/** Load industry-type build data. */
static void Load_ITBL()
	int index;
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES; i++) {
		index = SlIterateArray();
		assert(index == i);
		SlObject(_industry_builder.builddata + i, _industrytype_builder_desc);
	index = SlIterateArray();
	assert(index == -1);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void Load_TOWN()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Town *t = new (index) Town();
		SlObject(t, _town_desc);

		for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
			SlObject(&t->supplied[i], _town_supplied_desc);
		for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) {
			SlObject(&t->received[i], _town_received_desc);

		if (t->townnamegrfid == 0 && !IsInsideMM(t->townnametype, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_LAST + 1) && GB(t->townnametype, 11, 5) != 15) {
			SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid town name generator");

		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(166)) continue;

		SlObject(&t->cargo_accepted, GetTileMatrixDesc());
		if (t->cargo_accepted.area.w != 0) {
			uint arr_len = t->cargo_accepted.area.w / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID * t->cargo_accepted.area.h / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID;
			t->cargo_accepted.data = MallocT<uint32>(arr_len);
			SlArray(t->cargo_accepted.data, arr_len, SLE_UINT32);

			/* Rebuild total cargo acceptance. */
Exemplo n.º 3
void Load_TOWN()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Town *t = new (index) Town();
		SlObject(t, _town_desc);

		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(161)) continue;

		SlObject(&t->cargo_accepted, GetTileMatrixDesc());
		if (t->cargo_accepted.area.w != 0) {
			uint arr_len = t->cargo_accepted.area.w / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID * t->cargo_accepted.area.h / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID;
			t->cargo_accepted.data = MallocT<uint32>(arr_len);
			SlArray(t->cargo_accepted.data, arr_len, SLE_UINT32);

			/* Rebuild total cargo acceptance. */

		/* Cache the aligned tile index of the centre tile. */
		uint town_x = (TileX(t->xy) / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID) * AcceptanceMatrix::GRID;
		uint town_y = (TileY(t->xy) / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID) * AcceptanceMatrix::GRID;
		t->xy_aligned= TileXY(town_x, town_y);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void Load_STNN()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		bool waypoint = (SlReadByte() & FACIL_WAYPOINT) != 0;

		BaseStation *bst = waypoint ? (BaseStation *)new (index) Waypoint() : new (index) Station();
		SlObject(bst, waypoint ? _waypoint_desc : _station_desc);

		if (!waypoint) {
			Station *st = Station::From(bst);
			for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
				SlObject(&st->goods[i], GetGoodsDesc());

		if (bst->num_specs != 0) {
			/* Allocate speclist memory when loading a game */
			bst->speclist = CallocT<StationSpecList>(bst->num_specs);
			for (uint i = 0; i < bst->num_specs; i++) {
				SlObject(&bst->speclist[i], _station_speclist_desc);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void Load_NAME()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		SlArray(&_old_name_array[32 * index], SlGetFieldLength(), SLE_UINT8);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void Load_GOAL()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Goal *s = new (index) Goal();
		SlObject(s, _goals_desc);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void Load_OBJS()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Object *o = new (index) Object();
		SlObject(o, _object_desc);
Exemplo n.º 8
static void Load_CAPY()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		CargoPayment *cp = new (index) CargoPayment();
		SlObject(cp, _cargopayment_desc);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void Load_EIDS()

	while (SlIterateArray() != -1) {
		EngineIDMapping *eid = _engine_mngr.Append();
		SlObject(eid, _engine_id_mapping_desc);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void Load_AIPL()
	/* Free all current data */
	for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) {
		AIConfig::GetConfig(c, AIConfig::SSS_FORCE_GAME)->Change(NULL);

	CompanyID index;
	while ((index = (CompanyID)SlIterateArray()) != (CompanyID)-1) {
		if (index >= MAX_COMPANIES) SlErrorCorrupt("Too many AI configs");

		_ai_saveload_is_random = 0;
		_ai_saveload_version = -1;
		SlObject(NULL, _ai_company);

		if (_networking && !_network_server) {
			if (Company::IsValidAiID(index)) AIInstance::LoadEmpty();

		AIConfig *config = AIConfig::GetConfig(index, AIConfig::SSS_FORCE_GAME);
		if (StrEmpty(_ai_saveload_name)) {
			/* A random AI. */
			config->Change(NULL, -1, false, true);
		} else {
			config->Change(_ai_saveload_name, _ai_saveload_version, false, _ai_saveload_is_random);
			if (!config->HasScript()) {
				/* No version of the AI available that can load the data. Try to load the
				 * latest version of the AI instead. */
				config->Change(_ai_saveload_name, -1, false, _ai_saveload_is_random);
				if (!config->HasScript()) {
					if (strcmp(_ai_saveload_name, "%_dummy") != 0) {
						DEBUG(script, 0, "The savegame has an AI by the name '%s', version %d which is no longer available.", _ai_saveload_name, _ai_saveload_version);
						DEBUG(script, 0, "A random other AI will be loaded in its place.");
					} else {
						DEBUG(script, 0, "The savegame had no AIs available at the time of saving.");
						DEBUG(script, 0, "A random available AI will be loaded now.");
				} else {
					DEBUG(script, 0, "The savegame has an AI by the name '%s', version %d which is no longer available.", _ai_saveload_name, _ai_saveload_version);
					DEBUG(script, 0, "The latest version of that AI has been loaded instead, but it'll not get the savegame data as it's incompatible.");
				/* Make sure the AI doesn't get the saveload data, as he was not the
				 *  writer of the saveload data in the first place */
				_ai_saveload_version = -1;


		/* Start the AI directly if it was active in the savegame */
		if (Company::IsValidAiID(index)) {
			AI::StartNew(index, false);
			AI::Load(index, _ai_saveload_version);
Exemplo n.º 11
static void Load_GRPS()
    int index;

    while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
        Group *g = new (index) Group();
        SlObject(g, _group_desc);
Exemplo n.º 12
/** Load persistent storage data. */
static void Load_PSAC()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		PersistentStorage *ps = new (index) PersistentStorage(0);
		SlObject(ps, _storage_desc);
Exemplo n.º 13
static void Load_NGRF_common(GRFConfig *&grfconfig)
	while (SlIterateArray() != -1) {
		GRFConfig *c = new GRFConfig();
		SlObject(c, _grfconfig_desc);
		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(101)) c->SetSuitablePalette();
		AppendToGRFConfigList(&grfconfig, c);
Exemplo n.º 14
static void Load_ROADSTOP()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		RoadStop *rs = new (index) RoadStop(INVALID_TILE);

		SlObject(rs, _roadstop_desc);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void Load_ENGN()
	/* As engine data is loaded before engines are initialized we need to load
	 * this information into a temporary array. This is then copied into the
	 * engine pool after processing NewGRFs by CopyTempEngineData(). */
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Engine *e = GetTempDataEngine(index);
		SlObject(e, _engine_desc);
Exemplo n.º 16
static void Load_DEPT()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Depot *depot = new (index) Depot();
		SlObject(depot, _depot_desc);

		/* Set the town 'pointer' so we can restore it later. */
		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(141)) depot->town = (Town *)(size_t)_town_index;
Exemplo n.º 17
static void Load_RAIL()

	LabelObject lo;
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		SlObject(&lo, _label_object_desc);
		*_railtype_list.Append() = (RailTypeLabel)lo.label;
static void Load_INDY()
	int index;


	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Industry *i = new (index) Industry();
		SlObject(i, _industry_desc);
Exemplo n.º 19
static void Load_AIPL()
	CompanyID index;
	while ((index = (CompanyID)SlIterateArray()) != (CompanyID)-1) {
		SlObject(NULL, _ai_company);

		if (!Company::IsValidAiID(index)) continue;
		SlObject(NULL, _ai_byte);
		/* Check if there was anything saved at all. */
		if (_ai_sl_byte == 0) continue;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Load the NAME chunk.
static void Load_NAME()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		if (index >= NUM_OLD_STRINGS) SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid old name index");
		if (SlGetFieldLength() > (uint)LEN_OLD_STRINGS) SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid old name length");

		SlArray(&_old_name_array[LEN_OLD_STRINGS * index], SlGetFieldLength(), SLE_UINT8);
		/* Make sure the old name is null terminated */
		_old_name_array[LEN_OLD_STRINGS * index + LEN_OLD_STRINGS - 1] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Load a GRF ID + local id -> OpenTTD's id mapping.
 * @param mapping The mapping to load.
void Load_NewGRFMapping(OverrideManagerBase &mapping)
	/* Clear the current mapping stored.
	 * This will create the manager if ever it is not yet done */

	uint max_id = mapping.GetMaxMapping();

	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		if ((uint)index >= max_id) break;
		SlObject(&mapping.mapping_ID[index], _newgrf_mapping_desc);
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Load all link graphs.
static void Load_LGRP()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		if (!LinkGraph::CanAllocateItem()) {
			/* Impossible as they have been present in previous game. */
		LinkGraph *lg = new (index) LinkGraph();
		SlObject(lg, GetLinkGraphDesc());
Exemplo n.º 23
static void Load_WAYP()
	/* Precaution for when loading failed and it didn't get cleared */

	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		OldWaypoint *wp = _old_waypoints.Append();
		memset(wp, 0, sizeof(*wp));

		wp->index = index;
		SlObject(wp, _old_waypoint_desc);
Exemplo n.º 24
static void Load_STORY_PAGE()
	int index;
	uint32 max_sort_value = 0;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		StoryPage *s = new (index) StoryPage();
		SlObject(s, _story_pages_desc);
		if (s->sort_value > max_sort_value) {
			max_sort_value = s->sort_value;
	/* Update the next sort value, so that the next
	 * created page is shown after all existing pages.
	_story_page_next_sort_value = max_sort_value + 1;
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Load all link graph jobs.
static void Load_LGRJ()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		if (!LinkGraphJob::CanAllocateItem()) {
			/* Impossible as they have been present in previous game. */
		LinkGraphJob *lgj = new (index) LinkGraphJob();
		SlObject(lgj, GetLinkGraphJobDesc());
		LinkGraph &lg = const_cast<LinkGraph &>(lgj->Graph());
		SlObject(&lg, GetLinkGraphDesc());
Exemplo n.º 26
static void Load_ERNW()
	int index;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		EngineRenew *er = new (index) EngineRenew();
		SlObject(er, _engine_renew_desc);

		/* Advanced vehicle lists, ungrouped vehicles got added */
		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_60)) {
			er->group_id = ALL_GROUP;
		} else if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_71)) {
			if (er->group_id == DEFAULT_GROUP) er->group_id = ALL_GROUP;
Exemplo n.º 27
/** Load all signs */
static void Load_SIGN()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Sign *si = new (index) Sign();
		SlObject(si, _sign_desc);
		/* Before version 6.1, signs didn't have owner.
		 * Before version 83, invalid signs were determined by si->str == 0.
		 * Before version 103, owner could be a bankrupted company.
		 *  - we can't use IsValidCompany() now, so this is fixed in AfterLoadGame()
		 * All signs that were saved are valid (including those with just 'Sign' and INVALID_OWNER).
		 *  - so set owner to OWNER_NONE if needed (signs from pre-version 6.1 would be lost) */
		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(6, 1) || (IsSavegameVersionBefore(83) && si->owner == INVALID_OWNER)) {
			si->owner = OWNER_NONE;
Exemplo n.º 28
static void Load_ENGN()
	/* As engine data is loaded before engines are initialized we need to load
	 * this information into a temporary array. This is then copied into the
	 * engine pool after processing NewGRFs by CopyTempEngineData(). */
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Engine *e = GetTempDataEngine(index);
		SlObject(e, _engine_desc);

		if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(179)) {
			/* preview_company_rank was replaced with preview_company and preview_asked.
			 * Just cancel any previews. */
			e->flags &= ~4; // ENGINE_OFFER_WINDOW_OPEN
			e->preview_company = INVALID_COMPANY;
			e->preview_asked = (CompanyMask)-1;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void Load_INDY()
    int index;


    while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
        Industry *i = new (index) Industry();
        SlObject(i, _industry_desc);

        /* Before savegame version 161, persistent storages were not stored in a pool. */
        if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(161) && !IsSavegameVersionBefore(76)) {
            /* Store the old persistent storage. The GRFID will be added later. */
            i->psa = new PersistentStorage(0, 0, 0);
            memcpy(i->psa->storage, _old_ind_persistent_storage.storage, sizeof(i->psa->storage));
Exemplo n.º 30
static void Load_STNS()
	int index;
	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Station *st = new (index) Station();

		SlObject(st, _old_station_desc);

		_waiting_acceptance = 0;

		uint num_cargo = CheckSavegameVersion(55) ? 12 : NUM_CARGO;
		for (CargoID i = 0; i < num_cargo; i++) {
			GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[i];
			SlObject(ge, GetGoodsDesc());
			if (CheckSavegameVersion(68)) {
				SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::ACCEPTANCE, 1, HasBit(_waiting_acceptance, 15));
				if (GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12) != 0) {
					/* In old versions, enroute_from used 0xFF as INVALID_STATION */
					StationID source = (CheckSavegameVersion(7) && _cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source;

					/* Don't construct the packet with station here, because that'll fail with old savegames */
					ge->cargo.Append(new CargoPacket(GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12), _cargo_days, source, _cargo_source_xy, _cargo_source_xy, _cargo_feeder_share));
					SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::PICKUP, 1, 1);

		if (st->num_specs != 0) {
			/* Allocate speclist memory when loading a game */
			st->speclist = CallocT<StationSpecList>(st->num_specs);
			for (uint i = 0; i < st->num_specs; i++) {
				SlObject(&st->speclist[i], _station_speclist_desc);