Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: Coestar/craftd
T Set_minus(T t, T s) {
	if (t == NULL){
		return Set_new(s->size, s->cmp, s->hash);
	} else if (s == NULL)
		return copy(t, t->size);
	else {
		T set = Set_new(Arith_min(s->size, t->size),
			s->cmp, s->hash);
		assert(s->cmp == t->cmp && s->hash == t->hash);
		{ int i;
		  struct member *q;
		  for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++)
		  	for (q = t->buckets[i]; q; q = q->link)
			if (!Set_member(s, q->member))
					struct member *p;
					const void *member = q->member;
					int i = (*set->hash)(member)%set->size;
					p->member = member;
					p->link = set->buckets[i];
					set->buckets[i] = p;
		return set;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: shihyu/cii
T Set_minus(T t, T s)
    if (t == NULL) {
        return Set_new(s->size, s->cmp, s->hash);
    } else if (s == NULL) {
        return copy(t, t->size);
    } else {
        T set = Set_new(Arith_min(s->size, t->size), s->cmp, s->hash);
        assert(s->cmp == t->cmp && s->hash == t->hash);
        //<for each member q in t 112>
        int i;
        struct member *q;
        for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) {
            for (q = t->buckets[i]; q; q = q->link) {
                if (!Set_member(s, q->member)) {
                    //<add q->member to set 112>
                    struct member *p;
                    const void *member = q->member;
                    int j = (*set->hash)(member) %set->size;
                    //<add member to set 109>
                    p->member = member;
                    p->link = set->buckets[j];
                    set->buckets[j] = p;
        return set;
T combine_if_match(T t, T s, int match)
	T set = Set_new(Arith_min(s->m_size, t->m_size), s->m_compare, s->m_hash);
	/*for each member q in t*/
	size_t i;
	struct element* q;
	for (i = 0; i < t->m_size; i++)
		for (q = t->m_buckets[i]; q != NULL; q = q->m_next)
			/*\for each member q in t*/
			if (Set_member(s, q->m_value) == match)
				/*add q->member to set*/
				struct element* p;
				const void* member = q->m_value;
				size_t i = (*set->m_hash)(member) % set->m_size;
				/*add member to set*/
				p->m_value = member;
				p->m_next = set->m_buckets[i];
				set->m_buckets[i] = p;
				/*\add member to set*/
				/*\add q->member to set*/
	return set;
static T copy(T t, size_t hint)
	T set;

	set = Set_new(hint, t->m_compare, t->m_hash);
		/*for each member q in t*/
		size_t i;
		struct element* q;
		for (i = 0; i < t->m_size; i++)
			for (q = t->m_buckets[i]; q != NULL; q = q->m_next)
				/*for each member q in t*/
				/*add q->member to set*/

				struct element* p;
				const void* member = q->m_value;
				int i = (*set->m_hash)(member) % set->m_size;
				/*add member to set*/
				p->m_value = member;
				p->m_next = set->m_buckets[i];
				set->m_buckets[i] = p;
				/*\add member to set*/
				/*\add q->member to set*/
	return set;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: bjhua/dragon
T Set_union (T set1, T set2)
  T newSet;
  List_t p;


  newSet = Set_new (set1->equals);
  p = List_getFirst (set1->list);
  while (p){
    Set_insert (newSet, p->data);
    p = p->next;
  p = List_getFirst (set2->list);
  while (p){
    Poly_t v = (Poly_t)p->data;

    if (!List_exists (set1->list, v, set1->equals))
      Set_insert (newSet, v);
    p = p->next;
  return newSet;
Exemplo n.º 6
void xref(const char *name, FILE *fp,
		Table_T identifiers){
	char buf[128];
	if (name == NULL)
		name = "";
	name = Atom_string(name);
	linenum = 1;
	while (getword(fp, buf, sizeof buf, first, rest)) {
		Set_T set;
		Table_T files;
		const char *id = Atom_string(buf);
		files = Table_get(identifiers, id);
		if (files == NULL) {
			files = Table_new(0, NULL, NULL);
			Table_put(identifiers, id, files);
		set = Table_get(files, name);
		if (set == NULL) {
			set = Set_new(0, intcmp, inthash);
			Table_put(files, name, set);
			int *p = &linenum;
			if (!Set_member(set, p)) {
				*p = linenum;
				Set_put(set, p);
Exemplo n.º 7
Set* Set_copy(const Set* set) {
	Set* ret = Set_new();
	ret->concrete = set->concrete;
	if(ret->concrete) {
		ret->concreteSet = ConcreteSet_copy(set->concreteSet);
	} else {
#warning fix after AbstractSet
		ret->abstractSet = NULL; /* AbstractSet_copy(set->abstractSet); */
	return ret;
T Set_inter(T s, T t)
	if (s == NULL)
		return Set_new(t->m_size, t->m_compare, t->m_hash);
	else if (t == NULL)
		return Set_new(s->m_size, s->m_compare, s->m_hash);
	else if (s->m_length < t->m_length)
		return Set_inter(t, s);
		//T set = Set_new(Arith_min(s->size, t->size), s->cmp, s->hash);
		T set;
		assert(s->m_compare == t->m_compare && s->m_hash == t->m_hash);
		set = combine_if_match(t, s, TRUE);
		return set;
Exemplo n.º 9
void readAll( Table_T fpTable )
        Set_T nameSet = Set_new( initSetSize, NULL, NULL ); 

        fpPair pair;

        while( !feof(stdin) )

                pair = readLine();
                addToTable( nameSet, fpTable, pair );



Exemplo n.º 10
/*Inserts the value into the table under the corresponding fingerprint*/
void insert_atom(Table_T* table, char* fingerprint, char* name)
        const char *key;
        const char *value;
        Set_T old_set;          

        /*Turns fingerprint and name strings into Hanson atoms*/
        key = Atom_string(fingerprint);
        value = Atom_string(name);

        old_set = Table_get(*table, key);
        if (old_set == NULL) {
                Set_T new_set = Set_new(1, NULL, NULL);
                Set_put(new_set, value);
                Table_put(*table, key, new_set);
        } else {
                Set_put(old_set, value);
T Set_minus(T s, T t)
	if (t == NULL)
		return Set_new(s->m_size, s->m_compare, s->m_hash);
	else if (s == NULL)
		return copy(t, t->m_size);
		//T set = Set_new(Arith_min(s->size, t->size), s->cmp, s->hash);
		T set;
		assert(s->m_compare == t->m_compare && s->m_hash == t->m_hash);
		set = combine_if_match(t, s, FALSE);
		return set;
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: Coestar/craftd
static T copy(T t, int hint) {
	T set;
	set = Set_new(hint, t->cmp, t->hash);
	{ int i;
	  struct member *q;
	  for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++)
	  	for (q = t->buckets[i]; q; q = q->link)
			struct member *p;
			const void *member = q->member;
			int i = (*set->hash)(member)%set->size;
			p->member = member;
			p->link = set->buckets[i];
			set->buckets[i] = p;
	return set;
Exemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Set s = Set_new();
    int   a = 42;
    char* b = "hello";
    assert(Set_size(s) == 0);
    Set_show(s, stdout, &show_func);
    Set_add(s, &a);
    assert(Set_size(s) == 1);
    Set_show(s, stdout, &show_func);
    Set_add(s, b);
    assert(Set_size(s) == 2);
    Set_show(s, stdout, &show_func);
    Set_remove(s, b);
    assert(Set_size(s) == 1);
    Set_show(s, stdout, &show_func);
    Set_remove(s, b);
    assert(Set_size(s) == 1);
    Set_show(s, stdout, &show_func);

    fprintf(stdout, "All tests passed!\n");
Exemplo n.º 14
void xref(const char *name, FILE *fp, Table_T identifiers){
	char buf[128];
	if (name == NULL){
		name = "";
	name = Atom_string(name);
	linenum = 1;
	while (getword(fp, buf, sizeof(buf), first, rest)){
		Set_T set;
		Table_T files;
		const char *id = Atom_string(buf);
		// files <- file table in identifiers associated with id 
		files = Table_get(identifiers, id);
		if (files == NULL){
			files = Table_new(0, NULL, NULL);
			Table_put(identifiers, id, files);
		// set <- set in files associated with name 
		set = Table_get(files, name);
		if (set == NULL){
			set = Set_new(0, intcmp, inthash);
			Table_put(files, name, set);
		// add linenum to set, if necessary 
			int *p = &linenum;
			if (!Set_member(set, p)){
				*p = linenum;
				Set_put(set, p);
Exemplo n.º 15
//calculate the most unique fld in item against the map of lists of templates
//put the tuple in that list associated with the most unique key
static int _add_template(T _this_, item_ *item) {

    Table_T items = _this_->items;

    //calc most unique key
    oe_scalar key = NULL;
    int key_idx = 0;
    int set_size = 0;
    Set_T curset = NULL;
    for ( int i = 0; item->object[i]; i++ ) {
        oe_scalar tmpkey = item->object[i];
        if (strcmp("_", tmpkey) == 0) continue; //don't index by wildcard

        Set_T s = (Set_T) Table_get( items, tmpkey );
        if (s) {
            int size = Set_length( s );
            if ( !key || size < set_size ) {
                key = tmpkey;
                key_idx = i;
                set_size = size;
                curset = s;
        } else { //found an unused key
            key = tmpkey;
            key_idx = i;
            set_size = 0;
            curset = Set_new( 10, _itemcmp, _itemhash );
            Table_put( items, key, curset );
    if (!curset) {
        OE_ERR(0, "Dispatcher can not add template, make sure it is not all '_' fields\n"); //i18n
        return -1;
    item->items = curset;
    item->key_idx = key_idx; //for self remove of empty sets
    Set_put( curset, item );
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
send_chunk_radius(struct PL_entry *player, int32_t xin, int32_t zin, int radius)
  // Get "chunk coords"
  xin /= 16;
  zin /= 16;
  LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending new chunks center:(%d, %d)", xin, zin);
  Set_T oldchunkset = player->loadedchunks;
  // Make a new set containing coordinates of all chunks client should have
  Set_T newchunkset = Set_new(400, chunkcoordcmp, chunkcoordhash);
  for(int x = -radius; x < radius; x++)
    for(int z = -radius; z < radius; z++)
      // Use a circular send pattern based on Bravo/MostAwesomeDude's algo
      if ( x*x + z*z <= radius*radius )
	chunk_coord *coord = Malloc(sizeof(chunk_coord));
	coord->x = x + xin;
	coord->z = z + zin;
	Set_put(newchunkset, coord);
  Set_T toremove = Set_minus(oldchunkset, newchunkset);
  Set_T toadd = Set_minus(newchunkset, oldchunkset);
  Set_map(toremove, &chunkradiusunload, (void *)player);
  Set_map(toadd, &chunkradiusload, (void *)player);
  player->loadedchunks = newchunkset;
  Set_map(oldchunkset, &chunkradiusfree, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: set.c Projeto: shihyu/cii
static T copy(T t, int hint)
    T set;

    set = Set_new(hint, t->cmp, t->hash);
    //<for each member in t 112>
    int i;
    struct member *q;
    for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) {
        for (q = t->buckets[i]; q; q = q->link) {
            //<add q->member to set 112>
            struct member *p;
            const void *member = q->member;
            int j = (*set->hash)(member) % set->size;
            //<add member to set 109>
            p->member = member;
            p->link = set->bucket[j];
            set->buckets[j] = p;
Exemplo n.º 18
/*! \brief Finds loops in the CFG. Builds lp hdr, body and exit bb sets, and 
 *   puts this lp info in a PC_Loop struct, which is appended to the CFG lp list.
 * \param cfg
 *  control flow graph for the func being processed
 *  Multiple back edges coming into the same loop header are considered as one
 *  loop. The loop body is a union of the bodies of the loops corresponding to 
 *  each one of these back edges. 
 * \return void
PC_FindLoops (PC_Graph cfg)
  PC_Block h_bb;

  /* build dominator sets for each bb in the cfg */
  PC_BuildDomSets (cfg);

  /* check each cfg bb in turn to see if it's a lp header bb */
  for (h_bb = cfg->first_bb; h_bb; h_bb = h_bb->next)
      PC_Flow be;
      PC_Loop *loop;
      int num_back_edge;
      int num_exit;
      int s_lp_head = -1;
      Set s_lp_body = Set_new (), s_lp_exits = Set_new ();

      /* check all edges coming into h_bb to see if they are back edges */
      num_back_edge = 0;
      for (be = h_bb->p_flow; be; be = be->p_next_flow)
	  /* check to see if be is indeed a back edge */
	  if (PC_BB1DominatesBB2 (be->dest_bb, be->src_bb))
	      PC_Block bb;
	      Stack *st = New_Stack ();
	      Set lp_body = Set_new ();

	      s_lp_head = be->dest_bb->ID;

	      if (be->src_bb->ID == be->dest_bb->ID)
		  ("PC_FindNaturalLoop: back edge head & tail are same.");

	      /* Build the set of all bbs in the lp body. */
	      lp_body = Set_add (lp_body, s_lp_head);

	      if (!Set_in (lp_body, be->src_bb->ID))
		  lp_body = Set_add (lp_body, be->src_bb->ID);
		  Push_Top (st, be->src_bb);

	      while ((bb = Pop (st)) != ((void*)-1))
		  PC_Flow fl;
		  for (fl = bb->p_flow; fl; fl = fl->p_next_flow)
		      if (!Set_in (lp_body, fl->src_bb->ID))
			  lp_body = Set_add (lp_body, fl->src_bb->ID);
			  Push_Top (st, fl->src_bb);

	      /* the s_lp body is a union of all of these 'inner' lp bodies */
	      s_lp_body = Set_union (s_lp_body, lp_body);

	      Clear_Stack (st);
	      Set_dispose (lp_body);

      /* If a loop was found, build its set of exits bbs, and append it to the 
         list of loops in the cfg. */
      if (s_lp_head != -1)
	  int *s_lp_bod;
	  int lp_size = 0, i;

	  /* Build the set of all bbs that are exits out of the lp. */
	  s_lp_bod = (int *) calloc (Set_size (s_lp_body), sizeof (int));
	  lp_size = Set_2array (s_lp_body, s_lp_bod);
          num_exit = 0;
	  for (i = 0; i < lp_size; i++)
	      PC_Block bb;
	      PC_Flow fl;
	      bb = PC_FindBlock (cfg, s_lp_bod[i]);
	      for (fl = bb->s_flow; fl; fl = fl->s_next_flow)
		if (!Set_in (s_lp_body, fl->dest_bb->ID)) 
                    s_lp_exits = Set_add (s_lp_exits, fl->dest_bb->ID);
	  free (s_lp_bod);

	  /* check for redundant loops */
	      PC_Loop lp = NULL;
	      int same = 0;
	      for (lp = cfg->lp; lp; lp = lp->next)
		if (Set_same (s_lp_body, lp->body))
		    same = 1;
	      if (same)
		  Set_dispose (s_lp_body);
		  Set_dispose (s_lp_exits);

	  /* Create a new PC_Loop and append it to the current CFG
             loop list. */
	  loop = &cfg->lp;
	  while (*loop)
	    loop = &(*loop)->next;
	  *loop = PC_NewLoop (s_lp_head, s_lp_body, s_lp_exits, 
			      num_back_edge, num_exit);

	  cfg->lp_tree = PC_LoopTreeInsert (cfg->lp_tree, *loop, 1);

      Set_dispose (s_lp_body);
      Set_dispose (s_lp_exits);

  PC_SetBlockLoops (cfg);

Exemplo n.º 19
T Oec_IdSet_new (int hint) {
    T obj;
    obj = Mem_calloc(1, sizeof *obj, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    obj->members = Set_new( 100, itemcmp, itemhash );
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 20
/*! \brief Finds the natural loop corresponding to a back edge
 * \param cfg
 *  control flow graph for the func being processed
 * \param be
 *  back edge going to the head of this particular natural loop
 * \return void
PC_FindNaturalLoop (PC_Graph cfg, PC_Flow be)
  PC_Loop *loop = NULL;
  PC_Block bb = NULL;
  PC_Flow fl = NULL;
  Stack *st = New_Stack ();
  int lp_head = be->dest_bb->ID, lp_size = 0, i;
  int *lp_bod;
  Set lp = Set_new (), lp_exits = Set_new ();
  int num_back_edge = 0;
  int num_exit = 0;

  if (be->src_bb->ID == be->dest_bb->ID)
    P_warn ("PC_FindNaturalLoop: head and tail of back edge are same.");

  /* Build the set of all bbs in the lp body. */
  lp = Set_add (lp, lp_head);

  if (!Set_in (lp, be->src_bb->ID))
      lp = Set_add (lp, be->src_bb->ID);
      Push_Top (st, be->src_bb);

  while ((bb = Pop (st)) != ((void*)-1))
      for (fl = bb->p_flow; fl; fl = fl->p_next_flow)
	  if (!Set_in (lp, fl->src_bb->ID))
	      lp = Set_add (lp, fl->src_bb->ID);
	      Push_Top (st, fl->src_bb);

  /* Build the set of all bbs that are exits out of the lp. */
  lp_bod = (int *) calloc (Set_size (lp), sizeof (int));
  lp_size = Set_2array (lp, lp_bod);
  for (i = 0; i < lp_size; i++)
      bb = PC_FindBlock (cfg, lp_bod[i]);
      for (fl = bb->s_flow; fl; fl = fl->s_next_flow)
	if (!Set_in (lp, fl->dest_bb->ID)) {
	  lp_exits = Set_add (lp_exits, fl->dest_bb->ID);
  free (lp_bod);

  /* Append this loop to the list of loops in the PC_Graph. */
  loop = &cfg->lp;
  while (*loop)
      loop = &(*loop)->next;
  *loop = PC_NewLoop (lp_head, lp, lp_exits, num_back_edge, num_exit);

  Set_dispose (lp);
  Set_dispose (lp_exits);
Exemplo n.º 21
int main() {
    //Set console default size.
    //Testing fields
    int testSize = 10;
    Set_T * mainSet = Set_new(testSize);

    //Fill the set
    //Print it out
    printf("Creating a new set...\n"
           "Filling it with non-repeatable numbers...\n");
    //Get some elements
    printf("Getting element on the index 4...\n");
    int test_a = Set_getValueAt(mainSet,4);
    printf("Element with the index 4 is %d\n", test_a);
    printf("Getting element on the index 10...\n");
    int test_b = Set_getValueAt(mainSet,10);
    printf("Element with the index 10 is %d\n", test_b);
    //Set some elements
    printf("Setting element with index 3 to \"123\"\n");
    Set_setValueAt(mainSet, 3, 123);
    printf("Setting element with index 10 to \"123\"\n");
    Set_setValueAt(mainSet, 10, 123);
    //Print set again
    //Delete some elements
    printf("Deleting element index 3\n");
    Set_removeValueAt(mainSet, 3);

    //Print the set again
    //In the end - free allocated memory
    printf("Creating two more sets.\n");
    Set_T * first = Set_new(testSize+1);
    Set_T * second = Set_new(testSize+4); //15
    printf("First set:\n");
    printf("Second set:\n");
    printf("Union with the first set and the second set.\n");
    Set_T * test_unionSet = Set_union(first, second);
    printf("The 'union' set:\n");
    printf("Intersection with the first and the second set.\n");
    Set_T * test_intersectionSet = Set_intersection(first, second);
    printf("The 'intersection' set:\n");
    printf("Difference between the first and the second set.\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < Set_getSize(first); i++) {
        Set_setValueAt(first, i, 8+i);
    printf("Changed first set:\n");
    Set_T * test_differenceSet = Set_difference(first, second);
    printf("The 'difference' set:\n");
    //free allocated memory
    puts("allocated memory was deleted.");
    return (0);