Exemplo n.º 1
void idIK_Reach::Evaluate( void )
	int i;
	idVec3 modelOrigin, shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, handOrigin, shoulderDir, elbowDir;
	idMat3 modelAxis, axis;
	idMat3 shoulderAxis[MAX_ARMS], elbowAxis[MAX_ARMS];
	trace_t trace;
	modelOrigin = self->GetRenderEntity()->origin;
	modelAxis = self->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
	// solve IK
	for( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
		// get the position of the shoulder in world space
		animator->GetJointTransform( shoulderJoints[i], gameLocal.time, shoulderOrigin, axis );
		shoulderOrigin = modelOrigin + shoulderOrigin * modelAxis;
		shoulderDir = shoulderForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
		// get the position of the hand in world space
		animator->GetJointTransform( handJoints[i], gameLocal.time, handOrigin, axis );
		handOrigin = modelOrigin + handOrigin * modelAxis;
		// get first collision going from shoulder to hand
		gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( trace, shoulderOrigin, handOrigin, CONTENTS_SOLID, self );
		handOrigin = trace.endpos;
		// get the IK bend direction
		animator->GetJointTransform( elbowJoints[i], gameLocal.time, elbowOrigin, axis );
		elbowDir = elbowForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
		// solve IK and calculate elbow position
		SolveTwoBones( shoulderOrigin, handOrigin, elbowDir, upperArmLength[i], lowerArmLength[i], elbowOrigin );
		if( ik_debug.GetBool() )
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, elbowOrigin, handOrigin );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, elbowOrigin, elbowOrigin + elbowDir );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, elbowOrigin, elbowOrigin + shoulderDir );
		// get the axis for the shoulder joint
		GetBoneAxis( shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, shoulderDir, axis );
		shoulderAxis[i] = upperArmToShoulderJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );
		// get the axis for the elbow joint
		GetBoneAxis( elbowOrigin, handOrigin, elbowDir, axis );
		elbowAxis[i] = lowerArmToElbowJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );
	for( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
		animator->SetJointAxis( shoulderJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, shoulderAxis[i] );
		animator->SetJointAxis( elbowJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, elbowAxis[i] );
	ik_activate = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void idIK_Walk::Evaluate() {
	int i, newPivotFoot = -1;
	float modelHeight, jointHeight, lowestHeight, floorHeights[MAX_LEGS];
	float shift, smallestShift, newHeight, step, newPivotYaw, height, largestAnkleHeight;
	idVec3 modelOrigin, normal, hipDir, kneeDir, start, end, jointOrigins[MAX_LEGS];
	idVec3 footOrigin, ankleOrigin, kneeOrigin, hipOrigin, waistOrigin;
	idMat3 modelAxis, waistAxis, axis;
	idMat3 hipAxis[MAX_LEGS], kneeAxis[MAX_LEGS], ankleAxis[MAX_LEGS];
	trace_t results;

	if ( !self || !gameLocal.isNewFrame ) {

	// if no IK enabled on any legs
	if ( !enabledLegs ) {

	normal = - self->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal();
	modelOrigin = self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
	modelAxis = self->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
	modelHeight = modelOrigin * normal;

	modelOrigin += modelOffset * modelAxis;

	// create frame without joint mods
	animator->CreateFrame( gameLocal.time, false );

	// get the joint positions for the feet
	lowestHeight = idMath::INFINITY;
	for ( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ ) {
		animator->GetJointTransform( footJoints[i], gameLocal.time, footOrigin, axis );
		jointOrigins[i] = modelOrigin + footOrigin * modelAxis;
		jointHeight = jointOrigins[i] * normal;
		if ( jointHeight < lowestHeight ) {
			lowestHeight = jointHeight;
			newPivotFoot = i;

	if ( usePivot ) {

		newPivotYaw = modelAxis[0].ToYaw();

		// change pivot foot
		if ( newPivotFoot != pivotFoot || idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( newPivotYaw - pivotYaw ) ) > 30.0f ) {
			pivotFoot = newPivotFoot;
			pivotYaw = newPivotYaw;
			animator->GetJointTransform( footJoints[pivotFoot], gameLocal.time, footOrigin, axis );
			pivotPos = modelOrigin + footOrigin * modelAxis;

		// keep pivot foot in place
		jointOrigins[pivotFoot] = pivotPos;

	// get the floor heights for the feet
	for ( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ ) {

		if ( !( enabledLegs & ( 1 << i ) ) ) {

		start = jointOrigins[i] + normal * footUpTrace;
		end = jointOrigins[i] - normal * footDownTrace;
		gameLocal.clip.Translation( results, start, end, footModel, mat3_identity, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_IKCLIP, self );
		floorHeights[i] = results.endpos * normal;

		if ( ik_debug.GetBool() && footModel ) {
			idFixedWinding w;
			for ( int j = 0; j < footModel->GetTraceModel()->numVerts; j++ ) {
				w += footModel->GetTraceModel()->verts[j];
			gameRenderWorld->DebugWinding( colorRed, w, results.endpos, results.endAxis );

	const idPhysics *phys = self->GetPhysics();

	// test whether or not the character standing on the ground
	bool onGround = phys->HasGroundContacts();

	// test whether or not the character is standing on a plat
	bool onPlat = false;
	for ( i = 0; i < phys->GetNumContacts(); i++ ) {
		idEntity *ent = gameLocal.entities[ phys->GetContact( i ).entityNum ];
		if ( ent != NULL && ent->IsType( idPlat::Type ) ) {
			onPlat = true;

	// adjust heights of the ankles
	smallestShift = idMath::INFINITY;
	largestAnkleHeight = -idMath::INFINITY;
	for ( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ ) {

		if ( onGround && ( enabledLegs & ( 1 << i ) ) ) {
			shift = floorHeights[i] - modelHeight + footShift;
		} else {
			shift = 0.0f;

		if ( shift < smallestShift ) {
			smallestShift = shift;

		animator->GetJointTransform( ankleJoints[i], gameLocal.time, ankleOrigin, ankleAxis[i] );
		jointOrigins[i] = modelOrigin + ankleOrigin * modelAxis;

		height = jointOrigins[i] * normal;

		if ( oldHeightsValid && !onPlat ) {
			step = height + shift - oldAnkleHeights[i];
			shift -= smoothing * step;

		newHeight = height + shift;
		if ( newHeight > largestAnkleHeight ) {
			largestAnkleHeight = newHeight;

		oldAnkleHeights[i] = newHeight;

		jointOrigins[i] += shift * normal;

	animator->GetJointTransform( waistJoint, gameLocal.time, waistOrigin, waistAxis );
	waistOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOrigin * modelAxis;

	// adjust position of the waist
	waistOffset = ( smallestShift + waistShift ) * normal;

	// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the floor
	if ( minWaistFloorDist > 0.0f && waistOffset * normal < 0.0f ) {
		start = waistOrigin;
		end = waistOrigin + waistOffset - normal * minWaistFloorDist;
		gameLocal.clip.Translation( results, start, end, footModel, modelAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_IKCLIP, self );
		height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - results.endpos ) * normal;
		if ( height < minWaistFloorDist ) {
			waistOffset += ( minWaistFloorDist - height ) * normal;

	// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the ankles
	if ( minWaistAnkleDist > 0.0f ) {
		height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
		if ( height - largestAnkleHeight < minWaistAnkleDist ) {
			waistOffset += ( minWaistAnkleDist - ( height - largestAnkleHeight ) ) * normal;

	if ( oldHeightsValid ) {
		// smoothly adjust height of waist
		newHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
		step = newHeight - oldWaistHeight;
		waistOffset -= waistSmoothing * step * normal;

	// save height of waist for smoothing
	oldWaistHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;

	if ( !oldHeightsValid ) {
		oldHeightsValid = true;

	// solve IK
	for ( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ ) {

		// get the position of the hip in world space
		animator->GetJointTransform( hipJoints[i], gameLocal.time, hipOrigin, axis );
		hipOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + hipOrigin * modelAxis;
		hipDir = hipForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;

		// get the IK bend direction
		animator->GetJointTransform( kneeJoints[i], gameLocal.time, kneeOrigin, axis );
		kneeDir = kneeForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;

		// solve IK and calculate knee position
		SolveTwoBones( hipOrigin, jointOrigins[i], kneeDir, upperLegLength[i], lowerLegLength[i], kneeOrigin );

		if ( ik_debug.GetBool() ) {
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, hipOrigin, kneeOrigin );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, kneeOrigin, jointOrigins[i] );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, kneeOrigin, kneeOrigin + hipDir );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, kneeOrigin, kneeOrigin + kneeDir );

		// get the axis for the hip joint
		GetBoneAxis( hipOrigin, kneeOrigin, hipDir, axis );
		hipAxis[i] = upperLegToHipJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );

		// get the axis for the knee joint
		GetBoneAxis( kneeOrigin, jointOrigins[i], kneeDir, axis );
		kneeAxis[i] = lowerLegToKneeJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );

	// set the joint mods
	animator->SetJointAxis( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, waistAxis );
	animator->SetJointPos( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - modelOrigin ) * modelAxis.Transpose() );
	for ( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ ) {
		animator->SetJointAxis( hipJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, hipAxis[i] );
		animator->SetJointAxis( kneeJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, kneeAxis[i] );
		animator->SetJointAxis( ankleJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, ankleAxis[i] );

	ik_activate = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool sdIK_Walker::Evaluate( void ) {
	trace_t results;

	// clear joint mods
	animator->CreateFrame( gameLocal.time, true );

	const renderEntity_t* renderEnt = self->GetRenderEntity();

	idVec3 normal					= -self->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal();
	const idVec3& modelOrigin		= renderEnt->origin;
	const idMat3& modelAxis			= renderEnt->axis;
	float modelHeight				= modelOrigin * normal;

	isStable = true;

	// get the joint positions for the feet
	for ( int i = 0; i < legs.Num(); i++ ) {
		leg_t& leg = legs[ i ];

		idVec3 footOrigin;
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.footJoint, gameLocal.time, footOrigin );
		leg.current.jointWorldOrigin = modelOrigin + footOrigin * modelAxis;

		idVec3 start	= leg.current.jointWorldOrigin + ( normal * footUpTrace );
		idVec3 end		= leg.current.jointWorldOrigin - ( normal * footDownTrace );

//		gameLocal.clip.Translation( results, start, end, footModel, modelAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID, self );
		if ( !gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS results, start, end, MASK_VEHICLESOLID | CONTENTS_MONSTER, self ) ) {
			isStable = false;

		leg.current.floorHeight = results.endpos * normal;

		idMat3 newAxes;

		if ( results.fraction != 1.f ) {
			idVec3 normal = results.c.normal * modelAxis.Transpose();

			idVec3 vec3_forward( 1.f, 0.f, 0.f );

			newAxes[ 0 ] = vec3_forward - ( normal * ( vec3_forward * normal ) );
			newAxes[ 0 ].Normalize();

			newAxes[ 2 ] = normal;

			newAxes[ 1 ] = newAxes[ 2 ].Cross( newAxes[ 0 ] );
		} else {

		idQuat newQuat;
		newQuat.Slerp( leg.lastAnkleAxes.ToQuat(), newAxes.ToQuat(), 0.1f );
		leg.lastAnkleAxes = newQuat.ToMat3();

		if ( ik_debug.GetBool() && footModel ) {
			idFixedWinding w;
			for ( int j = 0; j < footModel->GetTraceModel()->numVerts; j++ ) {
				w += footModel->GetTraceModel()->verts[j];
			gameRenderWorld->DebugWinding( colorRed, w, results.endpos, results.endAxis );

	// adjust heights of the ankles
	float smallestShift = idMath::INFINITY;
	float largestAnkleHeight = -idMath::INFINITY;
	for ( int i = 0; i < legs.Num(); i++ ) {
		leg_t& leg = legs[ i ];

		idVec3 ankleOrigin;
		idVec3 footOrigin;

		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.ankleJoint, gameLocal.time, ankleOrigin, leg.current.ankleAxis );
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.footJoint, gameLocal.time, footOrigin );

		float shift = leg.current.floorHeight - modelHeight + footShift;

		if ( shift < smallestShift ) {
			smallestShift = shift;

		leg.current.jointWorldOrigin = modelOrigin + ankleOrigin * modelAxis;

		float height = leg.current.jointWorldOrigin * normal;

		if ( oldHeightsValid ) {
			float step = height + shift - leg.oldAnkleHeight;
			if ( step < 0 ) {
				shift -= smoothing * step;
			} else {
				shift -= downsmoothing * step;

		float newHeight = height + shift;
		if ( newHeight > largestAnkleHeight ) {
			largestAnkleHeight = newHeight;

		leg.oldAnkleHeight = newHeight;

		leg.current.jointWorldOrigin += shift * normal;

	idVec3 waistOrigin;
	animator->GetJointTransform( waistJoint, gameLocal.time, waistOrigin );
	waistOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOrigin * modelAxis;

	// adjust position of the waist
	waistOffset = ( smallestShift + waistShift ) * normal;

	// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the floor
	if ( minWaistFloorDist > 0.0f && waistOffset * normal < 0.0f ) {
		idVec3 start	= waistOrigin;
		idVec3 end		= waistOrigin + waistOffset - normal * minWaistFloorDist;
		gameLocal.clip.Translation( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS results, start, end, footModel, modelAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID, self );
		float height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - results.endpos ) * normal;
		if ( height < minWaistFloorDist ) {
			waistOffset += ( minWaistFloorDist - height ) * normal;

	// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the ankles
	if ( minWaistAnkleDist > 0.0f ) {
		float height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
		if ( height - largestAnkleHeight < minWaistAnkleDist ) {
			waistOffset += ( minWaistAnkleDist - ( height - largestAnkleHeight ) ) * normal;

	if ( oldHeightsValid ) {
		// smoothly adjust height of waist
		float newHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
		float step = newHeight - oldWaistHeight;
		waistOffset -= waistSmoothing * step * normal;

	// save height of waist for smoothing
	oldWaistHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;

	if ( !oldHeightsValid ) {
		oldHeightsValid = true;
		return false;

	// solve IK
	for ( int i = 0; i < legs.Num(); i++ ) {
		leg_t& leg = legs[ i ];

		idVec3 hipOrigin;

		idMat3 axis;
		// get the position of the hip in world space
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.hipJoint, gameLocal.time, hipOrigin, axis );

		hipOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + hipOrigin * modelAxis;

//		DebugAxis( hipOrigin, axis * modelAxis );

		idVec3 hipDir = leg.hipForward * axis * modelAxis;

		idVec3 midOrigin;

		// get the IK bend direction
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.midJoint, gameLocal.time, midOrigin, axis );

		midOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + midOrigin * modelAxis;

//		DebugAxis( midOrigin, axis * modelAxis );

		idVec3 midDir		= leg.midForward * axis * modelAxis;
		idVec3 midSideDir	= leg.midSide * axis * modelAxis;

		idVec3 kneeOrigin;

		// get the IK bend direction
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.kneeJoint, gameLocal.time, kneeOrigin, axis );

		kneeOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + kneeOrigin * modelAxis;
//		DebugAxis( kneeOrigin, axis * modelAxis );

		idVec3 kneeDir = leg.kneeForward * axis * modelAxis;

		idVec3 ankleOrigin;
		animator->GetJointTransform( leg.ankleJoint, gameLocal.time, ankleOrigin, axis );

		ankleOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + ankleOrigin * modelAxis;

		float len1 = leg.upperLegLength;
		float minLen2 = fabs( leg.midLegLength - leg.lowerLegLength );
		float maxLen2 = leg.midLegLength + leg.lowerLegLength;
		float wantLen = ( hipOrigin - leg.current.jointWorldOrigin ).Length();
		float constrainedMaxLen2, constrainedMinLen2;

		float lenTotal	= 0;
		if( minLen2 < fabs( wantLen - len1 ) ) {
			minLen2 = fabs( wantLen - len1 );
		float minTotal	= FindSmallest( len1, minLen2, maxLen2, constrainedMaxLen2, constrainedMinLen2 );
		float maxTotal	= len1 + maxLen2;

		if ( maxTotal < wantLen ) {
			lenTotal = maxTotal;
		} else if ( minTotal > wantLen ) {
			lenTotal = constrainedMaxLen2;
		} else {
			float scale = compressionInterpolate.GetCurrentValue( MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) );
			lenTotal = Lerp( minLen2, maxLen2, scale );

		// solve IK and calculate upper knee position
		SolveTwoBones( hipOrigin, leg.current.jointWorldOrigin, midDir, leg.upperLegLength, lenTotal, midOrigin );

		float d1 = ( hipOrigin - midOrigin ).Length();

		idVec3 kneeDirTest = kneeDir;
		kneeDirTest.z += invertedLegDirOffset;

		// solve IK and calculate lower knee position, using -kneeDir, as lower leg is inverted
		SolveTwoBones( midOrigin, leg.current.jointWorldOrigin, -kneeDirTest, leg.midLegLength, leg.lowerLegLength, kneeOrigin );

		float d2 = ( midOrigin - kneeOrigin ).Length();

		if ( ik_debug.GetBool() ) {
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, hipOrigin, midOrigin );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, midOrigin, kneeOrigin );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, kneeOrigin, leg.current.jointWorldOrigin );

			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, midOrigin, midOrigin + ( midSideDir * 32 ) );

			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, hipOrigin, hipOrigin + ( hipDir * 32 ) );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, midOrigin, midOrigin + ( midDir * 32 ) );
			gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, kneeOrigin, kneeOrigin + ( -kneeDirTest * 32 ) );

		// get the axis for the hip joint
		GetBoneAxis( hipOrigin, midOrigin, hipDir, axis );
		leg.current.hipAxis = leg.upperLegToHipJoint * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );

		// get the axis for the knee joint
		GetBoneAxis( midOrigin, kneeOrigin, midSideDir, axis );
		leg.current.midAxis = leg.midToUpperLegJoint * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );

		// get the axis for the knee joint
		GetBoneAxis( kneeOrigin, leg.current.jointWorldOrigin, kneeDir, axis );
		leg.current.kneeAxis = leg.lowerLegToKneeJoint * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );

	// set the joint mods
	animator->SetJointPos( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - modelOrigin ) * modelAxis.Transpose() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < legs.Num(); i++ ) {
		leg_t& leg = legs[ i ];

		animator->SetJointAxis( leg.hipJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, leg.current.hipAxis );
		animator->SetJointAxis( leg.midJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, leg.current.midAxis );
		animator->SetJointAxis( leg.kneeJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, leg.current.kneeAxis );
		animator->SetJointAxis( leg.ankleJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, leg.current.ankleAxis * leg.lastAnkleAxes );

	return true;