Exemplo n.º 1
	virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize)
		switch (widget) {
			case WID_EM_MESSAGE: {
				CopyInDParam(0, this->decode_params, lengthof(this->decode_params));
				if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StartTextRefStackUsage(this->textref_stack_grffile, this->textref_stack_size, this->textref_stack);

				int text_width = max(0, (int)size->width - WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT - WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT);
				this->height_summary = GetStringHeight(this->summary_msg, text_width);
				this->height_detailed = (this->detailed_msg == INVALID_STRING_ID) ? 0 : GetStringHeight(this->detailed_msg, text_width);

				if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StopTextRefStackUsage();

				uint panel_height = WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + this->height_summary + WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM;
				if (this->detailed_msg != INVALID_STRING_ID) panel_height += this->height_detailed + WD_PAR_VSEP_WIDE;

				size->height = max(size->height, panel_height);
			case WID_EM_FACE: {
				Dimension face_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_GRADIENT);
				size->width = max(size->width, face_size.width);
				size->height = max(size->height, face_size.height);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Display additional text from NewGRF in the purchase information window
 * @param left   Left border of text bounding box
 * @param right  Right border of text bounding box
 * @param y      Top border of text bounding box
 * @param engine Engine to query the additional purchase information for
 * @return       Bottom border of text bounding box
static uint ShowAdditionalText(int left, int right, int y, EngineID engine)
	uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT, 0, 0, engine, NULL);
	if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED || callback == 0x400) return y;
	if (callback > 0x400) {
		ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(Engine::Get(engine)->GetGRFID(), CBID_VEHICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT, callback);
		return y;

	uint result = DrawStringMultiLine(left, right, y, INT32_MAX, GetGRFStringID(Engine::Get(engine)->GetGRFID(), 0xD000 + callback), TC_BLACK);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Copy error parameters from current DParams.
void ErrorMessageData::CopyOutDParams()
	/* Reset parameters */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthof(this->strings); i++) free(this->strings[i]);
	memset(this->decode_params, 0, sizeof(this->decode_params));
	memset(this->strings, 0, sizeof(this->strings));

	/* Get parameters using type information */
	if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StartTextRefStackUsage(this->textref_stack_grffile, this->textref_stack_size, this->textref_stack);
	CopyOutDParam(this->decode_params, this->strings, this->detailed_msg == INVALID_STRING_ID ? this->summary_msg : this->detailed_msg, lengthof(this->decode_params));
	if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StopTextRefStackUsage();

	if (this->detailed_msg == STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY) {
		CompanyID company = (CompanyID)GetDParamX(this->decode_params, 2);
		if (company < MAX_COMPANIES) face = company;
Exemplo n.º 4
	virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize)
		if (widget != WID_EM_MESSAGE) return;

		CopyInDParam(0, this->decode_params, lengthof(this->decode_params));
		if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StartTextRefStackUsage(this->textref_stack_size, this->textref_stack);

		int text_width = max(0, (int)size->width - WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT - WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT);
		this->height_summary  = GetStringHeight(this->summary_msg, text_width);
		this->height_detailed = (this->detailed_msg == INVALID_STRING_ID) ? 0 : GetStringHeight(this->detailed_msg, text_width);

		if (this->textref_stack_size > 0) StopTextRefStackUsage();

		uint panel_height = WD_FRAMERECT_TOP + this->height_summary + WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM;
		if (this->detailed_msg != INVALID_STRING_ID) panel_height += this->height_detailed + WD_PAR_VSEP_WIDE;

		size->height = max(size->height, panel_height);
Exemplo n.º 5
	 * Display an error message in a window.
	 * @param summary_msg  General error message showed in first line. Must be valid.
	 * @param detailed_msg Detailed error message showed in second line. Can be INVALID_STRING_ID.
	 * @param duration     The amount of time to show this error message.
	 * @param x            World X position (TileVirtX) of the error location. Set both x and y to 0 to just center the message when there is no related error tile.
	 * @param y            World Y position (TileVirtY) of the error location. Set both x and y to 0 to just center the message when there is no related error tile.
	 * @param textref_stack_size Number of uint32 values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message; 0 if the #TextRefStack shall not be used.
	 * @param textref_stack Values to put on the #TextRefStack.
	ErrorMessageData(StringID summary_msg, StringID detailed_msg, uint duration, int x, int y, uint textref_stack_size, const uint32 *textref_stack) :
		this->position.x = x;
		this->position.y = y;
		if (textref_stack_size > 0) StartTextRefStackUsage(textref_stack_size, textref_stack);
		CopyOutDParam(this->decode_params, this->strings, detailed_msg == INVALID_STRING_ID ? summary_msg : detailed_msg, lengthof(this->decode_params));
		if (textref_stack_size > 0) {
			MemCpyT(this->textref_stack, textref_stack, textref_stack_size);

		CompanyID company = (CompanyID)GetDParamX(this->decode_params, 2);
		this->face = (this->detailed_msg == STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY && company < MAX_COMPANIES) ? company : INVALID_COMPANY;

		assert(summary_msg != INVALID_STRING_ID);
Exemplo n.º 6
	virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const
		switch (GB(widget, 0, 16)) {
			case WID_BO_CLASS_LIST: {
				int y = r.top;
				uint pos = 0;
				for (uint i = 0; i < ObjectClass::GetClassCount(); i++) {
					ObjectClass *objclass = ObjectClass::Get((ObjectClassID)i);
					if (objclass->GetUISpecCount() == 0) continue;
					if (!this->vscroll->IsVisible(pos++)) continue;
					DrawString(r.left + WD_MATRIX_LEFT, r.right - WD_MATRIX_RIGHT, y + WD_MATRIX_TOP, objclass->name,
							((int)i == _selected_object_class) ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK);
					y += this->line_height;

				const ObjectSpec *spec = ObjectClass::Get(_selected_object_class)->GetSpec(_selected_object_index);
				if (spec == NULL) break;

				/* Height of the selection matrix.
				 * Depending on the number of views, the matrix has a 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 or 2x2 layout. To make the previews
				 * look nice in all layouts, we use the 4x4 layout (smallest previews) as starting point. For the bigger
				 * previews in the layouts with less views we add space homogeneously on all sides, so the 4x4 preview-rectangle
				 * is centered in the 2x1, 1x2 resp. 1x1 buttons. */
				uint matrix_height = this->GetWidget<NWidgetMatrix>(WID_BO_OBJECT_MATRIX)->current_y;

				DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi;
				/* Set up a clipping area for the preview. */
				if (FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left + 1, r.bottom - r.top + 1)) {
					DrawPixelInfo *old_dpi = _cur_dpi;
					_cur_dpi = &tmp_dpi;
					if (spec->grf_prop.grffile == NULL) {
						extern const DrawTileSprites _objects[];
						const DrawTileSprites *dts = &_objects[spec->grf_prop.local_id];
						DrawOrigTileSeqInGUI((r.right - r.left) / 2 - 1, (r.bottom - r.top + matrix_height / 2) / 2 - OBJECT_MARGIN - ScaleGUITrad(TILE_PIXELS), dts, PAL_NONE);
					} else {
						DrawNewObjectTileInGUI((r.right - r.left) / 2 - 1, (r.bottom - r.top + matrix_height / 2) / 2 - OBJECT_MARGIN - ScaleGUITrad(TILE_PIXELS), spec, GB(widget, 16, 16));
					_cur_dpi = old_dpi;

				ObjectClass *objclass = ObjectClass::Get(_selected_object_class);
				int obj_index = objclass->GetIndexFromUI(GB(widget, 16, 16));
				if (obj_index < 0) break;
				const ObjectSpec *spec = objclass->GetSpec(obj_index);
				if (spec == NULL) break;

				if (!spec->IsAvailable()) {
					GfxFillRect(r.left + 1, r.top + 1, r.right - 1, r.bottom - 1, PC_BLACK, FILLRECT_CHECKER);
				DrawPixelInfo tmp_dpi;
				/* Set up a clipping area for the preview. */
				if (FillDrawPixelInfo(&tmp_dpi, r.left + 1, r.top, (r.right - 1) - (r.left + 1) + 1, r.bottom - r.top + 1)) {
					DrawPixelInfo *old_dpi = _cur_dpi;
					_cur_dpi = &tmp_dpi;
					if (spec->grf_prop.grffile == NULL) {
						extern const DrawTileSprites _objects[];
						const DrawTileSprites *dts = &_objects[spec->grf_prop.local_id];
						DrawOrigTileSeqInGUI((r.right - r.left) / 2 - 1, r.bottom - r.top - OBJECT_MARGIN - ScaleGUITrad(TILE_PIXELS), dts, PAL_NONE);
					} else {
						DrawNewObjectTileInGUI((r.right - r.left) / 2 - 1, r.bottom - r.top - OBJECT_MARGIN - ScaleGUITrad(TILE_PIXELS), spec,
								min(_selected_object_view, spec->views - 1));
					_cur_dpi = old_dpi;

			case WID_BO_INFO: {
				const ObjectSpec *spec = ObjectClass::Get(_selected_object_class)->GetSpec(_selected_object_index);
				if (spec == NULL) break;

				/* Get the extra message for the GUI */
				if (HasBit(spec->callback_mask, CBM_OBJ_FUND_MORE_TEXT)) {
					uint16 callback_res = GetObjectCallback(CBID_OBJECT_FUND_MORE_TEXT, 0, 0, spec, NULL, INVALID_TILE, _selected_object_view);
					if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback_res != 0x400) {
						if (callback_res > 0x400) {
							ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(spec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_OBJECT_FUND_MORE_TEXT, callback_res);
						} else {
							StringID message = GetGRFStringID(spec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback_res);
							if (message != STR_NULL && message != STR_UNDEFINED) {
								StartTextRefStackUsage(spec->grf_prop.grffile, 6);
								/* Use all the available space left from where we stand up to the
								 * end of the window. We ALSO enlarge the window if needed, so we
								 * can 'go' wild with the bottom of the window. */
								int y = DrawStringMultiLine(r.left, r.right, r.top, UINT16_MAX, message, TC_ORANGE) - r.top;
								if (y > this->info_height) {
									BuildObjectWindow *bow = const_cast<BuildObjectWindow *>(this);
									bow->info_height = y + 2;