Exemplo n.º 1
bool SpriteModel::insertRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent)
    if (mSpr == Q_NULLPTR)
        bool ok1;
        int width = QInputDialog::getInt(mParent, tr("Input Width"),
                                         tr("Width:"), 25, 1, 2147483647, 1, &ok1);

        bool ok2;
        int height = QInputDialog::getInt(mParent, tr("Input Height"),
                                          tr("Height:"), 25, 1, 2147483647, 1, &ok2);
        if (!ok1 || !ok2)
            insertRows(position, rows, parent);

        QImage img(width, height, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
        mDefault = SubImage(img);

        mSpr = new Sprite();

    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), position, position+rows-1);

    for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
        mSpr->mSubimg.insert(position, mDefault);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SpriteModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)

    QImage img = value.value<QImage>();
    mSpr->mSubimg.replace(index.row(), SubImage(img));

    return true;
cv::Vec3f LightDirection::lightDirectionFromMirrorBall(Mat Image){
	const int THRESH = 254;
	const float radiusOfSphereH = boundingRectForMask.height / 2.0f;
	const float radiusOfSphereW = boundingRectForMask.width / 2.0f;

	cout <<endl << "MY Actual center of radius height" << boundingRectForMask.height / 2.0f << endl;
	cout << endl <<"MY Actual center of radius  width " << boundingRectForMask.width / 2.0f << endl;
	Mat Binary;
	threshold(Image, Binary, THRESH, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
	Mat SubImage(Binary, boundingRectForMask);
	calculate center of pixels by using moments from OpenCV. 
	Moments(m00 , m01...) returns the centre of mass of the white pixel against the black pixel
	Basically moments calculates m00 which is the number of white pixels in a black and white image.
	m10 is the sum of xcoordinates of white pixels and m01 is sum of ycoordinates of white pixels.
	Moments centerOfMassWhitePixel = moments(SubImage, false);
	Point center(centerOfMassWhitePixel.m10 / centerOfMassWhitePixel.m00, centerOfMassWhitePixel.m01 / centerOfMassWhitePixel.m00);
	cv::circle(SubImage, center, 10, 128);

	//namedWindow("Display window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);// Create a window for display.
	//imshow("Display window", SubImage);

	//center.x = 119.5;
	//center.y = 119.5;
	std::cout << "x " <<center.x << "y " << center.y << "radius" << radiusOfSphereH;
	/* x,y are swapped here because opencv later takes x ,y in row coloumn fashion. This one is normalised*/
	float euclidianRadius = sqrt(pow((center.x - radiusOfSphereW), 2) + pow((radiusOfSphereH - center.y), 2));
	/*std::cout << "Euclidian " << euclidianRadius << std::endl;
	float cosineTheta = (center.x - radiusOfSphereW) / euclidianRadius;
	float theta = acos(cosineTheta);
	float sineTheta = sin(theta);
	float xDirection = (cosineTheta * euclidianRadius) / radiusOfSphereW;
	float yDirection = (sineTheta * euclidianRadius) / radiusOfSphereH;
	float zDirection = sqrt(1.0 - pow(xDirection, 2.0) - pow(yDirection, 2.0));*/

	// x,y are swapped here 
	float xDirection = (center.y - radiusOfSphereH) / (radiusOfSphereH);
	float yDirection = (center.x - radiusOfSphereW) / (radiusOfSphereW);
	float zDirection = sqrt(1.0 - pow(xDirection, 2.0) - pow(yDirection, 2.0));

	//The above xDirection , yDirection ,zDirection gave us the Normal. Hence the following calculation (using reflection formula) to get the actual light direction.
	// Using L = 2(N dot R)*N- R where R is the direction of camera. i.e. (0 , 0 , -1) orthogonal
	float x = 2 * xDirection * zDirection;
	float y = 2 * yDirection * zDirection;
	float z = 2*pow(zDirection, 2) - 1;
	return Vec3f(x, y, z);
Exemplo n.º 4
void SpriteModel::setSprite(const SpritePtr &spr)

    if (!spr->isNull())
        QImage img = spr->mSubimg[0].img;
        mDefault = SubImage(img);
    mSpr = spr;
