utf32 C_StringListCommandLineOption::getStringOptionInvocationLetter (const C_String & inDomainName, const C_String & inIdentifier) { utf32 result = TO_UNICODE (0) ; C_StringListCommandLineOption * p = gFirstStringListOption ; bool found = false ; while ((p != NULL) && not found) { found = (inDomainName == p->mDomainName) && (inIdentifier == p->mIdentifier) ; result = TO_UNICODE ((uint32_t) p->mCommandChar) ; p = p->mNext ; } return result ; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: TStifUtil Method: STIFVersion Description: Method used to retrieve version of STIF by both STIF and STIF UI Parameters: TInt& aMajorV - parameter used to pass major STIF version TInt& aMinorV - parameter used to pass minor STIF version TInt& aBuildV - parameter used to pass build version of STIF TDes& aRelDate - parameter used to pass information about release date Return Values: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ EXPORT_C void TStifUtil::STIFVersion(TInt& aMajorV, TInt& aMinorV, TInt& aBuildV, TDes& aRelDate) { aMajorV = STIF_MAJOR_VERSION; aMinorV = STIF_MINOR_VERSION; aBuildV = STIF_BUILD_VERSION; aRelDate = TO_UNICODE(STIF_REL_DATE); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { try { if (boost::algorithm::find_first(argv[1], ".fbx") || boost::algorithm::find_first(argv[1], ".FBX")) { if (argc != 4) { WHISPERWIND_EXCEPTION("The command line is Whisperwind_MeshConverter sourcefile uv_inverse=bool scale=%f."); } Tool::FbxXmlConverter fbx2XmlConverter(argv[1]); { Util::String param(argv[2]); boost::algorithm::erase_first(param, "uv_inverse="); fbx2XmlConverter.setUVInverse(boost::lexical_cast<bool>(param)); param = argv[3]; boost::algorithm::erase_first(param, "scale="); fbx2XmlConverter.setScaleFactor(boost::lexical_cast<Util::real>(param)); } Util::Wstring xmlPath = fbx2XmlConverter.convertToXml(); Tool::XmlWmeshConverter xml2WmeshConverter(Util::WstringToString(xmlPath)); xml2WmeshConverter.converteToWmesh(); } else if (boost::algorithm::find_first(argv[1], ".wmesh.xml")) { if (argc != 2) { WHISPERWIND_EXCEPTION("The command line is Whisperwind_MeshConverter sourcefile."); } Tool::XmlWmeshConverter xml2WmeshConverter(argv[1]); xml2WmeshConverter.converteToWmesh(); } else if (boost::algorithm::find_first(argv[1], ".wmesh")) { /// TODO! .wmesh converte to .wmesh.xml. Now I donnot need it. } } catch (boost::exception & e) { #ifdef WHISPERWIND_DEBUG DEBUG_PRINT_RED(boost::diagnostic_information_what(e)); #else Util::Wstring error(Util::StringToWstring(boost::diagnostic_information_what(e))); WHISPERWIND_LOG(error); ::MessageBox(NULL, error.c_str(), TO_UNICODE("Xml to wmesh failed!"), MB_OK); #endif } return 0; }
GALGAS_char GALGAS_char::constructor_default (UNUSED_LOCATION_ARGS) { return GALGAS_char (TO_UNICODE (0)) ; }
GALGAS_char::GALGAS_char (void) : AC_GALGAS_root (), mIsValid (false), mCharValue (TO_UNICODE (0)) { }
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include "EngineManager.h" #include "D3D9Plugin.h" static const Util::Wstring DLL_NAME(TO_UNICODE("D3D9RenderSystem")); namespace Engine { extern "C" void WHISPERWIND_API dllLoadEntry(void) { Util::PluginPtr plugin = boost::make_shared<D3D9Plugin>(DLL_NAME); EngineManager::getSingleton().installPlugin(plugin); } }