Exemplo n.º 1
   SpiceDouble vdotg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble   * v1,
                         ConstSpiceDouble   * v2,
                         SpiceInt             ndim )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    v1        I     First vector in the dot product.
    v2        I     Second vector in the dot product.
    ndim      I     Dimension of v1 and v2.

   The function returns the value of the dot product of v1 and v2.


   v1      This may be any double precision vector of arbitrary

   v2      This may be any double precision vector of arbitrary


   The function returns the value of the dot product of v1 and v2.




   vdotg_c calculates the dot product of v1 and v2 by a simple
   application of the definition.  No error checking is
   performed to prevent or recover from numeric overflow.


   Suppose that given two n-dimensional vectors, we want to change
   one of the vectors until the two vectors are perpendicular.
   The following code fragment demonstrates the use of vdot_c to do

    dot = vdotg_c ( v1, v2, ndim );

    while ( dot != 0. )

         /. change one of the vectors ./

        dot = vdotg_c ( v1, v2, ndim );


   The user is responsible for determining that the vectors v1 and
   v2 are not so large as to cause numeric overflow.  In most cases
   this won't present a problem.


   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is signaled.  The value 0. is returned.




   W.M. Owen       (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 22-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vectors const.  Converted check-in style to discovery.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 31-MAR-1998   (EDW)


   dot product of n-dimensional vectors


{ /* Begin vdotg_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceDouble             dot;

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Initialize dot to zero. */
   dot  = 0.;

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */
   if ( ndim <= 0 )
      chkin_c    ( "vdotg_c"                                      );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                 );
      chkout_c   ( "vdotg_c"                                      );
      return     ( 0.                                             );

   /* Do the calculation.  Not very involved. */
   for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
      dot += v1[i] * v2[i];

   /* Return the value. */

   return dot;

} /* End vdotg_c */
Exemplo n.º 2
   void vequg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble  * vin,
                  SpiceInt            ndim,
                  SpiceDouble       * vout )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    vin       I   ndim-dimensional double precision vector.
    ndim      I   Dimension of vin (and also vout).
    vout      O   ndim-dimensional double precision vector set
                  equal to vin.


   vin      is a double precision vector of arbitrary dimension.

   ndim     is the number of components of vin.


   vout     is a double precision vector set equal to vin.




   The code simply sets each component of vout equal to the
   corresponding component of vin.


   Let state be a state vector. Set abstat equal to state.

   vequg_c  ( state, 6, abstate );

   Note that this routine may be used in place of MOVED, which
   sets each output array element equal to the corresponding
   input array element.




   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is flagged.




   W.M. Owen       (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 23-AUG-1999   (EDW) (NJB)


   assign an n-dimensional vector to another


{ /* Begin vequg_c */

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */

   if ( ndim <= 0 )

      chkin_c    ( "vequg_c"                                      );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                 );
      chkout_c   ( "vequg_c"                                     );


   /* Do the equality thing. */

   MOVED ( vin, ndim, vout );

} /* End vequg_c */
Exemplo n.º 3
   SpiceDouble vnormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble   * v1,
                          SpiceInt             ndim ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
    v1        I     Vector whose magnitude is to be found. 
    ndim      I     Dimension of v1. 
   v1      This may be any double precision vector or arbitrary 
   vnormg_c is the magnitude of v1 calculated in a numerically stable 
   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is signaled.  The value 0. is returned.
   vnormg_c finds the component of v1 whose magnitude is the largest. 
   If the absolute magnitude of that component indicates that a 
   numeric overflow would occur when it is squared, or if it 
   indicates that an underflow would occur when squared (falsely 
   giving a magnitude of zero) then the following expression is 
   vnormg_c = v1max * MAGNITUDE OF [ (1/v1max)*v1 ] 
   therwise a simpler expression is used: 
   vnormg_c = MAGNITUDE OF [ v1 ] 
   Beyond the logic described above, no further checking of the 
   validity of the input is performed. 
   The following table show the correlation between various input 
   vectors v1 and vnormg_c: 
   ndim   v1                       ndim        vnormg_c 
   1      (-7.0D20)                 1            7.D20 
   3      (1., 2., 2.)              3            3. 
   4      (3., 3., 3., 3.)          4            6. 
   5      (5., 12., 0., 0., 0.)     5            13. 
   3      (-5.D-17, 0.0, 12.D-17)   3            13.D-17 
   W.M. Owen       (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 22-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vector const.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 1-APR-1998   (EDW)

   norm of n-dimensional vector 

{ /* Begin vnormg_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceDouble             norm;
   SpiceDouble             scale;

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Initialize norm and scale to zero. */
   norm  = 0.;
   scale = 0.;

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */

   if ( ndim <= 0 )
      chkin_c    ( "vnormg_c"                                     );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                 );
      chkout_c   ( "vnormg_c"                                     );
      return     ( 0.                                             );

   Determine an appropriate scale factor to prevent numerical
   overflow.  Overflow would be bad!

   for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
      scale = MaxAbs( scale, v1[i] );

   /* If the vector is zero, return zero. */

   if ( scale == 0. )
      return 0.;

   /* Do the calculation.  Not very involved. */

   for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
      norm += pow( v1[i] / scale, 2 );

    /* Return the value. */

   return ( scale * sqrt( norm ) );

} /* End vnormg_c */
Exemplo n.º 4
   void unormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble  * v1,
                   SpiceInt            ndim,
                   SpiceDouble       * vout,
                   SpiceDouble       * vmag )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    v1        I     Vector to be normalized.
    ndim      I     Dimension of v1 (and also vout).
    vout      O     Unit vector v1 / |v1|.
                    If v1 = 0, vout will also be zero.
                    vout can overwrite v1.
    vmag      O     Magnitude of v1, that is, |v1|.


   v1      This variable may contain any vector of arbitrary
           dimension, including the zero vector.
   ndim    This is the dimension of v1 and vout.


   vout    This variable contains the unit vector in the direction
           of v1.  If v1 is the zero vector, then vout will also be
           the zero vector.

   vmag    This is the magnitude of v1.




   unormg_c references a function called vnormg_c (which itself is
   numerically stable) to calculate the norm of the input vector v1.
   If the norm is equal to zero, then each component of the output
   vector vout is set to zero.  Otherwise, vout is calculated by
   dividing v1 by the norm.  No error detection or correction is


   The following table shows how selected v1 implies vout and mag.

   v1                    ndim   vout                   mag
   (5, 12)               2      (5/13, 12/13)          13
   (1D-7, 2D-7, 2D-7)    3      (1/3, 2/3, 2/3)        3D-7


   No error checking is implemented in this subroutine to guard
   against numeric overflow.


   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is flagged.




   W.M. Owen       (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 22-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vector const.  Converted check-in style to discovery.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 31-MAR-1998   (EDW)


   n-dimensional unit vector and norm


{ /* Begin unormg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */
   if ( ndim <= 0 )
      chkin_c    ( "unormg_c"                                    );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                );
      chkout_c   ( "unormg_c"                                    );

   /* Get the magnitude of the vector. */
   *vmag = vnormg_c ( v1, ndim );

   If vmag is nonzero, then normalize.  Note that this process is
   numerically stable: overflow could only happen if vmag were small,
   but this could only happen if each component of v1 were also small.
   In fact, the magnitude of any vector is never less than the
   magnitude of any component.

   if ( *vmag > 0. )

      for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
         vout[i] = v1[i]/ (*vmag);


      for ( i = 0; i < ndim ; i++ );
         vout[i] = 0.;


} /* End unormg_c */