Exemplo n.º 1
void TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
	TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
	TSCont main_cont, config_cont;
	config_holder_t *config_holder;

	info.plugin_name = PLUGIN_TAG;
	info.vendor_name = "Comcast";
	info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";
	astatsLoad = time(NULL);

	if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_2_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS)
		TSError("Plugin registration failed. \n");

	if (!check_ts_version()) {
		TSError("Plugin requires Traffic Server 2.0 or later\n");

	config_holder = new_config_holder(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : NULL);

	main_cont = TSContCreate(astats_origin, NULL);
	TSContDataSet(main_cont, (void *) config_holder);

	config_cont = TSContCreate(config_handler, TSMutexCreate());
	TSContDataSet(config_cont, (void *) config_holder);
	TSMgmtUpdateRegister(config_cont, PLUGIN_TAG);
	/* Create a continuation with a mutex as there is a shared global structure
       containing the headers to add */
	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "astats module registered, path: '%s'", config_holder->config->stats_path);
Exemplo n.º 2
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  int i;
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name = "blacklist-0";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[blacklist-0] Plugin registration failed.");

  nsites = argc - 1;
  if (nsites > 0) {
    sites = (char **)TSmalloc(sizeof(char *) * nsites);

    for (i = 0; i < nsites; i++) {
      sites[i] = TSstrdup(argv[i + 1]);

    TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_OS_DNS_HOOK, TSContCreate(blacklist_plugin, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 3
TSRemapDoRemap(void* ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo *rri)
    int                         ret;
    uint64_t                    req_id;
    TSCont                      contp;
    lua_State                   *L;
    ts_lua_main_ctx             *main_ctx;
    ts_lua_http_ctx             *http_ctx;
    ts_lua_cont_info            *ci;
    ts_lua_instance_conf        *instance_conf;

    instance_conf = (ts_lua_instance_conf*)ih;
    req_id = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ts_lua_http_next_id, 1);

    main_ctx = &ts_lua_main_ctx_array[req_id%TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT];


    http_ctx = ts_lua_create_http_ctx(main_ctx, instance_conf);

    http_ctx->txnp = rh;
    http_ctx->client_request_bufp = rri->requestBufp;
    http_ctx->client_request_hdrp = rri->requestHdrp;
    http_ctx->client_request_url = rri->requestUrl;
    http_ctx->rri = rri;

    ci = &http_ctx->cinfo;
    L = ci->routine.lua;

    contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_cont_handler, NULL);
    TSContDataSet(contp, http_ctx);

    ci->contp = contp;
    ci->mutex = TSContMutexGet((TSCont)rh);

    // push do_remap function on the stack, and no async operation should exist here.
    lua_getglobal(L, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_REMAP);

    if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0) != 0) {
        ee("lua_pcall failed: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
        ret = TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    } else {
        ret = lua_tointeger(L, -1);

    lua_pop(L, 1);      // pop the result

    if (http_ctx->hooks > 0) {
        TSHttpTxnHookAdd(rh, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, contp);

    } else {

    return ret;
static int
ts_lua_http_server_intercept(lua_State *L)
  TSCont contp;
  int type;
  ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;

  http_ctx = ts_lua_get_http_ctx(L);
  http_ctx->has_hook = 1;

  type = lua_type(L, 1);

  if (type != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSError("[%s] param in ts.http.server_intercept should be a function", __FUNCTION__);
    return 0;

  lua_pushvalue(L, 1);

  http_ctx->intercept_type = TS_LUA_TYPE_HTTP_SERVER_INTERCEPT;

  contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_intercept_entry, TSMutexCreate());
  TSContDataSet(contp, http_ctx);
  TSHttpTxnServerIntercept(contp, http_ctx->txnp);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
ts_http_fetcher_launch(http_fetcher *fch)
    int64_t     hdr_len;
    // post body , content-length

    TSIOBufferWrite(fch->req_buffer, "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n")-1);
    hdr_len = TSIOBufferReaderAvail(fch->req_reader);

    fch->http_vc = TSHttpConnect(&(fch->aip));

    fch->hdr_buffer = TSIOBufferSizedCreate(TS_IOBUFFER_SIZE_INDEX_8K);
    fch->hdr_reader = TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(fch->hdr_buffer);
    fch->hdr_bufp = TSMBufferCreate();
    fch->hdr_loc = TSHttpHdrCreate(fch->hdr_bufp);

    fch->resp_buffer = TSIOBufferCreate();
    fch->resp_reader = TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(fch->resp_buffer);
    fch->http_parser = TSHttpParserCreate();

    fch->fetch_contp = TSContCreate(ts_http_fetch_handler, fch->mutexp);
    TSContDataSet(fch->fetch_contp, fch);

    fch->read_vio = TSVConnRead(fch->http_vc, fch->fetch_contp, fch->resp_buffer, INT64_MAX);

    if (fch->method == TS_FETCH_METHOD_POST && fch->post_cl >= 0) {
        fch->write_vio = TSVConnWrite(fch->http_vc, fch->fetch_contp, fch->req_reader, hdr_len + fch->post_cl);
    } else {
        fch->write_vio = TSVConnWrite(fch->http_vc, fch->fetch_contp, fch->req_reader, hdr_len);

    fch->launched = 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
protocol_init(int accept_port, int server_port ATS_UNUSED)
  TSCont contp;
  int ret_val;

  /* create customized log */
  ret_val = TSTextLogObjectCreate("protocol", TS_LOG_MODE_ADD_TIMESTAMP, &protocol_plugin_log);
  if (ret_val != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[protocol] Failed to create log");

  /* format of the log entries, for caching_status, 1 for HIT and 0 for MISS */
  ret_val = TSTextLogObjectWrite(protocol_plugin_log, "timestamp filename servername caching_status\n\n");
  if (ret_val != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[protocol] Failed to write into log");

  contp = TSContCreate(accept_handler, TSMutexCreate());

  /* Accept network traffic from the accept_port.
     When there are requests coming in, contp's handler
     should be called, in this case, contp's handler
     is accept_event, see AcceptSM.c */
  pending_action = TSNetAccept(contp, accept_port, -1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void ironbee_plugin_ssn_start(TSCont contp, TSHttpSsn ssnp)
    assert(contp != NULL);
    assert(ssnp != NULL);

    TSCont mycont;
    tsib_ssn_ctx *ssndata;

    /* start of connection */
    /* But we can't initialize conn stuff here, because there's
    * no API to get the connection stuff required by ironbee
    * at this point.  So instead, intercept the first TXN
    * what we can and must do: create a new contp whose
    * lifetime is our ssn
    mycont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, NULL);
    TSHttpSsnHookAdd (ssnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_START_HOOK, mycont);
    ssndata = TSmalloc(sizeof(*ssndata));
    memset(ssndata, 0, sizeof(*ssndata));
    ssndata->contp = mycont;
    TSContDataSet(mycont, ssndata);

    TSHttpSsnHookAdd (ssnp, TS_HTTP_SSN_CLOSE_HOOK, mycont);

    TSHttpSsnReenable (ssnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
Exemplo n.º 8
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name = "null-transform";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[null-transform] Plugin registration failed.\n");
    goto Lerror;

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("[null-transform] Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0 " "or later\n");
    goto Lerror;

  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(transform_plugin, NULL));

  TSError("[null-tranform] Unable to initialize plugin (disabled).\n");
Exemplo n.º 9
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
  TSCont cont;

  info.plugin_name = "server-transform";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("Plugin registration failed.\n");

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0 or later\n");

  /* connect to the echo port on localhost */
  server_ip = (127 << 24) | (0 << 16) | (0 << 8) | (1);
  server_ip = htonl(server_ip);
  server_port = 7;

  cont = TSContCreate(transform_plugin, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 10
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  const char prefix[] = "http://";
  int uri_len;
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name = "redirect-1";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("Plugin registration failed.\n");

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0 or later\n");

  if (argc == 3) {
    block_ip = TSstrdup(argv[1]);

     *   The Location header must contain an absolute URI:

    url_redirect = TSstrdup(argv[2]);
    uri_len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(url_redirect) + 1;
    uri_redirect = TSmalloc(uri_len);
    TSstrlcpy(uri_redirect, prefix, uri_len);
    TSstrlcat(uri_redirect, url_redirect, uri_len);

  } else {
    TSError("Incorrect syntax in plugin.conf:  correct usage is" "redirect-1.so ip_deny url_redirect");

  ip_deny = inet_addr(block_ip);

  TSDebug("redirect_init", "initializing stats...");
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(redirect_plugin, NULL));

  TSDebug("redirect_init", "block_ip is %s, url_redirect is %s, and uri_redirect is %s",
           block_ip, url_redirect, uri_redirect);
  // ToDo: Should figure out how to print IPs which are IPv4 / v6.
  // TSDebug("redirect_init", "ip_deny is %ld\n", ip_deny);

   *  Demonstrate another tracing function.  This can be used to
   *  enable debug calculations and other work that should only
   *  be done in debug mode.

  if (TSIsDebugTagSet("redirect_demo"))
    TSDebug("redirect_init", "The redirect_demo tag is set");
    TSDebug("redirect_init", "The redirect_demo tag is not set");
Exemplo n.º 11
static int
ts_lua_sleep(lua_State *L)
  int sec;
  TSAction action;
  TSCont contp;
  ts_lua_async_item *ai;
  ts_lua_cont_info *ci;

  ci = ts_lua_get_cont_info(L);
  if (ci == NULL)
    return 0;

  sec = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
  if (sec < 1) {
    sec = 1;

  contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_sleep_handler, ci->mutex);
  action = TSContSchedule(contp, sec * 1000, TS_THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT);

  ai = ts_lua_async_create_item(contp, ts_lua_sleep_cleanup, (void *)action, ci);
  TSContDataSet(contp, ai);

  return lua_yield(L, 0);
Exemplo n.º 12
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
  TSMutex mutex = TS_NULL_MUTEX;

  info.plugin_name = "buffered-null-transform";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[bnull-transform] Plugin registration failed.\n");
    goto Lerror;

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("[bnull-transform] Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0" " or later\n");
    goto Lerror;

  /* This is call we could use if we need to protect global data */
  /* TSReleaseAssert ((mutex = TSMutexCreate()) != TS_NULL_MUTEX); */

  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(transform_plugin, mutex));

  TSError("[bnull-transform] Plugin disabled\n");
Exemplo n.º 13
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSCont contp;
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name = "session-1";
  info.vendor_name = "MyCompany";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[session-1] Plugin registration failed.\n");

    goto error;

  transaction_count = INKStatCreate("transaction.count", INKSTAT_TYPE_INT64);
  session_count = INKStatCreate("session.count", INKSTAT_TYPE_INT64);
  av_transaction = INKStatCreate("avg.transactions", INKSTAT_TYPE_FLOAT);

  contp = TSContCreate(ssn_handler, NULL);
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_SSN_START_HOOK, contp);

  TSError("[session-1] Plugin not initialized");
Exemplo n.º 14
/** Create and return top-level cont with no transient data
 *  Sets up engine manager and kill-or-continue txn hook before launching
 *  potentially-slow mainconfiguration in separate thread.
static ib_status_t tsib_pre_init(TSCont *contp)
    int rv;
    ib_status_t rc;
    TSCont cont;

    assert(contp != NULL);

    /* create a cont to fend off traffic while we read config */
    *contp = cont = TSContCreate(ironbee_plugin, NULL);
    if (cont == NULL) {
        TSError("[ironbee] failed to create initial continuation: disabled");
        return IB_EUNKNOWN;
    if (module_data.allow_at_startup) {
        /* SSN_START doesn't use contdata; READ_REQUEST_HDR only needs non-null flag.
         * Using &module_data might let us clean up some tsib_api stuff in future.
        TSContDataSet(cont, &module_data);
    else {
        /* NULL contdata signals the READ_REQUEST_HDR hook to reject requests */
        TSContDataSet(cont, NULL);

    if (!module_data.log_disable) {
        /* success is documented as TS_LOG_ERROR_NO_ERROR but that's undefined.
         * It's actually a TS_SUCCESS (proxy/InkAPI.cc line 6641).
        printf("Logging to \"%s\"\n", module_data.log_file);
        rv = TSTextLogObjectCreate(module_data.log_file,
        if (rv != TS_SUCCESS) {
            TSError("[ironbee] Error creating log file.");
            return IB_EUNKNOWN;

    /* Initialize IronBee (including util) */
    rc = ib_initialize();
    if (rc != IB_OK) {
        TSError("[ironbee] Error initializing IronBee: %s",
        return rc;

    /* Create the IronBee engine manager */
    TSDebug("ironbee", "Creating IronBee engine manager");
    rc = ib_manager_create(&(module_data.manager),   /* Engine Manager */
                           &ibplugin,                /* Server object */
                           module_data.max_engines); /* Default max */
    if (rc != IB_OK) {
        TSError("[ironbee] Error creating IronBee engine manager: %s",
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 15
/* Create the Txn data structure and the continuation for the Txn. */
TxnSMCreate(TSMutex pmutex, TSVConn client_vc, int server_port)
  TSCont contp;
  TxnSM *txn_sm;

  txn_sm = (TxnSM *)TSmalloc(sizeof(TxnSM));

  txn_sm->q_mutex          = pmutex;
  txn_sm->q_pending_action = NULL;

  /* Txn will use this server port to connect to the origin server. */
  txn_sm->q_server_port = server_port;
  /* The client_vc is returned by TSNetAccept, refer to Protocol.c. */
  txn_sm->q_client_vc = client_vc;
  /* The server_vc will be created if Txn connects to the origin server. */
  txn_sm->q_server_vc = NULL;

  txn_sm->q_client_read_vio               = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_client_write_vio              = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_client_request_buffer         = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_client_response_buffer        = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_client_request_buffer_reader  = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_client_response_buffer_reader = NULL;

  txn_sm->q_server_read_vio              = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_server_write_vio             = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_server_request_buffer        = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_server_response_buffer       = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_server_request_buffer_reader = NULL;

  /* Char buffers to store client request and server response. */
  txn_sm->q_client_request = (char *)TSmalloc(sizeof(char) * (MAX_REQUEST_LENGTH + 1));
  memset(txn_sm->q_client_request, '\0', (sizeof(char) * (MAX_REQUEST_LENGTH + 1)));
  txn_sm->q_server_response          = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_server_response_length   = 0;
  txn_sm->q_block_bytes_read         = 0;
  txn_sm->q_cache_vc                 = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_cache_response_length    = 0;
  txn_sm->q_cache_read_buffer        = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_cache_read_buffer_reader = NULL;

  txn_sm->q_server_name = (char *)TSmalloc(sizeof(char) * (MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH + 1));
  txn_sm->q_file_name   = (char *)TSmalloc(sizeof(char) * (MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH + 1));

  txn_sm->q_key   = NULL;
  txn_sm->q_magic = TXN_SM_ALIVE;

  /* Set the current handler to be state_start. */
  set_handler(txn_sm->q_current_handler, &state_start);

  contp = TSContCreate(main_handler, txn_sm->q_mutex);
  TSContDataSet(contp, txn_sm);
  return contp;
Exemplo n.º 16
TSRemapDoRemap(void *ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo * rri)
  int ret;
  uint64_t req_id;

  TSCont contp;
  lua_State *l;

  ts_lua_main_ctx *main_ctx;
  ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;

  ts_lua_instance_conf *instance_conf;

  instance_conf = (ts_lua_instance_conf *) ih;
  req_id = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ts_lua_http_next_id, 1);

  main_ctx = &ts_lua_main_ctx_array[req_id % TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT];


  http_ctx = ts_lua_create_http_ctx(main_ctx, instance_conf);

  http_ctx->txnp = rh;
  http_ctx->client_request_bufp = rri->requestBufp;
  http_ctx->client_request_hdrp = rri->requestHdrp;
  http_ctx->client_request_url = rri->requestUrl;
  http_ctx->remap = 1;
  l = http_ctx->lua;

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_REMAP);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

  contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_cont_handler, NULL);
  TSContDataSet(contp, http_ctx);
  http_ctx->main_contp = contp;

  if (lua_pcall(l, 0, 1, 0) != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "lua_pcall failed: %s\n", lua_tostring(l, -1));

  ret = lua_tointeger(l, -1);
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(rh, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, contp);


  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  const char prefix[] = "http://";
  int uri_len;
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name   = PLUGIN_NAME;
  info.vendor_name   = "Apache Software Foundation";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[%s] Plugin registration failed", PLUGIN_NAME);

  if (argc == 3) {
    block_ip = TSstrdup(argv[1]);

     *   The Location header must contain an absolute URI:

    url_redirect = TSstrdup(argv[2]);
    uri_len      = strlen(prefix) + strlen(url_redirect) + 1;
    uri_redirect = TSmalloc(uri_len);
    TSstrlcpy(uri_redirect, prefix, uri_len);
    TSstrlcat(uri_redirect, url_redirect, uri_len);

  } else {
    TSError("[%s] Incorrect syntax in plugin.conf:  correct usage is", PLUGIN_NAME "redirect_1.so ip_deny url_redirect");

  ip_deny = inet_addr(block_ip);

  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "initializing stats");
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(redirect_plugin, NULL));

  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME ".init", "block_ip is %s, url_redirect is %s, and uri_redirect is %s", block_ip, url_redirect, uri_redirect);

   *  Demonstrate another tracing function.  This can be used to
   *  enable debug calculations and other work that should only
   *  be done in debug mode.

  if (TSIsDebugTagSet(PLUGIN_NAME ".demo")) {
    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME ".init", "The redirect_demo tag is set");
  } else {
    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME ".init", "The redirect_demo tag is not set");
Exemplo n.º 18
static void load_config_file(config_holder_t *config_holder) {
	TSFile fh;
	struct stat s;

	config_t *newconfig, *oldconfig;
	TSCont free_cont;

	lastReloadRequest = time(NULL);

	// check date
	if (stat(config_holder->config_path, &s) < 0) {
		TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "Could not stat %s", config_holder->config_path);
		if(config_holder->config) {
	} else {
		TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "s.st_mtime=%lu, last_load=%lu", s.st_mtime, config_holder->last_load);
		if (s.st_mtime < config_holder->last_load) {

	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "Opening config file: %s", config_holder->config_path);
	fh = TSfopen(config_holder->config_path, "r");

	if (!fh) {
		TSError("[%s] Unable to open config: %s.\n",
				PLUGIN_TAG, config_holder->config_path);
		if(config_holder->config) {

	newconfig = 0;
	newconfig = new_config(fh);
	if(newconfig) {
		lastReload = lastReloadRequest;
		config_holder->last_load = lastReloadRequest;
		config_t ** confp = &(config_holder->config);
		oldconfig = __sync_lock_test_and_set(confp, newconfig);
		if (oldconfig) {
			TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "scheduling free: %p (%p)", oldconfig, newconfig);
			free_cont = TSContCreate(free_handler, NULL);
			TSContDataSet(free_cont, (void *) oldconfig);
			TSContSchedule(free_cont, FREE_TMOUT, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK);
static int
stats_origin(TSCont contp ATS_UNUSED, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata)
  TSCont icontp;
  stats_state *my_state;
  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn)edata;
  TSMBuffer reqp;
  TSMLoc hdr_loc = NULL, url_loc = NULL;
  TSEvent reenable = TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE;

  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "in the read stuff");

  if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &reqp, &hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    goto cleanup;

  if (TSHttpHdrUrlGet(reqp, hdr_loc, &url_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    goto cleanup;

  int path_len     = 0;
  const char *path = TSUrlPathGet(reqp, url_loc, &path_len);
  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Path: %.*s", path_len, path);

  if (!(path_len != 0 && path_len == url_path_len && !memcmp(path, url_path, url_path_len))) {
    goto notforme;

  TSSkipRemappingSet(txnp, 1); // not strictly necessary, but speed is everything these days

  /* This is us -- register our intercept */
  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Intercepting request");

  icontp   = TSContCreate(stats_dostuff, TSMutexCreate());
  my_state = (stats_state *)TSmalloc(sizeof(*my_state));
  memset(my_state, 0, sizeof(*my_state));
  TSContDataSet(icontp, my_state);
  TSHttpTxnIntercept(icontp, txnp);
  goto cleanup;


  if (url_loc) {
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
  if (hdr_loc) {
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);

  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, reenable);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
/* Initialize the plugin / global continuation hook */
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
  const char *proof = "acme";

  static const struct option longopt[] = {
    {(char *)"proof-directory", optional_argument, NULL, 'p'},
    {NULL, no_argument, NULL, '\0'},

  memset(&gConfig, 0, sizeof(gConfig));
  while (true) {
    int opt = getopt_long(argc, (char *const *)argv, "", longopt, NULL);

    switch (opt) {
    case 'p':
      proof = optarg;

    if (opt == -1) {

  if ('/' != *proof) {
    const char *confdir = TSConfigDirGet();
    int len             = strlen(proof) + strlen(confdir) + 8;

    gConfig.proof = TSmalloc(len);
    snprintf(gConfig.proof, len, "%s/%s", confdir, proof);
    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "base directory for proof-types is %s", gConfig.proof);
  } else {
    gConfig.proof = TSstrdup(proof);

  info.plugin_name   = "acme";
  info.vendor_name   = "Apache Software Foundation";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TS_SUCCESS != TSPluginRegister(&info)) {
    TSError("[%s] Plugin registration failed", PLUGIN_NAME);

  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Started the %s plugin", PLUGIN_NAME);
  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "\tproof-type dir = %s", gConfig.proof);

  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(acme_hook, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 21
static int
ts_lua_schedule(lua_State *L)
  int sec;
  int type;
  int entry;

  ts_lua_http_ctx *actx;

  int n;

  TSCont contp;
  ts_lua_cont_info *ci;
  ts_lua_cont_info *nci;

  ci = ts_lua_get_cont_info(L);
  if (ci == NULL)
    return 0;

  entry = lua_tointeger(L, 1);

  sec = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
  if (sec < 1) {
    sec = 0;

  type = lua_type(L, 3);
  if (type != LUA_TFUNCTION)
    return 0;

  n = lua_gettop(L);

  if (n < 3) {
    TSError("[ts_lua] ts.http.schedule need at least three params");
    return 0;

  // TO-DO unset the original context in L
  actx = ts_lua_create_async_ctx(L, ci, n);

  contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_schedule_handler, ci->mutex);
  TSContDataSet(contp, actx);

  nci = &actx->cinfo;
  nci->contp = contp;
  nci->mutex = ci->mutex;

  TSContSchedule(contp, sec * 1000, entry);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  int ret = 0;
  ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array = TSmalloc(sizeof(ts_lua_main_ctx) * TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT);
  memset(ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array, 0, sizeof(ts_lua_main_ctx) * TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT);

  ret = ts_lua_create_vm(ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array, TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT);

  if (ret) {
    ts_lua_destroy_vm(ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array, TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT);

  if (argc < 2) {
    TSError("[%s] lua script file required !!", __FUNCTION__);

  if (strlen(argv[1]) >= TS_LUA_MAX_SCRIPT_FNAME_LENGTH - 16) {
    TSError("[%s] lua script file name too long !!", __FUNCTION__);

  ts_lua_instance_conf *conf = TSmalloc(sizeof(ts_lua_instance_conf));
  if (!conf) {
    TSError("[%s] TSmalloc failed !!", __FUNCTION__);

  sprintf(conf->script, "%s", argv[1]);

  ret = ts_lua_add_module(conf, ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array, TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT, argc - 1, (char **) &argv[1]);

  if (ret != 0) {
    TSError("[%s] ts_lua_add_module failed", __FUNCTION__);

  TSCont txn_start_contp = TSContCreate(transactionStartHookHandler, NULL);
  if (!txn_start_contp) {
    TSError("[%s] could not create transaction start continuation", __FUNCTION__);
  TSContDataSet(txn_start_contp, conf);
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_TXN_START_HOOK, txn_start_contp);

TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  static const char usage[]             = PLUGIN_NAME ".so [--integer-counters] [PATH]";
  static const struct option longopts[] = {{(char *)("integer-counters"), no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
                                           {(char *)("wrap-counters"), no_argument, NULL, 'w'},
                                           {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}};

  info.plugin_name   = PLUGIN_NAME;
  info.vendor_name   = "Apache Software Foundation";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("[%s] registration failed", PLUGIN_NAME);

  for (;;) {
    switch (getopt_long(argc, (char *const *)argv, "iw", longopts, NULL)) {
    case 'i':
      integer_counters = true;
    case 'w':
      wrap_counters = true;
    case -1:
      goto init;
      TSError("[%s] usage: %s", PLUGIN_NAME, usage);

  argc -= optind;
  argv += optind;

  if (argc > 0) {
    url_path = TSstrdup(argv[0] + ('/' == argv[0][0] ? 1 : 0)); /* Skip leading / */
  url_path_len = strlen(url_path);

  /* Create a continuation with a mutex as there is a shared global structure
     containing the headers to add */
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(stats_origin, NULL));
  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "stats module registered");
/* Read-request header continuation, used to kick off the server intercept if necessary */
static int
health_check_origin(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata)
  TSMBuffer reqp;
  TSMLoc hdr_loc = NULL, url_loc = NULL;
  TSCont icontp;
  HCState *my_state;
  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;
  HCFileInfo *info = g_config;

  if ((TS_SUCCESS == TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &reqp, &hdr_loc)) &&
      (TS_SUCCESS == TSHttpHdrUrlGet(reqp, hdr_loc, &url_loc))) {
    int path_len = 0;
    const char* path = TSUrlPathGet(reqp, url_loc, &path_len);

    while (info) {
      if (info->p_len == path_len && !memcmp(info->path, path, path_len))
      info = info->_next;

    if (!info)
      goto cleanup;

    TSSkipRemappingSet(txnp, 1); /* not strictly necessary, but speed is everything these days */

    /* This is us -- register our intercept */
    icontp = TSContCreate(hc_intercept, TSMutexCreate());
    my_state = (HCState *)TSmalloc(sizeof(*my_state));
    memset(my_state, 0, sizeof(*my_state));
    my_state->info = info;
    my_state->data = info->data;
    TSContDataSet(icontp, my_state);
    TSHttpTxnIntercept(icontp, txnp);

  if (url_loc)
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
  if (hdr_loc)
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);

  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  info.plugin_name   = PLUGIN_NAME;
  info.vendor_name   = "Apache Software Foundation";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError(PCP "Plugin registration failed.\n");

  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(main_hook, NULL));
Exemplo n.º 26
  Function called at plugin init time

    argc  number of args
    argv  list vof args
  Output :
  Return Value:
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
  int i;
  TSReturnCode retval;

  info.plugin_name = "psi";
  info.vendor_name = "Apache";
  info.support_email = "";

  if (TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info) != TS_SUCCESS) {
    TSError("Plugin registration failed.\n");

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0 or later\n");

  /* Initialize the psi directory = <plugin_path>/include */
  sprintf(psi_directory, "%s/%s", TSPluginDirGet(), PSI_PATH);

  /* create an TSTextLogObject to log any psi include */
  retval = TSTextLogObjectCreate("psi", TS_LOG_MODE_ADD_TIMESTAMP, &log);
  if (retval == TS_ERROR) {
    TSError("Failed creating log for psi plugin");
    log = NULL;

  /* Create working threads */

  for (i = 0; i < NB_THREADS; i++) {
    char *thread_name = (char *) TSmalloc(64);
    sprintf(thread_name, "Thread[%d]", i);
    if (!TSThreadCreate((TSThreadFunc) thread_loop, thread_name)) {
      TSError("[TSPluginInit] Error while creating threads");

  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(read_response_handler, TSMutexCreate()));
  TSDebug(DBG_TAG, "Plugin started");
Exemplo n.º 27
/* Read-request header continuation, used to kick off the server intercept if necessary */
static int
acme_hook(TSCont contp ATS_UNUSED, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata)
  TSMBuffer reqp;
  TSMLoc hdr_loc = NULL, url_loc = NULL;
  TSCont icontp;
  AcmeState *my_state;
  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn)edata;

  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "kicking off ACME hook");

  if ((TS_SUCCESS == TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &reqp, &hdr_loc)) && (TS_SUCCESS == TSHttpHdrUrlGet(reqp, hdr_loc, &url_loc))) {
    int path_len     = 0;
    const char *path = TSUrlPathGet(reqp, url_loc, &path_len);

    /* Short circuit the / path, common case */
    if (!path || path_len < (int)(strlen(ACME_WK_PATH) + 2) || *path != '.' || memcmp(path, ACME_WK_PATH, strlen(ACME_WK_PATH))) {
      TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "skipping URL path = %.*s", path_len, path);
      goto cleanup;

    TSSkipRemappingSet(txnp, 1); /* not strictly necessary, but speed is everything these days */

    /* This request is for us -- register our intercept */
    icontp = TSContCreate(acme_intercept, TSMutexCreate());

    my_state = make_acme_state();
    open_acme_file(my_state, path + strlen(ACME_WK_PATH), path_len - strlen(ACME_WK_PATH));

    TSContDataSet(icontp, my_state);
    TSHttpTxnIntercept(icontp, txnp);
    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "created intercept hook");

  if (url_loc) {
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
  if (hdr_loc) {
    TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);

  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
static void
handle_txn_start(TSCont contp ATS_UNUSED, TSHttpTxn txnp)
  TSCont txn_contp;
  cdata *cd;

  txn_contp = TSContCreate((TSEventFunc)blacklist_plugin, TSMutexCreate());
  /* create the data that'll be associated with the continuation */
  cd = (cdata *)TSmalloc(sizeof(cdata));
  TSContDataSet(txn_contp, cd);

  cd->txnp = txnp;

  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_OS_DNS_HOOK, txn_contp);
  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, txn_contp);

  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
static int
config_handler(TSCont cont, TSEvent event, void *edata)
  plugin_state_t *pstate;
  invalidate_t *i, *iptr;
  TSCont free_cont;
  bool updated;
  TSMutex mutex;

  mutex = TSContMutexGet(cont);

  TSDebug(LOG_PREFIX, "In config Handler");
  pstate = (plugin_state_t *)TSContDataGet(cont);
  i      = copy_config(pstate->invalidate_list);

  updated = prune_config(&i);
  updated = load_config(pstate, &i) || updated;

  if (updated) {
    list_config(pstate, i);
    iptr = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(pstate->invalidate_list), pstate->invalidate_list, i);

    if (iptr) {
      free_cont = TSContCreate(free_handler, TSMutexCreate());
      TSContDataSet(free_cont, (void *)iptr);
      TSContScheduleOnPool(free_cont, FREE_TMOUT, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK);
  } else {
    TSDebug(LOG_PREFIX, "No Changes");
    if (i) {


  // Don't reschedule for TS_EVENT_MGMT_UPDATE
  if (event == TS_EVENT_TIMEOUT) {
    TSContScheduleOnPool(cont, CONFIG_TMOUT, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK);
  return 0;
/* Initialize the plugin / global continuation hook */
TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[])
  TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;

  if (2 != argc) {
    TSError("Must specify a configuration file.\n");

  info.plugin_name = "health_checks";
  info.vendor_name = "Apache Software Foundation";
  info.support_email = "*****@*****.**";

  if (TS_SUCCESS != TSPluginRegister(TS_SDK_VERSION_3_0, &info)) {
    TSError("Plugin registration failed. \n");

  if (!check_ts_version()) {
    TSError("Plugin requires Traffic Server 3.0 or later\n");

  /* This will update the global configuration file, and is not reloaded at run time */
  /* ToDo: Support reloading with traffic_line -x  ? */
  if (NULL == (g_config = parse_configs(argv[1]))) {
    TSError("Unable to read / parse %s config file", argv[1]);

  /* Setup the background thread */
  if (!TSThreadCreate(hc_thread, NULL)) {
    TSError("Failure in thread creation");

  /* Create a continuation with a mutex as there is a shared global structure
     containing the headers to add */
  TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "Started %s plugin", PLUGIN_NAME);
  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, TSContCreate(health_check_origin, NULL));