Exemplo n.º 1
BOOL CHistogramDlg::OnInitDialog()
	HWND hActiveWnd;
	HWND hTags;
	LPIMAGE lpImage = NULL;
	int icons[HISTOMARKS];
	HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();

	lpImage = GetImage();
	RightPopup( hDlg );
	// set channels combo
	type = FrameType(ImgGetBaseEditFrame(lpImage));
	m_wChannel = IDC_DO_ALL;
	m_MapValues.wChannel = m_wChannel;
	ChannelsCombo_Setup(IDC_CHANNELS, type);	 //This NEEDS to be fixed!!!

	// setup tags
	hTags = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TAGS);
	icons[0] = IDC_HISTOTAG1;
	icons[1] = IDC_HISTOTAG2;
	Tag_Init(hTags, HISTOMARKS, 255, &icons[0]);
	Tag_SetMark(hTags, 0, 85, NO);
	Tag_SetMark(hTags, 1, 170, NO);
	m_lpHistos[0] = NULL;
	// setup the actual histogram and controls 
	return CPPMapExDlg::OnInitDialog();
Exemplo n.º 2
//		Coordinates the tag control and the histo control for the 
//		histogram dialog.  
//		Updates readouts for H,M&S
void CHistogramDlg::histo_change_mark(int nMark, int val)

	HWND hHisto, hTag;
	int i;
	int Marks[HISTOMARKS];
	HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();
	hHisto = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HISTOGRAM);
	// get the marks
	for (i=0;i<HISTOMARKS;i++)
		Marks[i] = Histo_GetMark(hHisto, i);
	// set value and adjust others
	if (nMark == 0)
		Marks[0] = val;
		if (Marks[1] < Marks[0])
			Marks[1] = Marks[0];
	else if (nMark == 1)
		Marks[1] = val;
		if (Marks[1] < Marks[0])
			Marks[0] = Marks[1];
	// update anything that needs it
	hTag = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TAGS);
	for (i=0;i<HISTOMARKS;i++)
		if (Marks[i] != Histo_GetMark(hHisto,i))
			Histo_SetMark(hHisto,i, Marks[i], NO);
		if (Marks[i] != Tag_GetMark(hTag,i))
			Tag_SetMark(hTag,i, Marks[i], NO);
	// set HMS readouts
Exemplo n.º 3
//		set_quarter_channel
//		Makes the given channel the current channel.
//		Updates the display.
VOID CToneBalanceDlg::set_quarter_channel(WORD wChannel)
	LPDWORD lpHisto;
	HWND hControl;
	BOOL bInv;
	LONG lMaxEntry;
	int icons[3];
	HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();
	m_lpData->lpMap = tone_activate_channel( wChannel );
	lpHisto = get_histo(m_lpData->lpHistos, wChannel, &bInv);
	// setup the histo control
	lMaxEntry = compute_yscale(lpHisto);
	hControl = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HISTOGRAM);
	Histo_Init(hControl, lpHisto, lMaxEntry, 3, bInv ? HTS_FLIPX:0);
	m_lpData->iShadow = m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].x;
	m_lpData->iMidtone = m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[1].x;
	m_lpData->iHighlight = m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].x;
	if (!(m_lpData->iHighlight - m_lpData->iShadow))
		m_lpData->MidtonePer = 0;
		m_lpData->MidtonePer = (m_lpData->iMidtone - m_lpData->iShadow)*255/
								(m_lpData->iHighlight - m_lpData->iShadow);
	Histo_SetMark(hControl, 0, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].x, NO);
	Histo_SetMark(hControl, 1, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[1].x, NO);
	Histo_SetMark(hControl, 2, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].x, NO);
	// some people seem to have an update problem here
    ::InvalidateRect (hControl,NULL,FALSE);

	// setup tags
	hControl = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TAGS);
	icons[0] = IDC_QUART1;
	icons[1] = IDC_QUART2;
	icons[2] = IDC_QUART3;
	Tag_Init(hControl, 3, 255, &icons[0]);
	Tag_SetMark(hControl, 0, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].x, NO);
	Tag_SetMark(hControl, 1, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[1].x, NO);
	Tag_SetMark(hControl, 2, m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].x, NO);
	// some people seem to have an update problem here
    ::InvalidateRect (hControl,NULL,FALSE);
	set_gradient(IDC_HISTO_GRAD, wChannel);

	// spins
	InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART1_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].x), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN);
	InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART3_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].x), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN);

	if (m_bUseMidPer)
		InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, m_lpData->MidtonePer*100L/255, NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );
 		InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[1].x), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );

	InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_MINHIGHLIGHT, TO_DISPLAY(m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].y), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN);
	InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_MAXSHADOW, TO_DISPLAY(m_lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].y), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN);
Exemplo n.º 4
//		change_mark
//					int nMark- which mark (0 for highlights etc)
//					int val- New value.
//					int inval- the 'readout' value of the given mark (INT_MAX for none)
//							Currently used only for midtone
//				Sets the mark, updates other marks to keep them valid.
//				Sets and redraws all appropriate controls.
//				Updates the map.
void CToneBalanceDlg::change_mark(LPQUARTERSTRUCT lpData, int nMark, int val, int inval)
	HWND hHisto, hTag;
	int i;
	BOOL Bool;
	int Marks[3];
	HWND hDlg = GetSafeHwnd();
	// set value and adjust others
	Marks[0] = lpData->iShadow;
	Marks[2] = lpData->iHighlight;
	if (m_bUseMidPer)
		Marks[1] = Marks[0] + (LONG)lpData->MidtonePer*(Marks[2]-Marks[0])/255;
		Marks[1] = lpData->iMidtone;
	if (nMark == 0)
		Marks[0] = lpData->iShadow = val;
		if (Marks[2] < Marks[0])
			Marks[2] = Marks[0];
		if (m_bUseMidPer)
			Marks[1] = Marks[0] + (LONG)lpData->MidtonePer*(Marks[2]-Marks[0])/255;
		else if (Marks[1] < Marks[0])
			Marks[1] = Marks[0];
	else if (nMark == 2)
		Marks[2] = lpData->iHighlight = val;
		if (Marks[0] > Marks[2])
			Marks[0] = Marks[2];
		if (m_bUseMidPer)
			Marks[1] = Marks[0] + (LONG)lpData->MidtonePer*(Marks[2]-Marks[0])/255;
		else if (Marks[1] > Marks[2])
			Marks[1] = Marks[2];
	else if (nMark == 1)
		Marks[1] = lpData->iMidtone = Bound(val, Marks[0], Marks[2]);
		if (Marks[2]-Marks[0])
			lpData->MidtonePer = (lpData->iMidtone - Marks[0])*255L/(Marks[2]-Marks[0]);
	// update anything that needs it
	// spins
	i = GetDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART1_VALUE, &Bool, NO);
	if (!Bool || i != Marks[0])
		InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART1_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(Marks[0]), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );
	if (inval != INT_MAX  && nMark==1)
		// update percent
		if (m_bUseMidPer)
			i = GetDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, &Bool, NO);
			if (!Bool || (i*255L/100) != lpData->MidtonePer)
				InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, lpData->MidtonePer*100L/255, NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );
			i = GetDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, &Bool, NO);
			i = FROM_DISPLAY(i);
			if (!Bool || i != Marks[1])
				InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART2_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(Marks[1]), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );

	i = GetDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART3_VALUE, &Bool, NO);
	if (!Bool || i != Marks[2])
		InitDlgItemSpin(hDlg, IDC_QUART3_VALUE, TO_DISPLAY(Marks[2]), NO, 0, MAX_SPIN );
	// histogram
	hHisto = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HISTOGRAM);
	hTag = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TAGS);
	for (i=0;i<3;i++)
		if (Marks[i] != Histo_GetMark(hHisto,i))
			Histo_SetMark(hHisto,i, Marks[i], NO);
		if (Marks[i] != Tag_GetMark(hTag,i))
			Tag_SetMark(hTag,i, Marks[i], NO);
	lpData->lpMap->Pnt[0].x = Marks[0];
	lpData->lpMap->Pnt[1].x = Marks[1];
	lpData->lpMap->Pnt[2].x = Marks[2];