int AvcDecoder_OMX::mfc_create(void)
	if(m_mfc_flag_create == 1)
		LOGE("mfc_create aleady done \n");
		return 0;

	m_mfc_handle = SsbSipH264DecodeInit();
	if (m_mfc_handle == NULL)
		LOGE("SsbSipH264DecodeInit Failed.\n");
		return -1;

	m_mfc_buffer_base = (unsigned char*)SsbSipH264DecodeGetInBuf(m_mfc_handle, 0);

	m_mfc_buffer_now    = m_mfc_buffer_base;
	m_mfc_buffer_size   = 0;	
	m_mfc_flag_info_out = 0;
	m_mfc_flag_create   = 1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int Test_Display_H264(int argc, char **argv)

	void			*pStrmBuf;
	int				nFrameLeng = 0;
	unsigned int	pYUVBuf[2];

	int             is_first;
	struct pollfd   test_fd;

	struct stat		s;
	FRAMEX_CTX				*pFrameExCtx;	// frame extractor context
	FRAMEX_STRM_PTR 		file_strm;
	SSBSIP_H264_STREAM_INFO stream_info;	

	s3c_pp_params_t	pp_param;
	s3c_win_info_t	osd_info_to_driver;

	struct fb_fix_screeninfo	lcd_info;		

#ifdef FPS
	struct timeval	start, stop;
	unsigned int	time = 0;
	int				frame_cnt = 0;

	if(signal(SIGINT, sig_del_h264) == SIG_ERR) {
		printf("Sinal Error\n");

	if (argc != 3) {
		printf("Usage : #./mfc <file name> <run mode>\n");
		printf("   - <file name> : H.264 file to be displayed.\n");
		printf("   - <run mode>  : 0 (PP DMA Mode), 1 (PP FIFO Mode)\n");
		return -1;

	// in file open
	in_fd	= open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
	if(in_fd < 0) {
		printf("Input file open failed\n");
		return -1;

	// get input file size
	fstat(in_fd, &s);
	file_size = s.st_size;

	// mapping input file to memory
	in_addr = (char *)mmap(0, file_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, in_fd, 0);
	if(in_addr == NULL) {
		printf("input file memory mapping failed\n");
		return -1;

	// Post processor open
	pp_fd = open(PP_DEV_NAME, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK);
	if(pp_fd < 0)
		printf("Post processor open error\n");
		return -1;

	// LCD frame buffer open
	fb_fd = open(FB_DEV_NAME, O_RDWR|O_NDELAY);
	if(fb_fd < 0)
		printf("LCD frame buffer open error\n");
		return -1;

	// FrameExtractor Initialization //
	pFrameExCtx = FrameExtractorInit(FRAMEX_IN_TYPE_MEM, delimiter_h264, sizeof(delimiter_h264), 1);   
	file_strm.p_start = file_strm.p_cur = (unsigned char *)in_addr;
	file_strm.p_end = (unsigned char *)(in_addr + file_size);
	FrameExtractorFirst(pFrameExCtx, &file_strm);

	///    1. Create new instance      ///
	///      (SsbSipH264DecodeInit)    ///
	handle = SsbSipH264DecodeInit();
	if (handle == NULL) {
		printf("H264_Dec_Init Failed.\n");
		return -1;

	///    2. Obtaining the Input Buffer      ///
	///      (SsbSipH264DecodeGetInBuf)       ///
	pStrmBuf = SsbSipH264DecodeGetInBuf(handle, nFrameLeng);
	if (pStrmBuf == NULL) {
		printf("SsbSipH264DecodeGetInBuf Failed.\n");
		return -1;

	//  H264 CONFIG stream extraction //
	nFrameLeng = ExtractConfigStreamH264(pFrameExCtx, &file_strm, pStrmBuf, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
	printf("nFrameLeng = %d\n", nFrameLeng);

	///    3. Configuring the instance with the config stream    ///
	///       (SsbSipH264DecodeExe)                             ///
	if (SsbSipH264DecodeExe(handle, nFrameLeng) != SSBSIP_H264_DEC_RET_OK) {
		printf("H.264 Decoder Configuration Failed.\n");
		return -1;

	///   4. Get stream information   ///
	SsbSipH264DecodeGetConfig(handle, H264_DEC_GETCONF_STREAMINFO, &stream_info);

	printf("\t<STREAMINFO> width=%d   height=%d    buf_width=%d    buf_height=%d.\n", 	\
			stream_info.width, stream_info.height, stream_info.buf_width, stream_info.buf_height);

	// set post processor configuration
	pp_param.src_full_width	    = stream_info.buf_width;
	pp_param.src_full_height	= stream_info.buf_height;
	pp_param.src_start_x		= 0;
	pp_param.src_start_y		= 0;
	pp_param.src_width			= pp_param.src_full_width;
	pp_param.src_height			= pp_param.src_full_height;
	pp_param.src_color_space	= YC420;
	pp_param.dst_start_x		= 0;
	pp_param.dst_start_y		= 0;
	pp_param.dst_full_width	    = FB0_WIDTH;		// destination width
	pp_param.dst_full_height	= FB0_HEIGHT;		// destination height
	pp_param.dst_width			= pp_param.dst_full_width;
	pp_param.dst_height			= pp_param.dst_full_height;
	pp_param.dst_color_space	= FB0_COLOR_SPACE;
	if ( atoi (argv[2]) == 0 )
		pp_param.out_path           = DMA_ONESHOT;
	else {
		pp_param.out_path           = FIFO_FREERUN;
		pp_param.scan_mode			= PROGRESSIVE_MODE;
	ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_SET_PARAMS, &pp_param);

	// get LCD frame buffer address
	fb_size = pp_param.dst_full_width * pp_param.dst_full_height * 2;	// RGB565
#ifdef RGB24BPP
	fb_size = pp_param.dst_full_width * pp_param.dst_full_height * 4;	// RGB888

	fb_addr = (char *)mmap(0, fb_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb_fd, 0);
	if (fb_addr == NULL) {
		printf("LCD frame buffer mmap failed\n");
		return -1;

	osd_info_to_driver.Bpp			= FB0_BPP;	// RGB16
	osd_info_to_driver.LeftTop_x	= 0;	
	osd_info_to_driver.LeftTop_y	= 0;
	osd_info_to_driver.Width		= FB0_WIDTH;	// display width
	osd_info_to_driver.Height		= FB0_HEIGHT;	// display height

	// set OSD's information 
	if(ioctl(fb_fd, SET_OSD_INFO, &osd_info_to_driver)) {
		printf("Some problem with the ioctl SET_OSD_INFO\n");
		return -1;

	ioctl(fb_fd, SET_OSD_START);

	if ( FIFO_FREERUN == pp_param.out_path )
		is_first = 1;


#ifdef FPS
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

		///       5. DECODE            ///
		///    (SsbSipH264DecodeExe)   ///
		if (SsbSipH264DecodeExe(handle, nFrameLeng) != SSBSIP_H264_DEC_RET_OK)

		///    6. Obtaining the Output Buffer      ///
		///      (SsbSipH264DecodeGetOutBuf)       ///
		SsbSipH264DecodeGetConfig(handle, H264_DEC_GETCONF_PHYADDR_FRAM_BUF, pYUVBuf);

		// Next H.264 VIDEO stream //
		nFrameLeng = NextFrameH264(pFrameExCtx, &file_strm, pStrmBuf, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
		if (nFrameLeng < 4)

		// Post processing
		// pp_param.SrcFrmSt에는 MFC의 output buffer의 physical address가
		// pp_param.DstFrmSt에는 LCD frame buffer의 physical address가 입력으로 넣어야 한다.
		if ( FIFO_FREERUN == pp_param.out_path )
			if ( is_first )
				pp_param.src_buf_addr_phy = pYUVBuf[0];

				ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_SET_SRC_BUF_ADDR_PHY, &pp_param);
				ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_START);  

				is_first = 0;
				pp_param.src_next_buf_addr_phy = pYUVBuf[0];

				ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_SET_SRC_BUF_NEXT_ADDR_PHY, &pp_param);
			pp_param.src_buf_addr_phy = pYUVBuf[0];
			ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_SET_SRC_BUF_ADDR_PHY, &pp_param);

			ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &lcd_info);
			pp_param.dst_buf_addr_phy		= lcd_info.smem_start;			// LCD frame buffer
			ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_SET_DST_BUF_ADDR_PHY, &pp_param);

			test_fd.fd = pp_fd; = POLLOUT|POLLERR;
			poll(&test_fd, 1, 3000);

			ioctl(pp_fd, S3C_PP_START);

#ifdef FPS
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		time += measureTime(&start, &stop);


#ifdef FPS
	printf("Display Time : %u, Frame Count : %d, FPS : %f\n", time, frame_cnt, (float)frame_cnt*1000/time);


	munmap(in_addr, file_size);
	munmap(fb_addr, fb_size);

	return 0;