Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: test.c Projeto: palmerc/lab
void  TaskStart (void *pdata)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3                                /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;
    INT16S     key;

    pdata = pdata;                                         /* Prevent compiler warning                 */

    TaskStartDispInit();                                   /* Setup the display                        */

    OSStatInit();                                          /* Initialize uC/OS-II's statistics         */

    MsgQueue = OSQCreate(&MsgQueueTbl[0], MSG_QUEUE_SIZE); /* Create a message queue                   */


    for (;;) {
        TaskStartDisp();                                  /* Update the display                       */

        if (PC_GetKey(&key)) {                             /* See if key has been pressed              */
            if (key == 0x1B) {                             /* Yes, see if it's the ESCAPE key          */
                exit(0);                                   /* Yes, return to DOS                       */

        OSCtxSwCtr = 0;                                    /* Clear the context switch counter         */
        OSTimeDly(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);                       /* Wait one second                          */
*                                              STARTUP TASK
void  TaskStart (void *pdata)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3                                /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;
    char       s[100];
    INT16S     key;

    pdata = pdata;                                         /* Prevent compiler warning                 */

    TaskStartDispInit();                                   /* Initialize the display                   */

    OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();								   /* Used to disable interrupts (see chapter 13)*/
    PC_VectSet(0x08, OSTickISR);                           /* Install uC/OS-II's clock tick ISR        */
    PC_SetTickRate(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);                      /* Reprogram tick rate                      */
    OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();									   /* Re-enable interrupts*/

    OSStatInit();                                          /* Initialize uC/OS-II's statistics         */

    TaskStartCreateTasks();                                /* Create all the application tasks         */

    for (;;) {

        if (PC_GetKey(&key) == TRUE) {                     /* See if key has been pressed              */
            if (key == 0x1B) {                             /* Yes, see if it's the ESCAPE key          */
                PC_DOSReturn();                            /* Return to DOS                            */

        OSCtxSwCtr = 0;                                    /* Clear context switch counter             */
        OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0);                         /* Wait one second                          */
Exemplo n.º 3
* Function Name  : TaskStart
* Description    : UCOS-II.
* Input          : *pdata.
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void TaskStart(void *pdata)
    //u16 tp_xvalue = 0, tp_yvalue = 0;
    //INT8U  err = 0;

    pdata = pdata;                   // 防止编译器告警
    SysTick_Configuration();         // 初始化系统节拍(1ms)
    OSStatInit();                    // 初始化统计任务
    TaskStartCreateTasks();          // 建立其他任务

    /* 初始化TFT, 设置TFT背光 */


    TFT_DisplayD36x48(10,  150, '2', White, Blue);
    TFT_DisplayD36x48(46,  150, '1', White, Blue);
    TFT_DisplayD36x48(82,  150, ':', White, Blue);
    TFT_DisplayD36x48(118, 150, '5', White, Blue);
    TFT_DisplayD36x48(154, 150, '8', White, Blue);
    TFT_DisplayString(200, 182, "2011", White, Blue);

    TFT_DisplayString(30, 218, "Wendnesday, Septermber 23", White, Blue);
    TFT_DrawHLine(30, 236, 230, Blue);

        //printf("Start task is running!\r\n");
        /* 任务延时500ms */
        OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 20, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
*                                   TASK START FUNCTION
void TaskStart(void * pdata)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3         /* Allocate storage for CPU status register             */
  OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;

  pdata = pdata;

  printf("Task start!\r\n");
  OSStatInit();                   /* Initialize Statistics Task */
  TaskStartCreateTasks();         /* Create Tasks */
  for(;;) {
    printf("OS context switch counter:%d\r\n", OSCtxSwCtr);
    printf("OS CPU Usage:%d%%\r\n", OSCPUUsage);
    OSCtxSwCtr = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
*                                              STARTUP TASK
void  TaskStart (void *pdata) {
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3                                /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;
    char       s[100];
    INT16S     key;

    pdata = pdata;                                         /* Prevent compiler warning                 */

    TaskStartDispInit();                                   /* Initialize the display                   */

    PC_VectSet(0x08, OSTickISR);                           /* Install uC/OS-II's clock tick ISR        */
    PC_SetTickRate(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);                      /* Reprogram tick rate                      */

    OSStatInit();                                          /* Initialize uC/OS-II's statistics         */
	FileContentInit();									   /* Initialize fileContent				   */
    TaskStartCreateTasks();                                /* Create all the application tasks         */
	OSTaskCreate(ReceiveTask,(void *)0, &ReceiveTaskStk[TASK_STK_SIZE - 1], 11);

    for (;;) {
        TaskStartDisp();                                  /* Update the display                       */

        if (PC_GetKey(&key) == TRUE) {                     /* See if key has been pressed              */
            if (key == 'q')                                /* Yes, see if it's the ESCAPE key          */
                PC_DOSReturn();                            /* Return to DOS                            */
			if (key == 'b')								   /* See if it's b and then stop the tasks	   */
			if (key == 'r')								   /* See if it's r and then resume the tasks	   */

        OSCtxSwCtr = 0;                                    /* Clear context switch counter             */
        OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 100);                         /* Wait one second                          */