Exemplo n.º 1
    TTValue     args, out;
    TTObject    xmlHandler("XmlHandler");
    TTLogMessage("\n*** Initialisation of Score environnement ***\n");
    // Init the Score library (passing the folder path where all the dylibs are)
    TTLogMessage("\n*** Reading of an interactive scenario file ***\n");
    // Create an empty Scenario
    mScenario = TTObject("Scenario");
    // Read DemoScenario1.score file to fill mScenario
    xmlHandler.set("object", mScenario);
    xmlHandler.send("Read", "../DemoScenario.score", out);
    TTLogMessage("\n*** Prepare scenario observation ***\n");
    // Create a callback for the "EventStatusChanged" notification sent by each event
    mEventStatusChangedCallback = TTObject("callback");
    mEventStatusChangedCallback.set("baton", TTPtr(this));
    mEventStatusChangedCallback.set("function", TTPtr(&DemoAppEventStatusChangedCallback));
    mEventStatusChangedCallback.set("notification", TTSymbol("EventStatusChanged"));
    // Get all events of the scenario and attach a callback to them
    TTValue timeEvents;
    mScenario.get("timeEvents", timeEvents);
    for (TTElementIter it = timeEvents.begin() ; it != timeEvents.end() ; it++) {
        TTObject event = TTElement(*it);
    TTLogMessage("\n*** Start scenario execution ***\n");
    // Set the execution speed of the scenario
    mScenario.set("speed", 2.);
    // Start the scenario
    // Poll Scenario information
    mPollingThread = new TTThread(TTThreadCallbackType(DemoAppScenarioPollingThread), this);
Exemplo n.º 2
void jamoma_init(void)
    short		outvol = 0;
    t_fourcc	outtype, filetype = 'TEXT';
    char        name[MAX_PATH_CHARS], fullname[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
	if (!initialized) {
		t_object	*max = SymbolGen("max")->s_thing;
        TTString    JamomaConfigurationFilePath;
		t_atom		a[4];
		TTValue		v, out;
        TTErr       err;

		if (maxversion() < 1798)
			error("Jamoma  %s  |  build %s can't run under Max version ealier than 7.0.6", JAMOMA_MAX_VERSION, JAMOMA_MAX_REV);
		// Initialize the Modular library
        // Initialize the Score framework
        // Prepare a symbol for Max application
        kTTSym_Max = TTSymbol("Max");
        // Create an application manager
        MaxApplicationManager = TTObject("ApplicationManager");
        // Create a local application called "Max" and get it back
        err = MaxApplicationManager.send("ApplicationInstantiateLocal", kTTSym_Max, out);
        if (err) {
            TTLogError("Error : can't create Jamoma application \n");
            MaxApplication = out[0];

        // check if the JamomaConfiguration.xml file exists
        strncpy_zero(name, "JamomaConfiguration.xml", MAX_PATH_CHARS);
        if (locatefile_extended(name, &outvol, &outtype, &filetype, 1))
            return error("Jamoma not loaded : can't find %s", name);
        path_topathname(outvol, name, fullname);

        // MaxApplication have to read JamomaConfiguration.xml
        TTObject anXmlHandler(kTTSym_XmlHandler);
        anXmlHandler.set(kTTSym_object, MaxApplication);
        std::string path = fullname;
        #if ( __APPLE__ )
        // remove drive name prefix
        size_t pos = path.find(":/");
        path = path.substr(pos+1);
       	v = TTSymbol(path);
        v = TTSymbol(fullname);
        anXmlHandler.send(kTTSym_Read, v, out);

		// Initialize common symbols
		// Initialize common regex
		ttRegexForJmod = new TTRegex("(jmod.)");
		ttRegexForJcom = new TTRegex("(j\\.)");
		ttRegexForModel = new TTRegex("(.model)");
		ttRegexForModule = new TTRegex("(.module)");
		ttRegexForView = new TTRegex("(.view)");
		ttRegexForMaxpat = new TTRegex("(.maxpat)");
		ttRegexForMaxhelp = new TTRegex("(.maxhelp)");
		ttRegexForBracket = new TTRegex("\\[(\\d|\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d)\\]");	// parse until 999
		ModelPatcherFormat = new TTString("%s.model.maxpat");
		ModelPresetFormat = new TTString("%s.model.presets.txt");
		ViewPresetFormat = new TTString("%s.view.presets.txt");
		HelpPatcherFormat = new TTString("%s.model");
		RefpageFormat = new TTString("%s.model");
		DocumentationFormat = new TTString("%s.model.html");
		// Create Required Global Instances
		hash_modules = (t_hashtab*)hashtab_new(0);
		// TODO: Use quittask_install() to set up a destructor for this to free it before Max exits

		// Add Jamoma Key Commands
		// J -- Jamoma: a new object box with "j." in it
		atom_setsym(a+0, SymbolGen("k"));
		atom_setsym(a+1, SymbolGen("patcher"));
		atom_setsym(a+2, SymbolGen("inserttextobj"));
		atom_setsym(a+3, SymbolGen("j."));
		object_method_typed(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);
//		// M -- Module: a new object box with ".model" in it
//		atom_setsym(a+0, SymbolGen("M"));
//		atom_setsym(a+1, SymbolGen("patcher"));
//		atom_setsym(a+2, SymbolGen("inserttextobj"));
//		atom_setsym(a+3, SymbolGen(".model"));
//		object_method_typed(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), 4, a, NULL);
//		// B -- BPatcher: a new module in a bpatcher
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"B patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name .module @args myModule\"", NULL);		

//		// D -- Demo: a new module in a bpatcher, but with the args reverse which is handy for super-fast demos when you don't care about the OSC name
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"D patcher inserttextobj \"bpatcher @name .module\"", NULL);		

//		// X -- Continuous Mapper module
//		object_method_parse(max, SymbolGen("definecommand"), (char*)"X patcher insertobj bpatcher @name mapper.module.maxpat @args mapper", NULL);
		// now the jamoma object
			t_symbol *jamomaSymbol = SymbolGen("jamoma");
			jamomaSymbol->s_thing = jamoma_object_new();
		post("Jamoma  %s  |  build %s", JAMOMA_MAX_VERSION, JAMOMA_MAX_REV );

		initialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // parsing arguments (ignoring the first)
    TTValue args;
    for (TTUInt8 i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        TTSymbol arg(argv[i]);

    // check for file path
    if (args.size() == 1)
        if (args[0].type() == kTypeSymbol)
            TTSymbol filepath = args[0];    // .score file to load

            // initialisation of Modular environnement (passing the folder path where all the dylibs are)
            TTModularInit("/usr/local/jamoma", true);

            // create an application manager
            TTObject applicationManager("ApplicationManager");

            // create a local application named i-score
            TTObject applicationLocal = applicationManager.send("ApplicationInstantiateLocal", "i-score");

            // loads protocol unit
            // TODO : when parsing project file
                // create Minuit protocol unit
                TTObject protocolMinuit = applicationManager.send("ProtocolInstantiate", "Minuit");

                // create OSC protocol unit
                TTObject protocolOSC = applicationManager.send("ProtocolInstantiate", "OSC");

                // create WebSocket protocol unit
                TTObject protocolWebSocket = applicationManager.send("ProtocolInstantiate", "WebSocket");

            // initialisation of Score environnement (passing the folder path where all the dylibs are)

            // create a scenario
            TTObject scenario("Scenario");

            // load project file
            TTObject xmlHandler("XmlHandler");
            xmlHandler.set("object", TTValue(applicationManager, scenario));
            xmlHandler.send("Read", filepath);

            // run scenario

            // wait for scenario
            TTBoolean running;
                scenario.get("running", running);
            while (running);

            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;