int main(void) { struct sigaction act; struct sigevent sevp; struct itimerspec val; timer_t timerid = {0}; act.sa_sigaction = event; act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL); sevp.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; sevp.sigev_signo = SIGUSR1; val.it_value.tv_sec = 1; timer_create(1, &sevp, &timerid); timer_settime(timerid, 0, &val, NULL); if (pause() != -EINTR) TEST_EXIT(1); if (!i) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
ParMetisGraph::ParMetisGraph(ParMetisMesh* parMesh, MPI::Intracomm* comm, int ncommonnodes) : parMetisMesh(parMesh) { FUNCNAME("ParMetisGraph::ParMetisGraph()"); TEST_EXIT(parMesh)("No ParMetisMesh defined!\n"); TEST_EXIT(comm)("No MPI communicator defined!\n"); int numflag = 0; if (ncommonnodes == -1) ncommonnodes = parMetisMesh->getDim(); MPI_Comm tmpComm = MPI_Comm(*comm); ParMETIS_V3_Mesh2Dual(parMetisMesh->getElementDist(), parMetisMesh->getElementPtr(), parMetisMesh->getElementInd(), &numflag, &ncommonnodes, &xadj, &adjncy, &tmpComm); }
void RosenbrockStationary::addJacobianOperator(Operator& op, int row, int col, double* factor, double* estFactor) { FUNCNAME("RosenbrockStationary::addJacobianOperator()"); TEST_EXIT(factor == NULL)("Not yet implemented!\n"); TEST_EXIT(estFactor == NULL)("Not yet implemented!\n"); ProblemStat::addMatrixOperator(op, row, col, &minusOne, &minusOne); }
int main() { int pid = getpid(); if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, pid, 16)) TEST_EXIT(1); if (getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, pid) != 16) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
static void *fn(void *arg) { struct timespec rem, req = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0 }; other_tid = gettid(); // The syscall will be interrupted by the main thread if (nanosleep(&req, &rem) != -1) TEST_EXIT(1); if (errno != EINTR) TEST_EXIT(1); // The handler for the signal must have run after the nanosleep() // syscall was interrupted if (!signal_serviced) TEST_EXIT(1); // Test is interrupted before timer has expired, there must // be some time remaining if (!rem.tv_sec && !rem.tv_nsec) TEST_EXIT(1); return 0; } int main(void) { struct sigaction act = { .sa_handler = handler, .sa_flags = 0, }; if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL)) TEST_EXIT(1); pthread_t thread; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, fn, NULL)) TEST_EXIT(1); // The other thread startup might be delayed depending on the // scheduler's prolicy while (other_tid == -1) sched_yield(); // Interrupt the other thread which is blocking in a sleep operation if (tgkill(getpid(), other_tid, SIGUSR1)) TEST_EXIT(1); // Join to make sure there other thread was interrupted with // some time remaining if (pthread_join(thread, NULL)) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int main() { void *p, *q; unsigned long order = size_to_page_order(256); if ((p = alloc_pages(order)) == NULL) TEST_EXIT(1); free_pages((unsigned long)p, order); /* same page should be reallocated */ if ((q = alloc_pages(order)) != p) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int main() { pthread_t thread; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, fn, NULL)) { test_printf("failed: can't create new posix thread.\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } pthread_detach(thread); sched_yield(); } test_printf("\n"); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20060918101000NM","NM", "llrintf4"); // unsigned long i11 = 0x5efffffful; // 9223371487098961920 // unsigned long i12 = 0xdefffffful; //-9223371487098961920 // unsigned long i11 = 0x49fffffful; //2097151.875000 // unsigned long i12 = 0x4a7ffffful; //4194303.750000 // float x0 = hide_float(-FLT_MAX); // -Inf // float x1 = hide_float(FLT_MAX); // Inf float x2 = hide_float(0.0); // +0 float x3 = hide_float(-0.0); // -0 // float x4 = hide_float(NANF); // NaN -> NaN float x5 = hide_float( 0.5); float x6 = hide_float(-0.5); float x7 = hide_float(-0.499999); float x8 = hide_float( 0.499999); float x9 = hide_float(-999999.5); float x10 = hide_float( 999999.5); // float x11 = hide_float(make_float(i11)); // float x12 = hide_float(make_float(i12)); float x11 = hide_float( 9223371487098961920.); float x12 = hide_float(-9223371487098961920.); float x13 = (0.0 - FLT_MIN); float x14 = FLT_MIN; float x15 = hide_float(-2097151.875000); float x16 = hide_float(-4194303.750000); float x17 = hide_float( 4194303.750000); float x18 = hide_float( 2097151.875000); vec_float4 x0_v = ((vec_float4){ x2, x3, x5, x6}); llroundf4_t r0_v = set_llrintf4_t(0, 0, 0, 0); vec_float4 x1_v = ((vec_float4){ x7, x8, x9, x10}); llroundf4_t r1_v = set_llrintf4_t(0, 0, -999999, 999999); vec_float4 x2_v = ((vec_float4){ x11, x12, x13, x14}); llroundf4_t r2_v = set_llrintf4_t(9223371487098961920ll, -9223371487098961920ll, 0, 0); vec_float4 x3_v = ((vec_float4){ x15, x16, x17, x18}); llroundf4_t r3_v = set_llrintf4_t(-2097151, -4194303, 4194303, 2097151); llroundf4_t res_v; TEST_START("llrintf4"); res_v = llrintf4 (x0_v); TEST_CHECK("20060918101001NM", allequal_llroundf4( res_v, r0_v ), 0); res_v = llrintf4 (x1_v); TEST_CHECK("20060918101002NM", allequal_llroundf4( res_v, r1_v ), 0); res_v = llrintf4 (x2_v); TEST_CHECK("20060918101003NM", allequal_llroundf4( res_v, r2_v ), 0); res_v = llrintf4 (x3_v); TEST_CHECK("20060918101004NM", allequal_llroundf4( res_v, r3_v ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
ElInfo* ParametricFirstOrder::addParametricInfo(ElInfo* elInfo) { elInfo->setParametric(true); const int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD); Element* element = elInfo->getElement(); const DegreeOfFreedom** dof = element->getDof(); for (int i = 0; i < elInfo->getElement()->getGeo(VERTEX); i++) { if (elInfo->getFillFlag().isSet(Mesh::FILL_COORDS)) for (int j = 0; j < dow; j++) elInfo->getCoord(i)[j] = (*(*dofCoords_)[j])[dof[i][0]]; if (elInfo->getFillFlag().isSet(Mesh::FILL_OPP_COORDS)) { TEST_EXIT(elInfo->getFillFlag().isSet(Mesh::FILL_NEIGH)) ("FILL_NEIGH not set\n"); if (elInfo->getNeighbour(i)) { const DegreeOfFreedom** neighDof = elInfo->getNeighbour(i)->getDof(); for (int j = 0; j < dow; j++) elInfo->getOppCoord(i)[j] = (*(*dofCoords_)[j])[neighDof[elInfo->getOppVertex(i)][0]]; } } } return elInfo; }
int main() { for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { test_printf("%d...\n", i); msleep(999); } TEST_EXIT(0); }
double CFE_NormAndErrorFcts::H1Err( AbstractFunction<WorldVector<double>, WorldVector<double>>* u, DOFVector<double>* uh, ElementLevelSet* elLS, int domainFlag, int relErr, int deg, Quadrature* q) { FUNCNAME("CFE_NormAndErrorFcts::H1Err()"); int dim = elLS->getDim(); ElementH1Err* elNorm = new ElementH1Err(q, u, uh, relErr, dim); TEST_EXIT(dim == Global::getGeo(WORLD)) ("doesn't work for dimension of problem != dimension of world!\n"); Flag fillFlag = Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_COORDS | Mesh::FILL_DET | Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA; double err = 0.0; switch(domainFlag) { case -3: err = Norm_IntNoBound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case -2: err = Norm_IntBound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case -1: err = Norm_Int(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case 0: err = Norm_Bound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case 1: err = Norm_Complete(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; default: ERROR_EXIT("illegal flag !\n"); break; } H1_err_abs = sqrt(err); H1_u_norm = sqrt(elNorm->getNormGrdU()); if (relErr) err = H1_err_abs / (H1_u_norm + 1.e-15); else err = H1_err_abs; delete elNorm; return err; }
void RosenbrockStationary::addOperator(Operator& op, int row, int col, double* factor, double* estFactor) { FUNCNAME("RosenbrockStationary::addOperator()"); TEST_EXIT(op.getUhOld() == NULL)("UhOld is not allowed to be set!\n"); op.setUhOld(stageSolution->getDOFVector(col)); ProblemStat::addVectorOperator(op, row, factor, estFactor); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20040916145017EJL","EJL", "floorf"); unsigned int i3 = 0x4affffff; // 2^23 - 0.5, largest truncatable value. unsigned int i3i = 0x4afffffe; unsigned int i4 = 0x4b000000; // 2^23, no fractional part. unsigned int i5 = 0xcf000001; // -2^31, one more large, and negative, value. float x0 = hide_float(0.91825f); float x0i = hide_float(0.0f); float x1 = hide_float(-0.12958f); float x1i = hide_float(-1.0f); float x2 = hide_float(-79615.1875f); float x2i = hide_float(-79616.0f); float x3 = hide_float(make_float(i3)); float x3i = hide_float(make_float(i3i)); float x4 = hide_float(make_float(i4)); float x4i = hide_float(make_float(i4)); float x5 = hide_float(make_float(i5)); float x5i = hide_float(make_float(i5)); vec_float4 x0_v = vec_splat_float(x0); vec_float4 x0i_v = vec_splat_float(x0i); vec_float4 x1_v = vec_splat_float(x1); vec_float4 x1i_v = vec_splat_float(x1i); vec_float4 x2_v = vec_splat_float(x2); vec_float4 x2i_v = vec_splat_float(x2i); vec_float4 x3_v = vec_splat_float(x3); vec_float4 x3i_v = vec_splat_float(x3i); vec_float4 x4_v = vec_splat_float(x4); vec_float4 x4i_v = vec_splat_float(x4i); vec_float4 x5_v = vec_splat_float(x5); vec_float4 x5i_v = vec_splat_float(x5i); vec_float4 res_v; TEST_START("floorf4"); res_v = floorf4(x0_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145022EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x0i_v ), 0); res_v = floorf4(x1_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145024EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x1i_v ), 0); res_v = floorf4(x2_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145027EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x2i_v ), 0); res_v = floorf4(x3_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145029EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x3i_v ), 0); res_v = floorf4(x4_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145032EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x4i_v ), 0); res_v = floorf4(x5_v); TEST_CHECK("20040916145034EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x5i_v ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20040928182349EJL","EJL", "rsqrtf4"); unsigned int i3 = 0x742c4455; unsigned int i3r = 0x251c099a; unsigned int i4 = 0x75e7753f; unsigned int i4r = 0x243e5fe2; unsigned int i5 = 0x4baa9e3c; unsigned int i5r = 0x395dbbeb; unsigned int i6 = 0x39344296; unsigned int i6r = 0x429889eb; unsigned int i7 = 0x68a586b0; unsigned int i7r = 0x2ae11e67; float x3 = hide_float(make_float(i3)); float x3r = hide_float(make_float(i3r)); float x4 = hide_float(make_float(i4)); float x4r = hide_float(make_float(i4r)); float x5 = hide_float(make_float(i5)); float x5r = hide_float(make_float(i5r)); float x6 = hide_float(make_float(i6)); float x6r = hide_float(make_float(i6r)); float x7 = hide_float(make_float(i7)); float x7r = hide_float(make_float(i7r)); vec_float4 x3_v = spu_splats(x3); vec_float4 x3r_v = spu_splats(x3r); vec_float4 x4_v = spu_splats(x4); vec_float4 x4r_v = spu_splats(x4r); vec_float4 x5_v = spu_splats(x5); vec_float4 x5r_v = spu_splats(x5r); vec_float4 x6_v = spu_splats(x6); vec_float4 x6r_v = spu_splats(x6r); vec_float4 x7_v = spu_splats(x7); vec_float4 x7r_v = spu_splats(x7r); vec_float4 res_v; TEST_START("rsqrtf4"); res_v = rsqrtf4(x3_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182352EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x3r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = rsqrtf4(x4_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182355EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x4r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = rsqrtf4(x5_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182357EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x5r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = rsqrtf4(x6_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182358EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x6r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = rsqrtf4(x7_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182401EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x7r_v, 2 ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20040928182549EJL","EJL", "sqrtf4"); unsigned int i3 = 0x742c4455; unsigned int i3r = 0x59d20034; unsigned int i4 = 0x75e7753f; unsigned int i4r = 0x5aac1fb5; unsigned int i5 = 0x4baa9e3c; unsigned int i5r = 0x4593c7d8; unsigned int i6 = 0x39344296; unsigned int i6r = 0x3c56d14c; unsigned int i7 = 0x68a586b0; unsigned int i7r = 0x54118f09; float x3 = hide_float(make_float(i3)); float x3r = hide_float(make_float(i3r)); float x4 = hide_float(make_float(i4)); float x4r = hide_float(make_float(i4r)); float x5 = hide_float(make_float(i5)); float x5r = hide_float(make_float(i5r)); float x6 = hide_float(make_float(i6)); float x6r = hide_float(make_float(i6r)); float x7 = hide_float(make_float(i7)); float x7r = hide_float(make_float(i7r)); vec_float4 x3_v = spu_splats(x3); vec_float4 x3r_v = spu_splats(x3r); vec_float4 x4_v = spu_splats(x4); vec_float4 x4r_v = spu_splats(x4r); vec_float4 x5_v = spu_splats(x5); vec_float4 x5r_v = spu_splats(x5r); vec_float4 x6_v = spu_splats(x6); vec_float4 x6r_v = spu_splats(x6r); vec_float4 x7_v = spu_splats(x7); vec_float4 x7r_v = spu_splats(x7r); vec_float4 res_v; TEST_START("sqrtf4"); res_v = sqrtf4(x3_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182552EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x3r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = sqrtf4(x4_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182554EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x4r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = sqrtf4(x5_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182556EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x5r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = sqrtf4(x6_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182557EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x6r_v, 2 ), 0); res_v = sqrtf4(x7_v); TEST_CHECK("20040928182559EJL", allequal_ulps_float4( res_v, x7r_v, 2 ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
int test_crash_runner() { int status; switch(test_crash_pid = fork()) { case -1: /* error */ TEST_EXIT(1); case 0: /* child */ test_crash_do(); return 0; default: /* parent */ if(waitpid(test_crash_pid, &status, 0) < 0) TEST_EXIT(1); if(0 != test_crash_check(status)) TEST_EXIT(1); fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); return 0; } }
int main(void) { int fd = open("/dev/timer0", 0); if (fd < 0) { printk("error: failed to open /dev/timer0\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } struct timespec ts = {.tv_sec = 3, .tv_nsec = 0}; ioctl(fd, CLOCK_SET_TIME, &ts); ioctl(fd, CLOCK_START); int bytes, n; bytes = read(fd, &n, 4); if (n != 1) TEST_EXIT(1); if (bytes != 4) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int test_crash_do() { test_crash_extra_msg_len = strlen(TEST_CRASH_EXTRA_MSG); /* we need not core dump file */ struct rlimit rlim = {.rlim_cur = 0, .rlim_max = 0}; if(setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim)) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_callback(cb, NULL)) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_head_msg(TEST_CRASH_HEAD_MSG)) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_timezone_mode(SVX_CRASH_TIMEZONE_MODE_LOCAL)) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_dirname("./")) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_prefix("test_crash")) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_suffix("log")) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_set_max_dumps(1)) TEST_EXIT(2); if(svx_crash_register_signal_handler()) TEST_EXIT(2); fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); /* let the gcc's ThreadSanitizer print messages to stderr */ /* fclose(stderr); */ pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "test_thd_name"); return aa(); } static int test_crash_filter(const struct dirent *entry) { char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "test_crash.*.%d.log", test_crash_pid); switch(fnmatch(buf , entry->d_name, 0)) { case 0 : return 1; case FNM_NOMATCH : return 0; default : TEST_EXIT(1); } }
int readMetaData(string filename, map<int, int>& elInRank, map<int, int>& elCodeSize, string& arhPrefix) { ifstream file;; TEST_EXIT(file.is_open()) ("Cannot open arh meta file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); string readStr = ""; file >> readStr; arhPrefix = ""; file >> arhPrefix; int nProc; file >> nProc; // Maps to each macro element index the arh file index it is stored in. for (int i = 0; i < nProc; i++) { int tmp; file >> tmp; TEST_EXIT(tmp == i)("Should not happen!\n"); int nMacroEl; file >> nMacroEl; for (int j = 0; j < nMacroEl; j++) { int elIndex, codeSize; file >> elIndex; file >> codeSize; elInRank[elIndex] = i; elCodeSize[elIndex] = codeSize; } } file.close(); return nProc; }
int main(void) { unsigned long hash; struct kmem_cache *cache = KMEM_CACHE(foo); if (cache == NULL) { printk("error: Cannot create cache\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } hash = page_alloc_signature(); struct foo *fp[40]; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { fp[i] = kmem_cache_alloc(cache, CACHE_OPT_NONE); fp[i]->a = i; } if (page_alloc_signature() == hash) { printk("error: No memory allocated\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (fp[i]->a != i) { printk("error: Address allocated multiple times\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } kmem_cache_free(cache, fp[i]); } if (page_alloc_signature() != hash) { printk("error: Memory not correctly restored\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } TEST_EXIT(0); }
void RosenbrockStationary::addTimeOperator(int row, int col) { FUNCNAME("RosenbrockStationary::addTimeOperator()"); TEST_EXIT(invTauGamma)("This should not happen!\n"); Operator* op = new Operator(componentSpaces[row], componentSpaces[col]); op->addZeroOrderTerm(new Simple_ZOT); ProblemStat::addMatrixOperator(op, row, col, invTauGamma, invTauGamma); Operator* opRhs = new Operator(componentSpaces[row]); opRhs->addZeroOrderTerm(new VecAtQP_ZOT(timeRhsVec->getDOFVector(col))); ProblemStat::addVectorOperator(opRhs, row); }
void flash_init(void) { struct dentry dentry = { .d_name = "mtd1" }; printk("Creating MTD device %s\n", dentry.d_name); if (mtdram_init_device(&mtd1, &_binary_sda1_start, 4096, dentry.d_name)) printk("error: mtdram init device failed\n"); add_mtd_device(&mtd1, dentry.d_name); } int main() { flash_init(); mount("/dev/mtd1", "/dev/flash", "romfs", 0, 0); /* execve does not return in POSIX standard */ if (execve("/dev/flash/a.out", 0, 0)) TEST_EXIT(1); sched_yield(); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int main() { TEST_STRT(2); TEST_DIAG("This test may fail due to an unavoidable race condition"); int f = fork(); if (f < 0) { TEST_EXIT("Fork failed"); } else if (f == 0) { TEST_FINI("child"); /* success 1 */ } else { sleep(20); TEST_FINI("parent"); /* success 2 */ } exit(); }
void flash_init(void) { struct dentry dentry = { .d_name = "mtd1" }; printk("Creating MTD device %s\n", dentry.d_name); if (mtdram_init_device(&mtd1, &_binary_sda1_start, 1024, dentry.d_name)) printk("error: mtdram init device failed\n"); add_mtd_device(&mtd1, dentry.d_name); } int main() { int fd; char buffer[128]; /* printk("filesystem at %p\n", &_binary_sda1_start); */ /* dump_romfs_info(&_binary_sda1_start); */ flash_init(); mount("/dev/mtd1", "/dev/flash", "romfs", 0, 0); /* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. */ fd = open("/dev/flash/lorem.txt", 0); if (fd < 0) { printk("error: failed to open /home/lorem.txt\n"); TEST_EXIT(1); } memset(buffer, 0, 128); read(fd, buffer, 11); printk("read(): %s\n", buffer); if (strcmp(buffer, "Lorem ipsum")) TEST_EXIT(1); memset(buffer, 0, 128); read(fd, buffer, 10); printk("read(): %s\n", buffer); if (strcmp(buffer, " dolor sit")) TEST_EXIT(1); memset(buffer, 0, 128); read(fd, buffer, 18); printk("read(): %s\n", buffer); if (strcmp(buffer, " amet, consectetur")) TEST_EXIT(1); /* rewind the file */ lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); memset(buffer, 0, 128); read(fd, buffer, 11); printk("read(): %s\n", buffer); if (strcmp(buffer, "Lorem ipsum")) TEST_EXIT(1); TEST_EXIT(0); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20060731203500MH","MH", "negatell2"); vec_llong2 x0n_v = spu_splats(0LL); vec_llong2 x0p_v = spu_splats(0LL); vec_llong2 x1n_v = spu_splats(-83582LL); vec_llong2 x1p_v = spu_splats(83582LL); vec_llong2 x2n_v = spu_splats(-13152LL); vec_llong2 x2p_v = spu_splats(13152LL); vec_llong2 x3n_v = spu_splats(-1LL); vec_llong2 x3p_v = spu_splats(1LL); vec_llong2 x4n_v = spu_splats((long long)0x8000000000000001ULL); vec_llong2 x4p_v = spu_splats(0x7fffffffffffffffLL); vec_llong2 x5n_v = spu_splats((long long)0x8000000100000000ULL); vec_llong2 x5p_v = spu_splats(0x7fffffff00000000LL); vec_llong2 res_v; TEST_START("negatell2"); res_v = negatell2(x0n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203501MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x0p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x0p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203502MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x0n_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x1n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203503MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x1p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x1p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203504MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x1n_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x2n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203505MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x2p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x2p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203506MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x2n_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x3n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203507MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x3p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x3p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203508MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x3n_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x4n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203509MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x4p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x4p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203510MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x4n_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x5n_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203511MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x5p_v ), 0); res_v = negatell2(x5p_v); TEST_CHECK("20060731203512MH", allequal_llong2( res_v, x5n_v ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
int main() { TEST_SET_START("20040930102649EJL","EJL", "negatef4"); unsigned int i3n = 0xffffffff; unsigned int i3p = 0x7fffffff; float x0n = hide_float(-0.0f); float x0p = hide_float(0.0f); float x1n = hide_float(-83532.96153153f); float x1p = hide_float(83532.96153153f); float x2n = hide_float(-0.0000000013152f); float x2p = hide_float(0.0000000013152f); float x3n = hide_float(make_float(i3n)); float x3p = hide_float(make_float(i3p)); vec_float4 x0n_v = spu_splats(x0n); vec_float4 x0p_v = spu_splats(x0p); vec_float4 x1n_v = spu_splats(x1n); vec_float4 x1p_v = spu_splats(x1p); vec_float4 x2n_v = spu_splats(x2n); vec_float4 x2p_v = spu_splats(x2p); vec_float4 x3n_v = spu_splats(x3n); vec_float4 x3p_v = spu_splats(x3p); vec_float4 res_v; TEST_START("negatef4"); res_v = negatef4(x0n_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102652EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x0p_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x0p_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102653EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x0n_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x1n_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102655EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x1p_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x1p_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102657EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x1n_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x2n_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102659EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x2p_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x2p_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102701EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x2n_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x3n_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102703EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x3p_v ), 0); res_v = negatef4(x3p_v); TEST_CHECK("20040930102705EJL", allequal_float4( res_v, x3n_v ), 0); TEST_SET_DONE(); TEST_EXIT(); }
int main(void) { printk ("Starting consumer/producer example...\n"); pthread_cond_init(&condvar, NULL); // create the producer and consumer threads pthread_create (NULL, NULL, producer, NULL); pthread_create (NULL, NULL, consumer, NULL); while (count < 5) pthread_yield(); printk ("Bye-bye!\n"); TEST_EXIT(0); }
double CFE_NormAndErrorFcts::H1NormSquare_Analyt( AbstractFunction<WorldVector<double>, WorldVector<double>>* grd, ElementLevelSet* elLS, int domainFlag, int deg, Quadrature* q) { FUNCNAME("CFE_NormAndErrorFcts::H1NormSquare_Analyt"); int dim = elLS->getDim(); ElementH1Norm_Analyt* elNorm = new ElementH1Norm_Analyt(q, grd, dim); TEST_EXIT(dim == Global::getGeo(WORLD)) ("doesn't work for dimension of problem != dimension of world!\n"); Flag fillFlag = Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_COORDS | Mesh::FILL_DET; double nrm = 0.0; switch(domainFlag) { case -3: nrm = Norm_IntNoBound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case -2: nrm = Norm_IntBound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case -1: nrm = Norm_Int(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case 0: nrm = Norm_Bound(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; case 1: nrm = Norm_Complete(elNorm, elLS, fillFlag, deg, q); break; default: ERROR_EXIT("illegal flag !\n"); break; } delete elNorm; return nrm; }
Serializer(ProblemType* prob, std::string filename, int writeEveryIth) : name(filename), problem(prob), tsModulo(writeEveryIth), appendIndex(0), indexLength(5), indexDecimals(3), timestepNumber(-1) { FUNCNAME("Serializer::Serializer()"); TEST_EXIT(name != "")("No filename!\n"); Parameters::get(problem->getName() + "->output->append serialization index", appendIndex); Parameters::get(problem->getName() + "->output->index length", indexLength); Parameters::get(problem->getName() + "->output->index decimals", indexDecimals); }
int readMetaData(string filename) { FUNCNAME("ArhReader::readMetaData()"); ifstream file;; TEST_EXIT(file.is_open()) ("Cannot open arh meta file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); string readStr = ""; file >> readStr; file >> readStr; int nProc; file >> nProc; file.close(); return nProc; }