Exemplo n.º 1
 * ============================================================================
 *  @n@b Osal_cppiMalloc
 *  @b  brief
 *  @n  This API allocates a memory block of a given
 *      size specified by input parameter 'num_bytes'.
 *      This API should allocate memory from shared memory if the test applications
 *      are to be run on multiple cores.
 *  @param[in]  num_bytes
 *      Number of bytes to be allocated.
 *  @return
 *      Allocated block address
 * =============================================================================
Void* Osal_cppiMalloc (UInt32 num_bytes)
	Error_Block	    errorBlock;
    Void*           dataPtr;

    /* Increment the allocation counter. */

    /* Allocate a buffer from the default HeapMemMp */
    if (SharedRegion_getHeap(0) != NULL)
        dataPtr = Memory_alloc ((xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle) SharedRegion_getHeap(0), num_bytes, 0, &errorBlock);
		Fftc_osalLog ("CppiAlloc Failed for size: %d \n", num_bytes);
       	return NULL;

    Fftc_osalLog ("CppiAlloc DataP: %p size: %d \n", dataPtr, num_bytes);

    return dataPtr;
Int SystemCfg_deleteResources(SystemCfg_Object *obj)
    IHeap_Handle        heapH;
    Int                 status = 0;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY | Diags_INFO, "--> "FXNN": (obj=0x%x)",(IArg)obj);

    /* delete opencl buffer heap */
//  HeapBufMP_delete(&obj->openclHeapH);

    /* unregister rcm message heap with MessageQ */

    /* delete rcm message heap instance */

    /* free the rcm message heap storage */
    heapH = (IHeap_Handle)SharedRegion_getHeap(0);
    Memory_free(heapH, obj->rcmHeapBufBase, obj->rcmHeapBufSize);
    obj->rcmHeapBufBase = NULL;
    obj->rcmHeapBufSize = 0;

    Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "<-- "FXNN": %d", (IArg)status);
 *  @b Description
 *  @n  
 *      The function is used to allocate a memory block of the specified size.
 *      from shared memory.
 *  @param[in]  num_bytes
 *      Number of bytes to be allocated.
 *  @retval
 *      Allocated block address
Ptr Osal_cppiMalloc (UInt32 num_bytes)
    Error_Block	errorBlock;

    /* Allocate a buffer from the default HeapMemMp */
    return Memory_alloc ((xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle) SharedRegion_getHeap(0), num_bytes, 0, &errorBlock);
Exemplo n.º 4
Int32 Vsys_allocBuf(UInt32 srRegId, UInt32 bufSize, UInt32 bufAlign, Vsys_AllocBufInfo *bufInfo)
    IHeap_Handle heapHndl;

    heapHndl = SharedRegion_getHeap(srRegId);
    OSA_assert(heapHndl != NULL);

    bufInfo->virtAddr = NULL;
    bufInfo->physAddr = NULL;
    bufInfo->srPtr    = 0;

    bufInfo->virtAddr = Memory_alloc(heapHndl, bufSize, bufAlign, NULL);

        return -1;

    bufInfo->physAddr = Memory_translate (bufInfo->virtAddr, Memory_XltFlags_Virt2Phys);

        return -1;

    bufInfo->srPtr = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(bufInfo->virtAddr,srRegId);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
UInt32 Utils_memGetSR0HeapFreeSpace(void)
    UInt32 size;
    Memory_Stats stats;

    Memory_getStats(SharedRegion_getHeap(0), &stats);

    size = stats.totalFreeSize;
    return ((UInt32) (size));
Exemplo n.º 6
Int32 System_ipcListMPFreeListElemMem(UInt32 regionId, UInt32 shAddr, UInt32 size)
    IHeap_Handle heapHndl;

    heapHndl = SharedRegion_getHeap(regionId);

    Memory_free(heapHndl, (Ptr)shAddr, size);

    return OSA_SOK;
Exemplo n.º 7
Void Audio_freeSharedRegionBuf (Void *buf, Int32 bufSize)
    IHeap_Handle    heap = NULL;

    heap = SharedRegion_getHeap(SR_FRAME_BUFFERS_ID);
    if (heap)
        Memory_free(heap, buf, bufSize);
Exemplo n.º 8
 *  ======== tsk0 ========
Void tsk0(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    Int              status;
    MessageQ_Msg     msg; 
    System_printf("tsk0 starting\n");

    /* Register this heap with MessageQ */
    MessageQ_registerHeap((IHeap_Handle)SharedRegion_getHeap(0), HEAP_ID);

    /* Open the 'next' remote message queue. Spin until it is ready. */
    do {
        status = MessageQ_open(nextQueueName, &nextQueueId); 
    while (status < 0);
    if (selfId == 0) {
        msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, MSGSIZE);
        if (msg == NULL) {
            System_abort("MessageQ_alloc failed\n");
        /* Kick off the loop */
        status = MessageQ_put(nextQueueId, msg);
        if (status < 0) {
            System_abort("MessageQ_put failed\n");
    for (numReceived = 0; numReceived < NUMLOOPS; numReceived++) {
        /* Get a message */
        status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &msg, MessageQ_FOREVER);
        if (status < 0) {
            System_abort("MessageQ_get failed\n");
        if (selfId == 0) {
            rawtimestamps[numReceived] = Timestamp_get32();
            if (numReceived == NUMLOOPS - 1) {
        status = MessageQ_put(nextQueueId, msg);
        if (status < 0) {
            System_abort("MessageQ_put failed\n");
Exemplo n.º 9
Void *Audio_allocateSharedRegionBuf (Int32 bufSize)
    IHeap_Handle    heap = NULL;
    Void *tmp = NULL;

    heap = SharedRegion_getHeap(SR_FRAME_BUFFERS_ID);
    tmp = Memory_alloc (heap, bufSize, 128, NULL);
    if (tmp)
    return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 10
Int32 Vsys_freeBuf(UInt32 srRegId, UInt8 *virtAddr, UInt32 bufSize)
    IHeap_Handle heapHndl;

    heapHndl = SharedRegion_getHeap(srRegId);
    OSA_assert(heapHndl != NULL);

    OSA_assert(virtAddr != NULL);

    Memory_free(heapHndl, virtAddr, bufSize);

    return 0;
Int SystemCfg_createResources(SystemCfg_Object *obj)
    Error_Block         eb;
    Int                 status = 0;
    HeapBuf_Params      heapBufP;
    IHeap_Handle        heapH;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY | Diags_INFO, "--> "FXNN": (obj=0x%x)",(IArg)obj);

    /* allocate heap backing store from SR_0 heap */
    heapH = (IHeap_Handle)SharedRegion_getHeap(0);
    obj->rcmHeapBufSize = 5 * 128;
    obj->rcmHeapBufBase = Memory_alloc(heapH, obj->rcmHeapBufSize, 128, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        Log_error1(FXNN": out of memory: size=%u", obj->rcmHeapBufSize);
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* create heap for messages */
    heapBufP.blockSize = 128;       // header = 52 B, payload = 76 B
    heapBufP.numBlocks = 5;         // 5 messages, total heap storage = 640 B
    heapBufP.align = 128;           // align on cache line boundary
    heapBufP.buf = obj->rcmHeapBufBase;     // heap storage base address
    heapBufP.bufSize = obj->rcmHeapBufSize; // heap storage size

    obj->rcmHeapH = HeapBuf_create(&heapBufP, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        Log_error0(FXNN": HeapBuf_create() failed");
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* register this heap with MessageQ */
        FXNN": MessageQ_registerHeap: (rcmHeapH: 0x%x, heapId: %d)",
        (IArg)(obj->rcmHeapH), (IArg)SystemCfg_RcmMsgHeapId_CompDev);

    MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(obj->rcmHeapH), SystemCfg_RcmMsgHeapId_CompDev);

    Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "<-- "FXNN": %d", (IArg)status);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * ============================================================================
 *  @n@b Osal_cppiFree
 *  @b  brief
 *  @n  This API frees and restores a given memory location
 *      pointer 'dataPtr' of size 'num_bytes' to its
 *      original heap location. Frees up memory allocated using
 *      @a Osal_cppiMalloc ()
 *  @param[in]  dataPtr
 *      Pointer to the memory block to be cleaned up.
 *  @param[in]  num_bytes
 *      Size of the memory block to be cleaned up.
 *  @return
 *      Not Applicable
 * =============================================================================
Void Osal_cppiFree (Void* dataPtr, UInt32 num_bytes)
    /* Increment the free counter. */

    /* Free up the memory */
    if (dataPtr)
        Fftc_osalLog ("CppiFree: DataP: %p size: %d\n", dataPtr, num_bytes);

        Memory_free ((xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle) SharedRegion_getHeap(0), dataPtr, num_bytes);
Exemplo n.º 13
 *  ======== SemaphoreMP_Instance_finalize ========
Void SemaphoreMP_Instance_finalize(SemaphoreMP_Object *obj, Int status)
    if (obj->objType & (ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC |
                        ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC_REGION)) {
        /* SemaphoreMP is being deleted */
        /* Remove entry from NameServer */
        if (obj->nsKey != NULL) {
                    SemaphoreMP_module->nameServer, obj->nsKey);

        /* Set status to 'not created' */
        obj->attrs->status = 0;
        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(obj->attrs, sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), 
                    Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

        /* Delete the pendQ. If NULL, then ListMP_create failed. */
        if (obj->pendQ != NULL) {
            ListMP_delete((ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->pendQ));

         *  Free the shared memory back to the region SemaphoreMP. If NULL, then
         *  the Memory_alloc failed.
        if (obj->objType == ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC_REGION &&
            obj->attrs != NULL) {
            Memory_free(SharedRegion_getHeap(obj->regionId), obj->attrs, 
    else {
        /* SemaphoreMP is being closed */
        /* Close the pendQ. If NULL, then ListMP_openByAddr failed. */
        if (obj->pendQ != NULL) {
            ListMP_close((ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->pendQ));
        /* Close the gate. If NULL, then GateMP_openByAddr failed. */
        if (obj->gate != NULL) {
            GateMP_close((GateMP_Handle *)&(obj->gate));
 * Handler for shared region get heap API.
 * \param ctp	Thread's associated context information.
 * \param msg	The actual devctl() message.
 * \param ocb	OCB associated with client's session.
 * \return POSIX errno value.
 * \retval EOK		Success.
 * \retval ENOTSUP	Unsupported devctl().
int syslink_sharedregion_getheap(resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_devctl_t *msg, syslink_ocb_t *ocb) {

	SharedRegionDrv_CmdArgs *		cargs = (SharedRegionDrv_CmdArgs *) (_DEVCTL_DATA (msg->i));
	SharedRegionDrv_CmdArgs *		out  = (SharedRegionDrv_CmdArgs *) (_DEVCTL_DATA (msg->o));

 	IHeap_Handle  heapHandle = NULL;

    heapHandle = (IHeap_Handle) SharedRegion_getHeap (
    GT_assert (curTrace, (heapHandle != NULL));

	out->args.getHeap.heapHandle = heapHandle;

	if (out->args.getHeap.heapHandle != NULL)
		cargs->apiStatus = SharedRegion_S_SUCCESS;
		cargs->apiStatus = SharedRegion_E_FAIL;

	return (_RESMGR_PTR (ctp, &msg->o, sizeof (msg->o) + sizeof(SharedRegionDrv_CmdArgs)));

Exemplo n.º 15
Int32 Utils_memInit()
    SharedRegion_Entry srEntry;
    Int                srStatus = SharedRegion_S_SUCCESS;


    for (i=0; i<UTILS_MEM_NUM_SHARED_REGION_HEAP; i++)
        SharedRegion_getEntry(srId[i], &srEntry);
        Vps_printf (" %d: MEM: Shared Region %d: Base = 0x%08x, Length = 0x%08x (%d MB) \n",
                    Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), srId[i],srEntry.base,srEntry.len, srEntry.len/(1024*1024));
        if ((FALSE == srEntry.isValid)
            (0 != srEntry.len))
            srEntry.isValid     = TRUE;
            do {
                srStatus = SharedRegion_setEntry(srId[i], &srEntry);

                if (srStatus != SharedRegion_S_SUCCESS) {
                    Vps_printf(" %d: MEM: ERROR: SharedRegion_setEntry (%d, 0x%08x) FAILED !!! "
                               " (status=%d) \n", Utils_getCurTimeInMsec(), srId[i], &srEntry, srStatus);
            } while (srStatus != SharedRegion_S_SUCCESS);
        if (srEntry.len)
            gUtils_heapMemHandle[i] = SharedRegion_getHeap(srId[i]);
            UTILS_assert(gUtils_heapMemHandle[i] != NULL);
            gUtils_memClearBuf[i] = FALSE;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
UInt32 System_ipcListMPAllocListElemMem(UInt32 regionId, UInt32 size)
    IHeap_Handle heapHndl;
    Error_Block  eb;
    UInt32       shAddr;

    heapHndl = SharedRegion_getHeap(regionId);

    shAddr = (UInt32) Memory_alloc ((IHeap_Handle)heapHndl,

    printf(" %u: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0x%08x\n",

    return shAddr;
 *  @b Description
 *  @n  
 *      The function is used to free a memory block of the specified size allocated 
 *      using Osal_cppiMalloc() API.
 *  @param[in]  ptr
 *      Pointer to the memory block to be cleaned up.
 *  @param[in]  size
 *      Size of the memory block to be cleaned up.
 *  @retval
 *      Not Applicable
Void Osal_cppiFree (Ptr ptr, UInt32 size)
    Memory_free ((xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle) SharedRegion_getHeap(0), ptr, size);
Exemplo n.º 18
 *  ======== SemaphoreMP_pend ========
Bool SemaphoreMP_pend(SemaphoreMP_Object *obj)
    UInt tskKey;
    SemaphoreMP_PendElem *elem;
    IArg gateMPKey;

    /* Check for correct calling context */
    Assert_isTrue((BIOS_getThreadType() == BIOS_ThreadType_Task),

    elem = ThreadLocal_getspecific(SemaphoreMP_pendElemKey);
    if (elem == NULL) {
         * Choose region zero (instead of the region that contains the 
         * SemaphoreMP) since region zero is always accessible by all cores
        elem = Memory_alloc(SharedRegion_getHeap(0), 
                sizeof(SemaphoreMP_PendElem), 0, NULL);
        ThreadLocal_setspecific(SemaphoreMP_pendElemKey, elem);
    /* Enter the gate */
    gateMPKey = GateMP_enter((GateMP_Handle)obj->gate);

    if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_inv(obj->attrs, sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    /* check semaphore count */
    if (obj->attrs->count == 0) {
        /* lock task scheduler */
        tskKey = Task_disable();

        /* get task handle and block tsk */
        elem->task = (Bits32)Task_self();
        elem->procId = MultiProc_self();
        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(elem, sizeof(SemaphoreMP_PendElem), Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

        /* add it to pendQ */
        ListMP_putTail((ListMP_Handle)obj->pendQ, (ListMP_Elem *)elem);

        /* Leave the gate */
        GateMP_leave((GateMP_Handle)obj->gate, gateMPKey);

        Task_restore(tskKey);/* the calling task will switch out here */

        return (TRUE);
    else {
        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(obj->attrs, sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), Cache_Type_ALL, 

        /* Leave the gate */
        GateMP_leave((GateMP_Handle)obj->gate, gateMPKey);

        return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 19
 *  ======== Ipc_attach ========
Int Ipc_attach(UInt16 remoteProcId)
    Int i;
    Ptr sharedAddr;
    SizeT memReq;
    volatile ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_Reserved *slave;
    ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ProcEntry *ipc;
    Error_Block eb;
    SharedRegion_Entry entry;
    SizeT reservedSize = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_reservedSizePerProc();
    Bool cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(0);
    UInt16 clusterId = ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_getClusterId(remoteProcId);
    Int status;
    UInt hwiKey;

    /* Assert remoteProcId is in our cluster and isn't our own */
    Assert_isTrue(clusterId < ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_numProcsInCluster,
    Assert_isTrue(remoteProcId != MultiProc_self(),

    /* Check whether Ipc_start has been called.  If not, fail. */
    if (Ipc_module->ipcSharedAddr == NULL) {
        return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* for checking and incrementing attached below */
    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    /* Make sure its not already attached */
    if (Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].attached) {
        /* restore interrupts and return */
        return (Ipc_S_ALREADYSETUP);

    /* restore interrupts */

    /* get region 0 information */
    SharedRegion_getEntry(0, &entry);

    /* Make sure we've attached to owner of SR0 if we're not owner */
    if ((MultiProc_self() != entry.ownerProcId) &&
        (remoteProcId != entry.ownerProcId) &&
            entry.ownerProcId)].attached)) {
        return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* Init error block */

    /* determine the slave's slot */
    slave = Ipc_getSlaveAddr(remoteProcId, Ipc_module->ipcSharedAddr);

    if (cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_inv((Ptr)slave, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    /* Synchronize the processors. */
    status = Ipc_procSyncStart(remoteProcId, Ipc_module->ipcSharedAddr);
    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);

    /* must be called before SharedRegion_attach */
    status = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_attach(remoteProcId,
    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);

    /* retrieves the SharedRegion Heap handles */
    status = ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_attach(remoteProcId);
    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);

    /* get the attach parameters associated with remoteProcId */
    ipc = &(Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId]);

    /* attach Notify if not yet attached and specified to set internal setup */
    if (!(Notify_intLineRegistered(remoteProcId, 0)) &&
        (ipc->entry.setupNotify)) {
        /* call Notify_attach */
        memReq = Notify_sharedMemReq(remoteProcId, Ipc_module->ipcSharedAddr);
        if (memReq != 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                 *  calloc required here due to race condition.  Its possible
                 *  that the slave, who creates the instance, tries a sendEvent
                 *  before the master has created its instance because the
                 *  state of memory was enabled from a previous run.
                sharedAddr = Memory_calloc(SharedRegion_getHeap(0),

                /* make sure alloc did not fail */
                if (sharedAddr == NULL) {
                    return (Ipc_E_MEMORY);

                /* if cache enabled, wbInv the calloc above */
                if (cacheEnabled) {
                    Cache_wbInv(sharedAddr, memReq, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

                /* set the notify SRPtr */
                slave->notifySRPtr = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(sharedAddr, 0);
            else {
                /* get the notify SRPtr */
                sharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->notifySRPtr);
        else {
            sharedAddr = NULL;
            slave->notifySRPtr = 0;

        /* call attach to remote processor */
        status = Notify_attach(remoteProcId, sharedAddr);

        if (status < 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId && sharedAddr != NULL) {
                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */
                Memory_free(SharedRegion_getHeap(0), sharedAddr, memReq);

            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* Must come after GateMP_start because depends on default GateMP */
    if (!(ti_sdo_utils_NameServer_isRegistered(remoteProcId)) &&
        (ipc->entry.setupNotify)) {
        memReq = ti_sdo_utils_NameServer_SetupProxy_sharedMemReq(
        if (memReq != 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                sharedAddr = Memory_alloc(SharedRegion_getHeap(0),

                /* make sure alloc did not fail */
                if (sharedAddr == NULL) {
                    return (Ipc_E_MEMORY);

                /* set the NSRN SRPtr */
                slave->nsrnSRPtr = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(sharedAddr, 0);
            else {
                /* get the NSRN SRPtr */
                sharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->nsrnSRPtr);
        else {
            sharedAddr = NULL;
            slave->nsrnSRPtr = 0;

        /* call attach to remote processor */
        status = ti_sdo_utils_NameServer_SetupProxy_attach(remoteProcId,

        if (status < 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId && sharedAddr != NULL) {
                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */
                Memory_free(SharedRegion_getHeap(0), sharedAddr, memReq);

            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* Must come after GateMP_start because depends on default GateMP */
    if (!(ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_SetupTransportProxy_isRegistered(remoteProcId)) &&
        (ipc->entry.setupMessageQ)) {
        memReq = ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_SetupTransportProxy_sharedMemReq(

        if (memReq != 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                sharedAddr = Memory_alloc(SharedRegion_getHeap(0),
                    memReq, SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(0), &eb);

                /* make sure alloc did not fail */
                if (sharedAddr == NULL) {
                    return (Ipc_E_MEMORY);

                /* set the transport SRPtr */
                slave->transportSRPtr = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(sharedAddr, 0);
            else {
                /* get the transport SRPtr */
                sharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->transportSRPtr);
        else {
            sharedAddr = NULL;
            slave->transportSRPtr = 0;

        /* call attach to remote processor */
        status = ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_SetupTransportProxy_attach(remoteProcId,

        if (status < 0) {
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId && sharedAddr != NULL) {
                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */
                Memory_free(SharedRegion_getHeap(0), sharedAddr, memReq);

            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* writeback invalidate slave's shared memory if cache enabled */
    if (cacheEnabled) {
        if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
            Cache_wbInv((Ptr)slave, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    /* Call user attach fxns */
    for (i = 0; i < ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_numUserFxns; i++) {
        if (ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].userFxn.attach) {
            status = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].userFxn.attach(
                ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].arg, remoteProcId);

            if (status < 0) {
                return (status);

    /* Finish the processor synchronization */
    status = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_procSyncFinish(remoteProcId,

    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);

    /* for atomically incrementing attached */
    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    /* now attached to remote processor */

    /* restore interrupts */

    return (status);
Exemplo n.º 20
 *  ======== Ipc_writeConfig ========
Int Ipc_writeConfig(UInt16 remoteProcId, UInt32 tag, Ptr cfg, SizeT size)
    Int status = Ipc_S_SUCCESS;
    UInt16 clusterId = ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_getClusterId(remoteProcId);
    SharedRegion_SRPtr curSRPtr, *prevSRPtr;
    ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry *entry;
    Error_Block eb;
    Bool cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(0);

    /* Assert that the remoteProc in our cluster */
    Assert_isTrue(clusterId < ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_numProcsInCluster,


    if (cfg == NULL) {
        status = Ipc_E_FAIL;

        /* get head of local config list and set prevSRPtr to it */
        prevSRPtr = (Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].localConfigList);

         *  When cfg is NULL, the last memory allocated from a previous
         *  Ipc_writeConfig call with the same remoteProcId, tag, and size
         *  is freed.
        curSRPtr = *prevSRPtr;

        /* loop through list of config entries until matching entry is found */
        while (curSRPtr != ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_INVALIDSRPTR) {
            /* convert Ptr associated with curSRPtr */
            entry = (ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry *)

            /* make sure entry matches remoteProcId, tag, and size */
            if ((entry->remoteProcId == remoteProcId) &&
                (entry->tag == tag) &&
                (entry->size == size)) {
                /* Update the 'prev' next ptr */
                *prevSRPtr = (SharedRegion_SRPtr)entry->next;

                /* writeback the 'prev' ptr */
                if (cacheEnabled) {

                /* free entry's memory back to shared heap */
                    size + sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry));

                /* set the status to success */
                status = Ipc_S_SUCCESS;

            /* set the 'prev' to the 'cur' SRPtr */
            prevSRPtr = (SharedRegion_SRPtr *)(&entry->next);

            /* point to next config entry */
            curSRPtr = (SharedRegion_SRPtr)entry->next;

        /* return that status */
        return (status);

    /* Allocate memory from the shared heap (System Heap) */
    entry = Memory_alloc(SharedRegion_getHeap(0),
                         size + sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry),

    if (entry == NULL) {
        return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* set the entry */
    entry->remoteProcId = remoteProcId;
    entry->localProcId = MultiProc_self();
    entry->tag = tag;
    entry->size = size;
    memcpy((Ptr)((UInt32)entry + sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry)), cfg,
    /* point the entry's next to the first entry in the list */
    entry->next = *Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].localConfigList;

    /* first write-back the entry if cache is enabled */
    if (cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_wb(entry, size + sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ConfigEntry),

    /* set the entry as the new first in the list */
    *Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].localConfigList =
        SharedRegion_getSRPtr(entry, 0);

    /* write-back the config list */
    if (cacheEnabled) {

    return (status);
Exemplo n.º 21
 *  ======== Ipc_detach ========
Int Ipc_detach(UInt16 remoteProcId)
    Int i;
    UInt16 baseId = MultiProc_getBaseIdOfCluster();
    UInt16 clusterId = ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_getClusterId(remoteProcId);
    Ptr notifySharedAddr;
    Ptr nsrnSharedAddr;
    Ptr msgqSharedAddr;
    volatile ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_Reserved *slave, *master;
    SharedRegion_Entry entry;
    ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ProcEntry *ipc;
    SizeT reservedSize = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_reservedSizePerProc();
    Bool cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(0);
    Int status = Ipc_S_SUCCESS;
    UInt hwiKey;

    /* Assert remoteProcId is in our cluster and isn't our own */
    Assert_isTrue(clusterId < ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_numProcsInCluster,
    Assert_isTrue(remoteProcId != MultiProc_self(),

    /* for checking and incrementing attached below */
    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    if (Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].attached > 1) {
        /* only detach if attach count reaches 1 */
        return (Ipc_S_BUSY);
    else if (Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId].attached == 0) {
        /* already detached, restore interrupts and return success */
        return (Ipc_S_SUCCESS);

    /* restore interrupts */

    /* get region 0 information */
    SharedRegion_getEntry(0, &entry);

     *  Make sure we detach from all other procs in cluster before
     *  detaching from owner of SR 0.
    if (remoteProcId == entry.ownerProcId) {
        for (i = 0; i < ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_numProcsInCluster; i++, baseId++) {
            if ((baseId != MultiProc_self()) && (baseId != entry.ownerProcId) &&
                (Ipc_module->procEntry[i].attached)) {
                return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

    /* get the paramters associated with remoteProcId */
    ipc = &(Ipc_module->procEntry[clusterId]);

    /* determine the slave's slot */
    slave = Ipc_getSlaveAddr(remoteProcId, Ipc_module->ipcSharedAddr);

    /* determine the master's slot */
    master = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_getMasterAddr(remoteProcId,

    if (cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_inv((Ptr)slave, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
        Cache_inv((Ptr)master, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
        /* check to make sure master is not trying to attach */
        if (master->startedKey == ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_PROCSYNCSTART) {
            return (Ipc_E_NOTREADY);
    else {
        /* check to make sure slave is not trying to attach */
        if (slave->startedKey == ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_PROCSYNCSTART) {
            return (Ipc_E_NOTREADY);

    /* The slave processor waits for master to finish its detach sequence */
    if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
        if (master->startedKey != ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_PROCSYNCDETACH) {
            return (Ipc_E_NOTREADY);

    /* Call user detach fxns */
    for (i = 0; i < ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_numUserFxns; i++) {
        if (ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].userFxn.detach) {
            status = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].userFxn.detach(
                ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_userFxns[i].arg, remoteProcId);

            if (status < 0) {
                return (status);

    if ((ipc->entry.setupMessageQ) &&
       (ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_SetupTransportProxy_isRegistered(remoteProcId))) {
        /* call MessageQ_detach for remote processor */
        status = ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_SetupTransportProxy_detach(remoteProcId);
        if (status < 0) {
            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

        if (slave->transportSRPtr) {
            /* free the memory if slave processor */
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                /* get the pointer to MessageQ transport instance */
                msgqSharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->transportSRPtr);

                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */

                /* set pointer for MessageQ transport instance back to NULL */
                slave->transportSRPtr = NULL;

    if ((ipc->entry.setupNotify) &&
        (ti_sdo_utils_NameServer_isRegistered(remoteProcId))) {
        /* call NameServer_SetupProxy_detach for remote processor */
        status = ti_sdo_utils_NameServer_SetupProxy_detach(remoteProcId);
        if (status < 0) {
            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

        if (slave->nsrnSRPtr) {
            /* free the memory if slave processor */
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                /* get the pointer to NSRN instance */
                nsrnSharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->nsrnSRPtr);

                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */

                /* set pointer for NSRN instance back to NULL */
                slave->nsrnSRPtr = NULL;

    if ((ipc->entry.setupNotify) &&
        (Notify_intLineRegistered(remoteProcId, 0))) {
        /* call Notify_detach for remote processor */
        status = ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_detach(remoteProcId);
        if (status < 0) {
            return (Ipc_E_FAIL);

        if (slave->notifySRPtr) {
            /* free the memory if slave processor */
            if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
                /* get the pointer to Notify instance */
                notifySharedAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(slave->notifySRPtr);

                /* free the memory back to SharedRegion 0 heap */
                            Notify_sharedMemReq(remoteProcId, notifySharedAddr));

                /* set pointer for Notify instance back to NULL */
                slave->notifySRPtr = NULL;

    /* close any HeapMemMP which may have been opened */
    status = ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_detach(remoteProcId);
    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);
    /* close any GateMP which may have been opened */
    status = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_detach(remoteProcId);
    if (status < 0) {
        return (status);

    if (MultiProc_self() < remoteProcId) {
        slave->configListHead = ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_INVALIDSRPTR;
        slave->startedKey = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_PROCSYNCDETACH;
        if (cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv((Ptr)slave, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    else {
        master->configListHead = ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_INVALIDSRPTR;
        master->startedKey = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_PROCSYNCDETACH;
        if (cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv((Ptr)master, reservedSize, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    /* attached must be decremented atomically */
    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    /* now detached from remote processor */

    /* restore interrupts */

    return (status);
Exemplo n.º 22
 *  ======== SemaphoreMP_Instance_init ========
Int SemaphoreMP_Instance_init(SemaphoreMP_Object *obj, Int count,
        const SemaphoreMP_Params *params, Error_Block *eb)
    Ptr localAddr;
    Int status;
    IHeap_Handle regionHeap;
    ListMP_Params listMPParams;
    SharedRegion_SRPtr sharedShmBase;
    if (params->openFlag) {
        /* Open by sharedAddr */
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_OPENDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (SemaphoreMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(obj->attrs);
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->mode = (SemaphoreMP_Mode)obj->attrs->mode;
        regionHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap(obj->regionId);
        Assert_isTrue(regionHeap != NULL, ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_A_noHeap);
        /* get the local address of the SRPtr */
        localAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(obj->attrs->gateMPAddr);
        status = GateMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (GateMP_Handle *)&(obj->gate));
        if (status < 0) {
            return (1);
        /* Open the ListMP */
        localAddr = (Ptr)_Ipc_roundup(
            (UInt32)obj->attrs + sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), 
        status = ListMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->pendQ));
        if (status < 0) {
            /* obj->freeList set to NULL */
            return (4);

        return (0);

    /* init the gate */
    if (params->gate != NULL) {
        obj->gate = params->gate;
    else {
        obj->gate = (ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_Handle)GateMP_getDefaultRemote();
    obj->mode = params->mode;
    if (params->sharedAddr == NULL) {
        /* Creating using a shared region ID */                
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC_REGION;
        obj->regionId = params->regionId;
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        /* Need to allocate from the heap */
        obj->allocSize = SemaphoreMP_sharedMemReq(params);
        regionHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap(obj->regionId);
        Assert_isTrue(regionHeap != NULL, ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_A_noHeap);

        /* The region heap will take care of the alignment */
        obj->attrs = Memory_alloc(regionHeap, obj->allocSize, 0, eb);
        if (obj->attrs == NULL) {
            return (2);
    else {
        /* Creating using sharedAddr */
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
        /* Assert that the buffer is in a valid shared region */
        Assert_isTrue(obj->regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID, 
        /* Assert that sharedAddr is cache aligned */
        Assert_isTrue(((UInt32)params->sharedAddr % 
                      SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId) == 0),
        /* set object's cacheEnabled, objType, and attrs  */
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (SemaphoreMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
    /* Store the GateMP sharedAddr in the SemaphoreMP Attrs */
    obj->attrs->gateMPAddr = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_getSharedAddr(obj->gate);
    obj->attrs->mode = (Bits16)obj->mode;
    obj->attrs->count = count;
    /* Create the freeList */
    listMPParams.sharedAddr = (Ptr)_Ipc_roundup((UInt32)obj->attrs +
    listMPParams.gate = (GateMP_Handle)obj->gate;
    obj->pendQ = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Handle)ListMP_create(&listMPParams);
    if (obj->pendQ == NULL) {
        return (3);
    /* Last thing, set the status */
    obj->attrs->status = SemaphoreMP_CREATED;
    if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_wbInv(obj->attrs, sizeof(SemaphoreMP_Attrs), Cache_Type_ALL, 
    /* Add entry to NameServer */
    if (params->name != NULL) {
        /* We will store a shared pointer in the NameServer */
        sharedShmBase = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(obj->attrs,
        obj->nsKey = NameServer_addUInt32((NameServer_Handle)
                SemaphoreMP_module->nameServer, params->name,
        if (obj->nsKey == NULL) {
            /* NameServer_addUInt32 failed */
            return (4); 
    return (0);
Exemplo n.º 23
void task_fxn(UArg arg0, UArg arg1){
	Int 				status;
	Int 				coreCount;
	Int 				nextCore;
	MessageQ_Msg 		msg;
	MessageQ_QueueId 	msgQueueIds[MAX_NUM_CORES];

	/* Register this heap with the Message Q */
	MessageQ_registerHeap((IHeap_Handle)SharedRegion_getHeap(0), HEAP_ID);

 * In order to send messages to other cores, we must know that core's Queue
 * ID.  So, we'll create an array on each core that associates the Queue ID
 * with the core number, and then we'll open each queue.  Again, we spin
 * here until the queue is open, sleeping for one tick after every attempt.
	for (coreCount = 0; coreCount < MAX_NUM_CORES; coreCount++){
		System_sprintf(remoteQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(coreCount));
		do {
			status = MessageQ_open(remoteQueueName, &msgQueueIds[coreCount]);
			if (status < 0){
		}while (status < 0);

	 * At this point, our application is ready to begin sending messages using
	 * Message Queue.  The core with the number TOKEN_START_CORE has the
	 * responsibility of sending the first message.  So, we'll handle that in
	 * this block.
	if (selfId == TOKEN_START_CORE){

		 * Allocate the initial message.  If the message is not properly
		 * allocated, we must abort

		 * TODO: IPC #1 - Allocate Memory for Token Message
		 * Add core below that ALLOCATES the memory for the token message.
		 * We've already declared the variable msg to hold the pointer to
		 * this message.  The code to check if the pointer is NULL is
		 * already included.
		msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));

		if (msg == NULL){
			System_abort("MessageQ_alloc failed\n");

		 * Now randomly select the next processor to send the.  This function
		 * simply selects a random core number and ensures it's not the same as
		 * the current core number.
		nextCore = findNextCore(selfId);

		 * Set the Initial Token Count in the message, and specify that the
		 * message type is MSG_TOKEN
		((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount = 1;
		((myMsg*)msg)->messageType = MSG_TOKEN;

		 * We can also set a reply queue so that the core can acknowledge this
		 * message without having to know which core it came from.
		MessageQ_setReplyQueue(messageQ, msg);

		 * Now we actually send the message to the next core that we've chosen.

		/* TODO: IPC #2 - Pass the token to the destination core
		 * Add the code to send the message to the destination core.  This is
		 * done by putting the message in the destination core's queue.  Don't
		 * forget that the ID of the destination core's queue is stored at
		 * element "nextCore" in the array msgQueueIds, and is NOT the same
		 * as the core number.
		status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[nextCore], msg);


	while (TRUE){
		msgType messageType;
		MessageQ_Msg ack;
		MessageQ_QueueId ackQueueId;
		Int currentTokenCount;

		/* TODO: IPC #3 - Get a Message from the local queue.
		 * Take the message from the local queue and store it in the variable
		 * message.  The function call return value should be stored in the
		 * variable status.  Hint: The parameters passed to this function
		 * specify a time out size.  We want to configure this call to
		 * never time out, and block eternally until a message is received.
		status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &msg, MessageQ_FOREVER);

		if (status < 0){
			System_abort("This should not occur since the timeout is forever\n");

		 * Read the Message Type from the received message, along with the current
		 * token count.
		messageType = ((myMsg*)msg)->messageType;
		currentTokenCount = ((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount;

		 * Now, check what type of message it is and take action.  Here are the
		 * actions to be taken.
		 * 	- Acknowledge that token is received to sending core.
		 * 	- If token count is less than MAX_MESSAGES
		 * 		- Increment the token count.
		 * 		- Forward the token on to the next random core
		 *	- If token count is equal to MAX Messages
		 *		- Free the Token message.
		 *		- Send a Done Message to all other cores.
		 *		- Break out of the infinite loop.
		 * MSG_ACK
		 * 	- Free the Ack message
		 *  - Free the Done Message
		 *  - Break Out of infinite loop
		switch (messageType){
		case MSG_TOKEN:
			System_printf("Token Received - Count = %d\n", currentTokenCount);

			 * TODO: IPC #4 - Get the Reply Queue for the token
			 * Store the ID of the reply queue in the variable ackQueueId.
			 * This function allows us to not have to figure out which core
			 * sent this message.  This is the analogous function to the
			 * MessageQ_setReplyQueue() function that was set before the
			 * message was sent.  This data is stored in the MessageQ_MsgHeader
			 * element that's included with the message
			ackQueueId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(msg);

			 * TODO: IPC #5 - Allocate the acknowledge message
			 * Allocate the acknowledge message and store the pointer to it
			 * in the variable ack.
			ack = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));

			// Set the Message Type of the new Message to MSG_ACK
			if (ack==NULL){
				System_abort("MessageQ Alloc Failed\n");

			// Set the Message Type of the new Message to MSG_ACK
			((myMsg*)ack)->messageType = MSG_ACK;

			 * TODO: IPC #6 - Send the Acknowledge message
			 * Don't forget that we've already stored the reply queue ID in
			 * ackQueueId above.
			status = MessageQ_put(ackQueueId, ack);

			 * Now handle the actions required by the status of the message. First
			 * we must check to see if we're at the Token Passing limit.  So we'll
			 * compare the current Token count with MAX_MESSAGES.

			 * If the current token count is the max, then we must free the current
			 * message and then allocate new DONE messages to be sent to the other
			 * cores.
			if (currentTokenCount == NUM_MESSAGES){
				 * TODO: IPC #7 - Free the memory used by the token message
				 * Don't forget that the pointer to this memory is in the
				 * variable msg.

				 * Now allocate and send ALL cores a DONE message.  We don't need to
				 * worry about special handling of the current core.  It will just
				 * send itself a DONE message and handle it just as the other cores
				 * do
				 * TODO: IPC #8 - Note that this core will send itself a message.
				 * There's nothing to be added here.  just note that this
				 * routine is blindly sending done messages to all of the cores
				 * and not taking into account it's own core number.  So, this
				 * core will send one of these messages to itself.
				for (coreCount =0; coreCount < MAX_NUM_CORES; coreCount++){
					msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAP_ID, sizeof(myMsg));
					if (msg == NULL){
						System_abort("MessageQ Alloc Failed\n");

					// Set the Message Type to MSG_DONE
					((myMsg*)msg)->messageType = MSG_DONE;

					// Now send it to the selected core
					status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[coreCount], msg);

			 * If we're not at the last message, then we must increment the
			 * tokenCount and pass the message on to a random core.  Don't
			 * forget to set the reply queue so we can get an acknowledge.
			nextCore = findNextCore(selfId);
			((myMsg*)msg)->tokenCount = currentTokenCount + 1;

			 * TODO: IPC #9- Set the reply queue for the token message.
			 * We need to be sure to set the reply queue each time.
			 * Otherwise, the wrong core will receive the acknowledge.
			MessageQ_setReplyQueue(messageQ, msg);

			// Put the message on the proper queue
			status = MessageQ_put(msgQueueIds[nextCore], msg);

		case MSG_ACK:
			System_printf("Ack Received\n");
			 * All we need to do in this case is free the Ack message
		case MSG_DONE:
			System_printf("Done Received\n");
			 * If we receive the Done message we just need to free the message, and
			 * then exit SYS/BIOS because the application is complete.
			System_printf("Invalid Message Type Received\n");

Exemplo n.º 24
static Int dvsdk_grapx_display_rpc_remote_mode_init ()
   RcmClient_Params  rcmClientParams;
   IArg key;
   Bool doInit = FALSE;
   Int status = 0;
   key = Gate_enterSystem();
   if (FALSE == g_RemoteStubContext.bRemoteInitDone) {
     doInit = TRUE;
   if (TRUE == doInit) {
       GateThread_Params gtParams;
    GateThread_Params_init (&gtParams);
       g_RemoteStubContext.hGate = GateThread_Handle_upCast(GateThread_create(&gtParams, NULL));
    key = GateH_enter (g_RemoteStubContext.hGate);
    RcmClient_Params_init (&rcmClientParams);
    rcmClientParams.heapId = Global_GrpxDssMsgHeapId;
    do {
      status = RcmClient_create(DVSDK_DSS_GRPX_SERVER_NAME,
    if (status < 0) {
       } while (status < 0);
       if (0 == status) {
      status = RcmClient_getSymbolIndex (g_RemoteStubContext.hRcmClient,
       if (0 == status) {
      status = RcmClient_getSymbolIndex (g_RemoteStubContext.hRcmClient,
       if (0 == status) {
      status = RcmClient_getSymbolIndex (g_RemoteStubContext.hRcmClient,
    if (0 == status) {
      status = RcmClient_getSymbolIndex (g_RemoteStubContext.hRcmClient,
    if (0 == status) {
      status = RcmClient_getSymbolIndex (g_RemoteStubContext.hRcmClient,
    g_RemoteStubContext.bRemoteInitDone = TRUE;
    GateH_leave(g_RemoteStubContext.hGate, key);
   return status;   
Exemplo n.º 25
 *  ======== ipcSetup ========
Int ipcSetup (Int testCase)
    Int                             status          = 0;
    Char *                          procName;
    UInt16                          procId;
    ProcMgr_AttachParams            attachParams;
    ProcMgr_State                   state;
#if !defined(SYSLINK_USE_DAEMON)
    UInt32                          entryPoint      = 0;
    ProcMgr_StartParams             startParams;
    Char                            uProcId;
    HeapBufMP_Params                heapbufmpParams;
    Char                          * imageName;
    UInt32                          fileId;
    Ipc_Config                      config;
    Int                             i;
    UInt32                          srCount;
    SharedRegion_Entry              srEntry;

    Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Setup IPC componnets \n");

    switch(testCase) {
    case 0:
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Local RCM test\n");
        remoteServerName = RCMSERVER_NAME;
        procName = MPU_PROC_NAME;
    case 1:
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: RCM test with RCM client and server on "
                     "Sys M3\n\n");
        remoteServerName = SYSM3_SERVER_NAME;
        procName = SYSM3_PROC_NAME;
    case 2:
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: RCM test with RCM client and server on "
                     "App M3\n\n");
        remoteServerName = APPM3_SERVER_NAME;
        procName = APPM3_PROC_NAME;
    case 3:
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: RCM test with RCM client and server on "
        remoteServerName = DSP_SERVER_NAME;
        procName = DSP_PROC_NAME;
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Please pass valid arg "
                     "(0-local, 1-Sys M3, 2-App M3, 3-Tesla) \n");
        goto exit;

    Ipc_getConfig (&config);
    status = Ipc_setup (&config);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in Ipc_setup [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit;
    Osal_printf("Ipc_setup status [0x%x]\n", status);

    procId = ((testCase == 3) ? MultiProc_getId (DSP_PROC_NAME) : \
                                MultiProc_getId (SYSM3_PROC_NAME));
    remoteIdClient = MultiProc_getId (procName);

    /* Open a handle to the ProcMgr instance. */
    status = ProcMgr_open (&procMgrHandleClient, procId);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_open [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit;
    if (status >= 0) {
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_open Status [0x%x]\n", status);
        ProcMgr_getAttachParams (NULL, &attachParams);
        /* Default params will be used if NULL is passed. */
        status = ProcMgr_attach (procMgrHandleClient, &attachParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_attach failed [0x%x]\n", status);
        else {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_attach status: [0x%x]\n", status);
            state = ProcMgr_getState (procMgrHandleClient);
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: After attach: ProcMgr_getState\n"
                         "    state [0x%x]\n", state);

    if ((status >= 0) && (testCase == 2)) {
        status = ProcMgr_open (&procMgrHandleClient1, remoteIdClient);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_open [0x%x]\n", status);
            goto exit;
        if (status >= 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_open Status [0x%x]\n", status);
            ProcMgr_getAttachParams (NULL, &attachParams);
            /* Default params will be used if NULL is passed. */
            status = ProcMgr_attach (procMgrHandleClient1, &attachParams);
            if (status < 0) {
                Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_attach failed [0x%x]\n",
            else {
                Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_attach status: [0x%x]\n",
                state = ProcMgr_getState (procMgrHandleClient1);
                Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: After attach: ProcMgr_getState\n"
                             "    state [0x%x]\n", state);

#if !defined(SYSLINK_USE_DAEMON) /* Daemon sets this up */
    if (testCase == 1)
    else if (testCase == 2)
        imageName = RCM_MPUCLIENT_SYSM3_IMAGE;
    else if (testCase == 3)
        imageName = RCM_MPUCLIENT_DSP_IMAGE;

    if (testCase != 0) {
        status = ProcMgr_load (procMgrHandleClient, imageName, 2, &imageName,
                                &entryPoint, &fileId, procId);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_load %s image [0x%x]\n",
                            procName, status);
            goto exit;
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_load %s image Status [0x%x]\n",
                        procName, status);
#endif /* defined(SYSLINK_USE_LOADER) */
    if (testCase != 0) {
        startParams.proc_id = procId;
        status = ProcMgr_start (procMgrHandleClient, entryPoint, &startParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_start %s [0x%x]\n",
                            procName, status);
            goto exit;
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_start %s Status [0x%x]\n", procName,

    if (testCase == 2) {
        imageName = RCM_MPUCLIENT_APPM3_IMAGE;
        uProcId = MultiProc_getId (APPM3_PROC_NAME);
        status = ProcMgr_load (procMgrHandleClient1, imageName, 2, &imageName,
                                &entryPoint, &fileId, uProcId);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_load AppM3 image: "
                "[0x%x]\n", status);
            goto exit;
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: AppM3: ProcMgr_load Status [0x%x]\n", status);
#endif /* defined(SYSLINK_USE_LOADER) */
        startParams.proc_id = MultiProc_getId (APPM3_PROC_NAME);
        status = ProcMgr_start (procMgrHandleClient1, entryPoint, &startParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Error in ProcMgr_start AppM3 [0x%x]\n",
            goto exit;
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: ProcMgr_start AppM3 Status [0x%x]\n", status);
#endif /* defined(SYSLINK_USE_DAEMON) */

    srCount = SharedRegion_getNumRegions();
    Osal_printf ("SharedRegion_getNumRegions = %d\n", srCount);
    for (i = 0; i < srCount; i++) {
        status = SharedRegion_getEntry (i, &srEntry);
        Osal_printf ("SharedRegion_entry #%d: base = 0x%x len = 0x%x "
                        "ownerProcId = %d isValid = %d cacheEnable = %d "
                        "cacheLineSize = 0x%x createHeap = %d name = %s\n",
                        i, srEntry.base, srEntry.len, srEntry.ownerProcId,
                        (Int)srEntry.isValid, (Int)srEntry.cacheEnable,
                        srEntry.cacheLineSize, (Int)srEntry.createHeap,

#if !defined(SYSLINK_USE_DAEMON) /* Daemon sets this up */
    /* Create Heap and register it with MessageQ */
    if (status >= 0) {
        HeapBufMP_Params_init (&heapbufmpParams);
        heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapbufmpParams.align      = 128;
        heapbufmpParams.numBlocks  = 4;
        heapbufmpParams.blockSize  = MSGSIZE;
        heapSize = HeapBufMP_sharedMemReq (&heapbufmpParams);
        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: heapSize = 0x%x\n", heapSize);

        srHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap (RCM_HEAP_SR);
        if (srHeap == NULL) {
            status = MEMORYOS_E_FAIL;
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: SharedRegion_getHeap failed for srHeap:"
                         " [0x%x]\n", srHeap);
        else {
            Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Before Memory_alloc = 0x%x\n", srHeap);
            heapBufPtr = Memory_alloc (srHeap, heapSize, 0);
            if (heapBufPtr == NULL) {
                status = MEMORYOS_E_MEMORY;
                Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Memory_alloc failed for ptr: [0x%x]\n",
            else {
                heapbufmpParams.name           = RCM_MSGQ_HEAPNAME;
                heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr     = heapBufPtr;
                Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Before HeapBufMP_Create: [0x%x]\n",
                heapHandle = HeapBufMP_create (&heapbufmpParams);
                if (heapHandle == NULL) {
                    status = HeapBufMP_E_FAIL;
                    Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: HeapBufMP_create failed for Handle:"
                                 "[0x%x]\n", heapHandle);
                else {
                    /* Register this heap with MessageQ */
                    status = MessageQ_registerHeap (heapHandle,
                    if (status < 0) {
                        Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: MessageQ_registerHeap "
#endif /* defined(SYSLINK_USE_DAEMON) */

    Osal_printf ("ipcSetup: Leaving ipcSetup()\n");
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 26
 *  ======== ipcSetup ========
static Int ipcSetup (Char * sysM3ImageName, Char * appM3ImageName)
    Ipc_Config                      config;
    ProcMgr_StopParams              stopParams;
    ProcMgr_StartParams             startParams;
    UInt32                          entryPoint = 0;
    UInt16                          procId;
    Int                             status = 0;
    ProcMgr_AttachParams            attachParams;
    ProcMgr_State                   state;
    HeapBufMP_Params                heapbufmpParams;
    Int                             i;
    UInt32                          srCount;
    SharedRegion_Entry              srEntry;

    if(appM3ImageName != NULL)
        appM3Client = TRUE;
        appM3Client = FALSE;

    Ipc_getConfig (&config);
    status = Ipc_setup (&config);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in Ipc_setup [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit;

    /* Get MultiProc IDs by name. */
    remoteIdSysM3 = MultiProc_getId (SYSM3_PROC_NAME);
    Osal_printf ("MultiProc_getId remoteId: [0x%x]\n", remoteIdSysM3);
    remoteIdAppM3 = MultiProc_getId (APPM3_PROC_NAME);
    Osal_printf ("MultiProc_getId remoteId: [0x%x]\n", remoteIdAppM3);
    procId = remoteIdSysM3;
    Osal_printf ("MultiProc_getId procId: [0x%x]\n", procId);

    /* Temporary fix to account for a timing issue during recovery. */

    printf("RCM procId= %d\n", procId);
    /* Open a handle to the ProcMgr instance. */
    status = ProcMgr_open (&procMgrHandleSysM3, procId);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_open [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit_ipc_destroy;
    else {
        Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_open Status [0x%x]\n", status);
        ProcMgr_getAttachParams (NULL, &attachParams);
        /* Default params will be used if NULL is passed. */
        status = ProcMgr_attach (procMgrHandleSysM3, &attachParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_attach failed [0x%x]\n", status);
        else {
            Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_attach status: [0x%x]\n", status);
            state = ProcMgr_getState (procMgrHandleSysM3);
            Osal_printf ("After attach: ProcMgr_getState\n"
                         "    state [0x%x]\n", status);

    if (status >= 0 && appM3Client) {
        procId = remoteIdAppM3;
        Osal_printf ("MultiProc_getId procId: [0x%x]\n", procId);

        /* Open a handle to the ProcMgr instance. */
        status = ProcMgr_open (&procMgrHandleAppM3, procId);
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_open [0x%x]\n", status);
            goto exit_ipc_destroy;
        else {
            Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_open Status [0x%x]\n", status);
            ProcMgr_getAttachParams (NULL, &attachParams);
            /* Default params will be used if NULL is passed. */
            status = ProcMgr_attach (procMgrHandleAppM3, &attachParams);
            if (status < 0) {
                Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_attach failed [0x%x]\n", status);
            else {
                Osal_printf ("ProcMgr_attach status: [0x%x]\n", status);
                state = ProcMgr_getState (procMgrHandleAppM3);
                Osal_printf ("After attach: ProcMgr_getState\n"
                             "    state [0x%x]\n", status);

    Osal_printf ("SysM3 Load: loading the SysM3 image %s\n",

    status = ProcMgr_load (procMgrHandleSysM3, sysM3ImageName, 2,
                            &sysM3ImageName, &entryPoint, &fileIdSysM3,
    if(status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_load, status [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit_procmgr_close_sysm3;
    startParams.proc_id = remoteIdSysM3;
    Osal_printf ("Starting ProcMgr for procID = %d\n", startParams.proc_id);
    status  = ProcMgr_start(procMgrHandleSysM3, entryPoint, &startParams);
    if(status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_start, status [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit_procmgr_close_sysm3;

    if(appM3Client) {
        Osal_printf ("AppM3 Load: loading the AppM3 image %s\n",
        status = ProcMgr_load (procMgrHandleAppM3, appM3ImageName, 2,
                              &appM3ImageName, &entryPoint, &fileIdAppM3,
        if(status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_load, status [0x%x]\n", status);
            goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
        startParams.proc_id = remoteIdAppM3;
        Osal_printf ("Starting ProcMgr for procID = %d\n", startParams.proc_id);
        status  = ProcMgr_start(procMgrHandleAppM3, entryPoint,
        if(status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_start, status [0x%x]\n", status);
            goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;

    Osal_printf ("SysM3: Creating Ducati DMM pool of size 0x%x\n",
    status = ProcMgr_createDMMPool (DUCATI_DMM_POOL_0_ID,
    if(status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_createDMMPool, status [0x%x]\n", status);
        goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;

    srCount = SharedRegion_getNumRegions();
    Osal_printf ("SharedRegion_getNumRegions = %d\n", srCount);
    for (i = 0; i < srCount; i++) {
        status = SharedRegion_getEntry (i, &srEntry);
        Osal_printf ("SharedRegion_entry #%d: base = 0x%x len = 0x%x "
                        "ownerProcId = %d isValid = %d cacheEnable = %d "
                        "cacheLineSize = 0x%x createHeap = %d name = %s\n",
                        i, srEntry.base, srEntry.len, srEntry.ownerProcId,
                        (Int)srEntry.isValid, (Int)srEntry.cacheEnable,
                        srEntry.cacheLineSize, (Int)srEntry.createHeap,

    /* Create the heap to be used by RCM and register it with MessageQ */
    /* TODO: Do this dynamically by reading from the IPC config from the
     *       baseimage using Ipc_readConfig() */
    if (status >= 0) {
        HeapBufMP_Params_init (&heapbufmpParams);
        heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapbufmpParams.align      = RCM_MSGQ_TILER_HEAP_ALIGN;
        heapbufmpParams.numBlocks  = RCM_MSGQ_TILER_HEAP_BLOCKS;
        heapbufmpParams.blockSize  = RCM_MSGQ_TILER_MSGSIZE;
        heapSize = HeapBufMP_sharedMemReq (&heapbufmpParams);
        Osal_printf ("heapSize = 0x%x\n", heapSize);

        srHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap (RCM_MSGQ_HEAP_SR);
        if (srHeap == NULL) {
            status = MEMORYOS_E_FAIL;
            Osal_printf ("SharedRegion_getHeap failed for srHeap:"
                         " [0x%x]\n", srHeap);
            goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
        else {
            Osal_printf ("Before Memory_alloc = 0x%x\n", srHeap);
            heapBufPtr = Memory_alloc (srHeap, heapSize, 0);
            if (heapBufPtr == NULL) {
                status = MEMORYOS_E_MEMORY;
                Osal_printf ("Memory_alloc failed for ptr: [0x%x]\n",
                goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
            else {
                heapbufmpParams.name           = RCM_MSGQ_TILER_HEAPNAME;
                heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr     = heapBufPtr;
                Osal_printf ("Before HeapBufMP_Create: [0x%x]\n", heapBufPtr);
                heapHandle = HeapBufMP_create (&heapbufmpParams);
                if (heapHandle == NULL) {
                    status = HeapBufMP_E_FAIL;
                    Osal_printf ("HeapBufMP_create failed for Handle:"
                                 "[0x%x]\n", heapHandle);
                    goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
                else {
                    /* Register this heap with MessageQ */
                    status = MessageQ_registerHeap (heapHandle,
                    if (status < 0) {
                        Osal_printf ("MessageQ_registerHeap failed!\n");
                        goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;

    if (status >= 0) {
        HeapBufMP_Params_init (&heapbufmpParams);
        heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapbufmpParams.align      = RCM_MSGQ_DOMX_HEAP_ALIGN;
        heapbufmpParams.numBlocks  = RCM_MSGQ_DOMX_HEAP_BLOCKS;
        heapbufmpParams.blockSize  = RCM_MSGQ_DOMX_MSGSIZE;
        heapSize1 = HeapBufMP_sharedMemReq (&heapbufmpParams);
        Osal_printf ("heapSize1 = 0x%x\n", heapSize1);

        heapBufPtr1 = Memory_alloc (srHeap, heapSize1, 0);
        if (heapBufPtr1 == NULL) {
            status = MEMORYOS_E_MEMORY;
            Osal_printf ("Memory_alloc failed for ptr: [0x%x]\n",
            goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
        else {
            heapbufmpParams.name           = RCM_MSGQ_DOMX_HEAPNAME;
            heapbufmpParams.sharedAddr     = heapBufPtr1;
            Osal_printf ("Before HeapBufMP_Create: [0x%x]\n", heapBufPtr1);
            heapHandle1 = HeapBufMP_create (&heapbufmpParams);
            if (heapHandle1 == NULL) {
                status = HeapBufMP_E_FAIL;
                Osal_printf ("HeapBufMP_create failed for Handle:"
                             "[0x%x]\n", heapHandle1);
                goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;
            else {
                /* Register this heap with MessageQ */
                status = MessageQ_registerHeap (heapHandle1,
                if (status < 0) {
                    Osal_printf ("MessageQ_registerHeap failed!\n");
                    goto exit_procmgr_stop_sysm3;

    Osal_printf ("=== SysLink-IPC setup completed successfully!===\n");
    return 0;

    stopParams.proc_id = remoteIdSysM3;
    status = ProcMgr_stop (procMgrHandleSysM3, &stopParams);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_stop(%d): status = 0x%x\n",
            stopParams.proc_id, status);

    status = ProcMgr_close (&procMgrHandleSysM3);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_close: status = 0x%x\n", status);
    status = Ipc_destroy ();
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in Ipc_destroy: status = 0x%x\n", status);

    return (-1);
Exemplo n.º 27
 *  ======== ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Instance_init ========
Int ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Instance_init(ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Object *obj,
        const ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Params *params,
        Error_Block *eb)
    SharedRegion_SRPtr sharedShmBase;
    Ptr localAddr;
    Int status;
    ListMP_Params sparams;
    IHeap_Handle regionHeap;

    if (params->openFlag == TRUE) {
        /* Open by sharedAddr */
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_OPENDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(&(obj->attrs->head));
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        /* get the local address of the SRPtr */
        localAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(obj->attrs->gateMPAddr);
        status = GateMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (GateMP_Handle *)&(obj->gate));
        if (status != GateMP_S_SUCCESS) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (1);
        return (0);

    /* init the gate */
    if (params->gate != NULL) {
        obj->gate = params->gate;
    else {
        obj->gate = (ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_Handle)GateMP_getDefaultRemote();
    if (params->sharedAddr == NULL) {
        /* Creating using a shared region ID */                
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC_REGION;
        obj->regionId = params->regionId;
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        /* Need to allocate from the heap */
        sparams.regionId = params->regionId;
        obj->allocSize = ListMP_sharedMemReq(&sparams);
        regionHeap = SharedRegion_getHeap(obj->regionId);
        Assert_isTrue(regionHeap != NULL, ti_sdo_ipc_SharedRegion_A_noHeap);

        /* The region heap will take care of the alignment */
        obj->attrs = Memory_alloc(regionHeap, obj->allocSize, 0, eb);

        if (obj->attrs == NULL) {
            return (2);
    else {
        /* Creating using sharedAddr */
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
        /* Assert that the buffer is in a valid shared region */
        Assert_isTrue(obj->regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID, 
        /* set object's cacheEnabled, objType, and attrs  */
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->cacheLineSize = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC;
        obj->attrs = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;

        /* Assert that sharedAddr is cache aligned */
        Assert_isTrue((obj->cacheLineSize == 0) ||
                      ((UInt32)params->sharedAddr % obj->cacheLineSize == 0),

    /* init the head (to be empty) */
    /* store the GateMP sharedAddr in the Attrs */
    obj->attrs->gateMPAddr = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_getSharedAddr(obj->gate);

    /* last thing, set the status */
    obj->attrs->status = ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_CREATED;
    if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
        Cache_wbInv(obj->attrs, sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Attrs), 
                Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    /* add to NameServer if name not NULL */
    if (params->name != NULL) {
        sharedShmBase = SharedRegion_getSRPtr(obj->attrs, obj->regionId);
        obj->nsKey = NameServer_addUInt32(
            (NameServer_Handle)ListMP_module->nameServer, params->name,
        if (obj->nsKey == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_nameFailed, params->name, 0);
            return (3);

    return (0);