->GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 1); cbRolename->Enable(roles_supported); if (roles_supported) { // Collect the available rolenames pgSetIterator set(server->GetConnection(), wxT("SELECT DISTINCT rolname\n") wxT("FROM pg_roles db\n") wxT("ORDER BY rolname")); cbRolename->Append(wxEmptyString); while(set.RowsLeft()) cbRolename->Append(set.GetVal(wxT("rolname"))); cbRolename->SetValue(server->GetRolename()); } if (!server->GetPasswordIsStored()) environment.Add(wxT("PGPASSWORD="******"PGSSLMODE=") + server->GetConnection()->GetSslModeName()); // Icon SetIcon(*backup_png_ico); txtMessages = CTRL_TEXT("txtMessages"); txtMessages->SetMaxLength(0L); btnOK->Disable(); if (!pgAppMinimumVersion(backupExecutable, 9, 1)) { chkForceQuoteForIdent->Disable(); } wxCommandEvent ev; OnChange(ev); }
void wxAuiFloatingFrame::SetPaneWindow(const wxAuiPaneInfo& pane) { m_pane_window = pane.window; m_pane_window->Reparent(this); wxAuiPaneInfo contained_pane = pane; contained_pane.Dock().Center().Show(). CaptionVisible(false). PaneBorder(false). Layer(0).Row(0).Position(0); // Carry over the minimum size wxSize pane_min_size = pane.window->GetMinSize(); // if the frame window's max size is greater than the min size // then set the max size to the min size as well wxSize cur_max_size = GetMaxSize(); if (cur_max_size.IsFullySpecified() && (cur_max_size.x < pane.min_size.x || cur_max_size.y < pane.min_size.y) ) { SetMaxSize(pane_min_size); } SetMinSize(pane.window->GetMinSize()); m_mgr.AddPane(m_pane_window, contained_pane); m_mgr.Update(); if (pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified()) { // because SetSizeHints() calls Fit() too (which sets the window // size to its minimum allowed), we keep the size before calling // SetSizeHints() and reset it afterwards... wxSize tmp = GetSize(); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); SetSize(tmp); } SetTitle(pane.caption); if (pane.floating_size != wxDefaultSize) { SetSize(pane.floating_size); } else { wxSize size = pane.best_size; if (size == wxDefaultSize) size = pane.min_size; if (size == wxDefaultSize) size = m_pane_window->GetSize(); if (m_owner_mgr && pane.HasGripper()) { if (pane.HasGripperTop()) size.y += m_owner_mgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE); else size.x += m_owner_mgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE); } SetClientSize(size); } if (pane.IsFixed()) { SetWindowStyleFlag(GetWindowStyleFlag() & ~wxRESIZE_BORDER); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- SaveAsDlgWX create the SaveAs dialog params: + parent : parent window + pathname : document location ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SaveAsDlgWX::SaveAsDlgWX( int ref, wxWindow *parent, const wxString & pathname, int doc, ThotBool saveImgs, ThotBool saveRes, ThotBool checkTemplate) : AmayaDialog( parent, ref ) { wxNotebook *p_notebook; wxWindow *p_obj; wxPanel *p_page; int doc_type; int page_id = 0; doc_type = DocumentTypes[doc]; MyRef = ref; MysaveImgs = saveImgs; MysaveRes = saveRes; // waiting for a return Waiting = 1; wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, parent, wxT("SaveAsDlgWX")); wxString wx_title = TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage (AMAYA, AM_SAVE_AS) ); SetTitle( wx_title ); p_notebook = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_NOTEBOOK", wxNotebook); p_page = (wxPanel *)FindWindow(wxXmlResource::GetXRCID( _T("wxID_PAGE_EXTRA"))); while (page_id < (int) p_notebook->GetPageCount() ) { if ( p_page == p_notebook->GetPage(page_id)) { if ( doc_type == docSource || doc_type == docCSS || doc_type == docText || doc_type == docImage) p_notebook->DeletePage(page_id); else p_notebook->SetPageText (page_id, TtaConvMessageToWX(TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_EXTENSION))); } else p_notebook->SetPageText (page_id, TtaConvMessageToWX(TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_QUICK_SAVE))); page_id++; } // Document format radio box if ( doc_type == docSource || doc_type == docCSS || doc_type == docText || doc_type == docImage) { // now hide unused field p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_OPTIONS", wxStaticText); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_IMAGES_CHK", wxCheckBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_CSS_CHK", wxCheckBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_TRANSFORM_URLS_CHK", wxCheckBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_REMOVE_TEMPLATE", wxCheckBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_STATICLINE", wxStaticLine); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); if ( doc_type == docSource) { p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET", wxStaticText); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); } GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); // no image will be saved MysaveImgs = FALSE; MysaveRes = FALSE; } else { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage (LIB, TMSG_DOCUMENT_FORMAT) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetString(0, TtaConvMessageToWX( "HTML" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetString(1, TtaConvMessageToWX( "XML" )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetString(2, TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage (AMAYA, AM_TEXT) )); if (DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->xmlformat) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetSelection(1); else if (doc_type == docMath || doc_type == docSVG || doc_type == docXml) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetSelection(1); else if (doc_type == docHTML) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_FORMAT", wxRadioBox)->SetSelection(0); // Options check box // check templates if (checkTemplate) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_REMOVE_TEMPLATE", wxCheckBox)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_REMOVE_XTIGER) )); else { p_obj = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_REMOVE_TEMPLATE", wxCheckBox); p_obj->GetContainingSizer()->Show(p_obj, FALSE); } XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_OPTIONS", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(LIB, TMSG_OPTIONS) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_IMAGES_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_BCOPY_IMAGES) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_CSS_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_BCOPY_CSS) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_TRANSFORM_URLS_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_BTRANSFORM_URL) )); CopyImages = saveImgs; XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_IMAGES_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetValue(CopyImages); CopyResources = saveRes; XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CPY_CSS_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetValue(CopyResources); TtaGetEnvBoolean ("TRANSFORM_URL", &UpdateURLs); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_TRANSFORM_URLS_CHK", wxCheckBox)->SetValue(UpdateURLs); RemoveTemplate = FALSE; // Image directory XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_IMG_LOCATION", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_WHERE_IMAGE) )); if (saveImgs) { int end_pos = pathname.Find(DIR_SEP, true); wxString dir_value = pathname.SubString(0, end_pos); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_IMG_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(dir_value); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_IMG_BROWSE", wxBitmapButton)->SetToolTip(TtaConvMessageToWX(TtaGetMessage(LIB,TMSG_SEL))); } else XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_IMG_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetEditable (false); // CSS directory XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CSS_LOCATION", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_WHERE_RESOURCE) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CSS_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetEditable (false); } // Document location XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_LOCATION", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_DOC_LOCATION) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(pathname); // Charset wxString wx_label = TtaConvMessageToWX( "Charset :" ); wxString wx_ascii = TtaConvMessageToWX( "us-ascii" ); wxString wx_iso_8859_1 = TtaConvMessageToWX( "iso-8859-1" ); wxString wx_utf8 = TtaConvMessageToWX( "UTF-8" ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(wx_label); if (!strcmp (UserCharset, "us-ascii")) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "us-ascii" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "iso-8859-1" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "UTF-8" ) ); } else if (!strcmp (UserCharset, "iso-8859-1")) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "iso-8859-1" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "us-ascii" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "UTF-8" ) ); } else { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( UserCharset ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "UTF-8" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "us-ascii" ) ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->Append ( TtaConvMessageToWX( "iso-8859-1" ) ); } XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CHARSET_CB", wxComboBox)->SetSelection (0); // Mime Type wx_label = TtaConvMessageToWX( " Mime Type :" ); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE", wxStaticText)->SetLabel( wx_label ); wxString wx_mime_type = TtaConvMessageToWX( UserMimeType ); if (doc_type == docImage) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( wx_mime_type ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "image/png")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "image/png" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "image/jpeg")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "image/jpeg" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "image/gif")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "image/gif" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "image/x-bitmap")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "image/x-bitmap" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "image/x-xpicmap")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "image/x-xpicmap" ) ); } else if (doc_type == docSVG) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( wx_mime_type ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, AM_SVG_MIME_TYPE)) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( AM_SVG_MIME_TYPE ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "application/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "application/xml" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/xml" ) ); } else if (doc_type == docMath) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( wx_mime_type ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, AM_MATHML_MIME_TYPE)) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( AM_MATHML_MIME_TYPE ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "application/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "application/xml" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/xml" ) ); } else if (doc_type == docHTML && DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->xmlformat) { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( wx_mime_type ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, AM_XHTML_MIME_TYPE)) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( AM_XHTML_MIME_TYPE ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/html")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/html" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "application/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "application/xml" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/xml" ) ); } else { XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( wx_mime_type ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/html")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/html" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, AM_XHTML_MIME_TYPE)) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( AM_XHTML_MIME_TYPE ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "application/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "application/xml" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/xml")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/xml" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/plain")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/plain" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "text/css")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "text/css" ) ); if (strcmp (UserMimeType, "application/smil")) XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->Append( TtaConvMessageToWX( "application/smil" ) ); } XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_MIME_TYPE_CB", wxComboBox)->SetValue( wx_mime_type ); // buttons XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_SAVE", wxButton)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(LIB, TMSG_BUTTON_SAVE) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CANCEL", wxButton)->SetLabel(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(LIB, TMSG_CANCEL) )); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_BROWSE", wxBitmapButton)->SetToolTip(TtaConvMessageToWX(TtaGetMessage(AMAYA,AM_BROWSE))); XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CLEAR", wxButton)->SetToolTip(TtaConvMessageToWX( TtaGetMessage(AMAYA, AM_CLEAR) )); Fit(); Refresh(); SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); // set te cursor to the end XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetInsertionPointEnd(); // give focus to ... XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_DOC_LOCATION_CTRL", wxTextCtrl)->SetFocus(); }
void PowerManDlg::initIndex() { SetTitle(wxGetApp().getMsg( "boostertable" )); m_BoosterList->DeleteAllItems(); iONode model = wxGetApp().getModel(); if( model != NULL ) { iONode boosterlist = wPlan.getboosterlist( model ); if( boosterlist == NULL ) { boosterlist = NodeOp.inst(, model, ELEMENT_NODE ); NodeOp.addChild( model, boosterlist ); } if( boosterlist != NULL ) { int idx = 0; iOList list = ListOp.inst(); int cnt = NodeOp.getChildCnt( boosterlist ); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { iONode booster = NodeOp.getChild( boosterlist, i ); const char* id = wBooster.getid( booster ); if( id != NULL ) { ListOp.add(list, (obj)booster); } } if( m_SortCol == 1 ) { ListOp.sort(list, &__sortDistrict); } else if( m_SortCol == 2 ) { ListOp.sort(list, &__sortUID); } else { ListOp.sort(list, &__sortID); } cnt = ListOp.size( list ); for( int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++ ) { iONode booster = (iONode)ListOp.get( list, idx ); const char* id = wBooster.getid( booster ); m_BoosterList->InsertItem( idx, wxString(id,wxConvUTF8) ); m_BoosterList->SetItem( idx, 1, wxString(wBooster.getdistrict( booster ), wxConvUTF8) ); m_BoosterList->SetItem( idx, 2, wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), wBooster.getuid( booster )) ); m_BoosterList->SetItemPtrData(idx, (wxUIntPtr)booster); } // resize for( int n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) { m_BoosterList->SetColumnWidth(n, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); int autoheadersize = m_BoosterList->GetColumnWidth(n); m_BoosterList->SetColumnWidth(n, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); int autosize = m_BoosterList->GetColumnWidth(n); if(autoheadersize > autosize ) m_BoosterList->SetColumnWidth(n, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); } /* clean up the temp. list */ ListOp.base.del(list); } } if( m_Props != NULL ) { setSelection(wBooster.getid( m_Props )); initValues(); } else if(m_BoosterList->GetItemCount() > 0 ) { TraceOp.trc( "powermandlg", TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "no selection" ); m_BoosterList->SetItemState(0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); m_Props = (iONode)m_BoosterList->GetItemData(0); initValues(); } }
void CReportEntityPicture::SetFilename( const CString& filename ) /* ============================================================ Function : CReportEntityPicture::SetFilename Description : Accessor. Setter for "m_filename". Access : Public Return : void Parameters : const CString& filename - New filename Usage : Call to set the value of "m_filename". ============================================================*/ { m_filename = filename; if( m_filename.GetLength() ) { delete m_bitmap; delete[] m_image_bits; m_image_size = 0; m_image_type = -1; int imageType = TypeFromExtension_222(FindExtension_222(m_filename)); if (imageType==CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { ASSERT(0); m_filename = CString(""); return; } CFile file; CFileException fe; if (!file.Open(m_filename, CFile::modeRead, &fe)) { ASSERT(0); m_filename = CString(""); } m_image_size = (unsigned int)file.GetLength(); m_image_type = imageType; try { m_image_bits = new BYTE[m_image_size]; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { AfxMessageBox("bad_alloc exception in SetFileName function"); m_image_size = 0; m_image_type = -1; file.Close(); m_filename = CString(""); ASSERT(0); return; } if (file.Read(m_image_bits,m_image_size*sizeof(BYTE))!=m_image_size*sizeof(BYTE)) { delete[] m_image_bits; m_image_size = 0; m_image_type = -1; file.Close(); m_filename = CString(""); ASSERT(0); return; } m_bitmap = new CxImage(m_image_bits, m_image_size, m_image_type); if (!m_bitmap->IsValid()) { AfxMessageBox(m_bitmap->GetLastError()); delete m_bitmap; delete[] m_image_bits; m_image_size = 0; m_image_type = -1; file.Close(); m_filename = CString(""); ASSERT(0); return; } file.Close(); } CString title( m_filename ); int found = title.ReverseFind( _TCHAR( '\\' ) ); if( found != -1 ) title = title.Right( title.GetLength() - ( found + 1 ) ); SetTitle( title ); }
void CISOProperties::OnChangeTitle(wxCommandEvent& event) { SetTitle(event.GetString()); }
void MediaDocument::UpdateTitleAndCharset(const nsACString& aTypeStr, const char* const* aFormatNames, int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight, const nsAString& aStatus) { nsXPIDLString fileStr; GetFileName(fileStr); NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 typeStr(aTypeStr); nsXPIDLString title; if (mStringBundle) { // if we got a valid size (not all media have a size) if (aWidth != 0 && aHeight != 0) { nsAutoString widthStr; nsAutoString heightStr; widthStr.AppendInt(aWidth); heightStr.AppendInt(aHeight); // If we got a filename, display it if (!fileStr.IsEmpty()) { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[4] = {fileStr.get(), typeStr.get(), widthStr.get(), heightStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithDimAndFile]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 4, getter_Copies(title)); } else { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[3] = {typeStr.get(), widthStr.get(), heightStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithDim]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 3, getter_Copies(title)); } } else { // If we got a filename, display it if (!fileStr.IsEmpty()) { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[2] = {fileStr.get(), typeStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithFile]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 2, getter_Copies(title)); } else { const PRUnichar *formatStrings[1] = {typeStr.get()}; NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 fmtName(aFormatNames[eWithNoInfo]); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 1, getter_Copies(title)); } } } // set it on the document if (aStatus.IsEmpty()) { SetTitle(title); } else { nsXPIDLString titleWithStatus; const nsPromiseFlatString& status = PromiseFlatString(aStatus); const PRUnichar *formatStrings[2] = {title.get(), status.get()}; NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(fmtName, "TitleWithStatus"); mStringBundle->FormatStringFromName(fmtName.get(), formatStrings, 2, getter_Copies(titleWithStatus)); SetTitle(titleWithStatus); } }
// show project properties // void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) { std::string projectname; //collecting infos project_in->get_name(projectname); //disk usage needs additional lookups CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); pDoc->CachedDiskUsageUpdate(); // CachedDiskUsageUpdate() may have invalidated our project // pointer, so get an updated pointer to this project PROJECT* project = pDoc->project(project_in->master_url); if (!project) return; // TODO: display some sort of error alert? std::vector<PROJECT*> dp = pDoc->disk_usage.projects; double diskusage=0.0; for (unsigned int i=0; i< dp.size(); i++) { PROJECT* tp = dp[i]; std::string tname; tp->get_name(tname); wxString t1(wxString(tname.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); if(t1.IsSameAs(wxString(projectname.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)) || t1.IsSameAs(wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8))) { diskusage = tp->disk_usage; break; } } //set dialog title wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of project "); wxTitle.append(wxString(projectname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8)); SetTitle(wxTitle); //layout controls addSection(_("General")); addProperty(_("URL"), wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8)); addProperty(_("User name"), wxString(project->user_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); addProperty(_("Team name"), wxString(project->team_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); addProperty(_("Resource share"), wxString::Format(wxT("%0.0f"), project->resource_share)); if (project->min_rpc_time > dtime()) { addProperty(_("Scheduler RPC deferred for"), FormatTime(project->min_rpc_time - dtime())); } if (project->download_backoff) { addProperty(_("File downloads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->download_backoff)); } if (project->upload_backoff) { addProperty(_("File uploads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->upload_backoff)); } addProperty(_("Disk usage"), FormatDiskSpace(diskusage)); addProperty(_("Computer ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), project->hostid)); if (project->non_cpu_intensive) { addProperty(_("Non CPU intensive"), _("yes")); } addProperty(_("Suspended via GUI"), project->suspended_via_gui ? _("yes") : _("no")); addProperty(_("Don't request tasks"), project->dont_request_more_work ? _("yes") : _("no")); if (project->scheduler_rpc_in_progress) { addProperty(_("Scheduler call in progress"), _("yes")); } if (project->trickle_up_pending) { addProperty(_("Trickle-up pending"), _("yes")); } if (strlen(project->venue)) { addProperty(_("Host location"), wxString(project->venue, wxConvUTF8)); } else { addProperty(_("Host location"), _("default")); } if (project->attached_via_acct_mgr) { addProperty(_("Added via account manager"), _("yes")); } if (project->detach_when_done) { addProperty(_("Remove when tasks done"), _("yes")); } if (project->ended) { addProperty(_("Ended"), _("yes")); } addProperty(_("Tasks completed"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), project->njobs_success)); addProperty(_("Tasks failed"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), project->njobs_error)); addSection(_("Credit")); addProperty(_("User"), // Displays the average and total user credit wxString::Format( _("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"), project->user_total_credit, project->user_expavg_credit ) ); addProperty(_("Host"), // Displays the average and total host credit wxString::Format( _("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"), project->host_total_credit, project->host_expavg_credit ) ); if (!project->non_cpu_intensive) { addSection(_("Scheduling")); addProperty(_("Scheduling priority"), wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->sched_priority)); show_rsc(_("CPU"), project->rsc_desc_cpu); if (pDoc->state.host_info.coprocs.have_nvidia()) { show_rsc( wxString(proc_type_name(PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU), wxConvUTF8), project->rsc_desc_nvidia ); } if (pDoc->state.host_info.coprocs.have_ati()) { show_rsc( wxString(proc_type_name(PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU), wxConvUTF8), project->rsc_desc_ati ); } if (pDoc->state.host_info.coprocs.have_intel_gpu()) { show_rsc( wxString(proc_type_name(PROC_TYPE_INTEL_GPU), wxConvUTF8), project->rsc_desc_intel_gpu ); } double dcf = project->duration_correction_factor; // if it's exactly 1, it's not being used // if (dcf != 1) { addProperty( _("Duration correction factor"), wxString::Format(wxT("%0.4f"), dcf) ); } } if (project->last_rpc_time) { wxDateTime dt; dt.Set((time_t)project->last_rpc_time); addProperty(_("Last scheduler reply"), dt.Format()); } m_gbSizer->Layout(); m_scrolledWindow->FitInside(); }
void ProcessDlg::set_properties() { // begin wxGlade: ProcessDlg::set_properties SetTitle(wxT("Process")); // end wxGlade }
void wxFileDialog::SetMessage(const wxString& message) { m_message = message; SetTitle(message); }
CButton::CButton(const int vx,const int vy,const int vw,const int vh,CWnd* vowner,const PCHAR title,const int vcommand) :CWnd(NULL,vx,vy,vw,vh,vowner,vcommand) { SetTitle(title); }
PersonWindow::PersonWindow(BRect frame, const char* title, const char* nameAttribute, const char* categoryAttribute, const entry_ref* ref) : BWindow(frame, title, B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS), fRef(NULL), fPanel(NULL), fNameAttribute(nameAttribute) { BMenu* menu; BMenuItem* item; BMenuBar* menuBar = new BMenuBar(""); menu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("File")); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("New person" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(M_NEW), 'N')); item->SetTarget(be_app); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Close"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'W')); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(fSave = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Save"), new BMessage(M_SAVE), 'S')); fSave->SetEnabled(FALSE); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem( B_TRANSLATE("Save as" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(M_SAVE_AS))); menu->AddItem(fRevert = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Revert"), new BMessage(M_REVERT), 'R')); fRevert->SetEnabled(FALSE); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Quit"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q'); item->SetTarget(be_app); menu->AddItem(item); menuBar->AddItem(menu); menu = new BMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Edit")); menu->AddItem(fUndo = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Undo"), new BMessage(B_UNDO), 'Z')); fUndo->SetEnabled(false); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(fCut = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Cut"), new BMessage(B_CUT), 'X')); menu->AddItem(fCopy = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Copy"), new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C')); menu->AddItem(fPaste = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Paste"), new BMessage(B_PASTE), 'V')); BMenuItem* selectAllItem = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Select all"), new BMessage(M_SELECT), 'A'); menu->AddItem(selectAllItem); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Configure attributes"), new BMessage(M_CONFIGURE_ATTRIBUTES), 'F')); item->SetTarget(be_app); menuBar->AddItem(menu); if (ref != NULL) { SetTitle(ref->name); _SetToRef(new entry_ref(*ref)); } else _SetToRef(NULL); fView = new PersonView("PeopleView", categoryAttribute, fRef); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(menuBar) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(fView) .SetInsets(B_USE_WINDOW_SPACING) .End(); fRevert->SetTarget(fView); selectAllItem->SetTarget(fView); }
void MessageWindow::MessageReceived (BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case M_SERVER_SHUTDOWN: { // No command to IRC connection // Just yank her PostMessage (B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; } case M_CHANGE_NICK: { const char *oldNick, *newNick; msg->FindString ("oldnick", &oldNick); msg->FindString ("newnick", &newNick); if (chatee.ICompare (oldNick) == 0) { const char *address; const char *ident; msg->FindString ("address", &address); msg->FindString ("ident", &ident); BString oldId (id); chatee = id = newNick; if (dChat) id.Append(" [DCC]"); // SEND NOTIFY -- We could crash the deskbar // (who I'm I kidding -- We crashed the deskbar) // without it (BEFORE DISPLAYS!!!) BMessage bmsg (M_ID_CHANGE); bmsg.AddInt32 ("sid", sid); bmsg.AddString ("id", oldId.String()); bmsg.AddString ("newid", id.String()); be_app->PostMessage (&bmsg); BString title; title << id << " (" << ident << "@" << address << ")"; SetTitle (title.String()); ClientWindow::MessageReceived (msg); } else if (myNick.ICompare (oldNick) == 0) { status->SetItemValue (STATUS_NICK, newNick); ClientWindow::MessageReceived (msg); } break; } case M_CHANNEL_MODES: { const char *msgz; msg->FindString ("msgz", &msgz); Display (msgz, &opColor); break; } case M_CHANNEL_MSG: { const char *nick; if (msg->HasString ("nick")) msg->FindString ("nick", &nick); else { nick = chatee.String(); msg->AddString ("nick", nick); } // This is mostly because if we send first // and we have open message window, this // will update the title bar for the address if (chatee.ICompare (nick) == 0 && msg->HasString ("ident") && msg->HasString ("address")) { const char *ident; const char *address; msg->FindString ("ident", &ident); msg->FindString ("address", &address); BString title; title << id << " (" << ident << "@" << address << ")"; if (title != Title()) SetTitle (title.String()); } // Send the rest of processing up the chain ClientWindow::MessageReceived (msg); break; } case M_LAG_CHANGED: { BString lag; msg->FindString("lag", &lag); status->SetItemValue(STATUS_LAG, lag.String()); } default: ClientWindow::MessageReceived (msg); } }