Exemplo n.º 1
static void GBACheatDumpDirectives(struct mCheatSet* set, struct StringList* directives) {
	struct GBACheatSet* cheats = (struct GBACheatSet*) set;

	// TODO: Check previous directives
	size_t d;
	for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(directives); ++d) {
		free(*StringListGetPointer(directives, d));

	char** directive;
	switch (cheats->gsaVersion) {
	case 1:
		directive = StringListAppend(directives);
		*directive = strdup("GSAv1");
	case 2:
		directive = StringListAppend(directives);
		*directive = strdup("GSAv1 raw");
	case 3:
		directive = StringListAppend(directives);
		*directive = strdup("PARv3");
	case 4:
		directive = StringListAppend(directives);
		*directive = strdup("PARv3 raw");
Exemplo n.º 2
static inline int _check_options( const char ** e,stringList_t stl )
	while( *e != NULL ){

		StringListRemoveIfStringContains( stl,*e ) ;

		e++ ;
	return StringListSize( stl ) > 0 ;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool mCheatSaveFile(struct mCheatDevice* device, struct VFile* vf) {
	static const char lineStart[3] = "# ";
	static const char lineEnd = '\n';
	struct StringList directives;
	StringListInit(&directives, 4);

	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < mCheatSetsSize(&device->cheats); ++i) {
		struct mCheatSet* set = *mCheatSetsGetPointer(&device->cheats, i);
		set->dumpDirectives(set, &directives);
		if (!set->enabled) {
			static const char* disabledDirective = "!disabled\n";
			vf->write(vf, disabledDirective, strlen(disabledDirective));
		size_t d;
		for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(&directives); ++d) {
			char directive[64];
			ssize_t len = snprintf(directive, sizeof(directive) - 1, "!%s\n", *StringListGetPointer(&directives, d));
			if (len > 1) {
				vf->write(vf, directive, (size_t) len > sizeof(directive) ? sizeof(directive) : len);

		vf->write(vf, lineStart, 2);
		if (set->name) {
			vf->write(vf, set->name, strlen(set->name));
		vf->write(vf, &lineEnd, 1);
		size_t c;
		for (c = 0; c < StringListSize(&set->lines); ++c) {
			const char* line = *StringListGetPointer(&set->lines, c);
			vf->write(vf, line, strlen(line));
			vf->write(vf, &lineEnd, 1);
	size_t d;
	for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(&directives); ++d) {
		free(*StringListGetPointer(&directives, d));
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void mCheatSetDeinit(struct mCheatSet* set) {
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < StringListSize(&set->lines); ++i) {
		free(*StringListGetPointer(&set->lines, i));
	if (set->name) {
Exemplo n.º 5
static void GBACheatParseDirectives(struct mCheatSet* set, const struct StringList* directives) {
	struct GBACheatSet* cheats = (struct GBACheatSet*) set;
	size_t d;
	for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(directives); ++d) {
		const char* directive = *StringListGetConstPointer(directives, d);
		if (strcmp(directive, "GSAv1") == 0) {
			GBACheatSetGameSharkVersion(cheats, 1);
		if (strcmp(directive, "PARv3") == 0) {
			GBACheatSetGameSharkVersion(cheats, 3);
Exemplo n.º 6
void GBACheatSetDeinit(struct GBACheatSet* set) {
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < StringListSize(&set->lines); ++i) {
		free(*StringListGetPointer(&set->lines, i));
	if (set->name) {
	if (set->hook) {
		if (set->hook->refs == 0) {
Exemplo n.º 7
bool GBACheatSaveFile(struct GBACheatDevice* device, struct VFile* vf) {
	static const char lineStart[3] = "# ";
	static const char lineEnd = '\n';

	struct GBACheatHook* lastHook = 0;

	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < GBACheatSetsSize(&device->cheats); ++i) {
		struct GBACheatSet* set = *GBACheatSetsGetPointer(&device->cheats, i);
		if (lastHook && set->hook != lastHook) {
			static const char* resetDirective = "!reset\n";
			vf->write(vf, resetDirective, strlen(resetDirective));
		switch (set->gsaVersion) {
		case 1: {
			static const char* versionDirective = "!GSAv1\n";
			vf->write(vf, versionDirective, strlen(versionDirective));
		case 3: {
			static const char* versionDirective = "!PARv3\n";
			vf->write(vf, versionDirective, strlen(versionDirective));
		lastHook = set->hook;
		if (!set->enabled) {
			static const char* disabledDirective = "!disabled\n";
			vf->write(vf, disabledDirective, strlen(disabledDirective));

		vf->write(vf, lineStart, 2);
		if (set->name) {
			vf->write(vf, set->name, strlen(set->name));
		vf->write(vf, &lineEnd, 1);
		size_t c;
		for (c = 0; c < StringListSize(&set->lines); ++c) {
			const char* line = *StringListGetPointer(&set->lines, c);
			vf->write(vf, line, strlen(line));
			vf->write(vf, &lineEnd, 1);
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
void zuluCryptTrueCryptVeraCryptVolumeInfo( const char * type,tvcrypt * e )
	stringList_t stl = StringListSplit( type,'.' ) ;

	size_t p = StringListSize( stl ) ;

	const char * q ;

	memset( e,'\0',sizeof( tvcrypt ) ) ;

	if( p > 0 ){

		e->type = StringListCopyStringAtFirstPlace( stl ) ;

		if( p > 1 ){

			q = StringListContentAtSecondPlace( stl ) ;

			e->iteration_count = ( int )StringConvertToInt( q ) ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
Exemplo n.º 9
int zuluCryptUnmountVolume( const char * device,char ** m_point )
	int h = 3 ;

	char * e ;

	size_t s ;

	stringList_t stl ;

	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	ssize_t r ;

	string_t st ;
	string_t xt ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){

		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in create_loop_device.c

		e = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;

		if( e == NULL ){

			return h ;
			stl = _get_mount_entries( e ) ;
			StringFree( e ) ;
		stl = _get_mount_entries( device ) ;

	s = StringListSize( stl ) ;

	if( s == 0 ){

		 * volume appear to not be mounted.

	}else if( s == 1 ){

		 * there is only one mount point for the volume,unmount it normally

		h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( StringListStringAtFirstPlace( stl ),m_point ) ;
		 * There are multiple mount points for the same volume.
		 * Try to figure out which one among the mount points is ours and then try
		 * first to unmount the rest of them.

		r = StringListHasSequence( stl," /run/media/private/" ) ;

		if( r == -1 ){

			 * Probable reason for getting here is if a user use a home mount point path,
			 * we dont know the path because we dont know the user we are serving
			 * and hence we bail out with an error.
			h = 10 ;
			 * We got our mount point,take it out of the list to use it last
			st = StringListDetachAt( stl,r ) ;

			StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

			while( it != end ){

				xt = *it ;

				it++ ;

				if( _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( xt,NULL ) != 0 ){

					 * Failed to unmount one of the extra mount points,
					 * bail out with an error.
					h = 10 ;

					break ;

			if( h != 10 ){

				 * Attempt to unmount our mount point last.
				h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( st,m_point ) ;

			StringDelete( &st ) ;

	if( h != 0 && h != 3 && h != 4 && h != 1 && h != 10 ){

		h = 2 ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

	return h ;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool mCheatParseFile(struct mCheatDevice* device, struct VFile* vf) {
	char cheat[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
	struct mCheatSet* set = NULL;
	struct mCheatSet* newSet;
	bool nextDisabled = false;
	struct StringList directives;
	StringListInit(&directives, 4);

	while (true) {
		size_t i = 0;
		ssize_t bytesRead = vf->readline(vf, cheat, sizeof(cheat));
		if (bytesRead == 0) {
		if (bytesRead < 0) {
			return false;
		while (isspace((int) cheat[i])) {
		switch (cheat[i]) {
		case '#':
			do {
			} while (isspace((int) cheat[i]));
			newSet = device->createSet(device, &cheat[i]);
			newSet->enabled = !nextDisabled;
			nextDisabled = false;
			if (set) {
				mCheatAddSet(device, set);
			if (set) {
				newSet->copyProperties(newSet, set);
			newSet->parseDirectives(newSet, &directives);
			set = newSet;
		case '!':
			do {
			} while (isspace((int) cheat[i]));
			if (strcasecmp(&cheat[i], "disabled") == 0) {
				nextDisabled = true;
			if (strcasecmp(&cheat[i], "reset") == 0) {
				size_t d;
				for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(&directives); ++d) {
					free(*StringListGetPointer(&directives, d));
			*StringListAppend(&directives) = strdup(&cheat[i]);
			if (!set) {
				set = device->createSet(device, NULL);
				set->enabled = !nextDisabled;
				nextDisabled = false;
			mCheatAddLine(set, cheat, 0);
	if (set) {
		mCheatAddSet(device, set);
	size_t d;
	for (d = 0; d < StringListSize(&directives); ++d) {
		free(*StringListGetPointer(&directives, d));
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
int zuluCryptEXEOpenVolume( const struct_opts * opts,const char * mapping_name,uid_t uid )
	int share                = opts->share ;
	int open_mount           = opts->open_mount ;
	const char * device      = opts->device ;
	const char * mount_point = opts->mount_point ;
	const char * m_opts      = opts->m_opts ;
	const char * source      = opts->key_source ;
	const char * pass        = opts->key ;
	const char * plugin_path = opts->plugin_path ;
	const char * fs_opts     = opts->fs_opts ;
	const char * offset      = opts->offset ;
	const char * const * tcrypt_keyfiles = opts->tcrypt_multiple_keyfiles ;
	 * Below is a form of memory management.All strings are collected in a stringlist object to easily delete them
	 * when the function returns.This allows for the function to have multiple exit points without risks of leaking
	 * memory from manually examining each exit point to make sure all strings are deleted or go with multiple goto
	 * code deleting blocks to take into account different exit points.
	stringList_t stl ;
	string_t * stringArray = StringListArray( &stl,6 ) ;
	string_t * passphrase  =  &stringArray[ 0 ] ;
	string_t * m_name      =  &stringArray[ 1 ] ;
	string_t * data        =  &stringArray[ 2 ] ;
	string_t * m_point     =  &stringArray[ 3 ] ;
	string_t * mapper      =  &stringArray[ 4 ] ;
	string_t * mapper_path =  &stringArray[ 5 ] ;

	const char * key = NULL ;
	const char * mapper_name ;
	const char * e ;

	size_t key_len = 0 ;
	int st = 0 ;

	stringList_t stz ;
	tvcrypt v_info ;

	unsigned long m_flags ;

	int tcrypt_keyfile  = 0 ;

	const char * uuid ;
	char * device_path ;

	 * open_struct_t is declared in ../lib/include.h
	open_struct_t volume ;

	struct stat statstr ;

	 * zuluCryptVolumeIsInSystemVolumeList() is defined in volumes.c
	if( zuluCryptVolumeIsInSystemVolumeList( device ) ){
		 * check permissions only if volume is explicity mentioned as system.
		 * This is an exception to avoid some udev bad behaviors on udev enabled build
		if( !zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup( uid,"zulucrypt" ) ){
			return zuluExit( 22,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
	if( m_opts == NULL ){

		m_opts = "rw" ;
	 * zuluCryptMountFlagsAreNotCorrect() is defined in ./mount_flags.c
	if( zuluCryptMountFlagsAreNotCorrect( m_opts,uid,&m_flags ) ){

		return zuluExit( 5,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
	if( StringHasComponent( m_opts,"rw" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptSecurityDeviceIsWritable() is defined in path_access.c
		st = zuluCryptCanOpenPathForWriting( device,uid ) ;
		 * zuluCryptSecurityDeviceIsReadable() is defined in path_access.c
		st = zuluCryptCanOpenPathForReading( device,uid ) ;

	 * 1-permissions denied
	 * 2-invalid path
	 * 3-shenanigans
	 * 4-common error
	switch( st ){

		case 0 :  break ;
		case 1 :  return zuluExit( 6,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		case 2 :  return zuluExit( 6,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		case 3 :  return zuluExit( 6,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		case 4 :  return zuluExit( 6,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		default:  return zuluExit( 6,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

	if( open_mount ){
		* zuluCryptCreateMountPoint() is defined in create_mount_point.c
		*m_point = zuluCryptCreateMountPoint( device,mount_point,m_opts,uid ) ;

		mount_point = StringContent( *m_point ) ;

		if( mount_point == NULL ){

			return zuluExit( 9,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		if( uid != 0 ){

			return zuluExit( 7,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		if( mount_point != NULL ){

			return zuluExit( 8,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

	if( share ){
		 * zuluCryptBindSharedMountPointPathTaken() is defined in bind.c
		if( zuluCryptBindSharedMountPointPathTaken( *m_point ) ){

			return zuluExit_1( 10,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

	 * zuluCryptCreateMapperName() is defined in ../lib/create_mapper_name.c
	*m_name = zuluCryptCreateMapperName( device,mapping_name,uid,ZULUCRYPTshortMapperPath ) ;

	*mapper = StringCopy( *m_name ) ;
	mapper_name = StringContent( *m_name ) ;

	*mapper_path = String( zuluCryptMapperPrefix() ) ;
	e = StringMultipleAppend( *mapper_path,"/",mapper_name,NULL ) ;

	if( stat( e,&statstr ) == 0 ){

		return zuluExit_1( 11,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

	if( plugin_path != NULL ){
		 * zuluCryptUUIDFromPath() is defined in path_access.c
		uuid = zuluCryptUUIDFromPath( device ) ;

		device_path = _device_path( device ) ;
		 * zuluCryptPluginManagerGetKeyFromModule is defined in ../pluginManager/zuluCryptPluginManager.c
		*passphrase = zuluCryptPluginManagerGetKeyFromModule( device_path,plugin_path,uuid,uid,opts,&st ) ;

		StringFree( device_path ) ;
		StringFree( uuid ) ;

		if( st != 0 || *passphrase == StringVoid ){

			return zuluExit_1( 12,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

		key_len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;
		key = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;

		zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory_1( *passphrase ) ;

	}else if( source == NULL && tcrypt_keyfiles[ 0 ] == NULL ){

		printf( gettext( "Enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		 * ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE is set in ../constants.h
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( passphrase,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){

			case 1 : return zuluExit_1( 13,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
			case 2 : return zuluExit_1( 14,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;

		printf( "\n" ) ;
		key = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;
		key_len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;

		zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory_1( *passphrase ) ;
		if( source == NULL || pass == NULL ){

			if( tcrypt_keyfiles == NULL ){

				return zuluExit_1( 15,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( source,"-p" ) ){

			key = pass ;
			key_len = StringSize( pass ) ;

		}else if( StringsAreEqual( source,"-f" ) ){

			if( StringHasNoComponent( pass,"/.zuluCrypt-socket" ) ){

				tcrypt_keyfile = 1 ;
			 * function is defined at "path_access.c"
			switch( zuluCryptGetPassFromFile( pass,uid,data ) ){

				case 1 : return zuluExit_1( 16,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
				case 2 : return zuluExit_1( 17,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
				case 4 : return zuluExit_1( 18,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
				case 5 : return zuluExit_1( 19,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;
			key = StringContent( *data ) ;
			key_len = StringLength( *data ) ;

			zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory_1( *data ) ;

	memset( &volume,'\0',sizeof( open_struct_t ) ) ;

	if( key != NULL ){

		volume.key     = key ;
		volume.key_len = key_len ;
		volume.key     = "" ;
		volume.key_len = 0 ;

	volume.device      = device ;
	volume.offset      = offset ;
	volume.mapper_name = mapper_name ;
	volume.m_point     = mount_point ;
	volume.fs_opts     = fs_opts ;
	volume.uid         = uid ;
	volume.m_opts      = m_opts ;
	volume.m_flags     = m_flags ;

	 * zuluCryptTrueCryptVeraCryptVolumeInfo() is defined in this source file.
	zuluCryptTrueCryptVeraCryptVolumeInfo( opts->type,&v_info ) ;

	volume.iteration_count = v_info.iteration_count ;

	volume.veraCrypt_volume = StringAtLeastOneMatch( v_info.type,"vcrypt","veracrypt","vera",NULL ) ;

	StringDelete( &v_info.type ) ;

	plugin_path = plugin_path + StringLastIndexOfChar_1( plugin_path,'/' ) + 1 ;

	volume.luks_detached_header = StringHasComponent( plugin_path,"luks" ) ;

	volume.general_detached_header = StringHasComponent( plugin_path,"generic_header" ) ;

	if( tcrypt_keyfile ){

		volume.key_source = TCRYPT_KEYFILE ;

	if( tcrypt_keyfiles[ 0 ] != NULL ){

		 * Here, we take a list of keyfiles supplied by the user and then copy them to a safe
		 * location at "/run/zuluCrypt" and then we pass these safe copies to cryptsetup.
		 * The idea is not to let cryptsetup, a privileged process handle user managed files.

		stz = zuluCryptCreateKeyFiles( tcrypt_keyfiles,0 ) ;

		volume.tcrypt_keyfiles_count = StringListSize( stz ) ;
		volume.tcrypt_keyfiles       = StringListStringArray_0( stz ) ;

		st = _open_volume( &volume ) ;

		zuluCryptDeleteKeyFiles( stz ) ;

		StringFree( volume.tcrypt_keyfiles ) ;
		StringListDelete( &stz ) ;
		st = _open_volume( &volume ) ;

	 * below two return values comes from ../lib/mount_volume.c
	if( st == -1 ){
		st = 20 ;
	if( st == 12 ){
		st = 21 ;
	if( st == 8 || st == 3 ){
		st = 3 ;

	device = StringMultiplePrepend( *mapper,"/",zuluCryptMapperPrefix(),NULL ) ;

	if( st == 0 && share ){

		 * user wish to share the mount point bind the mount point to a publicly accessed path at /run/media/public/
		 * zuluCryptBindMountVolume() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/bind.c
		zuluCryptBindMountVolume( device,*m_point,m_flags ) ;

	 * zuluCryptCheckInvalidKey() is defined in check_invalid_key.c
	zuluCryptCheckInvalidKey( opts->device ) ;
	return zuluExit_1( st,opts,device,mount_point,stl ) ;