// // Update_Typeset_Bits_Core: C // // This sets the bits in a bitset according to a block of datatypes. There // is special handling by which BAR! will set the "variadic" bit on the // typeset, which is heeded by functions only. // // !!! R3-Alpha supported fixed word symbols for datatypes and typesets. // Confusingly, this means that if you have said `word!: integer!` and use // WORD!, you will get the integer type... but if WORD! is unbound then it // will act as WORD!. Also, is essentially having "keywords" and should be // reviewed to see if anything actually used it. // REBOOL Update_Typeset_Bits_Core( REBVAL *typeset, const REBVAL *head, REBOOL trap // if TRUE, then return FALSE instead of failing ) { const REBVAL *item = head; REBARR *types = VAL_ARRAY(ROOT_TYPESETS); assert(IS_TYPESET(typeset)); VAL_TYPESET_BITS(typeset) = 0; for (; NOT_END(item); item++) { const REBVAL *var = NULL; if (IS_BAR(item)) { SET_VAL_FLAG(typeset, TYPESET_FLAG_VARIADIC); continue; } if (IS_WORD(item) && !(var = TRY_GET_OPT_VAR(item))) { REBSYM sym = VAL_WORD_SYM(item); // See notes: if a word doesn't look up to a variable, then its // symbol is checked as a second chance. // if (IS_KIND_SYM(sym)) { TYPE_SET(typeset, KIND_FROM_SYM(sym)); continue; } else if (sym >= SYM_ANY_NOTHING_X && sym < SYM_DATATYPES) var = ARR_AT(types, sym - SYM_ANY_NOTHING_X); } if (!var) var = item; if (IS_DATATYPE(var)) { TYPE_SET(typeset, VAL_TYPE_KIND(var)); } else if (IS_TYPESET(var)) { VAL_TYPESET_BITS(typeset) |= VAL_TYPESET_BITS(var); } else { if (trap) return FALSE; fail (Error_Invalid_Arg(item)); } } return TRUE; }
*/ REBFLG Make_Typeset(REBVAL *block, REBVAL *value, REBFLG load) /* ** block - block of datatypes (datatype words ok too) ** value - value to hold result (can be word-spec type too) ** ***********************************************************************/ { const REBVAL *val; REBCNT sym; REBSER *types = VAL_SERIES(ROOT_TYPESETS); VAL_TYPESET(value) = 0; for (; NOT_END(block); block++) { val = NULL; if (IS_WORD(block)) { //Print("word: %s", Get_Word_Name(block)); sym = VAL_WORD_SYM(block); if (VAL_WORD_FRAME(block)) { // Get word value val = GET_VAR(block); } else if (sym < REB_MAX) { // Accept datatype word TYPE_SET(value, VAL_WORD_SYM(block)-1); continue; } // Special typeset symbols: else if (sym >= SYM_ANY_TYPEX && sym <= SYM_ANY_BLOCKX) val = BLK_SKIP(types, sym - SYM_ANY_TYPEX + 1); } if (!val) val = block; if (IS_DATATYPE(val)) { TYPE_SET(value, VAL_DATATYPE(val)); } else if (IS_TYPESET(val)) { VAL_TYPESET(value) |= VAL_TYPESET(val); } else { if (load) return FALSE; Trap_Arg_DEAD_END(block); } } return TRUE; }
static void types_hash_init() { TYPE_SET(bool, char); TYPE_SET(char, cl_char); TYPE_SET(uchar, cl_uchar); TYPE_SET(short, cl_short); TYPE_SET(ushort, cl_ushort); TYPE_SET(int, cl_int); TYPE_SET(uint, cl_uint); TYPE_SET(long, cl_long); TYPE_SET(ulong, cl_ulong); TYPE_SET(float, cl_float); TYPE_SET(half, cl_half); TYPE_SET(double, cl_float); TYPE_SET(size_t, cl_uint); TYPE_SET(ptrdiff_t, cl_uint); TYPE_SET(intptr_t, cl_uint); TYPE_SET(uintptr_t, cl_uint); OBJ_FREEZE(rb_hTypes); }
// // Specialize_Action_Throws: C // // Create a new ACTION! value that uses the same implementation as another, // but just takes fewer arguments or refinements. It does this by storing a // heap-based "exemplar" FRAME! in the specialized action; this stores the // values to preload in the stack frame cells when it is invoked. // // The caller may provide information on the order in which refinements are // to be specialized, using the data stack. These refinements should be // pushed in the *reverse* order of their invocation, so append/dup/part // has /DUP at DS_TOP, and /PART under it. List stops at lowest_ordered_dsp. // bool Specialize_Action_Throws( REBVAL *out, REBVAL *specializee, REBSTR *opt_specializee_name, REBVAL *opt_def, // !!! REVIEW: binding modified directly (not copied) REBDSP lowest_ordered_dsp ){ assert(out != specializee); struct Reb_Binder binder; if (opt_def) INIT_BINDER(&binder); REBACT *unspecialized = VAL_ACTION(specializee); // This produces a context where partially specialized refinement slots // will be on the stack (including any we are adding "virtually", from // the current DSP down to the lowest_ordered_dsp). // REBCTX *exemplar = Make_Context_For_Action_Push_Partials( specializee, lowest_ordered_dsp, opt_def ? &binder : nullptr, CELL_MASK_NON_STACK ); Manage_Array(CTX_VARLIST(exemplar)); // destined to be managed, guarded if (opt_def) { // code that fills the frame...fully or partially // // Bind all the SET-WORD! in the body that match params in the frame // into the frame. This means `value: value` can very likely have // `value:` bound for assignments into the frame while `value` refers // to whatever value was in the context the specialization is running // in, but this is likely the more useful behavior. // // !!! This binds the actual arg data, not a copy of it--following // OBJECT!'s lead. However, ordinary functions make a copy of the // body they are passed before rebinding. Rethink. // See Bind_Values_Core() for explanations of how the binding works. Bind_Values_Inner_Loop( &binder, VAL_ARRAY_AT(opt_def), exemplar, FLAGIT_KIND(REB_SET_WORD), // types to bind (just set-word!) 0, // types to "add midstream" to binding as we go (nothing) BIND_DEEP ); // !!! Only one binder can be in effect, and we're calling arbitrary // code. Must clean up now vs. in loop we do at the end. :-( // RELVAL *key = CTX_KEYS_HEAD(exemplar); REBVAL *var = CTX_VARS_HEAD(exemplar); for (; NOT_END(key); ++key, ++var) { if (Is_Param_Unbindable(key)) continue; // !!! is this flag still relevant? if (Is_Param_Hidden(key)) { assert(GET_CELL_FLAG(var, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED)); continue; } if (GET_CELL_FLAG(var, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED)) continue; // may be refinement from stack, now specialized out Remove_Binder_Index(&binder, VAL_KEY_CANON(key)); } SHUTDOWN_BINDER(&binder); // Run block and ignore result (unless it is thrown) // PUSH_GC_GUARD(exemplar); bool threw = Do_Any_Array_At_Throws(out, opt_def, SPECIFIED); DROP_GC_GUARD(exemplar); if (threw) { DS_DROP_TO(lowest_ordered_dsp); return true; } } REBVAL *rootkey = CTX_ROOTKEY(exemplar); // Build up the paramlist for the specialized function on the stack. // The same walk used for that is used to link and process REB_X_PARTIAL // arguments for whether they become fully specialized or not. REBDSP dsp_paramlist = DSP; Move_Value(DS_PUSH(), ACT_ARCHETYPE(unspecialized)); REBVAL *param = rootkey + 1; REBVAL *arg = CTX_VARS_HEAD(exemplar); REBDSP ordered_dsp = lowest_ordered_dsp; for (; NOT_END(param); ++param, ++arg) { if (TYPE_CHECK(param, REB_TS_REFINEMENT)) { if (IS_NULLED(arg)) { // // A refinement that is nulled is a candidate for usage at the // callsite. Hence it must be pre-empted by our ordered // overrides. -but- the overrides only apply if their slot // wasn't filled by the user code. Yet these values we are // putting in disrupt that detection (!), so use another // flag (PUSH_PARTIAL) to reflect this state. // while (ordered_dsp != dsp_paramlist) { ++ordered_dsp; REBVAL *ordered = DS_AT(ordered_dsp); if (not IS_WORD_BOUND(ordered)) // specialize 'print/asdf fail (Error_Bad_Refine_Raw(ordered)); REBVAL *slot = CTX_VAR(exemplar, VAL_WORD_INDEX(ordered)); if ( IS_NULLED(slot) or GET_CELL_FLAG(slot, PUSH_PARTIAL) ){ // It's still partial, so set up the pre-empt. // Init_Any_Word_Bound( arg, REB_SYM_WORD, VAL_STORED_CANON(ordered), exemplar, VAL_WORD_INDEX(ordered) ); SET_CELL_FLAG(arg, PUSH_PARTIAL); goto unspecialized_arg; } // Otherwise the user filled it in, so skip to next... } goto unspecialized_arg; // ran out...no pre-empt needed } if (GET_CELL_FLAG(arg, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED)) { assert( IS_BLANK(arg) or ( IS_REFINEMENT(arg) and ( VAL_REFINEMENT_SPELLING(arg) == VAL_PARAM_SPELLING(param) ) ) ); } else Typecheck_Refinement_And_Canonize(param, arg); goto specialized_arg_no_typecheck; } switch (VAL_PARAM_CLASS(param)) { case REB_P_RETURN: case REB_P_LOCAL: assert(IS_NULLED(arg)); // no bindings, you can't set these goto unspecialized_arg; default: break; } // It's an argument, either a normal one or a refinement arg. if (not IS_NULLED(arg)) goto specialized_arg_with_check; unspecialized_arg: assert(NOT_CELL_FLAG(arg, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED)); assert( IS_NULLED(arg) or (IS_SYM_WORD(arg) and TYPE_CHECK(param, REB_TS_REFINEMENT)) ); Move_Value(DS_PUSH(), param); continue; specialized_arg_with_check: // !!! If argument was previously specialized, should have been type // checked already... don't type check again (?) // if (Is_Param_Variadic(param)) fail ("Cannot currently SPECIALIZE variadic arguments."); if (TYPE_CHECK(param, REB_TS_DEQUOTE_REQUOTE) and IS_QUOTED(arg)) { // // Have to leave the quotes on, but still want to type check. if (not TYPE_CHECK(param, CELL_KIND(VAL_UNESCAPED(arg)))) fail (arg); // !!! merge w/Error_Invalid_Arg() } else if (not TYPE_CHECK(param, VAL_TYPE(arg))) fail (arg); // !!! merge w/Error_Invalid_Arg() SET_CELL_FLAG(arg, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED); specialized_arg_no_typecheck: // Specialized-out arguments must still be in the parameter list, // for enumeration in the evaluator to line up with the frame values // of the underlying function. assert(GET_CELL_FLAG(arg, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED)); Move_Value(DS_PUSH(), param); TYPE_SET(DS_TOP, REB_TS_HIDDEN); continue; } REBARR *paramlist = Pop_Stack_Values_Core( dsp_paramlist, SERIES_MASK_PARAMLIST | (SER(unspecialized)->header.bits & PARAMLIST_MASK_INHERIT) ); Manage_Array(paramlist); RELVAL *rootparam = ARR_HEAD(paramlist); VAL_ACT_PARAMLIST_NODE(rootparam) = NOD(paramlist); // Everything should have balanced out for a valid specialization // while (ordered_dsp != DSP) { ++ordered_dsp; REBVAL *ordered = DS_AT(ordered_dsp); if (not IS_WORD_BOUND(ordered)) // specialize 'print/asdf fail (Error_Bad_Refine_Raw(ordered)); REBVAL *slot = CTX_VAR(exemplar, VAL_WORD_INDEX(ordered)); assert(not IS_NULLED(slot) and NOT_CELL_FLAG(slot, PUSH_PARTIAL)); UNUSED(slot); } DS_DROP_TO(lowest_ordered_dsp); // See %sysobj.r for `specialized-meta:` object template REBVAL *example = Get_System(SYS_STANDARD, STD_SPECIALIZED_META); REBCTX *meta = Copy_Context_Shallow_Managed(VAL_CONTEXT(example)); Init_Nulled(CTX_VAR(meta, STD_SPECIALIZED_META_DESCRIPTION)); // default Move_Value( CTX_VAR(meta, STD_SPECIALIZED_META_SPECIALIZEE), specializee ); if (not opt_specializee_name) Init_Nulled(CTX_VAR(meta, STD_SPECIALIZED_META_SPECIALIZEE_NAME)); else Init_Word( CTX_VAR(meta, STD_SPECIALIZED_META_SPECIALIZEE_NAME), opt_specializee_name ); MISC_META_NODE(paramlist) = NOD(meta); REBACT *specialized = Make_Action( paramlist, &Specializer_Dispatcher, ACT_UNDERLYING(unspecialized), // same underlying action as this exemplar, // also provide a context of specialization values 1 // details array capacity ); assert(CTX_KEYLIST(exemplar) == ACT_PARAMLIST(unspecialized)); assert( GET_ACTION_FLAG(specialized, IS_INVISIBLE) == GET_ACTION_FLAG(unspecialized, IS_INVISIBLE) ); // The "body" is the FRAME! value of the specialization. It takes on the // binding we want to use (which we can't put in the exemplar archetype, // that binding has to be UNBOUND). It also remembers the original // action in the phase, so Specializer_Dispatcher() knows what to call. // RELVAL *body = ARR_HEAD(ACT_DETAILS(specialized)); Move_Value(body, CTX_ARCHETYPE(exemplar)); INIT_BINDING(body, VAL_BINDING(specializee)); INIT_VAL_CONTEXT_PHASE(body, unspecialized); Init_Action_Unbound(out, specialized); return false; // code block did not throw }