Exemplo n.º 1
		This example shows how to configure TCC0 for basic timer operation.

		The timer will run at the main clock frequency (32MHz) so we need
		to do a bit of math to derive the number of clock cycles to arrive
		at the desired microsecond time out.
void startTimer(uint16_t microseconds)
    uint32_t cycles;

    // There are 31.25 nano seconds per clock cycle.
    // So we multiply the micro seconds by the clock period to determine
    // the number of clock cycles to achieve the microsecond timeout.
    // That number of cycles becomes our TOP value.
    // We will use 32 nano seconds to preclude floating point arithmetic.
    cycles = 32*microseconds;

    // Set period/TOP value.
    TCC0.CCA = cycles;

    // Set the CNT to 0.
    TC_SetCount(&TCC0, 0);

    /* Enable Input "Capture or Compare" channel A. */
    TC0_EnableCCChannels( &TCC0, TC0_CCAEN_bm );

    // Select clock source and start the timer.
    TC0_ConfigClockSource( &TCC0, TC_CLKSEL_DIV1_gc );

    // Enable CCA interrupt.
    TC0_SetCCAIntLevel( &TCC0, TC_CCAINTLVL_LO_gc );
Exemplo n.º 2
// Configures PWM output on compare a b and c for single slope pwm, with hires, and clk source as sys clk
void configPWM (volatile TC0_t * tc, HIRES_t * hires, uint16_t period) {
	TC_SetPeriod (tc, period );
	TC0_ConfigWGM (tc, TC_WGMODE_NORMAL_gc ); // set to single slope pwm generation mode
	TC0_EnableCCChannels (tc, TC0_CCAEN_bm); // enable compare A
	TC0_EnableCCChannels (tc, TC0_CCBEN_bm); // enable compare B
	TC0_EnableCCChannels (tc, TC0_CCCEN_bm); // enable compare C
	TC0_EnableCCChannels (tc, TC0_CCDEN_bm); // enable compare D

	//~ TC0_SetCCAIntLevel (tc, TC_CCAINTLVL_HI_gc);
	TC0_SetCCBIntLevel (tc, TC_CCBINTLVL_LO_gc);
	//~ TC0_SetCCCIntLevel (tc, TC_CCCINTLVL_HI_gc);
	//~ TC0_SetCCDIntLevel (tc, TC_CCDINTLVL_HI_gc);

	TC0_SetOverflowIntLevel (tc, TC_OVFINTLVL_LO_gc);

	TC0_ConfigClockSource (tc, TC_CLKSEL_DIV1_gc);
	HIRES_Enable (hires, HIRES_HREN_TC0_gc);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: init.c Projeto: Mr-EE/Frogo
// This function initializes the PWMs
void Init_PWM( void )

// Set PWM outputs
	MOTOR_OUTPUT.DIRSET = 0x03;										// PD0/PD1 set as outputs

// Configure timer
	TC0_EnableCCChannels(&MOTOR_TIMER, TC0_CCAEN_bm|TC0_CCBEN_bm);
	TC_SetCompareA(&MOTOR_TIMER, 0);
	TC_SetCompareB(&MOTOR_TIMER, 0);
	TC0_ConfigClockSource(&MOTOR_TIMER, TC_CLKSEL_DIV1_gc);			// 32MHz
Exemplo n.º 4
void battery_init()
	PORTD.DIRSET = PIN4_bm | PIN5_bm | PIN6_bm; // battery level indicator
	PORTD.OUT = 0x00;

	PORTC.DIRSET = PIN7_bm; // signal to stop the boost converters
	PORTC.OUTSET = PIN7_bm; // start with the converters stopped to avoid power
	                        // surges on the battery. When the voltage recovers
	                        // the converters will be enabled again
	PORTC.DIRCLR = PIN6_bm; // input V_USB_CHG

	PORTE.DIRCLR = PIN3_bm; // input CHG_STAT

	// update once for each second (1Hz)
	TC_SetPeriod(&TCE0, 31250);
	TC0_ConfigClockSource(&TCE0, TC_CLKSEL_DIV256_gc);
	TC0_EnableCCChannels(&TCE0, TC0_CCAEN_bm);
void TCE0_init()
 /* Select a Waveform Genreation mode and the CC channels to use*/

  TC0_ConfigWGM( &TCE0, TC_WGMODE_SS_gc );
  TC0_EnableCCChannels( &TCE0, TC0_CCAEN_bm); // only CCA is used
  TC_SetPeriod( &TCE0, 60000);

  /* The corresponding port pins MUST be output for the Waveform to be visible */
  PORTE.OUTSET = 0xFF; //set port high to switch LEDs off, take INVEN into account
  /* To have inverted ouput on some pins we set the corresponding INVEN bit for the pin*/
  TC0_ConfigClockSource(&TCE0, TC_CLKSEL_DIV1_gc);
