Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT SearchSym(FULL_CHAR *str, int len)
{ register int rlen, sum;
  register FULL_CHAR *x, *y;
  OBJECT p, q, link, plink, entry;
  int s;

  debug2(DST, DDD, "SearchSym( %c..., %d )", str[0], len);

  hash(str, len, sum);
  rlen = len;
  entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
  for( plink = Down(entry);  plink != entry;  plink = NextDown(plink) )
  { Child(p, plink);
    if( rlen == length(p) )
    { x = str;  y = string(p);
      do; while( *x++ == *y++ && --rlen );
      if( rlen == 0 )
	debug1(DST, DDD, "  found %s", string(p));
	s = scope_top;
	{ s--;
	  for( link = Down(p);  link != p;  link = NextDown(link) )
	  { Child(q, link);
	    { debugcond4(DST, DDD, enclosing(q) == scope[s],
	       "  !npars_only[s] = %s, !vis_only[s] = %s, body_ok[s] = %s, !ss = %s",
	       bool(!npars_only[s]), bool(!vis_only[s]), bool(body_ok[s]),
	    if( enclosing(q) == scope[s]
	      && (!npars_only[s] || type(q) == NPAR)
	      && (!vis_only[s] || visible(q) || suppress_visible )
	      && (body_ok[s] || type(q)!=RPAR || !has_body(enclosing(q))
		  || suppress_visible )
	      && (!suppress_scope || StringEqual(string(p), KW_INCLUDE) ||
				     StringEqual(string(p), KW_SYSINCLUDE))
	    {	debug3(DST, DD, "SearchSym returning %s %s%%%s",
		  Image(type(q)), SymName(q), SymName(enclosing(q)));
		return q;
	} while( scope[s] != StartSym );
    rlen = len;
  debug0(DST, DDD, "SearchSym returning <nilobj>");
  return nilobj;
} /* end SearchSym */
Exemplo n.º 2
static void DumpBaseType( TYPEPTR typ, STRCHUNK *pch )
    SYM_ENTRY           sym;
    TYPEPTR             obj;

    for( ; typ->decl_type != TYPE_TYPEDEF && typ->decl_type != TYPE_ENUM; ) {
        obj = Object( typ );
        if( obj == NULL )
        typ = obj;
    if( typ->decl_type == TYPE_TYPEDEF ) {
        SymGet( &sym, typ->u.typedefn );
        ChunkSaveStrWord( pch, SymName( &sym, typ->u.typedefn ) );
    } else {
        if( typ->type_flags & TF2_TYPE_PLAIN_CHAR ) {
            ChunkSaveStrWord( pch, "char" );
        } else {
            ChunkSaveStrWord( pch, CTypeNames[typ->decl_type] );
        if( typ->decl_type == TYPE_STRUCT || typ->decl_type == TYPE_UNION
          || typ->decl_type == TYPE_ENUM ) {

            /* if there is no tag name, then should print out the
               entire structure or union definition or enum list */

            DumpTagName( typ->u.tag->name, pch );
Exemplo n.º 3
void ObjEmitLabel( sym_handle sym ) {
// Stacks up the label in the list for ObjEmitData to emit

    owl_sym_type        type;
    owl_sym_linkage     linkage;
    sym_linkage         symbol_linkage;
    owl_section_type    section_type;

    if( ObjLabelDefined( sym ) ) {
        Error( SYM_ALREADY_DEFINED, SymName( sym ) );
    section_type =  OWLTellSectionType( CurrentSection );
    if( section_type & OWL_SEC_ATTR_CODE ) {
        type = OWL_TYPE_FUNCTION;
    } else {
        type = OWL_TYPE_OBJECT;
    symbol_linkage = SymGetLinkage( sym );
    if( symbol_linkage == SL_UNKNOWN ) {
        SymSetLinkage( sym, SL_STATIC );    // from now on it's static
    linkage = linkage_table[symbol_linkage];
    doStackLabel( sym, type, linkage );
Exemplo n.º 4
extern void AsNumLabelEmit( uint_32 label_num, owl_section_handle section, owl_offset offset, owl_sym_type type ) {

    // These symbols are used for matching l^ & h^ garbage.
    sym_handle          new_fw_sym;     // forward
    char                *new_fw_name;
    sym_reloc           reloc;
    int_32              numlabel_ref;

    new_fw_name = AsNumLabelMakeName( label_num );
    new_fw_sym = SymLookup( new_fw_name );
    if( new_fw_sym ) {
        // check if it still has some unemitted relocs
        if( new_fw_sym->hi_relocs ) {
            Error( UNMATCHED_HIGH_RELOC, "<numeric reference>" );
            while( new_fw_sym->hi_relocs ) {
                SymDestroyReloc( new_fw_sym, new_fw_sym->hi_relocs );
        if( new_fw_sym->lo_relocs ) {
            _DBGMSG1( "emitting all the unemitted l^relocs\n" );
            while( ( reloc = new_fw_sym->lo_relocs ) != NULL ) {
                numlabel_ref = AsNumLabelGetNum( SymName( new_fw_sym ) );
                #ifdef _STANDALONE_
                ObjDirectEmitReloc( reloc->location.section,
                  reloc->location.offset, &numlabel_ref, OWL_RELOC_HALF_LO, FALSE );
                SymDestroyReloc( new_fw_sym, reloc );
                reloc = new_fw_sym->lo_relocs;
        assert( new_fw_sym->hi_relocs == NULL && new_fw_sym->lo_relocs == NULL );
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 5
static bool dirFuncUnsupported( directive_t *dir, dir_table_enum parm )
    /* unused parameters */ (void)parm;

    Error( DIRECTIVE_NOT_SUPPORTED, SymName( dir->dir_sym ) );
    return( true );
Exemplo n.º 6
static bool dirFuncStorageAlloc( directive_t *dir, dir_table_enum parm )
// e.g.) .comm name, expr
// Emit a label name, then emit expr bytes of data
    dir_operand                 *dirop;
    sym_handle                  sym;
    int_32                      expr;
    char                        *buffer;
    owl_section_handle          curr_section;
    reserved_section            as_section = 0;

    if( !dirNumOperandsVerify( dir->num_operands, 2 ) ) {
        return( TRUE );
    dirop = dir->operand_list;
    if( dirop->type != DIROP_SYMBOL ) {
        Error( IMPROPER_DIROP, 0 );
        return( TRUE );
    sym = SYMBOL_HANDLE( dirop );
    dirop = dirop->next;
    if( dirop->type != DIROP_INTEGER ) {
        Error( IMPROPER_DIROP, 1 );
        return( TRUE );
    expr = NUMBER_INTEGER( dirop );
    if( expr <= 0 ) {
        Error( OP_OUT_OF_RANGE, 1 );
        return( TRUE );
    if( ObjLabelDefined( sym ) ) {
        // then such label has already been emitted
        Error( SYM_ALREADY_DEFINED, SymName( sym ) );
        return( TRUE );
    curr_section = CurrentSection;
    switch( parm ) {
    case DT_SEC_DATA:   // .comm => globl
        as_section = AS_SECTION_DATA;
        SymSetLinkage( sym, SL_GLOBAL );
    case DT_SEC_BSS:    // .lcomm, .bss
        as_section = AS_SECTION_BSS;
        assert( FALSE );
    ObjSwitchSection( as_section );     // Have to switch to the right
    ObjEmitLabel( sym );                // section before emitting label.
    buffer = MemAlloc( expr );
    memset( buffer, 0, expr );
    ObjEmitData( CurrentSection, buffer, expr, TRUE ); // Align the data also.
    MemFree( buffer );
    CurrentSection = curr_section;      // Switch back to where you were.
    return( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
void PushScope(OBJECT x, BOOLEAN npars, BOOLEAN vis)
{ debug3(DST, DD, "[ PushScope(%s, %s, %s)", SymName(x), bool(npars), bool(vis));
  assert( suppress_scope == FALSE, "PushScope: suppress_scope!" );
  if( scope_top >= MAX_STACK )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < scope_top; i++ )
      Error(29, 1, "  scope[%2d] = %s", WARN, &fpos(x), i, SymName(scope[i]));
    Error(29, 2, "scope depth limit exceeded", INTERN, &fpos(x));
  scope[scope_top]      = x;
  npars_only[scope_top] = npars;
  vis_only[scope_top]   = vis;
  body_ok[scope_top]    = FALSE;
} /* end PushScope */
Exemplo n.º 8
int IsSym (char* S)
/* If a symbol follows, read it and return 1, otherwise return 0 */
    if (IsIdent (CurC)) {
        SymName (S);
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT ChildSym(OBJECT s, unsigned typ)
{ OBJECT link, y;
  for( link = Down(s);  link != s;  link = NextDown(link) )
  { Child(y, link);
    if( type(y) == typ && enclosing(y) == s )  return y;
  Error(29, 10, "symbol %s has missing %s", FATAL, &fpos(s),
    SymName(s), Image(typ));
  return nilobj;
} /* end ChildSym */
Exemplo n.º 10
extern void ObjEmitLabel( sym_handle sym ) {
// Stacks up the label in the list for ObjEmitData to emit

    if( ObjLabelDefined( sym ) ) {
        Error( SYM_ALREADY_DEFINED, SymName( sym ) );
    doStackLabel( sym );
Exemplo n.º 11
/* Check parameters of function that were called before a prototype was seen */
extern void ChkCallParms( void )
    call_list   *nextcall;

    nextcall = CallNodeList;
    while( nextcall != NULL ) {
        call_list  *next;
        TREEPTR     callnode;
        TREEPTR     callsite;
        SYM_ENTRY   sym;
        TYPEPTR     typ;

        callnode = nextcall->callnode;
        if( callnode != NULL ) {
            callsite = callnode->left;      // point to OPR_FUNCNAME node
            SymGet( &sym, callsite->op.sym_handle );
            typ = sym.sym_type;
            SKIP_TYPEDEFS( typ );
            if( !(sym.flags & SYM_TEMP) )
                SetDiagSymbol( &sym, callsite->op.sym_handle );
            if( typ->u.fn.parms != NULL ) {
                TREEPTR     parms;
                bool        reverse;

                parms = callnode->right;
                reverse = ( ParmsToBeReversed( sym.attrib, NULL ) && ( parms != NULL ) );
                if( reverse ) {
                    parms = reverse_parms_tree( parms );
                CompareParms( typ->u.fn.parms, parms, &nextcall->src_loc );
                if( reverse ) {
                    reverse_parms_tree( parms );
            } else {
                // Unprototyped function called. Note that for indirect calls, there
                // is no symbol associated with the function and diagnostic information
                // is hence limited.
                SetErrLoc( &nextcall->src_loc );
                if( sym.flags & SYM_TEMP ) {
                            ERR_NONPROTO_FUNC_CALLED_INDIRECT );
                } else {
                    CWarn( WARN_NONPROTO_FUNC_CALLED,
                            ERR_NONPROTO_FUNC_CALLED, SymName( &sym, callsite->op.sym_handle ) );
            if( !(sym.flags & SYM_TEMP) ) {
        next = nextcall->next;
        CMemFree( nextcall );
        nextcall = next;
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT ChildSymWithCode(OBJECT s, unsigned char code)
{ OBJECT link, y;
  for( link = Down(actual(s));  link != actual(s);  link = NextDown(link) )
  { Child(y, link);
    if( type(y) == NPAR && enclosing(y) == actual(s) && npar_code(y) == code )
      return y;
  Error(29, 11, "symbol %s has erroneous code %c (database out of date?)",
    FATAL, &fpos(s), SymName(actual(s)), (char) code);
  return nilobj;
} /* end ChildSym */
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: z19.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
void DetachGalley(OBJECT hd)
{ OBJECT prnt, index;
  assert( type(hd) == HEAD && Up(hd) != hd, "DetachGalley: precondition!" );
  debug1(DGA, D, "DetachGalley( %s )", SymName(actual(hd)));
  Parent(prnt, Up(hd));
  assert( Up(prnt) != prnt, "DetachGalley: parent!" );
  New(index, UNATTACHED);
  pinpoint(index) = nilobj;
  MoveLink(Up(hd), index, PARENT);
  Link(NextDown(Up(prnt)), index);
  debug0(DGA, D, "DetachGalley returning.");
} /* end DetachGalley */
Exemplo n.º 14
void ObjRelocsFini( void ) {
// If the parse was successful, we need to check whether there're any unmatched
// relocs still hanging around. If there're unmatched h^relocs, we issue an
// error. If there're unmatched l^relocs, we should be able to emit them.

    sym_reloc   reloc;
    sym_handle  sym;
    int_32      numlabel_ref;

    reloc = SymGetReloc( TRUE, &sym );
    while( reloc != NULL ) {
        if( reloc->named ) {
            Error( UNMATCHED_HIGH_RELOC, SymName( sym ) );
        } else {
            // TODO: actually show the numref (eg. 2f)
            Error( UNMATCHED_HIGH_RELOC, "<numeric reference>" );
        SymDestroyReloc( sym, reloc );
        reloc = SymGetReloc( TRUE, &sym );
    reloc = SymGetReloc( FALSE, &sym );
    while( reloc != NULL ) {
        if( reloc->named ) {
            doEmitReloc( reloc->location.section, reloc->location.offset,
                SymName( sym ), OWL_RELOC_HALF_LO, TRUE );
        } else {
            numlabel_ref = AsNumLabelGetNum( SymName( sym ) );
            doEmitReloc( reloc->location.section, reloc->location.offset,
                &numlabel_ref, OWL_RELOC_HALF_LO, FALSE );
        SymDestroyReloc( sym, reloc );
        reloc = SymGetReloc( FALSE, &sym );
    (void)SymRelocIsClean( TRUE );
    ObjFlushLabels();       // In case there're still pending labels
    AsNumLabelFini();       // resolve all numeric label relocs
Exemplo n.º 15
extern void ObjRelocsFini( void ) {
// After all lines have been parsed, we need to check whether there're any
// unmatched relocs still hanging around. If there're unmatched h^relocs,
// we issue an error. If there're unmatched l^relocs, we should be able
// to emit them.

    sym_reloc   reloc;
    sym_handle  sym;
    int_32      numlabel_ref;

    reloc = SymGetReloc( TRUE, &sym );
    while( reloc != NULL ) {
        if( reloc->named ) {
            Error( UNMATCHED_HIGH_RELOC, SymName( sym ) );
        } else {
            Error( UNMATCHED_HIGH_RELOC, "<numeric reference>" );
        SymDestroyReloc( sym, reloc );
        reloc = SymGetReloc( TRUE, &sym );
    reloc = SymGetReloc( FALSE, &sym );
    while( reloc != NULL ) {
        if( reloc->named ) {
            doEmitReloc( reloc->location.offset,
                SymName( sym ), OWL_RELOC_HALF_LO, TRUE );
        } else {
            numlabel_ref = AsNumLabelGetNum( SymName( sym ) );
            doEmitReloc( reloc->location.offset,
                &numlabel_ref, OWL_RELOC_HALF_LO, FALSE );
        SymDestroyReloc( sym, reloc );
        reloc = SymGetReloc( FALSE, &sym );
    (void)SymRelocIsClean( TRUE );
    AsNumLabelFini();       // resolve all numeric label relocs
Exemplo n.º 16
STATIC walk_result loadRoutineInfo( sym_walk_info swi, sym_handle *sym,
                                                      void *_new_mod )
    mod_info        *new_mod = _new_mod;
    sym_info        sinfo;
    file_info       *sym_file;
    rtn_info        *new_rtn;
    int             rtn_count;
    int             name_len;
    int             sym_size;
    int             demangle_type;

    if( swi != SWI_SYMBOL ) {
        return( WR_CONTINUE );
    SymInfo( sym, NULL, &sinfo );
    if( sinfo.kind != SK_CODE && sinfo.kind != SK_PROCEDURE ) {
        return( WR_CONTINUE );
    sym_file = loadFileInfo( new_mod, sym );
    name_len = SymName( sym, NULL, SN_DEMANGLED, NULL, 0 );
    if( name_len == 0 ) {
        name_len = SymName( sym, NULL, SN_SOURCE, NULL, 0 );
        demangle_type = SN_SOURCE;
    } else {
        demangle_type = SN_DEMANGLED;
    new_rtn = ProfCAlloc( sizeof( rtn_info ) + name_len );
    SymName( sym, NULL, demangle_type, new_rtn->name, name_len + 1 );
    sym_size = DIPHandleSize( HK_SYM );
    new_rtn->sh = ProfAlloc( sym_size );
    memcpy( new_rtn->sh, sym, sym_size );
    rtn_count = sym_file->rtn_count;
    sym_file->routine = ProfRealloc( sym_file->routine, sym_file->rtn_count * sizeof( pointer ) );
    sym_file->routine[rtn_count] = new_rtn;
    return( WR_CONTINUE );
Exemplo n.º 17
 * doFindSymbol
BOOL doFindSymbol( ADDRESS *addr, syminfo *si, int getsrcinfo ) {

    sym_handle          *symhdl;
    cue_handle          *cue;
    search_result       sr;
    location_list       ll;
    address             dipaddr;
    BOOL                ret;

    si->segnum = -1;
    si->name[0] = 0;
    if( !StatShowSymbols || curProcess == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );
    symhdl = MemAlloc( DIPHandleSize( HK_SYM ) );
    dipaddr.sect_id = 0;
    dipaddr.indirect = FALSE;
    dipaddr.mach.offset = addr->offset;
    dipaddr.mach.segment = addr->seg;
    sr = AddrSym( NO_MOD, dipaddr, symhdl );
    switch( sr ) {
    case SR_CLOSEST:
        SymLocation( symhdl, NULL, &ll );
        si->symoff = addr->offset - ll.e[0].u.addr.mach.offset;
    case SR_EXACT:
        si->symoff = 0;
    case SR_NONE:
        ret = FALSE;
    if( sr != SR_NONE ) {
        SymName( symhdl, NULL, SN_OBJECT, si->name, MAX_SYM_NAME );
//      SymName( symhdl, NULL, SN_SOURCE, si->name, MAX_SYM_NAME );
        if( getsrcinfo ) {
            cue = MemAlloc( DIPHandleSize( HK_CUE ) );
            if( AddrCue( NO_MOD, dipaddr, cue ) == SR_NONE ) {
                MemFree( cue );
                ret = FALSE;
            } else {
                CueFile( cue, si->filename, MAX_FILE_NAME );
                si->linenum = CueLine( cue );
                MemFree( cue );
                ret = TRUE;
    MemFree( symhdl );
    return( ret );
Exemplo n.º 18
local void FuncDefn( SYMPTR sym )
    SYM_NAMEPTR sym_name;
    int         sym_len;
    TYPEPTR     typ;

    /* duplicate name in near space */
    sym_name = SymName( sym, CurFuncHandle );
    sym_len = far_strlen_plus1( sym_name );
    sym->name = CMemAlloc( sym_len );
    far_memcpy( sym->name, sym_name, sym_len );
    if( sym->flags & SYM_DEFINED ) {
        CErr2p( ERR_SYM_ALREADY_DEFINED, sym->name );   /* 03-aug-88 */
    typ = sym->sym_type->object;                /* get return type */
    SKIP_TYPEDEFS( typ );

    if( typ->decl_type != TYPE_VOID ) {         /* 26-mar-91 */
        if( TypeSize( typ ) == 0 ) {
            CErr( ERR_INCOMPLETE_TYPE, sym_name );
    sym->flags |= /*SYM_REFERENCED | 18-jan-89 */ SYM_DEFINED;

    if( !(GenSwitches & NO_OPTIMIZATION) ) {
        sym->flags |= SYM_OK_TO_RECURSE;                /* 25-sep-91 */

    if( sym->stg_class == SC_EXTERN  ||  sym->stg_class == SC_FORWARD ) {
        sym->stg_class = SC_NULL;       /* indicate exported function */

    CompFlags.external_defn_found = 1;
    if( Toggles & TOGGLE_CHECK_STACK )
        sym->flags |= SYM_CHECK_STACK;

    if( !CompFlags.zu_switch_used ) {
        if( (sym->attrib & FLAG_INTERRUPT) == FLAG_INTERRUPT ) {
            /* interrupt function */
            TargetSwitches |= FLOATING_SS;      /* force -zu switch on */
        } else {
            TargetSwitches &= ~FLOATING_SS;     /* turn it back off */
    if( strcmp( CurFunc->name, "main" ) == 0 || strcmp( CurFunc->name, "wmain" ) == 0 ) {
        sym->attrib &= ~FLAG_LANGUAGES;  // Turn off any language flags
        sym->attrib |= LANG_WATCALL;     // Turn on __watcall calling convention for main
    SymReplace( sym, CurFuncHandle );
Exemplo n.º 19
static void FuncDefn( SYMPTR sym )
    SYM_NAMEPTR sym_name;
    size_t      sym_len;
    TYPEPTR     typ;

    /* duplicate name in near space */
    sym_name = SymName( sym, CurFuncHandle );
    sym_len = strlen( sym_name ) + 1;
    sym->name = CMemAlloc( sym_len );
    memcpy( sym->name, sym_name, sym_len );
    if( sym->flags & SYM_DEFINED ) {
        CErr2p( ERR_SYM_ALREADY_DEFINED, sym->name );
    typ = sym->sym_type->object;                /* get return type */
    SKIP_TYPEDEFS( typ );

    if( typ->decl_type != TYPE_VOID ) {
        if( TypeSize( typ ) == 0 ) {
            CErr2p( ERR_INCOMPLETE_TYPE, sym_name );
    sym->flags |= SYM_DEFINED /* | SYM_REFERENCED */;

    if( (GenSwitches & NO_OPTIMIZATION) == 0 ) {
        sym->flags |= SYM_OK_TO_RECURSE;

    if( sym->attribs.stg_class == SC_EXTERN || sym->attribs.stg_class == SC_FORWARD ) {
        sym->attribs.stg_class = SC_NONE;       /* indicate exported function */

    CompFlags.external_defn_found = 1;
    if( Toggles & TOGGLE_CHECK_STACK )
        sym->flags |= SYM_CHECK_STACK;

    if( !CompFlags.zu_switch_used ) {
        if( (sym->mods & FLAG_INTERRUPT) == FLAG_INTERRUPT ) {
            /* interrupt function */
            TargetSwitches |= FLOATING_SS;      /* force -zu switch on */
        } else {
            TargetSwitches &= ~FLOATING_SS;     /* turn it back off */
    if( CMPLIT( CurFunc->name, "main" ) == 0 || CMPLIT( CurFunc->name, "wmain" ) == 0 ) {
        sym->mods &= ~MASK_LANGUAGES;  // Turn off any language flags
        sym->mods |= LANG_WATCALL;     // Turn on __watcall calling convention for main
    SymReplace( sym, CurFuncHandle );
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
{ OBJECT stack[20];  int i;
  static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *sname;
  if( x == nilobj )  return AsciiToFull("<nilobj>");
  assert( enclosing(x) != nilobj, "FullSymName: enclosing(x) == nilobj!" );
  for( i = 0;  enclosing(x) != nilobj && i < 20;  i++ )
  { stack[i] = x;
    x = enclosing(x);
  StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
  for( i--;  i > 0;  i-- )
  { sname = SymName(stack[i]);
    if( StringLength(sname)+StringLength(str)+StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
      Error(29, 8, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
    StringCat(buff, sname);
    StringCat(buff, str);
  sname = SymName(stack[0]);
  if( StringLength(sname) + StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
    Error(29, 9, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
  StringCat(buff, sname);
  return buff;
} /* end FullSymName */
Exemplo n.º 21
static bool findLabel( label_list labels, char *label_name ) {

    label_list          curr_label;

    curr_label = labels;
    while( curr_label ) {
        if( strcmp( SymName( curr_label->sym ), label_name ) == 0 ) {
            return( TRUE );
        curr_label = curr_label->next;
    return( FALSE );
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: z22.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
void FlushInners(OBJECT inners, OBJECT hd)
{ OBJECT y, z, tmp, dest_index;

  ifdebug(DGF, D,
    OBJECT link;
    fprintf(stderr, "dgf: [ FlushInners(");
    for( link = Down(inners);  link != inners;  link = NextDown(link) )
      Child(y, link);
      fprintf(stderr, " %s", Image(type(y)));
      switch( type(y) )

        case DEAD:

        case RECEIVING:
        case UNATTACHED:
	  if( Down(y) != y )	/* bug fix (was assert before) */
	  { assert( Down(y) != y, "FlushInners: UNATTACHED!");
	    Child(z, Down(y));
	    fprintf(stderr, " %s", SymName(actual(z)));

        case PRECEDES:

        case GALL_PREC:


    fprintf(stderr, ")");
    debug0(DGF, D, "");

  /* check for root galley case */
  if( hd != nilobj )
Exemplo n.º 23
static void doStackLabel( sym_handle sym, owl_sym_type type, owl_sym_linkage linkage ) {

    label_list          new_label;

    new_label = MemAlloc( sizeof( struct asm_label ) );
    new_label->section = CurrentSection;
    new_label->sym_name = SymName( sym );
    new_label->sym_type = type;
    new_label->sym_linkage = linkage;
    new_label->sym_hdl = SymObjHandle( sym );
    new_label->is_numeric = 0;
    new_label->next = labelList;
    labelList = new_label;
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: z19.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT SearchGalley(OBJECT start, OBJECT sym, BOOLEAN forwards,
BOOLEAN subgalleys, BOOLEAN closures, BOOLEAN input)
{ OBJECT y, res, z, zlink, link;
  debug5(DGA, DD, "[ SearchGalley(start, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", SymName(sym),
	forwards ? "fwd" : "back", subgalleys ? "subgalleys" : "nosubgalleys",
	closures ? "closures" : "noclosures", input ? "input" : "noinput");
  assert( type(start) == LINK || type(start) == HEAD, "SearchGalley: start!" );

  link = forwards ? NextDown(start) : PrevDown(start);
  res = nilobj;
  while( res == nilobj && type(link) != HEAD )
  { Child(y, link);
    switch( type(y) )
      case UNATTACHED:
      case RECEIVING:
        debug1(DGA, DD, "  examining %s", EchoIndex(y));
	if( subgalleys )
	for( zlink = Down(y); zlink!=y && res==nilobj; zlink=NextDown(zlink) )
	{ Child(z, zlink);
	  res = SearchGalley(z, sym, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, input);
	if( res == nilobj && input && type(y) == RECEIVING &&
	    actual(actual(y)) == InputSym )
	  res = y;

      case RECEPTIVE:
        debug1(DGA, DD, "  examining %s", EchoIndex(y));
	if( closures && type(actual(y)) == CLOSURE
		     && SearchUses(actual(actual(y)), sym) )  res = y;
	else if( input && actual(actual(y)) == InputSym )  res = y;


    link = forwards ? NextDown(link) : PrevDown(link);
  debug1(DGA, DD, "] SearchGalley returning %s", EchoIndex(res));
  return res;
} /* end SearchGalley */
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
void DebugScope(void)
{ int i;
  if( suppress_scope )
    debug0(DST, D, "suppressed");
  else for( i = 0;  i < scope_top;  i++ )
  { debug6(DST, D, "%s %s%s%s%s%s",
      i == scope_top - 1 ? "->" : "  ",
      npars_only[i] ? " npars_only" : "",
      vis_only[i]   ? " vis_only"   : "",
      body_ok[i]    ? " body_ok"    : "",
      i == scope_top - 1 && suppress_visible ? " suppress_visible" : "");
} /* end DebugScope */
Exemplo n.º 26
extern bool ObjLabelDefined( sym_handle sym ) {

    enum sym_state      state;
    char                *sym_name;

    // Check if it's been emitted by us
    if( sym && SymLocationKnown( sym ) ) return( TRUE );
    // See if it's defined outside
    sym_name = SymName( sym );
    state = AsmQueryState( AsmQuerySymbol( sym_name ) );
    if( state != SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        return( TRUE );
    // Still need to check the labelList
    if( findLabel( labelList, sym_name ) ) return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );
Exemplo n.º 27
/* Check parameters of function that were called before a prototype was seen */
extern void ChkCallParms( void )
    call_list   *nextcall;
    call_list   *next;

    for( nextcall = CallNodeList; nextcall != NULL; nextcall = next ) {
        TREEPTR     callnode;
        TREEPTR     callsite;
        SYM_ENTRY   sym;
        TYPEPTR     typ;

        next = nextcall->next;
        callnode = nextcall->callnode;
        if( callnode != NULL ) {
            callsite = callnode->left;      // point to OPR_FUNCNAME node
            SymGet( &sym, callsite->op.u2.sym_handle );
            typ = sym.sym_type;
            SKIP_TYPEDEFS( typ );
            if( (sym.flags & SYM_TEMP) == 0 )
                SetDiagSymbol( &sym, callsite->op.u2.sym_handle );
            SetErrLoc( &nextcall->src_loc );
            if( typ->u.fn.parms != NULL ) {
                CompareParms( typ->u.fn.parms, callnode->right, ParmsToBeReversed( sym.mods, NULL ) );
            } else {
                // Unprototyped function called. Note that for indirect calls, there
                // is no symbol associated with the function and diagnostic information
                // is hence limited.
                if( sym.flags & SYM_TEMP ) {
                } else {
                    CWarn2p( WARN_NONPROTO_FUNC_CALLED, ERR_NONPROTO_FUNC_CALLED, SymName( &sym, callsite->op.u2.sym_handle ) );
            if( (sym.flags & SYM_TEMP) == 0 ) {
        CMemFree( nextcall );
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: z09.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT SearchEnv(OBJECT env, OBJECT sym)
{ OBJECT link, y;
  debug2(DCE, DD, "[ SearchEnv(%s, %s)", EchoObject(env), SymName(sym));
    debug1(DCE, DDD, "  searching env %s", EchoObject(env));
    assert( env != nilobj && type(env) == ENV, "SearchEnv: env!" );
    if( Down(env) == env )
    { debug0(DCE, DD, "] SearchEnv returning <nilobj>");
      return nilobj;
    Child(y, Down(env));
    assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "SearchEnv: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
    if( actual(y) == sym )
    { debug1(DCE, DD, "] SearchEnv returning %s", EchoObject(y));
      return y;
    assert( LastDown(y) != y, "SearchEnv: LastDown(y) == y!" );
    link = LastDown(env) != Down(env) ? LastDown(env) : LastDown(y);
    Child(env, link);
} /* end SearchEnv */
Exemplo n.º 29
bool ObjLabelDefined( sym_handle sym ) {

    owl_sym_linkage     linkage;
    label_list          curr_label;
    char                *sym_name;

    linkage = OWLTellSymbolLinkage( OwlFile, SymObjHandle( sym ) );
    if( linkage != OWL_SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        return( TRUE );
    // Still need the check the labelList
    curr_label = labelList;
    sym_name = SymName( sym );
    while( curr_label ) {
        if( (!curr_label->is_numeric) && strcmp( curr_label->sym_name, sym_name ) == 0 ) {
            return( TRUE );
        curr_label = curr_label->next;
    return( FALSE );
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: z29.c Projeto: thektulu/lout
void InsertAlternativeName(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT s, FILE_POS *xfpos)
{ register int sum, rlen;
  register unsigned char *x;
  int len;
  OBJECT entry, link, plink, p, q;
  debug3(DST, DD, "InsertAlternativeName(%s, %s, %s)",
    str, SymName(s), EchoFilePos(xfpos));

  len = StringLength(str);
  hash(str, len, sum);

  ifdebug(DST, D, sym_spread[sum]++;  sym_count++);
  entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
  for( plink = Down(entry);  plink != entry;  plink = NextDown(plink) )
  { Child(p, plink);
    if( length(p) == len && StringEqual(str, string(p)) )
    { for( link = Down(p);  link != p;  link = NextDown(link) )
      {	Child(q, link);
	if( enclosing(s) == enclosing(q) )
	{ Error(29, 12, "symbol name %s previously defined at%s",
	    WARN, &fpos(s), str, EchoFilePos(&fpos(q)) );
      goto wrapup;

  /* need a new OBJECT as well as s */
  NewWord(p, WORD, len, xfpos);
  length(p) = len;
  StringCopy(string(p), str);
  Link(entry, p);

  Link(p, s);
  /* not for copies if( enclosing(s) != nilobj ) Link(enclosing(s), s); */
  debug0(DST, DD, "InsertAlternativeName returning.");
} /* end InsertAlternativeName */