Exemplo n.º 1
/** Bind HTTP server to specified addresses */
static bool HTTPBindAddresses(struct evhttp* http)
    int defaultPort = GetArg("-rpcport", BaseParams().RPCPort());
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint16_t> > endpoints;

    // Determine what addresses to bind to
    if (!IsArgSet("-rpcallowip")) { // Default to loopback if not allowing external IPs
        endpoints.push_back(std::make_pair("::1", defaultPort));
        endpoints.push_back(std::make_pair("", defaultPort));
        if (IsArgSet("-rpcbind")) {
            LogPrintf("WARNING: option -rpcbind was ignored because -rpcallowip was not specified, refusing to allow everyone to connect\n");
    } else if (mapMultiArgs.count("-rpcbind")) { // Specific bind address
        const std::vector<std::string>& vbind = mapMultiArgs.at("-rpcbind");
        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = vbind.begin(); i != vbind.end(); ++i) {
            int port = defaultPort;
            std::string host;
            SplitHostPort(*i, port, host);
            endpoints.push_back(std::make_pair(host, port));
    } else { // No specific bind address specified, bind to any
        endpoints.push_back(std::make_pair("::", defaultPort));
        endpoints.push_back(std::make_pair("", defaultPort));

    // Bind addresses
    for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint16_t> >::iterator i = endpoints.begin(); i != endpoints.end(); ++i) {
        LogPrint("http", "Binding RPC on address %s port %i\n", i->first, i->second);
        evhttp_bound_socket *bind_handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(http, i->first.empty() ? NULL : i->first.c_str(), i->second);
        if (bind_handle) {
        } else {
            LogPrintf("Binding RPC on address %s port %i failed.\n", i->first, i->second);
    return !boundSockets.empty();
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ConnectSocketByName(CService &addr, SOCKET& hSocketRet, const char *pszDest, int portDefault, int nTimeout)
    std::string strDest;
    int port = portDefault;
    SplitHostPort(std::string(pszDest), port, strDest);


    proxyType nameproxy;

    CService addrResolved(CNetAddr(strDest, fNameLookup && !nameproxy.second), port);
    if (addrResolved.IsValid()) {
        addr = addrResolved;
        return ConnectSocket(addr, hSocketRet, nTimeout);
    addr = CService("");
    if (!nameproxy.second)
        return false;
    if (!ConnectSocketDirectly(nameproxy.first, hSocket, nTimeout))
        return false;

    switch(nameproxy.second) {
        case 4:
            return false;
        case 5:
            if (!Socks5(strDest, port, hSocket))
                return false;

    hSocketRet = hSocket;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
static UniValue CallRPC(BaseRequestHandler *rh, const std::string& strMethod, const std::vector<std::string>& args)
    std::string host;
    // In preference order, we choose the following for the port:
    //     1. -rpcport
    //     2. port in -rpcconnect (ie following : in ipv4 or ]: in ipv6)
    //     3. default port for chain
    int port = BaseParams().RPCPort();
    SplitHostPort(gArgs.GetArg("-rpcconnect", DEFAULT_RPCCONNECT), port, host);
    port = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcport", port);

    // Obtain event base
    raii_event_base base = obtain_event_base();

    // Synchronously look up hostname
    raii_evhttp_connection evcon = obtain_evhttp_connection_base(base.get(), host, port);
    evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evcon.get(), gArgs.GetArg("-rpcclienttimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT));

    HTTPReply response;
    raii_evhttp_request req = obtain_evhttp_request(http_request_done, (void*)&response);
    if (req == nullptr)
        throw std::runtime_error("create http request failed");
    evhttp_request_set_error_cb(req.get(), http_error_cb);

    // Get credentials
    std::string strRPCUserColonPass;
    bool failedToGetAuthCookie = false;
    if (gArgs.GetArg("-rpcpassword", "") == "") {
        // Try fall back to cookie-based authentication if no password is provided
        if (!GetAuthCookie(&strRPCUserColonPass)) {
            failedToGetAuthCookie = true;
    } else {
        strRPCUserColonPass = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcuser", "") + ":" + gArgs.GetArg("-rpcpassword", "");

    struct evkeyvalq* output_headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req.get());
    evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Host", host.c_str());
    evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Connection", "close");
    evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Authorization", (std::string("Basic ") + EncodeBase64(strRPCUserColonPass)).c_str());

    // Attach request data
    std::string strRequest = rh->PrepareRequest(strMethod, args).write() + "\n";
    struct evbuffer* output_buffer = evhttp_request_get_output_buffer(req.get());
    evbuffer_add(output_buffer, strRequest.data(), strRequest.size());

    // check if we should use a special wallet endpoint
    std::string endpoint = "/";
    if (!gArgs.GetArgs("-rpcwallet").empty()) {
        std::string walletName = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcwallet", "");
        char *encodedURI = evhttp_uriencode(walletName.c_str(), walletName.size(), false);
        if (encodedURI) {
            endpoint = "/wallet/"+ std::string(encodedURI);
        else {
            throw CConnectionFailed("uri-encode failed");
    int r = evhttp_make_request(evcon.get(), req.get(), EVHTTP_REQ_POST, endpoint.c_str());
    req.release(); // ownership moved to evcon in above call
    if (r != 0) {
        throw CConnectionFailed("send http request failed");


    if (response.status == 0) {
        std::string responseErrorMessage;
        if (response.error != -1) {
            responseErrorMessage = strprintf(" (error code %d - \"%s\")", response.error, http_errorstring(response.error));
        throw CConnectionFailed(strprintf("Could not connect to the server %s:%d%s\n\nMake sure the bitcoind server is running and that you are connecting to the correct RPC port.", host, port, responseErrorMessage));
    } else if (response.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
        if (failedToGetAuthCookie) {
            throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
                "Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie could be found, and RPC password is not set.  See -rpcpassword and -stdinrpcpass.  Configuration file: (%s)",
                GetConfigFile(gArgs.GetArg("-conf", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME)).string().c_str()));
        } else {
            throw std::runtime_error("Authorization failed: Incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword");
    } else if (response.status >= 400 && response.status != HTTP_BAD_REQUEST && response.status != HTTP_NOT_FOUND && response.status != HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("server returned HTTP error %d", response.status));
    else if (response.body.empty())
        throw std::runtime_error("no response from server");

    // Parse reply
    UniValue valReply(UniValue::VSTR);
    if (!valReply.read(response.body))
        throw std::runtime_error("couldn't parse reply from server");
    const UniValue reply = rh->ProcessReply(valReply);
    if (reply.empty())
        throw std::runtime_error("expected reply to have result, error and id properties");

    return reply;