// Purpose: Someone wants to spawn an instance of a template that requires
//			entity IO fixup. Fill out the pMapData with a copy of the template
//			with unique key/values where the template requires them.
char *Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( int iIndex )
	Assert( Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iIndex ) );

	// First time through?
	if ( !g_Templates[iIndex]->pszFixedMapData )
		g_Templates[iIndex]->pszFixedMapData = new char[g_Templates[iIndex]->iMapDataLength];
		Q_strncpy( g_Templates[iIndex]->pszFixedMapData, g_Templates[iIndex]->pszMapData, g_Templates[iIndex]->iMapDataLength );

	int iFixupSize = strlen(ENTITYIO_FIXUP_STRING);
	char *sOurFixup = new char[iFixupSize];
	Q_snprintf( sOurFixup, iFixupSize, "%c%.4d", ENTITYIO_FIXUP_STRING[0], g_iCurrentTemplateInstance );

	// Now rip through the map data string and replace any instances of the fixup string with our unique identifier
	char *c = g_Templates[iIndex]->pszFixedMapData;
		if ( *c == ENTITYIO_FIXUP_STRING[0] )
			// Make sure it's our fixup string
			bool bValid = true;
			for ( int i = 1; i < iFixupSize; i++ )
				// Look for any number, because we've already used this string
				if ( !(*(c+i) >= '0' && *(c+i) <= '9') )
					// Some other string
					bValid = false;

			// Stomp it with our unique string
			if ( bValid )
				memcpy( c, sOurFixup, iFixupSize );
				c += iFixupSize;
	} while (*c);

	return g_Templates[iIndex]->pszFixedMapData;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: 
void CPointTemplate::PerformPrecache()
	// Go through all our templated map data and precache all the entities in it
	int iTemplates = m_hTemplates.Count();
	if ( !iTemplates )
		Msg("Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) );

	// Tell the template system we're about to start a new template

	//HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList = (HierarchicalSpawn_t*)stackalloc( iTemplates * sizeof(HierarchicalSpawn_t) );

	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ )
		//CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
		char *pMapData;
		int iTemplateIndex = m_hTemplates[i].iTemplateIndex;

		// Some templates have Entity I/O connecting the entities within the template.
		// Unique versions of these templates need to be created whenever they're instanced.
		int nStringSize;
		if ( AllowNameFixup() && Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iTemplateIndex ) )
			// This template requires instancing. 
			// Create a new mapdata block and ask the template system to fill it in with
			// a unique version (with fixed Entity I/O connections).
			pMapData = Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( iTemplateIndex );
			// Use the unmodified mapdata
			pMapData = (char*)STRING( Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) );

		nStringSize = Templates_GetStringSize( iTemplateIndex );

		// Create the entity from the mapdata
		MapEntity_PrecacheEntity( pMapData, nStringSize );
// Purpose: Spawn the entities I contain
// Input  : &vecOrigin - 
//			&vecAngles - 
//			pEntities - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPointTemplate::CreateInstance( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pEntities )
	// Go through all our templated map data and spawn all the entities in it
	int iTemplates = m_hTemplates.Count();
	if ( !iTemplates )
		Msg("CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) );
		return false;

	// Tell the template system we're about to start a new template

	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ )
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
		char *pMapData;
		int iTemplateIndex = m_hTemplates[i].iTemplateIndex;

		// Some templates have Entity I/O connecting the entities within the template.
		// Unique versions of these templates need to be created whenever they're instanced.
		if ( Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iTemplateIndex ) )
			// This template requires instancing. 
			// Create a new mapdata block and ask the template system to fill it in with
			// a unique version (with fixed Entity I/O connections).
			pMapData = Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( iTemplateIndex );
			// Use the unmodified mapdata
			pMapData = (char*)STRING( Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) );

		// Create the entity from the mapdata
		MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, pMapData, NULL );
		if ( pEntity == NULL )
			Msg("Failed to initialize templated entity with mapdata: %s\n", pMapData );
			return false;

		// Get a matrix that'll convert from world to the new local space
		VMatrix matNewTemplateToWorld, matStoredLocalToWorld;
		matNewTemplateToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecOrigin, vecAngles );
		MatrixMultiply( matNewTemplateToWorld, m_hTemplates[i].matEntityToTemplate, matStoredLocalToWorld );

		// Get the world origin & angles from the stored local coordinates
		Vector vecNewOrigin;
		QAngle vecNewAngles;
		vecNewOrigin = matStoredLocalToWorld.GetTranslation();
		MatrixToAngles( matStoredLocalToWorld, vecNewAngles );

		// Set its origin & angles
		pEntity->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewOrigin );
		pEntity->SetAbsAngles( vecNewAngles );
		if ( DispatchSpawn( pEntity ) >= 0 )
			pEntities->AddToTail( pEntity );

	// Now hookup entity heirarchy within the template
	int iCount = pEntities->Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = (*pEntities)[i];
		if ( pEntity && pEntity->m_iParent != NULL_STRING )
			CBaseEntity *pParent = gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, pEntity->m_iParent, NULL);
			if ( pParent && (pParent->edict() != NULL) )
				pEntity->SetParent( pParent ); 
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Purpose: Spawn the entities I contain
// Input  : &vecOrigin - 
//			&vecAngles - 
//			pEntities - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPointTemplate::CreateInstance( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pEntities )
	// Go through all our templated map data and spawn all the entities in it
	int iTemplates = m_hTemplates.Count();
	if ( !iTemplates )
		Msg("CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) );
		return false;

	// Tell the template system we're about to start a new template

	HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList = (HierarchicalSpawn_t*)stackalloc( iTemplates * sizeof(HierarchicalSpawn_t) );

	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ )
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
		char *pMapData;
		int iTemplateIndex = m_hTemplates[i].iTemplateIndex;

		// Some templates have Entity I/O connecting the entities within the template.
		// Unique versions of these templates need to be created whenever they're instanced.
		if ( AllowNameFixup() && Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iTemplateIndex ) )
			// This template requires instancing. 
			// Create a new mapdata block and ask the template system to fill it in with
			// a unique version (with fixed Entity I/O connections).
			pMapData = Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( iTemplateIndex );
			// Use the unmodified mapdata
			pMapData = (char*)STRING( Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) );

		// Create the entity from the mapdata
		MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, pMapData, NULL );
		if ( pEntity == NULL )
			Msg("Failed to initialize templated entity with mapdata: %s\n", pMapData );
			return false;

		// Get a matrix that'll convert from world to the new local space
		VMatrix matNewTemplateToWorld, matStoredLocalToWorld;
		matNewTemplateToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecOrigin, vecAngles );
		MatrixMultiply( matNewTemplateToWorld, m_hTemplates[i].matEntityToTemplate, matStoredLocalToWorld );

		// Get the world origin & angles from the stored local coordinates
		Vector vecNewOrigin;
		QAngle vecNewAngles;
		vecNewOrigin = matStoredLocalToWorld.GetTranslation();
		MatrixToAngles( matStoredLocalToWorld, vecNewAngles );

		// Set its origin & angles
		pEntity->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewOrigin );
		pEntity->SetAbsAngles( vecNewAngles );

		pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity = pEntity;
		pSpawnList[i].m_nDepth = 0;

	SpawnHierarchicalList( iTemplates, pSpawnList, true );

	for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; ++i )
		if ( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity )
			pEntities->AddToTail( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity );

	return true;