Exemplo n.º 1
@brief	This Socket function initialise the channel in particular mode, and set the port and wait for W5200/W5100 to complete its state change.
@return 1 for success else 0.
uint8_t socket(
	SOCKET s, 			/**< for socket number */
	uint8_t protocol,	/**< for socket protocol */
	uint16_t port,		/**< the source port for the socket */
	uint8_t flag		/**< the option for the socket */
	uint8_t ret;
#ifdef __DEF_WIZCHIP_DBG__
	xSerialPrint_P(PSTR(" socket()\r\n"));
	if (
		(protocol == Sn_MR_TCP) ||
		(protocol == Sn_MR_UDP) ||
		(protocol == Sn_MR_IPRAW) ||
		(protocol == Sn_MR_MACRAW) ||
		(protocol == Sn_MR_PPPOE)

		WIZCHIP_write(Sn_MR(s), (protocol | flag) );

		if (port != 0) {
			WIZCHIP_write(Sn_PORT0(s), (uint8_t)((port & 0xff00) >> 8));
			WIZCHIP_write(Sn_PORT1(s), (uint8_t)(port & 0x00ff));
		} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
@brief   This Socket function initialize the channel in perticular mode, and set the port and wait for W5200 done it.
@return  1 for sucess else 0.
uint8 socket(SOCKET s, uint8 protocol, uint16 port, uint8 flag)
   uint8 ret;
   if (
        ((protocol&0x0F) == Sn_MR_TCP)    ||
        ((protocol&0x0F) == Sn_MR_UDP)    ||
        ((protocol&0x0F) == Sn_MR_IPRAW)  ||
        ((protocol&0x0F) == Sn_MR_MACRAW) ||
        ((protocol&0x0F) == Sn_MR_PPPOE)
      IINCHIP_WRITE(Sn_MR(s) ,protocol | flag);
      if (port != 0) {
         IINCHIP_WRITE( Sn_PORT0(s) ,(uint8)((port & 0xff00) >> 8));
         IINCHIP_WRITE( Sn_PORT1(s) ,(uint8)(port & 0x00ff));
      } else {