BOOL CDlgHistoryLogUser::InitControl() { // 查询结果列表中需要显示的列包括了:开始时间、结束时间、摄像头名称、 DWORD dwStyle; dwStyle = m_ListCtrl_UserLog.GetStyle(); dwStyle = LVS_EX_GRIDLINES |LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; m_ListCtrl_UserLog.SetExtendedStyle(dwStyle); InitControlList(); m_strNodeName = "全部用户"; // m_ComboType.InsertString(0, "所有类型"); m_ComboType.InsertString(0,"管理端操作"); m_ComboType.InsertString(1,"客户端操作"); m_ComboType.InsertString(2,"辅助管理端操作"); m_ComboType.SetCurSel(0); m_ComboSubType.InsertString(0, "所有分类型"); m_ComboSubType.SetCurSel(0); CTime nowtime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime StartTime(nowtime.GetYear(), nowtime.GetMonth(),nowtime.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0); CTime StopTime(nowtime.GetYear(), nowtime.GetMonth(), nowtime.GetDay(), 23, 59, 59); //开始时间初始化 m_StartDay = StartTime; m_StartTime = StartTime; m_StopDay = StopTime; m_StopTime = StopTime; UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
int GotoGameCommon(int mode) { StopTime(); //@@ init_player_stats(); //@@ //@@ gameData.multiplayer.playerInit.position.vPos = Player->position.vPos; //@@ gameData.multiplayer.playerInit.position.mOrient = Player->position.mOrient; //@@ gameData.multiplayer.playerInit.nSegment = Player->nSegment; // -- must always save gamesave.sav because the restore-gameData.objs.objects code relies on it // -- that code could be made smarter and use the original file, if appropriate. // if (mine_changed) if (gamestate_not_restored == 0) { gamestate_not_restored = 1; SaveLevel("GAMESAVE.LVL"); editor_status("Gamestate saved.\n"); } AIResetAllPaths(); StartTime(); ModeFlag = mode; return 1; }
void wxGamePanel::UpdateTime() { // 경기 시간 갱신 wxString timeStr(wxT("00:00")); long remainTime = m_periLen - m_elapseTime.Time(); if (remainTime > 0) { timeStr = wxTimeSpan::Milliseconds(remainTime).Format(wxT("%M:%S")); } else { StartBuzzer(); StopTime(); } m_timeCtrl->SetValue(timeStr); // 공격 시간 갱신 wxString shotClockStr(wxT("00")); long remainShotClock = m_shotClock - m_attackTime.Time(); if (remainShotClock > 0) { shotClockStr = wxTimeSpan::Milliseconds(remainShotClock).Format(wxT("%S")); } else { if (m_playing) { StartBuzzer(); // 무한 재귀 호출을 막기 위해서, false를 인자로 전달한다. ResetShotClock(false); } } m_shotClockCtrl->SetValue(shotClockStr); }
//this should be called regularly to check for redbook restart void songs_check_redbook_repeat() { static fix last_check_time; fix current_time; if (!gameStates.sound.bRedbookPlaying || gameConfig.nRedbookVolume==0) return; current_time = TimerGetFixedSeconds(); if (current_time < last_check_time || (current_time - last_check_time) >= F2_0) { if (!RBAPeekPlayStatus()) { StopTime(); // if title ends, start credit music // if credits music ends, restart it if (gameStates.sound.bRedbookPlaying == REDBOOK_TITLE_TRACK || gameStates.sound.bRedbookPlaying == REDBOOK_CREDITS_TRACK) play_redbook_track(REDBOOK_CREDITS_TRACK,0); else { //songs_goto_next_song(); //new code plays all tracks to end of disk, so if disk has //stopped we must be at end. So start again with level 1 song. PlayLevelSong(1); } StartTime(); } last_check_time = current_time; } }
void LoadAllTextures (void) { int bBlackScreen; StopTime (); bBlackScreen = paletteManager.EffectDisabled (); if (paletteManager.EffectDisabled ()) { CCanvas::Current ()->Clear (BLACK_RGBA); paletteManager.LoadEffect (); } // messageBox.Show (TXT_LOADING); LoadSegmentTextures (); LoadWallTextures (); LoadPowerupTextures (); LoadWeaponTextures (); LoadPowerupTextures (); LoadGaugeTextures (); LoadVClipTextures (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_PLAYER_APPEARANCE], 0); LoadVClipTextures (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_POWERUP_DISAPPEARANCE], 0); LoadAddonTextures (); if (bBlackScreen) { paletteManager.ClearEffect (); CCanvas::Current ()->Clear (BLACK_RGBA); } StartTime (0); }
void joy_delay() { StopTime(); timer_delay(.25); //delay(250); // changed by allender because 1) more portable // 2) was totally broken on PC joy_flush(); StartTime(); }
ALERROR CUniverse::InitImages (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pImages, CResourceDb &Resources) // InitImages // // Loads all images { ALERROR error; // Nothing to do if we don't want to load resources if (Ctx.bNoResources) return NOERROR; // Figure out if we've got a special folder for the images CString sRoot = pImages->GetAttribute(FOLDER_ATTRIB); Ctx.sFolder = sRoot; #ifdef DEBUG_TIME_IMAGE_LOAD CTimeDate StartTime(CTimeDate::Now); #endif // Load all images for (int i = 0; i < pImages->GetContentElementCount(); i++) { CXMLElement *pItem = pImages->GetContentElement(i); if (error = LoadImage(Ctx, pItem)) return error; } // Restore folder Ctx.sFolder = NULL_STR; #ifdef DEBUG_TIME_IMAGE_LOAD { CTimeDate StopTime(CTimeDate::Now); CTimeSpan Timing = timeSpan(StartTime, StopTime); CString sTime = Timing.Format(CString()); kernelSetDebugLog("Time to load images: "); kernelSetDebugLog(sTime.GetASCIIZPointer()); kernelSetDebugLog("\n"); } #endif return NOERROR; }
// Returns 1 if OK to trash current mine. int SafetyCheck() { int x; if (mine_changed) { StopTime(); x = ExecMessageBox( "Warning!", 2, "Cancel", "OK", "You are about to lose work." ); if (x<1) { StartTime(); return 0; } StartTime(); } return 1; }
void PauseGame (void) { if (! { = 1; audio.PauseAll (); RBAPause (); StopTime (); paletteManager.SaveEffect (); paletteManager.ResetEffect (); GameFlushInputs (); #if defined (TACTILE) if (TactileStick) DisableForces(); #endif } }
BOOL CDlgHistoryLogSystem::InitControl() { // 查询结果列表中需要显示的列包括了:开始时间、结束时间、摄像头名称、 DWORD dwStyle; dwStyle = m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.GetStyle(); dwStyle = LVS_EX_GRIDLINES |LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetExtendedStyle(dwStyle); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(0,"服务器名称"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(0,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(1,"服务器类型"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(1,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(2,"服务器状态"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(2,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(3,"CPU使用率"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(3,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(4,"内存使用率"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(4,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(5,"内存使用量"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(5,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(6,"磁盘使用量"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(6,120); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.InsertColumn(7,"更新时间"); m_ListCtrl_SystemLog.SetColumnWidth(7,120); m_ComboType.InsertString(0, "所有类型"); m_ComboType.SetCurSel(0); m_ComboSubType.InsertString(0, "所有分类型"); m_ComboSubType.SetCurSel(0); CTime nowtime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime StartTime(nowtime.GetYear(), nowtime.GetMonth(), nowtime.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0); CTime StopTime(nowtime.GetYear(), nowtime.GetMonth(), nowtime.GetDay(), 23, 59, 59); //开始时间初始化 m_StartDay = StartTime; m_StartTime = StartTime; m_StopDay = StopTime; m_StopTime = StopTime; UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
void CDlgHistoryLogUser::OnDtnDatetimechangeDatetimepickerHlStopday(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMDATETIMECHANGE pDTChange = reinterpret_cast<LPNMDATETIMECHANGE>(pNMHDR); char str[64]; CTime nowtime; GetDlgItemText(IDC_DATETIMEPICKER_HL_STOPDAY,str,64); if ((memcmp(str,"1971-",5) < 0)||(memcmp(str,"2037-",5) > 0)) { nowtime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime StopTime(nowtime.GetYear(), nowtime.GetMonth(), nowtime.GetDay(), 23, 59, 59); m_StopDay = StopTime; m_StopTime = StopTime; UpdateData(false); } *pResult = 0; }
void CheckInfortuni(player_t *g) { if( (injuries&&GetTable()>3) || killer) { char t; if(!g) return; g->stamina--; if(GetTable()>g->stamina || killer) { g->stamina=0; TogliPalla(); g->speed=2; t=GetTable()-2; g->tackle=max(1,t); g->Tiro=max(1,t); g->creativity=max(1,t); g->ActualSpeed=0; DoSpecialAnim(g,GIOCATORE_INFORTUNIO); if(injuries) { StopTime(); p->player_injuried=g; if(g->team->Joystick>=0) p->show_panel=PANEL_INJURIED; p->show_time=200; } } } }
void PagingTouchAllSub () { int bBlackScreen; StopTime (); bBlackScreen = gameStates.render.bPaletteFadedOut; if (gameStates.render.bPaletteFadedOut) { GrClearCanvas (BLACK_RGBA); GrPaletteStepLoad (NULL); } // ShowBoxedMessage (TXT_LOADING); #if TRACE con_printf (CON_VERBOSE, "Loading all textures in mine..."); #endif PagingTouchSegments (); PagingTouchWalls (); PagingTouchPowerups (); PagingTouchWeapons (); PagingTouchPowerups (); PagingTouchGauges (); PagingTouchVClip (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_PLAYER_APPEARANCE], 0); PagingTouchVClip (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_POWERUP_DISAPPEARANCE], 0); PagingTouchAddonTextures (); #if TRACE con_printf (CON_VERBOSE, "... loading all textures in mine done\n"); #endif //@@ ClearBoxedMessage (); if (bBlackScreen) { GrPaletteStepClear (); GrClearCanvas (BLACK_RGBA); } StartTime (0); ResetCockpit (); //force cockpit redraw next time }
void MoveNonControlled(void) { register int i; register WORD xg,yg; register player_t *g; register team_t *s; WORD xlimit_e,ylimit_s,xlimit_o,ylimit_n,j; // Cacho un paio di cose :) xlimit_e=field_x+WINDOW_WIDTH; ylimit_s=field_y+WINDOW_HEIGHT; xlimit_o=field_x-16; ylimit_n=field_y-20; for(j=0;j<2;j++) { s= p->team[j]; if(s->ArcadeEffect) { s->ArcadeCounter--; if(s->ArcadeCounter==0) RemoveArcadeEffect(&s->players[0],s->ArcadeEffect); } for(i=0;i<10;i++) { g = &(s->players[i]); xg=g->world_x>>3; yg=g->world_y>>3; if( xg>xlimit_o && xg<xlimit_e && yg>ylimit_n && yg<ylimit_s ) { if(!g->OnScreen) { #if 0 /* this is to debug replay code, cause a segfault */ if(arcade && j==1 && i==4) { char *a=NULL; *a=0; } #endif AddAnimObj(g->anim,xg-field_x,yg-field_y,Animation[g->AnimType].Frame[0]+g->dir); g->OnScreen=TRUE; } else { MoveAnimObj(g->anim,xg-field_x,yg-field_y); } /* aggiungere qui il check sulle collisioni, le controllo solo se onscreen */ /* Check collisions with the ball */ } else if(g->OnScreen) { if(g->Controlled&&s->MarkerOnScreen) { RemAnimObj(s->Marker); s->MarkerOnScreen=FALSE; } RemAnimObj(g->anim); g->OnScreen=FALSE; } if( s!=pl->sq_palla && pl->quota<8 && pl->world_x>(g->world_x-64) && pl->world_x<(g->world_x+160) && pl->world_y>(g->world_y+96) && pl->world_y<(g->world_y+190) && pl->InGioco && !pl->Hide && (!g->Special || g->AnimType==GIOCATORE_SCIVOLATA) ) { if (pl->gioc_palla) { if (pl->gioc_palla->ArcadeEffect == ARCADE_GLUE) goto skipchange; if (g->AnimType != GIOCATORE_SCIVOLATA) { if (pl->gioc_palla->technique > (g->tackle+2+GetTable())) { g->ActualSpeed=0; DoSpecialAnim(g,GIOCATORE_CONTRASTO); goto skipchange; } if (GetTable()>2) { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CONTRASTO); } else { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CADUTA); } pl->gioc_palla->ActualSpeed=0; } else { if (GetTable() > 1) { switch (GetTable()) { case 4: case 5: // PlayIfNotPlaying(BOOU); SetCrowd(BOOU); break; case 1: PlayBackSound(sound[OUCH2]); break; case 2: PlayBackSound(sound[OUCH]); break; } if (pl->gioc_palla->ActualSpeed > 0) { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CADUTA); pl->gioc_palla->ActualSpeed=1; CheckInfortuni(pl->gioc_palla); } else { if(GetTable() > 2) { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CADUTA_FERMO); CheckInfortuni(pl->gioc_palla); } else { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CADUTA_CARPONI); } } if(!arcade && GetTable()>2) // arbitro abilita' (da aggiungere) { p->referee.Comando=FISCHIA_FALLO; StopTime(); if(!replay_mode) UrgentSpeaker(S_CALCIO_DI_PUNIZIONE); FermaPalla(); TogliPalla(); pl->InGioco=FALSE; if(p->team[0]->Possesso) { pl->sq_palla=p->team[0]; } else { pl->sq_palla=p->team[1]; } if(bookings) { if(GetTable()<4) { if(GetTable()>((11-p->referee.cattiveria)>>1)) { if(!g->Ammonito) { p->team[g->SNum]->Ammonizioni++; p->referee.Comando=AMMONIZIONE; } else { p->team[g->SNum]->Espulsioni++; p->referee.Comando=ESPULSIONE; } p->referee.Tick=-50; p->show_panel|=PANEL_TIME|PANEL_CARD; p->referee.Argomento=g->GNum+g->SNum*10; } } else if(GetTable()>((12-p->referee.cattiveria)>>1)) { p->team[g->SNum]->Espulsioni++; p->referee.Comando=ESPULSIONE; p->referee.Argomento=g->GNum+g->SNum*10; p->referee.Tick=-50; p->show_panel|=PANEL_TIME|PANEL_CARD; } } goto skipchange; } else if(injuries && p->player_injuried) { RestartTime(); p->show_panel=PANEL_PLAY_INJURIED; p->show_time=150; } } else { if(GetTable()>2) if(!replay_mode) UrgentSpeaker(S_PALLA_PERSA); if(GetTable()>2) { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CONTRASTO); } else { DoSpecialAnim(pl->gioc_palla,GIOCATORE_CADUTA); } pl->gioc_palla->ActualSpeed=0; } } TogliPalla(); DaiPalla(g); g->WaitForControl=0; if(s->Joystick<0) while((s->Schema=GetTable())>3); ChangeControlled(s, i); pl->world_x = avanzamento_x[g->dir]+g->world_x; pl->world_y = avanzamento_y[g->dir]+g->world_y; skipchange: PlayIfNotPlaying(CONTRASTO); }
int PageInBitmap (CBitmap *bmP, const char *bmName, int nIndex, int bD1, bool bHires) { CBitmap *altBmP = NULL; int nFile, nSize, nOffset, nFrames, nShrinkFactor, nBestShrinkFactor, bRedone = 0, bTGA; sbyte nFlags; bool bDefault = false; CFile cf, *cfP = &cf; char fn [6][FILENAME_LEN]; #if DBG if (!bmName) return 0; if ((nDbgTexture > 0) && (nIndex == nDbgTexture)) nDbgTexture = nDbgTexture; #endif if (bmP->Buffer ()) return 1; StopTime (); nShrinkFactor = 8 >> min (gameOpts->render.textures.nQuality, gameStates.render.nMaxTextureQuality); if (nShrinkFactor < 4) { if (nShrinkFactor == 1) nShrinkFactor = 2; // cap texture quality at 256x256 (x frame#) else if (IsPowerup (bmName) || IsWeapon (bmName)) // force downscaling of powerup hires textures nShrinkFactor <<= 1; } nSize = (int) bmP->FrameSize (); if (nIndex >= 0) GetFlagData (bmName, nIndex); #if DBG if (strstr (bmName, "metl139")) bmName = bmName; #endif if ( gameOpts->render.textures.bUseHires [0] = 0; bTGA = 0; nFlags = (nIndex < 0) ? 0 : gameData.pig.tex.bitmapFlags [bD1][nIndex]; if (bmP->Texture ()) bmP->Texture ()->Release (); bmP->SetBPP (1); if ((*bmName && /*! &&*/ ((nIndex < 0) || IsCockpit (bmName) || bHires || gameOpts->render.textures.bUseHires [0])) && !(gameOpts->render.powerups.b3D && IsWeapon (bmName) && ! { #if 0 if ((nIndex >= 0) && ReadS3TC (gameData.pig.tex.altBitmaps [bD1] + nIndex, gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [bD1], bmName)) { altBmP = gameData.pig.tex.altBitmaps [bD1] + nIndex; altBmP->nType = BM_TYPE_ALT; bmP->SetOverride (altBmP); BM_FRAMECOUNT (altBmP) = 1; nFlags &= ~BM_FLAG_RLE; nFlags |= BM_FLAG_TGA; bmP = altBmP; altBmP = NULL; } else #endif if (*gameFolders.szTextureDir [2]) { char szLevelFolder [FILENAME_LEN]; if (gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel < 0) sprintf (szLevelFolder, "slevel%02d", -gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel); else sprintf (szLevelFolder, "level%02d", gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel); sprintf (gameFolders.szTextureDir [3], "%s/%s", gameFolders.szTextureDir [2], szLevelFolder); sprintf (gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [3], "%s/%s", gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [2], szLevelFolder); } else *gameFolders.szTextureDir [3] = *gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [3] = '\0'; MakeBitmapFilenames (bmName, gameFolders.szTextureDir [3], gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [3], fn [1], fn [0], nShrinkFactor); MakeBitmapFilenames (bmName, gameFolders.szTextureDir [2], gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [2], fn [3], fn [2], nShrinkFactor); MakeBitmapFilenames (bmName, gameFolders.szTextureDir [bD1], gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [bD1], fn [5], fn [4], nShrinkFactor); if (0 <= (nFile = OpenBitmapFile (fn, cfP))) { cfP->Close (); PrintLog ("loading hires texture '%s' (quality: %d)\n", fn [nFile], min (gameOpts->render.textures.nQuality, gameStates.render.nMaxTextureQuality)); if (nFile < 2) //was level specific mod folder MakeTexSubFolders (gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [3]); if (nIndex < 0) altBmP = &gameData.pig.tex.addonBitmaps [-nIndex - 1]; else altBmP = &gameData.pig.tex.altBitmaps [bD1][nIndex]; if (!ReadTGA (fn [nFile], "", altBmP)) { altBmP = NULL; if (!bDefault) cfP->Close (); throw (EX_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else { bTGA = 1; if (strstr (fn [nFile], "omegblob#") && strstr (fn [nFile], "/mods/")) gameStates.render.bOmegaModded = 1; altBmP->SetType (BM_TYPE_ALT); bmP->SetOverride (altBmP); bmP = altBmP; bmP->DelFlags (BM_FLAG_RLE); nSize = bmP->Size (); nFrames = (bmP->Height () % bmP->Width ()) ? 1 : bmP->Height () / bmP->Width (); bmP->SetFrameCount (ubyte (nFrames)); nOffset = -1; if (nIndex >= 0) { nFlags = bmP->Flags (); if (bmP->Height () > bmP->Width ()) { tEffectClip *ecP = NULL; tWallClip *wcP; tVideoClip *vcP; while ((ecP = FindEffect (ecP, nIndex))) { //e->vc.nFrameCount = nFrames; ecP->flags |= EF_ALTFMT; //ecP->vClipInfo.flags |= WCF_ALTFMT; } if (!ecP) { if ((wcP = FindWallAnim (nIndex))) { //w->nFrameCount = nFrames; wcP->flags |= WCF_ALTFMT; } else if ((vcP = FindVClip (nIndex))) { //v->nFrameCount = nFrames; vcP->flags |= WCF_ALTFMT; } else { PrintLog (" couldn't find animation for '%s'\n", bmName); } } } } } } } if (!altBmP) { if (nIndex < 0) { StartTime (0); return 0; } cfP = cfPiggy + bD1; if (!cfP->File ()) PiggyInitPigFile (NULL); nOffset = bitmapOffsets [bD1][nIndex]; bDefault = true; } bRedone = 1; if ((nOffset >= 0) && cfP->Seek (nOffset, SEEK_SET)) { if (!bDefault) cfP->Close (); throw (EX_IO_ERROR); } #if 1//DBG bmP->SetName (bmName); #endif #if TEXTURE_COMPRESSION if (bmP->Compressed ()) UseBitmapCache (bmP, bmP->CompressedSize ()); else #endif { if (bTGA || bmP->CreateBuffer ()) UseBitmapCache (bmP, nSize); } if (!bmP->Buffer () || (bitmapCacheUsed > bitmapCacheSize)) { if (!bDefault) cfP->Close (); throw (EX_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } if (!bTGA && (nIndex >= 0)) bmP->SetFlags (nFlags); bmP->SetId (nIndex); #if DBG if (nIndex == nDbgTexture) nDbgTexture = nDbgTexture; #endif int i = ReadBitmap (bmP, nSize, cfP, bDefault, bD1 != 0, bHires); if (i) { if (i < 0) { if (!bDefault) cfP->Close (); throw (EX_IO_ERROR); } } else #if TEXTURE_COMPRESSION if (!bmP->Compressed ()) #endif { bmP->SetType (BM_TYPE_ALT); bmP->SetTranspType (-1); if (IsOpaqueDoor (nIndex)) { bmP->DelFlags (BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); bmP->TransparentFrames () [0] &= ~1; } #if TEXTURE_COMPRESSION if (CompressTGA (bmP)) bmP->SaveS3TC (gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [(nFile < 2) ? 3 : (nFile < 4) ? 2 : bD1], bmName); else { #endif nBestShrinkFactor = BestShrinkFactor (bmP, nShrinkFactor); if ((nBestShrinkFactor > 1) && ShrinkTGA (bmP, nBestShrinkFactor, nBestShrinkFactor, 1)) { nSize /= (nBestShrinkFactor * nBestShrinkFactor); if ( { tTgaHeader h; memset (&h, 0, sizeof (h)); h.bits = bmP->BPP () * 8; h.width = bmP->Width (); h.height = bmP->Height (); h.imageType = 2; // nFile < 2: mod level texture folder // nFile < 4: mod texture folder // otherwise standard D1 or D2 texture folder SaveTGA (bmName, gameFolders.szTextureCacheDir [(nFile < 2) ? 3 : (nFile < 4) ? 2 : bD1], &h, bmP); } } } #if TEXTURE_COMPRESSION } #endif #if DBG nPrevIndex = nIndex; strcpy (szPrevBm, bmName); #endif tRgbColorf color; if (0 <= (bmP->AvgColor (&color))) bmP->SetAvgColorIndex (ubyte (bmP->Palette ()->ClosestColor (&color))); StartTime (0); if (!bDefault) cfP->Close (); return 1; }
int DebugKeys (void) { boolean esc; int level,i; #if DEBUG_KEYS_AVAILABLE if (Keyboard[sc_R]) { CenterWindow (12,2); if (autofire) US_PrintCentered ("Rapid-Fire OFF"); else US_PrintCentered ("Rapid-Fire ON"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); autofire ^= 1; return 1; } #endif #if DEBUG_KEYS_AVAILABLE if (Keyboard[sc_A]) { char levelstr[50]; unsigned org_tile,org_mapon,msgnum; boolean newmsg=true,newlevel=false; VW_FixRefreshBuffer (); CenterWindow (16,3); US_Print("\n"); US_CPrint("Message Test"); VW_UpdateScreen(); org_mapon = mapon; msgnum = (org_tile = *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex))-NAMESTART; while (1) { // Get outta' here // if (Keyboard[sc_Escape]) { while (Keyboard[sc_Escape]); break; } // Move to previous message // if (Keyboard[sc_UpArrow]) { if (msgnum) { msgnum--; newmsg = true; } } // Move to next message // if (Keyboard[sc_DownArrow]) { if (msgnum < 24) { msgnum++; newmsg = true; } } // Move to previous level // if (Keyboard[sc_LeftArrow]) { if (mapon) { MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon--; newlevel = true; } } // Move to next level // if (Keyboard[sc_RightArrow]) { if (mapon < LASTMAP-1) { MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon++; newlevel = true; } } // Load new level text // if (newlevel) { CA_CacheGrChunk(LEVEL1TEXT+mapon); ScanText(); newmsg = true; newlevel=false; } // Display new message text // if (newmsg) { *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex) = msgnum+NAMESTART; DrawText(true); strcpy(levelstr,"Level: "); itoa(mapon,levelstr+strlen(levelstr),10); strcat(levelstr," Msg: "); itoa(msgnum,levelstr+strlen(levelstr),10); DisplaySMsg(levelstr,NULL); newmsg = false; if (Keyboard[sc_UpArrow] || Keyboard[sc_DownArrow] || Keyboard[sc_LeftArrow] || Keyboard[sc_RightArrow]) VW_WaitVBL(6); } } // Restore game // MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon = org_mapon; CA_CacheGrChunk(LEVEL1TEXT+mapon); ScanText(); *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex) = org_tile; DrawText(true); status_flag = 0; } if (Keyboard[sc_V]) { displayofs = bufferofs = screenloc[screenpage]; CenterWindow (16,4); US_CPrint("\n"GAMENAME); US_CPrint(VERSION); US_CPrint(REVISION); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_Q]) // Q = Insta-Quit! Quit("Insta-Quit!"); #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_Z]) // Z = freeze Time { if (FreezeTime) FreezeTime = 1; // Allow refresh to dec to zero.. else StopTime(); IN_Ack(); return 1; } #endif // if (Keyboard[sc_E]) // FaceDoor((player->x>>16l)+1,(player->y>>16l)); // FaceAngle(90); #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_B]) // B = border color { CenterWindow(24,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Border color (0-15):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=15) VW_ColorBorder (level); } return 1; } #endif #if 1//DEBUG_KEYS_AVAILABLE if (Keyboard[sc_O]) { extern unsigned objectcount,latchmemavail; unsigned unused,total; CenterWindow (30,13); US_Print ("Objects: "); US_PrintUnsigned (objectcount); US_Print("\n\nTics: "); US_PrintUnsigned (tics); US_Print(" Real Tics: "); US_PrintUnsigned(realtics); US_Print ("\n\n Total Available: "); US_PrintUnsigned (mminfo.mainmem/1024); US_Print ("k\n Mem In Use: "); unused=MM_UnusedMemory()/1024; US_PrintUnsigned (unused); US_Print ("k\n Mem After Purge: "); total=MM_TotalFree()/1024; US_PrintUnsigned (total); US_Print ("k ("); US_PrintUnsigned (total-unused); US_Print (")\n\nLatch Mem Free: "); US_PrintUnsigned (latchmemavail); US_Print ("\n"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); } if (colordelay<1) { if (Keyboard[26]) { extern unsigned *groundcolor,debug_gnd; groundcolor = &debug_gnd; debug_gnd += 0x0101; if (debug_gnd == 0x1010) debug_gnd = 0; colordelay = 10; } if (Keyboard[27]) { extern unsigned *skycolor,debug_sky; skycolor = &debug_sky; debug_sky += 0x0101; if (debug_sky == 0x1010) debug_sky = 0; colordelay = 10; } } else colordelay -= realtics; #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_C]) // C = count objects { CountObjects(); return 1; } if (Keyboard[sc_D]) // D = start / end demo record { if (DemoMode == demo_Off) StartDemoRecord (); else if (DemoMode == demo_Record) { EndDemoRecord (); playstate = ex_completed; } return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_E]) // E = quit level { if (tedlevel) TEDDeath(); playstate = ex_warped; gamestate.mapon++; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_F]) // F = facing spot { CenterWindow (12,4); US_Print ("X:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->x); US_Print ("Y:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->y); US_Print ("A:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->angle); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); return 1; } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_G]) // G = god mode { CenterWindow (12,2); if (godmode) US_PrintCentered ("God mode OFF"); else US_PrintCentered ("God mode ON"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); godmode ^= 1; return 1; } #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_H]) // H = hurt self { TakeDamage (5); } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_I]) // I = item cheat { extern boolean redraw_gems; CenterWindow (12,3); US_PrintCentered ("Free items!"); VW_UpdateScreen(); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { GiveBolt (); GiveNuke (); GivePotion (); // if (!gamestate.keys[i]) GiveKey (i); gamestate.gems[i] = GEM_DELAY_TIME; } gamestate.gems[4] = GEM_DELAY_TIME; redraw_gems = true; ///////// for (i=0;i<8;i++) ///////// GiveScroll (i,false); IN_Ack (); return 1; } #if DEBUG_OVERHEAD if (Keyboard[sc_Z]) // O is used elsewhere... { ViewMap(); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_P]) // P = pause with no screen disruptioon { PicturePause (); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_S]) // S = slow motion { singlestep^=1; CenterWindow (18,3); if (singlestep) US_PrintCentered ("Slow motion ON"); else US_PrintCentered ("Slow motion OFF"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_V]) // V = extra VBLs { CenterWindow(30,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Add how many extra VBLs(0-8):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=8) extravbls = level; } return 1; } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_W]) // W = warp to level { CenterWindow(26,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Warp to which level(0-17):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=LASTMAP-1) { gamestate.mapon = level; playstate = ex_warped; lasttext = -1; } } return 1; } #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_X]) // X = item cheat { CenterWindow (12,3); US_PrintCentered ("Extra stuff!"); VW_UpdateScreen(); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { GiveBolt (); GiveNuke (); GivePotion (); } IN_Ack (); return 1; } #endif //////// if (LastScan >= sc_1 && LastScan <= sc_8) // free scrolls //////// { //////// GiveScroll (LastScan-sc_1,false); //////// IN_ClearKeysDown (); //////// } return 0; }
id0_int_t DebugKeys (void) { id0_boolean_t esc; id0_int_t level,i; #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_A]) { id0_char_t levelstr[50]; id0_unsigned_t org_tile,org_mapon,msgnum; id0_boolean_t newmsg=true,newlevel=false; VW_FixRefreshBuffer (); CenterWindow (16,3); US_Print("\n"); US_CPrint("Message Test"); VW_UpdateScreen(); org_mapon = mapon; msgnum = (org_tile = *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex))-NAMESTART; while (1) { // Get outta' here // if (Keyboard[sc_Escape]) { while (Keyboard[sc_Escape]) { BE_ST_ShortSleep(); } break; } // Move to previous message // if (Keyboard[sc_UpArrow]) { if (msgnum) { msgnum--; newmsg = true; } } // Move to next message // if (Keyboard[sc_DownArrow]) { if (msgnum < 24) { msgnum++; newmsg = true; } } // Move to previous level // if (Keyboard[sc_LeftArrow]) { if (mapon) { MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon--; newlevel = true; } } // Move to next level // if (Keyboard[sc_RightArrow]) { if (mapon < LASTMAP-2) { MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon++; newlevel = true; } } // Load new level text // if (newlevel) { CA_CacheGrChunk(LEVEL1TEXT+mapon); ScanText(); newmsg = true; newlevel=false; } // Display new message text // if (newmsg) { *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex) = msgnum+NAMESTART; DrawText(true); strcpy(levelstr,"Level: "); itoa(mapon,levelstr+strlen(levelstr),10); strcat(levelstr," Msg: "); itoa(msgnum,levelstr+strlen(levelstr),10); DisplaySMsg(levelstr,NULL); newmsg = false; if (Keyboard[sc_UpArrow] || Keyboard[sc_DownArrow] || Keyboard[sc_LeftArrow] || Keyboard[sc_RightArrow]) VW_WaitVBL(6); } BE_ST_ShortSleep(); } // Restore game // MM_SetPurge(&grsegs[LEVEL1TEXT+mapon],3); mapon = org_mapon; CA_CacheGrChunk(LEVEL1TEXT+mapon); ScanText(); *(mapsegs[0]+farmapylookup[player->tiley]+player->tilex) = org_tile; DrawText(true); status_flag = 0; } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_T]) { VW_FixRefreshBuffer (); CenterWindow (16,4); US_Print("Tics :"); US_PrintUnsigned (tics); US_Print("\nReal Tics :"); US_PrintUnsigned(realtics); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); } if (Keyboard[sc_V]) { displayofs = bufferofs = screenloc[screenpage]; CenterWindow (20,5); US_CPrint(refkeen_compat_gelib_c4_debug_str_with_gamename); //US_CPrint("\n"GAMENAME); US_CPrint(VERSION); US_CPrint(REVISION); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); } if (Keyboard[sc_Q]) // Q = Insta-Quit! Quit("Insta-Quit!"); if (Keyboard[sc_Z]) // Z = freeze Time { if (FreezeTime) FreezeTime = 1; // Allow refresh to dec to zero.. else StopTime(); IN_Ack(); return 1; } // if (Keyboard[sc_E]) // FaceDoor((player->x>>16l)+1,(player->y>>16l)); // FaceAngle(90); #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_B]) // B = border color { CenterWindow(24,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Border color (0-15):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=15) VW_ColorBorder (level); } return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_C]) // C = count objects { CountObjects(); return 1; } if (Keyboard[sc_D]) // D = start / end demo record { if (DemoMode == demo_Off) StartDemoRecord (); else if (DemoMode == demo_Record) { EndDemoRecord (); playstate = ex_completed; } return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_E]) // E = quit level { if (tedlevel) TEDDeath(); playstate = ex_warped; gamestate.mapon++; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_F]) // F = facing spot { CenterWindow (12,4); US_Print ("X:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->x); US_Print ("Y:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->y); US_Print ("A:"); US_PrintUnsigned (player->angle); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); return 1; } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_G]) // G = god mode { CenterWindow (12,2); if (godmode) US_PrintCentered ("God mode OFF"); else US_PrintCentered ("God mode ON"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack(); godmode ^= 1; return 1; } #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_H]) // H = hurt self { TakeDamage (5); } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_I]) // I = item cheat { extern id0_boolean_t redraw_gems; CenterWindow (12,3); US_PrintCentered ("Free items!"); VW_UpdateScreen(); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { GiveBolt (); GiveNuke (); GivePotion (); // if (!gamestate.keys[i]) GiveKey (i); gamestate.gems[i] = GEM_DELAY_TIME; } gamestate.gems[4] = GEM_DELAY_TIME; redraw_gems = true; for (i=0;i<8;i++) GiveScroll (i,false); IN_Ack (); return 1; } if (Keyboard[sc_M]) // M = memory info { DebugMemory(); return 1; } #if DEBUG_OVERHEAD if (Keyboard[sc_O]) // O = overhead { ViewMap(); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_P]) // P = pause with no screen disruptioon { PicturePause (); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_S]) // S = slow motion { singlestep^=1; CenterWindow (18,3); if (singlestep) US_PrintCentered ("Slow motion ON"); else US_PrintCentered ("Slow motion OFF"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); return 1; } #endif #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_V]) // V = extra VBLs { CenterWindow(30,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Add how many extra VBLs(0-8):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=8) extravbls = level; } return 1; } #endif if (Keyboard[sc_W]) // W = warp to level { CenterWindow(26,3); PrintY+=6; US_Print(" Warp to which level(0-18):"); VW_UpdateScreen(); esc = !US_LineInput (px,py,str,NULL,true,2,0); if (!esc) { level = atoi (str); if (level>=0 && level<=LASTMAP-1) { gamestate.mapon = level; playstate = ex_warped; lasttext = -1; } } return 1; } #if 0 if (Keyboard[sc_X]) // X = item cheat { CenterWindow (12,3); US_PrintCentered ("Extra stuff!"); VW_UpdateScreen(); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { GiveBolt (); GiveNuke (); GivePotion (); } IN_Ack (); return 1; } #endif if (LastScan >= sc_1 && LastScan <= sc_8) // free scrolls { GiveScroll (LastScan-sc_1,false); IN_ClearKeysDown (); } return 0; }
void DoEscortMenu(void) { int i; int paused; int next_goal; char goal_str[32], tstr[32]; if ( & GM_MULTI) { HUDInitMessage(TXT_GB_MULTIPLAYER); return; } for (i=0; i<=gameData.objs.nLastObject; i++) { if (gameData.objs.objects[i].type == OBJ_ROBOT) if (gameData.bots.pInfo[gameData.objs.objects[i].id].companion) break; } if (i > gameData.objs.nLastObject) { #if 1//def _DEBUG - always allow buddy bot creation // If no buddy bot, create one! HUDInitMessage (TXT_GB_CREATE); CreateBuddyBot(); #else HUDInitMessage(TXT_GB_NONE); return; #endif } BuddyMayTalk(); // Needed here or we might not know buddy can talk when he can. if (!gameData.escort.bMayTalk) { HUDInitMessage(TXT_GB_RELEASE, gameData.escort.szName); return; } DigiPauseDigiSounds(); if (!gameOpts->menus.nStyle) StopTime(); PaletteSave(); apply_modified_palette(); ResetPaletteAdd(); GameFlushInputs(); paused = 1; // SetScreenMode( SCREEN_MENU ); SetPopupScreenMode(); GrPaletteStepLoad( NULL ); // This prevents the buddy from coming back if you've told him to scram. // If we don't set next_goal, we get garbage there. if (gameData.escort.nSpecialGoal == ESCORT_GOAL_SCRAM) { gameData.escort.nSpecialGoal = -1; // Else setting next goal might fail. next_goal = EscortSetGoalObject(); gameData.escort.nSpecialGoal = ESCORT_GOAL_SCRAM; } else { gameData.escort.nSpecialGoal = -1; // Else setting next goal might fail. next_goal = EscortSetGoalObject(); } switch (next_goal) { #ifndef NDEBUG case ESCORT_GOAL_UNSPECIFIED: Int3(); sprintf(goal_str, "ERROR"); break; #endif case ESCORT_GOAL_BLUE_KEY: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_BLUEKEY); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_GOLD_KEY: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_YELLOWKEY); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_RED_KEY: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_REDKEY); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_CONTROLCEN: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_REACTOR); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_BOSS: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_BOSS); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_EXIT: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_EXIT); break; case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER1: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER2: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER3: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER4: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER5: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER6: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER7: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER8: case ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER9: sprintf(goal_str, TXT_GB_MARKER, next_goal-ESCORT_GOAL_MARKER1+1); break; } if (!gameData.escort.bMsgsSuppressed) sprintf(tstr, TXT_GB_SUPPRESS); else sprintf(tstr, TXT_GB_ENABLE); i = ShowEscortHelp (goal_str, tstr); if (i < 11) { gameData.escort.bSearchingMarker = -1; gameData.escort.nLastKey = -1; EscortSetSpecialGoal (i ? KEY_1 + i - 1 : KEY_0); gameData.escort.nLastKey = -1; paused = 0; } else if (i == 11) { BuddyMessage (gameData.escort.bMsgsSuppressed ? TXT_GB_MSGS_ON : TXT_GB_MSGS_OFF); gameData.escort.bMsgsSuppressed = !gameData.escort.bMsgsSuppressed; paused = 0; } GameFlushInputs(); PaletteRestore(); if (!gameOpts->menus.nStyle) StartTime(); DigiResumeDigiSounds(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_game_text_file(char *filename) { char my_filename[128]; int namelen; FILE * my_file; Errors_in_mine = 0; namelen = (int) strlen(filename); Assert (namelen > 4); Assert (filename[namelen-4] == '.'); strcpy(my_filename, filename); strcpy( &my_filename[namelen-4], ".txm"); my_file = fopen( my_filename, "wt" ); if (!my_file) { char ErrorMessage[200]; sprintf( ErrorMessage, "ERROR: Unable to open %s\nErrno = %i", my_file, errno ); StopTime(); GrPaletteStepLoad (NULL); ExecMessageBox( NULL, 1, "Ok", ErrorMessage ); StartTime(); return; } dump_used_texturesLevel(my_file, 0); sayTotals(my_file, gameData.segs.szLevelFilename); fprintf(my_file, "\nNumber of segments: %4i\n", gameData.segs.nLastSegment+1); fprintf(my_file, "Number of gameData.objs.objects: %4i\n", gameData.objs.nLastObject+1); fprintf(my_file, "Number of walls: %4i\n", gameData.walls.nWalls); fprintf(my_file, "Number of open doors: %4i\n", gameData.walls.nOpenDoors); fprintf(my_file, "Number of triggers: %4i\n", gameData.trigs.nTriggers); fprintf(my_file, "Number of matcens: %4i\n", gameData.matCens.nBotCenters); fprintf(my_file, "\n"); write_segment_text(my_file); write_fuelcen_text(my_file); write_matcen_text(my_file); write_player_text(my_file); write_wall_text(my_file); write_trigger_text(my_file); write_exit_text(my_file); // ---------- Find control center tSegment ---------- write_control_center_text(my_file); // ---------- Show keyed walls ---------- write_key_text(my_file); { int r; r = fclose(my_file); #if TRACE con_printf (1, "Close value = %i\n", r); #endif if (r) Int3(); } }
void PagingTouchAllSub () { int bBlackScreen; StopTime (); bBlackScreen = gameStates.render.bPaletteFadedOut; if (gameStates.render.bPaletteFadedOut) { GrClearCanvas (BLACK_RGBA); GrPaletteStepLoad (NULL); } // ShowBoxedMessage (TXT_LOADING); #if TRACE con_printf (CON_VERBOSE, "Loading all textures in mine..."); #endif PagingTouchSegments (); PagingTouchWalls (); PagingTouchPowerups (); PagingTouchWeapons (); PagingTouchPowerups (); PagingTouchGauges (); PagingTouchVClip (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_PLAYER_APPEARANCE], 0); PagingTouchVClip (&gameData.eff.vClips [0][VCLIP_POWERUP_DISAPPEARANCE], 0); PagingTouchAddonTextures (); #ifdef PSX_BUILD_TOOLS //PSX STUFF PagingTouchWalls (); for (s = 0; s <= gameData.objs.nLastObject; s++) { PagingTouchObject (gameData.objs.objects + s); } { char * p; extern int gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel; extern ushort gameData.pig.tex.bitmapXlat [MAX_BITMAP_FILES]; short bmUsed [MAX_BITMAP_FILES]; FILE * fp; char fname [128]; int i, bPageIn; grsBitmap *bmP; if (gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel<0) //secret level strcpy (fname, gameData.missions.szSecretLevelNames [-gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel-1]); else //normal level strcpy (fname, gameData.missions.szLevelNames [gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel-1]); p = strchr (fname, '.'); if (p) *p = 0; strcat (fname, ".pag"); fp = fopen (fname, "wt"); for (i=0; i<MAX_BITMAP_FILES;i++) { bmUsed [i] = 0; } for (i=0; i<MAX_BITMAP_FILES;i++) { bmUsed [gameData.pig.tex.bitmapXlat [i]]++; } //cmp added so that .damage bitmaps are included for paged-in lights of the current level for (i=0; i<MAX_TEXTURES;i++) { if (gameData.pig.tex.pBmIndex [i].index > 0 && gameData.pig.tex.pBmIndex [i].index < MAX_BITMAP_FILES && bmUsed [gameData.pig.tex.pBmIndex [i].index] > 0 && gameData.pig.tex.pTMapInfo [i].destroyed > 0 && gameData.pig.tex.pTMapInfo [i].destroyed < MAX_BITMAP_FILES) { bmUsed [gameData.pig.tex.pBmIndex [gameData.pig.tex.pTMapInfo [i].destroyed].index] += 1; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (gameData.pig.tex.pBmIndex [gameData.pig.tex.pTMapInfo [i].destroyed].index); } } // Force cockpit to be paged in. { tBitmapIndex bonk; bonk.index = 109; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk.index); } // Force in the frames for markers { tBitmapIndex bonk2; bonk2.index = 2014; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk2.index); bonk2.index = 2015; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk2.index); bonk2.index = 2016; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk2.index); bonk2.index = 2017; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk2.index); bonk2.index = 2018; PIGGY_PAGE_IN (bonk2.index); } for (i = 0, bmP = gameData.pig.tex.pBitmaps; i < MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++, bmP++) { bPageIn = 1; // cmp debug //piggy_get_bitmap_name (i,fname); if (!bmP->bmTexBuf || (bmP->bmProps.flags & BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT)) bPageIn = 0; // if (gameData.pig.tex.bitmapXlat [i]!=i) // bPageIn = 0; if (!bmUsed [i]) bPageIn = 0; if ((i==47) || (i==48)) // Mark red mplayer ship textures as paged in. bPageIn = 1; if (!bPageIn) fprintf (fp, "0,\t// Bitmap %d (%s)\n", i, "test\0"); // cmp debug fname); else fprintf (fp, "1,\t// Bitmap %d (%s)\n", i, "test\0"); // cmp debug fname); } fclose (fp); } #endif #if TRACE con_printf (CON_VERBOSE, "... loading all textures in mine done\n"); #endif //@@ ClearBoxedMessage (); if (bBlackScreen) { GrPaletteStepClear (); GrClearCanvas (BLACK_RGBA); } StartTime (0); ResetCockpit (); //force cockpit redraw next time }