Exemplo n.º 1
void Sys_Init (void)

	Sys_SetTimerResolution ();
	Sys_SetDPIAware ();

	memset (cwd, 0, sizeof(cwd));
	Sys_GetBasedir(NULL, cwd, sizeof(cwd));
	host_parms->basedir = cwd;

	/* userdirs not really necessary for windows guys.
	 * can be done if necessary, though... */
	host_parms->userdir = host_parms->basedir; /* code elsewhere relies on this ! */

	vinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vinfo);

	if (!GetVersionEx (&vinfo))
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't get OS info");

	if ((vinfo.dwMajorVersion < 4) ||
		(vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s))
		Sys_Error ("QuakeSpasm requires at least Win95 or NT 4.0");

	if (vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
		WinNT = true;
		if (vinfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6)
			WinVista = true;
		host_parms->numcpus = info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
		if (host_parms->numcpus < 1)
			host_parms->numcpus = 1;
		WinNT = false; /* Win9x or WinME */
		host_parms->numcpus = 1;
		if ((vinfo.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (vinfo.dwMinorVersion == 0))
			Win95 = true;
			/* Win95-gold or Win95A can't switch bpp automatically */
			if (vinfo.szCSDVersion[1] != 'C' && vinfo.szCSDVersion[1] != 'B')
				Win95old = true;
	Sys_Printf("Detected %d CPUs.\n", host_parms->numcpus);

	if (isDedicated)
		if (!AllocConsole ())
			isDedicated = false;	/* so that we have a graphical error dialog */
			Sys_Error ("Couldn't create dedicated server console");

		hinput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
		houtput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	double		time, oldtime, newtime;


// make sure there's an FPU
	signal(SIGNOFP, Sys_NoFPUExceptionHandler);
	signal(SIGABRT, Sys_DefaultExceptionHandler);
	signal(SIGALRM, Sys_DefaultExceptionHandler);
	signal(SIGKILL, Sys_DefaultExceptionHandler);
	signal(SIGQUIT, Sys_DefaultExceptionHandler);
	signal(SIGINT, Sys_DefaultExceptionHandler);

	if (fptest_temp >= 0.0)
		fptest_temp += 0.1;

	dos_error_func = Sys_Error;

	memset (cwd, 0, sizeof(cwd));
	if (Sys_GetBasedir(argv[0], cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != 0)
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't determine current directory");

	/* initialize the host params */
	memset (&quakeparms, 0, sizeof(quakeparms));
	quakeparms.basedir = cwd;
	quakeparms.userdir = cwd;
	quakeparms.argc = argc;
	quakeparms.argv = argv;
	host_parms = &quakeparms;

	LOG_Init (&quakeparms);

	COM_ValidateByteorder ();

	Sys_DetectWin95 ();
	Sys_PageInProgram ();
	Sys_GetMemory ();

	atexit (Sys_AtExit);	// in case we crash

	isDedicated = (COM_CheckParm ("-dedicated") != 0);

	Sys_Init ();

	if (!isDedicated)
		dos_registerintr(9, TrapKey);

//	Sys_InitStackCheck ();


//	Sys_StackCheck ();
//	Con_Printf ("Top of stack: 0x%x\n", &time);

	oldtime = Sys_DoubleTime ();
	while (1)
		newtime = Sys_DoubleTime ();
		time = newtime - oldtime;

		if (isDedicated && (time < sys_ticrate.value))

		Host_Frame (time);

//		Sys_StackCheck ();

		oldtime = newtime;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	int			i;
	double		time, oldtime;


	if (argc > 1)
		for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
			if ( !(strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) || !(strcmp(argv[i], "-version" )) ||
				  !(strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) )
			else if ( !(strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) || !(strcmp(argv[i], "-help" )) ||
				  !(strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) || !(strcmp(argv[i], "-?")) )
				exit (0);

	memset (cwd, 0, sizeof(cwd));
	if (Sys_GetBasedir(argv[0], cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != 0)
		Sys_Error ("Couldn't determine current directory");

	/* initialize the host params */
	memset (&parms, 0, sizeof(parms));
	parms.basedir = cwd;
	parms.userdir = cwd;	/* no userdir on win32 */
	parms.argc = argc;
	parms.argv = argv;
	host_parms = &parms;

	LOG_Init (&parms);

	Sys_Printf("basedir is: %s\n", parms.basedir);
	Sys_Printf("userdir is: %s\n", parms.userdir);

	COM_ValidateByteorder ();

	parms.memsize = STD_MEM_ALLOC;

	i = COM_CheckParm ("-heapsize");
	if (i && i < com_argc-1)
		parms.memsize = atoi (com_argv[i+1]) * 1024;

		if ((parms.memsize > MAX_MEM_ALLOC) && !(COM_CheckParm ("-forcemem")))
			Sys_Printf ("Requested memory (%d Mb) too large, using the default maximum.\n", parms.memsize/(1024*1024));
			Sys_Printf ("If you are sure, use the -forcemem switch.\n");
			parms.memsize = MAX_MEM_ALLOC;
		else if ((parms.memsize < MIN_MEM_ALLOC) && !(COM_CheckParm ("-forcemem")))
			Sys_Printf ("Requested memory (%d Mb) too little, using the default minimum.\n", parms.memsize/(1024*1024));
			Sys_Printf ("If you are sure, use the -forcemem switch.\n");
			parms.memsize = MIN_MEM_ALLOC;

	parms.membase = malloc (parms.memsize);

	if (!parms.membase)
		Sys_Error ("Insufficient memory.\n");

	timeBeginPeriod (1);	/* 1 ms timer precision */
	starttime = timeGetTime ();


	oldtime = Sys_DoubleTime ();

	/* main window message loop */
	while (1)
		time = Sys_DoubleTime ();

		if (time - oldtime < sys_ticrate.value )
			Sleep (1);

		Host_Frame (time - oldtime);
		oldtime = time;

	return 0;