Exemplo n.º 1
static const char *ParseObject(ParseArgs& args, const char *data)
    data = SkipWS(data + 1);
    if ('}' == *data)
        return data + 1;

    size_t pathIdx = args.path.Size();
    for (;;) {
        data = SkipWS(data);
        if ('"' != *data)
            return NULL;
        data = ExtractString(args.path, data);
        if (!data)
            return NULL;
        data = SkipWS(data);
        if (':' != *data)
            return NULL;

        data = ParseValue(args, data + 1);
        if (args.canceled || !data)
            return data;
        args.path.RemoveAt(pathIdx, args.path.Size() - pathIdx);

        data = SkipWS(data);
        if ('}' == *data)
            return data + 1;
        if (',' != *data)
            return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
ASM_DATA *GetAsmInternal(const char *m_line, int lineno)
	ASM_DATA *ret = CreateAsmData();
	const char *ptr;
	int regsize = 0;

	ret->lineno = lineno;

	LastPoint(&(ptr = m_line));
	ptr -= 1;

	//	Jcc용 라벨
	if (*ptr == ':')
		ret->setlabel = true;
		ret->labelindex = label_index++;
		int i = 0;
		for (; m_line[i]; i++)
			ret->labelname[i] = m_line[i];
		ret->labelname[i] = 0;
		ret->opcode = GetOpcode(&m_line);

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Parse(const char *data, ValueVisitor *visitor)
    ParseArgs args(visitor);
    if (str::StartsWith(data, UTF8_BOM))
        data += 3;
    const char *end = ParseValue(args, data);
    if (!end)
        return false;
    return args.canceled || !*SkipWS(end);
Exemplo n.º 4
static const char *ParseArray(ParseArgs& args, const char *data)
    data = SkipWS(data + 1);
    if (']' == *data)
        return data + 1;

    size_t pathIdx = args.path.Size();
    for (int idx = 0; ; idx++) {
        args.path.AppendFmt("[%d]", idx);
        data = ParseValue(args, data);
        if (args.canceled || !data)
            return data;
        args.path.RemoveAt(pathIdx, args.path.Size() - pathIdx);

        data = SkipWS(data);
        if (']' == *data)
            return data + 1;
        if (',' != *data)
            return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
static const char *ParseValue(ParseArgs& args, const char *data)
    data = SkipWS(data);
    switch (*data) {
    case '"':
        return ParseString(args, data);
    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
    case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
    case '8': case '9': case '-':
        return ParseNumber(args, data);
    case '{':
        return ParseObject(args, data);
    case '[':
        return ParseArray(args, data);
    case 't':
        return ParseKeyword(args, data, "true", Type_Bool);
    case 'f':
        return ParseKeyword(args, data, "false", Type_Bool);
    case 'n':
        return ParseKeyword(args, data, "null", Type_Null);
        return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
void GetRegister(const char const* *m_str, PASM_REG m_reg)
	const char *m_ptr = *m_str;
	ASM_REG reg = *m_reg;
	int thirdc;
	const char *m_ch;
	// 중요 : 이 함수는 다음과 같은 구문은 처리하지 못합니다.
	//	[<num2> + <reg> * <num1>]
	//	[<num1> * <reg> + <num2>]
	//	[<num2>	+ <num1> * <reg>]
	//	[<num1> * <reg>]
	//	[<num1> + <reg>]

	if (reg.isprocess)
	reg.isprocess = true;
	reg.error = SYNTAX_ERROR::_Not_Found_Error;
	//	[<reg> * <num1> + <num2>] 형식일 경우 이 플래그는 활성화됨
	thirdc = FALSE;

	//	상수식 분석
	if ( isdigit(*m_ptr)  ||
	  // isxdigit(*m_ptr) ||
		 *m_ptr == '-'    ||
		 *m_ptr == '+'       )
		const char *foresee = m_ptr + 1;
		int get;
		int radix = 0;

		reg.type = REG_TYPE::_Reg_Numberic;
		//	맨 끝의 문자를 확인하기 위해 포인터를 옮김
	 // SkipFunc(&foresee, isspace);
		SkipFunc(&foresee, isxdigit);
	 // SkipFunc(&foresee, isspace);

		if (*foresee == 'o')
			get = get_oct(m_ptr);
		else if (*foresee == 'x')
			get = get_hex(m_ptr);
			get = get_dec(m_ptr);

		reg.first = get;

		m_ptr = foresee + 1;
		goto PROC_END;
	//	rxx, exx와 참조형 오퍼랜드를 분석함
	//	디폴트 값은 16bit형 오퍼랜드임
RE:	switch(tolower(*m_ptr))
	case '[':
		reg.type = REG_TYPE::_Reg_Reference;
		goto RE;
	{ case 'e': reg.bit = 32; goto SET; }
 // { case 'r': bit = 64; goto SET; }
	{ default:  reg.bit = 16; break; }
		if (reg.type != REG_TYPE::_Reg_Reference)
			reg.type = REG_TYPE::_Reg_Normal;
	//	exx에서 e을 넘긴 레지스터를 분석함
	//	형식은 모두 16bit로 통일
	switch(tolower(*((m_ch = m_ptr + 1) - 1)))
	case 'a': 
		if      (*m_ch == 'x') reg.first = AX;
		else if (*m_ch == 'l') reg.first = AL;
		else if (*m_ch == 'h') reg.first = AH;
	case 'b':
		if      (*m_ch == 'p') reg.first = BP;
		else if (*m_ch == 'x') reg.first = BX;
		else if (*m_ch == 'l') reg.first = BL;
		else if (*m_ch == 'h') reg.first = BH;
	case 'c':
		if      (*m_ch == 'x') reg.first = CX;
		else if (*m_ch == 'l') reg.first = CL;
		else if (*m_ch == 'h') reg.first = CH;
	case 'd':
		if      (*m_ch == 'i') reg.first = DI;
		else if (*m_ch == 'x') reg.first = DX;
		else if (*m_ch == 'l') reg.first = DL;
		else if (*m_ch == 'h') reg.first = DH;
	case 's':
		if      (*m_ch == 'p') reg.first = SP;
		else if (*m_ch == 'i') reg.first = SI;
	//	분석했던 레지스터의 총 길이가 2이므로
	m_ptr += 2;

	//	일반 레지스터 형식이면 더 이상 분석할 필요없으니
	//	그냥 끝냄
	if (reg.type == REG_TYPE::_Reg_Normal)
		goto PROC_END;

	//	일반 참조형 레지스터 형식
	if (*m_ptr == ']') {
		reg.type = REG_TYPE::_Reg_SingleReference;
		goto PROC_END;
	//	']'를 만나지 않으면 뭔가 더 있는 것임으로
	if (*m_ptr == '+')
		reg.sign = REG_SIGN::_Sign_Plus;
	else if (*m_ptr == '-')
		reg.sign = REG_SIGN::_Sign_Minus;
	else if (*m_ptr == '*')
		reg.sign = REG_SIGN::_Sign_Multiple;


	//	16진수의 문자열일 경우 ffh나, a2h같은 문자가 먼저 나와있을 수 있는데
	//	이 경우엔 분석을 막아 변수로 취급한다. 그로 인해 16진수의 경우엔 
	//	0ffh, 0a2h와 같이 나타내어야 한다.
		const char * t = m_ptr;
		int get;
		for (; *t != ']' && *t; t++)
			if (*t == '-' || *t == '+') {

				//	[<reg> * <num1> + <num2>] 형식임이 확증됨
				thirdc = TRUE;

		//	*t == NULL이면 열린 괄호가 닫히지 않았으므로 당연한 오류
		if (!*t--) {
			reg.error = SYNTAX_ERROR::_Not_Find_Comma;
			goto PROC_END;

		//	']'가 나오기 전에 공백이 포함되어있을 수 있으므로
		for (; isspace(*t); t--)

		if (*t == 'o')
			get = get_oct(m_ptr);
		else if (*t == 'h')
			get = get_hex(m_ptr);
			get = get_dec(m_ptr);

		reg.second = get;
		reg.type = REG_TYPE::_Reg_Reference;
		m_ptr = t + 1;

		if (thirdc == TRUE) {
			//	이 코드구역은 상기구역과 동일함
			const char * ptr = t+1;
			int get;

			if (*ptr == '+')
				reg.sign = REG_SIGN::_Sign_Multiple_Plus;
			else if (*ptr == '-')
				reg.sign = REG_SIGN::_Sign_Multiple_Minus;

			for (; *t != ']' && *t; t++)
			if (!*t--) {
				reg.error = SYNTAX_ERROR::_Not_Find_Comma;
				goto PROC_END;

			for (; isspace(*t); t--)
			if (*t == 'o')
				get = get_oct(m_ptr);
			else if (*t == 'h')
				get = get_hex(m_ptr);
				get = get_dec(m_ptr);

			reg.third = get;
			m_ptr = ptr + 1;

	*m_reg = reg;
	*m_str = m_ptr;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* BalsaTypeParseFromString : parse a Balsa type in the Breeze format
	from a string skipping whitespace.  Returns the pointer to the first
	character beyond the end of the first type defn. in the string or NULL
	on error, puts it's result in *type only on success.
	index is used for error reporting and should usually be set to 0 */
const char *BalsaTypeParseFromString (const char *string, unsigned index, BalsaType ** type)
    const char *stringPtr = SkipWS (string);
    const char *newStringPtr;
    BalsaType *ret = NULL;
    unsigned symbolLength;

#define EXPECTING(thing) do { \
	fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: expecting " thing " at `%s' index %d (%c)\n", \
		__func__, __LINE__, string, (int) (stringPtr - string), *stringPtr); \
		return NULL; \
	} while (0)

    stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr);
    if (*stringPtr == '(')      /* ) */
        const char *symbolPtr = stringPtr + 1;
        bool isAlias;

        symbolLength = SymbolLength (symbolPtr);
        stringPtr = SkipWS (symbolPtr + symbolLength);

        isAlias = SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "alias-type", symbolLength);

        if (isAlias || SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "named-type", symbolLength))
            char *typeName;

            if (*stringPtr != '"')
                EXPECTING ("`\"'");
            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            typeName = malloc (symbolLength + 1);
            strncpy (typeName, stringPtr, symbolLength);
            typeName[symbolLength] = '\0';
            stringPtr += symbolLength;
            if (*stringPtr != '"')
                EXPECTING ("`\"'");
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

            ret = BalsaLookupInternedType (typeName);

            if (!ret)
                stringPtr -= symbolLength + 1; /* Report error at start of name */
                EXPECTING ("valid type name");

            if (isAlias)
                ret = BalsaTypeAlias (NULL, ret);

            free (typeName);
        } else if (SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "numeric-type", symbolLength))
            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            bool isSigned = SymbolEqual (stringPtr, "#t", symbolLength);
            unsigned length;

            if (!isSigned && !SymbolEqual (stringPtr, "#f", symbolLength))
                EXPECTING ("signedness");
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            if (!isdigit (*stringPtr))
                EXPECTING ("bitwise type length");
            length = strtoul (stringPtr, NULL, 10);
            stringPtr = stringPtr + symbolLength;

            ret = NewBalsaType (BalsaNumericType, NULL, (isSigned ? -length : length));
        } else if (SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "enumeration-type", symbolLength))
            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            bool isSigned = SymbolEqual (stringPtr, "#t", symbolLength);
            unsigned length;
            BalsaList *elementNames = NULL;
            BalsaList *elementValues = NULL;

            if (!isSigned && !SymbolEqual (stringPtr, "#f", symbolLength))
                EXPECTING ("signedness");
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            if (!isdigit (*stringPtr))
                EXPECTING ("bitwise type length");
            length = strtoul (stringPtr, NULL, 10);
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            ret = NewBalsaType (BalsaEnumerationType, NULL, (isSigned ? -length : length));

            while (*stringPtr != ')')
                bool elementIsNegate = false;
                char *elementName;
                FormatData *elementValue;

                if (*stringPtr != '(')
                    EXPECTING ("`('");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

                if (*stringPtr != '"')
                    EXPECTING ("`\"'");
                symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
                if (!(isalnum (*stringPtr) || *stringPtr == '_'))
                    EXPECTING ("element name");
                elementName = malloc (symbolLength + 1);
                strncpy (elementName, stringPtr, symbolLength);
                elementName[symbolLength] = '\0';
                stringPtr += symbolLength;
                if (*stringPtr != '"')
                    EXPECTING ("`\"'");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

                /* Parse a multi-precision (possibly negative) integer */
                if (*stringPtr == '-')
                    elementIsNegate = true;
                symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
                elementValue = FormatDataParseUInt (stringPtr, 10);
                if (!elementValue)
                    EXPECTING ("element type");
                if (elementIsNegate)
                    FormatData *negElementValue = elementValue;

                    elementValue = FormatDataNegate (negElementValue, length);
                    DeleteFormatData (negElementValue);
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

                elementNames = NewBalsaList (elementName, elementNames);
                elementValues = NewBalsaList (elementValue, elementValues);

                if (*stringPtr != ')')
                    EXPECTING ("`)'");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

            elementNames = BalsaListReverse (elementNames);
            elementValues = BalsaListReverse (elementValues);

            ret->info.enumeration.elementNames = (char **) BalsaListToArray (elementNames, &(ret->info.enumeration.elementCount));
            ret->info.enumeration.elementValues = (FormatData **) BalsaListToArray (elementValues, NULL);

            BalsaListDelete (elementNames);
            BalsaListDelete (elementValues);

        } else if (SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "record-type", symbolLength))
            unsigned length;
            BalsaList *elementNames = NULL;
            BalsaList *elementTypes = NULL;

            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            if (!isdigit (*stringPtr))
                EXPECTING ("bitwise type length");
            length = strtoul (stringPtr, NULL, 10);
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            ret = NewBalsaType (BalsaRecordType, NULL, length);

            while (*stringPtr != ')')
                char *elementName;
                BalsaType *elementType;

                if (*stringPtr != '(')
                    EXPECTING ("`('");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

                if (*stringPtr != '"')
                    EXPECTING ("`\"'");
                symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
                if (!(isalnum (*stringPtr) || *stringPtr == '_'))
                    EXPECTING ("element name");
                elementName = malloc (symbolLength + 1);
                strncpy (elementName, stringPtr, symbolLength);
                elementName[symbolLength] = '\0';
                stringPtr += symbolLength;
                if (*stringPtr != '"')
                    EXPECTING ("`\"'");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);

                newStringPtr = BalsaTypeParseFromString (stringPtr, index + (unsigned) (stringPtr - string), &elementType);
                if (!newStringPtr)
                    EXPECTING ("element type");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (newStringPtr);

                elementNames = NewBalsaList (elementName, elementNames);
                elementTypes = NewBalsaList (elementType, elementTypes);

                if (*stringPtr != ')')
                    EXPECTING ("`)'");
                stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + 1);
            elementNames = BalsaListReverse (elementNames);
            elementTypes = BalsaListReverse (elementTypes);

            ret->info.record.elementNames = (char **) BalsaListToArray (elementNames, &(ret->info.record.elementCount));
            ret->info.record.elementTypes = (BalsaType **) BalsaListToArray (elementTypes, NULL);

            BalsaListDelete (elementNames);
            BalsaListDelete (elementTypes);
        } else if (SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "array-type", symbolLength))
            BalsaType *elementType;
            BalsaType *boundingType;
            int lowIndex;
            unsigned elementCount;

            newStringPtr = BalsaTypeParseFromString (stringPtr, index + (unsigned) (stringPtr - string), &elementType);
            if (!newStringPtr)
                EXPECTING ("element type");
            stringPtr = SkipWS (newStringPtr);

            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            if (!isdigit (*stringPtr) && *stringPtr != '-')
                EXPECTING ("low index");
            lowIndex = strtoul (stringPtr, NULL, 10);
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            symbolLength = SymbolLength (stringPtr);
            if (!isdigit (*stringPtr))
                EXPECTING ("element count");
            elementCount = strtoul (stringPtr, NULL, 10);
            stringPtr = SkipWS (stringPtr + symbolLength);

            ret = NewBalsaType (BalsaArrayType, NULL, elementCount * ABS (elementType->size));
            ret->info.array.elementCount = elementCount;
            ret->info.array.elementType = elementType;
            ret->info.array.boundingType = boundingType;
            ret->info.array.lowIndex = lowIndex;
        } else if (SymbolEqual (symbolPtr, "builtin-type", symbolLength))
            ret = NewBalsaType (BalsaBuiltinType, NULL, 64);
        } else
            stringPtr = symbolPtr;
            EXPECTING ("*-type");

        /* ( */ if (*stringPtr != ')')
            /* ( */ EXPECTING ("`)'");
    } else
        EXPECTING ("`('");      /* ) */


    if (type)
        *type = ret;
    return stringPtr;
Exemplo n.º 8
int LoadINI(INIFile *File,const char *FileName)
  char S[256],SName[256],VName[256];
  int J,Count;
  char *P;
  FILE *F;

  // Open file
  if(!F) return(0);

  // Read file line by line
    // Skip white space

    // If a new section starts...
      // Skip white space
      // Copy section name
      // Trim white space
      while(J&&(SName[J-1]<=' ')) --J;
      // Terminate section name
        // Variable (but only if we have a valid section name)

        // Copy variable name
        // Trim white space
        while(J&&(VName[J-1]<=' ')) --J;
        // Terminate variable name

        // Only if we have got a variable name and an '=' sign...
          // Skip white space
          // Copy variable value
          // Trim whitespace
          while(J&&(S[J-1]<=' ')) --J;
          // Terminate variable value
          // If we have got a value, set it!

  // Done reading file 