Exemplo n.º 1
/// Function to rotate all spin around the x-axis
void rotate_material_spins_around_x_axis(double ddx, int material){

	std::vector< std::vector<double> > x_rotation_matrix,y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix;

	// determine rotational matrices for phi, theta rotation
	vmath::set_rotational_matrix(ddx, 0.0, 0.0, x_rotation_matrix,y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix);

	// loop over all spins and rotate by phi around x
	for(int atom =0;atom<atoms::num_atoms;atom++){
		int mat=atoms::type_array[atom];
			std::vector<double> Sold(3), Snew(3); // Vectors to hold spins

			// Load spin coordinates

			// Calculate new spin positions
			Snew = vmath::matmul(Sold,x_rotation_matrix);

			// Set new spin positions

Exemplo n.º 2
bool MarketAgent::SellTo(MarketAgent *other, Equip::Type t, bool verbose)
	if (other->CanBuy(t, verbose) && CanSell(t, verbose) && other->Pay(this, GetPrice(t), verbose)) {
		return true;
	} else return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// @brief Monte Carlo Integrator
/// @callgraph
/// @callergraph
/// @details Integrates the system using a Monte Carlo solver with tuned step width 
/// @section License
/// Use of this code, either in source or compiled form, is subject to license from the authors.
/// Copyright \htmlonly &copy \endhtmlonly Richard Evans, 2009-2011. All Rights Reserved.
/// @section Information
/// @author  Richard Evans, [email protected]
/// @version 1.0
/// @date    05/02/2011
/// @return EXIT_SUCCESS
/// @internal
///	Created:		05/02/2011
///	Revision:	  ---
int MonteCarlo(){
	// Check for calling of function
	if(err::check==true) std::cout << "sim::MonteCarlo has been called" << std::endl;

	// calculate number of steps to calculate
	int nmoves = atoms::num_atoms;

	// Declare arrays for spin states
	std::valarray<double> Sold(3);
	std::valarray<double> Snew(3);

	// Temporaries
	int atom=0;
	double r=1.0;
	double Eold=0.0;
	double Enew=0.0;
	double DE=0.0;
	const int AtomExchangeType=atoms::exchange_type;
   // Material dependent temperature rescaling
   std::vector<double> rescaled_material_kBTBohr(mp::num_materials);
   std::vector<double> sigma_array(mp::num_materials); // range for tuned gaussian random move
   for(int m=0; m<mp::num_materials; ++m){
      double alpha = mp::material[m].temperature_rescaling_alpha;
      double Tc = mp::material[m].temperature_rescaling_Tc;
      double rescaled_temperature = sim::temperature < Tc ? Tc*pow(sim::temperature/Tc,alpha) : sim::temperature;
      rescaled_material_kBTBohr[m] = 9.27400915e-24/(rescaled_temperature*1.3806503e-23);
      sigma_array[m] = rescaled_temperature < 1.0 ? 0.02 : pow(1.0/rescaled_material_kBTBohr[m],0.2)*0.08;

   double statistics_moves = 0.0;
   double statistics_reject = 0.0;

	// loop over natoms to form a single Monte Carlo step
	for(int i=0;i<nmoves; i++){
      // add one to number of moves counter

		// pick atom
		atom = int(nmoves*mtrandom::grnd());
		// get material id
		const int imaterial=atoms::type_array[atom];

      // Calculate range for move

		// Save old spin position
		Sold[0] = atoms::x_spin_array[atom];
		Sold[1] = atoms::y_spin_array[atom];
		Sold[2] = atoms::z_spin_array[atom];

      // Make Monte Carlo move
      sim::mc_move(Sold, Snew);

		// Calculate current energy
		Eold = sim::calculate_spin_energy(atom, AtomExchangeType);
		// Copy new spin position
		atoms::x_spin_array[atom] = Snew[0];
		atoms::y_spin_array[atom] = Snew[1];
		atoms::z_spin_array[atom] = Snew[2];

		// Calculate new energy
		Enew = sim::calculate_spin_energy(atom, AtomExchangeType);
		// Calculate difference in Joules/mu_B
		DE = (Enew-Eold)*mp::material[imaterial].mu_s_SI*1.07828231e23; //1/9.27400915e-24
		// Check for lower energy state and accept unconditionally
		if(DE<0) continue;
		// Otherwise evaluate probability for move
			if(exp(-DE*rescaled_material_kBTBohr[imaterial]) >= mtrandom::grnd()) continue;
			// If rejected reset spin coordinates and continue
				atoms::x_spin_array[atom] = Sold[0];
				atoms::y_spin_array[atom] = Sold[1];
				atoms::z_spin_array[atom] = Sold[2];
            // add one to rejection counter
            statistics_reject += 1.0;
   // Save statistics to sim namespace variable
   sim::mc_statistics_moves += statistics_moves;
   sim::mc_statistics_reject += statistics_reject;

Exemplo n.º 4
/// @brief Monte Carlo Integrator
/// @callgraph
/// @callergraph
/// @details Integrates the system using a Monte Carlo solver with tuned step width 
/// @section License
/// Use of this code, either in source or compiled form, is subject to license from the authors.
/// Copyright \htmlonly &copy \endhtmlonly Richard Evans, 2009-2011. All Rights Reserved.
/// @section Information
/// @author  Richard Evans, [email protected]
/// @version 1.0
/// @date    05/02/2011
/// @return EXIT_SUCCESS
/// @internal
///	Created:		05/02/2011
///	Revision:	  ---
int MonteCarlo(){
	// Check for calling of function
	if(err::check==true) std::cout << "sim::MonteCarlo has been called" << std::endl;

	// calculate number of steps to calculate
	int nmoves = atoms::num_atoms;

	// Declare arrays for spin states
	std::valarray<double> Sold(3);
	std::valarray<double> Snew(3);

	// Temporaries
	int atom=0;
	double r=1.0;
	double Eold=0.0;
	double Enew=0.0;
	double DE=0.0;
	const double kBTBohr = 9.27400915e-24/(sim::temperature*1.3806503e-23);
	const int AtomExchangeType=atoms::exchange_type;
   // Calculate range for move

	// loop over natoms to form a single Monte Carlo step
	for(int i=0;i<nmoves; i++){
		// pick atom
		atom = int(nmoves*mtrandom::grnd());
		// get material id
		const int imaterial=atoms::type_array[atom];

		// Save old spin position
		Sold[0] = atoms::x_spin_array[atom];
		Sold[1] = atoms::y_spin_array[atom];
		Sold[2] = atoms::z_spin_array[atom];

      // Make Monte Carlo move

		// Calculate current energy
		Eold = sim::calculate_spin_energy(atom, AtomExchangeType);
		// Copy new spin position
		atoms::x_spin_array[atom] = Snew[0];
		atoms::y_spin_array[atom] = Snew[1];
		atoms::z_spin_array[atom] = Snew[2];

		// Calculate new energy
		Enew = sim::calculate_spin_energy(atom, AtomExchangeType);
		// Calculate difference in Joules/mu_B
		DE = (Enew-Eold)*mp::material[imaterial].mu_s_SI*1.07828231e23; //1/9.27400915e-24
		// Check for lower energy state and accept unconditionally
		if(DE<0) continue;
		// Otherwise evaluate probability for move
			if(exp(-DE*kBTBohr) >= mtrandom::grnd()) continue;
			// If rejected reset spin coordinates and continue
				atoms::x_spin_array[atom] = Sold[0];
				atoms::y_spin_array[atom] = Sold[1];
				atoms::z_spin_array[atom] = Sold[2];