Exemplo n.º 1
void __fastcall TFormMain::listWorksCustomDrawItem(TCustomListView *Sender, TListItem *Item,
          TCustomDrawState State, bool &DefaultDraw)

	if (NColor->Checked)
		int numKHR = (int)(Item->Data) >> 16;
		int numWork = (int)(Item->Data) % (256*256);

		TColor color = clWindowText;
		listWorks->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
		switch (Controller->getWorkDateState(numKHR, numWork))
			case E_WDS_CLOSE:
			case E_WDS_DELETE:  	color = clSilver; break;
			case E_WDS_FUTURE:		color = 0x00f1be90; break;
			case E_WDS_CURRENT:	 	if (Controller->diffDate(numKHR, numWork) < 7)
										color = 0x000093ff;
			case E_WDS_EXPIRE:		color = clRed;
									listWorks->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
			default: 				break;
		listWorks->Canvas->Font->Color = color;
Exemplo n.º 2
void __fastcall CChartManager::on_Draw_CheckListBox(Controls::TWinControl* Control, int Index, const Types::TRect &aRect, TOwnerDrawState State)
	if ( pStorage               == NULL  ) return;
    if ( Index    >= pStorage->ItemsCount) return;

    TCheckListBox *lb = dynamic_cast<TCheckListBox*>(Control);
    if ( lb == NULL ) return;

    lb->Canvas->Brush->Color = lb->Color;
    lb->Canvas->Font ->Color = clBlack;
    lb->Canvas->FillRect(Rect(aRect.Left, aRect.Top, aRect.Right, aRect.Bottom));

    // ----- Вывод названия графика ----
    lb->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
    lb->Canvas->TextOut(aRect.Left + 3, aRect.Top + 1, lb->Items->Strings[Index]);

    // ----- Вывод значений----
    CCollection<float> *si = (CCollection<float> *)lb->Items->Objects[Index];

    // ------
    if ( si != NULL )
        if ( si->ValuesCount != 0 )
            if ( Chart->CurrentMousePos.PosInGraphArray == -1 || Chart->CurrentMousePos.IndexInGlobalArray == -1 )
                 sprintf(LabelText, "CV : ---------\0");
            else sprintf(LabelText, "CV : %1.9f\0", si->Values[Chart->CurrentMousePos.IndexInGlobalArray]);

    lb->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
    lb->Canvas->TextOut( aRect.Left + 3, aRect.Top + 18, LabelText );
Exemplo n.º 3
void __fastcall TTMTimeLineMainForm::lbObjFontStyleClickCheck(
      TObject *Sender)
  TFontStyles F;

  F = TFontStyles() >> fsBold >> fsItalic >> fsUnderline >> fsStrikeOut;

    if( lbObjFontStyle->Checked[0])
      F = F + TFontStyles() << fsBold;
    if( lbObjFontStyle->Checked[1] )
      F = F + TFontStyles() << fsItalic ;
    if( lbObjFontStyle->Checked[2] )
      F = F + TFontStyles() << fsUnderline;
    if( lbObjFontStyle->Checked[3] )
      F = F + TFontStyles() << fsStrikeOut;

  JvTimeLine1->ObjectsFontStyle = F;

Exemplo n.º 4
void __fastcall TfrmHelp::tvHelpExplorerCustomDrawItem(TCustomTreeView *Sender, TTreeNode *Node, TCustomDrawState State, bool &DefaultDraw)
	TCanvas *oCanvas;
    TRect   oNodeRect;

    // Initialize resources
    oCanvas   = Sender->Canvas;
    oNodeRect = Node->DisplayRect(false);

    // Set the node font settings
    oCanvas->Font->Color = (TColor)DEFAULT_NODE_FONT_COLOR;

    if (Node->HasChildren == false)
        oCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
    	oCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << Graphics::fsItalic;

    // Set the node background
    if (State.Contains(Comctrls::cdsSelected) == false)
        oCanvas->Brush->Color = this->tvHelpExplorer->Color;
        oCanvas->Brush->Color = (TColor)DEFAULT_SELECTED_NODE_BACK_COLOR;

    DefaultDraw = true;

Exemplo n.º 5
void TPlottingRoutine::Plot(int generations){
    int width = Form2->PaintBox1->Width;
    int height = Form2->PaintBox1->Height;
    Form2 -> PaintBox1 -> Canvas -> Brush -> Color = clWhite;
    Form2 -> PaintBox1 -> Canvas -> Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
    float peak = -1e6;
    for(int i = 0; i < generations; i ++)
        if(Form1->max[ i] > peak)
            peak = Form1->max[ i];
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(0, height-40);  Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(width, height-40);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40, height);    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(40, 0);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Pen->Style = psDot;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Pen->Color = cl3DDkShadow;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40+(width-30)*Form1->generation/generations, height-40);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(40+(width-30)*Form1->generation/generations, (height-40)-Form1->max[ generations - 1]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40, (height-40)-Form1->max[ generations - 1]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(width, (height-40)-Form1->max[ generations - 1]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Pen->Style = psSolid;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40, (height-40)-Form1->max[ 0]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clBlue;
    for(int i = 1; i < generations; i ++)
        Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(40+i*(width-40)/(generations-1), (height-40)-Form1->max[ i]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40, (height-40)-Form1->average[ 0]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clLime;
    for(int i = 1; i < generations; i ++)
        Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(40+i*(width-40)/(generations-1), (height-40)-Form1->average[ i]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(40, (height-40)-Form1->st_dew[ 0]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clRed;
    for(int i = 1; i < generations; i ++)
        Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(40+i*(width-40)/(generations-1), (height-40)-Form1->st_dew[i]*(height-40)/(1.1*peak));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clBlack;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Font->Name = "Arial";
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Font->Size = 10;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut(40+(width-30)*Form1->generation/generations, height - 60, AnsiString(Form1->generation));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 45, 5, "Fitnes");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 20, 24, AnsiString(Form1->max[generations - 1]));
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( width / 2, height - 30, "Generation");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 45, height - 35, 0);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 30, height - 60, 0);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 0.95*width, height - 35, generations);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Rectangle(0.86*width, height - 303, 0.99*width, height - 240);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clBlue;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(0.88*width, height - 290);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(0.92*width, height - 290);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clLime;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(0.88*width, height - 270);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(0.92*width, height - 270);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clRed;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->MoveTo(0.88*width, height - 250);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->LineTo(0.92*width, height - 250);
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 0.93*width, height - 300, "Max");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 0.93*width, height - 280, "Avg");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 0.93*width, height - 260, "StDev");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles()<< fsBold;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->TextOut( 0.44 * width, 5, "Fitness Progression");
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas -> Pen -> Color = clBlack;
    Form2->PaintBox1->Canvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles()>> fsBold;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Enables/Disable UI components based on the state of the allocator
void TfrmObjAllocMain::UpdateUI(void)
	if (FStudentObjectMgr) // enable
		int freeObjects = FStudentObjectMgr->GetStats().FreeObjects_;
		lblFreeObjects->Caption = IntToStr(freeObjects);
		lblFreeList->Caption = IntToStr(freeObjects);

		int pages = FStudentObjectMgr->GetStats().PagesInUse_;
		lblPagesAllocated->Caption = IntToStr(pages);

		int objectsUsed = FStudentObjectMgr->GetStats().ObjectsInUse_;
		lblObjectsInUse->Caption = IntToStr(objectsUsed);

		int pagesize = FStudentObjectMgr->GetStats().PageSize_;
		lblPageSize->Caption = IntToStr(pagesize);

		lblObjectsPerPage->Caption = IntToStr(FObjectsPerPage);
		lblObjectsAllocated->Caption = IntToStr(pages * FObjectsPerPage);
		lblManagerActive->Caption = "Object Manager is ACTIVE";
		lblManagerActive->Font->Style = TFontStyles()<< fsBold;
		btnCreate->Enabled = false;
		btnDestroy->Enabled = true;
		btnCreateOneStudent->Enabled = true;
		btnCreateThreeStudents->Enabled = true;
		btnCreate100Students->Enabled = true;
		btnFreeStudents->Enabled = true;
		btnDeleteFirst->Enabled = true;
		btnError->Enabled = true;
		btnCreateXStudents->Enabled = true;
		btnDumpMemoryInUse->Enabled = true;
		btnFreeEmptyPages->Enabled = true;
	else // disable or set to 0
		for (int i = 0; i < sboxButtons->ControlCount; i++)
			TControl *control = sboxButtons->Controls[i];
			if (control->InheritsFrom(__classid(TButton)))
				control->Enabled = false;
			if (dynamic_cast<TButton *>(control) != 0)
				control->Enabled = false;
		btnCreate->Enabled = true;

		lblAllocated->Caption = "0";
		lblPagesAllocated->Caption = "0";
		lblObjectsPerPage->Caption = "0";
		lblObjectsAllocated->Caption = "0";
		lblFreeObjects->Caption = "0";
		lblFreeList->Caption = "0";
		lblObjectsInUse->Caption = "0";
		lblPageSize->Caption = "0";
		lblManagerActive->Caption = "Object Manager is INACTIVE";
		lblManagerActive->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
Exemplo n.º 7
__fastcall TCFin1003B::TCFin1003B(TComponent* Owner, String sMsg)
	: TForm(Owner,1)
   this->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   this->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   this->Caption = "Cliente em Atraso";
   this->Position = poDesktopCenter;

   Image = new TImage(this);
   Image->Name = "Image";
   Image->Parent = this;
   Image->Picture->Icon->Handle = LoadIcon(0, IDI_EXCLAMATION);
   Image->SetBounds(6, 6, 32, 32);
   ClienteMsg = new TLabel(this);
   ClienteMsg->Name = "ClienteMsg";
   ClienteMsg->Parent = this;
   ClienteMsg->WordWrap = false;
   ClienteMsg->AutoSize = true;
   ClienteMsg->SetBounds(44, 6, 100, 16);
   ClienteMsg->Font->Color = clRed;
   ClienteMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   ClienteMsg->Caption = sMsg;
   LiberaMsg = new TLabel(this);
   LiberaMsg->Name = "LiberaMsg";
   LiberaMsg->Parent = this;
   LiberaMsg->WordWrap = false;
   LiberaMsg->AutoSize = true;
   LiberaMsg->SetBounds(44, ClienteMsg->Top + ClienteMsg->Height + 6, 100, 16);
   LiberaMsg->Font->Color = clBlue;
   LiberaMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   LiberaMsg->Caption = "Novas vendas para o mesmo estão sujeitas a aprovação.";

   pBtLibera = new TButton(this);
   pBtLibera->Parent = this;
   pBtLibera->Caption = "&Liberar";
   pBtLibera->Default = true;
   pBtLibera->ModalResult = mrOk;

   pBtCancel = new TButton(this);
   pBtCancel->Parent = this;
   pBtCancel->Caption = "&Cancelar";
   pBtCancel->Cancel = true;
   pBtCancel->ModalResult = mrCancel;
   pBtCancel->SetBounds(44+((ClienteMsg->Width > LiberaMsg->Width)? ClienteMsg->Width - 96: LiberaMsg->Width - 96),45,100,23);

   this->ClientWidth = pBtCancel->Left + pBtCancel->Width + 6;
   this->ClientHeight = pBtCancel->Top + pBtCancel->Height + 6;
Exemplo n.º 8
void __fastcall TForm4::PaintBox5Paint(TObject *Sender)
        TCanvas *FormCanvas = ((TPaintBox*)Sender)->Canvas;
        int CenterX, CenterY;

        if (((TPanel *)((TPaintBox *)Sender)->Parent)->BevelOuter == bvLowered)
                FormCanvas->Pen->Width = 2;
                FormCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsItalic;
        else FormCanvas->Pen->Width = 1;

        CenterX = 16;
        CenterY = 16;
        /*FormCanvas->MoveTo(CenterX + 8, CenterY + 5);
        FormCanvas->LineTo(CenterX - 8, CenterY + 5);*/
        FormCanvas->Font->Name = "Arial";
        FormCanvas->Font->Size = 6;
        //FormCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsItalic;
        FormCanvas->TextOut(CenterX - 9, CenterY + 5, "АВТО");
        //Рисование значка щероховатости над полкой
        FormCanvas->Pen->Width = 1;
        FormCanvas->MoveTo(CenterX - 5, CenterY - 5);
        FormCanvas->LineTo(CenterX, CenterY + 4);
	FormCanvas->LineTo(CenterX + 8, CenterY - 10);
Exemplo n.º 9
void __fastcall TForm4::PaintBox4Paint(TObject *Sender)
        TCanvas *FormCanvas = ((TPaintBox*)Sender)->Canvas;
        int CenterX, CenterY;
        double deg;
	TSize stSize;

	stSize.cx = 0;
	if (ListBox1->ItemIndex < 0) ListBox1->ItemIndex = 0;
        FormCanvas->Font->Name = "GOST type A";
	FormCanvas->Font->Size = 50;
	FormCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsItalic;
	FormCanvas->TextOut(70, 30, ListBox1->Items->operator [](ListBox1->ItemIndex));

        //deg = 60*M_PI/180;
        FormCanvas->Pen->Width = 3;
        FormCanvas->MoveTo(20, 50);
	FormCanvas->LineTo(45, 96);
	FormCanvas->LineTo(80, 23);
	//Дополнительная верхняя линия которая зависит от размера текста
	stSize = FormCanvas->TextExtent(ListBox1->Items->operator [](ListBox1->ItemIndex));
	if ( ListBox1->Items->operator [](ListBox1->ItemIndex).Length())
		FormCanvas->LineTo(90 + stSize.cx, 23);
        //Дополнительные значки зависящие от панелей
        if (Panel2->BevelOuter == bvLowered)
                FormCanvas->MoveTo(20, 50);
                FormCanvas->LineTo(67, 50);
        if (Panel3->BevelOuter == bvLowered)
                FormCanvas->Ellipse(30, 48, 60, 78);
        if ((Panel5->BevelOuter == bvLowered) || (Panel6->BevelOuter == bvLowered))
                FormCanvas->MoveTo(80 + stSize.cx, 96);
                FormCanvas->LineTo(30, 96);
                FormCanvas->LineTo(5, 130);
        if (Panel6->BevelOuter == bvLowered)
                FormCanvas->MoveTo(5, 130);
                FormCanvas->LineTo(13, 110);
                FormCanvas->MoveTo(5, 130);
                FormCanvas->LineTo(22, 116);
        //По контуру
        if (Panel7->BevelOuter == bvLowered)
                FormCanvas->MoveTo(80, 23);
                FormCanvas->Brush->Style = bsClear;
                FormCanvas->Ellipse(80-15, 23 - 15, 80+15, 23+15);
TFontStyles IntegerToFontStyles(int Value)
    TFontStyles Result = TFontStyles();
    for (int AFontStyle = fsBold; AFontStyle <= fsStrikeOut; AFontStyle++)
        if (Value & (1 << AFontStyle))
            Result << (TFontStyle)AFontStyle;
    return Result;
Exemplo n.º 11
__fastcall TCFin1003C::TCFin1003C(TComponent* Owner, String sMsg)
	: TForm(Owner,1)
   this->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   this->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   this->Caption = "Cliente Bloqueado";
   this->Position = poDesktopCenter;

   Image = new TImage(this);
   Image->Name = "Image";
   Image->Parent = this;
   Image->Picture->Icon->Handle = LoadIcon(0, IDI_ERROR);
   Image->SetBounds(6, 6, 32, 32);
   ClienteMsg = new TLabel(this);
   ClienteMsg->Name = "ClienteMsg";
   ClienteMsg->Parent = this;
   ClienteMsg->WordWrap = false;
   ClienteMsg->AutoSize = true;
   ClienteMsg->SetBounds(44, 6, 100, 16);
   ClienteMsg->Font->Color = clRed;
   ClienteMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   ClienteMsg->Caption = sMsg;
   LiberaMsg = new TLabel(this);
   LiberaMsg->Name = "LiberaMsg";
   LiberaMsg->Parent = this;
   LiberaMsg->WordWrap = false;
   LiberaMsg->AutoSize = true;
   LiberaMsg->SetBounds(44, ClienteMsg->Top + ClienteMsg->Height + 6, 100, 16);
   LiberaMsg->Font->Color = clBlue;
   LiberaMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   LiberaMsg->Caption = "Novas vendas para o mesmo somente com aprovação da gerência.";

   pBtOK = new TButton(this);
   pBtOK->Parent = this;
   pBtOK->Caption = "&OK";
   pBtOK->Default = true;
   pBtOK->ModalResult = mrOk;

   pBtOK->SetBounds(44+((ClienteMsg->Width > LiberaMsg->Width)? ClienteMsg->Width - 70: LiberaMsg->Width - 70),45,75,23);

   this->ClientWidth = pBtOK->Left + pBtOK->Width + 6;
   this->ClientHeight = pBtOK->Top + pBtOK->Height + 6;
Exemplo n.º 12
void TKalmanBajas::DrawElementFace()
      AnsiString  as       = "ОФК (Б)";

      TCanvas    *dbCanvas = VisualElementParam->Bitmap->Canvas;
      int         aw       = VisualElementParam->Width;
      int         ah       = VisualElementParam->Height;

      int         FontSize   = dbCanvas->Font->Size;
      AnsiString  FontName   = dbCanvas->Font->Name;
      TFontStyles FontStyles = dbCanvas->Font->Style;
      TColor      FontColor  = dbCanvas->Font->Color;

      dbCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
      dbCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
      dbCanvas->Font->Color = clMaroon;
      if (dbCanvas->TextWidth(as) > aw - 4) dbCanvas->Font->Name = "Times New Roman";
      while (dbCanvas->TextWidth(as) > aw - 4)  dbCanvas->Font->Size--;

      dbCanvas->Brush->Color = clWhite;
      dbCanvas->Pen  ->Color = clBlack;

      dbCanvas->Rectangle(0, 0, aw, ah);

   // --------- Отрисовка прямоугольника --- (прямокгольник процесса разработки) -----
     if (DesignPhase != dpAllreadyTesting) {
         if (DesignPhase == dpNotTesting  ) {dbCanvas->Pen  ->Color = clRed;}
         if (DesignPhase == dpNeedModified) {dbCanvas->Pen  ->Color = clRed; dbCanvas->Pen  ->Style = psDot;}

         dbCanvas->Rectangle(2, 2, VisualElementParam->Width - 2, VisualElementParam->Height - 2);

         dbCanvas->Pen->Color = clBlack;
         dbCanvas->Pen->Style = psSolid;
      dbCanvas->TextOut((aw - dbCanvas->TextWidth(as))/2, (ah - dbCanvas->TextHeight(as))/2, as);

      dbCanvas->Font->Size = FontSize;
      dbCanvas->Font->Name = FontName;
      dbCanvas->Font->Style = FontStyles;
      dbCanvas->Font->Color = FontColor;
Exemplo n.º 13
void TRfd::CommonConstructor(TComponent * owner)
    // Network stuff
    Node_Type = NT_END_DEVICE;
    Cluster_Level = CLUSTER_LEVEL_UNKNOWN;
    Tx_Range = 80;
    MAC_Address = 0;
    Parent_Node = NULL;
    Node_State = NS_NODE_IDLE;
    Retry_Counter = 0;

    // Visual stuff
    Node_Body = new TShape(owner);
    Node_Body->Shape = stCircle;
    Node_Body->Width = DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE;
    Node_Body->Height = DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE;
    Node_Body->Pen->Color = RFD_COLOUR;
    Node_Body->Brush->Color = RFD_COLOUR;
    Node_Body->OnMouseDown = formMain->shNodeMouseDown;
    Node_Body->OnMouseMove = formMain->shNodeMouseMove;
    Node_Body->OnMouseUp = formMain->shNodeMouseUp;

    Node_Range = new TShape(owner);
    Node_Range->Shape = stCircle;
    Node_Range->Brush->Style = bsClear;
    Node_Range->Pen->Color = RFD_COLOUR;
    Node_Range->Width = Tx_Range * 2;
    Node_Range->Height = Tx_Range * 2;
    Node_Range->Visible = false;

    Node_Label = new TLabel(owner);
    Node_Label->Color = RFD_COLOUR;
    Node_Label->Caption = "00";
    Node_Label->Font->Name = "Arial";
    Node_Label->Font->Size = 8;
    Node_Label->Font->Color = clBlack;
    Node_Label->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
    Node_Label->OnMouseDown = formMain->shNodeMouseDown;
    Node_Label->OnMouseMove = formMain->shNodeMouseMove;
    Node_Label->OnMouseUp = formMain->shNodeMouseUp;
    Node_Label->PopupMenu = formMain->menuContextNode;

    Msg_Timer = new TTimer(owner);
    Msg_Timer->Enabled = false;
    Msg_Timer->OnTimer = Msg_TimerTimer;

    Msg_Timeout_Timer = new TTimer(owner);
    Msg_Timeout_Timer->Enabled = false;
    Msg_Timeout_Timer->OnTimer = Msg_Timeout_TimerTimer;

    Msg_Buffer = new TList;
} // End of CommonConstructor
Exemplo n.º 14
void __fastcall TSettingsFormClass::DefaultCardFontPanelClick(TObject *Sender)
	CardFont->Name = "Arial";
	CardFont->Size = 10;
	CardFont->Color = clBlack;
	CardFontLabel->Font->Name = "Arial";
	CardFontLabel->Caption = "Arial";
	CardFontLabel->Font->Size = 10;
	CardSizeLabel->Caption = "10";
	CardFontLabel->Font->Color = clBlack;
	CardFontLabel->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
	ApplyButton->Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
void __fastcall TClipMaker::BPOnPaint(TObject *Sender)
	TMxPanel* bp 		= dynamic_cast<TMxPanel*>(Sender); VERIFY(bp);
    CEditableObject* O	= 	m_CurrentObject; VERIFY(O);
    TCanvas* canvas 	= bp->Canvas;
    canvas->Font->Name 	= "MS Sans Serif";
    canvas->Font->Style	= TFontStyles();
    canvas->Font->Color = clBlack;
    canvas->Pen->Color	= clBlack;
    canvas->Pen->Style	= psSolid;
    canvas->Brush->Style= bsSolid;
    if (-2==bp->Tag){
        for (UIClipIt it=clips.begin(); it!=clips.end(); it++){
	        canvas->Brush->Color= (*it==sel_clip)?(drag_obj==bp->Tag?BP_ACTIVE_DRAG_COLOR:BP_ACTIVE_COLOR):BP_INACTIVE_COLOR;
            TRect R 			= TRect((*it)->PLeft(), 1, (*it)->PRight()-1, 15);
    	    AnsiString fx_name	= (*it)->FXName();
            if (!fx_name.IsEmpty()){
                canvas->Rectangle	(R);
                R.Top				+= 1;
                R.Bottom			-= 1;
                R.Left				+= 1;
                R.Right				-= 1;
                canvas->TextRect	(R,R.Left,R.Top,fx_name);
    }else if ((bp->Tag>=0)&&(bp->Tag<(int)O->BoneParts().size())){
        AnsiString mn_prev		= "";
        for (UIClipIt it=clips.begin(); it!=clips.end(); it++){
            AnsiString mn		= (*it)->CycleName(u16(bp->Tag));
            TRect R 			= TRect((*it)->PLeft(), 1, (*it)->PRight()-1, 15);
            if (!mn.IsEmpty()){
                canvas->Brush->Color= (*it==sel_clip)?(drag_obj==bp->Tag?BP_ACTIVE_DRAG_COLOR:BP_ACTIVE_COLOR):BP_INACTIVE_COLOR;
                canvas->Rectangle	(R);
                R.Top				+= 1;
                R.Bottom			-= 1;
                R.Left				+= 1;
                R.Right				-= 1;
                canvas->TextRect	(R,R.Left,R.Top,mn);
	            mn_prev				= mn;
            }else if (!mn_prev.IsEmpty()){
	            canvas->MoveTo		((*it)->PLeft()+1,13);
                canvas->LineTo		(R.Right,13);
                canvas->LineTo		(R.Width()>5?R.Right-5:R.Right-R.Width(),8);
                R.Top				+= 1;
                R.Bottom			-= 1;
                R.Left				+= 1;
                R.Right				-= 1;
Exemplo n.º 16
void __fastcall TFwCalcMainDlg::PaintBoxPaint(TObject *Sender)
TRect r = TRect(0,0,PaintBox->Width, PaintBox->Height);
TCanvas *cv = PaintBox->Canvas;
	// Paint background
	cv->TextFlags = 0;
	cv->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	cv->Font->Name = "Courier New";

	SetBkMode(cv->Handle, TRANSPARENT);

int lh = cv->TextHeight("X");
int y_off = r.Height() - lh;
int index = 0;

	while(y_off + lh >= 0)
	// Determine number to write
	AnsiString txt = m_engine->RegisterValue[index].UpperCase();

		if(txt != "")
			if(txt == "ERR")
			AnsiString err_text = AnsiString("ERROR - ") + m_engine->LastError;
				cv->Font->Size = m_font_size;
				cv->Font->Color = clRed;
				cv->TextOut(r.Right - 10 - cv->TextWidth(err_text), y_off, err_text);
				if(m_engine->BaseMode == eBaseDec)
				int tw = CalcWidthOfDecNumber(cv, txt);
					PaintDecNumber(cv, r.Right - 10 - tw, y_off, txt);
					cv->Font->Size = m_font_size;

					cv->TextOut(r.Right-cv->TextWidth(txt)-10, y_off, txt);

		y_off -= lh;
Exemplo n.º 17
void __fastcall TSettingsFormClass::DefaultEditFontPanelClick(TObject *Sender)
	EditFont->Name = "Tahoma";
	EditFont->Size = 9;
	EditFont->Color = clBlack;
	EditFontLabel->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
	EditFontLabel->Caption = "Tahoma";
	EditFontLabel->Font->Size = 9;
	EditSizeLabel->Caption = "9";
	EditFontLabel->Font->Color = clBlack;
	EditColorPanel->Color = clBlack;
	EditFontLabel->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
	ApplyButton->Enabled = true;
void __fastcall TIntMinerField::DrawOpenedCell(TCanvas* ACanvas, TRect ARect, TCellStateRec ACellState)
  ACanvas->Brush->Color = FOpenCellBkColor;
  ACanvas->Pen->Style = psSolid;
  ACanvas->Pen->Color = FRectangleColor;
  ARect.Left--; ARect.Top--;
  ACanvas->Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom);
  ARect.Right--; ARect.Bottom--;
  ACanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
  if(ACellState.SurroundNumber >= 1)
    ACanvas->Font->Color = FSurroundColors[ACellState.SurroundNumber-1];
  FGrid->Brush->Style = bsClear;
  if(ACellState.SurroundNumber != 0)
    AlignTextInCell(ACanvas, ARect, IntToStr(ACellState.SurroundNumber));
Exemplo n.º 19
void TfraLeftBar::RefreshBar()
    u32 idx 			= 0;
	for (AStringIt it=EPrefs->scene_recent_list.begin(); it!=EPrefs->scene_recent_list.end(); it++){
        TMenuItem *MI 	= xr_new<TMenuItem>((TComponent*)0);
        MI->Caption 	= *it;
        MI->OnClick 	= miRecentFilesClick;
        MI->Tag			= 0x1001;
    miRecentFiles->Enabled = miRecentFiles->Count;
    // refresh target
    	m_TargetButtons[k]->Enabled		= Scene->GetMTools(k)->IsEnabled();
    	m_TargetButtons[k]->NormalColor	= Scene->GetMTools(k)->IsEditable()?clBlack:clGray; 
    	m_TargetButtons[k]->Font->Style	= Scene->GetMTools(k)->IsForceReadonly()?TFontStyles()<<fsStrikeOut:TFontStyles();
Exemplo n.º 20
void __fastcall TfrmRetrievalJobList::sgJobsDrawCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TRect &Rect, TGridDrawState State) {
    LCDbCryoJob * job;
    TColor background = clWindow;
    if (0 == ARow)
        job = NULL;
        job = (LCDbCryoJob *)sgJobs->Objects[0][ARow];
    if (NULL == job) {
        if (0 == ARow) {
            background = clBtnFace; // header row
        } else {
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_ERROR_COLOUR; // error
    } else {
        switch (job->getStatus()) {
        case LCDbCryoJob::Status::NEW_JOB:
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_JOB_NEW_COLOUR; break;
        case LCDbCryoJob::Status::INPROGRESS:
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_JOB_INPROGRESS_COLOUR; break;
        case LCDbCryoJob::Status::DONE:
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_JOB_COMPLETED_COLOUR; break;
        case LCDbCryoJob::Status::DELETED:
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_JOB_DELETED_COLOUR; break;
            background = RETRIEVAL_ASSISTANT_ERROR_COLOUR;
    TCanvas * cnv = sgJobs->Canvas;
	cnv->Brush->Color = background;
    if (State.Contains(gdSelected)) {
        TFontStyles oldFontStyle = cnv->Font->Style;
        TPenStyle oldPenStyle = cnv->Pen->Style;
        cnv->Pen->Style = psDot;
        cnv->Rectangle(Rect.Left+1, Rect.Top+1, Rect.Right-1, Rect.Bottom-1);
        cnv->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold; // << fsItalic;
    	cnv->TextOut(Rect.Left+5, Rect.Top+5, sgJobs->Cells[ACol][ARow]);
        cnv->Pen->Style     = oldPenStyle;
        cnv->Font->Style    = oldFontStyle;
	} else {
        cnv->TextOut(Rect.Left+5, Rect.Top+5, sgJobs->Cells[ACol][ARow]);
Exemplo n.º 21
void __fastcall TPrintList::PrintF121Click(TObject *Sender)
    int lenleft=Memo1->Lines->Strings[0].Length()-152;
    AnsiString mess;
    mess="Line width exceeds printer width by "+IntToStr(lenleft)+" charactors.\n";
    mess=mess+"Do you still want to print it ??\n";
    int messbox=Application->MessageBox(mess.c_str(),"Possible problem with print job...",MB_YESNO);
  if (PrintDialog1->Execute())
    int ln=0;
    TPrinter *Prn=Printer();
    Prn->Canvas->Font->Name="Lucida Console";
    Prn->Canvas->Font->Size=8;// read up on this one
//  int chrsize=Prn->Canvas->Font->PixelsPerInch;
int maxlines=91;
    for( int i=0;i<Memo1->Lines->Count;i++)
Exemplo n.º 22
void __fastcall TClipMaker::ClipPaint(TObject *Sender)
	TMxPanel* P 		= dynamic_cast<TMxPanel*>(Sender); VERIFY(P);
    TCanvas* canvas 	= P->Canvas;
    canvas->Font->Name 	= "MS Sans Serif";
    canvas->Font->Style	= TFontStyles();
    canvas->Font->Color = clBlack;
    canvas->Pen->Color 	= clBlack;
    canvas->Pen->Style	= psSolid;
    canvas->Brush->Style= bsSolid;
    for (UIClipIt it=clips.begin(); it!=clips.end(); it++){
        TRect R 		= TRect((*it)->PLeft(), 1, (*it)->PRight()-1, paClips->Height);
        canvas->Pen->Width	= 1;
        canvas->Brush->Color= (*it==sel_clip)?(drag_obj==P->Tag?CLIP_ACTIVE_DRAG_COLOR:CLIP_ACTIVE_COLOR):CLIP_INACTIVE_COLOR;
        canvas->Rectangle	(R);
        R.Top				+= 1;
        R.Bottom			-= 1;
        R.Left				+= 1;
        R.Right				-= 1;
        canvas->TextRect	(R,R.Left,R.Top,*(*it)->name);
Exemplo n.º 23
void __fastcall TClipMaker::gtClipPaint(TObject *Sender)
	TCanvas* canvas 	= gtClip->Canvas;
    canvas->Font->Name 	= "MS Sans Serif";
    canvas->Font->Style	= TFontStyles();
	canvas->Pen->Color 	= clBlack;
    canvas->Pen->Width	= 1;
    canvas->Pen->Style	= psSolid;  
	for (UIClipIt it=clips.begin(); it!=clips.end(); it++){
        canvas->MoveTo	((*it)->PLeft(), 0);
        canvas->LineTo	((*it)->PLeft(), 6);
		AnsiString s	= AnsiString().sprintf("%2.1f",(*it)->RunTime());
        float dx		= 2.f;
        float dy		= canvas->TextHeight(s);
        TRect R 		= TRect((*it)->PLeft()+1-dx, 20-dy, (*it)->PRight()-dx, 20);
    if (!clips.empty()){
    	CUIClip* C		= clips.back();
        canvas->MoveTo	(C->PRight()-1, 0);
        canvas->LineTo	(C->PRight()-1, 6);
		AnsiString s	= AnsiString().sprintf("%2.1f",m_TotalLength);
        float dx		= canvas->TextWidth(s);
        float dy		= canvas->TextHeight(s);
        TRect R 		= TRect(C->PRight()-dx, 20-dy, C->PRight(), 20);
/*    if (g_resizing){
    	canvas->Pen->Color = clGreen;
        canvas->MoveTo	(g_X_cur, 0);
        canvas->LineTo	(g_X_cur, gtClip->Width);
    if (m_RTFlags.is(flRT_Playing)){
        canvas->Pen->Color 	= clRed;
        canvas->MoveTo		(m_CurrentPlayTime*m_Zoom, 0);
        canvas->LineTo		(m_CurrentPlayTime*m_Zoom, gtClip->Width);
Exemplo n.º 24
void ShowAbout(int iFontSize, Byte bLineBreak, Byte bVersionPos, String sDate,
	TPicture *pPicture, String sAddComp, String sVersion, String sAppName,
	String sCopyright, String sText, HICON hIcon) {
	TForm *Form;

	int I;
	String sCaption;

	TVSFixedFileInfo FileVersionInfo;

	String CompanyName, FileDescription, FileVersion, InternalName,
		LegalCopyright, OriginalFilename, ProductName, ProductVersion;

	TAboutObject *AboutObject;

//	Randomize;

	if (IsShift() & IsCtrl()) {
		sAppName = "Дураев";
		sAppName += sLineBreak;
		sAppName += "Константин Петрович";
		sCopyright = "";
		sCaption   = "Автор";
		sDate      = "29.03.1981";
		sVersion   = "";
		iFontSize  = 16;
		sAddComp   = NULL;
		pPicture   = NULL;
		sText      = "";
		for (int i = 1; i < 280; i++)
			if (i % 40 == 0)
				sText = sText + sLineBreak;
				// TODO: 				sText = sText + String(AnsiChar(Chr(Ord('А') +
				// Random(Ord('Я') - Ord('А')))));
					sText = sText + L"Я";
	else {
		GetFileVerInfo(Application->ExeName, FileVersionInfo, CompanyName,
			FileDescription, FileVersion, InternalName, LegalCopyright,
			OriginalFilename, ProductName, ProductVersion);

		sCaption = LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_CAPTION);

		if (sDate == NULL)
			sDate = FormatDateTime("yyyy.mm.dd",
			HInstance) + (((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) HInstance)->e_lfanew)))

		if (sVersion == NULL) {
			sVersion = FileVersion;
			if (IsValueInWord(FileVersionInfo.dwFileFlags, VS_FF_DEBUG))
				sVersion = sVersion + LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_DEBUG);
			else if (IsValueInWord(FileVersionInfo.dwFileFlags,
				sVersion = sVersion + LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_RC);

		if (sAppName == NULL)
			sAppName = ProductName;

		if (sCopyright == NULL)
			sCopyright = LegalCopyright + "|@[email protected]";

		if (sText == NULL) {
			sText = LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_EULA1) + sLineBreak +
				LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_EULA2) + sLineBreak + LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_EULA3)
				+ sLineBreak + LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_EULA4);

		if (bLineBreak != MAXBYTE) {
			I        = PosPlace(SPACE, sAppName, bLineBreak);
			sAppName = sAppName.SubString(1, I - 1) + sLineBreak +
				sAppName.SubString(I + 1, MAXINT);
	} // IsShift and IsCtrl

	if (hIcon == NULL)
		hIcon = LoadIcon(HInstance, L"MAINICON");

	AboutObject = new TAboutObject();

	Form               = new TForm(Application); // Owner;
	Form->ShowHint     = true;
	Form->Font->Name   = "Arial";
	Form->Font->Size   = 10;
	Form->BorderStyle  = bsDialog;
	Form->Caption      = sCaption;
	Form->ClientHeight = 165;
	Form->ClientWidth  = 420;

	TBevel *bvlIconFrame = new TBevel(Form);
	bvlIconFrame->Parent = Form;
	bvlIconFrame->SetBounds(8, 14, 52, 52);
	bvlIconFrame->Shape = bsFrame;

	TPanel *pnlIcon = new TPanel(Form);
	pnlIcon->Parent = Form;
	pnlIcon->SetBounds(16, 22, 36, 36);
	pnlIcon->Caption          = "";
	pnlIcon->BevelOuter       = bvNone;
	pnlIcon->BorderStyle      = bsSingle;
	pnlIcon->ParentBackground = false;
	pnlIcon->Color            = (TColor) Random(0xFFFFFF);

	TImage *imgIcon                = new TImage(Form); // Icon
	imgIcon->Parent                = pnlIcon;
	imgIcon->Align                 = alClient;
	imgIcon->Transparent           = true;
	imgIcon->Picture->Icon->Handle = hIcon;

	TLabel *lblCopyright      = new TLabel(Form); // Copyright
	lblCopyright->Tag         = 1;
	lblCopyright->Parent      = Form;
	lblCopyright->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	lblCopyright->SetBounds(8, 80, 0, 0);

	int PosHint = Pos('|', sCopyright);
	if (PosHint == 0)
		lblCopyright->Caption = sCopyright;
	else {
		lblCopyright->Caption      = sCopyright.SubString(1, PosHint - 1);
		lblCopyright->Hint         = sCopyright.SubString(PosHint + 1, MAXINT);
		lblCopyright->Cursor       = crHandPoint;
		lblCopyright->OnMouseEnter = AboutObject->MouseEnter;
		lblCopyright->OnMouseLeave = AboutObject->MouseLeave;
		if (lblCopyright->Hint[1] == '@') {
			lblCopyright->Hint = lblCopyright->Hint.SubString(2, MAXINT);

			AboutObject->MailAddress = lblCopyright->Hint;
			AboutObject->MailSubject = OriginalFilename + " " + FileVersion;
		lblCopyright->OnClick = AboutObject->Click;

	TLabel *lblText = new TLabel(Form); // Text
	lblText->Parent   = Form;
	lblText->WordWrap = true;
	lblText->SetBounds(8, 100, Form->ClientWidth - 16, 0);
	lblText->Caption = sText;
	// I                  =
	lblText->Top + lblText->Height;
	Form->ClientHeight = Form->ClientHeight + lblText->Height;

	if (sAddComp != NULL) {
		/* with TBevel.Create(Form) do
		 Parent = Form;
		 SetBounds(7, I + 5, Form.ClientWidth - 15, 5);
		 Shape = bsTopLine;
		 I = Top + Height;

		 with TLabel.Create(Form) do // Add Components
		 Parent = Form;
		 SetBounds(8, I, 0, 0);
		 Caption = 'Программное обеспечение использует следующие компоненты:';
		 I = Top + Height;

		 with TLabel.Create(Form) do // Components
		 Tag = 2;
		 Parent = Form;
		 Font.Style = [fsBold];
		 SetBounds(8, I, 0, 0);
		 Caption = sAddComp;
		 Form.ClientHeight = Form.ClientHeight + Height + 12;
		 if FileExists(FileInAppDir(rsLicenses)) then
		 Cursor = crHandPoint;
		 OnClick = ClickObject.Click;
		 OnMouseEnter = ClickObject.MouseEnter;
		 OnMouseLeave = ClickObject.MouseLeave;
		 } */
	else // sAddComp != NULL
			Form->ClientHeight = Form->ClientHeight - 12;

	TBevel *bvlBottom = new TBevel(Form);
	bvlBottom->Parent = Form;
	bvlBottom->SetBounds(7, Form->ClientHeight - 43, Form->ClientWidth - 15, 5);
	bvlBottom->Shape = bsTopLine;

	lblMemory         = new TLabel(Form); // Физическая ...
	lblMemory->Parent = Form;
	lblMemory->SetBounds(8, Form->ClientHeight - 38, 0, 0);
	lblMemory->Caption = LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_MEMORY);

	lblMemoryValue              = new TLabel(Form); // TotalPhys
	lblMemoryValue->Parent      = Form;
	lblMemoryValue->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	lblMemoryValue->SetBounds(lblMemory->Width + 13,
		Form->ClientHeight - 38, 0, 0);

	lblProc         = new TLabel(Form); // Процессор:
	lblProc->Parent = Form;
	lblProc->SetBounds(8, Form->ClientHeight - 22, 0, 0);
	lblProc->Caption = LoadStr(IDS_ABOUT_PROCESSOR);

	lblProcValue              = new TLabel(Form); // CPUSpeed
	lblProcValue->Parent      = Form;
	lblProcValue->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	lblProcValue->SetBounds(lblMemory->Width + 13,
		Form->ClientHeight - 22, 0, 0);

	TGradientPanel *pnlName = new TGradientPanel(Form);
	pnlName->Parent = Form;
	pnlName->SetBounds(68, 8, Form->ClientWidth - 76, 64);
	pnlName->BorderStyle = bsSingle;

	pnlName->BevelOuter       = bvNone;
	pnlName->ParentBackground = false;
	if (pPicture == NULL) pnlName->ColorStart = pnlIcon->Color;
	else pnlName->ColorStart = clBlack;
	pnlName->ColorEnd = clBlack;

	if (pPicture == NULL) {
		TLabel *lblAppName = new TLabel(Form); // Application Name (1)
		lblAppName->Parent = pnlName;
		lblAppName->SetBounds(2, 2, Form->ClientWidth - 83, 58);
		lblAppName->Alignment     = taCenter;
		lblAppName->AutoSize      = false;
		lblAppName->Caption       = sAppName;
		lblAppName->ParentColor   = false;
		lblAppName->Color         = clBlack;
		lblAppName->ParentFont    = false;
		lblAppName->Font->Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
		lblAppName->Font->Color   = clBlack;
		lblAppName->Font->Height  = -51;
		lblAppName->Font->Name    = "Courier New";
		lblAppName->Font->Style   = TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsItalic;
		lblAppName->Font->Size    = iFontSize;
		lblAppName->Transparent   = true;
		lblAppName->Layout        = tlCenter;
		lblAppName->WordWrap      = true;

		TLabel *lblAppName2 = new TLabel(Form); // Application Name (2)
		lblAppName2->Parent = pnlName;
		lblAppName2->SetBounds(0, 0, Form->ClientWidth - 83, 58);
		lblAppName2->Alignment     = taCenter;
		lblAppName2->AutoSize      = false;
		lblAppName2->Caption       = sAppName;
		lblAppName2->ParentColor   = false;
		lblAppName2->Color         = clBlack;
		lblAppName2->ParentFont    = false;
		lblAppName2->Font->Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
		lblAppName2->Font->Color   = clWhite;
		lblAppName2->Font->Height  = -51;
		lblAppName2->Font->Name    = "Courier New";
		lblAppName2->Font->Style   = TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsItalic;
		lblAppName2->Font->Size    = iFontSize;
		lblAppName2->Transparent   = true;
		lblAppName2->Layout        = tlCenter;
		lblAppName2->WordWrap      = true;
	} // pPicture == NULL
	else {
		TImage *imgPicture = new TImage(Form);
		imgPicture->Parent = pnlName;
		imgPicture->Align  = alClient;

	TLabel *lblDate = new TLabel(Form); // Date
	lblDate->Parent  = pnlName;
	lblDate->Caption = sDate;
	lblDate->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	lblDate->Font->Color = clWhite;
	lblDate->Font->Size  = 8;
	lblDate->Alignment   = taRightJustify;

	switch (3) {
	case 0:
		lblDate->SetBounds(2, 2, lblDate->Width, lblDate->Height);
	case 1:
		lblDate->SetBounds(2, pnlName->ClientHeight - lblDate->Height - 2,
			lblDate->Width, lblDate->Height);
	case 2:
		lblDate->SetBounds(pnlName->ClientWidth - lblDate->Width - 2, 2,
			lblDate->Width, lblDate->Height);
		lblDate->SetBounds(pnlName->ClientWidth - lblDate->Width - 2,
			pnlName->ClientHeight - lblDate->Height - 2, lblDate->Width,
	lblDate->Transparent = true;

	TLabel *lblVerion  = new TLabel(Form); // Version
	lblVerion->Parent  = pnlName;
	lblVerion->Caption = sVersion;
	lblVerion->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
	lblVerion->Font->Color = clWhite;
	lblVerion->Font->Size  = 8;

	switch (2) {
	case 0:
		lblVerion->SetBounds(2, 2, lblVerion->Width, lblVerion->Height);
	case 1:
		lblVerion->SetBounds(2, pnlName->ClientHeight - lblVerion->Height - 2,
			lblVerion->Width, lblVerion->Height);
	case 2:
		lblVerion->SetBounds(pnlName->ClientWidth - lblVerion->Width - 2, 2,
			lblVerion->Width, lblVerion->Height);
		lblVerion->SetBounds(pnlName->ClientWidth - lblVerion->Width - 2,
			pnlName->ClientHeight - lblVerion->Height - 2, lblVerion->Width,
	lblVerion->Transparent = true;

	TButton *btnClose     = new TButton(Form);
	btnClose->Parent      = Form;
	btnClose->Caption     = "OK";
	btnClose->ModalResult = mrCancel;
	btnClose->Cancel      = true;
	btnClose->SetBounds(Form->ClientWidth - 83, Form->ClientHeight - 34,
		75, 26);
	btnClose->TabOrder = 0;

	TTimer *timer   = new TTimer(Form);
	timer->OnTimer  = AboutObject->TimerTimer;
	timer->Interval = 1;
	timer->Enabled  = true;


	Form->Left = (Screen->Width - Form->Width) / 2;
	Form->Top  = (Screen->Height - Form->Height) / 2;




	lblMemory      = NULL;
	lblProc        = NULL;
	lblMemoryValue = NULL;
	lblProcValue   = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 25
void __fastcall CChart::DrawNet(TCanvas *aCanvas)
       aCanvas->Font->Size  = 8;
       aCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
       aCanvas->Pen->Color  = NetColor;
       aCanvas->Font->Color = clWhite;
       float yStep = (DrawRect.Bottom  - DrawRect.Top) / 10.0;
       float xStep = (DrawRect.Right  - DrawRect.Left) / 10.0;
       if ( yStep == 0 || xStep == 0) return;
  // ---------------
//         CCollection<double> TimeScales;
     //TimeScalesIndex = 10;
//     VoltScalesIndex = 10;
       int th = aCanvas->TextWidth("0");
       double BeginVal = VoltScales.Values[VoltScalesIndex] * 5;
       int    iCounter = 0;
       double val;
       for ( float i = DrawRect.Top; i < DrawRect.Bottom; i = i + yStep, iCounter++)
             aCanvas->MoveTo (DrawRect.Left , i);
             aCanvas->LineTo (DrawRect.Right, i);

             val = BeginVal - iCounter*VoltScales.Values[VoltScalesIndex];
             if ( fabs(val) < 1e-5 ) val = 0;
             //AnsiString as = FloatToStrF(val, ffFixed, 20, 5);
             AnsiString as = FloatToStr(round(val * 100000) / 100000.0);
             int tw = aCanvas->TextWidth(as);
             aCanvas->TextOut(DrawRect.Left - tw - 8, i - th*0.64, as);

       BeginVal = 0;
       iCounter = 0;
       for ( float i = DrawRect.Left; i <= DrawRect.Right; i = i + xStep, iCounter++ )
             aCanvas->MoveTo(i, DrawRect.Top);
             aCanvas->LineTo(i, DrawRect.Bottom);

             //AnsiString as = FloatToStrF(iCounter*TimeScales.Values[TimeScalesIndex], ffFixed, 20, 5);
             AnsiString as = FloatToStr(round(iCounter*TimeScales.Values[TimeScalesIndex] * 100000) / 100000.0);
             int tw = aCanvas->TextWidth(as);
             aCanvas->TextOut(i - tw * 0.5, DrawRect.Bottom + 8, as);

   // ---- Отрисовка дополнительных отметок ------------
       float CountTicks = 4.0;
       float xStep1 = xStep / CountTicks;
       float yStep1 = yStep / CountTicks;
       short int x1 = DrawRect.Left - 3;
       short int x2 = DrawRect.Left + 3;
       //short int x1 = DrawRect.Left + DrawRect.Width() / 2 - 3;
       //short int x2 = DrawRect.Left + DrawRect.Width() / 2 + 3;
       short int y1 = DrawRect.Top + DrawRect.Height() / 2 - 3;
       short int y2 = DrawRect.Top + DrawRect.Height() / 2 + 3;

    // ------ Горизонтальная ось ---------
       for ( float i = DrawRect.Left + xStep1; i < DrawRect.Right - 2; i = i + xStep1 )
           aCanvas->MoveTo(i, y1);
           aCanvas->LineTo(i, y2);

    // ------ Вертикальная осъ ---------
       for ( float i = DrawRect.Top + yStep1; i < DrawRect.Bottom - 2; i = i + yStep1)
           aCanvas->MoveTo(x1, i);
           aCanvas->LineTo(x2, i);
Exemplo n.º 26
void __fastcall CChart::DrawSeriesValues()
       Graphics::TCanvas *aCanvas = aaBitmap->Canvas;
     // -----  Отрисовую Сетку ГРафиков ------
     // -----
       if ( fCanals != NULL )

         // ----- Если работа в реальном времени, тогда рисуем кривые ----
             for (  int i = 0; i < fCanals->ItemsCount; i++ )
                  if ( Canals->Items[i]->gr_Checked == false ) continue;

                   aCanvas->Pen->Color = (TColor)0x003300;
                   aCanvas->Polyline(fCanals->Items[i]->gr_Values, fCanals->Items[i]->gr_ValuesCount - 1);

                   if ( isRealTimeWork == true ) LastDrawPoint = fCanals->Items[i]->Count;
                   fCanals->Items[i]->Calculate_gr_Values(false, LastDrawPoint );

                   aCanvas->Pen->Color = fCanals->Items[i]->gr_Color;
                   aCanvas->Polyline(fCanals->Items[i]->gr_Values, fCanals->Items[i]->gr_ValuesCount - 1);

         // --------- Отрисовка курсора ----
             if ( isRealTimeWork == false )
                 if ( XMousePosition >= DrawRect.Left && XMousePosition <= DrawRect.Right && YMousePosition >= DrawRect.Top && YMousePosition <= DrawRect.Bottom )
                     aCanvas->Pen->Color = clWhite;

                     aCanvas->MoveTo(XMousePosition, DrawRect.Top+2);
                     aCanvas->LineTo(XMousePosition, DrawRect.Bottom - 2);

                    AnsiString as1, as2, as_t;
                    bool       isTimeValueDrawed = false;
                    int  CursorIndex = XMousePosition - DrawRect.Left;

                    double val;

                        SetBkMode(aCanvas->Handle, TRANSPARENT);
                        //aCanvas->Font->Size = 10;
                        aCanvas->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
                        for ( int i = 0; i < Canals->ItemsCount; i++)
                            if (Canals->Items[i]->Count == 0) continue;

                            if ( CursorIndex >= (int)Canals->Items[i]->Count ) CursorIndex = Canals->Items[i]->Count - 1;
                            if ( CursorIndex <  0                            ) CursorIndex = 0;

                            if ( Canals->Items[i]->gr_ValuesCount > 0 )
                                if ( CursorIndex >= Canals->Items[i]->gr_ValuesCount ) CursorIndex = Canals->Items[i]->gr_ValuesCount - 1;
                                if ( CursorIndex <  0 ) CursorIndex = 0;

                                val  = Canals->Items[i]->Values[Canals->Items[i]->gr_ArrayIndex[CursorIndex]] * Canals->Items[i]->gr_YVoltTransformCoef;
                                as1  = "[V] = " + FloatToStrF(val     , ffFixed, 20, 6);
                                as2  = "[G] = " + FloatToStrF(val*9.81, ffFixed, 20, 5);

                                aCanvas->Font->Color = Canals->Items[i]->gr_Color;
                                aCanvas->TextOut(150 + i*100, 10, as1);
                                aCanvas->TextOut(150 + i*100, 27, as2);
                                if ( isTimeValueDrawed == false )
                                    isTimeValueDrawed = true;
                                     // ---- Время курсора -----
                                    as_t = FloatToStrF(Canals->Items[i]->gr_ArrayIndex[CursorIndex] / (double)BaseADC->AcpCanalFreq, ffFixed, 20, 5) + " (c)";
                                    aCanvas->Font->Color = clWhite;
                                    aCanvas->TextOut(10, 10, "Время курсора :");
                                    aCanvas->TextOut(10, 27, as_t);

     // ----- Раскрываем канву ---------
       pbMain->Canvas->Draw(0, 0, aaBitmap);
Exemplo n.º 27
CChartManager::CChartManager(Extctrls::TPanel *aParentPanel)
   // ----------
    Panel_Parent               = NULL;
    Panel_Menu                 = NULL;
    Panel_MainBGChart          = NULL;
    Panel_Chart                = NULL;
    Panel_StringGrid           = NULL;
    Panel_SeriesNames          = NULL;
    Panel_CursorTimeValue      = NULL;
    ScrollBar_StringGrid       = NULL;
    StringGrid_Data            = NULL;
    CheckListBox_SeriesNames   = NULL;
    TabControl_SeriesTable     = NULL;
    Button_SelectAllSeries     = NULL;
    Button_DeSelectAllSeries   = NULL;
    Label_PointOnChart         = NULL;
    Edit_PointOnChart          = NULL;
    SpeedButton_PointOnChart   = NULL;
    CheckBox_FullTimeScale     = NULL;
    CheckBox_Decimation        = NULL;
    CheckBox_AutoTracking      = NULL;
    CheckBox_EditMode          = NULL;
    Panel_SelectInterval       = NULL;
    Button_ShowIntervalResults = NULL;
    pStorage                   = NULL;
   // ----------
    Panel_Parent = aParentPanel;

    Panel_Parent->DoubleBuffered                 = true;
    Panel_Parent->Color                          = clBtnFace;
    Panel_Parent->Parent->Constraints->MinWidth  = 720;
    Panel_Parent->Parent->Constraints->MinHeight = 400;
    Panel_Parent->OnResize                       = on_Resize_Panel_Parent;

    // -------- TabControl - Init -------
    TabControl_SeriesTable = new TTabControl(Panel_Parent);
    TabControl_SeriesTable->Parent = Panel_Parent;
    TabControl_SeriesTable->Tabs->Add(" Table ");
    TabControl_SeriesTable->Tabs->Add(" Charts ");
    TabControl_SeriesTable->Align  = alClient;
    TabControl_SeriesTable->OnChange = TabControl_SeriesTable_onClick;

    ((TForm*)Panel_Parent->Parent)->ActiveControl = TabControl_SeriesTable;

            // -------- Panel_Chart - Init -------
            Panel_MainBGChart                 = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
            Panel_MainBGChart->Parent         = TabControl_SeriesTable;
            Panel_MainBGChart->Align          = alClient;
            Panel_MainBGChart->BevelInner     = bvNone;
            Panel_MainBGChart->BevelOuter     = bvNone;
            //Panel_MainBGChart->BevelInner     = bvLowered;
            //Panel_MainBGChart->BevelOuter     = bvRaised;
            Panel_MainBGChart->BevelWidth     = 1;
            Panel_MainBGChart->Color          = clSilver;
            Panel_MainBGChart->DoubleBuffered = true;

            // --------- String Grid ------
            Panel_StringGrid = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
            Panel_StringGrid->Parent         = TabControl_SeriesTable;
            Panel_StringGrid->Align          = alClient;
            Panel_StringGrid->BevelInner     = bvNone;
            Panel_StringGrid->BevelOuter     = bvNone;
            Panel_StringGrid->BevelWidth     = 1;
            Panel_StringGrid->Color          = clWhite;
            Panel_StringGrid->DoubleBuffered = true;

                    // -------- 
                    StringGrid_Data = new TStringGrid(Panel_StringGrid);
                    StringGrid_Data->Parent           = Panel_StringGrid;
                    StringGrid_Data->Align            = alClient;
                    StringGrid_Data->ScrollBars       = ssHorizontal;
                    StringGrid_Data->RowCount         = 38;
                    StringGrid_Data->DefaultRowHeight = 30;
                    StringGrid_Data->DefaultColWidth  = 85;
                    StringGrid_Data->ColCount         = 30;
                    StringGrid_Data->BevelWidth       = 1;

                    // -------- 
                    ScrollBar_StringGrid = new TScrollBar(Panel_StringGrid);
                    ScrollBar_StringGrid->Parent  = Panel_StringGrid; 
                    ScrollBar_StringGrid->Align   = alRight;
                    ScrollBar_StringGrid->Kind    = sbVertical;

    // -------- Panel_Chart - Init -------
    Panel_Chart = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
    Panel_Chart->Parent         = Panel_MainBGChart;
    Panel_Chart->Align          = alClient;
    Panel_Chart->BevelInner     = bvLowered;
    Panel_Chart->BevelOuter     = bvRaised;
    Panel_Chart->BevelWidth     = 1;
    Panel_Chart->Color          = clSilver;
    Panel_Chart->DoubleBuffered = true;
    // -------- Panel_SeriesNames - Init -------
    Panel_SeriesNames = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
    Panel_SeriesNames->Parent     = Panel_MainBGChart; //Panel_Parent;
    Panel_SeriesNames->Align      = alLeft;
    Panel_SeriesNames->Width      = 183;
    Panel_SeriesNames->BevelInner = bvNone;
    Panel_SeriesNames->BevelOuter = bvNone;
    Panel_SeriesNames->BevelWidth = 0;

            // -------- CheckListBox - Init -------
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames = new TCheckListBox(aParentPanel);
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Parent         = Panel_SeriesNames;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Align          = alClient;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Flat           = false;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Ctl3D          = false;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->DoubleBuffered = true;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->ItemHeight     = 32;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Color          = clWhite;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->OnDrawItem     = on_Draw_CheckListBox;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->Style          = lbOwnerDrawFixed;
            CheckListBox_SeriesNames->OnClickCheck   = on_ClickCheck_CheckListBox; 

            // -------- Panel_CursorTimeValue - Init -------
            Panel_CursorTimeValue = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->Parent = Panel_SeriesNames;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->DoubleBuffered = true;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->Align  = alBottom;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->Font->Size = 12;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->Font->Style = TFontStyles()<<fsBold;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->BevelInner = bvLowered;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->BevelOuter = bvRaised;
            Panel_CursorTimeValue->BevelWidth = 1;

    // -------- Panel_Menu - Init -------
    Panel_Menu = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
    Panel_Menu->Parent         = Panel_MainBGChart; //Panel_Parent;
    Panel_Menu->Align          = alTop;
    Panel_Menu->BevelInner     = bvLowered;
    Panel_Menu->BevelOuter     = bvRaised;
    Panel_Menu->Height         = 50;
    Panel_Menu->BevelWidth     = 1;
    Panel_Menu->DoubleBuffered = true;

            // -------- Button_SelectAllSeries - Init -------
            Button_SelectAllSeries = new TButton(Panel_Parent);
            Button_SelectAllSeries->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            Button_SelectAllSeries->Top     = 14;
            Button_SelectAllSeries->Left    = 8;
            Button_SelectAllSeries->Width   = 80;
            Button_SelectAllSeries->Caption = "Select all";
            Button_SelectAllSeries->OnClick = on_Click_Button_SelectAllSeries;

            // -------- Button_DeSelectAllSeries - Init -------
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries = new TButton(Panel_Parent);
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->Top     = 14;
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->Left    = 95;
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->Width   = 80;
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->Caption = "Deselect all";
            Button_DeSelectAllSeries->OnClick = on_Click_Button_DeSelectAllSeries;

            // -------- Label_PointOnChart - Init -------
            Label_PointOnChart = new TLabel(Panel_Parent);
            Label_PointOnChart->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            Label_PointOnChart->Top     = 7;
            Label_PointOnChart->Left    = 198;
            Label_PointOnChart->Caption = "Point on chart";

            // -------- Edit_PointOnChart - Init -------
            Edit_PointOnChart = new TEdit(Panel_Parent);
            Edit_PointOnChart->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            Edit_PointOnChart->Top     = 24;
            Edit_PointOnChart->Left    = 200;
            Edit_PointOnChart->Width   = 52;
            Edit_PointOnChart->Text    = "1000000";

            // -------- SpeedButton_PointOnChart - Init -------
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart = new TSpeedButton(Panel_Parent);
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Top     = 24;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Left    = 252;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Width   = 24;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Height  = 21;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Flat    = true;
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Caption = "V";
            SpeedButton_PointOnChart->OnClick = on_Click_Button_PointOnChart;

            // -------- CheckBox_FullTimeScale - Init -------
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale->Top     = 8;
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale->Left    = 290;
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale->Caption = "Full time scale";
            CheckBox_FullTimeScale->OnClick = isFullTimeScaleChecked;

            // -------- CheckBox_Deciamtion - Init -------
            CheckBox_Decimation = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_Decimation->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_Decimation->Top     = 28;
            CheckBox_Decimation->Left    = 290;
            CheckBox_Decimation->Caption = "Decimation";
            CheckBox_Decimation->OnClick = isDecimationChecked;

            // -------- CheckBox_AutoTracking - Init -------
            CheckBox_AutoTracking = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_AutoTracking->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_AutoTracking->Top     = 8;
            CheckBox_AutoTracking->Left    = 390;
            CheckBox_AutoTracking->Caption = "Auto tracking";
            CheckBox_AutoTracking->OnClick = on_Checked_isAutoTracking;

            // -------- CheckBox_AutoTracking - Init -------
            CheckBox_EditMode = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_EditMode->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_EditMode->Top     = 28;
            CheckBox_EditMode->Left    = 390;
            CheckBox_EditMode->Caption = "Edit mode";
            CheckBox_EditMode->OnClick = on_Checked_isEditMode;

            // -------- CheckBox_AutoTracking - Init -------
            CheckBox_XCursor = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_XCursor->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_XCursor->Top     = 8;
            CheckBox_XCursor->Left    = 490;
            CheckBox_XCursor->Caption = "X Cursor";
            CheckBox_XCursor->OnClick = on_Checked_isEditMode;

            // -------- CheckBox_AutoTracking - Init -------
            CheckBox_YCursor = new TCheckBox(Panel_Parent);
            CheckBox_YCursor->Parent  = Panel_Menu;
            CheckBox_YCursor->Top     = 28;
            CheckBox_YCursor->Left    = 490;
            CheckBox_YCursor->Caption = "Y Cursor";
            CheckBox_YCursor->OnClick = on_Checked_isEditMode;

            // -------- Panel_SelectInterval - Init -------
            Panel_SelectInterval = new TPanel(Panel_Parent);
            Panel_SelectInterval->Parent     = Panel_Menu;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Top        = 8;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Left       = 565;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Width      = 100;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Height     = Panel_SelectInterval->Parent->Height - 2*8;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Caption    = "Select interval";
            Panel_SelectInterval->BevelInner = bvLowered;
            Panel_SelectInterval->BevelOuter = bvRaised;
            Panel_SelectInterval->Visible    = isDebugMode;
            Panel_SelectInterval->OnClick    = on_Click_Panel_SelectInterval;

            // -------- Button_ShowIntervalResults - Init -------
            Button_ShowIntervalResults = new TButton(Panel_Parent);
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Parent     = Panel_Menu;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Top        = 8;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Left       = 675;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Width      = 100;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Height     = Button_ShowIntervalResults->Parent->Height - 2*8;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Caption    = "Show intervals";
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->Visible    = isDebugMode;
            Button_ShowIntervalResults->OnClick    = on_Click_Button_ShowIntervalResults;

   // ------- Variables -------
    Chart = new CChart( Panel_Chart, CheckListBox_SeriesNames, Panel_CursorTimeValue, &isInterfaceInited);
    Chart->void_Parent_PanelDown = Panel_SelectInterval_SetDown;

    memset(CheckListBoxIndexesChecked, 0, sizeof(CheckListBoxIndexesChecked));

    isPanel_SelectIntervalDown  = false;
    isTableShow                 = true;
    isInterfaceInited           = false;
    StorageValuesCount_Previous = 0;

    CheckBox_FullTimeScale->Enabled = true;
    ScrollBar_StringGrid->Enabled   = false;

    //Button_ShowIntervalResults->Enabled   = false;
    //SpeedButton_PointOnChart->Enabled   = false;
    //Edit_PointOnChart->Enabled = false;
    //CheckBox_Decimation->Enabled   = false;
    //CheckBox_AutoTracking->Enabled   = false;
    //Panel_SelectInterval->Enabled   = false;
    CheckBox_XCursor->Enabled   = false;
    CheckBox_YCursor->Enabled   = false;
   // ------
    Update( );
Exemplo n.º 28
void __fastcall TMainForm::LeaveLink(TObject *Sender)
   static_cast<TLabel*>(Sender)->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
Exemplo n.º 29
void __fastcall TMainForm::EnterLink(TObject *Sender)
   static_cast<TLabel*>(Sender)->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsUnderline;
void __fastcall TSpreadSheetRLForm::actApplyFormattingExecute(TObject *Sender)
  TcxSSHeader *CHeader, *RHeader;
  TCursor CurCursor = Screen->Cursor;                       // preserve the current cursor
  Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass;                             // wait cursor
  FIsSaveSpreadSheet = false;
  try {
    cxSpreadBook->ActivePage = 0;                           // ensure we are looking at the first page
    // Firstly by setting the column widths
    CHeader = cxSpreadBook->ActiveSheet->Cols;
    CHeader->Size[0] = 140;
    for(int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
      CHeader->Size[i] =  80;
    // and then the Row heights for the title and column descriptors
    RHeader = cxSpreadBook->ActiveSheet->Rows;
    RHeader->Size[0] =  30;
    RHeader->Size[2] =  30;
    // and how about some cell formatting
    // setting the title and column header fonts

    SetCellFont(0, 0, 0, 0, TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsUnderline, 12);
    // and now adding some cell shading
    // for the sheet title
    SetCellPattern(0, 0, 8, 1, 16, 1, fsSolid);
   // for the column headers
    SetCellPattern(0, 2, 8, 2, 23, 1, fsSolid);
    // and the company names
    SetCellPattern(0, 2, 0, FCurRow - 2, 23, 1, fsSolid);
    // and now some number formatting
    SetCellFormat(1,3,1,FCurRow-1, 3);                      // Holding Column #,##0
    SetCellFormat(2,3,2,FCurRow-1,15);                      //  Date Purchased d-mmm-yy
    SetCellFormat(3,3,6,FCurRow-1, 4);                      //  Price/Cost/Value & Worth Column #,##0.00
    SetCellFormat(7,3,7,FCurRow-1, 8);                      //  Gain/(Loss) value (#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)
    SetCellFormat(8,3,8,FCurRow-1,10);                      //  Gain/(Loss) percentage 0.00%
    // and now for the totals
    SetCellFormat(4,FCurRow,4,FCurRow, 8);                  //  Total Purchase Cost ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
    SetCellFormat(6,FCurRow,7,FCurRow, 8);                  //  Total Current Valuation ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
    SetCellFormat(8,FCurRow,8,FCurRow,10);                  //  Total Gain/(Loss) percentage 0.00%
    // now lets align all the data
    SetCellAlignment(1,3,8,FCurRow, haRIGHT, vaCENTER);     // Right Align all the numeric fields
    // and how about some borders for the totals
    SetCellBorders(4, FCurRow, 4, FCurRow, 1, lsThin);      // thin single line at the top of the cell
    SetCellBorders(6, FCurRow, 6, FCurRow, 1, lsThin);
    SetCellBorders(7, FCurRow, 7, FCurRow, 1, lsThin);
    SetCellBorders(4, FCurRow, 4, FCurRow, 3, lsDouble);    // double line at the bottom of the cell
    SetCellBorders(6, FCurRow, 6, FCurRow, 3, lsDouble);    // double line at the bottom of the cell
    SetCellBorders(7, FCurRow, 7, FCurRow, 3, lsDouble);    // double line at the bottom of the cell

    // and now a similar process for the Hi/Lo valuations page
    cxSpreadBook->ActivePage = 1;                           // ensure we are looking at the second page
    // Firstly by setting the column widths
    CHeader = cxSpreadBook->ActiveSheet->Cols;
    CHeader->Size[0] = 140;
    for(int i = 1; i<=4; i++) CHeader->Size[i] =  80;
    // and then the Row heights for the title and column descriptors
    RHeader = cxSpreadBook->ActiveSheet->Rows;
    RHeader->Size[0] =  30;
    RHeader->Size[2] =  30;
    // and how about some cell formatting
    // setting the title and column header fonts
    SetCellFont(0, 0, 0, 0, TFontStyles() << fsBold << fsUnderline, 12);
    // and now adding some cell shading
    // for the sheet title
    SetCellPattern(0, 0, 4, 1, 16, 1, fsSolid);
    // for the column headers
    SetCellPattern(0, 2, 4, 2, 23, 1, fsSolid);
    // and the company names
    SetCellPattern(0, 2, 0, FCurRow - 2, 23, 1, fsSolid);
    // and now some number formatting
    SetCellFormat(1, 3, 4, FCurRow - 1, 4);                 //  Current, Hi, Lo and Average #,##0.00
      // now lets align all the data
    SetCellAlignment(1, 3, 4, FCurRow, haRIGHT, vaCENTER);  // Right Align all the numeric fields

    FIsSaveSpreadSheet = true;                              // enable the save spreadsheet button
  __finally {
    cxSpreadBook->ActivePage = 0;                           // and back to the first page
    Screen->Cursor = CurCursor;                             // and reset cursor