void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::OnWksFileSelection( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxFileName fn = GetWksFileName();
    wxString name = GetWksFileName();
    wxString path;

    if( fn.IsAbsolute() )
        path = fn.GetPath();
        name = fn.GetFullName();
        path = m_projectPath;

    // Display a file picker dialog
    wxFileDialog fileDialog( this, _( "Select Page Layout Description File" ),
                             path, name, PageLayoutDescrFileWildcard(),
                             wxFD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

    if( fileDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )

    wxString fileName = fileDialog.GetPath();

    // Try to remove the path, if the path is the current working dir,
    // or the dir of kicad.pro (template), and use a relative path
    wxString shortFileName = WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::MakeShortFileName( fileName, m_projectPath );

    // For Win/Linux/macOS compatibility, a relative path is a good idea
    if( shortFileName != GetWksFileName() && shortFileName != fileName )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                "The page layout description file name has changed.\n"
                "Do you want to use the relative path:\n"
                "instead of\n"
                "\"%s\"?" ), GetChars( shortFileName ), GetChars( fileName ) );

        if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
            shortFileName = fileName;

    SetWksFileName( shortFileName );

    if( m_pagelayout == NULL )
        m_pagelayout = new WORKSHEET_LAYOUT;

    m_pagelayout->SetPageLayout( fileName );

void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::initDialog()
    wxString    msg;

    // initialize page format choice box and page format list.
    // The first shows translated strings, the second contains not translated strings

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim(pageFmts); ii++ )
        m_pageFmt.Add( pageFmts[ii] );
        m_paperSizeComboBox->Append( wxGetTranslation( pageFmts[ii] ) );

    // initialize the page layout descr filename
    SetWksFileName( BASE_SCREEN::m_PageLayoutDescrFileName );

    // Init display value for schematic sub-sheet number
    wxString format = m_TextSheetCount->GetLabel();
    msg.Printf( format, m_screen->m_NumberOfScreens );
    m_TextSheetCount->SetLabel( msg );

    format = m_TextSheetNumber->GetLabel();
    msg.Printf( format, m_screen->m_ScreenNumber );
    m_TextSheetNumber->SetLabel( msg );
    m_TextSheetCount->Show( false );
    m_TextSheetNumber->Show( false );

    m_pageInfo = m_parent->GetPageSettings();
    SetCurrentPageSizeSelection( m_pageInfo.GetType() );
    m_orientationComboBox->SetSelection( m_pageInfo.IsPortrait() );

    // only a click fires the "selection changed" event, so have to fabricate this check
    wxCommandEvent dummy;
    OnPaperSizeChoice( dummy );

    if( m_customFmt )
        m_customSizeX.SetValue( m_pageInfo.GetWidthMils() * IU_PER_MILS );
        m_customSizeY.SetValue( m_pageInfo.GetHeightMils() * IU_PER_MILS );
        m_customSizeX.SetValue( m_pageInfo.GetCustomWidthMils() * IU_PER_MILS );
        m_customSizeY.SetValue( m_pageInfo.GetCustomHeightMils() * IU_PER_MILS );

    m_TextRevision->SetValue( m_tb.GetRevision() );
    m_TextDate->SetValue( m_tb.GetDate() );
    m_TextTitle->SetValue( m_tb.GetTitle() );
    m_TextCompany->SetValue( m_tb.GetCompany() );
    m_TextComment1->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment1() );
    m_TextComment2->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment2() );
    m_TextComment3->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment3() );
    m_TextComment4->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment4() );

#ifndef EESCHEMA
    // these options have meaning only for Eeschema.
    // disable them for other apps
    m_RevisionExport->Show( false );
    m_DateExport->Show( false );
    m_TitleExport->Show( false );
    m_CompanyExport->Show( false );
    m_Comment1Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment2Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment3Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment4Export->Show( false );


    // Make the OK button the default.
    m_initialized = true;
void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::initDialog()
    wxString    msg;
    double      customSizeX;
    double      customSizeY;

    // initalize page format choice box and page format list.
    // The first shows translated strings, the second contains not translated strings

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM(pageFmts); ii++ )
        m_pageFmt.Add( pageFmts[ii] );
        m_paperSizeComboBox->Append( wxGetTranslation( pageFmts[ii] ) );

    // initialize the page layout descr filename
    SetWksFileName( BASE_SCREEN::m_PageLayoutDescrFileName );

    // Init display value for schematic sub-sheet number
    wxString format = m_TextSheetCount->GetLabel();
    msg.Printf( format, m_screen->m_NumberOfScreens );
    m_TextSheetCount->SetLabel( msg );

    format = m_TextSheetNumber->GetLabel();
    msg.Printf( format, m_screen->m_ScreenNumber );
    m_TextSheetNumber->SetLabel( msg );
    m_TextSheetCount->Show( false );
    m_TextSheetNumber->Show( false );

    m_pageInfo = m_parent->GetPageSettings();
    SetCurrentPageSizeSelection( m_pageInfo.GetType() );
    m_orientationComboBox->SetSelection( m_pageInfo.IsPortrait() );

    // only a click fires the "selection changed" event, so have to fabricate this check
    wxCommandEvent dummy;
    OnPaperSizeChoice( dummy );

    if( m_customFmt)    // The custom value is defined by the page size
        customSizeX = m_pageInfo.GetWidthMils();
        customSizeY = m_pageInfo.GetHeightMils();
    else    // The custom value is set to a default value, or the last defined value
        customSizeX = m_pageInfo.GetCustomWidthMils();
        customSizeY = m_pageInfo.GetCustomHeightMils();

    switch( g_UserUnit )
        customSizeX *= 25.4e-3;
        customSizeY *= 25.4e-3;

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.2f" ), customSizeX );
        m_TextUserSizeX->SetValue( msg );

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.2f" ), customSizeY );
        m_TextUserSizeY->SetValue( msg );

    case INCHES:
        customSizeX /= 1000.0;
        customSizeY /= 1000.0;

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.3f" ), customSizeX );
        m_TextUserSizeX->SetValue( msg );

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.3f" ), customSizeY );
        m_TextUserSizeY->SetValue( msg );

    m_TextRevision->SetValue( m_tb.GetRevision() );
    m_TextDate->SetValue( m_tb.GetDate() );
    m_TextTitle->SetValue( m_tb.GetTitle() );
    m_TextCompany->SetValue( m_tb.GetCompany() );
    m_TextComment1->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment1() );
    m_TextComment2->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment2() );
    m_TextComment3->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment3() );
    m_TextComment4->SetValue( m_tb.GetComment4() );

#ifndef EESCHEMA
    m_RevisionExport->Show( false );
    m_DateExport->Show( false );
    m_TitleExport->Show( false );
    m_CompanyExport->Show( false );
    m_Comment1Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment2Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment3Export->Show( false );
    m_Comment4Export->Show( false );


    // Make the OK button the default.
    m_initialized = true;